Whitby Chronicle, 14 Aug 1896, p. 2

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-~ - ~'~ M, oa b r où * ltg9fj. P t e L i * wuiu*Ulhufhi'. Ti Of hthe'ntly nt ruait iciSi ittecke tb - qt Oarly "_pq4 wias-four, fet-of t1i». r! a4<bte asc» -dTi.buit reurà- over.0flerorat.yilwI b day o0euiùg. de do8.19Mbsru h 4it r. Ar ikd up unson cpi u.E iie i Bvr, ht a s0a.n uobi.t t aeagsu lug& Tii. baud <lid9o ____a________ m u ide ,t t fet o r rq 1e~ 5 corner snd intends opening.a firet close rougli experience ycterday afternoo. t ilcüdb pr :" *m ~riding a hose down Peter street Th iueD a Cnd tsmi ale Be.R.D raser, of BowmanvilIe, *about four o'clock when the animal boit, daté thYeaiforpmat ooouppied the. preabyteuian pulpît lut ed and threw him, at Ooldwater s treet.JugDanoLdyadJde Soday i f t eru g t DcThe T boy c k: ln t in e hie foiso l n n A U iIi~ en o of P r B~ e a Fred Varco., of Toronto, spent Sun. from tthe. atirrups quick, enough to pro- >107and, U9I nso léfcPrtberit~n dyahi fte'.veut bimialf boing thrown head fore- leosu inCamerst îu.th onyo Farcob', edervile à ert bulvad.Seeri uI iIqOulde. 'York u:der the neç ouyCuclAt doctors have-beu.n in attendance on him,A conulain whoml pos e o bï kThe electric iights on the steamer but ab mine oookti nrin oWJ W uiSwptiz ih u 1a'ups.hwa on htteli Coubatre u ob olpil i becod with theèurpcountt H eadache p ad mt mnyof bos. ii "3147nea monluZa the i ~ Poor. weary and jaded 'affereDwominion CUREI> PER MARNN L Bowianvxe b e hall club on ther Taita mil.1, had a narrow escape fr00ebolh t t ilw a d c a 1ceoutake. ba 5 ,(l~H ET TAX-GJackalle.Pue S plendid d tand sufféredtj severes o ehaeal eeu o1018pacsi a e tm. J ck al aevetrUe daa injuries o O withsta d ti urau g efcs c u te ~ ad bfr the io n y Mo»BNI nde aw Mcilga l. 30weiest orscorching days -and sweltering nigbts. General, aud the H1 i.Hadd-T T h u s i no f h a y,-A N irabot the sand miii. B e w a t ding On The sick m ortala.....eave 0 hep themu_ cided t at the D o n i n f ur . a ul s, enoagh for you ? hedgluu fii g the "nigger- Muet suifer increaied aoj uing lths. be taken. This measaoui A y II De O " ' Tay or bo h."bthe for orn flgw u d e1onl>ri a e for h ro ubleayb a i »osei s p ï t e : oo m u e t g h i Un.Talo wo u oo il or t rnngth lgoovr hic f 18 members sd9 aiioi ii 4 1 bain holdaing int)y oteppoelea &tbth fr intermeuaon Tueeday 'IWu stroubled a Ie time w tb silct laet. The re mpjine were " aen b o m . bt e igeau> om o wen dwith ea li tim n g neu n e d c e u s b e ftil ee~ s sa ia e s 4 .teey e- V w s usually ccomp nied oin D n protrati n ervoué debility, dysp.e.15, at u n cf tIless and tenderneu inAn ee"y, a Misn MaryM »cahPhaiM.l Tnn0TLI'dgetOt uah, n os ftrasà laeM as an tri ycold n i eaatte vot errltv ss df rid bo ere 80ig it s o W yh sa Ti c h uerf M:. McK Il the that roeu t frein impare sd pojeoed r8 i> ,. es n w te T r t J bat-idéasteiin myberuthlaton e ceated, f vund , e olero, he r e ki him blood. . c, B id d recomn)ended for thÙs complaint; but S oin. cf the farinera bave fliibed standing. Hia abolder walaet Thde bes.throlsat e n sud w of nrvfrmein rers h ilg ouila bs'ah re a1dmn eeiseBGl Auue Lakije u 0pne u<r ~<~> >mg~ )w wa n tuntl ir ut ing their grain sd a U vwiliib . through sd a bo e bro kten.