Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jul 1896, p. 7

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1, rietoe r~h e.. reaaa~ md rbb, fill' itars cil cherl corn W. K. W.,r Almost a. ttopeless Case. JTerrible OoUgh. 1o0Seat Nlgfht nor Dam. Given up by Dotors A LIFE SAVED ]m TAXXNG AYER'S PECTORAL .Several ye&i's ego, 1 caught a severe cold, attended wîth a terrible cough Mbat allowed ale Do rest. eitber day or nlght. The doc- tors. after working over me to th. best or tbeir 11)ility, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could do no more for me. .à trientl, learnlng of my trouble, sent me & b)otle of A yer's Cherry Pectoral, which 1 :~gan to take, and very soon 1 wua greatly reliev cd. Iiy the timne I had used the whole botie,1 was conpletely cured. I have never bad mirnh of a cough since that time, and 1 f'ybelieve that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral &aved my lite. "-W. R. WARD, 8 Quimby ýve., Loweil, Mass. Aer's cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD'$ FAM. lyrea i's te.B"o afliam<LPhu&".. RHEtJMATISM'S VIOTIMS APFTI SI'ASMODIC EFFORTS [.')R A CU'RE USUALLY (Y 1V E LP. The'cý is One Medicine that Has Cured Thousands After Other Medicine fiad Failed-A Released Sutlerer \dds Hus Strong Endorsation of This MWonderful Remedy. Fro:n the Trenton Courier. Ra What an innocent sounding name bas nrlieumatism, and yet bow terrible a M realitv to the thousande who suifer with nL. lioctors agree that rbeumatiem re- suits lrow poison of and deposits in the blood, but as to just hcow they can be reacbed and eradicated, it would seeru t1ha, their knowledge faile, The usual treatmient je a long series of medicînes wbich rnay give ternporary relief, but do no[ cure, aud thon tbe patient usuahly OD, gîves up. thinking that there la no medi- ETC, cirie that~ will cure him. This in a mis- take. Ibeumatism ie flot a neoessary ei, and because one in growing oid it is rot imiperative that one ehould accept rbeurnatism a a naturai accoseory ta ad- JR ancîng years. There is a remedy for rbeumatiam despute the general belief that it cannot be cured-a remedy tbat bas cured st of thousands of tbe mont severe cases. A noted instance of the truth o! this assor- ti ýn wbtch bes juet come ta the knowl- edge of the editor of tbe Courier, in tb. case of Robert Francie, Eeq , formeriy of ' Trenton, now retired from -business in Rat Portage, Ont , and stili reeiding tiiere. He bas b:en a victirn o! rbeum.a tisiifo oertheeyeams. Lest winter Le vîsuted bis friends in Trenton and was then oontemplating a vi..it ta tbe eouth Ž in search of relief froru bis constant fbe. Be had to use a staff in walking and went at a slow pace. This Christmas be vas bore again on a visit ta bis friende, emart and erect and witbout the stick ôr the sorrowful look of a year ago. is friends and acquaintaneos aîl accoat him as a new man and congratulat. bim on bis 1healtby, fresb and active appeamnce in contrast with a year aga. He bas cbeerfully aud gratefully given the. follow- Ir.o statement of bis efforts aiter a cure. l MY home je at Rat Piortage, Ont., wtîere for yeare I was engaged in busi Dess and wbero I still reside. For three Years 1 have been a great sufferer frooe T' r4iuwatism. 1 tmied several highly recoinrmended remedies ta no purposo, s I continued ta grow worse tiil it %Os ,atiýý difficuit tor me ta walk. I wu tom tlrenweeks oonfined ta y e at b bouie and in the Winnipeg hospital. 