Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1896, p. 8

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vhen looking for... ci di Pure Drugs, fi "Perfiimery, Toilet iRequisities Toilet Soaps, "Fancy Goods, "Spectacles, id iiAnythling Ii the ~.Drug Line, 's Ryley's Drug- Store, Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. O SHAWA, MAY 2,1896. OSIIAWA PAGE OSKAWA BUSINESS NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business witli the CHRONICL.E, or may obtain extra1 copies at any time, from E. E. Rogers. 1 Farmers will do wefl to cail at MI. E. Mays for boys' ready made clothing. It will pay any parties conteînplatirîg buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring 10 see the large stockt of Felt Bros., Oshawa as the>' will sdil this month very cheap foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv $5. They art also making some special offers i Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches See tbem. Welt Bros. Mr. J. Schofield was in Toronto this week. Mr. E. B. Morgan was in town last week. Rev. Perey Fletcher visîted bis parentsi last week. Mr. Andy Thompson was in Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. Veale is visiting lier mother in Bow- nianville this week. Miss V. Mundy and Mliss A. Luxon spent Sunday in Port Perry. Miss Elliot and Miss Reytnolds of Miontres i are visitîng Mrs. Bert Elliot. Mrs. Dr. Gillespie, of Port Perry, spent last week with Mrs. J. 0. Henry'. Mr. W. Foster left on Mondav for Toronto where he has secured a good situation. Miss Eva Hemn who lias been visîting hier aunt in Toronto returned home last week. The Oshawa bicycle clubs weekly run was to Bowmanville on Thursday evening. C. H. Owens Esq., of the Western Bank bas been ili for somne imne but at present he is recovering. Messrs. L. G. Harvey and W. G. Lauch- land, Oshawa boys, were successful at the recent college of pharmacy exams. Mr. W. Morris returned last week from the Philadelphia dental college. H-e success- fully passed his second year exams. Mr. Sulas Haigtit, wbo bas been sick for a long time died on Sunday. He leaves a wife and four small cbildren to mourn his loss. 0 The lacrosse club have issued badges for honiorary members. The>' admit the bolder free te ail matches except at pubilic demon- stratiolis. Mr. Marshall, pastor of the baptist church, passed the examination at McMaster Uni- 'versit>' last week and took bis degree of Bachelor of Arts. It is expected that the Oshawa bicycle club will have somte very fast ridersa aîong their members before the season is over. Several new riders have already shown that the>' are the mnakings of speedy riders. Everybody ta looking forward Lo the 25tb to bing a great crowd of visitors to Oshawa. Our park is in fine shape and bias been beomed for aIl it 15 wortb, and Mr. Edmon- son, M. P.. is of opinion bie can bandie al wbo choose to .comne. At a meeting of the Simcoe street meetfîo- diat board of trustees on Monda>' night the question of union with the Metcalfe street corgregation was discussed from a purely business standpoint, and Ïftei'.mucb debate a motion was passed laying ibe matter aside for the present. On Wednesday aigbt the joint trustee boat da beld a meeting, and the Simcoe street trustees reported tbeir deci- sien lu the matter. The representatives of Metcalfe street demurred atrongly, urging that their congregation had been iavited to join Simcoe street, and had acted upon the invitation la good faitb that It was meaut to b. carrled eut. To this the Simcoe streel olfficials replied that the Invitation was given in good faith,-but that the>' had found their congregation nelîber unanimous nor enthus- iastic ln the matter of union, and the>' were unable te see how it ,could be consummated under sncb unfavorabie auspices. There Mir.'Thotuas Martin is viiiting in itproaîo. Messrs. Geiger and Conîthard spent Stin- day ini Cobourg. Mies Green, -of Toronto, -visited with frienda anud relatives lest week. Mr. W. Boulter, the Conservative nomninee for Prince Edward was in town on Monda>'. Miss Kate Wilson, of Toronto, spent last week witb ber cousiti, Miss Mabel Tbomnp- son. Mr. Fred Collins, formeri>' of the Vindi. cator, left for Toronto on Wednesday morn- ing. Mrs. WVm. Luke and -cbildren, o! East Toronto, is visiting ber parents, Mm. and Mrs. R. Hobbs. Mr. Vill Tranough, of Bowmanvi!le, visit- ed witb bis frîend Mr. Tcrm Sheridan Satur- day and Sunda>'. Rev. j P. Wilson, Coîbomne, will be called to the Simcoe sîreet methodiast cburcb for next year, provideà conference concurs. %IMm. Mallory is erecting a building a4 the beaeb adjoining Morgans restaurant for the accommodation of the public. It is 40x25. Mm. John Dick, match secretamy of the Rosedale golf club, bas wmtten to arrange for a match with the Oshawa golf club fur May 2ý5tb. A match wîth S meni on a sîde wîll be playcd. The Oshawa Railway Coy bave just me- ceîved tbeir new summer cars and will have themn ready for use by Mondav. They are somewbat larger than last years cars and are very tastily buîlt. A. Mlackie dropped a few locals int THE CHa<oNîicîE two weeks ago and he says he neyer made a better investment. 