Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 6

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tK4 w tlspOf <suo e iapt âWE' asbd on tbe tigbt "Han»de ci iugia,resdent, o il.0. R*<OU12AIbOOW1ODook tbe ohalrslld bit i yo b p 14et .s$~ti liu" theo ouug ma vho e e. l enqugh' 4» B lise mAct hiçh oould ho more ûp~ o yeog an under 28 y.a.rso! à". 49id losly voeo&sd on tIi. 28rd sovrument vosld b. éaaIa voOàld temove freout he statut. booche snM au expensive, troublescie, burden- llue, sud iniquitous Aci E rveL Ile18 jeau record cf *i4JuevWii gorsuent sud predficted a sveePU49 vi*rnet only ton .Mt. Bnrnett but for 5h. Refuim, Party 1hroUgboc~lbtheDô MR. DUEIBTT vup recived wlîb groat applauso y hy le. inathée malabdy eof, afadby the. *,ixag oet mbako"ole ansd. Op f1 liapds frein the rsenved seat.H . gatrby expremsig bis pleaute 'st hsviug tSI. opportaity et addreamiug 'se0 laR, 9dy ofet be r"presentaties et East and W4eitW tby. go b.d gene >pretty vol ,èimtàoSrisnmg and b.d boeu entha"ati- alyrseoodhereïve ba vent. BeO bslived thaI lt.e ld Party linesavere be. Zisg a oblitetated and souud >udgment £dgstrict esution vere hoing exeroisod by every intelligent voter. This vua 6"ed aigu sud fotetol lb.eoverlhrov et amy Party or individual thal did net Put 0conltrY*belonre y.He iiasmed the Iaieb o hool quesion frein the Iishce.. t"bIlhment of separate echools lu 1870 tp the atteipts te tore lrouib panha- mpents aBeinedial bhitin uM89. Tho IP ivy' Conoil lied decbared that lie Uidtlob& legisiatien lied the_ ight tb , bsati Iatoba Act -611890 allbeugb ru doing ao lbetusâed a grievance to *,0 Minority vbicb the Dciinion gev- etssi~t Iigbt eui*d7, ISgovern peut aûudialeWY begasté oorce Mani Ïlbs sud le ait praial asud religions feeisg fo apoiiclal purpe». Rt! mast>b bWsapptoa4hedl - a por me lhobd no doubt tSaisI Lbdiffi- oulty vould bave bien settled jeans&go. 1%,e, goversiet alloved sud dialovet! ý,,ots to suit their ovu polisica partyý, re- <ardesa oethl. equirmuo te e oun- iryIasbai te$ takon s 'patniel ie me (hsqueion tiers voznov be ne kobool question,. The coeenof e Mani- tob. woId pjnre ,lie causeoetthe Minor. t logsiatu, l teAKe mue t ta large of WIAWhyam-ttie b ftrue iede imnul cenclos butrie r tiiose vue op- Vmooeeo nd padit ewie ney*ü,ith e sbuit t ocen- oismon mr est saru tte trgiovacs of a W Miorty e vouil oppose coer- .ioutiwlisl e n is p!eeutditei --146b.oet eOfa avep,4 m Ti. outofe ~#OMfl,5It.dobOfétbutwhule pro- of re =04 ct#. wofl'o lepockoMa nerophe.bes$op 1 i onail un re-ti#! on "ý - mapro DO-s n Lad nt on deat u lan"ly îli id ontr yolu > tlier lasi gave li&e îeango ~ e-- n. cattie psu. pneu rioh r, os10 1#5l~tesr.fi JW àt asàost o *i Whig o i 0peeet. hu »isbss ard steel pays frein 40 t70 e cent; that la vbeu he boys 100 , _,rthfue matétial te put inte liibu geti paye $70 dUly vbieb bas iitln to b;p"d by Wb .punchaser oet ig ii f bu ii vbuiet u by aul fre