1 long thon indsqood lia try the Mentt Clceet Springs. I gook six courses of batlis of twenty one bathe each witbout any seemnigly benicial rmult. I read of several cures in the Caurier from. Dr. William8' Pink Pill for Pale Peoplo, and frîends wbo used tbem with benefit ta Itierneelves umged mo ta try them. 1 did- no and aftem a short time I foui au lm-, provemnent in mny condition. I have talion twelve boxes in air and my im- provemeut bas been continzus ad e. atssfaetnr., so that I need -tii. cane12o longer and I bave inoresoed my weîght frotn 140 ppunde to 175 by the use 01 Pink Pille. I arn net.en*irlyý, iree fromn mbeumatjem but I amn a new waya, on. thousand par cent bitei than 1 wes, a year ago and i at4ribUt.' II.Jý BI tb n-' tàrely ta Dr. W-iimswý'14 '1s Dr. Williams, PinkI PMll ane soMdon in boxes b.aring tii. fi='$ tn art nover eold iiiý blk b4 t huadred, and nyd«jg*w)yý Ititutes initi fwr$ You and shoulé bs .*# Omlled blou4d bul Put Uplm is~iuIas of aW ýor dûmnotb7matfrm plU are e@ad Muike a conne of. troat. Ment -oomparatively inempenalve as oompared with othier remediesoOr medical. treatraent. 1South Ontarlo- District Division. The third emi-anual session of the South Ontario District Division of the. Sons of Temperano. met-on Friday, June 2691h, Bt te ii.vlage of Epeoin. .&lowing for the. election oxciteont of lme week thon wue a good attendance,- Raglan, MYrtie, Prince Ai-bers, and Scugog being ospecially well repreeented, wbule dole- gates were present from &il the othor divisions but Oshawa a.nd Brougham. The, meeting wua graoed with the. pres- ecce Of the. following grand division offi. cors: J. B. Brook@, G W P, of Roronto; W. H. Bewell, G.S., of wbitby; and Mise L. Scenes, enpt. of Young people»S work. Aiea friendly greetings were given (rom North Ontario district by Rev. S Oowle, o! Sandford, and Mr. A. W. Crqa- by. of Uxbridge. Tii. necesoity for conetantty figbting the rmm fiend was brougbt -witb groat prominenco before the representatives, and resolutions were passed which if car ried out wilI do muob ta assist in over- throwing tbe diseputable trafflo whicb mars the peace of our homes, Mr. J. A. Miller, Greenbank, and Rev. Mr. Mallet, Scugog, were appointed to attend the. Provincial Prohibition Con. veution ta b. held in Toronto July l6th and l7tb. Iu the evoningz tho chair wae taken by the D.W.P., M1r. J. A. Miller. A first clase, bough somewbal lengthy, pro- eramme wae giverj, the selectione bear- ing rigbt on the lin. of Lempers.nce Stir. ing addreeees were given by Rev. Mr. Learoyd, Rev. J. H. Mallet, and Messrs. J. B. Brooks and W. H. Bewell and H. «E. Derby. Altbongh at Lb. public meet. ing tb. cburch was packed to the doors, the audience deserves the higbesc praise for tb. good order maintained during tii. evening. After a bearty vote of thanks f or th. most bospitablo manrier in wbicb rhey bad eutertained tbeir visicore. tthe representatives departed to their different homes feeling that they fhad bad the pleasure of attending one ot the tuost en 'tsiastic meetings that bas beefi beld in the district. Georze Farrier and sister called on -E. B. Hoovers not long ago. MIr. Paisley's. o( Church ,Hill, spent a day with Mr. 'March. Several of our friends spent a day wvith Mr. Sniith's of Almira last week. Etfle Wisrner, of Atha, spent Sunday last with her sister, Mrs. Ida ,Brown of Stou ffville. Mrs. Hoover, of Atha, and Hoover, of Altona. spent a day friends in Cherrywood last week. Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Giebner visited with friends in the vicinity of Stayner last week, tbey report the crops in a very good condition. J. dirownberger and bis daughter, of this place, spent Sunday last with his sister, MNrs. F. Reesor of Scarboro. Frank B. Kirby is home again after spendîng ten months at Albert College. Belleville, and he reports having suc- cessfuily passed all bis examinations. We are very much *pleased to have Frank's smile in our midst again. The picnic held in connection witb the Atha public schooi in Mr. Stewarts grove proved a success in every re- spect. The people in this vicinity as well as Altona and Green River turned out enmasse. The afternoon was spent in football matches, croquet, swinging, basebaîl and other games, interspersed witb some choice selections of music by the Green River band. Many tbanks to the boys in coming to our assistance with tbeir excellent musc.