xxxxe WHITBY, ONTAIO-, FRIDAY, J UNE -19, 1896. The Question of theo Roui' Life or Death to M R. FLY. à _ à 7ante/ool Sticky F/y, 5 cls, F/y Poison Pads . . . . 5 cts. Pure Inseci Powder.... Chzurdi s Insect Powder foc. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, COR. BROCK & DUNDAS STS., WHITBY, --ONTÂRIO. LOCAL NEWS' -LETTERS@. CIOneICraCouaaswczc. Miss Pengeliy lairomie spendiag a ev val] earued bolidays. Miss M. Thomua. o! Toronte, la tha guit ef Mmu. L uMackey. Tir village vas dead on Friday on acceunt of everyonc bsving gene to spend tire day se Rosa. bank picnic. A very anjoyabla time vas spent by ail. A ev frein heus teckt in tire college ciesing ai Pickering on Tuesday, snd returned veil plessed witir tbe fine programme given by Professer Tuipp, of Toronto. Rev. John Harris puescbed iris tareveD se:. mon te the Greenvood cengraaron on Sunday. He snd iris amisablefarnily viii move tBloomn- field sext veeu vireahb as been statlcoed for the cominLg <bras yeaua »Me Klckapoo Indlsus put up <heu tant hae ou Wednesday, snd viilha baie fer a yack, giv- ing a grand exhibition cveiy nigbt duiinR tireir stay. Every ose sirould anme te beau thei as <hey ara vel -euh goisg to ers. Miss Phenie Harris arrived berne on Friday frein Ottawa, vire t haeiras been attendlng thre Normal acirool fou thre pose six mots. t ta the wisb of al <bat she may be as auccesiful in ber late exanis as on al ether occasions. As tire turne for doiug rond vor la draving near tire patirmasters vould do vdll <o sec <bat tirea lamora gravai irsead dleso! ibis abom- inable uand and large a good mauy place» t ha noads are more like atone piles <han anytbing tIse 1 knew cf. TOWN LINE. Houae-c/eanlng time le here. 1 Mies Minnie Brovn la out again ater heu ue- 'Ne bave a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever showu beforeflrom 4,5c. Up. We use the beut hand palnted opaque shade clotb, with Hartsorn's spning roller. Also a fine variety of cornice poles. Ask to sec aur latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Our baby carrnages are &Il of the latest de- signa. Give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. We are taking special pains te combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Our stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buyers to corne and see us. It will save motiey. Le&ding Undertaker,- E. je JOHN SON9 BROOK ST., WHITB Y. Esatablished 1849. Mum.Renday, ef Mariham. a isieWing raie daugirter, Mms Walter McGregou. Town Une foot bail teain came home frei Rosebairk somewhat creat-falien, baving lest tire game. We extend eur earty syinpatiry <o Mu. Johs Gimiet on accourt oethtie vciy sutiden sud usex. pected death ut iris father. Ou people hai ateded tire Rosabank i pcm report the mosi completa day'a outing enjoyed at tirai place fou soe m n. Mu. Fred Webster, whvirel an ewnployee of tire C. P.