Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1896, p. 8

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7- .rcocri. - ~P â~ W ii UMiss Lenma Hall,'of Torontof Is i - çt -.Ckf lier sist1T,. lirs. Eut,. li.$ ayçf st- rPaaJ -Minn., wisted- <wbên loking for ....ci 'MoMesiastwt Erie last wttk wbere iu future $lhe wtfl reside. Misses Minute Lamnge Ettie wiov aMd W '< '< Pare Drue, Blow Suudaytd ai Scugog Island. Misses Alice Mitchell sud Msuàd Gallaway 4<, ~< Perfumery, pid Whltby, a flying vist ou Sunday. ICI ~ ~ ~ 1 Miss E. Hobbs vlslted with her grandfatb- ' olet ROqUiSiiS er, Mr. J. Black Ronge Hill, ibis wtek. 14 - ~< Toil'e- Soape, Mm L AFiudlay of the lildnay Gagette, is eujoying bis hoiidays lu Ontaria county. « Fanov Goode, Tht R. S. Wîlllams & Ca have shut dowu 44 their factomy for a couple of wveeku for tht " " Spectacles, pumpose of stock takîng. 44 11 Messys L Harvey aud Will Lancbiand " " A..ytin.ng ini the havsucceee!ed lu gettdng tht degret of ph. S. at Toronto uuîverstty. Miss Bessie Mark sudbMiss Louie Hayes, Drug Ti.. leA On Saturday for Toronto, wbere they ~ ,r5 will remaiu for tht umr Mm. Strickiand, ont -of Oshawals mosl IS respected citizens, passed amy ta bis een ai rest lest Tbumsday. Deceastd was in tht 8th Yeurof bis sgt sud had been ilin5 for sitrm.His remains vert interrtd lu tht Union cemetery Saturda afeun .Rulveu8 Drug Store, BonJ1ey feno foilowed by a large number of frends. A very intertstiug meeting cf Canadian Order af Chasen Frienda vas held lu the Hall Unique by tht councils of Cedar Dale S9imcoe st. South, Oshawa,. sud Oshawa ou Monday eveulng jue î5th. Tht occasion beiug a vibit froi tht Grand ____________________________Conuciliar, W. P. Bell af Kingston. Itlaista be hoptd the resulu yuIl be a large increase in the mtmbemship et beth councils. -QtQbrnce OSHAWA, JUNE 19, 189 D6. OBEAWA. ]BusiNEss NOTICE.- Oshawa snbscribe or advertisers inay trasasst any basine *ith the Cnioerxciz., or may obtain exi tapies ai any urne, tram R. .Rogers. Farmers will do well ta cail au M. Uay's for boys' ready made clothing. It wU pay any parties conteinplating bu ieg an engagement or wedding ring toai tht. large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa tb-101sli tbis month very cbeap foi cam Gý#1Ine diamond 14K. anly $5 They & &àWý,fm>king some special aWer in Genu làlIes' and Boys' gold and silver wauche Seet iern. FeIt Bras. rtre E. 'e. s ah. are te,, es Mrm. C. F. May is visiuiug fitnds in town. Mr. R. Davidson speni Mondsy lu the dty. ?4m. A 0 Geiger vas lu Toronto on Mon- day. - Mm Ed Hunter vernt ta Chicagaoron Tues dey. Mr. Gea. Farewell us homne for a bolida: tram the Soo. Miss Robson bas returned frorn Converse College, North> Carolina. Mrs T G Ryley bas retuned front a visii tu ber sister ai Trenton. Tht Misses Grase, Newcastle, spent Sun. dey witb Miss Brimacombe. Mrv. Frank J Maxwell af Toronto, is the guest of Mr. J W Ellils ibis week. Mrs J G Scott bas been spendi ng a week or two wîh Mr. Scott, ai Trenton. Messrs. John Cowan and John Mothersil: euended the Anglican synid ai Tarorîto last Week. W P Bell of Kingston, Grand Counciloi C O C F, paid a visit ia Cedar Da:e and Oshawa Cauncil on Manday evening, sud Sves tht guest af Mr C Willîamnson. Mms. G. Leek, of Toronto, who bas been vlaiing relatives reînrned borne Isu week accampanied by ber