OF TWEIqTY.TO BT rsovlwoeS. OnDtaflo Quebec Nova scoLie N-Brunswick PE. T. manitoba TortoflGu BCOlumbia Totale lmator Lib Cou-là d Pst 42 42 4 8 49 15 i O 10 10 0 0 4 9 I 0 8 1 1 O 2 4 1 0 3 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 117 64 8 8 Tbnq Wrii Carle Cher Cloui Kent King N ort Addington AdgomS iBotllWCfl Brant, South B3roc kvlle 13ruce, North Bruce, West Bruce, Laist Cardwell Carle ton C'ornwall & Stormont j)jrbaitf, East Durham.- West Elgin, \%'est Elgin, EUt lse.North Essex, South F'ronltenac Gle@ngrrTy G re nville (I'rey, South (jirey, N orth (rov. Lest ilaldi:naiad & Mlonck IlalLOn Ha mil ton Hamiîltonl Hastînga, West Hastings,LEst Hastings, North Huron, Eust Hu Tron, West Huron, Soutb Kent Kingston Lampton, East Lampton, West Lanark, North Lsnerk, Somth Leede & Grenville N Leoede, South Lennoi, West Lincoln & N.'iagare London Middlesex, N Middlesex, S Middlesex, E Middleex,w Muekoka & Parry S N ipsing Norfolk, North Norfolk, South Northumberland, E Northumberland, VW Ontario, North Ontario, South Ontario, West Ottea Ottawa <)xfort, 'North Oxford, South Pe-el Pertb, North l'ertti, South leterboro', East leterboro', West Prescott Prine Edward R'ýenfrew, North lRenfrew, South I'u8êelI 6incoe, North Sîîncoe, Est Sîrncoe, South Toronto, Esat Toronto, West Toronto, West Toronto, Centre Victoria, South Victoria, North Waterloo, South Waerloo, Nortb Welland Wellington, Nortb Wellington, South Wellington. Centre Wentworth & Bran Wentworth QCEBEC. Argenteuil Christie, L Bagot Dupont, C Beauce Godbout, L Beauharnois Bergeron, 0 Biolehasse Talbot, L Berthier Beausoleil, L Bonaventure Fauvel, L brome Fisher, L Chambly & Vereberas Geoffrion, L Champlain Marcotte, C Charlevoix Angers, L C hateauguay Brown, L Chicoutimi & Sag'y Sayard, L Compton Pope, 0 Dorchester Morin, C Drummond & Artia' Lavergife, L Gaspe Lemieuz, L Hlochielaga Madore, L Huntington Soriver, L .1 acques Catier Monk, C j eliette Basin.>-,L KamourasaCarroli, L Labelle Boursas, L. S. Laprairie & Napier' Mouett, L L'Assomption Gatiier, L. Laval Fortin, tL Levis 0uayt.L L'II.t Deohent, 0 Lotbiniere BnrLt Maionnuve 'PrefoniatiL Madnonge L.gn,14L- Megantie vo.o Miesiaquol MX4914 t Montalm- Dms Montr.alM.A Mo01, 94A- in _ _ si 15 300 loi 807 400 4001 2241 800 800 950 8 400 0 4 0 5) io ic e.s ork - tçlffl . Oauvii, Eht Delvlint L iaka Ignaui, t. NEW BRUNSWICK. iton. 'lotte cester thumberland tigoue bnry & Queecus ýohu City ýou Couaty stmorelend tk L.ewis, I Hale, C Ganoug, C Blanebard, C Malnern.y, C Doniville, L Rtobinson, C MOAlieter, C King, L Ellia, L Tucker, L Cotigîn. C Powell, C Foster, C 1 Bell, C3 400 Roi Sui Cianey, C 69 st Henry, C 96 St 'Wood, C 225 Vie McNeiii, C W. Tolmie, I 504 Yci CarRili, C 204 Stubbs, I 300 Hodgins, 0 21 An Borgin, C 300 Au Broder, C 25 Cil Creig. C 150 Cil Ingram. C 204 Ccl Beith, L 45 Cu Casey, L 300 Dil McGregny, L 484 Gi 'Cowan, L 255 He Rogers, 1 ne Mcbounan,C 842 Hi Reid, C 117 In, Landerkin, L 60 Ki Clark, L 60 Lu Sprcule, C 656 K Montague, C 554 Pi Henders, C 127 Ri Macpherson, L Sb Wood, L VI Conby, C 244 Ym Hurley, L 100 Carscaileu, C 31Ã" Macdonald, L 150 Ki Cameron, L 817 Pi MeMillan, L 300 Pi Campbell, L 175 Qi Britton, L 32 QI Eraser, L 1000 M Lister, L 1000 Rosamond, C K49 E lJaggart, C 14 Lf Froet, L 500 iM Taylor, C 106 