rv-Hai ~M~WHEEL It is stylish, light, and fast; of perfect workmanship and finish....... çyclometers, WVatch Holders, Silver Name Plates. ,wlrurnp Watçhes for tourist mno. 8. Barnard, Osfcia Coanty Orgaa.-L&rgss Crcula.. t4on Of a.uY locMl paper ta C&D&d& FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1896. LOCAL LÂCONICS. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leavea, ofly $5, Nir.RbMcBun jr., Toronto, vas Nr.Harry W~alters la on a viail 10 her snBert,,in Butialo. Save yosir butter account by using Tod's bread. Haif the butter wiii do. Mrs. Wm. McBucncy, Toronto, ia visiting with relatives in tovs for a veek. * Two brick bouses t0 cent ;ail conveni- erices . low rentaI. Apply 10 M. W. Coltina Nir NI . L. Nutting, Uxbridge, vas in tovs yeserday. Htsasys the free silver fad in the southwvest bas spesl. James Sad 1cr, Whiiby, is prepaced 10 do paper hanging ai 5 cents per roll. Come on wîîh vour orders.-35-4is. Messrs. Chas. Hall and Geo. Bry.an, Ton- osto. wheeled dovn here os Sus 4ay and pad a visit lu their respective homae$~. Mr. Lewis Richardson and bis lister. Miss Ells, visitcd Rev. A. C. Wilson and family, Tyrone, the firat of the week. Crinkie cloths, colored dress mualins, sateen and srav hats, viIl be reduced to, one-haîf price os Saturday, bargain day, Aug Sîh, at W. G. Waltems'. Mr. Gus Pennel asd Miss Louic Pensel, Toronto, former residenta of this oys, wheeled here on their bicycles os Saîurday *. and visited viîh frierida,. relurning home on * Sunday. The Canadias Wheelmcen's Association has announced that h yuil blacktist sny track in its jurisdiction vhereon ladies' bicycle races arc )permitted. The bicycle lords of creation" are exclusive. The girls orîght to blackîîat the boors vbo issucd Ibat Were they stoles ia pairs ladies' bouse slippers bo be sold atioxi per pair durin Ib tis great sale for 3o davs, ai M. W. Colin's, the uew shot store. Big Bargaîns. On ýaturdav, Arîg. 8th, i896, at the West Sie iloot and Shoe store. epairs of ladies' and children's slrppers at soc, per pair. So pairs ladits' buttoned boots aI your 13. owf price. Meri s laced and gailer boots ai 25 Pier cent discount. Truriis and valises ai cost. White front. '~-tSode Brock St. Dont r:ng roilong. Eery ime there ha a fice sosie excited indiý;:dial appears 10 gel hold of the tovn bel! ss.ih ose lind and tht fice atarm wiîh tht other. Then he rings apparently untih lie fa1. dead. Such a loas dots sot cause riUc13mourning to anybody; in fact people would et! relieved if the eniess alarsi Sounding would cease sooner. even if tbc ringer had to die sooser. Il mnay be taken foc grarted that those vbo are sot acoused by a minute or tvo's ringing viii sot stir if the alarm be cung foc an bouc. Besides, the aiarmi is cung t0 arouse firemeri, and sol to agonize tht tovs for an bouc. Many sick anid nervous people find the continucd ring- ing of a fire aîacm vecy dstressing ; gnd thus while no good ia dose by unnecessary alarn.'ng, there is oficri much hacta. We have called à %ttention te Ibis matter several limes but Ihere ha always serne crazy party to get hoîd of the bell rope. 1 1w to rave eut foreats. - hs nov genecaîly iadmitted that ninct In- jurcy has becs donto 0the settlcd portion of Onltario by the extent te vbich Uic foresta have been destroyed. Had a grealer pro- portion of the land es suited for agriculture been left vooded the cilé of flood&, drouglits and other undesicabie 'cliirnaic chunesc would have becs avoidoci. Atténtiod h becs dravn 10 the subject fron t ure le lime, b.y the Foresîry Reports lasued b y the Pro- vincial Government, the lastest Of )whlcb by Me., Thomas Sotiîhvortb, Cheik cf Forestry for Ontario, ha just neceived. it is brinafui of information os the latest aspects o . ausinad prescots. lua condensed foin ,the conclusions of the abl Stoetifieti- Grities as 10 the effeets cf oVýen1ciarf pd the best rmeans cf reuzedylu'1g ,the li -biis opinion, the gréaI cause cf the tpJurY 10l ou-oet ad1 h alut1fa Pt5l hW~ A triIP' wthe oRd eouty toe eeUco Menus. A. E. Dev , StLauMo, end h.,. .Devereil, Torotarhe 181Mo D. IL Tods bred m akoes an soîdtT Vatea'. Give him a call when you want ImYthlng sqlce in that Une. Meurs. Wilmot 1>ke and Geo. Barnes toolt tu the Stouffville-Markbam .lacrosse match at Markbam on S#Lturday