5lany customers drove there from long distances. tters wbo went bv train retused to take their fare frorn bimn saving they bad been we!h repaid for their outlay. Wby he takes a mans measure ànd makes up in ehegant suit of clothes ail wool goods for s4.5,and gîves you a choice o! several useful articles iree o! cost. He selîs an elegant blue serge suit for $299. Go and sec hinm ît will do you good to hear t-.îm talk, he is right in bis ttment. WVm Smith, M. P., and John BaIl Dow spent Wednesday evening of last week with tlhe people o! Harnîonv, wbo are principallN ail Lîberals. 'There were onl>' a few Tories present to hear the Conservative sîde of pub lic issues, but the Liberals turned out wel! and istened witb apparent interest tb the speeches. Mmr. L. G. Drew occupîed the, chair. Mr. Smitb îook the ground that the remedial bill would nol impose separate schols on the whole of Manitoba, but onl% in places where thev exîsied prevîous t( i bx, or wbere theme weî e plenîv of Cathoi( farnîlies to keep îbemn up. To maîntaîn the, system in sucb places he argued was in ac- cordance with the traditions and constitu- tion o! Manitoba. He (lwelî at length or. the tariff issue,* urging tha., ît had reduced the cost o! tea, sugar and other slaple neces. sUties 10 larmers, whîlst proîectisîg their pro duce from outsi'fe competition. Mr. Smith was beckied b>' sevemal nmen in the audience, aIl the questions being asked and answered n a good-natured manner. John BaIl Dos stated that free teade had first ruined grain raising in Great Breat Britain, and then had kilied ofi the profit o! feedîng stock in the old country', thus enîaîling ruin upon tht larmers there. As to Manitoba it wvas in possible 10 ignore the relîgîous views o! the mînoritv there, especially when those peo- pie were backed by sound law in making their grievances known. He wound up hý giving a istory o! the laie deputation t( Ottawa, whîch had been assured by Sut Charles Tupper that Mm. Smilb's dlaimns t1 'the deparîmnent o! agriculture would be meý cognîzed at an earhy date. Prospect Park. The formai openir.g of Prospect Park took place hast Fridav everîing and the people of O)shawa sbowed their appreciali n of Mr Edmondson's enterprise b>' turning out in large numbers. Fromn 7.30 until 10 30 the grounds were tbonged with people, old and young. The band was present and ptayed several fine selections. The>' have made great progrsss during their winters prac Church union.1 Now *.hat union bas been votet b>' both methodisî churches, tht promolers appear ta have slackened a littît in Iheir enthus. iasm, while the apponnts o! tht move are as active as before in condemning it. There is someîhing ahm< st irreconcilable between thet wo congregalions. Tht Simcoe breth- en, anti more especiail>' tht sistema. have long beiti tht Metcaift peope in contempi sacbahi>', which feeling bas been repaid - witb inlereat in bale by thse Metcalfe people. A great man>' are trying ta ignore this impor- tant phase of tht question, probabh>' believ- ing that a fusion of the twe elements wonld harmonize them. Tht>' do nat corne out anti sa>' the twe congregatiens are unfil for union, unfit te be calleti christians at ail, se long as this discordant feeling exista, anti semne cijatemn thse CItRONICLE for saying pride is the stieker. But these ideas do aet meet thse case. Tht spirit afi' istilation anti reconciliation onîy exists insofar as the people o! the two congregations feel tisat financial intenets wiîl be serveti. It ila bt that tht>' feel. in general that the sptrit of Goal la calling them together, but thse spiri of their pockets. Anti somne are bîtterî>' op- pose oi t e ves on tbese grouns, for ilta nov thse talk that tise Metcalfe brethren eh- ject to e ng an>' anhaciptions te make the Simncoe-lsurchbibg enougis to receive thezn. They'm e illing t# corne la If tley aire wel provlded for. Somtisow tise ritiienlous idea got spr eà-In town ibaitishe Slmncoe peqOpe were willing te go isead over tara in debi te cosmate tbis