Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1896, p. 3

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Th o v le o f ge etra n Ousiînes a aoW d. M fThe rsl uila ttbs.ôiutorvl eg» * -tiis week.- fdorn,, tihe ofMnlbsns. r. Hilts, seconded by Mr oue, uiou fom the t.,wahil? o8umgo o 86 Ms odnj oefo aka for the resans.cReeve ini the ie 0~rber o laI eetngreIuI moves that titis council Imeet as ;% vas bêl a 1y #M'h.Thom If*l »o&p.foratie ba1. Minutes O l metn cut <f ,vision on Monday, the i151h 1but ié a 1e#S. b Bre MswHuediwthrAnAbr and r o f bll weeresented day of June netat the hour of 1 lwhite mon Wo t Krfed approve o'clok p. m 1.1.1 ren mn rS1c) Miss Hughes, of Toronto, is wlth A n lb reerdt h arioUs standing Mr. PoucherM. seconded by Mr Hilts', p'acea on the LB5ê5"t ré% the eOOrt ber sister just now. andmîteferred tgtetitionra.d oves ht hîathon sdwured lu order than B PPW i Alvin Micheil, of Deer Park, spent counT e es eii n co m o e th hi council purch se a be m ad e sud the parti « Unoliad 1< p - the 24th with friends here. welore ed n rcivd road machine from Copp Co., Hamil- pear at the next meeting of te court tOso h*Udriladfmy pn wer rnCatd rconsd ton, for the mnunicipality of the town- bhldote20hoJne net. rTe JonU erilad amyset FrOm "ations Dunsheath, resg g shpof Pcke ng.cou o nthen meth p ursst oajor Monday with relatives here. othce f oveseer.Mr. Richards, seconded by Mr. en nme m present, minume of Chas. and Geo. Graham, of Toronto,. F'etitionfliM Gleeson and 19 others Mowbt-ay, moves that the reeve grant lust meeting resd sud oonfirmed. The are here with relatives. to repair ;reenwood h iii. his order on the treasure- in favor O! olork laid the anditors' report for 1895 on ar srde fKnae a EE(tal i aulPtbr Fron, A - ohwnStl fors a nd i i the parties recommended in the re- the table, whicb was read, a sud omo- here on the 25th with his parents. Mnd Obldron. 1t0 oali eth ,, i ein ports of the standing comrnitteeS as ion of M . Âlldred Lb. report 1was adopt-f Toono unti n the7tlO fco. H Re me nd 4 presented this day. ed, ad the tresnrr'm socount alowed. Wmeiri, o oo t u cin ther NqgSco ulsa C petitronfor o tOlosfils, obry. seonedbyar On motion of Mr. Ororier the following was here with friends for the pastfoPagolD PS ohn I g etee mve tatth folwn bills wue ordered to b. p&id for shovelling week. Iinl 1 st cofl. 1in Hls, mvsta te flolnow: Wm, Jeffery $l.50, Jas Staley L abuyad ohro urrhla Pleasant. Its urne )a iwrd' deiabctionlfors a chaone o! pahaersf behnmade:Ths11. 18,an d W m. Dunn 8-2. 50 for repairiDg were here over the hofiday with rela- ilons of Motheraz 3sold zrant te rcIdre icîebewe lt1 sbrei paeo!Jh1cClohwasbout on Jaokson'e hill. On motion -iv' fl<d in S,-,h cn o i.; h con.i engifre of Mr. Bryant, S. Gerrow sud Wm. AU. feverishfll. Caorl ree T,\lrwas heard re grant on -o McCulloch is ieavîng the sai de apitd twi n r on Wm. Coxworth and wife, of Stoufi- es irrhoea ad Wn ,~ tsidelmne between lots 2s division; John Cober in