Whitby Chronicle, 29 May 1896, p. 8

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Tho Ipupr ?110 viien looking for. dg Pure Drugs, If Perfumery, dg c Toilet Requisities 4j Toilet Soaps, dg Fancy Goode, if Spectacles, id Anything in the ~..Drug Line, 's pr Cross visiticton frhud. o. ýibu Mr-star and Mlim Kemnp spent Miooday at Uxbridge. Mms. J Gregory is in Cobourg paylng ber parents a isit. Miss Smith, of Toronto, is the guest of b«r aunt, Mrs G Pediar. Mrs John Ltake is visiting ber mter, Mrs Young, East Toronto. Mm and Mis S Gliddon spent Uic holiday ssonin Peterboro. Miss L Thomas, of Port Hope, visited witb ber parents last week. Mr and Mrs Wm Oke, of Taunton, visit- ed with relatives this week. M;s Geo Reynolds and family, Courtice, visited with friends Monday. Miss Lansing, of Scugog Island, is thc guest of ber aunt, Mns Amsbery, Mr G Plaskett and Miss J Barnett, of Whitby, spent Monday with Mr j Barnett. Messrs Luke and Lee, of Kedron, and Mr Baîîy, of Foley, spent Monday at the park. Miss M Thomas, who bas been visiting in St Paul for the past year, returned home last week. Mr Geo Barnes and Miss L Sheppard, of Whitby, spent Monday witb Mr anîd MrsJ Hast ings- A deputation af Truc Blues was lu towu ou Moud ay to arrange for s dernonsiratiou Rylcy's D ru g Store,1 at tht park ou August îoth.1 Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, MAY -29)1896.1 OSRAWA PAGE Bt'SIî'F-Ss NIOT1CE.- Oýshawra subscribers ci advertisers may transact any business with the CHRONICLE, or May obtain extra copies at any time, front ,E. E. Rogers. Farmers wîll do well to call ai M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. It wil pav any parties conternplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to set te large stock of Felt Brus., Oshawa as they will sell this month very chesp foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv $5. Thev are also making some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Set tbem. Felt Bros. R Thumpson was in Cobourg over Sun- day>. Miss Ed:th Kirby visited in Toronto over Su nda y. Miss McLean, of Port Perry, is the guest of Miss Lou Hall. Mr and MIrs Salter, of Pickering, visuîe'i with relatives this week. Miss Zella Brimncombe spent Sunday with ber parents in Bowmanville. L Brookes went to Toronto on Saturday to sce the Queen's plate run. John Miller returned home from Belleville business college Friday nîght. A Kirpatrick, of Woodstock, visîted his mother, Mrs Kirpatrick, this week. Mr and Mrs S H Graham, of Whitby, visit- ed with Mr and Mrs Wakely over Suriday. The Messrs. Cowan have bought the Cor- bett property on Simcoe"-t. south. Thev will ereci a handsome resîdence upon it. The christian workers wiil hold their Suri day aflernoon services during the summer months in the park. They will commence on Sunday next. Frank Carter, ýof Chicago, la visiting hi, parents. Ht was five days making thetrtip ou bis wheel. We are pleased to sec Frank aller bis two years absence. The Cainthian lodge, .0.0 F., at their meeting asat Thursday uîghî, elected Dr. McKay as their lodge physician. Ht bas taken tht phace of the hate Dr. Rat. Tht riflemnen îbroughout tht country wili bc glad ta bear that Hon. Lieut.-Col. GiS- son, presîdent of the Domninion rifle associa.