-R., ahobeevislting iis meiber, wvilaable, ve are glad te say, to bharaound Uic bouse. We ara piessed te unr tirat oui pastor. Rev. T. Manning bas becs reuined, te luirzarnig us fou anotirer year yaar. We sincerely trust tbat iris efforts may ire folloved by ressua tirai viii ire beseficlal to ail. Oui vou<lry pa<hmasîer, Mu. Oka, la tuylag ce put into puactice in a litera muse tic scriptural texte'Maie straigire the crooketi pstbs.' Asy. ene travelling ovai iris beat i visec <bat ha iras madie s baglnntsg te a great improvement ln tic road-reti, at leasstinlu os. Wireu a young minugais so e rcilasa at ha oen't drive along a good vide turuplke in broad -dayiigh ire h a syousg lady l is monre. itiroux upsating te h ioe comi to <ha dttci, vo t<hbi ts bigi<lne <o salI bis borseansd go afoot. anti leave tire yong lady at iromie eti r a motir. Have yen heard <ho mounful tihge aung frein hanse te bouse. "Gaur Patrons aue ties'- cex- tiu"--died a ingaiing but painless death, sud ail tirai ramained cf ius eauihly possessions vas disposeti of at the selemn gstriîg lui Tirs- day evening, to our tiriving marchant, Wn. Oic, fou a saisfactory peicentaga. Oniy oe <ing raurains. <bat is chw-r&*ae" wvici viii ha b dispaseti of at <ha asuliest cppoueuity as Mu. Oka iras sot atidedti tis dapartueut (fuint- tare) te iris stock. He diti net luvest sud nov is the hanceforusomeene. Peirapievultiha vorti virile for sea o!ofWhiîbys esiauprising fuisiture dealers <o luok a! ic i<is matter. Thera's money lu it. KMNALE. Most poople irere bave <relu tarnips sevu. Tire bey crop in this viciuiiy as cxceptionally Uigii. Ou pedagogue visited iris home in Enfllt last Sabiratir. Mu. O'Brien, of Oshawa, acc,>mpruied by a friend visited R. W. McAvoy on Sairba<h. Mu. Wllfied Sadler bas becuentiner Dr. Macres eaie cf laie but ta nov iretter again. Mark Brignalihirasosebeau docteulng. Mauy frour baie vent «over te tha great Rose- bauk picnc. A goed <lus vas saidto te hanlu dulgrdmd a remtendons crovd voie la attend- arce. Ou popular storakeeper visiteti Toronto on Sainiday last; iresasys bis business ta sîeaduîy impreving. We trust ire may heabale <o setbus vay ciear te ramais a citizen sud business mam lu Kinsale. Oumisisteis bave uturued fi rxcoScirence sud are on dney as asuai. Ou. Saubsti maie sud <bey vIl taIre <heu tiepareura; Rev. Harris goes to Bloornfield sud Rev. Dove <o ceilage Wo visir thecaiGod speeti. Rev. Dove, eau youngmniar preaccidbis fareeli sermon on Ssbbs"1at.He-ras spant a snccossful peau aurong us sud frayes tiec cr-» cuit vet tho vel visiras of ail.Rev. Hauris viii farevali nazeSahiselr. Msuy fron ber attasded the greas Lihefl meeting in Whitby lut veai addraed by Hon Roâas.Ministaie! EdFÀucation.Each sud ail agraa ha issu excellent speakcer. Botb pohdlca parties-are quite jubilant vmsoaf% ul victouy on thre s3rd j une-aze. WC vaiy mucb Sel Uic usod of s aiear maker heu.. As ve have stated, befor. <is 1 a, splendid location fot a good, voukmsu of tampai- sae habits, tiare belag lirele or neocompetidn for miles lu altier direction. Try Mr.Edt. asud sius a gôd mims lo.. Ourcuit*:s &oehdl d uGluas ao Whitby Steam ý& MaîIble and Granite Works1 Dundas St., WHITBY. Chas. Hf. Smith, (Formerly Wolfenden Works.) Im- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest material and designs. Al kind.s of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. -,-SxND FoR DESIGNS AND PRICES. Now on for 30 days. Sales of cool goods for bot weather. Prices rnelted down to suit ail purses and bard times. Ou business is booming, that shows our cheap goods are appreclated by the people. 