placjS of Thos. Platten or any otber parties owning ville, were here with the lattîr's par- tou ecu sco t i n fd Con. Tod d 1n div. 43ýe- Rîchar0 'Barton in grave1, with th. view of making arrange- ents over the holiday. af't 1tyn-J! l Im ot Dnn and 10 otners pace of V. S. Dunsheath. for road ments for the purchase of grave1 by the Miss Hattie and Peter Leaper. of Ctoia assimilaw u od 1"r t repîrnti gravel Kinsale div. 10.4, and that the seal of the cor- corporation, and report at netit eeting Toronto, were here for a few days with and bowels, giLghelh ?)l o.poration be atbixed to this resolution. of this council. On motion of Mr. Ger- their parents. trs1 h hl.e' aae nfr0111 acob Nighswander MIr. Richards, seconded by Mr. row the conil adjourned until th. 2tb Etrai h hd tIrr'.t"grae112' rds on the Hîlts, moves that this counicil do now of June next -to ueet at 5 o'clook, p.m. ontyp r.oLa eresndcidng a ft a oiL (-)9 lts _30 ro 34, ad.îourn to nteet agamn on Saturday, the JNo. Foy, clerk. ihwt erstrMsBl. " e& Nr.p.of Hamnilton, was heard re 30th day of May, at the hour. of 2 NNISKUILN. nigh wih heasiter Mis Bel. __________ «fa roati machine of the o'clock 'p.rm for the transaction of Viitors: Mr sud Mrs E N Gould. acroe a br of T orone , shep a d ogs Mot xff ha"e repeatedly li efis Ir \ u'm Capoienrlbsnes-e1 and Mue Robinson, Cartwright, at Mr F from this station on the 25th.DuQ.0Osc, SIuitclîr'.n was heard with refer- Rogers ; Mr C Jones of Oshawa at Mias Geo. Dowswell and Byson Parks Lowel, a0. ~t' a grant on the Brock road H sylvesters. wheeled out from Toronto to spend the t t(lare mno lt to the station. d atol gtebmrr d h n liWilhims gave notice th it roati Rev E A W Dove, Pickering, accom holiday with George's parents. whîîhoIam hedaylacot1 -op 1H "cnlots 'S and 9 n the tth ion paidRv .\oket ofeec. Nrs. Thomas Vickingbottomr is still far dà"nt when motes WUIeaîd00al a dancroil condtion No service at the Methodist curch vers' ow. H er rother, Mrs. White, Inees f anicUde, n Lamghlin gave notice that K o e n y next Sniay. ha ee ih e frsmng k.eea fthe Ive ouua by ovst, )l s d rr hcw - n je 4 a d C o t i s h e i g e ie ndI o reported th t a yo ng m an in the has been with her for some weeks. lt tu t ~tieinebcteen1< t'.34(Od Conaiiis he ew ngrdiet, nd employ of Mr. C W Souehbabu decarnped, Mr. Laughland and mother and Mi ss morphine. oor.ing uyrup sd ohrhrfi t Iie :nti (,,,i rei1uire i ntretiate i aebya lcrical process raigaltemny he conld find in the Veitch, of Toronto, visîted at Squire agestas down theïi IbroatS, t.hbydfl fa that will revolutionize medical houe. He laves a number to mourn. Holden's on Sunday and Monday. cbem 10 pi mat re giatê5 p(Jtýnasking ta vr ec cec truhu h ol. Os.DuL. J.F.Lom , o\;erin tohat a rc f' ence sinethogotth ol. The gracions and mnch needed rairi .Ieo. Lidgett, in company with - - a d dcrod P, Koteny ciresall ind of dscended bountifnily upon the pauched others. has gone to the old country. ,d t17,i(On 1. as 1at st1oaii Kidney troubles, and is a positive earth while Rev C O Johneton delivered They are in charge of cattle for Cana- The OsuaUw C.