Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jun 1896, p. 2

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au~uJlem" St..mmt ieW.l1 Kmowa Dmoo Ms a blood-pudgfer and Sprlng inedclne,aad cannot bave psais. enough. 1 have watcbed Is o. ffselu lachronlo cases, where otiie Lreatmneni was of noavafi &ad have beeU .ateudWetAthe resuits. No otiter blood medleine thitt1Ibave ever usd, and I1bave trled them aitla h iorough ln Ite action, Mud offeets se many Permanent cures as À&yez'smBraprMIfI-Dr. E. F. MERSKL, £agnuts. me. duerPo PiU. for idr and bomt.& On the first day of the week ye ed- itor was treated hy Mrs. A. E. Pirt te sortie delicious wild strawberries which that lady had gathered on the farmn of Mr. Wm. Thompson, os Scott. This is tIre first of the season, but we are in * hopes $everaI more wiII follow Mrs. Pirts good example, as we are pas- sionately fond osf strawberries. A change ini botb the eroprietorship and management of the Bascom House has just been consummated. The hotel bas been purchasad by- a Mr. Leslie, ot Toronto, Mr. Leslie in turn leasing~ same to Mr. E. C. Burton, of Tweed. 'Mr. Burton has been running the Queen's hotel in tbat town for a number of years, and trayep1ers and othiers, who7 have.~~ç~ at the -Quecn's hýoxel,, ini- Tweed, aunounce that Mr. Burwhn kept -one of the best heuses in that section ef the provice.1 <It is therefore but 'reaoniable te expect tlia -the Bascooi house., under kis new manageirshlp Wilt iretâin al et its "id tiine populaprip." Ourgg efial aid tovasman, Capt. %>eëamrs *bC,,been ,spcnditg a pleasant -ioIid« vwith _torto friends. Some miscreant -in town thought he would bave a good joke on the o1dgnlea and sent im -a letter tating ithat an Anierican flagwas hàîised q i h Cap- tain's bouse hçre on Her Majesty e BW*tIi8a. $itundlly, the Captain ýwas 1 estlfl>ro'>mked, a dwrotë to Aider- motn , Jas. Richards "king birn to in- vestigate tie matter. ýWe are pieased to learn from- Mr' Richards that the Stars and Stripço wJere not lsoisted, and th.àt the letter was sent to; the gentie- manetk? m erI l hnyhlm.Wboever and f fondeut ought to be punished. Ir. Irw" We are indeed surprised at the nuni. If the parents,, c=nnt-bc e Ãœedtdt U4e cvil of aflowing sm*citrunn~ue biit the Wsteeu ts i me, iat dcztc iiori Croby,~aahd orarhlab~v "d, cVna W 'ichtrnaa, streets èvery S~ndsy CveniIIIgAnd thét theyýbuild castles iii the ilirwhid it1Upin sroe Grarla*dBroe. badatuce a week agflo Wedcday ~evcning tw erect thc tramne wq'rk of lr. Norris' cow stable. As thée.re :vas plentty et reffesbments the tgtras vueaîly accomplished. They had sorie amusements after the wek vms donc, but none wotb îentioning. The. retreshients get the better et soie of them. But tbey were ail able to work by noon next day. 0. Mott, of Toronto, is vWating bis unole, Jas. Wilson. of James Tran. Mr. Hal.ett, of Toronto, is viiting hi. fiands, Msr. and M...Ward. Miss Ida Gerow, of London, is witb ber parenu e rs for a few weeks. Miss Lillie Spink, of Toronto, ie spend. ing a few days at Maple Ave. Mise Grâce Wilson, ot Toronto Univer- sity, ie bomte for the vacation. W. are plessed to lesyn LIratilas Windsor in reeovering from hie receut llue». Min AÂnnie Diokeon, of Toronto, in the guest ot her bi.nd, Mim àMartha Kivion. Meus. Rogers snd Wilson wbe.led out front the citv ou Satuwday, and catled ou their friond,. Miss Day. Imam Turner, ef Little surront, spent luet week with 0. C. Ree»qr and othr trienda in tai neighborhoed. 