mother, Mrs. J. Pbilips . Sir Charles Tupper was the guesi of »$#yor Covan while lu town. Ht bad a &bu& nigh's rest and ieft for St. Mary's i0 a. mn. nexu day, feeling noue the wokRr bis busy work oft tht day before. !tiie Oshawa 'lacrosse club vistted Bow- maiatilie Tbursday sud played tht tearntaf tuat ttwn, getting behind by a score Of 3--O Our boys played s very good game, but vwert samnewhaî handicapped by tht absence »fsnine of their best players. -Willie Handy who drives tht dtlivery wagon fOr NMm James Pellow, was ihrown oat of the rig in frant ai tht Sirncoe Street Methodiat cburch ou Monday even- log on bis bead. Ht was uncouscous for a ture neud was taken homne by Bert Hastings. A large crowd atteuded tht Christian Worker's ice creain social, beld ai R. Drews -Iast Friday nigbî. Tht lawn wss illuminat- ed'with Chinese lantemus sud presented a very pretty appeamauce. Tht Christianj Workers baud vas in atteudance aud a marked improvement vas noticed iu their mDusic. If the street cemmittet vauid take a bal holiday sud ý»ake s tour. of the- town they wold doubtiess besurprse to sethe side wIalks -wbicb stand badly in nttd 0à repair. "There lare some which are s diagrace te tht town sud it is neunucousmon thing ta set people talliug sud stumbliug over. rotîten piîeces cf board. Mir M G V Gould rtceived bis B A degret frein Toronto uuiversity last Friday. Hte agalu stood irst iuntt e partment of Politi- tical Science. taking firsi class bouars lu -Modern History, Economie Htstarry, Public Finance. Politicai Pbilopby,- Jurusprud- 4nme, International Law sud Fc<>eral Con- stitutionai Law. JI Sud it pays to sdvertlse iu tht. Caoi4- 2CLE as 1 have had mauy customema froua lomg distanceS vho com rnerpared te buy lgeparceis ef goods, sud u mi y n stanes ihey have been aurpriseti nide= ligltied i th prices andi the good clam o e td5. A. M I >t the aigu ofîbie golde Pes ter lblaepp~o, People vheu your herses are bitched don't stop until you go ta set the Indu meute Alex. Mackie, ai Oshawa, is offer ta, buy bis gooda. Ht gives elegmut prest vitb -ail cash purchases of five dollarsj upvards, besndes selling goode ai from t i 50 per cent. cheaper than auy merchant A very pitasanu sud excitiug gaine af foot- bal vas played au Ebexer on Monday aftemuaan betveen Bavinanvile sud Oshawa high scbools, Oshava winuing by 2 goals ta i. Nov that tht hall bas cornmeuced roling sud tht boys met succeas lu ibis iiim gaine, ve hope regular practice vili continue sud many gaines b. playtd dnring tht seasen. Tht Mission Circle concert beld in the Simcoe Si. methodist church Tuesdsy night attvacîed a large numner ai people. Tht foliowiug people taok part : Messrs. Geiger, Pusbon, Plant, Misses Gertie Lukre, Haîtie Dingît, L. Bambridge, A. Hansen, Ethel Rice sud Luke. Tht piesident, Miss Veina L. Luke, rtad tht report of the c ýrcie. Tht big editor sud proprietor of tht CH3RONICLiE advised me ta modify my stat- mnts as ta prices ai which 1 amn seliiug Coods iu Oshawa, as peop!e camnot credit i: i don't vender ai ibis, as readers ai the CHRONICLE are net accustarntd ta snch quotatiaus, but I .veut change a word. 1 only ask you te corne down and inspect my stock ta b. couvinced. A. MÂChas. 