=BY,7 Ms A\'. bI'cked n tvinter. anhuefrRhuaim ielecture on "Influence." The lecture dian shippers. l'> tition front (.". hî i ni 3 cur fr Reumtim. o wt th good thougbteand Ms f u epl iiedGen fo ne $10 r oi'to grade anti gra\'cl (th - gradly nphifting in itB îeaching. Wlien woto ponpte th.and tedwhoedid rn adt front Teîttperancce Hall. f delhvered with the vim and eloquence oftodo h 5h n hs h i Y r2mit.to east side tf lot 1-. S p.n Mr. Johnston iL fnrnished a rare treut te not uike in that aflair, took in the la- lPetit ion front (eo. Ilarbr(<n anti2_7lT CURES those privileged to attend. The choir crosse match at Stoufiville. STY U PR t rr.for a grant of $ioco to' grave1 Oit DYSPEPSIA, rendered two choice selections in good Gardner Gregory, of Markham, who PAS O RPI. ki'il'roati between loits 4 anti ;i HRADACHE,9 style; Mr Jobnston also favored ns with frequently comes here on market days, Perbiape not in yea.rs but i nry rv thc It con, '.outh hall. BIUIOUSNESSI îwo excellent solos, and Mise Laura had his barn burned by lîghtning ont Your beelth je not good. yetyehr- R mnRuss.ell matie adiplication for ii And ov"r form of bad Ranton accompe.nied hy Miss Marie Mlondav night. [y know what je the msttet ih>OU oc L:.ýnt itn 7th con east of Bt>" k R'<ati bloodifromapmlmPoto the Rogers on the organ gave a very pretty On Tuesday Messrs. F. Spaflord, A. Tour business. too, in on thedcie on onth icn ic Altona andit\%() worst scrofulus esore, violin solo. The pastor preeided ie isSlack adHugh Gregg. jr.. lost a Peoplw Àte ii ormer ers Tiecrto n l<'t ~and w, challenge Oanad& usua.l good style. lrenmbroJhep ythmbigaU tiae iiret r cons.Titto' t 01<lt1ee)) hep to producO a case of Mr Charles Stewart*s honse wuestruck klaed ntheralawrno onp b hm eng&l t s d your blodeba. e Your standing committe n'.ep Eczema that Kootenay b lgrnn drngtheor f oda orthcar atis of cu utatteweesipe . vîPil.Oue boil O lýdI)v tiogs begs leave to report anti wlll not cum b. evening dm8.g e st from this stur aton son cThu wrsy.p1-ed on-gh yte f 1c rcommenti as folliws . avment to vng-aaesit.YIerPl.Oeb wl K:Mlar NGu(tire for four sheep kîlleti M e th 1s staion nNVILLZ. Maren h 1)g ,valuie 1 at S6 each. 1,;10, sad M r. R. R. Lawrie, o! the School of e s n hi p d t o and Talbert one each.ia anrint being two thirds sworn value Md ie Practical Science, Toronto, who ba been n abr n ec.Miuain respectullv 8 S. RyCKAN MrEuC¶i £Co., HAniLTON, ONTr. successf ul in passing hie third year exams, Jon eed lost a horse this week. e1ah i'f Nwhich is eictlN subntitted a oe otildas The animal was struck by lightning on ]jmea laito ome (In mo)ti'n Of \Ir Richards, chair- te home for holidays ra,,n. report was ___________ Miss Minnie E. Highet, M. A., Ph. D). Monday night and rendered so help- Bcrotulu. atr tn irý opmte. cntn-o! Cobourg, has been appointed to Fol- less that it had to be killed. 