last. Mr. Hubert Chisholm, who for y.ars has been one 01 Our meast geqial, handsome and Fopular young men, bias finished hie termn of iearnlng the jewelry- business at J. S. Bar- iîard's, and has'gone to Hamilton te reside With bis guardian, Mr. W. R. Howse. Oh for Muskoka, Mackinaw, sea aide, Manitoba, Europe, ail United States, B C, and Canadian points, anywhere, every. where, by boat, rail or ocean. Rates guar. anteed right. Througb tickets reading from Pickering, Toronto, Myrtle, Brooklin or Whlîby. Write or see Stephenson, Wbîtby. before trrvelling. To Dayl 11 Ice cream, cakes, boiied hani, at Yates'. use. Boots and Shoeà at auction Prices for 30 days at M W Col- lins' New Shoe Store, East Side, Whitby. Up-to-date styles Men's fine kid gaiters toc tip Si, Mens' fine kid lace boots. sarrow toc, $i ladies' fine kid buttoned boots, toc uip, narrow toc only $i ladies' fine kid oxford shoes, nar- row toc, only 85c at the new shoe store, M W Co91îns. Tax rate *5 milsa. The gencral tax rate for ail purposes in this îown for îS96 will be 25 milles on the dollar of assessment, or in other words 24 per cent. This is ose rmiii lower than last year, and ihe ratc would be stiîl lower oniy for the extra lcvy necessary 10 py inlerest on the sew issue of debestures haîf yearly, the appropriation on Kingston road huis and the college tank. After nexi year the prospects point to a reduction to about 2o or 21 milis. and as our debîs decrease there wil! be still further reductions. Ho1 for Niaga.ra Fa.lls. The best and cheapest excursion of the season will be rus on August 121h, un ci the auspices of the Ancient Order of Forest- crs. A special train will leave Port Hope in the mornisg of August 121h ai 6 o'clock, ar- riving at the Falls at i i o'clock a. m. The same train leaves Niagara FaIts for home at S-30 o'ciock P. m. the same day, thus aflow- isg ail who go, six hours and a haîf 10 enjoy the grandeur of the Falls; the fineescenery, the clectric road, and many other points of interet. For further particuirirs sec posters. Tickets can be obtained at the Grand Trunk Station, or from E. Stephenison, uptows ticket aget G. T. R. Fare from Oshawa or Whitby $1.50 relurn. Train leaves OXhawa aI 7.08 a. m., Whitby 7.15 a. m. Tickets also good for afternoos passenger train of July i ith, and ail regular a. m. passenger trains of Aug. 121h. Tickets gnod 10 return on asy regular train up 10 the evening of Thursday, Aug 13th. This is the cheapest al-rail excursion by -S cents ever rus rota here 10 the falis. Who vanta thù illght on? Who wants the elecîric street lights rus tll midnight ? Business closes in this town ai 6 o'clock, with the exception of a few places, and only the hotels are rus 10 a laett hour. They close at t p. ta. The customn. crs have 18 boum ceach day In whicb 10 f1l up if they choose to do so. We do flot see that 2o per cent. sbould be addcd to thé town's street lighting in order that " night- hawkha" may have until midnigbî 10 joaf. or carouse, ot do worse. I is safe to say ihat very few- people in this tovn have any oc- casion for being out Until these late houri, and if any are compelled by neccsslîy 10 be ouI at such times they "Ii ot find s0 many others belated that they will be rnnning againsi each other in the dark. We have preservcd the malter a secret in our breast 10 date, but when ve are out at <'ail hours" of the night we prefer that the iights on the streei shahl not disclose our idcntity. Those who want to be oui so late arceflot prohibit- ed b3 lav from carrying a lanters, and ve feel that it would be much better fur thern te cither stay in or carry a light than 10 tax this town for $2aoo extra for their accommo- dation. Distributing the L.ure-aII [Drs. Normy Scott and Shorry Robinson went out 10 Greenwood on Saturday tast to relieve distress and preveni future nliglease by selling an assommnent of Scott's stomacb regencrating bitters and cors removeca. In driving down the big bill ai Grccnwood bhc horsc either got the better of Sborty, or els" the rig got the betier oftbe borse, or else thet hilI got the better of them al; howsun-t dever, somebow things got going too rapid- ly down the hilI and could flot be stoppcd ast it appcaccd. S1erty <Whoad !" and pulled up, and stcered with the lises moat Vigorous. lv. but without avail. Then he