- thon, bas been informied that 55,000 rounds of Martini-Henri ammuniion bas been shipped for tht use of the Provincial sud Dominion rifle association duriug tht pre- sent seasan, Dr. McKay sud Frank- Rat had a very narrow escape from Seting kilhed Tuesday morning. WhiIe dnîving uorth tbey met tht car sud lu somne mauner gui near enaugb for il t0 strike tht buggy, smasbiug il badhy sud tlîrawing the occupants out. The doc- ton stated be wasu't hurt, but Frank receiv- ed a cul bebind bis ear. A fareweil supper was given ta Messrs. W Foster andI R Edwards, on Friday even- iug lasi, at D M Tod's parlors. Tht tables wene tastefully laid sud tht mentu served on up-to-date style. Aller tht boys bad donc ample justIce to tht gaod thinga provided, speeches were madIe by neanly aIl present, eacb expressiug bis regret at tht deparînre ai bis frienda, sud wishiug tbem praaperity iu tht future., To these Wallie madIe a moat suitable reply, stating that te waa obliged to leave tht place ai bis birth sud also fienda that were near sud dean ta him. lit gave somne good advice ta bis you-ugen fienda, impressing upan their minda the importance of conuecting themacîves with some society as thcy would flnd it a great advantage if ever they were obiged tb Se amoug straugers, sud above alI ta abstain frorn ail intoxicatlug liquors. Iu bis closing -remnarka be gave theru ah a press<ing invita- tion ta niake biru a vieil aI any time con- veulent to themeselves. Wallie snd Rube are botb spe':ial favorites sud wlhl St great- ly- mlssed. Tht eveniug's proceedings closed wlth siuging, "For tbey are jolîy good ftllows." One species ai loyaty. A great mnany admirers ai ber msjesty disphayed their fcahty to ber cnowu by getîing «howing, crazy drunk. Sncb people take a quter mWetbo of d4slayiug their love for the quecu, sud lisais diarcspect for themsclv.cs. There were pxrobsbly oe u hndred young mien beasliydinuk in îown on MÂonday. So far as oui peràoals observatinweut no Middle-aged or old mina oek on a jagfl, with one exception. This rallier antagol thUic tbeorýr set np by some that Donc but the oci topera now indulge - lu too mi bnci;.. Unfortnnately ifsany of oui yohng mca», watb alithair crack breadlsg n"d tdoat*on -arc wsnllng Ioireai atafiient mauatess e atsytlslag bqt fçU1-tqzgisad sot1s.Queo clags wto go *w114 'on 4% aspoodJid andi cigar, laid:Îdo *aluhe"19 Zoway od abusiness PlSos' about --inSÏd 354 lloWed like. a wliole fiock of for an 1boum and a' bglf; nil!.haMud r(usd nobe ch o'mfomtatt l-,a. Wallie Foster left Tnesday morning for Toronto, where he has obtaîned a situation. His many triends wish hlm succesa Mr aud Mrs W Rankin have moved to Owen Sound, where Mr Rankin bas secured a good situation in a large bakery shop. This town is assumningcity airs. Not onlv- has i a trolley lîne, a fasriionable beach and a professional park, but bas developed a puait can dago banana vendor. Rev Mr Whiulock, of Port Perry, took charge of the services in Metcaîf ai. metho- dîst church last Sabhath. Rev G W McCall bas been suffering with inflammation in hîs eyes aud was uîîable to attend ta bhis duties. Bowmranville visitais wbo spent the 25th bere :-Misses R White and Keys wiîh friends; Mr and Mrs, and Norman James, Misses Lulu Olcott and Polly Barker, wîîh John James; E Loscombe with Dr Hoig, Miss L Olcott at Mis Burke's, Miss Wright, whth relatives:-,Mrs McLean, Misses L Bar- ker, C and E L-e!, Demond, Wl!! Ruodie and Mr Fursey, with their respective friends Mr Edmonsonib reatens 10 close Prospect Park ou Suudays, sud.probably other even- ings when it ha îhirown open to the public fret if the town dots not furnish him pro tection against the vandolismn of young men He bad t0 trot about ail last Sunday pro- tecthng bis pruperty, and ouly ventured out side for an hour lu the evening, but when he camne back the yonng ruffians had smnashed a swing and doue other iujury. A grand display of fireworks will be given on Frîday night at the park. This wil e the finesi dîsp!ay ever seen in thet own. They comprise several set pieces sud were intended to Se set off at Monday night's de monstration. No more tlreworks show whll be given for somte lime as a change