3Mnervatio gcncur esaing omreortand cotî- NlP¶O owahip o! Teutonjo Philology in Bryn AIl will be pleaseti to hear that the Sciaticu. nintiallXws-eNV 1reportk, d c t, A large number of our young people Mawr College, Pennylvania, one o! the boat upon which R. P. Hopper and * exci àlId .ts of tow),.nshp ofcer" for the and. so mne of the oder ones attendeti edn m rca nvriis party crossed the ocean arriveti al dige n.No \uî S~.$m. j<hn Mitchell. over- anniversary serv ices t Eldati on Sun- In Toronto on Wedneday, May 27th, safely on the 23rd, having made a ivr mlit '.îur tatute collecteti from roat vivis- day. at the residonce o! the bride's fathor, 53 quick passage wîthout mishap. ïkidnev dimsaSe P-iN4,$1S0 mTvooe-Bathurst street, Miss Pattie Brittain and Orbadgv ustefrtnsa- Toad osuerr haepb!YW i,,r n Ne' ti $i.So WmonTav<r. oter- Our cin heelatterytned ayuthr' rS . isnwu mrid e ment o!frnusic from their new band testified to the etfic.acy of 1.s' ~d suer. v.tatte laor 27,ev,4 îlectet\,ca heese n the latter var !My hsW. H. iioka, LL. B., offciated. The' stand, which was completed last week. ney-Liver Pille. They areti.bt.0 t Irnt <litpisesino theRou bidgi earta nav omrya.bride wae attended by Miss Lucy Wilson, We e.xpect now to be charmed at least menthaedoe; 25Oentlaabo, Farwelexenss n heRoue rige Rev. E Howard anti Mr. 1 L Brown sister o! the groom,.th. maid of honor ue the e. epi a dose; 2mcene abo irrater. v. lmes ubbad. onwillatted th metodîs confrenc at eingMiesEtheoBcetaan.Mu. harls one a eek wth seet ebodes. or aie byaIl aleu.deablers. tir itgc on 8th con anti fixing approaches. passeti over thîs locality the barn of Friday. Hie home was at Janetville. program has been arrangeti o! a super- Yau moy knock tbe bail eerae h oc S;oi W Hi Totiti-6o loati' of grave1 Mr. John Cowling was struck. Not When attending sehool bore be wuvas O! ior character. h lrnot baud, and yet not make aborn» ma, 'r heGrenwotidiisin '.tmaedmuch damage done. studions ad highly respected y11 will furnish music. Those who attend Health ad happinuua reltveflins- Mr 243 vds a s ents p e vsti 5ie4.4. M. Nm. Pointer Providence has teache Hdcmpno ils fami"y will find the outing very enjoyable lu- atnDY rate, tbere eube lttle hplesih \lt eele. 31loats ' dgrav12e.mma.d noved into the house lately vacateti hy have tb. sincero sympathy o! oui Citiefla deed. On the sabhath following, au- ont health. Te give the body isfi eir ât_6yds a cenlts pet a in thia sad termination to a promislig nvraysrie ilb edl h fernt u nry b lo hud \'e beg 10 acknom-ledge the receîpt \Wilfred Mersier. tlfe.--Saeamau. nchurch, wsenrviev. incbhip tCaeuofpt regsuad vigercua, bt h1. u fAe 'r certificate of john .Anderson iom- 'Mr. Gecîrge Cornish anti family visit- OEHOcT Al.wllofciatweThese sericeipll com- Sarsapureilla. rus b ;:vi-ng with the wire fence by-latv, our et frietît in Whitbv Sunday week. OI OETM .wl fiit.Teesrie iici-Saa uîmînittde redommenti that'the report Morrisons orchestra will furnish the Dear Edio-.