bethunk him of working by strategy. so he turned the dragon's head back and forward across the road cater-corncring. This worked wcU for a fcw iacks, but finaly tbe borse ras so close 10 the bank on one sie that the whcet hitch- cd it and the shafts broke looe from the rig. Then the horse brokre from Shorty's moonings and ran to the boîtoof the bui t at its own specd. Mcanwhile Doc. Scott andt Shorty had found themnselves -'fier a diligentt search is the debris, but the medicine chest --oh, whcre was il ? What a smash tbere bad» becs ! Enough stomnach rcgenerating fluid was cussing down tb. gutter mbt Greenwood t0 reorganize and repaie the gas- Mt'.youths3 ad ebikdti> fa i =ed.2 to Ji priS on Sýiurdà Y, Ang. 8th -*t W. G. Walters'. , Mr Fred Luke is bore fromu New York. He ishsy and hearty, being.as big as a mountain, 80 to speak. i. and Mis. F. A. Powll and- famuly, Lockport, Ill., and Mr. and Mr».- B. E. Starr1 Toronto, are visiting their parents here, Mr' and Mrs. J. B. Powell. Mr. L. Arnold bas returned from hi bicycle trip to Chatham, London and else. where. He managed to manufacture a stifi ieg durlng bis absence, the outcome of a beader. Bro. Clarke, of the Pickering News, made us a cali on Wcdnesday to leave us the minutes of the Pickering council, and effect an exehange of current ncws in other lines. That's what we call neighborly ; but tbe re- port of the Pickering council vas 80 long and important that we had to hold it over to next issue. Stouffviile lacrosse teamn was beaten at Markbamn on Saturday last in a scheduiea game by a score Of 3-2-. h vas a fast and exciting game from start 10 finish, and ap. peared anyones game as it took one*hour and twcntv minutes betore a goal was takren which was finally scored by Markhamn. Bob Manning, for Stouftville, piayed an txcep tionally strong gamne on the defence, while P Glover did likewise for Markham. Ice Cream Parlor For the best [ce Creamn, cati at D. Mathison's, Dundas street.-23-tf. The best in the la.nd to be Slaughtered. The Siater boots and shoes. Don't miss the chance. OnI>- 30 days at M W Collins' East Side Shoe Store. Garden Party Postponed The W. C. T. U. gardes part>' oui at Austrn's, town Une, next Wednesday, has been postponed on account of excursions, and of its occurring so soos ater civic holi- day. I Married. Mr. Fred. Ucy cIl, Souris. Mas , and Miss Ediîh Howard were married lasi evening, anu lefi immediately for the Northwesî. Tht afiair came off t00 laie for us 10 gel fur- ther particulars. Clvic Holiday Excursions For civic holiday the Grand Trunk is la- suine single excursion tickets everywherc, good for four days. Thc îown Sons of Scot- land arc going te Brantford, wherc vilI b. hcld ose of the greaiest Scotch tournaments ever beld in Amnerica Ose cas go rosi here te Toronto on Saturday -on a return ticket for Si. Thes os Mosday he cas for $x.io go to Brantford and sec the gamea, or $i asd not sec the sports. It la the same in aIl directions. A stopover la ailowcd in al cases 10 the lasi train Tuesday nîght. à Mr E Stephenson, uptows agent G.T.R., wilI ticket you anywhcce at haîf rates, wiîh trains cusning ai al l imes during the day. and dlaims he cas thus knock steamboat trips sil>-. Juaction Hotel Burned. The fiee alarmu caîled the tovn out os Monday morning at 3.20 t0 sce the old junc- tion boîci at the station burned. The fie vas ficat discovered by the nighl swiîchman at thc station, and hsd spparcntly been burning inside the bouse for a long tîme, as when it once came îhrough the building it had made such headway thai the whole con- cern vas burnt in a very short timne. Mr. Foy, the proprietor, bad te lump frota an upstair vindov vhen aroused ; and thc servant girls bad a narrov escape, Mrs. Foy and he childreuhsppcncd te be aI the take camVig, and were spared the danger and excilement. The buiding vas insuced for-gt5o, Uhc contents for frooo. A piano vas bursed vithout insurance. The junc- lion holel vas ose of the landmnarks of this tovn, baving becs a bostelry for over forty yeara. le vas built by AId. Croker, _Torlr onto, and bas becs kept ai différent limes by Thos. Lloyd, Wm. O'Neii, Thos. Toddle- dale, Jos. Rueboîtota, James Pringle, Rich- ard Peardon, Walter Alguire, John Smihb, D. Whi(ncy and W. J. Fo-. At ose lime a good deal of money could lie made