Dr. Z 7. M royU Resuits A-stoniel MEN 0Fr SCIENCE. A MEDICINE t I il a- j; WITI-OUT AN EQUAL. Staiement of a Well Known Doctor "Âyer's Sarsaparilla Is i thout an equal as a blood-purifler and Sprlng nîedline, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects ln chronie cases, where otser itreatrnent was of no avait, and have beeti astonlshed at the resufts. No ot.her blood niedicine ihat 1 have ever used, and 1 have tried themn ail. is so thorough ln i3 action, and efferis so many permanent cures as Ayer's SarsaparillIa."-Dr. Hl. F. MERRILL, A&ugusta, Me. Ayer's OnheSarsaparilla Âdmitted at the Wofld'a Pair. 4uraPille for li ver and4 bowelà OORRESPONDENOE. MARKH&M There are 180 pupile now st Markha.m high echool writing for entrance. A lessen ihai ahould be heedt Mr-. C. Gregory, gardener o! Moun, Joy, laid infQrtmation befare Magistrat H. Wilson, Monday, charging Franl Conklin, George Enaminger and Williau Shar-p vith eteahing green pesa fsort hie _gardons and desuroying the vine, Damage estiinated ai two dollars. TbE Justice allowed thiemta go on paymeni of caste sud tva dollas damages, aieoa caution uaLt t repeat tbe set or a beav5 fine vouid be ln:flicted, if flot goal. Fire young men belonging ta tbE Cýiecker lacrosse club, of Toronto, who p layed bere yest.erd ay, put up ai LbE Frauklin Housse aver nighî sand atiempt ed to leave vithout paying for theli suppar, bed sud breakfast. Hast Tor- rance, bowever, vas tac sharp, and aided by a wikrrant, brougbt the yonug beaut t ime. Thoy had no money but left tholr vatceo as secusity, and dopas-ted au the afternoon mixed rauch sadder but vise. yeuthe than wbon thay arved. Bas-i-tabrothe s dschargd Benjamin and James Har-ls, wba vers commiîled for trial by a beuch o! magie- raies baie a fev day. ago an tise charge of cleaolng used postage stampg, vers brought before Judge Macdongaii Mon- day. The Crown eouid not prove tise charge against the prisoner vis aras- brotherp' vith raîher bad records, eacl having aerved urne in tb.e entrai. A charge ef aseaulting James Bail, vbc spoke te ene of tisem vbile tbey vere seUilng theastampe, wva ais demiaed. Ta-mee stpe tO a kick A ludiorous incident hmppened ai seau Ca day. The uewly-elecî public sohool trustee and ex couccillor 1fr. R. C. Tefft got into a bat ar-gumntit u Mr. John Steela ove s aie susîters pertaiuing ta, the Board et Bealtb cf wbicb 1Mr. Steele is a mesuber, in front of tise post office, aud t in said the valiaut horse docior firet struck Mr. Steele. The blev bad no sooner been gtiven thissu va returised, *ad after ranning &round lu a cirele a tev trnes ta avoid punishient Teffitnrned ýtil sud teck te hie beels and rau tovards the Frankin Housse for shalter, vitb leele's boot playing under hie coat tala verytbree stepe. Wbsunear bis lgeai Treffi faîl over a atone or froi the effeet of au extra hard kickt,-aud, Stedle pro eaeded ta pummel hlm in earneui,bunt 4ieyoral by san der. separated the comnbat- *ùt. before much damnage wu done. *"mps la b.." Couuty Constable Tidà b.rry ba se- eured possession eft tv bouded rampi diaoorvered i Little York. A «ar vas 'bouded sud aealed ut Windsor, sud whén' fîtArrived, i' 8T Toma.. it wvasfound to be »u bndm*u-oeaei il op agasu, but h aou nov ucu4do lame, Mesura. (heagrove.gudFap h -OUme on to Toronto am dutiable goods.ý! 'th io haà bD ' enPlayM*g the raes a Windsr, and- thoir mode of C~elu baek lu Boston, -hir ouhurod baro wonal1 apar t,- Indienie ht they imet With bai lffrentsoosg.i,,Tbe e sre thé earfor 2bo ursaêutwiUjoaé .aà eloq a aght but à a là re u*'ye M s! ýQoue e I 4 ocar* ieoie nt En nt a ry le Io le Fti ir r- lor a hOrt ;twiê. M»ise EUs$WbtbTurner, ét oere ý eqil)hstnow. 