luo, _pladisutrsdh a Det a&&aid of competitien under s revenue lajf ge vas a cry lbatMn. Laurier eoldseep Aseythe. existin* anutac- tre.There wa" no danger et that. Mn. Lauriçr b.d as many friende ameng tkM 0 o fte etb.omuuuty me hoebat! eopkgmniesta b. -ides -thet he voiiid dc. Î6thng injure tbem ýshculd net ho entertalued ton a moment, The boavy duty on naiba, vire fsnuigan sd other things uW d y the fariner vas deait witb in s osvincing mser,-sud Mr. Me Lauglin eet!biu addrese by deolaring b. b.d seldoin found Mr. Smith standing up boldly im tb. interesta et the eeor- Mte. MR . ALPH MOWBRAT fellowed in s short address in vbich h. oonveyed the oympathies cf Pickening to the. indepeadent olectore et South iOn tarie in "hiecontear. As a fariner b. de- cbare the N.P. b.d deoidedly injuted the, agricultural isteresta, sasveil as cip. pling a largo numbor ot masufactunies that once flourisbed iu South Ontario and elieviiere. Hoer.hougbt thaï oorcion vas net in the ùmlreste of Lb. minetity et Manitoba a4d truatet! bis Roman Catholie friende "uld sm. that thero is a botter sud a r w ay e of tling the BON. JOKN DRYDEN. The eba&irman, lu introducing the Miniater of Agriculturo, paid auiidst Sp. plans., s bigb tribut. te that gentleman t oharacter sud Worth. Ho stated bbe raonesfer holding lie meeting on Satur- dTay iglit te be lie impossibility e1 soulang lb. Minister's attendance on any elben nigbt. Mn. Dryden agreed vitb Mr. Buruett "ben h. declaret! thal a spirit et inde- péndesce wvas miei amoug th. eleot oàsbe. Neyer mine tb. day. cof the Pbheiflo icendal bai se mauy men ef différent political achools heen dnawn le wards one anothon vith one common objet ineiew, the- deteating et an ex travaat, eorrupt sud arrogant geors ment. Some pe9ple did net ih. 10 ae tbis but for bis parslIiked te 50- ieh people thinkaapnsd set fer Ibein. selves. Ri usJ3 mto4ithat Mn. Smith, 4~d deelared te many et bis foflovers belontevo. eowva.ak.n as Ot4svaon Lb.' Reniedial Bibilst liehovuid mcl support that bibI, but h. vas aftenvards brukglit inte lie ; esud nov -tscliBtetwa h. vwu sot Bou té uîmeuste odotow the goverurnent. sifi y be e overi tueut il bis Pieu. Bard ,,gn it pa. mien niay like Ihat sort of lbing bt eb Itelligent iman 'bo is s&ions lbat tuis couutry shoul ho a great oountry viii tale a -difféest viev. Mr. BSmitli lia :made bis choie.. He bas becôme tbe fpljover if Sir'. Ou Tipi ~ many bading Conser"dtvee sud a vasi number ofthletank M&d Ile desiare la net the leader of lb. Inn. (Ionsestvtives. Mr. Dryden aaked the question, "$who i. Sit. Chas- Tuppet," saud lu r.ply rékil SI. Ma i'niou aseÉro.esd 11891sud, hibledeolaneti A-being rifflal veY particulAr l.day.The :spaler tooknupthe n4i Mal Me sd 'gavé a lie 220 electoral diviions -thèee»*" a debt ofîp"u. sud iflog m v)Ilb. neot a ontteny thi Dominion, venu etofilts ona vilandi conent impose uffl iti.li.,Tbe.