there, but recentîy things havre not becs se good, aithouzh there atvays appcared 10 be a living in il. Many Ducking-s Lasi vcek and Ibis bbc veather bas becs se excessivclv bot that people at tht bay did sot appear te mind failisg in occasiosally, soir did the dcpth of vater appear te b. a malter wocth considering. The benefits of such a bath vert firat cxploited by our wortby townsmnan, Geo. T. HaIt, vho vas standing up hn a boat fishing, and got a bite consssting ot haîf a varship vhich lies sunken in the harbor since the baIlle of Waterloo. H-e made some desperate efforts te land thc vreck, vithout binging ithe bottoni of the lake viih it ; and it voutd gave a little and ibua indulged Georgein the hope that be bad a vhal. in 10w. He sprung bis pote time and agais in attempta to haut it rap. and fisally gave the lise too bard a airain, the result being that ittoke snd lt Hall swifly backwacds mb bbchedrink-. His hcad bcbng of great visdom and consaquent vcigbt. it sought the boîtora, while his fcet sluck rap oui and cent tbc air like a «ly vhen it la turned on its back. Soon aIl of him disappearcd, asd 111h exact location of tris whereabouts, se le speak, could only be de- termined by tbe rifting of 'a series of large bubbtes from the c ater, wbich indicatcd that cihlen ho or bis supposed vhale vas spouting under tbe surface. Sbortly an el- boy vas secs, and in the course of lime the ses gave up Hall, but kepi Itie inonciad whaic. Geo. sys be neyer arpecienced sucb a beautiful sensation as haiE dcevning. The sext day was Tbursday, and Tim Couno wept dovu te the lake te fish. He sat onaa snubbing post and smokred bis-phpeofpeace, whIlst b. dextcrously flung bis lastetal bail about in a " Fisby, flsby, bite my book' sort of style; So absorbed -did hu.1becorue hq tb. faschnating ,gaie of loucb:aud-gowitb the.-fishes tjbat Tinttet l senso ol tbeÃ*- turc of iige sd >topplcd over lut. tule lake. He Lt once weu; eut of &Ight, *se4 de- céaee-thit he roosled- for a urný6e t ielbot- toin of forty feetoetpale blue t u1 ie meuy b apue4hi~y~sndickdround,. whichwu s h ie rt fui ell fltoï Ih ad of -1b. al*iec 5ls Ntae u e f if Cos&sins ot o silitin hissal. I saingis akig noneY this is certinly Ciing it. Don't fail to -share in the bargains of the GREAT OLEAIRING 8ALE AT -C. F. STEWART&S LIST TO THE DIRGE 0F PRICES. Job Lots of Dresa Goode 25, 35 and 50c. Reduced to 12j~, 15 and 25c. See our. Prints- 5, 10, 1 2ic. AUl New Gooda. New Oolored Crepons, ail new, gooda just in, sold for 15c. our prices Saturday 12ic. New Black Orepona regulatI' e., for 12j.o. ; be sure and see them. Be. our Flannelettes at 5c., 7c. and 15C. See our New White Spot. Muslinà at 20c. regular 25c. g> AUl our Wool Delair.s to b. sold at cost and under. MIL LINE RY. * s AUl must go regardlei of price. Trimmed Rats regular 85, for $3. Trimuaed Sailors our 25, 30 and 50c. Sailors. Ail Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, &c., at very lowest prices. See our Ladies' Beit Buokies at only 10c. New Blouse Sets, regular 50c. to go at 25c. ~..Ordered Clothing at'GreatRêI.t~. regular 81 75, for $1. SeS O>4 Cail and examine thot., HLalifa.x Tweed Suit.s only $10. M~Blue serge Suits ony*1. 'FieBakStsapcaty h in our stock. Everything- ai Reduced Prices. This is the store for real Barg-ains. NO tr h C. ESTEW.R CG-.. WLALTERS BARGAIN DAY, Saturday, Aug. 8thf La~io:' Only 63c'. for the rAgular $1.25 quality. " 37je. .7 STRAW HATS, 8TRAW HAT.. The very Hats we were selling at 25C., 50C., 6oc., 65C., 75C tO $1.50 a few weeks ago, now we're clearing them ail out at HALF, PRICE. 81E DIBPLAY A»D POIS IN SOUTE WINDLOW. Xen'is Ready-to-wmr C1othi.g.~ Men's Navy Serge Suits........ 3.75, worth *5.00. Men's Tweed Suits at........... 5.00, " 850. *Men's Black Worsted Suits at... ..$8.oo, " *1.o0. Men's Fine Tweed Suits at ..$7.50, #4 $12.00. Complete new Stock Men's Overalis, with -or without Bibs, at Lowest Prices. REMNANTS of ail Kindo ai HALF REOIJL4R PRIOE86 -THE ABUVE PRICES ARE FOR- One Day Only, satuÉdayv AimeSth Evei ry Week- We receive a fresh shipment of Sterling Brand Rama and Break WM. 7YLL, c MP uitr fast Bacon. These goode are mild ecure (not fuilý of sait) and are guarnteed super.i te =,y other brand on the market « Frinosa-- Breakfast - -FÃ"Ã" e I1îeao*nWdes~.o*ba~et MILLINERY, K