0O2 Satuida'y nozt we start an Emergency Sale-3o dayM., That means more money saved te yen, and big bargains ail along the Une. i want $2cco this montb, you want the goods. Bring ou tbe cash, 1 wiIl give you big odds. DRESS GOODS-Colored spot musilos 15c, reg 2,5c ;white do. x5c, reg 25C ; delan- etta i ilc, ueg 2o= ; pougees 1ajc, reg ?=c; fancy cuepons raj, smgaoc:. grenadin«s, 1 ac, reg 2o ; b lack lustre 25c, reg 4S; color. ed do. 25C, reg 45C Gluhagns,@ prints, special strîpes and spo", for blouse, etc. Tobe sacrlficed-AJI trimmed Hais sud onnets, at any puce. S PECIALS..-Meuln'ssd boys' straw bats; ladies' salflors. Ies'# blovie sud ashit lvajats 25CsOC,# 75C, $Sr, reg'50C, 75c- $1 $2s. Barga inluunderve*r, Idlae' d cbildrenls hose, lace eutâins, 1h tInas, cottonades, ae. Wecsn':t tli yeS bal%,b. cause rieswilil nOI.te u.âtm_ ir of rus of o oOt*s ad Shoes yet tobe bu dt.=h*If Prs. GîocsmsU SpecW birWse~ it laTc#Xfýý,1ý vooti cisc ceit. hues A nev bridge la te ha built over tIre raceMr. D. Mc')oald sud W. Taylor bave gene on Mili St. <o ire @id ouum wlt hSess Mrs Heckin, of Toronto, la viaiting at Mr A few fr0111bai atteeded <ha Tupper demon - R Hocklns'. fstitiei ai Oshava last Wadoenday. Mus C L Stanr of Toronto le visiting at Vistas--Mu snd Mis. Wright. Toranto; Mr «"Mapie Shade."11Frank Smnith, Dakoeta; Miss W Bell, Pickering; Mis Sveetaple of Toionto, bas beau bere M la n Smith-, Columbrus; Peteri ferashortlltvwith Misà Dale. Crsie Mebne;Us J Evin, Uxbrldge. A dstic metngofOddelow ws el -Tire metiodist Suuday achool areprsig A ditrit metig o Odfelovsvasbe W hfoutir suual big time on Dominion Da. haie on Weduesday afternoon. Mu. Alfred Day, uecetaiy of the. ncaS. Miss Ida Chinn left on Weduesday for a assocIaition, la <e be onaetfthr eadlg auraetious. menth>s riait with friands lu Oakville à n ud aiuclm lau«. te< A nev tovu lu Aigema bas been named serreri mu erence to poiical announeements 'Dryden, "lun houer cf Uic Minister oS Ag- omtire pupit (bat wvaso50rank sud full of riculture. esateaveu <theObserver refusaste pubisi Mi W Ormiston of Owen Sound vas here Y,?Nt a ltle imoueirouey lu peur gall nazi on s visa te bis sister, Mis H Bingbam, fiee. <bis1 .~. A au-nber of oui youi yeung ammet aon Scierai familles in Uic village partook cf Samday vng aud arganizet a football club, grean.pesansd new potatoas for their Sun- Ilheofcu vreHuoury puesidene, J. M. day dinnar thie veek. 9Wa; president, E. Ward; secietary J1. A. Mi. LhBurutt Mr. P LPevwke and othars bRâ;Ul;esurai. G-A- Mefibman.NO idoubt vil address a meeti gof tha electers l i in h rboysi woitd like to bave a binah i viisone Masonic hall tht. (Prday) eveuing. 0<heneghboulng teaxs. The " Daughtcrs of Uic Cburch"- had a Thpolal meeting on Wednesday eveulng ten cent tes at MIds. T j Holliday's on Tues- w v as vel ateneud ad umoais librus day evening, virich vas quite a succesa. pi <of vie bigiry sotlsfactory only <baie being, 5oo almlea fan; a i ent ach 15usSl i eMu. Bueuimactlngi, neoOpposition ~oe almleaffan air cet ech.Psu13 eairer. A meeting ln Mi. 8enl<h's lueurea iii cf ail klnds at bargain prices, 5, 8 sud zo #a beld on uMraay veangr<of <bis veek. Bo<h cents, vortb Sir o ote 2o cents. Holiday prtes appeau, ou