Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 3

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>,.Irht old be a5Ikw~ê bCPQmir. F. L, ow ,Otîa Mr.Jon BilDow w». the irst àaPO@e.b ,tet andsJd h youd de<q* i. t Metu ri Manîioba -c QuttIO , Imt g ub et o adftOf~ wI eii contes. nepeope sppaf the beng one of saoeply *Wr. theret *s matera w (avor c ,,bl et1ý aewas settlee 'y *ï,èl î SrbAmenica Wit ali a A t f1867. ,,,t'Ait,§ r. ' i- a Wo AT Galt, a1 a caus ,bt us *jQuebec. Putoi-t tO rchjn acawv eiiî,và bi = e 0 e't i ,li pi-etan bUMrt«M t " Mr A. 0fl1 ~ ~ bodoelutbA auiloe py a ydaties? great 1>rtdeiDed clauses sllowiiig a '19Arn tth wb>l rveueI.radiem s giluorities to appeal te the Domini0 On ' luzurles. Those Who tan asiford luxri s t Wrment tram any proi-OitiCI Îgtieli M bave te psy the shot ý but if WC bad Mr. egard to education wbkeh was TbPtdtd M Laturlers freet tiade as tbèy have It lu Eng* It Wim rsierHe quoted Sir 0. Mowst and landi there would be ne other source of irev- tiOS t f',D.Miîs howitig that the Libemt1s enue but taxing Our (si-ms te raise revenue- Mir-IL endorsd this. It wassthei ltetltiof the The Ameicani felt a wave Of lite trade les fonders of confederatioil to se'tt ti"que.- t.hree yeas age. The Demecrats wti ttF-u uo oever, and rhey did se by sg eigcutyo htc-,sdumdsely -tbeir thal rlgatscSco aesprt policy 'was put in operatlcrn fve hundred other echools if thy wihed. Wheui thte noth- batiks went down, innumerable facteies polic) test was pur<thased the people there rebel were either closed et théir tuppOTt lmt more, led? sud were encouragred te do se by the stopped, and countltas mecharncs and siti- wouk UJnited States press. sr tDonald Stuith was an thrown idle, with n~o means et living. et sent there, aud proise~1d th=mtu 5th e mt Itwa bard tituei and net free trade Ildeas me rnghts accorded te sU résidents ef OntaTtO which dld this, why did net à like desolation such and Quebec. These rlghta were gusrantted spread over Canada at thet mre time, for nighi by the Manitoba Act, andno power iu Cani- we lie aide by side. lu Canada net a batik wel, ada can repeal that measure. Tht Mani- went dewn, uer was a single factory cleSed. toba Act gots further te guarastee separate and men had employtxleit as usual. Our wbils scboOl)s than dots the B.N.A. Act, but the ustural market for preduce is in England, consi clauses vert al 'Ptit 'la for the-pi-eCtiÇO et whtre tbtY bey oooo.o yeerly. Tht a 1 proeSfllîS WO ti IDS ii i-tythreUnited Status oui>'buys $4o00c o Or he alto and who teared titat there wuld -al#ays such thinge as Canada can pr-odute. Mr.-. be a large majoit tfe ôÏë fFrefh Cana Fowke sa>'s Oshawa bas lest populatiop ie d'ans who migbt be bigoted sud oppressive, and blames lt ou tht N. P.,* but dcl that pel-' the1 The rîght of appeal te tbe Dominion was icv burn down its malleable works? Tht ques cict 1ly laid dewu iu tht Manitoba Act, but Libeaai are talking about incidentai duties oee instead of tht Cathlies 'violatlng the coi- sud revenue claties sud lnterpret. their al pact it remaiued for Mtr. Greenway sud the meaning te, suit whatever audience they are be protesfortS et antoatevilteo s talkiug to. but the people of Canada cannot theg via t o hi ~ pffletottn. After separ- longer bc feoled b> t6ei- twe-taced schemes. M aie chols ad eiWconut- o almeet Thelr polley cannot be exacti>' iecated ou- of In -twenty years under the constitution ail put> auj question, except that et wanting office, and lic tuet>'w» wltbdrau etram iou n inwhkb rhey wilhI ho gîeatly disappointtd. 