> pormond. ense et- li u.ee Pioimà&Act vhiÏb luià i yom« gmon vas dealtilb avllsas *1*- nmlnA et..L i"twa be VeMW and -t8t,a. n ieiitm,0W likê nev garmenitsÈ igthousàutis <4 -oeip ths *c of- -fte*ing- 014ft-m ~rajg-by t hê ald- <4 tnd Oyes, saves scores ofd01 ater ~r The, wonderful )aodlysmlc such lovely snd lasting-,colôra 'that gonds .dyed vith tîbm eganot bctl Success with t)iamond -Dyes Il ieù- ways certain and sure. The use of common adulterated dyes . means de- struction to your matanals, and loss of temnpcr andi money. Guard against substitutes; sec that each package bears the nane . Dia- rnond." He1re iý n Ottawa Irresistible Froof That There Is a Cure for Ditbetes The tcfloving avora aatement la the biSi vrooi thai dabuasla net Inurablea" udtha thm ea r n " lvblob viice If* ,iduwdoltpovra rore t con ,pia4éoe boU ot i~ttO o~ aud ibbohrge fb the ~vftu»int Oi8L.Th recolve the. cossignueut sud had pro-c elalmàd the. tct hat'a large onlgment8 of Ogusi»#Mpà,*ýw« tb land st a oertain dte. Buyé&'n and fi-uit grever. as- uamblid troin far sud sear and vIieu the shlip artived the entire conslgnment vas tïna to b i 1y werthlees. ?Imb oly, ofld *terage provaded vin. thi. omdary refigeton etthesteamer. The dead ineat trade vas deah witb aud the opin- iona qf leading dealors mafinanciers, -shovn to e oaganal ýthe,.. pcoy of lbe goveftimnt. If -816 ~easouid ho mnade by suob a soheme ho oeculd gel moneyed mon by tIi score to tako it up.1 8f ha2upp. claima te have mnade lb. f92Zmrs prêca. Thonere m7206 farineu in lb. Dominion to-day tbaa ton yesnagc. -,Ch*" -' motlages, have inceea.850 ,pet .ont. Every farier kuOv04 and me do.0 elety businssman .and meaio know,.wbeu bW takes it hdme te bus ownu e, wbetiaer thie country is prosperous or net. The home market we hear »about in yet in lb. dii» and distant future. Ezoept fot rhubatb and oabbage out market i. in EngIandp whmn eut wboat, barly, cattie and horsos flsd a toady sale. Preforential trade is desirablo but it and protection caunot ho had st tb. saine Urne. Snob je tb. expremsed opinion of Mn. Chambet bain and the London Timnes. Canada with ai il resources aud national ad vatagos sbould ho the muet prosperous county in the world. Its resources are suoh th".tin. spiteetof.1h.epocy of tbe gaeorument it keeps ita hea above, waten. The govennuent cries Canada for the Canadians but their policy afto election i. Canada for the favored few, but men are breking avay ovetywbene snd declating tbey vÎi ae no more cf Tuppensm à vote for s Tupper candidate meaus approval of ail that intelligent mes con demun. The meeting closod with the nusi obceors. hres ersat emouiss.. Sure Speciflos for Kidney, Eheumatîc and Stomach Disoamo. Tbese remedies are not s cuteail for ail 1h. use that flesb i. hein te. The. great South Âmioa tmedieeab iave thst particulai' purposo. South Âmeriean Kidney Cure does net cure th9ntu» nor ia it aspecie for indiges9ionbut n remedy, pilla on powden, vil give relief in