- Ne ". Lot er at0 mo e s ae . L fth - n erve r aiu ory, Tmdoii ht o se B egari T alk i ng thie week. savation Ar fh tu Troubl,foe a u e ebl"eesa La ttou cf ner F anl induceeTa h y w ud ofe b fie M rs. John Stone presented ber bus. La t week A djutant Bradley, f the 4y every e.e of uukuee... ccmpn y Le e nl t e er. Mr mjh 5I Ayer's Pis bn ihadnhe n a atwe.slainamwsu nteplc that 1 recelved anthnelke pMman acres cf faîl wbeat wbich yielded at the lo ie hs.T lient benefit. A sige box of these 3 tUa. TecareWsPoedaklcs upn (1id the wo rk !or me. and 1 m owgorate of 35 bsblsto the acre. Can sny. sbut ho w. Thiweek hegosas grneuve d r- th Ce e ""e' u, t eo.. butf5 f rom headaches and a weu man."'- oue b.at this ? us for tb. aOretof d forc ad'lnfavery gvte b'îlo "lut ià ( H HrT HI GSEiit ubrnMe The methodist congregation ba meofuco information laid by G. weakened sd debiltated ey te . b 2,0 , su vo d co . bre fte adpe h neoesso nsm *eDreyer, sud a fine cf $2 impcsed. h ladquickly:a Potrtostplem-nua, lanud beei ureyfr da zir, i< ~ ~ r i L Lv~ tie needful te carry on burcb work. b a a , dysp pea,; it f 20 0 h , sin, ' a oped t. uvlo e Byte n ii [an r grttbelltaagehre oud av ndgetoncf ro S 80 0 ilfnet Awadededfl t Wrtds alr Elo isSantfeidzetin onwi b.en ag etitio cfert e ooffoDce, sud cleana.. the Poiboouu blood sud gives be s9ecured by mortgaqoiln u A warde cgiMo al a t d s Far o w l is e te d e t ti g o ib u aiart afry id h e w i oth to Des life sd permanent vitality sd bildn. C u cie sn bl fe 4y~ y'g r~ p ~ 4 0.. m a otl hce s ? tm uet be s pretuy dry '"'Pose the Penalty, but there W as 'nô etreugtb. Ib e oai n y a sui t Ir . ne t e h p t io n . T h e r e i a n o d is p o s it i o n t h a n ', CtrhCa l o n d c m i e f c o m ay f a toit , s u t b c e c i . Our old treh r, Jae u Stone, is agafu part f eitber M ayor JIn or ag n te Pu e 'oît efce nt altpe ntiv Com baives flor r e vi lliufre e ra nte e pio r - - to tiie fore w th a bran n ov m achine. Lafferty to hara s the Army()t any wray t ud dirare fic iensud aloonnrtiv e, lxativ k aes f rt n y a . u i e h u OORRE 8PON DEINO E Those wbo ave seen it at work pro. Theb.arma idi reacing a claam of people one te eem pl Sioenlîb. T u-da *th ic r t a e rs o uld eaebe lhu t eou nounce ià a first clam. outtit. that the ohurchea do not, aud nine-tentha eartb'a mosltrelibefmedicine; it islsretyeswudb Durîiug the storm lait Mndy rof the ciions wiab thoraGod Ispeedbu m 08tfr or seiai a, e dor suffend er, _for __a______ U X B R D O E ng m. A oi.L ea k's bou e vas truck t e towsua by-law s m u t ho ob ervod. a d ie u e viii iu lut t at s s e c The people of Woodetock are doiug bY lilzbrniug.- Fortuuately but sgbî Anof the atreet corners msy b. used, bek eaeg earneely loginfor.mo- considerable crowing over the feat or a damage vas doue, sud the srrny may match at auy timue As there are vile liquid itbnasd Legbomu ben, in [bat [owu, whîob jd, mrut net bemacl e nttuetidl a v yn"ah in," eidtatcns.l credîted with baving laid an egg s few Mutlot o ae ntheMiddle , mltuo ordae *daya ago meaasuring 818j iuches. Pet wIlockon 4h. main torure.Th- mgY «aied,"teknta cr& haps some funr lovlug Lurkey bas been by-law id very exphicît on thia point, sudSKE.