31T. jwl' and daughter, oDf Poi Perry, arxvth, J. T. jeweU this weeli busi ness evidenti.Hhsnov pair., S Elijah, Bodeli. Richard and 'Lorne Buùrke visited John Underhiiî, at Aud- ley ,on Sun'day. Mis Coiîmnan is visiting. with ber parents at Mitcbell. Her mother is very iii as we Write. Miss Sarah Gamage is indisposed this week, but nothing of a serious nature is anticipated. Henry Holtby lost a bairse last week [rom heait disease. He soon had an- other, however. Miss Fannie Phillips has been for the past week with ber sister, Mrs. Dia- înond, at Claremont. Harvy Liscombe bas started a zoo- logicai garden and has already a giraffe and a coon. These animais may be seen at any tre at a nominal figure.- Miss Lydia, of Michigan, is visiti ber brother, W. A. Fuller. c~I~ead I9-1-1-a .,,,n-ýOe, to.e, eu at$ti-b thê ~' ~ Thespeake elddthe -pecunÎary motives. for educatisdn .sad at upeld. education for jus tino ,moral ai v alue,ý The aissernbly, many of aWhom .vere tas-mers' sons and daugbîer frosu te Victoria Côunty, vas clearly in -sympa- - tby vith the lectus-er. The lecture itacif vwu One which viii. easiiy baie srepetiion on every platform through- A very serious accident befell Mi- Win Skiu.ch, carniage maker, Wil-liarr 'St. on Saturday last. In compati, vFith Albert Abercr-ombie be was driv, k ng into town from Mr-. Finnigan's, about tbree miles south-west of tht tawn, with a load of bay. Wher opposite Mr-. Robt. Bs-yans' farm tbe erig upset on a pile of gi-aVel on the roadway, and Mr. Skeitcb was thi-own violently iat the ditch, aiigbting on his head and shoulders. When picked up be was uncansciaus. in wch con- dition he remained three-quarters of an bour. He was carried'ta a %qgh- baring house and Dr. W. H. Clar-ke pramptly summoned, and later on was removed ta his home by bis son. It is >not tbought that he bas been injured internally. Under medical treatment and careful nursing he expects ta be able ta resume work in a couple .of weeks. It was a close caîl, and Mr. Skiîch has much ta be thankful for in his escape from fatal , injury.- On ail sîdes of where he 'las thrown wvere huge boulders, ta have alighîed an one of which would have meani sudden death. Sad drownlng accident. Wednesday evening about 7.3o a number of young lads, among whom were 'Willie Fee, the six vear old son of Capi. Fee, of thie East ward, and Vernie Brow,ýn, aged 7. son of Band- master Brown, strolled down ta the river's edige. a sho-_rt distance easî of the elevator. In a short while the two voung lads named werc lefi alane, and young Fee proposed a swim,. but B3rown declîned to go in, and cautioned Fee not to go in cither, as he could not swim and would be drowned. How- ever, the litile fellow quickly undress- ed, and enîering the waîer wvas soon oui of hîs depîh. Hîs companion be- came alarmed, and called ta some parties on the opposite side of the river that there was. a boy drowning. Sup- posing he was onlyv joking. litîle atten- tion was paid ta the lad's cries. Some passers-by, taking in the situation, gave the alarm, and a crowd quickly gather- ed. A young man named Lionel P~earson, who was one of the firsi on the spot, threw off bis coat and plunged into the rescue. The water ai this point is about 6 fi. deep, and the bot- tam muddy, and he found it necessary ta dive twice before bringing the body up. In the meantime Dr. Shier had been summoned, but as the body, was in the water about haif an ba'ur, the iactor pronounced life extinct. The irawned boy was a