189o, and the Act dotng tht. was beld god I conclusion Mr. SmithÎ said be Iooked for àa becaust it did net expiessly abolish them. majorityin every municipalit>' in tht ridingi kua A Roman Catbolic cemmrunit>' may still have except ene, and boped bis friends wculd sec motr a school, but they get no public funds, sud te it that bis expectatlefls ere rîteed. es are obliged te psy tai te support tht public Cheers lor evtrybody sud a vote of thauks Mr.s schoolS. Thus the compact was broken. coucluded tht meeting.Mai. Frem the eai-lieSt times a baigain between aMa nation snd s people- bas been held inviol- aliv, able, but Manitoba bruike the sacred rule. AýAt M M 1t M The Conservatvts at Ottawa dtd not wish te wl aww moi have this question te deal with. It wass forced upon themn in tht first place by the suit Manioba Liberals, sud qfç-wards b>' tht Loo e n' y P>rivy Ceuncil of Eugland." Tbey dcl net b shirk their duty, how*ver, as sworn admin- denîst1 ~y istraters, but at Once remnostMttd wlt tisthe n gr1 edient, and pli Manitoba. Libeirab bold tbM à commission is madc by an.tlectncal pro=es ridi should have betu Iusued instM"44 oft'a.remed- thatwiII ýrevoltionhx mdial- dati tai order, sud tbe bOltiutterintvesdated, ;,cÏenbe throughoit the worldt the but surely we kne% al about the matter ttU tà H.knso after having it befere the ceuntry' six yearo. Koôid utalknd ps of ges Everybody kuew thte. compact had been Kîny trolubles, and is a poitve for hroken and tht consitution violsted. Then cure for Rheumaism. WOl why investigate. Tht hoor et tht country a dematidtd immnedifite sud streug measures ) to assure tht mni*orùtZ of Manitoba et its ho rihs Eeytruc brttlsh mbjet tands P rin g g0 for a bargain wben madle. WC mîght as ln well repudiate our natiensl debt because UT CURES me there is no law comlptllitig us te psy it, as te DYSPEPIA9 repudiate this separate achool guarantet. HEAAHE Ai tht outeet Manitoba reftused to do an>' *IUOUSNa SS', thing, and had even dtcliued te employ î lawyers te argue the matter in the supiemne Arta ovwy form of bato bu court, thus, deing law snd govemrent. bli@d from ip5pl ple th i Tit geveiumntt hd necourse left but te wofft dm ouI S er% pass. a stuog sud cipbatic ineasure. Omo * .ohallen" Cmôada Mr. Fowke first toek up tht trade ques- to produc ea ce éf a tion, sud said that Mr. Laurier would EcEsifla*bat @oenay ap, bandit it in a ver>' diflerent w ay tromn tht wliUmbot-cumre.ý Tories. Ht vil speud mas>' i-ai s in per-%(J fectng oui taitf on sncb lites as would criu. U % ~ . maketheO cont7typ perotiSsud âilIhappy e d ic in e.7. .~gt homes wih ibS_1iiglaces. We have large ~~U cooneSetCa adin itiltaini everv Amn- a la Mm ..h fowuuw fore tht eci &n ettht privy c on usa - as secretary. been yet sÇOt over te Can8 Tt> gînatc Manitoba bï tht throat witt eue baud aud REPORTERS CRITICISEPD. heldasclub over Its bead with tht other. Tht matter sheuld have betu tuvestigated- Mi. Weir said he desiied ta cail at- Senatot Laud(I-y> CoO$etiitve, nDov assures tention ta tht inaccuiacy of the report tht people of iQuebec that Sir Chas. Tupper of Tuesday's meceting, as publisbed in will pans 8ny tutascit the bishepa ia>' pie-th IONCE HenicshaMr pare. Thus lu eflect tht hlshops are te-take ieCRNCE tntcsthtM- tht place et tht D)ominion parlismeut. - Mi-. Long was grossly misreprestuted therc,- L-aurier refuses te begutded b>' tht btshops beingr made ta say that lie is opposcd in the, matter, and believes in sending titis ýto fîwogin andl education. whereas Mir. question bai±k te MUt.Greeuvray te setle Ln mysme -thei poe wtth his pole. Mi-. Smnith votet co me Lnal sat htbei po Manitoba. r.- Burs.fttweuld take thteop. to these things bcing inti-oductd into posite coai-se, even tbougb tt mlght lie nec- ou public schools. essar>' te oppose Mr. 1Lauirier. once a i-t- Mi-. u»Z said theit bad cettainly rnedial bill ta passed It cau neyer b. i-optai- bee a mistake ýs the îepoitlng. Hec ed hm.SihsidI a srfoite a no objection to religion or educa- since iu this halîthe ConseivatiyeS Of Southton ihi-ifep u hir rpe Outarie liad gi So te their c»ofidenco, and pae but oui achois must b kept though he had be*unable toe9OsO thO= ciai- of them. Such Is the policy of ~ EWtQn UcCarty,_ anid