in the programme will Se given in future enter- taintrients. The ý4thh at, b. nd will plat some of their splendid selections. A few bicycle races wi!l also Se run. Admission, aduits îoc. children 5c. Tht folowing criticism of the military manoeuvres at Dr. Rae's funeral bas beeri handed in, and we giveit exactly as il came lu us - Miliîary tat-ticts now a days displaces tht old Modus Operandie enîirely. For in- statice ail training and excercises in ve olden Lime, was given wîîb a vîew to actual war- fare. Fîrehng with Blank cartridge, was supposed 10 be Bail cartridge etc etc. Col Paterson might explain how il bas becomne possible for front and rear rank men af a company ont to turn left about, the other rîghî about, and Blase away at one another, as was the case at tbe funeral of the laie Dr. Ray. 5S-'ECTATO)R. Tht following fîomn Toronto visited bere over Sunday sud on Monday :-Mr and Mrs jD Garrow, Miss Nellie, sud Frank Garrow, ai A Thompson's; Misses Mc Bride, Mc. Canu, and Hussv, with Mrs A Johuston wiî J Mce: Mses d adceWadflte amkes Mrsh RovckeMse s eld Andceadlte ackîe gt Mrs D Drew's; Misses AtIdie sud Mattie Chestnut wiîb relatives; Misses Grace sud Minnie Fraser witb frîeuds; Wîlh Wingfield, for many years cîerk lu J Mackie's store. witb bis friend, J Wilson; Mrs Huggett, wîîh ber sister, Mes J Creig; Mrs Coamnbes, wiîh Miss Ellie James; Mr aud Mrs Holmes, Joshua sud George Mitchell, vvitbtheir mother, Mrs J Mitchell ; Mrs Remington, witb Mrs Wm Dickie; Mn and Mrs H Bas- sett, Mrs G Leek sud children, wîîb Mdrsj Philip; Misa Eva Wilson witb ber parents; Mr sud i.rs A Mourice with Mrs Byam: Messrs Bennet ad Allen witb fienda; F Goyne sud childreu at P Goyne's ; Mi s K Cameron, Mis J McTumhey, witb Mrs Wm Reynolds; Miss H James, witb Mis Ed Saunders ; Miss Durant at J Durrau's ; Mise Lena Hall wiîb ber fatiter, A Hall; Miss EIiza Kuox with ber parents; Miss Hoîmes with Miss A Mitchell;- Mrs McWal- ters, at Mrs Wbeehens. We were astoniahed on Sunday when looking aven a amaîl Suuday achool paper callet " Dew Drapa," wbicb la diatribuîed lu the methodist sabbath school here, la fintI the followiug paragraph under tht heading of "Decoratian Day:"-" We aIl wauîta leamu ta lovt aur cou'nry and aur Stautiful flag-" OltI Glory"- h is samnetimnea called. Can you tell how mauv stripea there are on it, sud why ; sud bow mauy stars, andI wby ?" This quiotation la only part of an article stiriing np patriotism lu favor of tht United States. W. dcight ta tbink that tht Amenicans are pattiotic, andI we believe iu educating children both in publie- scbool sud Suuday school ta tht higbest point af patriotismu; but tht disseminatlon of Amer- ican scrteda on patriotism N.ndeî cover of religions teaehing in our Canadian Sundav achoals is a specles of education wbicb can not Se cbaracterized otherwise than as se- cition. It shows bow senselcas andI frivoý- loua la tht work otar Suuday school mana- gers are hable ta do. Teus of tbousauds of oui Canadian children were ou tht Queun's birtbday given a bowling lesson la layon of a fiag wbose admîrers bave ta swcar opta enmuity ta Great Britain. If any political origanization were to spread sncb litcratuie lu Our country, we would aIl combine t0 boot the place sud scatter ils adhereuts. In marked conta-ast wîb Ibis little American publication is that large aud splendid pst- nlotic publication cdiled by Lady Aberdeeu, callet " Onward, " wblch was also dis- tributed last Sunday. Gushing wilia loyal entbnsisum. Ite fine large paes casI the Yankee "Dew Drope>' iotut Ieshade.,,Our Canaçilan presses cmi certainly lmm -out somethilng in keepiug witb oUhw uatîon's greatsese, wthout golag a thoeslb. lie I buy cbeap political hêe The eard teacblag