particuiarly bright little fellawv, and great sympatby is ex- pressed for tbe heart broken parents in -ing Miss Nellie Baiton, of Markham, was with ber parents over Sunday. Mr. and MIrs. Peîch, of Wbitchurch, were the guesîs of O. P. Ferrier, fi-si of the the week. Eli Nighswander's son, Alf., is laid up with îvphoid fever, but ai wriîing is cansidered on the mend, Thos. Ellis' son, Armour, bas had an attack of somcîbing like malariai fever lasi week and -so far in this one. TI tir Cc i-o A few wenî fi-rn here with tl 'laremont excursi on ta Hamilî( hliursday of hast week and report ago( me, and say that the Hamilton Bo o. have two splendid boats on th >ute. he )at iat Oui- public school was inviîed bv the Sth con, public school ta take part in a picnic behd on the grounds of Robert Cuwie. Between oui- band and football îeamn we had nearly as good a trne as if it had heen advertised for a monîh. The Brock Road Y. P.S.C.E. re- sponded ta an invitation from our so- ciety here ta make us a visit. They did, sa 1 understood ta a member. and have been îold that also. afier a pi-ahi- able meeting had lunch and a litile pasi-time on P. R. Hoover & Son's cosy lawn, then wending their way home singing *"wihl you be ihere and 1. --News. ir m )r TIE ONLY ONE 0FP ITS Kr -- D. 'aine's CelerY Compound a Lifs Renewer in Hlot Weather. Thousands of people feel weaker and more unhealtby during the summer monîhs ihan ai any other time of the year. This is due to, the depressing and weakening hot veather. The 'ieakest systein may be fortified and made strong by Paine's Celes-y Compound, eaith's greatest blessing ta suffering hurnanity. We quote the woi-ds of one of Canada's best pbysic- ians; be says: - If men and vomen dui-ing the heated days o! summes would use Paine's Celery Compound three or four imes a day, they wouid find tbeir vitality and strengtb gs-eathy increased, and tbeiu- digestive oxgans vould be moi-e vigorous and in better condition"' The greatest boasi of Paines Celery Compound is, that it cures wbeu al aiber medicines fait, and it is the only advertised semedy that is regularly pi-e- scribed by physicians. Mis. Nancy Raymer, of Mount Joy, le vliting (riez-de boe.. Bey. Mr. Leggott preached his epening sermon lu the metisodisi "Ohurch here 8unday afiernoon. Mr. aud Mia. Jacobs Stouffer visited friands lu Vaughan ibis veek. Rey. Wingera, of Iowa, U.S., preached ini h. Mennonite chureh boe,ê Wedues- daY mrnemg Quito atnuber cf oui citizens took lu th. ACha public sehool piosnc osn Tuesdy. -ob Baker in orkig ai bis road job w"lch he soeod frein the Pickering concil, nemi Olaromont, 1. ier and bmi. Us-er, af Soufflie, ver. vlsitn rudbr li aud È -, Bot]p b Spu day vitis 1fr. sjid Kr..ioh Davis, of Ga01 ov visited fiende bore, Sanday. A. Ioue s aseeurmà jolifrein Wme quit. A most melancholy poisoning acci- dent, resultink in tbe deatb of a young woman, occurred near Little Brir.ain on Wednesday lasi. On that day Mr. and Ms-s. Hogg, wbo reside on thse rhomàs Western farm, lot 12, con. 6, Marîposa, about tva miles nos-th west of the village, vent tc> visit friends near Can- nington, ieaving a domestic, Miss Nellie Bovhay, aged about 20,--one o! a number o! girls. broughîta Canada by Miss Rye some years ago-iîn charge of the bouse. Wheu they returned in the evening tbey found the unfortunate girl lying on the floo-, and suifering terribly. She 'sras purged and vomiting freely. and there vas every, symptoin o! poisoning. Dr. Hall of Little Brit- ain was ai once sent for, and wben he arrived the gis-I vas in a comnatose state, and it was with difflculty sbe could be as-oused. Iu answer ta the doctor, she stated that she had taken a large dose o! salts, but aS the symptoms did not indicate that saîts bad been used, the ioctor pressed her ta give a clea- answer as tô the medicine she bad 1 realy taken, when she confessed she bad taken povdes-ed saitpetre, whîccbii vas kept in a cupboard with the saits. Wben asked why she bad dnue so,.she' -epiied that she wished ta end ber life, as she vas no good, and tired of living.