80 years &go Mr. Turner kepi store »ud vas posa masterat Bbuor, sud bas many friends and relativesi this part of tbe iownship. The anniversary of Broughame lodge I. O. 0. F. vas aemoeemorated by the hold- ing of divine serviese in the methodist, oburch on Bunday afiernoon lase. The Whitoval. Epworth League intend holding a lawn social on tue bemtiful grounds of T. P. White, Whitepale, ou the evemng of Wednesdsy, Juue luth, 1M9. The Whi»vale band vil f«tàis instrumental mums for the ogsion. The programme wMl cowst of sîogfing by W. Sps.rkp and F. Jameis, of Toronto, anti T. Ward.a choral clase, Whitevale. Elocution vill b. fauished by Mrs. "àY, laromont. Misses&Aice.Cols and L Robinson, Markbam, sud W. G. Wad. Greenwood. Short addrees wMllb. de. livered, boysv. -M. Siple sud J. B. Oh.. Char i 1betaen at 8 ocockesharp,. by Mu.8. 0. hilp. Tea serveti from, à to 8p.mjý. This wl b. te eveni of lb. efalon. WVi itho ut Warnig Mon. and women Drap offf Every day from Heart Disease, Paine'a elsery Oompound cures This Prevalent and Ter- rible trouble. TESTIMONY 0F A LADY WHO SUFFERED FOR LONG YEARS. possese te virtuessu d povers ýte stresxgthenthe entire nerveus syste#iL Paines Clr o~op i uy ieîne hat uidup suad-toue te ,nervesthdg ério Uliestrem -tçbloe-that it drkchs.es »i»" but o q- lt(e seçJ £&te? Of the itesOf",ibis Uonub1ê" Xi _r.. liev letuly am ares ;mauy lites dally. [I bus been mid tlitieeryone in Can- ada suifer, 10tomes sient, froua .atarrh. Wbeber the trouble le in uheir, eor vitere, àfisl a mtfsfetion ta know that *in Dr. Aguev'e Oatarrbal Povder u the medicine ltat gives relief In ton minutes, and hbu eured Smof thie voticase1 visedeafues sud otites troubles have followed th. dises... Geo. E. OCu". Mtichael Admits, Donald W. Davis, A. Fuirbalsu, C. F. Fergumon, W. H. Ben- nett, aud all told loue Mt3r membas of the Hfouas of Commona bave borne teeti- mony te tits effectveneas of ttisreaady. Ask yens ârnggiât forrÂgnvws rise dies, and_ se. tai Yen gt euâ sd not wortiiu reie". Sold only by J. E Mcae. Eickingbotom la gradually grow- ing weaker. Miss £Ila Patieruoxa bas a new bicyrl. and is Sew learniug te ride. .Josephs Rawson, of Rossesu, vas here last week with hie numerous tionds. Mr@. Sharrrd is mach irnproved lu bealth tand.viii be heref aga in a short trne. John Bmery l building a barn on the oid Bell farta. The raing vau held titis wc-ek. Mca. Phillipe, of Nov York, aud Mieu Finley, of Tloronto, are acw witb the si airnbrogie ' peoplo. Mr8. McLean leaves fer tthoWl country nexî veek, where ah. viii@pend a few ýMenthe vith fiuds. Judsou Bundy bas eugagod with Jobn Cowan, et Brougisai, for ils.- sommer. Ho has gene cml of-the bicycle busiîness for a lne st leasi. The band gam S oecert on guturday eveuing from taois new stand. Thse muie w as voli eeceived and we-hope te bave msny such conterts. Pathmaster Eautobison wiuehm> us L state that he inisude ioepounding cattle allored te ruatapon the streeta. Mais Wini b. the iset waraing given. .Mr. Brewn and danghter, Annie, are in Torontoe whermithey vil remaLt. for a fortuigisi. W. umdeuand thê&y ave prospsciing for a plaoe, te local, a» tley vil Iave Claremet u iv wfsw veekw. - Friday night batweem 12 andi 1 o'eclooh some pro rpsU.ii0$t .ga an outrance ie ,Hàudsseon& Faruiera ites store, but veras umore way fbelsd in thse' stempt. Tloy ese.eded iu, ber- iug a bols thu-ougli tie door, but were thon seareti off and nothieg further vas doue. a s- W tm Leaper le èb o c aem modieus skating snd , n< urink. We are notlquite sure as4tiste loostion sud size, but are of te opinios that iliMbo erected behlud thse lovu hal, and wlHI be 'bout 175%85 test. W. adersiànd ta Lb.e lumber hua aree.dy been purchased ,aud work viii