--Pîee inform yonr readatn m ence at i i a. m. , and 5. 30 P. m - Al What amisefble worM thiuolbiv tc granteti. AIl of whmch is res.pect- niusic for the îst of July entertainmrent that il written to confidently I will mail in a are inviteti to hear the talented Minis- bu nwee ohetoah Iull sumited.mn tis illge.eaid letter, parilm of a geuina, houait ter.-News. sbttdintsvilg.borna cure, by whîch 1lwu PermarD5fly tlY«-________ LuIotJ.~mT ()n motion of Mr Poucher, chairman. Mir. Fred. S. Allin atrended distlict ed tn h.saltb snd mauly vigor, %fter yuaf of MONaOSom-etr rcport was adoýpteti. division at Erîfielti iast week. guffeing front nervons debîlity#, sxual veak- s BertCha.e'a Ointmept luasu irvlalmd Your standing committde on indu- Ms ss ib tus u ek ebrn patte. I that mauy vomaen ove Iheir beaut>' to, Dr. tor Itching Piles and luaeT vuos. vil gents begs leave to report anti recona- Elliott(Rev.) Howard andi Misses wuarobbed and swifdleId ytbe ~~uaci util PierosFavorite Preeciptien. The rIrs- py 5O per box for itiM it ccul e oehr Elotanti Roach attended a meeting neatiy lost faith n mannd, buit =kbevmi, beuty of fot1Ianldface, s wallm er5C d- wluehaod. ment asfollws:M Gleeson, support o! the Woman's Missionary society at I mtoakthe.il s nstere oviitand ll bte bodll cthco i bea fod,,.lte b 'fNI GRvasn suppeksrt of.29, 522.18 rono îast week. effresi1have nothlDg to sl9.ad want no freah air, and ixeueus oupledvwiw the judi- We re eh1 probablysD W5~BIT NI Gleson uppot of Bowe î8 on.>' butbeing s firin believeriminthe uni- cinua use of the 4 sr6teFD iOti h thrfllwssauplt weeks at $1.25, $225); NM Gleeson COLUMBUS mveyaibuotheho of inau, Isam dSirs o fvomanheod. udmether>odin', aduppondt éohrfUW tnp '.ttj'1>ort of Clasonigwehelp 5cing the unfortnaita regain their health ng tonie that's peïmuly adspted tohearnee", of PJohnton 8 weks a 7c School report for May, 1896:. lsudebapines promise you perfect soecre.'rgltusteghnuad uig e Trip.< i n Philip suppSi ort t8o Mm oIV-Mauti Wiicoxon. 1211; Jennie and sef<do not wish to expose mvS>feih, sgetmntaetheL. Tthil)pp ortofeek s t almoo r 8; eo sMinty, 1206; Bessie Smith, 1126; Ai- piceeaddreu.sî smply: FP..Box 3Mi Ln- If re bbea"-ehopain intheh. bear- I'irlp upprto!MrsPame î8weksbert Tink, i i 18; Ernest McLaren, 932; don, . ther b orvnm*%"#;orbancmes, u.!vonires bhosi96à«OêU S .7. 5'. o, sa ubardsUportJennie Longhurst, 922. Clase Jr. IV- EAETC.tain u hiiul.'rsrpiu (,f Nrs Stark 18 weeksat$i.25, $22..0M hrtnPto add t r lb oigao!thtrubaando*ot J )ike o. spor o an oseJennie McLaren 507, Violet Guy 484, h nofadoé"t 11Ï weeks at $.0 1.0 G E Lw- Lilly Hann 461, Mamie Stabback 439, fu meinslulitrgh ~ t.~ It dispolé ache. sd pAM% > omweM W di.- $î.oo, î8.oo:Rachael Beckett 409, Minule Wttuweek. TIhe ontue hre wuaaVery god ac.esoMIit Md ours eatrbltu8MBUagdOe renie, support to Mrs Haley i8 weekpJmeruk .of lb. Ilalu membrsceç. 