Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 4

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over It Oshawa, on 'Thursdaiy evenigt visit Prospect psrkr. Hou. jno. Dryden spipata at BrOoklin to- oeorrow, (Saturday) vight. Thr wetohnohcI.eauat.CasWMforSMITH, Puh re Enish Pris ree, Judgment for dei ,. on ebarlfor $6.8ar Fînet Qulit Power, for deft. Vosper vs. Smith.-McCrae, garni- BleVitrol or Copper Sulphate, shee Judgment agaiust the garulshee. Whthy Dlvialoo Court. k% auJ"f atin inleot&Several familles in town have bad their kilsail eaf atig ineot hebu roosts invaded tbis week, and their 10 CENTS PIM TIN. w bole fiock aOfliens myaîeriously killed. lu wlU addrega a meeting of the '81ectorsc ane case as Mnan v as 2a heas were destroyed. At first it wa fitoughît that veses were ai SOUTH ONTA.RIO in the These gvoods are aôsolut<ely pure work lu te tw but it (has s HAL, :-: Wcou- a;;dof /e /~es/ 7Ual/y. Two or three suspicious curs have been seen wandering around tack yards withia the-O - 'bas few days and a clain forda ge y I t w 11112 resultilti upcons e confirmed. TJUJ>y JUNE 9th, lm9 4/ ~~PJ Kassail vs Heiman.-Action (or balance M $24-81 on a note. The parties are German J ews and were awos-n wuth covered head on CHEMIST& DRUGGIST, the Pentateucb, and la the naine of(Jebovah. He will explamn why he voted for M.G. Y. Smith for the plaintifi. The defts. VEDICkL - H LL, wife abiy dcted as counsel for the deft. As the second reading of the Remedial Brock treetthe acco12nts and documents produced were Erck SteeWhitby in German And ia Gerumi characters Reeve Bill# and those who do not look Kung was caliod on as interpreter. Judg. menit for piff. for $20oa"d ccuts, payable 812 uiPon that meaisure in the same forthwith and balance in weekly instaiments ~ â~ "ofai5o cents each. McCabe vs. Grant.- Iight as their representative should Onitngarnishee. As the plit. <ddflot Pin an appearance the action was dis do him the justice Wo hear what he ________e et idnntanc udgmn :,der has to say on the subject. If M4r. w as made to commit hini for 30 claya. This WTHITBY, JUNIM 5t, 86 brought the dcii. to trne and he subsequent- LSrnith cannot give a good and ____ly paid debt interest and conta in full. G.c ne Nts_ _ Equal Rîghts meeting. Valid reason for his vote lie wiII C..ConeilNots.Hon. J. H. Long taok advantage of the not find fault with bis constituent8 Dr. Gunn was appointed jail surgeon by presence of the county council this veektc0 the first county council n 18,5, and hoîds cali a apecial meeting of the town Equai for differing from him. thc position ta this day. He wîil in ail like- Righters at bis office on Tuesday evening. Noarly ail the caunty fathers attended, and Th caiwîl etae at8p pointed hiînita office, and as beyand a doubt Preaent rpaa, uyasiua volr the aidest caunty officiai we have. that ben Long stated in assuming the chairm.sa Rtede vhth as in a position ta annaunice that hrb ao ulde When anecocrmes ta lookr back m ict h re. Dalton McCarthy wouald be the next pie- corda af Ontaria county and notes the j,». mier. The groat leader would have a largeOpoion I itd porantbusnes trnsatedby hatWyassupport in the west, and would carry mare POion Ivtd partnt usinss