I Wilson, C 429 P Gibson, L 181 S4 Beettie, C 7 M Ratz, LA McGagan, L A Gilmour, C 300 s Caivert, L 270 MoCormick, C Klock, C 1116 B Charlton, L b49 N Tisdale, C *2Q4V Cochrane, 0Cl401 ' TGuitlet, C 66 ' MoGillivray, C 8 Burnett, L 144 Edgar, L 766 Beleouni, L Hutebinson, L Sutherland, L Cartwrigbt, L 1881 Fesiberston, L 480 Maclaren, C 78 Erb, L 13 Lang, L 84 Kendry, C 450 Prouli, L :6 Pettit, 1 834 Meekie, L 199 Fergoson, C 55 Edwards, L 218 McCarthy 1238 Bonnett, C 1(00 Tyrwhitt, C Robertson, I 617 Osier, C 636 Clark, C 413 Lonnt, L 317 McHugh, L 72 Ilughes, C 260 Beagrate, C 811 Livingeton, L 100 McCleary, C 166 Il McMuien, L 147 1 Kloepfer, C 104 le Semple, L 652 ut N Somerville, L 847 Bain, L 189 225 44 408 600 l867' 40 81 177 600 500 400 1400 NOVA SCOTIA, inapolis utigonish ape Breton ape Breton olchester um borland 4gby ruysborougb afif ex alif ax sut.s nvernesa inges ,unenburg licton licton ichmond boîbouorno rretonsa %rmouth ln riI ?ri u4 de] B Lis Ma Seli Vi Milis, C Mclsssc, L MeDougal, C Tupper. C Dimock, C Logan, L CON>-, L Fraser, L Bordes, C Russeil, L Haley, L MecLennan, L Bondes, L Kaulback, C Tupper, C Bell, C Flynn, L Queens Forbes, L Bethune, C Flint, L 148 800 889 il 10() 807 12*2 18< Io( 64( PRINCE £DWARD ISLAND. îg's snco, East ine, West een's,East senso, West ,ITOBA AND is dIo n agar ar q ette aldonald ovencher lkirk nuipeg misibois [berta skatchewan Lrrard ew Westminster ancpuver ictone ictoria dle.Oariboo Macdonald, C Yeo, L Heckett, I Mertis, C Davies, L M5 NORTHWEST TERBJTORrES Richardson, I Roche, C Boyd, C LaRiviere, C Macdoneli, L Macdons]d, C Devin, C Oliver, L Laurier, L 20ý @a li.e Wk 71 qoUW E1P'bo 1 .» Illm .the kl. ,Wby, h ..éîk ~a p a*mt à gIwià ià o psrop-,: Wben it begins te gel feaummory bol, oanIt w. manage te have lb. weMae m»s arrested for sooroiing? yen Oh, liaI dgot-Doea* your vif. laugi 'wien tel ber a funny story ? BMR& .. r yes I always toil. ber befereband itifunny. Bhe-Do you know anytiing wers tian a man taking a kiswthout sait- ing for il ? Ho-I do. "1What, for in- stance r' "Âaking for il vitiont taking M rs. Wink-Il don't see bow you could efford tO pay $100 for a wheel. Mr. Wink-I ocouldn't. That's why I have got to pay $105 for iL. Tommy-Pawl what is a deigning villain ? Mr. %'gg-Oh, the description wonld apply to one of thèse poster ar- ties about as Weilsas anything. "Look bere, Bawl Baringe. 1've e proposition to mû.e." ,Wbat is iL, Noopope ?" l'You stop talking about your bicycle and l'Il net say another word about mxy smart baby." Ji ing &Dy flot. wha 0Ing and 0bah: m blev oGec s knc dol' wit fui sa CL tes grIS kir. beà Co do gei tbe ta ne pl Pl i th 'i PAIN-KILLER THUE GRAT eaMlly Medicine of the Âge. Taken Internatlyq t Cures Diarrhoeo.,Cnzm, and Pain in the Stomach, 8ore throat, Sudden Colda, Cou ghs, 6<0r., eto. Used Externallys t Cures f!uta, Brulses, Burns, 8oalds, 8pralna, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgic, Rheumatiam, Frosted Feet ty.