efube Sabbeahdoël matkesaIlift- long Impressoni.a, u nesnlf-repectng -na- tion tans afford te have traw .spread, , a religious sentimezat àmog' youtb. If the managerso oi rSun aachoole obeve, no mor s-Énlnis -14,î- h. àt Ulm ÂA &Bd HfHisMVlaltd inTrOt Hi Muffer, er T«OrmIexpst Suuday lu towu. D Hepbarn, of Toronto, spent the boildays in torn. Mis J Schofield returned home on Mgonday from ber Paris utip. Misses Minnie and Anastasia Stanton were ln Toronto over Sunday. Mrs W Alguire, of Brighton, is the guest Miss S Park is visiting ber aunlia Chatta- noogo, Tennessee. Miss Wrigbt, of F E Elhis & Co.. spent the holidaywi= ber parents in Picton. Mis Coon, of Manilla, is visiting ber sister, Miss Conway. Mis R Williams and Miss Mabel are visit- ing relatives in Toronto. Mr and Mis E Dearborn, of Toronto, spent the bolidays in îown. lfarry Jackson, of Orillia, speat the boli- days with bis parents.' Mr Reuben Edwards left on Wednesday for Beleville, where he intends taking a course at tht Ontario business college. Mis W E McLean, of Port Perry, ii; visit- ing friends in tawn before leaving for Chi- cago. Xiss Gertie Luke, wbo bas been attending a conservatory of mnusic in the States, bas returned home. Mr. A. Hindes bas sold tbe property he purcbased last week, t0 Mr. Fred Cowan. who will erect a baudsome dweliinx. Mr. Ilinds bas purcbased three acres from Mr. Cornish, on Alberi street, and will move the tramne building ta hi from the lot sold Mr. Cowan. Mr. Hinds wiIl build this sumumer, but the locality is not yet decided upon. Mr. Alex. Mackie placed two amaîll para- graphs in the CHRONICLE'ýS Oshawa news, and traced sales direct)y fram ih amounting ta nearly ti00. This shows-.the result of ad- vertising in a paper with life in it, that every- body reads. Who can point ont a businesb mani who has made money witbout vîgorous advertising? The CHROINICLE bas a wider circle of inîerested readers ln Oshawa sud vicinity than bave ail otber local paper-a The Quenzs Blrthday Celebration The town was neyer so iboroughly boom- ed to the point of ioining unauimousli' in a cehebration as on Monday hast. It was prac. tically the firsi great opening day of the street rahlway aud Ehi park from a stand- point of pleasure, and everybody decided lu, loin in the proceedings. About îs5oo people were expected from Toronto, but the local sbowers of the marning fnighîened more than hall of these, and.only about 6oo came t0 îown ou tht special. Tht sîreet car-, fairhy flew up sud down, Ioaded ta the gun- wahes wlîh people, and wben the sun assert ed ils rigbtto10ftimnish Queen's weather about 10.30 a m., a move was made for the park. Mr. Edmonson opened bis uew res- taurant 10 supphy dinuers. and amphy fihhed aIl those who came. Thet 4th batîshion band came out over thirty stroug, and charmcd the crowd ibrougbout the day. The crowd at the park in the aiter-noon numbered 3,500. Tht programme was not as good as it might have been owing to the fact thal the arraugements for athheîic sports at the park have not been completed yeî The first event was the lacirosse match Se- îween the Maitlauds of Toronto aud the Oshawa club, but it proved ta Se a some- what ragged match owing 10 the uneven state of the ground. Besides this it was oS- vious that several of the Oshawa hacrosists are novices at the game. They displayed phuck, howevcî, andI heltI their more expert antagonists down to a draw of i goal each, and were much cbeered b>' the sympaîhiz- ing crowd. The bicycle track is in fairîv good trim, tbougb nol level, andI cousequent. hy not fast. A lot of first class ridera con- tested the events, and were cbeered freely by the excited spectators. The hollowing is a summary of the results : Half mile-won