procesd ti a oe. *Tise baptist Babbath meboci have mati, arrangements foreîr aD uaI excuram -0n lise 28rd of tise montis. Haîit. will b. tise terminusef lb. trip. Thse . P. R. vii onuvsy "hspasseugeca 1Tor ente viten tite rust ek the joumney viiib. ;zquir. Hodea vsbr o.uea Bsyron. - v 7S5~ uieiaW~, '~ uait~ereouatheiag l.pai otnfthe: tka,UnP 06.25te W J' lakfor treuuIiie'andiiaWnm.but.s. ~ 3~s board 91 hWuh.sp #Ï gois $50te Warren is palis p a bnh"oue ibain Rieeve Gerow, for fli@D .dvaniôd t a u igga ILSOM uixyeet of uadg.nt, vom falDeti Danoy, vho had deptis bmw Museh d udne igaC f Uinjred ber ankle vhila valltang tbroagl -avas. hueveiîben e dt GUaiUp. îai th#ssy dcv l viibequite m$18e Mr Pencher, as ohalrman, put tbroagh pnue sbouid il bappen tisai no vaienCod: s report cf tb. standing comrittee on be tOid& roadéansd bridgs msking the foiloving Mr. R. Scottint la ggiug àsela=aderT graÛte opon the higbways: - . t e iwSnoLSJf bhm boume. To grave1 betven l"ots 0sd Iinu tse Mr. 1E. M*Olugh intende putiing op lai con. 050, E Balstien sud Jas RieS a nov bouse mhorly. astis, coma. To' repais bridge over Gee'àm rae ini Mr. joseph Bovies, of contr e 5 Pickering village 025, John Gordon sudba c.lyui a ev oseo bs Jas Richards, eoms. fm To repaisrosti betweon loto 24 sud 251 The now football tau nontia cf ln lUt con, 012, GeParker sud James Betbemds distinguishet th.msslsb~ Bultâaccu.cra oîmg ofr victoriew ns a necent mie 7o repair roati botvèen lots 26 anti 27,uib MarmlBill, Beet-oDO eaI0Ùt ln UtI con, $15, W Letton sud James notbing. Tise MareS Hill boys vil His, Coma.. return tise gaie on thte evening cfi th. To repair rosti betveeu Iota 28 sud 29. 9th cf Jane in Mr. Wm. GibSon'a field. Soutkaslif et2ud cou, $1U, W Taylor sud ______ Jas IIBte, corne. To repair bridge betweuilota 34 aud A business man la 35 ln 2nd con, 010, Jas Laughinansd J net the Most patient Ilile, Cm".creature iu the To rpai wasoutbet ots30 ad 31 iorld. He cannot To rpairvashut el lts 3 sud31 top work every lu 4th en, $60, jas Hilte and Thos minute te bter Pencher, coma. vltb au irritatiug, To repair washout bet iots 28 sud 29 siindieae - lu 4th con, $2, W 8 Maýe~r and 1'boums hcln oubth liPoucher, cons. issao îkü To repair andi gravel bâle opposite lot making. Neith 19 in 5th&>u, $%, GD Lànton and Thon * vll hewivt tobear Pencher, ons. as og -e auseý GraveI ttiscon from lot 14 Le 18; $70 aoy iofthe ausem of hi, ailment net Ceo Philipe and Titoe Pencher, Comns. do.snt care tvo st-aa about a fine Opiiui To repair Vaieuîine's ill on. 4th con, theory of liv te aboulai treat hinascîf He 017, James Litigott aud Tises Pencher, rnay be predusposed te serofula, or consump- Comae. tien. IThat," htvifl htellyou "b«as not- Repair Greenvood i bu,, 12% M GIe. ing te de> vith the casei." Be vanta te be son veil. If he eau t. cureti, write ont a pre- snati Tises Pencher, ctomal. scription and send lu your bil. Se, here's (}ravel bot lota 2 andi 8 lu tise- 6th con. te first part of the proposîtion. $35, J W Dunu sud R R Mowbray, D. $tres Golden Medicai Dlscevery l IComa. a medicine that permeates te wbele body Graai etven oi 4 ud incon7es vater goes througb h pne It la a un- Grav beweenlot 4 ad 5in an 7 cte hanter and a micmrob iller. Ih lsaa $40, W Harbrcn aud R R Mlowbray, vehl-kuown fluet that raupen f srof-' coma. nions blodc, encourage thse bteaking out Repair betveen lots -4 sud Slun@%h con ausîghtly ores, te prevont the discase gmgte the lungu. Tbcrc je ne nced of $20, W' Edwartis andi R R Mowbray, IrI& in tifis state ot-dread âtad discomfori. comna. Ptuify te blood. h cau be doue. The' Repaireos 