1up !ring enti and 5 ta ýt in A very pleasant evenitaok place ou Junt uoih, at the residence ai Mr. sud Mm. Chas Meuagh, 16 St. Phillips Si. Moutreal, vben ibeir eldesi daughter, Gertie, vas joiued in tht bonds ai matrimany by tht Rev. Mm Grant, ta Mm. Wm. Houper, of Monîrtal, boîh -formerly of Oshava. Tht bride was assisîed by ber sisier, Ethel sud tht groom by Mm. Wiil Webster, of Oshawa. Aftem the wtdd:ng ceremony was ptrfommed, ibey ai, etirtd ta tht diniug room, vbere they par ooek ai a sumptunus repasi. Tht presents ta the bride wert bath numerous sud csti> fain tht msny fitudu which they have gaiued since tbey resided there. Tht happy couple left ou tht io.yo train for tht veau Befare their etumu ta itir Dcv home ln Montreal they wiii visit iheir many frleuds iu Oshava. Mm. Edmondson bas stcured sole contrai ai tht Motreal Teiegraph Co's sud C. P. R. Cois lines for receiviug tht tieciion retumus an tht uighu ai tht election. Tht retumuns viii b. delivertd direct ta Prospect Park sud will be ihrown ou s cauvass 29 <cet squame by stereoptican procesa. These reparts yl be the auly eliabteues obtaînable in Oshawa. A masu mmusiug entertainmnt wiil aiso b. given sud the 34th hat, baud wiii fumish rmusic ofai shlghorder. This b tht irqt attempi of ibis kiud in Oshawa sud the lades, vho sretaiking sncb an interestinl tht preseut camnpaigu, viii have tht oppor- tuuiîy ci seeiug tht reports came iu, and ,oin tht good naînrtd merimeut vhicb is always prestut on su occasion ai this kind. Au immense crovd vili be present. Not Ions tband6eoo people in the estirnate made by caretul business men lu tavu. Tht aid fend beiveen thetwtv towu base. hall clubs vas rcevtwd ai St. Gregory's garden party on Wtduesday, vhtn tbcy veut ai ont anoîber hamâmer and longs. Tht Boues Bowden club, wbich lms been con- iernptuausly calied tht lickies, vert in fine tinn vitb an irnportcd catcher, while the Oriales bad a Toronto pitcher who go: kuocked ont ai tht box. Tht Oricles cauid not bit Powers, sud unli bis arm gave ont iu the 7th iuuings it looktd as if they would neyer get a u, tht scor-e ai that stage ai the gaine b.ing mo ta o. But tht Omboles had iteir day at lest. They feU upon Povers in theth an sd kuocked tht cover où tht hall. Ilnfortnnately, bowever, their own pitcher sufftmed a bombardiment wbich retiu-td but ta tht field, sud tben tach, aide fatned où tht other's ,nisfortuues. Tht Bowdeu club vas away abcid vheu thtfu commeuced, and iishtd in the lead by 18 ta in. lu tht eveuiug there vas a good att endance, sud s mont enjoyable dint put iu. Ou Friday aftrnoou of lasi veksmea k thieves ba-oke ia tht resîçence of W. E. Dyer, jusi narth of the Nev York store and succetded in carring avay jewtlry to, tht valueff 9Borne$100 or-Cmore, Mm .Dyer had locked tht bouse about 2.3oamddgeoe over on coliege bill tase a.friençi sud vas absent about an bor.um. s John Dyer accompani- cd ber back andth iuy -Mt -on tht front veranda -. until a car caime along when bar. Dytu- went loto tht homansesd on enttrln ,thte kitcben fouiti thtback door open Mnd uotçt iuatsothwlndw haçi been raised. Slip knew ibai ti; bpuse bhailbeen secuvtly ýclosed before eb lat.An Inspectiof etb prtmlos.od ihat the bouse bua4 beet seavched -ferWJtables ant b&ta gol ach, a diamnuiriàgngsd two dr agsýW, other articles of jceiëry ,bail been . takee. Ur. er w*sacvilfke4andi Caçs1ahe 1aInan Mr Pcrcy Ovetis oCrgstttsotSt joh'n guiat Of Mr John p Owens. Voit waut believe iteh, velli t t, truc. taise your mneasure and make to