-SaLem Obaere. We vcm boas teg.a th t" lb. .boeofthé .Pala- muer. We have s$m a fuf~o1 uaobn ucermt pain. and know kt mt.dc '0lî bu rulol m S e 0rm 'f ig pu»n. 0 modii. assu rerpasaRoumeua sePo rem LFSW Pai.KU~-YWp5'BNe. Facta for Farmers. Very few animais are as dainty or as choice in their food as sheep. To plow manure deep is to lose a good part of the* possible benefit. The health of the animal affects the quality and quantity of the wool. The first gait to teach the young colt is a good, strong smart walk. Feed the lambs as soon as tbey are able -to eat, and keep theni growing. Mixed husbandry in gardening and fruit growing ,s essential to success. A little boiled linseed mea] given in% the milk vil] be found good for the colts. In selecting and breeding horses look for tirce things, size, action and sense. Bt the fertility and mosture neêd- éd by growing cropS s lu ked U'p-by theç weeds. It domunelt payto keep a k indr-ofeý and al sizes et hoéga in -the saanp Pen, #d11 où the saniel 'F loa 'ri"hnd,èh~~rb ai setice-You are charged with steal- Colonel Julep's chiokens. Have you witnesses? Unole Moses-I1h e I don't steal ehiekens bef o' wit mes. at do you keep your alarm clock go- for ? I want to wake up every bour 1realize thet I dou't have to waik th. Y. X. cannot find a place to go this enni- r, Wbat's the trouble? We vent a miner resont froni whicb w. won't ve to write homo tiat w. sleep under wakems ý'Mamma, wero thoee atonies Unce erge wus telling us about the hig fîsher, caugbt, fairy stonies ?" 1"I don't ow, my child ; I wasn't listening, but Iagine tbey were." Edith and Mabel had just put their lies in their ittle crib. Said Edith, ta uigh of relier: There, I'm thank- 1we've got the oilidren to bed. We &UI bave a little peso. now. Wheeler-I 56e by the papers tbat a iicago bicycler wau hel up by two en. Sprocket (feeling if the. court plas- 0wui in place on bis face)-I wiab to sciou8 it had been me 1 Rngby-Our landlady ise of.ethi 'st expert calculetors in Lown. WuI is-là iee? Bugby-'Xep. W. tai ans for dinner to-day aud iii. ske, îe how many I would have. George-How do you like it, Core, ora-It*s perfectly lovely. But, whu Dthey bave al l es. policemen at th ime for? Oh, I know ; it lu to kee e men frois etealing baues. How is Jennie Se. getting along vit er bicycle lessons ? Oh, niely, replie le Young entbuuiast. "68be bas on] bken six now, and, do you know, ever saw any one fail off a wbeel i racefuIIy 1" VI itoi tovi, A held Mi :5 ho days. Mi was Mr( Mi weel Sam ri p %PW - j * ',o%.&ur W» u se ç vovs rJohin Closte ,of TotntowVuS )»,;kmtweek. r Leigi ými leu, Ã"f J-ackson'a i Ã"nt, in -town ou ust Ir Henderuon, of Torontoï, vas in' m on Tuesday ast. large picnic from Sunderland vas at Banber's grove last Monday. Ir Henry Morrison, of Woodstock, ome at present spending bis holi. r W j Gibbs, jr., of Cannington, in town on Sunday, the guest of CE Westcott. r M McGowan returned home last ýc after a six weeks' visiLt o Uncle i's domain. 3e p th Bd li Jndge-Wbat is the ground for corn- à ai in this divorce case? Counel- Ieae, yonr honor, the main plea will be compatibiity of temper in regard to he merits of their respective bicycles. Jibsor-Is Jube ick or travelling? labson-Neither. Wbat makes you hink so ? Jibson-I've been looking ont )f tbe window the lest ten minutes and 1 eaven't seen hirn playing a bo»s on Ide aWfl. Professor in English (tc yeung man)- How would you punctuate the fllnowing:- ",Tbe beautiful girl, for ouch ulie was, was paasing down the street." Student -1 thmnk, professer, 1 would maa dasb after Lb. beautiful girl. & Kate-Kame'Gersn