s S fr1 .ê'loiu %'rah <hound Hellebore, Pure English Paris (Green, Fineul Quality Inmeo Powder, Blue Vitrol or Oopper Suipha CHURCH'S INSECI POWDI kinglana leaf eating inseota. 10 CENTS PER TIN. Thesegoods are absolutelypui an'd of the finest quality. 4/LEn WILLIJ CHEMISQ & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL -:- JHRALL, &rock Street, Whitb E oi ic WHITBY, JUNE 19, 189( sigla sud Pubueie Bbo. Acte, isso. PUBLItC SCHOOI. AMENDME.<TS. (jo) Provision la made for 'Continuatic Classes" in public achoots situatcd in manicipality lu which no high seboal h tb estsblished. Pupils vbo have passt tbb entrance examination ta a high schot or who bave finished a public sçhool cours may continue their studies as far ai lcast ai tbc second forsi of the blgb scbool. Board, of trustees are St liberty to colict riesson able fees front pupils wbo have passed the Public School Leaving ezantinabion; pupih wbo have passed the entrance examination only are to be admittcd free. The truste« saaI appoint for such classes a teacher with Uic qualification of an ausistant lu a higi sebool, unie», the teacher iu charge la re- potted by the inspector as fuily qualified ta ïive the necessary instruction. The county council inay aid such scbools by a grant gqaal to, tbe Leglalative grant, or auch fur- lter sumn as li nay deet expedient. The %finist* of Fucation islaanthorzed to pay for the maintenance of escb papi!limhe aver- age a*oant pald for blgh sècol pupfil (2) In ail elections for ural sehool tras- tees, a farmrcr' son, quallfied to, robe at a municipal election, is qualffied to vote for a sehool trustee or mmv be elecbed as a scbool trustee. (Sections 9 and 12.) ,3) Boards of school trustees arc requireti bo hold tbeir first meeting for the organiza- dion of the Board on the Wednesday loov lng lime annual meeting, at tbe heur of four o'clock la the afternooa, and at thc achool bouse. (Section z6.) (4) Walls' or feacca for bhc enclosure of thb chiool prentises ahail be ercbed and maunbalued by ,the board of trustees ut the es-pense of the hcbool section. (Section 34. S (S)A petition tor tbb formation of union sections -viii be legal If signed by fie rate- payer. of tbc municlpahlty asklng for tbe ap- ~>iiebof an arbits-ator bo consîder the formation or a union section.- Herebofore e"y sacb petition rcqulred the signature of five ratepayers (roin each of tbc municipahi- 'oo ncerned In the formation of n union ,mWsection. The avard of the arbitra- 4langthat no chaunge aboulti be la bhe boandaries of union sections, or tno union section sbould be formed, ai- %wgh petitloned for, la bindln or fic ypanr uniesa appealed against. (SeCtion Ç-) (6> Asemcrs are rcquired to report vith regard W Uich equaltaution of union achol sections on or before the fît day oflJane ln- atead of thei lit of July, as in theold ac.. Section si. (7) The grant heretofore made by councils as the eqaîvalent of the govermrent grant la dhopcnsed vith. Townsbip councils are au .tbosixed tolevy theum of $5o for ecd ochool, In addition to the sut orI$zoo whicb tboy ver. anbborized tW rase neder thc art of t189 As the sut, fornterly levled by the tutiaty aunounteti to over $30 per scimool, time Iucescd contrIbution stade by bthe tova- ship s l0sa hieu$2o la es-ceas of *bat ik for- 'qsqrtv vs. 