by Weekes, Oshawa, Thompson, Oshawa, second. Time 1.17 and i.20. One mile- Bounsel, Toronto, first, Thompson second. Time 2.44, 2 5o, and 3.17. Five miles- Bounseîl flrst, Thorupson second. Time 16.4 1. The fooracing was limtted toa one quarter mile contest, won by Palterson, To- routa, witb Byrne, Toronto, second. Tht event of the day was tht Sasebaîl match Se- tween tht Wel!ingtons of Toronto aud the Orioles of Oshawa. This was a botly coin- tested strugghe [rom stant to finish, and it is ual oflen that ont sees sncb a display of ski!! on non-professional grounds. Tht Welliugtons won the game by superior play, eut irely tht resuhi of bard practice, in which requisite the Orioles were bebind. The fol- Iowing la the score: Oriales ...............0 00 1 203 0 0-6 Wellingtons .........0 03 O 3 0 I 0 X-7 Errors--Orioles 8, WelliugtOns 3 ; earned tins--Or. 2, WeIl. 4 ; first base on cnras- Or. 2, WeIl. 3 ; left ou bases-Or. 6, Wehl. 5 ; isî base on balla--off Boue (Oriohes) 3, off Moaore 2 ; struck ont-Boue 12, Moore 8 ; home runs-Frencb ; tbree base hit-Ben- net.t; two base bits- Richardson, Furloug, Moore ; stohen bases-Buthaud 2, French i, Bone i, Thorupson 2, Fitzgerald i. Umpire f Mrn. Stapleton.1 -:000:- Omimaa BusinessDirsotery. 9 L. VICKKBY, barber. Simcoo.street. BROOKS' IVEBY, Sixacoe street, uerth. WM. EOLPH. hanses maker, Siracoes mInet. r. B. MOTHEBSILL, batober, Ring St., West. Da.- Pàarrunsoi, Dentist; office aver Rowss'm store. k.. J. STÂLTEs-Doiaioa pianos and organs, Slmcoe stresS. WILu.wm J. DwsNs, Dominion aud Ontari o Land Burveyoî. Civil Engineer, Box 67, Osh- &wa. Ooxuaaux. HoTEi,-4. 0. Woon, proprstr. Miodern hostelry, zisat and O-mZOrlsW.. equipped. l 1). IL ToD.-Oaters for Balla, Asemblies, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Alw &Hl kinds cf flowers. 10&. HOULDE - Whitby-Ouhawa stag. lin. Leaves Oshawa et 8 a m sud 2 p m, snd Whitby st 10.a m and 4 p m. losIMM Olkxt , miftur.r1 etnsarlu, cart, w ne, and a&lkinilseofnt'rsaud aiegba I = 8,aupsowaty,. , Jeux BzuwE1 paIser sud decoratew. Dieler 0%u @%brnahLs, wlndovruletc. luisi PELLOW, doaler in etaves, lummses, tint- =a& e.iug a sockaty 1" IL muvrmoi, B. A. - ibtïirr ctwàlleto Notmy uble Ooyanesm, oXnyt aStrieS,.Gu71 avCh W Peibsue andWMissMaud are vlsiting -witb teistives Meurs Ail"a"dmecCullongh, of Colum- bûs, were in town on Monday. Miss E McCormack visited Mr and Mis T AlUn, Newtonville, o',er Sunday. Mr-and Mis j Black, Mis G Rite, and Mrs jSmith, of Whitby, speurt Monday in town. jerry Greenan, Port Hope, formerly of the CHRoN*icLa staff, Wbitby, was in town for the hioliday. D. M. Tdd's ncw ovens are running at full blast th's week. He can supply bread Burns & Co. are opening a shoe store at Whitby in one of the most stylish business places in that town. Arrangements are being made for a lawn dirill on an extensive scale at Park Eli on some Friday night ln the near future. Uiberals organirlng. The Liberals of the town, old and young, held a big organization meeting on Tuesday night, to prepare for the comîng campaiga. There was a large attendance of enthusiastic workers, both from town and township. The regular Liberal organization had to se- lect a successor to Dr. Rae as president and Mr. F. L. Fowke received the honored place, with Wmý Dickie as vice and J. F. Tamblyn and Robt. Mackie as secretaries. The Young Liberals then took the floor and organized a permanent as-sociation with the following officials-President, F L Fowke;- vice, j P Grierson ; 2nd vice, Dr Cross ; 3rd vice, L G Drew; recording secretary, S Mc- L-aughlin ; corresponding secreîary, F L Henry ; treasureT, Chas Robon. Rousing s~peeches were made by President-elect Fowke, Rev. Fletcher, j F Griersn, Dr