- News. MEsare. Francey and Moore, of Sand- fard, wer. visiting ber. on Saturday. _ Moers. A. lamner and Wesley Sbut tleworth intond loaving on Tuesday for Bathgate, Notb Dakota. Pitahing boseshoos seeme te bo a fav- onte q.enung pastime for those wbo find playinj football 100 mucb of a âstruggle. Mr. Frank Cook, blaeksoeith, lied the. biisfortune on Monday ta eut the. firat knukie an bis loft hand dévereiy wvii aboeing a hanse. An excéllont Photo Of the. band, by Mertens, of Stouffvilie, i. on exhibition in Dafo. & Co's window. J. M. Law's pienie et Leaskdaie on Baaurday was a grand succeas. 8eoral mon ber., inclnding the. band, were pro- sent. (Too late for kas!i ue.) Ur. J. James end -ý Mies M. Bond, of woek. "Ur. Thos. Baker had a verymuoeul- bain raising lait weok, M.,. Fred Flitif s dolng the- frame.work. Mis. Trembleis avi ber hot» nes Iy. Urrto . '_ Johu eksi of »ow-, .4r.. W. V. ýRfcha*i" naid, ber dagtr LizIê are spendlng à fort- niïlft with relativet and- frieuda lthan around bMeafor4, p. G. Logan lias been proffereci'a pýosition on the' teaching -staff of: the Michigan Dental College, Ann Arbor, .at a salary of $4oo. and he will be will be allowed to pursue his studies as weII. He lias flot yet decideci as to the matter. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon returneci on Friday evening from spending a few weeks with friends in the States. They were accompanied by their daugliter, Mrs. R. M. Armstrong, who wiIl spend a few weeks here with lier numerous relatives. 4 There died at the residence of her son, John Pile, 231 Shaw street, Tor- onto, on Friday, June 26, Ann Pile, relict of the late Wm. Pile, i her 86th year. Deceased was a native of Devon- shire, England, coming to Canada over fifty years ago. was a consistent memb.. er of the English church, aud much respected by aIl. Deceased, with her husband, resided over twenty years in this neighborhood. Her husband died some sixteen years ago, when deceased broke up house. The funeral took place on Sunday from the residence of her haughter, Mrs. William Varty, when the interment was muade at the English burying ground. Many former friends and acquaintances attended to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed. Thursday morning our people were startled to hear that Harry \Westgate, whose farnilv live a short distance (rom the village, had been killed on the G. T. R. crossing near his home some time during the night previous. A light engine going west during the fore part of the night reported to the despatcher upon reaching the city that there was something upon the track about two and a haîf miles west of Pickering station. About 6 a. m. the agent was notified and an investigation made when it was discovered tha.t the buggy had been completely wrecked and both man and horse killed. Coroner Bate- nman was at once notified, and after consulting with County Crown Attorney Farewell, decided to hold an inquest. A jury was at once empanelled and as we go to press the inquest is in pro- gress. We understand that deceased had attended a Masonic meeting in Brougham that evening and was just returning home when death met him within a few yards of his own gate. He was an industrious (armer and a good citizen, and %%as for a time a member of the township counicil, By strict attention to business Mr. West- gate had accumulated considerable wealth, and leaves bis sorrowing wife and children fairly well provided with this world's goods. He was a member of the A.0. U. W., C. 0. F,, and A. F. & A.M. orders. The bereaved widow and family have much sympathy in their very sad trial and affliction. -News.' k k k k k k. Pl"E DALUL