ranscîe by hatbo~yas an hai, the ridings ini Ontaria. In Quebec weil as the very able class 01 men who bave he would make aImant a dlean sweep, as the GOD) SAVE THE QUEE N heid seats around its board, lieis led tare- CatioIic vote vas withhbu ta a man, while gard Uhc abolition ai that body with sorne in t he east it vas ail up vîth Tupper. This miagivinga. The naines of Thos N Gbbs constituency vil I be hotly contested by aFOS W N Gibbs, A Farewell, J B Bickeîî, T P supporter afiMcCarthy, and this meeting FO ALE. White, J B Feasly, James Dryden, ina. Dry. ilbe masidter ak sI denTho Paton W SetonM Glleiy*themater.The policY af Mr. McCarthy i. One of the most desirabie corner lots in> James Grahamn, Jno Hall Thompso ehasunchanged. ItLa .: Down vith churches tw for sale, siuated on the IN. E. corner Robin~~~~son, JoehGud liî Cha and schools "- Let Manitoba raise ea of Gilbert and Centre atreets, near Co'urt Roinon Jseh oudPhli sRe, and drap rel igion and schools. heatr' House. Ver>y con venient ta the acosan Yuemn Gterbs o, A GWeore r Jon Mhas gt ta be roned oùwih hakls.churches. Wil be sold reasonaby. Appy Lu en Do l, Peter T milo , Jeorge GuBrabazan ) The rade question is ail bosh. ILt taCAP . JOHN BENGO LGH, Ne i M L>u ils, LWmG m ih, Jm on GHa y, h er >peop es rights we want, and the 65 Bleecker ait., Toronto. S B F, amrels, D Hwî, John Hf.Bnain church is aboishing everybody rights, and June 4th, 1896-2-j 4in. Parker, Timothy O'Leary. Alex K-!nneddy bdainther. Te tiraibcusineasstas James McCreight appear in the records inmetnwadbeapnspohi rnncto wt any important maîters. meigwudb opsiuo i (Longes) FirBt Cla88 Farm f'or Sale. The legisiation af the cou nty mav have been heddtue we ol alrcalta imPerfect ai times but was always carried he as namninaîccj ai a meeting beld sanie South hall af Lot No. 15, 3rd Con. Town. on wiih. an earnestness and zeal which was manths aga. Mr. Gouid said ho was rnucib ship ai Brock, anc mile frorn Blackwater. ini keeping witb the intelligence Pf teaped wiîh the statemenî of policy as gi ven eboesingodtaefcuiaio ple f te cunt. 01thePeo byHon. Mr. Lng. Ho couid endarso with good fences andi first-classaOulbuildings' pIeai he ou ty.every word af it. The course of iis counrY' ood trame hause; ban neary ew with has been a mistaken anc fra,»the first. We stane collai, tva good vola that have neyer TownL.ca. have îoa mucii party. I-Iretafare be bas gone dry, about tbirty five acres aofiieavy Eletio tlk s yt s vrY uit i ton.su pparted Mr. Laurier in West Ontario imbered hardvood, principallymaean Election talk s yeî is veryquiet in taut wiiii sa cos osiunc. bt vi in beecb and as neer been culied. Town counDil miýnutes5 crowdcd oui, " ibis campaig> fallov the equal rigbts banner. There is also a smaîl sprigon00cre week. Ho moved tao, ndorse Mr. Lnga1tda9 fbbootnutbl oegcornier Mr- Wrn. Black, Pickering, vas in towndidate ai the party. Mr.gHaysete ned ouheld siaclrea a bv hal On sudav.the resolution. He said ho neyer toit mare purchaser lie 50 disposed. Inspection in- on Suadai. ed oi nya Vtsa worked up than wbco listening ta the able vitd. ROBE RT BAIRD, Wick P. . May 5 rcen s r a d, sîd o l a aes i exposition of p aicy given by te chairîan. 29th, 1896.