<awG the clause includes braas bads as vol] ai v Ing oue of hem egga in the nesi of the theMy. Adjutaut Bradley Vil have Suc4sa4 eegue. Aegoupl h e au iu. jua n uât cause for redreim if lho bservesailu (vu u d sy lu t A gus M eCorjack, the future that bra i. ba ds are acc >red who ivs ear t3pm row Lake, Mo ri coupl cf eautiul m untaj aehpri l eg h t ae deic i , b Tfo wons ip, vile in sag t me lsbruy vomi trees by the aide of thepreebyrerau 'thefk fl petareni ud b. im butfor.osued n dout b churcb, bave lately been backed, evidoul.th aeo ec twudbaâeifrcaslnoob y a liugerlng diiase ]y with au ae, by soc e nhxeerable mie- lARAix £. JEwàSMM1hV luI w, alParties itereated tei exrcise common rok hie owu lie, Frein report il; r= .i s re t crat ndt Vh netncta he »wbXmsen 7sdmhmfns, as weil as duc regard for constîtu. pears hbabd been in the habit eof g blod -, vil] probably dig.or depredaticua cf a oce, c Ou tajymjg vi,-Ties.ou& for s vslk befere breakitant sd Mte this nature tbere are very Bevers pensl- hiyudu oLf'aaunPI>dsmr nozà i of ber *aîinoas fer soiq nturne. Hieybo h r Ë,hes, aud Ibere is ne doulit but tuat if the deet d ber o.d e of bem. ill .Aabemq110W lse a i e sfarte d o-.b h or hrn s d vr ll uiv ty a tie are fn dbuele y l re- l ite u&de by yoaun' (S tu cure - <» . verY Sever o attack f typhpid foer, d e on s ktrni !.fr>h aui a ' a of variosenaere s are ae m escal .or ad b8 Pneo mD y. 1NPubi . rne aprOve verY r pidly. ab: il b e u i.do tu f a.bam i1 heS 'T I g e h r o f t e e c o m m n c u o c c u r r n c e m n o n t *- d l A G Z S X E I I Yhgu i s , 0 w -t h e d m m iii n a . t f in Our Uxr£M Mr. ud. Mrs.T.- C.anmd an, n B * s m i n Uîbrid the M n. i r. . a e l e s d m a il e a eb e e n C t a h î ô o m t h e g a e , n e v n n w ti W ood snd gardon thieve s are at w rk c " m berl7 curai bu Mis E.urrdi k lai ui&W d a » b yI s rtpefroxu anuthee d R g in in U b r d g . T h e v o d p le s et b e r f e T li e stom b u tac m ea yR y kA u g esia p p a r e n t- Idsyaito n r . ilau b ln e ui outup y ek nàrm "&te l Rochester.retearuedof the -barni. hd 'M'~ ~,I utkn ave ~~by ler mothrÎ jr.GSewit,.D A308hdapr Mm. Lde.at Wiyamlliam0 înR tent', G., d W I 139 Mm, Mark Pasce vbeeled home from lae outebeanp, ot dovu on ro pce p ust week by dorne ceutemptible hbief oreJ. F Ock, Noty Public. ' u' e. Brighton. plae gonaysuth e p stng t uoOe * D < d wbule iu Mm. Willia0' garden a ceuaid c. SAmo TumuTthe elcl euud beai brekedon OUtoCÉi.d e.ith( erable portion of bis potate X.bave2 beenadçite - »rzn he.... harv at ppls, trhavdef is fuit o0 j0 !hooM 'a"ouM agg> Ai a Sort, f' v e ben iat l. tend abmis hy e - rI r C o m pan at e are b a dfr emu m sn p rts efI d aL rbe-t mr iFat hifip e ld . 011l cor ha n__qjYlri.1niIsLe Msfis ina on 0%M0 adMw esu "as-uSg,.. A. y forther atte;.tMonW sud>Ge o - z8UWUUj caa» bappeled uic b. j îU Kmw bivatM & B o n a d M a d f ood , a a u s d M s a c è e it he r v r u h i e d e a i ls h e p b e lnt oft vi e vt! Mr a u hiepar aI ecaiugun ike man er i l<are mnonty er. visiting ut Mn. sud Burd i, Rchate; Mrsud i ra "Ob, fed ine ie rin a nd oe, s rhsté.lae IGf. al ordseiE n cesitate'fulpublicity. MM rceays S nd yla . an Paadcek a no i.B rg, Bran rivr sodte rp s ut.batik 'vo~re moi. ' a erots fotrs ou Tuosday lhast destb overtook -tvao et Z iýLe ekdi âbohgt---ýte aU"édb tbe ci ize . t e t o n e e, M r. E . C .  