se least talk as ila ey vera Bros. tme sure of vlnul irte ciection. Wbatever The Wbltby Royal Templars vare unable eoit tireay ba as te <ha resuli t 1<l qulte te cerne here on Mouday nigiri, se Uic de. $Mtain tiraioee of <hem viii ha disappeineed. bate <bat vas te have beau heid there vawu ~ Ie6 Sluyv r ehv postone~ fu <o ycks mai arie.Tenders fer another <crin Miss Jessie Dryden bas cornplcted ber weueM calied fer sud Mu. David Paukins' tender course at Moulton college sud jraduated at ~ïg sS5per annum nioer <han Mu. Dustys, Uic head of ber class. She vil] returute tisa accepted. We. arce<jiita correct lu saylung Toronte ln the SalI to tube up uuiversity <ba, <bisaction on the paie cf tbe puoasfc work. suehouitie does sot meet viti <ha appioval of The Brooklin and Columbus Presbyterian lie public. There la a feeling of indignation churches vili hold a union service at Ceo- %rat an old aud faitiful servant luke Mi. Dusty., lumbusi on Sunday rnornlng, and Uic nana] *ho bas considerabie inveated ln uitmable confraY afterncon meeting bere bas beau wltbdravu ees. sud bas ne other mans aof support sireW for thai day. suopdfSu the paltry sr.e! $ oayear. sud Mr. C. B. Scott whe. vas pastor of -he Baptiat church here last summer, bas been in tewn for a fev days this veek. There is still sud alvays wil be a varm welcome for, him in Brooklin. Messrs. Jno Vipond Wm. Squires, sud Geo. Hollida.y are the ýoar of directors of the Brooklil Elevater Co. Tbey are nov recei ving tenders from g!rain merchants who are desirons of renting the elevator. Mr George Colley aud family started for Manitoba on Tuesday morning. Tbey iu. tend to settle at Souis, near where Messrs Richard aud Will Colley are nov %vçrking. Wn hope tbey may soon have a comfortable home in the far western country to whicb they have gone, and that they mas' prosper abundantly. The menibers of the Preabyterian C. X Society vil flot hold their nsaa meeting neit Sunday eïening. This change la madie te slow the members cf the society, sud those vbo regularly meet with tbem, te at tend the methodist cburch whiere Rev T W Leggott wilU preac bhis last sermon, as pas- toi of the church, on that evcning. The Church of Englaud vas vell filled a Mdonday eveni0g vises Mr atS heart gave 1bis lecture ou >"The Xeïrsi'lilu' Russa." It vas enjoyed by aIL Mr Good-I heart, wbo kuew nothing of the »ngb lauguage thuec ycars ago, bas nov become, quite proficient in the use cf it. Es lecture vas instructive and eiitertainlug, sud those who had the pleasure of hearing hlm on this occasion viii be aurions to hear hlm again at any time le cornes to Brooklil. Mr James Blight died on Satuîday after noon. He had been ln poor healthfer a number cf years but vas taken mnch vorse about a veek ago sud samik very rapidly till the end came. He vas lu bis seventy fiftb year, sud vas au eld resident cf Whitby township. He vas a nember of the metho- diat church snd a man respected by al vbe knew him. His remains vere foiloved to the rave on Monday afteruoon by a pro. cession cf sorroving frieuds aud acqunin- tances that vas nearly half a mile long. The anual Decoration service vas beld at the Grove Side cemetery lmstSsMrday afternoon. The attendauce vas large, thougb net np te that