the most diatressng cases -of kidney trouble as vii Southi Anieia KidueY Cure. Mt. D. J. ]["eet Bherbrooke," Que., mgfedfor Ibis. ym freinkidaey snonble, expending in thlat timne 8100 on doetos- miines. He got no relief un tii le used South Âmorioa idmoy Cure, snd foutr >ttIee be qale, effectedl a per- When a rffl.dy Jais ededfor thouma- tisin, ilst oryu- hneeddl-and quick ly. Wiam Pegg, etfNonvoodOnt, wss nearly doubled Up with rheum*t1em aud auffereil inteusely. This vusin 189. ÉH.-took, tht.. bottleseof-South E. WI-LLIS, Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. A Rasient of 8t. JObs, N.B.- iaku a Suc- ouuft4 Trwalof Dodd'sKan" yPifs. muigagin Isiatown, a mubub of Ibiscîty, bus roetly %jade. wh"a I alowed bi ail wbo W-waqaitilth lb. tag.mte bc a niait n iaaberec>veu. -Réhbu boss a miE or trou amim "scoptalste t b. hîdasyfor ailr t& e 1 M " o oftb.u*» ,Eeot sué, Kldey 111, s it .itumusda ble t atSd mail. thml f Mim, me tb l b utt Wepoet vante tobe inctoalda avl M--"t augmy ë ovaitiO ç>*M~b fflc itarnluot t o.-10i7 eLon lser Oiffice in Katmoili avkn nvblock Brook S. l4bseullt fOntanlo bal&. Dr8. Warren t. Moore. 3.1. Moore, M. D. Brook"ti. Offie hours 9. a. iM. te il a.=. Whitby. Office heurs 11 a=n te a p.m. Prir'aie Telephofe CowmmnciwO. 1). p. BOGART, , .DS Physicea , urgesou sud Accfoher etc. Oiffice Zud Reuideuco acît te AUi dtt' Church, IDundas Street, Wib7b. 14- Dental Surgery in aal its branches pnomçîtlY sttended 'to. Dra H. Wightman D'ENTIS T. Omrm à108 Grangr'u. I:'îOpen e verysturday nigbt. W. E. yAlRINOLD, ».L.-.- ýouuqt Surveyer and Drainage Engineot Fort ey,(Ont. A. A POST9 Anchltect, late vltb Langlej, Langboy dg Bunke, Toronto. Dosina ton Churches, mVla. nt otta9&gesaseclaty. Dravinga prepareil ton remo!ciueZistmgatrucurci Dafce-P it a er W. e osesdu slt.. 0 OBeox02,WbItby. HARNUS MAME, wluiE. Hsvlng movedi mb o-un nov preinso, vo are prenarel 10 extStenl.rangeoftbusiness. sud madlery business iii b. doue te als moction. Collantaspelaty. GianMd sec = Ir ch o p s u d - sto c k . W. CALVEBLEYr Second door Veutet iold io -DundasStroet, Wffb JNO. NOBLE,> -DBCALIMA-N ALL KIND5 071- DOM Md is s a U5s, pu-Ail orsor Infttoritl n sb" obtalned trois jOHIN.NOBLE, uda Stree Why? opposite Mrt. A. C. wu.- sou'srelcc ht Apnil 4h. z1894. the 9w ~ 18% Ju~.8; Ju7~; M. *;Ot. 8; Nov.4 pI , TP.a- 3. W. luruhat. po Peur, O1rk-J~. 2 Mach 9; ir7-l 3iay 2; sep. 91; Nv l E.Geula, U zbridg *CIez-Jin. -w.uch 2 luiay191;l, 14; Ct1i;De. 16. .To. s; mach 26; M3y11; Juiy 15; Do.. . B"ÂVETON-Geo. P. Bruce, Beaverton CIrk-muicli 26; M.Wy 21; JuJY 16; Oct. 16;' Dec, *18. TJmaoaoVm-P 3 GllspeUptergro,., O101« Ma27; M y.2 Ia 7 ; Oct. 1 »yozder, J. B. FARKWEL, Clark of the Psace.e Octolier 7th 1895. on Isyml io Si Duüdne Sta; Whitby, J. T. NZ]WPOI9T, Propriete.. Teamii- ou-aIreso"abl1pre. proiht d Bag ebauled t resue- LIFE INSURANCE.