'As time 1mw nov stands, every n1pvti lpcoancl vill be required te ralae $iôfor erery school in tbe township. In tio-i>meofaochools vltb an aa"tu ec~r 4=sttditional Io -reqaired for mach teacber. Th avan es of the change are brlcfy ~thee :,.,(a>)'rite , umîle ofcf ecctite grtut tdi Uichecoant (rom bulipe, whl'ch,**o-erelya'mmaîter of book-kep. In -W v4iapus iti , (b) rTe lnequatity Jn zthe tovstshlp vt regard to be il.!forth.. maintenance of thee à d icsouler sec-, -'m~êia~I*~edvii . à e ) ToWn- ýýqqpnsCiIs viWlet great exttenlrt- -jwi à ( hé O gregbleduty of'Àlten***g Mcbcý o«naréW*wit ivie* Lte net te EH te, eC n esC e- tC MtID a a1 A d - eW We Ah E Ski AI Au Tbo c dacW to froa b bopAMOint fr' bicit lie coeat l labl*WasInibace-Thia s tbo -Wtnon<ci 111gb Soi lAct or<z89: but Motbelsg 4«ly pemd o oa tles vexr qured to pMyfor tbaeaatn atuonof «nty PpI.WILOOIbéingcredff wth tbe'-foinpimfdby oouuty pq-pêlaSec- ti0031, Wb.UCtlOif. (5) Couaty couacis ray par for bbm Mai> tenace-of puplls attcndlng a blgh achoolil an udJolen oeuty where te bigli achool district la contiguouna&tt bbcsame rate as for connty pupls. Sion ý31, anb-sectlon 7 (6> Asy grant given by county coulncinl addition to thc arnount for vhlch tue couuîy la "abe (or tbbc mitenance ot oeanty papils shah be lu proportion th e llabiliîy of the coancil, that la to aaY, thla hlabilityMay be doubl;d Or urebled but apeclfic sMrnaregard- leua of such llabJllît canmo be mtade. Thia provision of the mew law does ot ecornlto freuadtl alter the 3zst Of December of te Present year. Ia this prorlsoa blgh achoola mDenbloned in sections il (6) and 31 (6) are included. Section 35._e.H atel Junior Judge. TKU VOT& seaouate s-.-Omow I Rturn& Hare's Drill Shed )ingLe's Luke's )ingle's oRf Town Hall, E L E B si ]y L F, G G Io p H OSHAWA. 1891. 1892. Daridson Smith Davidson1 67 69 81 47 94 56 49 52 69 90 73 90 1c59 86 4 73 68 6o 385 442 405 Kajo-uty 57 PORT PtuaRy. Bond*s .own Hall School Kajority 183 -: Jtica Epsom lres ireenbank Seagrare Priso Albert Kanchcester dajoriîy larMony edardale ;House oluinbus ugiau daiority kmns' lall*s nmitb's )evereli'a >uth Ward ajariy L Shop wokhin eokli âhbum lajority $iwa tPerry each .Wbiuby rhitby rWbitby Àjorlty 74 74 74 bo 44 47 192 li 9 REACH. 83 6o 87 43 a9 49 28 6o 3 93 54 91 73 67 73 48 10-1 47 81 71 80 449 502 461 53 RAST WHITBY. 93 73 112 75 47 400 27 64 59 93 312 wHITBYT OWN. 69 50 64. 50 44 50 58 55 37 65 272 270 2 WEST WHEITBY. il11 63 z î6 83 48 421 53 86 54 87 87 77 84 84 16 68 93 72 90 350 289 329 61 3 REC&PrFVLATION. 385 183 449 400 m7 350 2039 2007 442 192 502 312 270 289 2007 1 ,5 478 :81 196 461 560 43t 368 283 340 329 299 2080 2241 2080 z6x eé a Prs-& d,«ou lbdemb aet bu is il. Snflth 94 83 si 76 93 478 73 other, I will not bid thet dry - The fonut of tear sos freel flowing, or falliag raiudrops clear the sky, And sweu the bSds cf promise growing. ) may those fiowiug tears of thiue Eelp to remove the clouds of sorrow; ad though to-day no sua may shine, May brighter skies appear to-iaorrow. l-hard to take the last farewcll; 4h, myv own heart, thou knowest its au- gulsh : ose oely who have felt cau tell rhe paugs whlch maire the spirit laugulali. it, brother, denot yield to grief Nor let thy heart ladulge insadacas . Pathere voice cmu aRek 'relle4 And tara tliy aOrrOw uto gladues. be wt'jemu>-to depart