Mr. Mackie, from Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with frisnds in tliis vicinity. Mrs. Sonley las returned from vîsat-, ing friencis in Buffalo. Lorne Pinkharn bas returned: home after spending two or three mnonths ta Uncie Sam's territory. Mr. A.' Roadli and Mrs. R. »,rand*p- spent Sunday and, Monday - with Mr.: andi Mrs. Harman near TorOato.,, David Rennie, Bertha Su lisd- Annie Pi.fkbhtn were witln* a t be-. entrance dxaininayoins 1asft wek 7 Mr.. jas. Ha4deuaad-4,,$oùIêy -wbp vwent as delegates -to thr- dstuiçt diMsý- ion got very tired comfiag hta m e elý aeep and voke ugs. to; hoe, quiety g raig Ih*e 0QC mjhrsUspiciQà. - "4 The tri steces-r naob wn dutbi he'wl1ôb lqixî- êOiGkRTTES W.SI Kimbald& Go,, ROCH ESTER N. Y. Retail Everywhere !5C. Per Package, 17 Firet Prize e Medals. Sole Agent at Whi*tby, M. W. Collins, 'Wf hey the I. Sl- tien in toiva 01thes BEAUIÏFUL' AMERICAN WALL.P~$ Bordor8 to Match, Cis arly and jet ftrst choie&. P» BI WARAM, Bmasold. Stad, Brooki t., Whib DOMINION BAN-Ke Capital Paid ap, -04150000m 8urphLo, - - 1,0000 WbitbyAg.noy;. General BanIng Buainesâ Traiisated. In w.S Uowed et high est ourenîa$âoshe no oN, e! wtbdrwalrequir.d E9. Jlot' 0, I IRL ,DMn WOO(IS rflOSPh(xliG-Th&e GrealEnglisk Remted. 95 lathe rosuilt of over 85 jean tmeSting thxoumendaof ces« witiausfl ovn f <imge, un t lt sIw. .bve dlcoeed the. r» reuiedy md tremSw-6 eembhuetkn thet wIUeq.cbeaP-mmupt sud pSumn"m rinlatspu 4»uraJ ,i I> , Abm eor Fumais, NeramWaeasj£, *aM JVdwry, Rocna4p e eof O-5&MM, Tbco, or Ack&SÙdus,1. ~ Tskh~~.which swan 1 oe4 ansan1tyr, OmnumAon a u e«lr*eý Woog. Tlig.phosphodin.hbasboni uSd xed sceanil by hu»dzedot mcauà àssao&a almout hopixden oemStbsa Wbeen treted by the mail taieuted phyi. claus-cumes t aworon the.verge af despalraMdlnsnty-.cmeamt tottering over the grave.-bu± with the comtluansd poevSlng U»n Wood'a Phosphadie, these es ma" b baSgivea Up Io die, ve restored to manly vigor a.nd heabIh-Reeder you need no"desPai-ffo Ma- tem Who h las ivenjanup as Incurabl-4ia eM".y la8nw vitha reach, by Itseon e ucan b. resored te ea1. et useflnessdbetlie pris, ene packageSi; packagss, $5;-.by mailfÙ»u«podeg& Ose wt j ea 4 oe ou e, *o rw * pam p b Jtb ft to s n y s M rem , Wo.d'& Phoapmhod ela MMIdby reap"om il khla atpnItli» On Monday niglit Mr. Jesse Davis haci occasion t6 drive to Toronto; with a loaci of creamery stock and white making preparat.ions for hiscieparture, about 2.3o a. mn. a man was ntitced in the vicinity of Mm. Davis' house.On being apptoacbed. tuis fellow took ta bis heels andi ran arounci to O'Brien Ave, wlience lie re-appeared shortly after standing in the orchar4 just west o! t.he stable. Mm. Davis took bis load to Toronto, andi on his retumn et about eleven o'ciock at iiight, dlsScm4- dtbat an attewpt had been madeto set Ire ta the premises. An entrancewia gained througli a bônp ane of glëh l klttheli door and the carpet, in-tbe m. Ing room was satUrate vi*a h, match being toucbedthe-rto. Thë dùs- tardly purpose et the fiend' Wae.provi. dently frustrateci thrtug tk act that tuecaretbeing a heavy woollen one,' vol fotbur'm,'as the fice wetîit 4her several -laigthoes*a eutmry ed An* ý the flocé nê if kt M. Daviis a15 àt Itos l d motiycof the-,coiay. "My IhIle da~ old auLrud blumu Utti. body vas cm - deetqr. diii 1Q1,5~g Olutaient sevgl 0W eh~& sanda buasSieti b~ sud aku diasaae~. Ju~g. Muscs I tino Rate .teet.d majenlty cf 62. LOWEST:: PR.ICE&. The Shoe That Cripples -le the shosl that hurta. Bndage~, your bead uruovenly and tl«hU~y a you do your foo t and eoon you wouid'nt know the différence be <' tween the tshoo that delorme and the shoe that fIts. Heu-o la the sh-l for your monbY- shaped 'on the moot modern foot-fashoned Isats ln 6300*4.00, 0-00 per pair. S The Slater Shoe (for M~e.. -T- ýl

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