n e rau es is w ait ù l or aMns d M r& V i h a e ~ r e t is v s o h s h s r u tem 4-eli te avondte trr R _p baibla h a u s d te oht er sister, Mîi.Dr. Freel, 'at S t.cuoe. nvi .. Mt. it if wia-Km.,lie tou ~~vstosé b&O= ti Ufr. Audrow W. Siiti, aI the cloe e ville, who las been sik for seue littee Ms o n r itnha. beeu-visîti kee A je day. The. form r,M-r. Csmpl> eî hai tiîU . E nm lo .i lwmoticsd lav iu Uxbuidgejor, ôver, twenty Willie Farrnery i brespnun r £ du& (ampbeli h iaiiing in To- edt y s r , p d m n g w i c d m a' s r v e d h i& v a c a t io n i n t h e v a l , w it h a d s d M s T B H 1 s u e j y b e'T e ls. eue te tm in the ceuncil. A bo ut e la.. m atess T B M a n nWy bl t hfucv àotsago ho wava - s plie ahool-mae e 'are glad to, e istrp ,th t i t for the to vuOwznd e b tpleanst su>ies once again. M lx R i ot au h. h re * during th.eDait six maothi bas beau un- Miss Amunie an George Ferrier, drovingnarek ablïo 'taire any part in public life. Who vere p-4tso st 'ebrEPulp vu.a Iapo é Bome"'four ou five menthe fago it vai . hv . pi.i.~~ frtet tbhlt advisable te temnavei ii$u oteh ut. apitlaToroniebut afte s tes ent.. TJyplioid f"vri.hêrue  ~a~taken t h.haeteoetb*Is Tha nod ..Pr. meigtcte Wiýb',b, t'hunt, oàe h i end Wfu u b tI o, ii as ~ ~ siua u ~ 'W fe ur h t 'w l h p é, i ie hs week a W e < Of Globe and-rou Q * Ir, t*eeialveudor be*4 forth j ouTrnrsd1* o~t ~ O P i~ r e.t * tw i ld b . a fo rM ~ ~ wrere 4flduoSil to îy. Xàýàr zae ctory. t*i >i iI~ i ,w ore gu uhed tj ~ r to inake. là o iOé ut ne the IUO»ue ,àl~n~qd on '",or oft-~ er ;Mflliuai ]ur *0ite.b - 5jt2ý After the Girip 0 Strongth, NO Amnbiti, oel s Sraai5cave he follfl tter là a,41 1. Hod & C., Loeel, .ks. lauîlemen - 1 sm glai te s>gayt& l gparnj Ma4 Roe'à Piahave don. rm Sesu ef gooi. 1 b"ad s evere attack, TP lu I th9vinter, snd atter getung Otrth ri dld noS »M t o pather streugthui MI gluon. Ileda s arsaParMa Pr~poved lb w t nOOe& I ebeuir. were Vyr Ifactory, and 1Ireonend tliaise& ro are adltcsed wtt irhIauaiiUté IDto»Un cneib oousdpoor bleo& Fs keep flcod's 8auupat inmy bon% Imet shen 1 ne.i atonie. We aNso s' PirIl ouJasand tlaink hIgbly of %* - DK ZS Gerge Ne'w brun.wd, ame Ples Purely vegera)je ad de- ugot, Paln Or grtPO o 501b> a ldruggL« »' ri wrEID que"Vin. I~ a mS f'.. Ige IMLL'SSPA unRE t fieUeyen u le ui b onsi . -%ýý ý,wef .4ý New Brumwl«. ~*tg te 6eiurnment 4 ,,.s $ati!diy st inst An application fr- yS ";c&eid ne wî re tf coopp lot 17, viti Bobent (Graham ands Tieroeve informe - 'h n ies Rnom . 1usd &ppointed TburscL Oth for h.eu.nng oft-a GreeIiWOOdaga.inst as Anumber of accoun ed sud communicatioli ferred to the vanou, REPORTý M.Rilts seconded mooves that.tbe r-ee ve on the treasurer ina faI reeommended ina the r, ieus.st&uiding Cowl uitte- this -day. ML Gleeson presen i coutsinifg sorne sever forty-flvo mimes àskiiw. option by-law bo subm il toms of Pickering Towri sideration.  large deputation people was r-eceived a posed subînitting such RogrsP.R. Hoover, D j H Re. J H Yor standing comm killed by dogs beg lea folIiffs :--IPsyment to for two shcep and one1 mbogN, *U. Said amot thirda-avenvalue. Oxs>motiorn etMr. R - maxep~twas adept geuts be ave te r-epc iaeud as fdllows ?symentte D. Dafoe 11 Elson froru l6th day * day ofAugust 1896, s( Oi mtion of- r. H report was adopte The- stand 'ing coùýn itt gelicies reports an& r folos. W. J:-*Jlark advertisi snd Poet's hin cutting 2 of votera' list printing $ D. R.& Boston forsa -and manniages, $7.830. ~4Mr. J. H. Gr-eonvoc p -fi-oura the assessin iâS4~ d 18 in- the 'Fickeansd frein the - oatof' reviea% yoi wonld necomrnend that clerk appear on behlf sli pg& Tlursday the 6t uê tisthe heur cf 3 e', the. vilage of -Pickering. Yor oxmittee. mec

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