-4 in. 5 c e n t s p e r b a i . ~~Hi s ( H o y e ' s ý v i c e w au l d i n f u t u r e l i c c a s t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mr. John Birchal, af Toronto university, for Equal Rights. Ho bclieved that il Sir was in towo this week. Chrle1 TupermIs1terosi-eliio-vaid OR AL 6 picce soîid vaînut parlor suite, plusi>, cati mn you oui ai bo-ere on vind if you li- gardon bas choice bearing 1uittroc. Situated vii> sit inai bnd, fr $2, ort ~,~!errupi this meeting any turtber. I snigbt corner ai St.j ahi and Brock stresWp ty W. Til's. mat sa> bore tatin this contesi I inîend to north aifbtce EIecicLihvos.Prai<o ou pay mY Ovn oxpenses, and aobody vilIlibe purchase mnycan romain on Inartgage at six When you bu>' the tamous BEAVER akdt u padn.Ibv tl an e ei For torra appt>' ta FRED MIJDGE. Geme CbowIng Tabacco, be sure the word Beaver manoy un bbe bank, and ever>' dollar of i thepoiss1r .OMITN1slct ia on cach plug. wil be laid oui in winning ibis riding by or. Wbltby. Miss T. Whitney, Part Perry, ia spending legitimate means. Mr. Real asked vbat Wbitby, lune 4tb, 1896.-27-3ii, a tew days in town, the guest af Mr. Wal. wauld lie the price of votes. The chairman ---------____________CO'__ Brao, station agent. ..Did you say votes or oats ? Mr. Real-. Mr. Bort. Somerville, Toronto, vbceled ta Voies. The chairman...WeH ,yon can seil NOTICE v! town an Sunda>', and vhile bore called upon yaur vote ta tbbc,» iat needs votes. Hov bis uncie, Mr. Robi. Barnes. ever, 1 vii sec you later (vita a viok.) Thrce two.year.ald colts, light bey'. (2 filles Mr.r.terRaâonbaes bi veltlathe chairman beso good a ndrgelding) aeioepounded atti5. Sth c Mr.Waler obsn lave ths wek o t wikut me boa? Several gcs'tlemen- ai Pickeonjg, and vili thero lie sold by publi accopt a situaton in the Queen's hoiel ai Wink ai ail ai us ! (Intense lieront.) Mn. tender on June 301>, 1896, at a o'clock, pm. i Niagara-on-the. Lakte. Wcir said if there vas aaytbiag la ibis po.-flot ser climned. JOSEPH HRRN at the Miss Rogers and Miss La voIle, ai Tor. lhtical platfoin> that sbould cause progressive panndkeeper. Kuasale P.O. . whicl onto, vere in iawn lasi week thc guesis of ciectars t? ral>' upon it, it wouid b. flot only Dated et Pickerirng, lune ist.--a-3in. Canstý Mr. and Mra. R. R. Bird. tbc abolition ai churches and scbools but Al notice Mr. Gea. Bannes, Whitby's star lacrosse also the assurance af a profitable campaign Ia solaet ill lad wit tffv1îotais sea- way of higb prices for votes. (Chocs)H at,1 8l.Sei oo i teMid ddititroganded Mr. Long as b 'w oWot ag AatinSae M TaStwr a e dangerousî>' ýqIRughterbua Toys el The nortb Sa acres mare or bs ai lot 3o, wlth n fammatian during the pat week, whicb mot bis (Weir's) viewa ozacti7. 