is t.rribly masi- ed on Cbarley Sweeter. Edith-Wbat makes you tink so ? Kate-Wby, b. bas been tht.. weeke rying tô embae ber to ride a vii.el and sbe doesn't mak.tiii least progres. The. very instant be leta go of ber she tall off. ONZ HONET MMN. Dear Editor:--Plesue nform your usadems tbaL it writte teo omfideutly I mil "ain a- sealed letter, partieular of à gesuine, bossai home. cureby wýhki1wuvspemumnly reaiot eci to besitiasd rnaay vigor, uteryears of eufering Item servonsdebliY, ugiasi«*-.k nes, nighi loua. sud wvek o shunnihparti 1 I wus robbed sud uvindW>-bj the us*s I sestly lesu filb in u" *obedw*iu, 1 amn Dov veR, viffloousud aUiomg> uaMd viei te make ubi etaiUmmss unferes.ibs1- hm othihzg tell- ,-,d vamino. als» a wb les u>ys388 t,,k clousdueuipy: Bx 5, & I Tihe " Keisey' osrga* Wsrns AliGene ratr. AnvordSarHot Air Furace IlI prodime heu f 00il oy ~lCDnoU.Sbfuel.The 4 ÀDI teh»s aavrnrl p.d l md Vaable give mwe shet wlth lg Un t Mmd lu uba nmeutdurablkerh uMB"e. The elkossey - fire poç bbg cSmutetd of uevemal ndgh:. tblyCr~ud a Mdo ualm p u ecugh)W- the c b Ib Ir wlebefing, eated. andtb"u M=esec= by ù- Mr dWb=C ths panaoup betweutbIula l md the Kulmy buto bree imcuher s=rfi=e md wa ir mpct dn um arY Furmamce. i"luu brmau .vy Ti."Klu" ii etrom els Tue isuluy »es moeat ourdelIfr ie" K.emy "hbbti 5u addo Th l bwOw umdd ls-frduzlAeoie ' WM. RYAN.- SQ DURS&8BZ WJItI Castoria. 0OstOU lehan exoeiletmeudlole for ch- drui. Motesbave repsaiely told zmeci Us good RC" UPOU theW ,childreu."1 DiL 0. O. Cooees, Là oveR, XU& COatea ise hba truendy fat obiduua et visici 1 sm scqualnted. I hope tise day h -m fawdltautvhSnmoistaVIUmofLhdSrthereKi ateofit tier children, asudse Cauteria in- acead of tbevarIousquck ohiOm8Ware deseyig thefr loved oues, bylorelugevim, morphine, uocchlng yrup sud elier hurtfu agents dcom u ebulrtsthereby .dn laiesute wonaitui raj CIves. Du6 . .. INCMum.e. "Oaboelaluu ovolla"ptedtoeufLà t.atba IecmuiIt nompiortoarpvfmptl kwnto me." lu Se. Oxford Sa, Brook1m K . T« "Ow phydidu latise ehMiem'adpid ment hbave .pokm ublhy oftiat aipeai- eues lu tiritentale prscUe tim wM >-oela a"d aitougisw enly bave asmog on meileal spplies viainlakwu mezeula merlus et cmuons bas men te Io* wià Layon upolb. Usrunr» W L55 Im AI&M esiding in Uxbridge for some timne >ast, returned home on Monday even- ing. Messrs Porter and Clark, of Lindsay, passed through town last week coming on their wheels from Muskoka. Mn James Harrison, of Toronto, rDut formerly of Ha: rison & Leslie of this towu, spent par-t of last week here visiting friends. The Gamnebridge cricketers came down here on Saturday and gave our boys a game, beating them by one run and six wickets. We are pleased to state that Mr Wm Mclntyre, of the Hamilton house, who has been laid up with rheumatism for somne time past, is now rapidly recov- ering. The Rev Thos Glassford, of British Columnbia, occupied'the pulpit of Knox church last Sunday evening, and preached a very eloquent and practical sermon to bis many hearers. The annual excursion of the Beaver- ton lodge L.O.O.F., which was held last Wednesday, was a very successful affair and was enjoyed by ail who availed themnselves of the opportunity. Mr jas B Warren is now carrying around a large black eye, the conse- quence of his