Cross, Alex Ma. kie, and others of Oshawa, and by F Howard Annes, Whitby. Mr. Fletcber's speech was especially interesting and help(ni to the audience. His lively sal- lies, free and open methods, and extensive knowledge of political afiairs won for hlm great applause and much favorable com- ment. (Conthptu.d on Page i.) The great Dress Goods bouse of the County. The Popular ()uti~tting Establishment for tht Ladies of the Couuty. Where you can purchase tht very hatest novetes in Dress Goods not ta Se seen anywhere tIse. Where you can buv you preîîy Hat or Bonnet ta match. WVhere yot can bave your Dresses made-where your buy îbcmn-righî on tht premnises. Wberr you can bave Style, Fit, sud Qualiîy, guarainleed. First-ciass andI up ta date-second to noue. WeIl Thiàisthe Store that wauts 10 talk ta the readert! of this paper, tbrougb ibis space. Watcb il, ihere whll Se items ofîinterest for you sud mauey saviug also. A visit bere wilh amply repaY you. We carry the hargeat stock of Dress (koods and the choicest collection 10 Se fond outside tht chties, at pnices that can- not Se toucbed by amalil dealers. Tht store thal buys the qualiîy sud can give you the SPECIAL BARGAINSBURiNS & CO., SPEOIALS~~ OSHA WA le. WHITB Y. Boys' Tan Laced Boots, size 1 te 5, good soles, reg. $1.50, speoial... $1.22 Men's finegt Cafl Lace Boots, Good. year welta ; medium tees, Âmericsn made; regniar $2.75, special .......................... 1.99 Ladies' Fine Kid Battoned Boots, band turned soles, fanoy patent tipi, a first clam article, regular 8 8, specia ......................$1.99 Child's Black or Tan Low Sboes, turned soles, special........... # .49 Men'a Fine Low Shoes, medium weigbt, sewn soles, fair etitob, needie tees, regniar 11.45, special ... ..................... 1.15 Men's Fine Dongola, Laced or Gaiters, mediuma weight soles, needie tees, a handsome hune, regalar $1.85, special ......... $1.50 Nen'. Strong Psgged Boots, tbe caps, unlined, special ......... 8 .99 Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, tura. ed, faahionablo, side-lace, pat- ent faced front, pointed tees, the lateat style, apecial ......1.85 Ladies' Dongola Shoes, tip, turacd, regular il, 81 .25, special ........75 Ladies' Dongola Button Boots, tip, reg. 81.25, specia...............$1.00 Ladies' Finest Needie Toc, turned Shoes, regular $1.90, special ... $1.60 Misses' Fine Low Shaeo, thp, regu- lar 79c, special.................8 .72 Chld's Black or Tan Low Shoes, tip, special ..................... 8 .69 Ladies' Tan Shoes, txp, leat.her lined, st.rong soles, the strang. est wearer obtanble, speciaî ... 8 .99 Men's Dongola Laced Boots, sewa soles, special ...............81.25 LAOROSSE BHOIB, TIENNIS BROU, TRUNI, î--AT CLEABING PRICES.-, Speàal SmaII .Bar1gains Saturdays.1 Profits and Returns. Quick1 in Ladies Shirt Waists made by tht Seat American aud Canadian firms, hn ail sizes and cohors. THE 5tirnr WAist Special W. G. & R. shirt Waists, plain front, in pinksand blues, reg $1. ,5, for 49C ; W. G. & R. shirt waists, laundricd coilar aud cuiff, full soft front, for Si ; W. G. & R. shirt waists, extra quality cambric, sofi front witb yoke $r-2,5; lateat novelties in W. G. & R. shirt waists mast neceived lu y'ellow sud white, bIne sud white, sud black and white stripes, at i..5o$1.75 and $2 ; N"ew York muade fui] soft front shirt waists il 75c, wortb $i ; New York makre, extra quality, tuil ileeve, soft front, $1.25 and WRAPPERS AND TEA GOWVNS.