7th cou between lots 1BD anti"Golde NMedical Discovexy "'vii! cuire 98 11, $12, -A Johnou suad Thos Pencher, percent, cf ail cousumptiv euaes, aise of corne, aiu other llngering, brouebhà,tlshroat sud Coma.o1seuses. siun i auws uu & To grawel opp lot LSiu 7th cou, SU, J' Russli an* -Tises Pencher, comms. Washoct bot lots 14 sud 15lunt.e @ths con, $30, W Linton and George Grov, To repaW boiveen loe s8 sud fi lu con 9, $15, J». Williamand Geo Goevi* Culvert betveon lot» 16 and 17 Mu 9th 'c@n, $10, j Evanes ud %teorgo (ero., Gravel station rosa at Claremont, *120. F Hutphison and George Gerow, *Gravel froua Iota 30 té 84on the&bS con, $20, J Isbwandeu and G Gerouït. 'coina. Repsn-ng (frenvootibridge, M2, -M *Gleeson sux hues Poucher, coma. To gravel.betiwoeu lots 6 sud 9 luncSn 7~, $15, H Jbetosasd R R Movbray,. coma. ,Repaurine beitge bot 34 anti 35, %th cmn, O, B Nigiavandor and G Geroou, Re grant on Qleon'e sideroati $15, J Gibeon antie R Ub Mobral, coira. Repaira on voitera tovuineU. 5, P R 'Hoover anti Thcs Pdecbsr comm. r-Oravel Kîngeton roaJn ioheiag '-ii lage, $40, Joh» Gordon Mdsud Js Rcha" Repsira atWhitevd;là M M$0,Thons floare sud Thoe Pouchoner am.Il,? 'Reopaisroati oftaiimQlLAndi. ley, no0, G w-*taa titdR ovbray, Ot oni U2,aiiPutgravami Ion 6th o, - ne grant 0orib.> ot d4S, WMau Mud Jante eh.oosa periuads yen bite taking surethzn that hesayf"jis ttasgoond' Mybit,- ter or bim-tetter for bis profis. lake tc 'Golden Medicai Disevrcry -Ut çratutdhseoauyf tc age. lu addîht us -nde, te 1mevouii5elf bettes- ie! the- Wefd' Dispensary ie&Sl - Asota- tIou,~Bszfa1o 31. Y , iOne-cem t aMPs tO A4'~r. 5 ia bock cf 1qO pagea, hus-ý trateatia hil M of r*ikWs erise -ta* tb*a. y onivr e a ti iuucd AM6 bhe ip tht etWnàyor Mss. PM. M.- urs CM, 0, .. iu meitehtht" ahieSmsat. s~'ru1uifrark ~a~ey,' yer or inJter I 1 haye beE oniryli CI&eemm=tett ~,t~LCusjzu.eelbeM rtneblu éâ dld, ui 130 p rirst ai nigitt. pariSe" CH3ABLE LE, Wth Bd lÃ"od Pile bWompt and oei easy ination. Slby&Ulidgglsts.ii - F. LI Fowke, ~ ~al Dowwas th beWguld devote pIgsub>ect ofc -.somelme ~ai 'ias beiug one of! e î n -favozY of si Wtiofl was settled iïMç Act Of 1867., sà arepeetC5g %hofic minor d ôllAtOUhiscbl ~Otsied Clauses allh esto .appeal to the ",o-n »Y provincil O édtioI which s.He quotied Sir m IIe s hewing t, d titis. 'h was the s of COnjederatiýn to uver, aud tbey did religions sec: s cou! if- they wist'el \' go pW'chastd the peg I voTeenecouritged sttg ems. Sir D4 p an rmsed coded te i resi( bt.Thtes"rights MbUùtoba Act, andv Irepeal that measi :t gees furtier te gu than does the B.N' Wts ho were in d- whofcared that tii irge iya% .ty there hbo might bbigeteÈ gbt Of apea] to the I~ddowu inuthe N [bf the Catholies ' remwiained for Mr. (6 =ft* pf Manitoba -Owpýprotect mùl a~been con r y8mnder the coi adthe Act doirig t le lit did not expre n Catholic commili Kl, but.they get no Iledo paytax te 5 -Tiu the comj %fie earliest times a t suad a people bas but Manitoba broke bmgrvatives ut Ottai tbis question to de po tem iu the àbm ieals, and cenca of EnglaD tirdaty, bowtver nsbut ati. once -ri ob.Liberaishold &4mn ~been lasuedi 1er ad4be Wbel mrely we kaew- ail haiging h beforethe rboy knew the. c mi-and the constitutit lâvesftfate. The h viien maé eour naie Fi laie thIft eparate w ôtet an -b 'anel had even di thu deyu an ewmernet tati suouffdl mh Fou-keofirsitec :and - hutpd d rararfon s *1 0gwa, eeu îdaey Dilfiuy-1U iv. body. b InJ'W ~, 'q mier Dt, Ç I W= hvpreehehSyumuet h" avpsa4 bTsi sheb ouh t vt aep blSdc ievl SAO iilsa e uccets

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