uch as his olicy ent1usiasti a ee.Tht CUi-D-. M.BÏiou oethtsca party assiaSaê1~ît fe commWittet, consisi.ing o! Mess Long gratsrr'. V e Mt*h 1 Mowbray-:"d i- cGlivabe ap- died in bai-us, S"d Ilte trdIO's bad , 4 cenwrïnze the press reports aise i-tnt that at tlra¶«k Ut" 01q..prteshed cipies et the pati wrletas 'VUblish e'it. Thty have «M a te ê ýUbtodr0rtXtf eaual te thetuk Y"s M-fo, ý!U o CharilaiTumiert. b4l1, ýM . xç BId h isdnô_ is n amont us from n head qar ioUld no dobt beo alte t0g1v mt reportsof the progress ofth tbrougbout tht country. Jolinston was reccivcd witb -pl us. H t said is mission, pace a mas in the field lu each ituency througbout tht country. a given him as a spèial instruc-_, to visit South *Oiaro and place Long on their hist of able and feafr candidates. (GreaZ çhecrin~. a ont end of tht country 'ta thP, r no man knows Mr. McCartby'e-. -y better oi loves his principies Inl all pi-obabilit> '19r. oI Id have imany Mils ,te addres*ý tings in other rîdings, but with, ksupporters -as he secs here te'. it tht candidates interests will lié looed after in South Ontaritt, er Mi. Long is winuisg over otheï ;tituencies. Tht prospects point tc rge majarity for 1Mi-. McCarthy In nextr pailianient,'and beyond ques- iMr-. Long wotuld be A member o: govenint.The Manitoba schoO stion had pîoved a very profitablc for Mr. McCarthy. wha is thus en. ýd ta place a large sum of money ai disposai of his fîiends. [r. Howden-Mr. Long has plenq noney to i-un an clection caini:aigti 1wiil no doubt put up $îe,eoo. dr. johns.ton-l amn delighted t4 )w it. In a campaign like 'thI ney gots agood ways. The inter sof the people, and especialiy c .McCarthy, demands that thi ~~o~*on àatp l -LMr o ng 8*19ý-e Pô.l expiai gho o arid. bei-e slniýpIbecaise he e9ýs t ciol -n*oht. The childien that gots.Z t tsJ *41 taugbt the rigbt things, said M. Long. if se att s<ý hoolss »eéthbisbed in Manitaba and i-ln on thc Saie basis, thiey wôuld lie ail right. Mi-. McPbee, Maia-Do I under- stand Mi. Long ta say O=thate woulcl lie iu favar of havingz separate schools like w'e bavýe bere established in Mani- toba previdtd tbey are coidacteti as weil as he conducts the ose is Whitby. Mr. Log.-Yes. Mr. McPhee---Wby thst is the ali of the Remedial bill. 1I presume tht Domninion goverument intends ta sec that all schoois it esýtabIishes in Mani?,. rtoba shal be equally as well biumagtd >as are tht separate schools în Ontanea. 1 Mi. McCulIy, Brock, said that as a , member of Mi-. McCartby's cabiniet it J apptared ta him Mr. Long's position J as chai-mas of a separate school board, eand aiso his speeches bere tonight i. would render it necessai-yforai-hm te Lt demand that like schools be giventi o y o s isi ve. There has been a-"fnipe ofv oney in it already for our hotnred t der, in carryiflg .vn on Saany tiw- f ts, and no doubt as much more can t madle out of it. As to Mr-. Iow-1 'S statement that Mr-., Long bas t nty of money to put up to win thisf [ig. he could tell them thatcandi-« es are only required to put t4p haif emoney required. He" woul sug- st that Mr. Long gwve him, a <lieque r$5,ooa ta which be (Johinston) uld add $5.000 from the McCarthy npaign funds, and then each of the ýs could be supplied with money ta out along the concessions and side- es ta raise the cry of good govein- ent. Mr. Howden asked how were we- ta 0.w Mr. Jahnston is Mr. McCarthy's -anizer? Would it be safe ta give nm over $5.000 of Mr. Long's money odistribute as lie saw fit ? Mr. Johnston said he had very lii ith in sucli men as Mr. Howden, who ýpears ta be of that suspiClous nature at he suspects everybody. He chnston) is prepared to show hs redentials if necessary. Mr. Fred 1-acli said he does not !el satisfied with 'Mr. Johnston's state- ment. He f eeis that it would be saler otake charge of the mnone hinself han entrust the $5,000 to a stranger. Mr. Howden agreed with this, and noved that