cf former years. There vas ne brads baud for su attraction this ~ ansd te tiais fact the lesser number mWa&riuted, But te- the inacrity cf those vbo vere there the absence cf the band added te the impressions çf the cere mony rather thian detracted fromx it. Cou- veyauces vere provided for ail who vent te the cemetery. This vas a change tbat vas much api?.reciated. by those who bad cu otber si-ila occasions covered the distance on foot. W.A.H., GUY & CO.. grain buyers. hALrL, a. - imun Cd MaXisa Ltc>eqcuom nnwmoppSu otaOwUn~En W A Xcmur.,r. D V S.--Gwadna*s e thé. Ou- tarte Votaiulay CollaeTorouto; Hoeowy men>ber oft1he Ouisd Médical Soolsy. Truas auaidiseassa et Ihe dmutaa aimais by the muass syroveGmotio& Aim - at_ irattention ste giLalopoatus-i Sud d.nlaty. Day or nlgh MMcaDi attaodd Sm.00o. sadrustess Eoolt Ontario. B. Duncan, merchnttsilor,bssseurid, <b. ageecy for the.Oshawa. StearaLaun4Wy, Lauudry vil leave bis sbopou Tiiursdy, mornin1, and viii bc returued ou 'Saturdsy' AU tisiactofm. stlngs $e aiev suntuted imnakan li isplace. PNcm £AtMET. Mr. War. Speuce, fornly of Toronte, bas glpved in our midst 'ýliss Edua Speucs of Toronto, la visilng ber gir<edpsrcnes.Mu. sud Mus Jas. Hohuan. Mi4 Orcly, vire irasba itsing biri iser, Mn le. Batis, leSt Monday. nrousing fer ber bae.- SMu. Lord, photographrrof Uxridge, vas ovai en Weduasday sud teck a photo e! <ha sehoolguoup. LMse Umldsy cveming tir eapvorth league gaeh- ersdW aI ir parsocaga. sud Mi. Leirnard tooS <helu phoo, vhiilato e reiseueed e Mus. WwUmo as a tolien o! ramsamiraaue. Rev, -1.'C. Wilmott rctursad from, eo.u!auasoe os Wadumday. Ha is already making rpa. tinu fbr- arvg <o bis ne* charge. d WI mpn biipeaiiis lmt sermon as paseor of tire ~ Miaisineiraiatcirurcir on Sunday, luse vf e ve.visltcd iry s consequantal Showu s estiug eyaa, sud meauvirle hve eu ye heeetisu siovedti <eir glassas t<o #lm, ha pertliy ad <bey veice -ogoo4, sud tirai bis vere tira osly aasof any importance. Mu. Wur. Gordon la, uemodellug bis bains. -Mm .Richard Sonley. jr.. la vlsiting friands lu Burfalo. Mu. Hovsam occnpiad <Ire pulpit baie on Sun- day. tha Rev. Mu. Stewart baiug avay to con- Tire S. o! T. haie have a mock triai an <heur pormefor Dcxt veek . I. addeu sud C. Souey radelagatesIo tira district division. Mu. Tiromas Speu, of Là tele &litalu;-Mid. sud Mms Thos. Laugmaid. of Bowrvusuilansd Mr. sud Mms. Legg, of Uxblseuw nvlsltlng biens la thviclaty. Thre SèS. asanvuny beld harm kmn ve vas siocasu n esy vsy. Tb=er. ere sot as many present as ai former jears but tire en -,uea1 mem vas tuilaop tte atandard. Tire Prince AI- hait chielrs selections vare vUlreoolved sud ibey gave s gà od coert. Eà ectian maltaaemmery quiet *roud ber*. Wbaevr wrkisbalng doue ta a s wlway. are a eg <bai h is uteleas o quaurel <hae nattais.We«ca unot ailise a15but va o h suelytoiV» our nelgirbor thre smmnrigit 10% iion as vo claie for Ou ovu Tiare are mmu vie have beau nl gcapcrn by drlvîng suud asdti lgol0 pai109ai bousesbave uelCemos utn und teit adp ing language inragtsable., W. vom a .dvh.e tireur uot o peat "Und sof tbug MI beyý am inovirandaa ëetitio. u4%butbe mes« ot girlng eheni s Sues ride 11Wib-' pie go so far as <oseail contucl of=W nde w driuougnit laig hltbey