order DObbvý suit of men's cloîhes for $4 - , ai] guarariîce utisactjon . XMÂCItlc$ , &ha Mr and Mrs H J Davis of Woodatock an Mi s oie Woon Or Torouto, ae th.t gues 01 Mrs'E Cooper, Faarview farlu, Mis"esE. McCormack, . L oblis,' Troy, H. Brooks, A. Adamss and O'Conc attended tht Union picnic at Roscbank lam Priday. Mliss Mande Mason, teacher in elovutto, at Converse college In North Carolina, a( oempaid b Misses Mabel and Greta, ar q)miuttb:r Sser, litreJ1F Grierton. Mrv. James McCaw, formetiy of this towu nov Of Toronto vas unîted in n>arriage tc Miss JolmuBon a0 Toronto last Monday nigbu: Tbey apent a few days wlth Mr. and Mrs. j McCaw this week. Alex. Mackte, Oshawa, is seliing goods troum tht Wlghtmau stock at prices vhi'ch paralise trade in general dry good», ordered clotbing, ready made dlothlng, gent's furu. ishings and geucrsj grocerieh. Mm. T. S. Henry, of Oshawa-ou-U>e.îsice, 10" a valuable ivarin 0f bets on Tnesdav las«. Thoy vent over the marsh towards Dalilugton. Mir. Henry vould be very gclad if amy Ont that finds thens would aoify him. On Saturday, to-mnorrow, ail tht tenders for cuttlng dovu hbis beivetu Oshawa aud Whitby must be iu the bands of eîuber Reeve Conîthard of Oshawa, or Reeve Kin Oa Wbitby. Then the vork wifl proedas saon as the elections are aver. It is ual Proposed ta bave moads tortsnp vben tht election processions are p rcgresslng. Dominion Day wili b. a gret one at Park Edmouson. Tht Oddfellows of Toronto, Wiied ta get np a very great excursion here on May a5tli, su they wiii try again on July 1.There viii b. s big programme a1 sports, in fact far more than can be pulled off unieus bey run two or tbret eveuts st a turne, circus style. Big Posters are out afuouncing the ,vent, aud the programmes are promised Tht Christian workers or Toronito and ibis vuw are putting forth great efforts ta mke btir camp meetings, ta be held at Oshqawaa- )-the-lake frornjuue aoîh ta Jniy 6th, a rea«t succeas. Over 2o différent speakers ýre annonnced and seven differeut denomsi- mutons represenîed. Tht grounds are ta br ighted by eieciric ligbts,,a large teut for the ervices wiii b. pitcbed iu the grave sud reparsuions are beiug made for a hast of Lmptrs. Aiready the committee have re- eived a numnber of orders for accomodation md ai id or re -:000:-- Osbawm EuslaessDtr*.tmy. U~ VICK"2Y. barber. Bimm et. W018' LIVEiIY, Simca. 5treet, forth. IL BOLPE. hameau makar, simca u-set B. MOTEERSiLr. batelier, King et,, Wut L PATTEESON, Dentiat; office av-aRoBav F. SvAxMmu-Dommion pianos and orgai tL*XJ. D"eÂN, Dominion mmd Ont4r mmnd Survoyar. Civi Emgineer, Box s7, on E i tu sh se Pr Ca ce du ai BEP wu r.1 DFL omtmWlà BTL- . on miw Mernczz. oera,- C. Wsu oprti equipped- O). M. ToxD.--Catsure o Balllassmblies, Wet dinga, Buppers, sic., etc. Aima milH indi Lavera. u RVsOùLmuN WhtbyOa= 4 tt"si a i fftavu t 1 Ouamaud t p a r miS ,a tPE Onare, màmfuotuurr0f1fne arriagu ris, w. mone, md mBl Mmds of cuter.am eifh, Rpalring a specwty. EN BEUvEN Palmier and 4scormtor. Demit 1val] Cppr.,oefllng dscoratoma,4ait 19 v nos. br»ubsa, inow s=et me PBLLOW. dealer in stovea, fuzusoea, t±l a, etc. Large stock hemi oamsumtly 0 nd. Jobbing m sp.cWaty. simca.mIsm I J Fl J IoIL wi lou cm ait foin in on, vum ha L- R. MROB .