Mr. Hatch be treasurer. Mi. Munro said he.believed Melssis. Iowden and Hatch were casting oubts on Mr. johnston in order to ;et control of the money themselves. Mr. Long said he bad far more faitb à Mr. Johnston t.han in any of the pa-tics who are throwing doubts spon himn. But hoe vould not -pI~ 3 Mf his money in anybody'hands tc use in the campaigu. He would pay his own expenses, and would not'trus acent to, anybody. Ht apoIogi*è tc Mr. jolinston for the instalts offerc him by Messrs. Hatch and Howden. Mr. johnston-I want no apoIdogi*es [t's money 1 want, and- whoéer is cam didate bei-e will have txo put Up.> o Enay adjourn this meeting- as seon a you irke. And Mr. Jolinston tralked out Mi. Howde-Dida' teg 'llytib man Johnston wau an impostor. Mr. Hatch-And didu't 1. ,- Mr. Long-And go atie -yOw-4xthC you. You are bigger fraudï 1'tbanlb Mr. Real said'that money vood t au important cossderasiinin-thie c au paign.- He could testify that & C huti4red dollars, wùvldgo aîn,* h Rchtownship towardsgi Mi-. Long to tbe bcad of. tbç -ýU, sides.proving a boon 3othe . QI1c wt réceived it for their votes, Mi-. Gàs~ *b~ "q',in 4vpr Ot, C* ii" a fi tl SI h: hvoeblmUé jAIs il~ - D~nb a&~W~ tee~blng troubles, ~u~6 CautoeAA a*I~S#~ >b~ aaiê b~w~IS, gi~l~'beslfh~ toila la lb. QbJIdnift Psm~ OsstoeiL m~oegabaae.ohDustDI5%ilt~V çwa. êui- xe.muhtv.ne.tGlitqMUttlW wbleklaflSOpBiUtd. b.4arlS'~ p--o.goefa~ I satiofUae,*130i3~qUaskuIvbLeb i i m i oïàog va"rna Manitoba. Ht supposed tsar many &@m u . dom a..-_W_ -- 1 as good men as Long could lie found uatopImtI1P or chairman of tht boards ta contrai 1 hem. Mi-. Long said he was misunder- ..Cna stood. Wbathle said was that if they îad just such schoais estalished in Ma- nitoba as he conducted, there would be no objections ta rhem. M. Cleaveley-Why I understafld- i-e weîe litre ta oppose that very 1Mr a. Moesot tud sd' hing. Sevei-al members rose tothti- Bunaay urider tb.pai ,wliig KtLtïU1I I reer at once and there was strong pro- . (ý ur ri<ellg)ig4tt0fi etiàig andi gi-at confusion, ending ' in -N"id~ ftn005t a generai stanipede for tht doar. OnlI>' mooagitZibb dEtoiicou-.StC'n thiet or four were naw lef, and these slcl ê.ivtd ~ rt Uo aay~ .$ gave three cheers for tht candidate rub wM in utmAitsdu.&?oofbaIlsud ppÈ and ont for tht Quten andi left also. swings, ronet, Bt.,vr È4tls uI.g8tq An atttmpt was aiterwards matie to, .gêera aifalo fai f hlW~d reaiganize tht meeting at the Ai-rn- ar Ois f the Unaai paie, utuehOn streng house, but tht effort failct, so thévaatimsmbly iesI%. m @ .~ad a<~ut1'6-~ Mi. Long decilet t issue an adtiîcss m.. B. MCOntlooh a.oompaws4t> -- ta the electors, explaining bis viewÉ. 'Miàâ p Rodd.t.a.thig fre, 0'ner-_ ,I-, - == log on Sbàhli.-COC you oughl te kep joui- fouit up>DIses.. vil f olov. if yi elt it Set bslov a be& -altsad- ard. No atter bow titis comas, -visai yen noed le Dr. Pierces'àGolen medical Di.ovoey- Titatm ta théreastent lesb-buil4er kuowu to nioica mosie ta- srpswsçilth Ced iver th c al eliote stotuseaIt mk h Senid our a frs pamphliet. or remit 10 oa. Wod',a Disposmz Mise i Aaootio, 66U Main Street, Buffalo, N. y. ]Ru tsi-s or breach, permnsaient1? it-d wtb. eut ;Cifte. Âddmssi, Wr~ hetat . ien, Butai ,N.Y. ONI HEJZTEU that it writen teo onfdsflly 1- vihimati i,« iSd letter, pa~r lflof ~ii,-O bouta Oure, b hîhi vs erssnlyls id tbabh " i*ývi4 %rle of sufelng rei seronsdebiliwI. tnl k éruabtu pubts.Vu ly *ibligne ahShIéYD te make" ibisosiamaof=uemW fNý suifa .i-o- Iha"" m tettitU U * -8 * -mosej, bat, betng a fi-ut boUsleiner lUWth vewihrthMiod et tais,! sut mbn douOst. plu»nad. E d Pll ô5Tsi-tn mdRo M anv uwu*g-aand, u trips te Tronlo vsâtky insteailof op , -, 1 1 ut- in MnêK.~'_ Soru.,theenenb#' ulmusd toiîm :Bw. Wio. bave b.sim béis S thali Wiritoe quo1atbonwt io,ev~ 4aw4aq -1 toba tree* MaDIX 1 eï 0 y ît .1 ýl -1 4,

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