'Son- 1bonoeusion Wonhplr'ckiZ but is nov slowliirpraving. nation). Mr. R. R. Movbray protested. Hoestow1hi ofFekeCo, said the feelings of bath thic candidate aud vii li e sold b>' public auction, et Gerowi's ~ ,,I. B Jd. McBnuea, mnister at Maple, thisminocing vere outraged b>' Mnr. l' hotel, village of Broughamn, oa Saturda>', L.A( c% ouai>', is here ibis veek visiting hi- cool asaumpton that aur hoaorcd candidate Jonc z3Ths1896,th rl ootwuai IRA sit - ý ets'Mm. and Mrs. Hugt MeBrien. la still notbing but a coinion TMr. (HeaRI.Ti ai ago aiwl lo Îfyau vani te nja>' bbcconiiors of 1home bear!) Sovoral meintirs rase t eta r art adul osltvcbille raoid. rt% th-S boy' a oc. package ai gonuine TONKA vhen*the doon opeued sanoechardnlCol- PO CH mcBr bIghImOnpyta,.O, ~ u smokifig mxtur. SoId b>' M. C. Lawler lias, a laboring mn, walked in dreascd POUChER, M-rghn,, Ont. 54l aud J. E. Willis. in scedy looklng clothes. The cbairmanat he Lffbena-Conservative Coamittee rmis, once proceed ta put hlm out. but-alliers Is- The Lilicral Canservative Cmm tion trute sd rcte the chrde ajr a Mc-SItsage* Tiin rooma ovor Mn. A. M. Rasa' store yl hae Cartby badge on> bis breaut. Hîew*Uaked' WtsitERis UAK OF D A open even>' night on sud aser Wednsday, ta stgte vbow h. a 9or ,to wblchbel us- ga lta lest. Votera list's viii ha kept anail vercd "Sir Chas apur"Greattursnoil Information desired wilIlibe glven b>' tac vas tom tfram hlm sad -Collua ' ~ doutittee. Every supporter of Mr. Saith kickcd out, the chaira, statlng - fatthvie ,18 ordilly invlted ta visit the rooms.-2 n Equal Righi* amue <dd ot- 0og and lmr ~~ ~~~ c~rs or poor tuocof any ëlaag. Mr. Woodrg "d ~ F~îc~~s. tbsi Th criti orkers viii hold <hein linat t - t rlgosM for tac aninin th Ie old **deneKWtW I oô' Of coDpqaetdl0alnclnrch on Sunda>'afterôomté wos rb .e"n4d Muad. P'-4 V c u* t 3. o'cloci. Roy. CGep. CatýgweU,, éd bat the if,0n.iots, 0 s~~{ osbwj4=4a nnubr af woekers apî (r9m ë *h<X pm tb.m or<M- WOOWYo TOroata, AUare liVt*d 10 attend 1stWOO4aot AStil QWg b *Uao*Uacsd ID *0local M r4tt0 d&klhtarh DRY GOOýDS LADIES' VESTS for 5 Ots., 10 ts., 121 ôt., 15 cts., 20 cts., 25 et.. and 30 cts. LADIES' CORSETS (ail the best makes) at 215 ts, 50 ots., 75 ots., $1 and $.5 LADIES, SUMMER COBSETS at 60 cent8 ; nice and cool ; ail sizes, JUST REeEIVED**. aiother siipuient of LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, MOT CAKES on amcunt of thé snail price that we New' 000d8 tIo Ilnd Thi,8 Week-: ME«N'S FLANNELLETE SHIRTS at 22,eentseah Met.Black Cotton Sois (fas eolors) at 10 cents per pvr. LADIES' CISKMUPJ ROSE t 25 eEnts er pr Ladies' Blftk and-White Lace lMiat at 5>c., 25e. -sn M. per pair. ,which 'are -going off liké A BÂRGÂNDOWBLND, ýe Summer Suitings fro $13 and- - -- 3.5o%.Ftr Y~ à~N r~ -Carpets, - Readly-mnade Clothing, value oVt -FOR THIE LEST VALUES IN TOWN IN- Va/I Fapers, Bby eCarniageS, Wagon8,Cout A Iimited quantity of the latter only, Ieft at HALIF PRaIC]i C"'AJet: Ao Scoo DeksSecure some before it ail goes. OUV4g EntyfrSli Dss BÙrck Pa/ierns, and BrislzAn, 't Poultry 11kinda aOf at Poultr>' and Laying Hens ztod, for vhich cash vili ha paid. Elîber ,d mce a postai card and I yul came ond. or bing tac poultrv ta n>y place on ursda>' affernoons. CANADIAN RICHARD BLIGHT, xch 4, 1896-3 mas. Myrtie. HONe G. W. &vlçmâlr Ontario's Miais\er of Education, and4 NOTICE. cent orators of our day, wil address a ýnyo txO1I HECO?