- Ready to weai; good cainbric sud fast colora, wlth large full eleeves sud wide skirt New York maire) in light and dark colora, at $i.00, 51.25, 51.,50 and $1 .75. LADIES' COTTON, UNDERWEAR- The guaiantet of the best woikmaaship goes with every garment. Nolhiug but the best materials le used in theSa goods. Ladies' white cotton Chemise, lace tniru- ned, î9c, wortb 3,5c; white cotton Drawers, vith frit!, 2.5c.; white cotton Drawers, with tucksand embroidery, 45c, worth 6oc ; fiue cotton Dîawers, wathts ucksand insertion and embroldcry Mr1, st 84c, $1 and $1.25 ; white cotton SklrtR, .34 yds wideï,wlth em- broidery frU1, at i 7c, , $1, e,$Ly,, $z' and $2.50 ; white Coltton Gowns, witls Iucks, and InsertOn, ,cSm, wotth73C Y white colloW Gowns, made etmpire style wIth tiwo noy Isertion ansud an ubzeilc, vt4itis141oteus. broldery <speclal) a L.,wrhj.o orth usortin4 Galoon brald ana. erabroici- c a 1 a, 'w b ai ir bi w Whitby: Brook-st., north-east side. Oehawa : The Corner Store. "The more you buy from ns the cheaper we can seil." M. "Money Saved is MoneyEarned." sEM lmECTr GýEXCLUSIVE Our stock is the brightest and most se- lect in towii. Grand Trunk Coloniat Trains and other Service for the (Janadian Nrj, To accomniodate setlIers goîng to Canadian Nortbwest tbis Spring ti tended, commencing Tuesda , I't,. and every Tuesday thereafter durg and April, to rmn Special Trai ing r Toronto at 9 p.m., enabling set!]er with ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t thi sok n buehîj f by ensuring quick time, reachipg e, hee dion at the saine lime as their property aM bave good accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars wîll be ruil on trains, the birtbs in which will be FRP2 COLONIST SLEEPING CAR9, TýPa gers with ordinary baggage, will uthUg to Winnipeg during bMarcit and Ap ru, it ing Toronto at 12.20 p.m. every pril, ly, For full information call onorwiet W. P. STERICKER, at Oshaw a 1itS Co's Office, Thomas' block. RtIa RIL C. carter, Agt, Mar. ,oth, 896 -AND- :STYLES.D The -neweg shapes fiaiý the very beM, makes... DoW't forget your purse, becauso its one prie anci atrictly CASH.L -,NBA E So anufo>. r n Deî QSIL&W. VOL@ 'ALLIN 'S OSHAW& Cali at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel iRi-AN" GCEMs -AT- $ 50.00. Also bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- $P5.50 to $25-006 -EADQUARTERaE- Welland "PERFECT, "GARDEN CTY,' -DOMINION," BEAUTIES 0r1896. Msoo One Good Second-hand Cornet for Sale. E. E.OGERS.l Vale Em 1 *BOYD, Always + TEJEWE-LERI* KING STREET, WESTt'- Fre8h Arrivahs Pure Pure CHEMIST & DRl COR. BROCK & D1"ý WHITBYY Houa-cleaning ti Vie have a langer and bettei of window shades this have ever shown befor We use the best hand shade clotit, wîth Ha roller. Also a fiue varielyo Ask to ste our latest screens, ta fit auy wind Our baby carniages are ali signs. Gvive us a call before pu rci We are r.aking special clegance with econoni general utility. 1 Our, stock la complete in H( We invite buyers 10 It wifl save money. Leading Undertake Inse( Hell z>'nBROOK ST., Whitby Steain MaîbJe and Granite Woîks, Dundas St., -WH ITB Y. Chas. -H. 5 (Formerly Wolfendi porterand Dealeri GRANITE MONU- the latetImaterial kinds of Cemetery guaraisteed. .,ISuND FOR DiEsiGN Te get get rid of hi That's why they are a shows the peopte BARGAINS ame.0O w. sa iNew Dress G - 27-la. Tweed Effects 7 40-lis. Mohairs Checks 44-lu. Lusters soc, rn -4M-Iu. Luster & check 44-ID.FancY 50e, reg -12- 9.Back do. 25C, 1 '40-m. Srg sc, reg 4 <-h . B ack B rocad e a 'Black Hearieni Bla« aïdFancy Cre ~1e~ -Bicmm Wais -Rspàa Cairpet -pet tsfor mmap4 S l i m r e, -*0 WEI' Prett Low Prices. - - OSHM ~3~'OR~z The Boys -and Girls ail want new Footwear for Summer. One endless variety of styles ini either-- Black or Tan. They will sure to -suit both -the Children and Parents....~............... 7j Stop 1 -w-%ý -w--w ý - - - I. i t (t, ronl*tlt. 10shawa Book m Leads In - - OSHAY

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