ý manutaotuYBYS'lit Accident Inmu-eaeo Co., Toronto. Largest capital tci ieIsrueC oM theeeatisesl. Nlsty pan ostit.0ola aulus lloet surplu in etunsed te lb. polioy beldors. Ail elalare paid vitheul delay or dimsent ou proot of d"ath« gatuiy of endevueil J..PO'WELL, Fob. lmI, 98. Agent, WbilWý DENTIST. Cor. King & Yoffg Bit. Toro. For c. uet th.e~iitb1 mug pe cal atte tion vork sonf6Y the. Most n.."ibl em King s"a TOM Ste. pla lm 1c»a loi -;M&slaver fi aiskoelusi elperalo 0 t atmin 'the -1 aie te eztà,7ohm 411t, soUth out so« GOAL,. CURED pi 41 wsru Mbli beadacbe. It~ wltb seyerePa bal tulln n bauds and f eel stomach.1 tr recomininded vas net jul II Ayer's F ucat bonedi. ud thework AVER' FOU] FORENq The motions .and Umnphrey p-assed as per Roads and Brid1 :eider grants. - Mr. Brown br the printing con - -ing the foblowin! Times, $4; Uxbi ýering News $2 42; Pt. ::Perry .Gazette $2; Ci *Beaverton Tribt press $4. Mr. Treleavei motion relative ýSystein. Lt wa nicntality that t 'tefirst place., -.of the adoption * -al likelibood in -" îÏ v en is frig h t , back. -He nom - the recommen( laver ot putting -tcm in force bei ..over. Adjourued fo AFTEK Met at 2 O'CI( -, ied shrougi a t s~fhjaiI fic -ýO! jailer $700: 4154; surgeon,- -tbrougb a by-la - - ~ ibawkei North Ridlsg 1. Charles moi., ef the City et Ottava, la lbe Ccunty et Caton.m Blaehu»ilh, do borew> 1.1 InesIdaàsé 1W &W t t, la the idOity 4 et Ottawa.1 IL Poethe past iftoosjeans 1 bav, boss s - esuiferez r mkidney diessa; -amstheb preulasnt ymptoma et vhicbmvo ears pain inl my baak, bet flashes eztnd fgtroi th. bas efthe spinéeop betveen my-sldsrs, dliss, beedacha., ste. I1vas In a b.d mate gmenufl Md sufonil pet ag0fl7 aI lime. The itespals preventid M7 sleeping. Mdil1 ssoàied le gsi verseo etiuafly. Thi. dosIon Who vei ooued la proneusoed MI dimoase &&abole&, but thIefrealment Midne good. and tbey ld eut but .ligbl hep.etfmy r.covsr. L w , I t h o n s e ti n g o e n eW v l h el .d i s e s e t a t i la netm nbed vithout belp. My urine vas ef a dark vin.e"or, sud full of mdimenl. &. 1 loch aonkis of etmihu, but vithout pmnmammft rlief. &. EeSring of Do»,§'uKidlr.,u1 tba bo« aI EL . kMaCuths mbbvn boss me etten d&MP1tut d bDone altb tu them . Hesrer, ? tgnfldt9*ng them, ma tbey struck the rlgbt *pot t éocesuad Ioi»- m.uood le gel bottr. Pomtbat line os improoiflOat vwucostinuauons il! an nov. affter avs usika usaetfDos'.Rida"yPis, mstlell treoefnmpua in y kiiil.The urine la saturai, ad I arn nov vorklng desghl uie evury day lu my .hep. a. It la agnest soue e lure.Ofor mtle5* t o ltrthé b. ved oet b. euratIveti-yvmoret Doa sà Kldsy Pil. ad 1ame sole»» deeaniation 5omo l ibellsvlsg t tl e truo sd kaoingtthat ttfa et the.mme terce sud ef sot a. if maderdir an sd by mIste 09 the canada EnfUes..Ac. %& .CHLES 1(0NOM Desebetbéore me ai lb CtfOttava, in the 0euaty of Caleton. Ibis 4 hday of Apnl, Be. JOBS E. OIIEaBA,. -FOR SALE BY- 'J-- WUtby. 1

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