having tried to stop the cricket bale wit.h that portion of hlm- self instead of trying the old-fashioned way of catching it with bis hands. Mr Harry Camneron was referee at Uxbridge on Saturday last when Stouif- ville beat the Uxbridge boys by 4 goals to 3. This places Stouffville in the lead. .Mr Farquhar McRae, who was hurt in Mr Dobson's miii some time ago, je once more able to be out. But he ie not by any means as supple as he was before bis accident and it wiii be some time yet before he wiii be compietely recovered - *9irawberies, Parties wlshing tri Ontario Ladies' Ccli CosS Ce>>-..bol .isi Whtby, June 91h, Malnfactured by T he Cok Ce., Windsor, Ont., FrOR SALE. and Detroit, MicIL, is the 01113? nsaé rlibe n of the most imonthly medicine ou wiich lhdje town for maie, situa cann <ed lu1"the hour and tita cf Gliberndt C of nee .» verylad who reada Hous. Vr o tlîis i. requested to iny ;tw ot- hrhs iib ae stemupe, ith er addrese, fer te CAPT i ut W 14]flJ~ June 4t, 1896--27- and bf p tcuaslch w. wim hool Exami su yreturu mil in plain. .sed envelope. irise Hîgix 5dM An old physiciau, 33 yem c5m-, Scisool Leasing wî tinued practice trestlng diseasea of Institute on THi w0=en4 ha charge efthle offime, and SATURDAY, JU. cau b. cnsulted by letter or li.RIUiDg et 8.45,i poiso. &âressuriisiuioece usuel, ose dollar. Bo om -Jo.m' 2 W0 wrl.,vt juîy lth. ROMrat, Mh, w i»I yaUrespousib1wholoewc Sof Canada and ntdStatés for One Dollar per -box. To Bcour Boards. The whitest boards ae those vashel vith oeld water and plenty etofp Where ihere is's-peaum ax4,mù pipe olay and vater mie a tuik- paste u sprad ever tiii aaned part. Another rnstbod is to oover lepo with dry fulers ruh, or mà z,,ftve'yTt tuilais est*h te on. put o--I, eul tesi diteto oftifap, dd eipughI o i.g a to faim a siff pute Lay ibis ou hot;~ have t11 ry seu wt p sansd watogi à lump of zu g bfuileee-oihwib fouud very- niWulfor --Sco fffIiai'& b. UW. dWy or juw wted tb straseberriès a be lyiug te T. &. BRANrt,l ege, or a- this offies. desirable corner.lot mted on thse N., e . entre streets,nem C ruenient te the. echoola >e »d re mson bly. A ' r. JOHN BENO~ 65 BIcekr et., twc ina tions. ei Entrance sMd, viIIbe lieldin uc Co4>110 LYRSDAY, FRID«x JLY, 2nd s 3id a d4 sl. mii, Tise e ill W. T&%fl WbitbY Collegial Whltby, Tube is, z6 H. SaCOTTv eUlnmý is STILL IN ,Norik'Hastiuga' Qi sud Joelaa Koora, ol M tue 016.9 SJI~ AViUe Maxwell, L Morrison, L Molnnes, L Pnior, C Earle, C Bostock, L )i recotumen afilct.ed wftb Panled Witb tud kum& i havtng ruM Len boW.e* Mis. G.,&. aparlla. romptly a« 23C. Iu. Tb. 3, 1 «~& of Tout :eU ot teu ue. BRITISH COLUMdBIA. ~ADA. HJMF~ le ed Au CasIons hlaDr.*BsMue1 Pttcoeayeseptnfr n sud Obldreno It otal»uth« tbiim, Morpine ue ether l<arcotic ubtnc.Itl a a barmles asubtue for paregorlo, Dros, oothlng bymmpoand Castor Oik.- It la Pleasant. Its giarantee ln thirty yëâW m useby Mimionsof Mottions. <astorIa destrys Woxrm5aii Uff f'gevelahnea. Castorla prevents vmtn Sour Curd, cesaDI)arrhoea and Wlnd CoU& Castorla relieveS teethlng troubles, curses ouatps0on andi fiétulencye * CasIons aismlathe foodg regoial*es the stomacla »ud bowelol, glvlng healthy and. naturaà l st e. O torts iu the Ohildren's Panacea-the IMotti eFramde 1 1 ne emaui . m-»eF1 X m o .Nw Yrmk oi> 1 ýi 1 1