'Once uned luix, e t$.50o, $27-00; R P Hopper, support 21 e rw .Cls I-ot Ssuf 1 88osAuniVersaysiY SeY il _________ tThos Lee 18 Peeks at Si.50o, $27-00; 111 e- Bond 407,,Harry wi- vere héla lu th. ehodiat chtiiph ma ' p:,Wh ;ludi-e a Nitrs Laidlaw, support to Mary Jolly S8mitHatte12 24 sud 25. Sudj Dr. r1r Z gee S'e bWP.1l ib weeks at $i, $18; Thos Wilson support t Luk 357 Mabe ORichad39, ý H . jj of ehotW _7 to Henry Elson 12 weeks at S81, 812; Ï5bMblOdild39 uinobOdel a Ieem gi* 1) afe, uporttoHeny lsO 4Tennyson Peremnan 313, Sidney Bond 'rtl a *orlà thieeoo..ot M atre mb buD tt pted,*Wd Mlt [)afe sppr t euy lon~303, Kate Harper 29, Jessie Mclanêen Ift ..vMuIl@iIlIOlAJbt1Ii wekst$.5.5. .277, Wm. Richardson 26mmTomatm Yo o mmidthteewudfurther re- HaMilI 241. Class I1-Bickle Gai b rlêIfil-' roment tht te flloingamonts716, Aunie Purves 6-2(j Millard Mc- - ' - be paid for the support o! the indigents,,fi in j2 OI M- K- nameti, from the 6th day of May to the Lan 6 ik 2. iouis _ Lie 531, Antnie __k52.Thi j 3 1 t day o! December, 1896: Wm. Pogrgt 8,(t.Hre Q Ryan, .7 5c per week, M Gleeson, cotu m i mth28 C;a r 1-11_- C Bowes, 75C per week, M4 Gleeson, Bond 421, 1rWýn Ç *P 3$ j'»rP wk, Stork 26o, A#nes c Gleeson coin; Mis Plmer,. 25C.ý UIS33 wek.Go iilp, èéôùi; Ms Stark-, jc Pulr(316 i per week, Asa Huhbar4 o;Jn eri tr oSie, 50C per veDkckC com;- Mrs Haley, Si per wçOet.4GQ 'S Lawrence, cSm; Trho% 1't0e, -si. pr.ooIptduon for I»bi*s or Ouium, Morphine nor a a -harmIess substitute 97MuP14 aMdCastor 011. la thlrty yeaWs use by sitroys Worm. and alis ýs vomtng Sour Curd, 3oll. Castoria relieves ipastlon and fil"encye Sregnla*es the stomach 3nd -natural sleep. Cas- à-the Mother'. friende Castori a. emoela in o Weil adapted to chfldfth" ,oommend it masiortOtoY PrO@UtPti 'Ownto XO fi.. ÂAou ms, L D., 111 SoL Oxford S&, BrooklyM, . Y. 'Our Pbylcàn in t.he childran'a dsput- em bave spoke N "hgh of thezr ePeri- m in Ibeir outulde practie wlth CAOmatri id althongh we o01117s.'ve amag Our edicai muppil what la kxiown as regular ,ductm4 yet we are festa cofen tdut tbe «ts tac Cautoul bas wonus ta 100k wlth 6rot upon lt." UNITED HOSPITL à» D DuprmtEt, BOetMD UÀ ,.Lm .SiE L WANTED H ELPO LIABLE MEN ln every locality (local or ling> to introduce a new discovery and oour show cards tacked Up on trees, es and bridges throughout town and nry. Steady employment. Commission alary $6,5.oo per month and expeDses,, mnoney deposited in any bank when Ld. For particulars, write he World Medical Electric Co., London, Ont., Canada. 'h 12th, '96.-3-mos. CHOICE HIGH GRADE BUOKWHEAT - FLOUR, Vrianted strlctly pure. Ground aud Ianged. Bring your griss. Write for rprices to DONALD CsRiSTIE, MlUt' 1th Star Mills, akaglan. lanted-An Idea eu Iac, Panfl acs r-- ând of Bad Backs, Ma-ey, è. ;elery-Nerve CompoundiW he Great Back Stenigthiener-.ý nimber e!tours 1*êbaebe tobf wMt a1êi.bx sLW0 Of Ul tuuI For Sale by J. E. W!4LLI#ý- At ansd 6 per Cent ainounts sud secuxety .ofe t.pprmlser frcsrnàa't i & ~igC.9 Decet T r ., ru, sum«14 igow irork Vitre

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