-Bri".Sleu L.tw K.MJEOBli. A. - arrer, olièelt4 Nmry Pdble, oveonon er. *c. Mnyim sflcd. Oa vrDmno ak lc StB.reet, O ishava. « Pnc CIU Oroekuy, Tinvare, mmdpeamcy odpt T« aCofees. Boys' rsady mrasite0 speci ALy-ryem gsa pl e aO SA# c ttho ÂeI-Te suB Mri viib.taof m ava, aI 1h.0Cetrai R01oielÉ., idyo!"e MW avmeel from ati« 'olok.n,,t a" mls a Lmau & vli atine.. lhn abt as toi, Itfrnieblng houm. t 0 sa1 LÀOTauomemi ai ivud, oet trv minu hrts, coll ee., avy VULT Bi - Watcbmahers»damuids'aru Desrn inluatahINs, docks, Jeeluy, sive war, sesmebuo.irUlm a a"l. , l u silerp1aInm mui idad orimgsmai . P1%e vaSa, ch, mi ta'slory repatrimg a I. s DOMINoN TDAI Prospect Park Broadview Lodgt I.O.OF., Tarante, viii EXCUR81ON (rom TORON TO1 te rosectPar, > T h t a W e v j a g t n t a n d g o n et v e r y ~T-hebes anuvemiay REngeld ver chureb was ,filledl te over8owing, :1eot andgvW«.Derl abundred tm.Rev. Mr, MoOsum, of Port Perry, dliv- grVd a vry ttresUgaddrcu toi the diil<iren ln ahts u MmupoaSubutssion," - Mony afityngon& grand tes wus srved in the hall and kt crtulullr vascof60a me»Ss ader. Tht coin- milletfor the coeert bmve"evrreas o be cOsgRualated Mmo procurlagsucb gaod talent f@tr thé eveulng. D4««&. Balfonr, Holliday. ?uucndm ad lRezlewood favoe.ius wnth dcverai verY ch"aton snsd readinga. whlsthe recita. lions ci thet naasses D U, andVWison vere iitned to with mcCh iDMt. Enfield bas ond out that it pays ta spart no met=s sd trouble to have a good enweralnmem. Tht net proceeds amounged te S70. 7.1. Xliii I C~ C",OS HAWA.<D THE GREA T We show the largest stock of nei -îhoroughly Up-to-date Dri -Goods of any house in the cou -ty. Our reputation is unequE -led. AIl the newesî makes ar -weaves are to be found here ar -tempi you. ew Sicilians iu buowr, navy, gree fawu, grey sud black. iew Check@ in al] the latcst cloin1 48-in. speciai at 75c., worth Si p yard. )-in. Fine Twilled Sou-ges, in bu-av uavy, green sud black, at 60 conl nover sald auywhere lesu than 75 aucy Mohair Siciliens, Fine Twe Suitinga, Stylisb Crepons, Figuru Mohairs, silk and wool mnixtures,j 50c., 60c. sud 75c- per yard. Parasols. Parasols atural stick, paragon frarne, arable cver, reg. S1 quahy. 7e5tj xtrs flue caver, stylisb handie Ql blacka & clot, vorth $1.25 A WFine range of the better one 'rom .... $51-50 to 3.00 EIAT BSATlE0 ihfrt -WaZsu W.G.R. make, fine csmbric, pink au( blue only, worth $1.25, fom.... ......49c Fine stripedi Pretty checks. The uti Diresdtn Waists 8t $1, $1.25 and 51.5 msh Suds ad Mulas for tht wamn eather. Dmesdeu Mus. lins ai 25c. PIlsse stripes ai 16 cia. -Orgsnby iMualins 2oc. Fine Zephy 15c. Best iiht Priais zoc., awayma i2ic. ai other stores N N Styisk Dresma C e.,Ir KING ST. WEST. *ie Joeph Hal SPECIALN OSHA WA Leather lace, double tagged, black- cd, evory. pair tted, regular 50 per pair, spec.i........... # .02 Mon's Working Boots, bellows tong. uod, no ring, easy figters, Grifit'aclbratcd mûe, spooilOO Boys' Sohool Boots, size 1 te 5, pble Ieg, whole faced, atrongly lied; Griffith's durable mako, special .99 Ladieu' Dongola Button Boots, pat- ent toc-caps, pointed tocs, mole- Jeathor insoles, good wearers, special ............... ..........1.15 OhIls Tam Buttoned Boots, aise 8 ta 10, good solos, toc-cap., spocial ........................ .9 Ien's Fine Dongola, Laced or Gait- ors, mnedium weight sales, uceeetacs.ureg $1.85, special..$i.49 hL"«' BTank or Tanhow Sats, special .......................9 'rLtsi M//iery aknd 50. Fi il qa Bd- li. .G nd te, bc. 