fflosed romeve"- rtbly feter- sbrother, that am&y woaul tlay heart, But for tby loved cee'it ia " bitter." te sweetly aIèeps-she fa flot dead; >eth tthebbcgood la oaly aeemmug': giadogaffges watcb ber bcd, 1er IÙ pacflcoilithut knows no drean,- A. Wb=e tu aquiet leep la o'er ;lie âaat!avate to ueeternai eu 04117e muet oa no more, aÙ- i ife an 1love Bupernial î- Ùeloek the ates of. dtty ~s;rerpal thll a vaion! ~s aUi sold 19to awsy 4, salies- ite neW et t" Mi~ IQufTN; 1000ÃŽ. -Th"y S0 Olmd 11 e beLte uy ounes now fur sa" ian.tominiona ol lipitisd nuà m erverspersultd 1*bey,: «e and eoPU& ïd m îcmasbe reps-o-1 duce for. , er.ThbIo e1$very rare cbùo. 10 s et*1 agreatly reGaced pwice frot heorglaIa Iatagfotetoofibese esti mentsamae. Mr Mmd Ms Lymat Fos-syth, fr-om lia- btidge, vere hure où Suaday laaL. Mr Jo.! McWa!a, (rom Bowmaeville hba been liere for the pust ten day. or more. Some few of the Conservatives here vent 10 Oshava ilut week to beas- Sir -Chas 'rap- per. Some few of the people bete attended the great C.P.R. picntc at Mgerrickrille on Tues- day of lutvweek. Mr Ed Jeffrey, vbo la employed in tbe Toronto Poat office, vas witb bi$ uncte, Chas Hardie, the early part of thls week. The choir wenb to Glen Major on Tuesday nlgto01thla weekto asslstut the Sunday uchool concert that vas beld at ths. point Mn John Steveuson, irons mess-Pickering village, la bere and expecta tw restalu until after the Sauday achool picnic thatta hbeld this, Friday, afteruoon. After spending about a week in travelling around tu the western part of Ontario, Rich Puckering returned bomne on Tucsday of this wveek.- A public meeting was beld ini the temper. ance ball here on Tuesday ntgbt, âw the in- terest of Wm Smith, M.P. Te speakers on the goverument aide were Woe Smith,.and Messrs Dow and Arnold. of' Whltby, and F L Fowke, of Oshawa, (or the Liberal party. Fcrtunately for this circuit Mr M McTag. gart was the delegate to tLc methodist con- ference at Trenton a few days ago and effected a change in regar4 to tbis circuit. Now instead of this circuit belng broken up and this appointment belonging to Prince Albert, the only change is that Betbany ap- poîntment wilI be dropped ad Glen Major added. Mw-s jas Balfour is at Zephyr wltb ber daughter Lillie, who has been indlsposed for a few days. Electloneering and road-work about fin- ashed. So we may expect good govexp- ment and good roads. We congratulate Mr John Burchili upon the success of bis exams. He can now ap- pend B.A. to bis name.f The S.S. will bold their annual plcnic Mt Chalk L.ake on June 26th. Ail menibers of the school should attend. Since last writing a sidewalk bas been laid. It is an honor lilke to the village and the men who buit it, Messrs Anderson, Lawrence and Smnith. Rev. Mr. Cameron, a coliege chum of Mr. Radford, occupied the pulpit on Sunday fast and delivered an eloquent sermon front the text, God so loved the world, etc.. Mr W H Metcalf, formerly the esteemed pedagogue of this place, now of Whitevale, paid us a visit a week ago Sunday. He wus unfortunate in breaking bis wheel, but we believe he got safely back to the raie. I f D. M. Tods wagon does not cmii on vou, ask your grooe tor Todsa bread. lu s the best. THE VERT BEST Anthracite and. Bftuinous at lowest possible prices. it ita liard, bright and cdean. 