v s fev llassta amasser tira t ihey viii get tham. ImmsaPamer, M vitt Ir. Mines G9 ,Waler FOVU96 vWhe nba basesê wu b bli Mr. Frank CuOC41Y bas gone <o Chicago. Mr. las. Graham, cf Dshymple, made a fly- lng vieaitbere wvhb fiands las: eek. Mi. Thos. Graham viii have a large raismg on bis fâaim auProopece o-dzy, Pdday. Mur. sud Mus. Etivard Graham sud famlly, cf Dalrymple. sue visiting relatives sud friands hem. Weame sos note <bat Mr. silas Fltcbatt la vey slck. We ope ha may sean hearauund Mr. Wm. Dobmsuda"Mr. Thos. Smith eb overbaullng tbeir barns, aud lu gmneral maldng any iluprovemeuts. t number of the poionent Conservaivas et tht, viuniy took in the Tupper-Smth ameing at Oshawa. an Wednasday eveulug veek. Meurs. Slickney sud MoTaggart bad a k raisin on -beir faimâ on Weduesdavof<last e A lage number vau presne. sud te . oek vas ficlsbed lu good dîne. Mach credfit la due the ladies fer tbe grand display made. T'us seum te ha quite ively an Tuesday eveningsats the botel. Mr. Henri McKenzle is alwsways here tbat eveuing, sud of course dom sot fli w amuse the boys witb bis grand seleo. dIons an the mentir ergan, sutobsrp, sud viella. A politlalmeeting luibn uteiest ci Mr. Wm. SmithsM. P., vas beld lu tho tovu hall, bae,% an Manday evening. Mu. 1. B. Dov, cf Whhtby, aud the candidate adduessed the meeting. There vas ne opposition speaker present. Mr. Smith la maklng a caretul canvasa, and va are pleaasd toeay that ha la bavlng grand succesa. P. C. GRAsAX. NEUoIJGH. Mr. Piper vawu ic h village lut week. Nearly eveuyiredy vas svay te Uie Rose- bani pie-uic last Pnlday. Misa Rachel Littiejohu han gene te Ash- buru te lve vl<b ber aunt. Mis Goidman sud daughteu Florence of Toronto have beau viuitiug ai S H Staven- Miss Sarah G*rnrage aud heu father vis- lted wi<b Oshawa triendus a5ev daya last yack. Mr sud Mus Coltmnan sud sou speut lasi Saturday at tha former's mother, at Wo- burn. Wblle at Rossbank plcnic Miss Maud Stevenson hsd a bset of provisions stolen. Couductor Suider viii preacb Suuday. mnorning sud lu Uic aveniug ha viii pive a lecture. A Stravberry vas picked lu Mr. J. Bnrke>s Patch vbici measured near 5 luches lu cii- curnferenca. .Tire Ladies Aid of thre Christian chnrcb met ai Mu. J. Butk's sud enjoyed a test of stravierrias.> miss MaryMorrison of Wobuuu, vWh a beau vesUug ai Mu. Colira' for semae tisse, returued home Sunday.. On account of the Ciristiau couferpue meeting at Oshava threa iii blec no, lc lu thre church ou Sunday rnriug. Mir. John Polikngiiorsa, oS Ottava, lua a-I pu of Mr. J. 14. Brown..,' Tire MM"sesGÜIlapis, o! T-r -Msu gueses cf Mus. Du. Gluaspialu u>vu. I haro on Tnasdsy te, visit bis parants. Mesrs. Jso. Camupbrell sud undi., of Port Hope, are vlstlng fiands lu <ove. b Decouation services vil taka -lceon Friday irveniug, afti ai., Wheu altho se-' cieties iu tovu viii take partt Since the, moruing loS Uic r6th'lnst., sauy flue rnaskmnlouge hava heera broub<tle tovu by tira nunrerons 1k. Waltous. Mis Flotcir, of Portamoutir,.ZNv Haarp- sbire, daugbter of Rer.U. PleiçiorisW home on a visit. Tis yonng Wl~s a Pro- fessional nurse in tire hosi9tal at portuotb Thea district divisio f tbe Soum of! Tm- poiluce viha h.ld ai oucuflday, thea a6th îma.,>0ati o 'Cl am.Soimna ci .tire,$nd-officor vii h. 