'e a Foi and whtrt àapnrgarune ofgames and sprt vil b. carricti out, =oMM - g a BICYCLE RACES, FOOT RACES- * DSEBLL ATCH ae&, LACRo5s Lawn Tenis,% go.a athietie aport. Bicycle r"t Soverued by C.W. XLim 4s lion, ota st lm~qwgfter.C MA CHINE -IANUFACTURE4-- >VER MILLBthO Jmprovsd supply patadrepair -ailma- chines mati by the -joseph Hal Estae 2, bavwg -bo gtail -tbur H»ORKS, -p Ki~ives any m~ lf L cw tai- nd nd to Dn, 98. oer rn, c. at Si 13 1 KI mail Profits and WURNS & CO., Whitby.: Brooes, morthcast- aide. Oshawa: The. Cerner Store. Buyimg larger quantities for tva stores can boy cheaper and soU choaper. E. E. ROGERSu Mm "Money Saved is Money Earned."1 Coloniait Trains. and other Sei Service for the CanadiarN Pe To accommodat settiers gaingt CanadienNortbvest this spring g lat 4 tended, cuen cig 'ueda 1. sud evtry Tuesday tbemeafttr duri r. 3r4 7 sud April, to mon Specia! Tr&ins"ari Toronto at19 p. m, enabiing settiers' t1 tVIIIg with their stock sud bouthoîd e ts, by emnsg quick trne, reaci tion ai thetsarene me eair rpyM bave good accommuodation en rout Colonist sleeping car-s viilbe o trains, tht birthu lu vbich viii be Fn tS.5 COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, bmfor e~ gems with ardinary baggage, viii mun 1ho4 ta Wlnsuipeg durlug March sud Apmîî, . lng Toronto at îs.2o p.m. every Tuesd<#; ' For fall information call on or Write tb i W. P. STERICICER,' ai Oshawa R1" Co's Office, Theinas' block. R. C. Carter, Agt, Mar. 2oub, x8g6. - SHAW&, PE LLUWS,' and sec his Wronght Steel and GÂS STOVES -FROM- $50 to $25-000 -HAQU1AITP.n.. Quick HIGH ::GRADE ::ICYCLES.z "1PERFECTI BEAUTIES or 1896. Âlso Orne Good Becnd-hand Comet frSale4. *BOay Alway LTET eS I E + TEJEWELBR* NG STREET, WESTI - - - OSHAWA ýmLE:mc2r Low Prices. FOOT J- S}I~TLES.~ The -Boys -andGirlsi -aiwt newootcarfor S imr.Orne *~~ ~~ edeavrety of Stylëesinii ter BIackl -or -Tan, They will sure to suit both th C akilrn d .=à ivr stock is ie brightest id -most se- ct ini toW. Li fe .F/y Poison Padà Pur Isec CHEMIST &1 COR. BROCK & I) We. bave a larger sud be of wipdow shades il have ever shown be W. use the besu ha shade cloth, wiîh1 roller. Also a fiue varieuy Ask *to, set aur latest screens, ta fit any wi Our baby carrnages are Give us s csf] before pu W. are taking speciý elegauce with eoa generai ntiiity. O)ur stock is complet in We- invite buyers tg It hwMlpave money. AeAding Undertà IL jeJO BROKS.,W WhitbySteam I&rbie and Dundas St. WH ITBY Oha& H5A (omlyWolfe, ~ izsdDeau RANTE 3dmoi tht latesi maienuE klrnds of Ctmtteî - gavapteed. ~'IS7M FOR DESI tht vyery bcst BOALRD 0F D T. il. McMILLi sera arnkimgJ a bssbo& ayabi Umiedtats.au I 'J OSRAWA PAGE w i9hs QUOI31 of the ]EL Il 1 1 1 - 1- - 1 1- 1 1 1 1 - 1 à 1 3ýoys' Tan Laced Boote, size i to 5, strong soles, sale leather in- soles, apecial................... 1.22 [enta Tan Laoed Boota, fine qnality pointed toes, r-eg 02 . 2Z, special.0l.75 jadies' Prunelle Slippe-s, Ladies' Strong Leather glippers, spec.. .35 A WIDE ASSORTMENT 'AN BOOTS AND SHOES AT SACRIFICE PRICES." 1good Trunk for le money. DECIAL LEA DING BARGAIN8 1 1 xxi 1 Slick- Insect .99 ý 1 AISO his COAL Oili :-.- Vale try tO Ptospect Park, -on VOL. ab ýP50.009 1 Oshawa Book 8tore, 0 Welland -*BOYDý Leads In Low Prices. eool amwm-

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