- She died about 12z.30 the saine nlght. A.s the stateunents made by the df4g girl vas-e not satisfactory au enquest 1, was deemned necessary, and accordingly Coroner- Poole was commnunicated, with , md an inquest held ýTùesdiy.. Thé osiorterà ezan'ation sowdthaî Ie $tomchbovesand dysvt rç;y.njuch-infiaured. The Ver4i~eto ;be coroncr' jry'waS thit- the depees- ýd ha -un ohiù deatie trous a: a 1Q! of ,uadtpetre, but, whethe'r't- !tlfhlyor b miuakethe wçrwi~ la s I ( a p t] ~iT e d y=u dct r héedoctors ap., prove of, Stt' g E mulsion. For, hm o mn anc wornen who are weak, when they should be strong; !or babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for ail who get no nourlshment from their food. Poor blood îs starved blood. Consump- tion and Scrofula neyer corne without this starvation. And nothing Is better for starved blood than cod-llver oit. Scott's Emulsion, is cod- river-o with the is-fat ta.ste taken out. sC'Orr'S BMLLSM hm ba bp edoessd by thse miedical preblo feem twenty yera. (Asis yosar docte..) This la becau» ie l always pelà table-alwaye unform-alwajs conaas the pus-et Norwegla Cod-llver OftWlypo> pkoiphAtes. Piaf osgo eCaut sud Suo ise. The sGiacy h. esooubte cG yuIS 70 COc rbelp yeu, baby. SCOTIT &BOWN, Chemniss, '-% .;& VICTORIA CoRmmRs. Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, of Wilfrid, oc- cupied the pulpit here on Sunday lasi and gave a ver>' eloquent and interesi- ing discourse. Robt. Reynolds, wha has been suifer- ingz fi-rn an aîîack of inflammation, is improving. Our- blacksmith, M. Colleran, bas procured the assistance of Jas. Saund- ers f-r a few days ongerlepi w o rk. n g n r i r p i Pahitical excitement bas abated and those of the losing side are hope- fully resigning îhemnselves ta the ps-es- Oui- teachei, Mi-. Moore, held bis annuai P. S. examination on Thursday. 22nd inst. Evei-ything passed off pheasanîly and saîisfactorily, i-eflecting m uch cred it on bath teacber and pupils. At the conclusion of the literai-y pas-t af the affair ail i-etii-ed ta Mi-. James Gregg's grave, adjacent ta the scbool, where lunch was provided afier which swinging, football and other amuse- ments were indulged in ta the satisfac- tion of! ail preseni. ts Cause andi Cure. A poiuaonou8 Acid in the BIOod, tvhich flOed8 remooaî. OnIy one meana for a radidal cure. Rheumnatisrn 15 a bhood disease, due ta the presence of uric acid-a poison-in the system, and it is only by the removal of this pain-producingp oison, that a radical cure can b e effecîed. Acute rheurnatismn is hereditary, andl thus it is that young children are often vicîlims to this torture. The use cf liniments, ema- brocations and outwfard applications,' may give tempary relef, but can never cure, for the poison jg in the blood, and intil it is expelled, rheumatisin, sciatica and s4euz-aligic pains wili continue. Scotts' Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by remaving the cause-by nesuraiizing and expellinhiis poisnous acid. In chronic cases, tî medicine i-caches the source o! the disease as ne othe- medicine can. t gis-es renewed energy te the organs that sustain life, the