'piasendnlug' h 1< ÎS muidl&s10r flspar Wtsacaugire tvo mma tollgmue 8r là ftwe&k One,- mm s i f hbd as cpoto bave usbbod <au pauns a day, for théeêl IL. Giraism,.of Brocklle, s'ontus Muý. S. Grairana, vire va>heftêfor a *hm *Itom Saturday, irajust ad coferte*on bitir.b tire degro. c f D.D.S., by TotoJeriv«eelty- -aud is.nov a D Su'ad- Dm.s. . _Our youg friand irisa good phteSki Gorge Yonuge botter kno"i'-à * Gî tha bahttes" Io su lit l hIu-o, btig lîeaà larvh . Otal.,&~ y tbeir-f pson n wo au VOL. /1 ws No.: cmh 0cm ............ 1 theu trouble sud 1< ray be <s lcM mtr.fd iau tbe matter. One plot ovuer-ofarst eward of gaS for the. conviction cf the. paty or par, ties who deépoliedagrave on bisioêt ,.T1 caretaker fuither mye <boa. Ivo stne are sot -the only cnes. The. caretary diree. teos lutend te make su exampl, cf tomoswal sud <bat lu the sau future. Wben tboi;ý- vho have loved ones luterrad ln that baeauti- Mulcity of the deadasu d go to a godsdal suule-ad axpens. lu baautf>'Isg ýth.e graves cf <heu friands It l cnemthl meaunnaufor ocers te go-<bae sd ak chokce devers sud shiabe. Y araulng; a vord te the vis. I. suffidieut. Weddlsgbos Tii.marrmage cf Mr. Hlbert Glencrois Hutchascu of the. Western Bank ber. b>' Miss Blanche Etbylwysue; csl>t d*ugiter o! MrasdMdrsDJ A&moftbls'place Issa- social avent <bat eéligbtad the tov. Ti fit sumr u eddlag <obh.ceebuated'lu the churcb of the Accession for long yem,- June, vlth allber lovelis..oS flarantir frein counteua blooms oS roses su maoettm saamed to bave entared into tho afiair. vie lutent to make ias perfect as possible, se appropulate as thre vestier. Just a quiet- faurlp veddlug -luin<he chuucii, tirhéttn haut Rer. josephi Fletcher, offlclatlng- tii. yeut sud bea t f Port Perry* lIed thre pretty UMe buiinsd ovarfoved inlutI churchyard and, slong tha sldevslks sP.ý, proachiug <ha sacuad adîfice te vitues. S0O cLspcuous a perormaunce cf a. ermnY t, salvaws sdee f luteseat., 111W blonde baauty of the bride vawu ploe~ iu a wedding govu 'oà f euesati am ducheasslace. Sire vasgivu avy- ber fathar. Tii. brWdSuWad, Misîs EtitzAdss of Amblaside, lu crem sl$hinsud pqalpauê Mis Mand Aunes, et Whltby -là f4a4 sllk sud pearla wlth black tulle- plctr h sud plume, wer. cousin of the- bd&"- Little Kiss Helen Dsvy cof Chicg, luwhIbte witr plnk trimumings, vas The groom vas supported 4y-Mr. R G Biô*4ý Mr Haubert Adains suad M-r D<t1 Adamis, brothers of the . brld. cta usiiem.Thre gaestsoccupyhig-50W'si* spart for <hein, vere. sd mJiul Adamus sud Mastès Hamilton M;Adna lér Rcbt Milne, Datucit, Mus H W Au *< Mr F Hovard Anas, Wbitb-y lire O- McDarsrot, Pot MsGuiSl1I Hamilton; Miss M-' hHO-var,ý Mus Davy, of Chiuc ousn lles, Frankisr oot;M Port Perry;- sud MuVico u rente, brother cf the grocm. .111e voua as cruamnrats a ar e atlset famliy geins, ameauus the. groom, vbo luheulted.,'tem - jroïï,-l Hibiierta. Tii. bride crlda baâ white roaes, aud te.buld auddaoq-e rro m die .glft o( ihe se , v e r. rin g s, - o pua . et h bude's préenet a beautflf là mlec04 The oauybatll1~aisg the chureis-oïf EnIganal vas_ more mpreslvebyadsostla the c Mis' 9s Ysruold - - orgair. Tlm cimurcii w1w !oes b, vork t1e i!l At ne AllInt 1 1 %;Gu& atiucaýýb.