1Wa.nted ai kinda of Hlighest Prices Given. JH. Downey &-(Jo. Opprcu-Ontario Rank Building, Opposite bbe post Office. WHITBY, ONTARIO. Sohool xmnto8 The Htgb Schod Entrance and Poilic Scbool Leavimg will be held in the Collegate [nsitute on THURSDAY, FRIDAYsd SATURDAY, JULY, and, 3rd and 4thebO idnniug at 8.45 a. rn, The fee wlUbea usual, onle dollar. The ezamination ia Fors i begins Jdy 7tb, in Fort ii July e, intForma riz 8*d IV, Judy zîit. W. W. TAMBLYN, Whitby, tb Collegiate lnstituteýI, Wiblu ne z8, r86610 Princ4isI. Sïomtbing, altogether ont of the.ordinary. A chance you migitý expeot to bave in August; but st your disposai this week. kuati IamuaI Hem p, Union, A Il Woolifd Tapestry. Also odd lengths in Floor Oit Clothse We oi! hbave a few left of those ROLLAND BLIND8, (witb Dado Bordering), 6 ft. long by 8 ft. wide, that we are selling at 15 cents per Bind. ure and siee our $4 PANTS. r.Large range of Patteras mi $4 tB e st ~jiiUU~01Oder AU11iPJ.) from. ANDREW Dri y Goods, - Carpets, Ready-made Clothing. w,,rG-O -FOR THE BEBT f u4f~ ma&de to to select TOr VALUE B IN. TOWN WraII Paper8, Baby Carriage8, Wagon8, Croquet, à ' Fine 8tationery A Iimited quantity of the latter only, left at HALF PRIVE Secure some before it ail goes. Arare change. (ZAgeiicy for Sckool Desks,. Butltick Patterns, and British American Dyeing-Co.-D auti foOP VPIOe. Tborouh bred Jemey. Ter=tS i. Key of field at Mr. Coffeyls, opposite W. Barns' residnce. G. H. SONLEY, Whitby. Ceptul9 thelzd *1,000.00 Surmplu JUST ROIE~ Choie 100,000 UQARýD IREICTORS Oums COWA*, BSQ., rtadent T. IL Cïm iý Glassware and Oroekey r and Tes- ê$B.OhpaM md afast;0(.Pei workmanship finish. 0yeLmcleters,, Watoh Holder Sflver Name P Trump fôr tourist jIiO. 8. Bai OSew !conne Oraa.-La am o f »Y »«U alppe-M FRIDA!, JUINE il LOAL LAOS Scotrepaire au iknds of pu Mdea's tweed pants only Si teWs. > Miss Tyler of Bowmanville guca of Miss Bertie Brant tbii Look out for cheap boots ecxt 6o days at M. W. Collins Ms-. Wilmot Pike, of the Wq ,vlited bis mother lu Stouffvill Young mcn or old ahould i Teho&. Slaers- adrvertisemeut oi A large nutaber froin here Union sebool picnic at Roseb Laut. 6, piece solid wainut parlo wibh silk plusir bands, for $31 Iiecat quality- ail wool delai 1,5c per yard on Saturday, Ji ,G. Walters', D. MIL Tod's bread and cakg 'Vat"s'. Give bim a caii w' suyLhing mcc in that Uine. Mr. C. A. Conners, wbo nionth been lu Brooklyn, N Monday-rather under the w, suffred sereral hemmnomhage Reezember Excursion per eu oM Wedeesday, j)e 2 Patte. Round trip îmc udiný way, ony $z.a5 C!à ldrffl 75 cenit& ýCoL Pates-son bas becs a Gt>mkl cap bas been awardi BatI. for -beiug fis-st il- the pLIofor bcyear z8g5-g6. ân& thi other oicts of thii fel justty prend- 'Tiers vl!ta e Wd a union christiae endeavor socicuies convocation bail of thc Ohm lege, on -KoSdmy, Jane 22M 8I olclock p.mâ. Addmesses Miss W.. Macdonald, -of Tc 3L E.Z1 Matou, Oshawa. Mr. Oco Cormmetk bas r 'fron Troy, N. Y-, stablng thi Alszandersou ofbthe late A WMÃ4 Wlt and &Boobli, i baIfI~ere the tcimrgesb Tr-oy, after bavint been cmi ,abllobsteutfor cigbt jeans. -'mi4Sodaywlibo of an i esLo"chacter. la t. ,moï beýiiaamameeptinmg of the ci "ù Lna Nop'e b be addreu SW. Ilso1 o!Tooto, ai in t*~Wison vil!preac t i Saundps-S AL1 if (arpol:, ROSSI . <- ý ý ýl m IN- À