< GVE TOW N HALL CO nYCourt, la and for thebcD A UNTY 0F- ONTAIUo, RI Ay__ UNIR 12t1 rI licb beld la bbc COURT HOUSE, N terpbic Speaker in this Dominion b lu the Town ai Wbitby, on addresses a broader spirt Of Canadiaianim-tii UDAyr I= Mýj896ý deals powerfully with the questions at issuei BDA , l NE Uth 1 96, try's history. e burofi ld& n te ftrnon o nMR. LEONARD BURNETT, the Libe he a" JsiceiOfe laac atCorone, 0 Owill also address the meeting. iabl Jes, a tac nce, orne rs, Ontano aes d othes celvedwull take MR. SMITH is invitedto be present., J. F PAXTON, SW'ALL ARE WELCOME, G7aiery resrvd fo ù'a office. Sherif, C , . G0S.3 E T E < . itby, M a>' 2 , '96.-25 21. O S A V T H k W. A. HOLLIDAY, F. 1 'UO8 iO17 to ïG uelp . o r es~i kionp il F ar e n' E x u rtio n to ' Ko d el , ' a m, G uieph, Thutsday, jeu olath. J 8 . kE i u gFine8ttoey L4 A. rare chance. nerican Dyezng Co.OD WIIT . ROSS, one of the inost nmgifi- MASS MEETING in the WHýITSy,, :,at 8 p.m. 'reathes into'bis eloquent- àan does Mr. Rosm He ia this crisis Of Our coun- rai candidate ia South Dr ladies and msorts. )WARrm ANNIES, s-OCUZr(ON~ It is styligh,1 and fast ; of pé workmanshîp finish.ers Silver Name F Trum pfor tourîsi Jno. S.Ba i WIIi ta 0 l«Ipu FBIDAY, JUNE - LOCAL LACOIý Au advertisement, likre a mna.- with age.- Hardwood dining tables, 4 le at W. Till's. Allmn's for pure hellebore, Pa insect powder. Mr. Thos. Graham, V. S., CL in town on Friday last. Mrs. Groos is visiting with 1 Mirs. Grenside, at Mounit Morri A yacht f rom Toronto arrn Sunday, returning borne the sa Young mna or oId sbould no Thas. Siateris advertisement on Miss Beatrice Dartnell ret-urr week alter spending a wee.k vi5 in Guelph. Mms. Chas. Hodge left last wi in Port Perry, Mr. Hodge hai employment there. D. M. Tod's bread and cakes Vates'. Give him a cai whe anything nice in that line. Mr. Wes. Sherrard, son ot Sherrard, of this town, rode sec one of the races at the Woodbir Several carloads of cattie % fran> the G. T. R. station on Sý They were a fine lot of cattie, ai to our local buyets. Most of our sports who took * ait the Waodbine last weck- wer pick_ ýhe .ianers, and conse weck'are wearng a " blue" rit Be sure and hear Pro£ Watki the celebrated guitar player, w several selections at the cancer literary society at thc Ontaric lege, June îatii, ait 7.30 a'clock. What is the matter witb bicycle club in tawn and boldi Fu n? Aimant ail the toWns hai and sureiy Whitby can be - There are now upwamds ai fi owned in town. To Day 1 1 . Ice c.ream, cakes, boiled hani, High Sehool Batrance Ciasa. Honor rail for tac montas c May. Itiat class honora, mû per cent-C. C.- Tamblyn. S9 ho0nofa, ininxum Sn per cent h. enson, Nara Lawler, Tavia W, Stewart, Stella Pringle, Hon Axthtir Ketchen, "dth Johnu Taylor, "dth Rosa. Annie S Mei IaLtta Westlake,L Lara-Barues, Ruby Stephenson ardson, Ethel P -skit PFM -Romefla Tursbuilro Cl éecs, Arthur Howden, Bort> lered Yates. Namber l incceia est standing takren, 68 per coni Per ceut. Third clasahonora, i pYer St..-WIllie King, .Manc ltrsea Devereil, Mabel Hoyt, E Hdt.)wey, Sene Hyland. -Mmssliwc Mile, of Port Hi" iuig ber graumother here. M.H'Godfrey, Port Uni bie>d be e onWedncsday. dalla thisweek with Mra Goldin TcMtb«tcr "speng a week w Ms-~fS4mudeu and Misa MI~ Woodbouse sud c ~~~~yiitins er parc TRS.WAY- FOR BÂIRGAINS I s Dry Goods, W.atch Holder feet long by 3 feet wide, for 15e. nAr Pi;-,A ?CE 'Dana. 1 value, TC% 0

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