forces that make the blood. For the nervous troubles oaf youtb, for the debiiity that precedes aid g9e, for ladies in their severe ordeals, it iwithout a compeer. Scott's Sarsaparilia lu a cencentratedl ampound of the flnest mnedicines kuown to modern medical science-The dose is ýromn onc half to ane teaspoonful and lunxng its use the ordmnary vouloas are iou ixterfercd wvith. t a il c tg d n T r 'g t b i t i ITeal thy, happy * eblidren make bet- ~, ter dieu and woinen ~' hardly himself until .,.91 \ le las the develop- 'i ment that responsi. bility brings. After the child cornes, the father and mollxer bath plan and prom- ise what shail be doue with it. A lit- tle care and a littie Slanning before f irth 1is ften more imrnpotnt than any- thing tht can be doue afer. On the motbeg' health and strength I the future of the 4<chiidren. A weak snd heakthy cbiidren -aweli ezpect from thietles. Most of the weaknessofet vais latterly inex- cusable. Proper cas-e ad proper edicine vili cure almost any disorder of the feuil. nine organiln. D.pîerceos Pavante Pie. «TiPiOnhas eentested in tbirty yeaxu ef Practic. It ia heaiing, soouhlng, strength- enîg It je perfectly Maturlu itsepenm- tia ad effeci. By its use, thousandesof veak wonen have beffl made trong snd healthy-have beeuaruade the mothers of strong and healthy» ehfidren. 1Taken du-- mg gestation, it maltes childblrth easy sd almost paluless sud imures the well anu Of both mether and chid. ti Tihe following lettes-i oaiy eue et thea- sandas of silas- oses: lir. FLoR mNes W un-s f Vidor,, W. va., wrte: *I eemmenged uslg the 1 avite Pr- =ciption' w'beshaift urough ruy period. of Pregnsncy. 1 used fOUr bOMM sand £ft ilt. 8-nother vinzan. Ny tisue ot labos- vag a and rapId. Ihave a 4dur, usgb , hgLMtiuyztj bo aby* Dr ec . "m ro Her Masty'as hlin Itrepild dTariss,.- cover Occ rved in the port oet ontMo lTumod&y. book ntal q- ami Wof la col inthehmaIÇ&alalm verltale um n e a z t el e f o p e e d l Ne s e e N o 66& a À duig ptrob tbe &nkof Co~ ~ SWUIUÎiP09 vas rustralià bylIts PMCUOn~guw#Oi -HIeart DiseaseRelieVed iu 80,Mnts i sifeet rle ual m" es organooy tiTetC yuragrUoHea~ in 80 minu4g ber' ICeh im a~siy ffet cre 1klaée~ 84'"ülu sareueyfo spCst#,8betsof$W us, a aumth 0 Sp!,-PiiaLi Eldeu ià sttus faD,4 » c~ oe.rted & "ieamq anf nutou a sailngosy. Ti ment~t 6i cuelail one>u j') VOr, 'sçbdoubt very Th~e rosse matochon 9"Là iéviev grounds laitFriday vas oeeof the beit ausoeja~. lir.for som, jears, the plà ýbe gthevhole ivo boun-stait viii gond team playq especialiy naticeable in the bomne Ceasu. Beaverton won thse lot gaine lu 6 minantes, Maikisan scoring thé 2nd in 14 minutes. Tbe 8rd. and best galâe laeted 52 minutes, sud the-honore are pretty eVenly divided, Mfr. Heek Mc. Kinbu seorlug tbe gaine fer Beaverton The gaina vas coutiuued for 80 miun. longer and vuas al in faver oethtie "Checkers," vhoee greater paver a a Plaiuy apparent, tbey Oooapelllng M ark. baste play a purely desence gaine dur- 'iug tise vbole hait heur, but ovingg te s tsplendid defeuce ef Markisamr goal keeper lasd point man (Glver, eof Richmnad Hili,) oui beys vers unable te mnake the score any larger altisoughi ebot afier sbot vas ibrovu striking tb. goal sticks, etc. The gainevas veîy free tram rongisu sud equabisiesasd tise Markhana boys are te be couratulae( n the geniemanly sud soientiflc gaine ihey put up. Mr. W. J. St.ark, et Stooffvlle, sefereed thýe gaine and gave ontire satisfaction. Dus-sug thse second game Mr. Hais-y Cameron vas seriously hurt, failiug on the end cf his stick, compelling hlm te retire, *aud as ene ef tb. Maîkbam bays sps-aned bis foot the reet o! tise match vas plsyed vitb Il minuou a aide. Mr-. N. F. Patoisas, of Uxbridge, spont Suuday ai "8imeoe Lodge," thse rami. dance a! Mr-. T. C. Hodgakiueou. Sherif Paxton vas lu tovu Isat waek saciug saine of bshie l friends. No les iban eight pienice vera haro lutî yack. Beaves-ton ie rapidly gettng te the fs-out as a summer rasai-t. 1fr. Fred Fead, of Canington, vas lu tevu ou Friday afternoen. Mr-. Jas. Davis, o! Woodviile, took lu thse lacrosse match lest Fsiday. A- very large crovd atteuided the ex- cursion yestorday ta Stravberry Island, aud a D]081 aujoyabla tino vas spant Mr-. B. Madili bas.rnoved bis fausily frein Toron toansd tbey are ai preseut ce- cupying Lise handsame residence etMr. Frank Madili, ou Bay straci. We are ves-y ploased ta ae. ihasu iu aur midit once mos-a. Cured Of a Semoug se. "1 was sullerfug tram whiai Is know" Brgh's disease for fis-e Years, and for days a, trne I have beecs unable ta straiglîten îny.el up. I was ln lied for tlmsee weeks; durîng tba~ time I had leeclies applled sud derivpd no beis. fit. Seeing HaOM'SSassaparilla advertî,M l the papes 1 declded w try a bottle. 1 fcun4 HOOD'$S Sarsapari lia CURES relief before I bad filshed taking half of a bot. tle. I gai s0 muclI helP frein taklng tile flr bottle that I dechsed ta ts-y anotiser, ,,d sne Laking the seeond botule 1 teeS as well asever Idld in myUlie." OGr£().Mmmi-- Toi-,, ontOu. Hood'19 PIl are Prompt and etncîenr ye easy cf action. Boid by ail drugglsus 2~c FOR MAU OU SEAST. 8m ai - -- - -ov Dr. B.J Ew," Books A"nie. byt dagas dm a rs Ke wurs Cure vitb uisc~1 vcs=rnjmodlcine. 1Oos cm msas a m &@at vlmaiflbob cre&br kEUIALL'8 SPAIIIOUIE. l».r.. rM0.Kaag c ,XO»W..AWl4, .Dmr»- -I have umibsmwu b'#Z f yoo IKesdllSa "-la ur " hma"hmcma tis lmi h oSLmSproê g om ewCrise80Ipiu SmO Base 5p «omnm&d ftOi telh> Q Bus&et p.iwk e EUPS~ftv P tezi I t I i 1orT~ Yoari' fi 77 A T lloi 1i~aet ER. o Il- 1 1 0-4.- A&TONA. RHEUMATISM 8 : :- ci 1 1 Tot, Ontario, AsWeII1 as Ever 1 1 2 ~* ôoIts of 0r oooe more. *Weuley IrMn, ý;j, O üxdIl on Fritk, ~ hiBP1Cflftime d r.Fred W.ri log over a fine baby g PlmnSof the seasor, T'fIt isses Pringli bave been visiting ai terps for the past îw home onl Monday. The Centre S. S.t vas a decided succes, l 1arge crowd wa.s in very pleasant timnej who ývere there. A lawn social wiL head.of the Island. lawil of .M r. A.- A.- on Tuesday eveni.*ng, freshmnfts -of ice crea be proyided afbng wi Admission ioc. Pr- Sabbatb scbool work Mis. Robert Fris, Pleasant Point. sp(., friends at the head Mis. Joe Davev h.., her bed for sorte tîrl.ý slighL attack of fever her around again by i Miss Nettie Jacks( 1ist., but under the Clemens we look f r,. covery. Mr. Wesley lrwin the Maple Grove epwi present them at îhc convention in Toron t Mr. David Jacks friends in Solina lasi Quite a numnber frr to Valeptia on Mond. niversary. Our foot bail teair bank on Juli staganr tei.Our boys wei 'men and yet the scý favor-of Scugog. Th pe- quite' an attractio 'ayservices and vet *isiting team bhad to -supper, whicb seemn- treatment after ail the the Greenbank pe.ople of foot bail. The ut was that the membe team were gentlim througb and when match on Scugog so royally entertained. Mr. Dan Sweetmnan is busiiy engaged on t t.ing oid friendships. As predicted -our téè vas a grand succees. evemng wau the hast The proceeds ai the S au-i concert amounted isé MIa MeLean, vd A.msn locutiornat, 'I -tivato the large "udit the. concert. Mfr. Richard Avery,i building on Juiy lai, <1 , ries Bionehouse, fi :-timrfee i facturing hie