union, iLnd ibdt not a dollar woutti See aked la advancetobrintg habout. Wben tbýtSimco.,people y-vipto t it,,thse lum" dOîtr tise. Iictçalfe ret lm, at ia <ifiè#v s f'( *em gave oni tisai.theytiti mot e~ct0 cusetuat b9 ngatiairage por.. -tû:hI he M. Th ytbengisth e thiIng, would ,b. lopkidetlii rontS lo-o*e lovst eni tseailer t ovo,.The joint, board of reus ithroî#ng t6p lIaIS It la a frequent reasnrk among tIsas, pas- sing between Wbitby and Oshawa that an eiectrlc rïilway is an eau>' Polbllity be- tween tbe two towas. The bille. foirmaa barrier wbich will b. bard te get over, and in ail probability the Grand Trunk gailway bas toe big a pull in parliament te permit o! stsch a thing. Dinner at Prospect Park oa the s5tb. Probablv the besî served dinner to be bad in Oshawa on the 251h can be had in the din- Iig rooni on'-the park grdunda. Mr. Ed- monson bas secured the services o! J. K. Willianis, one o! Toronios leading stewards, who together with bis assistants will prepare and serve the menu for the occasion. The aim is to suppi>' a first casas meal (dinner or supper) served in an up-to-date style for 25 cents. There is no doubî wbatevem Ibat this wiil be donc. The Peterboro Examiner, o! May 12th, in ils report of the St. Paul's cburch choir recital, saya: " The first number given was Simper's ' King of Kings,' which was sung as a chorus, Miss Ada Hansen, o! Oshawa, taking the solo parts. Since Miss Hansens asat appearance in Peterboro ber sweetly modulated soprano voice appears ta bave gained additionah strength and beaut>'. and hem wel-rounded notes were listened 10 with unmixed pleasure bv' the large audience hast evening. In the solos ' Fear not ye, O Israeh '-Buck, and ' Come unto me '-Far- rel, tht phrasîng received artistic attention, and t he pianissimo passages given with moat pleasing effect. The audience wouhd have been well pleased to bear sevemal more sehec- lions bv thîs sweet voiced young soloisî." i Sir Oliver Mowat's act ta prevent the sale of tobacco to niinors is Do better obsemved in Oshawa than in most other places. Almost an>' dealer will selh tobacco 10 young boys for their own use. We set ever>' day ittie fellows o! froni 9 years o! age upwards spit- îîng the dirt *v ice o! chewing tobacca and smoking cigarettes in public as badhy as if there were no probibitor>' law aI aIl. Laws are o! ver>' httle use if tht>' are not enfomced and a conviction or two would no doubt be sufficient ta warn sh'op-keepers o! the penalty to whîcb the>' expose theniselves. There are phent>' o! infractions o! the aw in this and other ways eve:ry week, but the minions o! the law perbaps think that tbe fact ohl justice being blind!ohded is a sufficient ex- cuse for their own short sighîedness. A Mlackie's great bankrupt stock sale in Oshawa is the leadîng topic ini that coni munit>' at the present uime. Ht nul onl> s§elîs goods at from 2o 105o per cent. belots regular prices. but he bas adopled a svstem o! gîving presents 10 bis customners with pur chases. For triiance if a %-ustomer buys &,5 worth o! gouda he gets a large, beautîful olîograph, free o! coat. With a ten dollai purchase you get an elegant book. of fromn three to four hundmed pages, your choici- from one bundmed, fret o! charge. He ahs( bas the enlarged portrait system ail free ol charge wben you mnake purchases o! certair armounts. It wilI psy you weII to caîl and inspect bis goods and svstem o! giving pres- ents. as he got the great staple dry goods, gents funshinga and grocer>' stock o! W MI. Wightman at a Iow mrate on the dollar, and he is making evemtbing bowl in Oshawa He also pays cutomners (ares from Wbitbý ..nd eturn who caîl at his store to trade Notbing smalî about him but bis feet and b. wvears about an eleven bout. Fire ai the Stave foundry. Just after dinner on Saturday fime a-as discovered near tht cupola of the stove foundry. It wss a singuhar blaze unning in streaka in various ways along the roof, and %vas speading at a great rate when the fint compan>' smrived at great speed, and in a few minutes the whole blaze bad been stop- ;ed. In tht hurry to gelta the fire the wheeis o! tht engine truck were damaged n cossing tht railwaiy tmack.s, as werc also those of the ladder dray. It is obvions that these wbeeis were not originally intcnded ta cross iran rails, and probably stronger rua- ning gear will have ta be secured. The Vindîcator seeks la psy the compan>' a lefi- handed compliment for its prompt and sur- prisinghy efficient work, by saying that Satîîrday's effort shows what the brigade can do wben not under bad orders. This shows t 1 at, notwithstanding the investiga- tinad com pI ce exoneraling o! the ire 4-pav roi IlblmeinÉconnection with WiXLIÂm J. Dz*Ns, Dominion anid Onts.rfo Lanad Surveyar. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. COxmMEciÂýL ]Ho'rL-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modern bostelry, nemi mand ce eortably equipped. tD. M. Ton,-Caterer for Bale, Assesabiies, Wed- dingo, Supper.. etc., etc. Aise a&U hinds of floweis. les. HouLEnm - Whltby-Oahewassge Ilins léeaves Oahaàwa st 8 a m and 2 p m. mand Whitby st 10 a m a.nd 4 p m. loszPa Cn.ue, manufacturer etf ûne esrrla.ges, caria, wagons, andi ail knds of cutters andi sielaha. IAepafrlng a mpcwety., Joum im auw .psinter sud deertor. IDealer in allpaprscelingdeom&U=oisa, "tel où,variamesbrushes, window sbàd« tc. 3-a ePzx.ne, dealer inestoves, furaes, in- ware, élt. Large stock kept eonsantiy on hanit. Jobbing a epeolat>'. $lzueo.stet north. L. X. mUToNf, B. A1. - Barister, Solicior, Notary Public, Convoyaneer, &o. Neney te ln -Ome. over Doniwon BwQk, Uluode Street., o""wa. M.B. MAYý-SIéir In Groceeues. Pmn ,O1sIna Ciecher>', Tinware, andi Pancy =pure Teas and Chfees. Boys'readymade suite a .peoiaty-v«7yoheap. AuroTi oNÀZua-ThO mnberiler viii'bu In Duis S 5, thé èCentrul Rotel, ritiJo&-f eacb wok roinene l'o o'olookV..,- 1tet=&lmua- and geas'te ur»iablnô house» <sbv, 9--Thou shait not flirt but mustt show, Th ii'wfe auch treedoni anytiow. ia---Tbou shaht get up when baby cries. And try tht child ta iranaquilize. These my commandmeata tramn day toi Imohicix>' îhou shalt ohev. day, The great Dress Goods house of the County. -- -- -- -- -- -- lumCUa "Mar. ME. Med bas been repaintinir hi bouse. We mes ibat Prince Albertisl stilI progressing. Mr. Robert Edgar le building a new wlre fence around bis farmn. Mr. Robert Haines is putting a stone founda- tion under bis residence. Mr. Ward and family. o! East Wbitby, bave lately taken up their abode in Prince Albert. We understand that Greenbank are to have their anniversary next Sunday and Monday. Prince Albert choir will furnish the music. Monday evening we were visited b>' a couple of Port Perry lady bicyclists. They presented a ver>' striking appearance and greatlv surprised the people by îheir accomuplisbed riding, also their riding habits. Master Oharles Bryns, student of Toronto Business Coîlege, is paylng bis grandmotber a visii for a couple o! days. B>' the looks ai things Charles muai be rapidi! progressing in business. Business as far as the pipe goes, for we see be carnes one mucb îoo large for tbe size of him. Her Ten Commnandmnents These are the new teu commandments which young wives now make for married rnen.- i- Remnember that I am thy wife, Whom thou must cherisb ail thi> lite. 2-hou shaît not sta>' out laie at night, When lodges, friends, or clubs, invite. 3-Thou shaît not smoke indoors or out, 6 Or chew tobacco round about. 4-Tbou shait with praise receive my pies, Nor pastry made by me despise. 5-My motber thou shait suive to please, And let ber live witb us in ease. 6-Remember 'tis îhy dut>' clear, To dress me weill hroughout the year. 7-Tbou shaît in manner miid and meek, Give me Lb>' wages ever>' week. 8-hou shalt not be a drinking man, But live on prohibition plan. The Poî>ular Outfitting Establishment For !tiih information cal on or write 10 for the Ladies o! tht County. W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Raiiway 1Cos Office, Thomas' block. Whtrc you can purchase tht ver>' lattai novelties in Dreas Goods not 10 b;e seen anywhere tIse. Where you can bu>' you pmetty Hat or Bonnet to match. Where you can have your Dresses made-wberc your bu>' them-righî on tht premnises. Wberr you can bave Style, Fit, and Qualit>', g u ar ant ted - Fîs-class and up to date-second to none. WeIl Thi is» the Store that wants to tahk to tht readere of this paper, îhmougb thîs space. Watch il, there wiIh be items o! intereat for >'ou and mont>' saving also. A visit here wilI ampl>' reps>' you. 'Ne carry tht Iargest stock o! Dres Goods andi the choiceat collection tu be found outaide tht cities, at prices tltat cari. not be toucbed b>' smalh dealers. The store that buys tht qualit>' and can give >'ou tht iowtst price. SPECIAL BARGAINS ta Ladies Shirt Waîsts matie b>' tht besî Amerîcan and Canadian finms, in alI sîzes and colora. P-RrncT FîrrNo 5trrWA5t. Special W. G. & R. shirt Vhists, plain front, in pinka andi blues, reg $1.25, for 49C ; W. G. & R. shirt waists, launatrieti collàr and cuifs, full soft front, for S ; W. G. & R. shirt waists, extra qualit> canbnic, soft front witb yoke $1.25 ; latest novelties in W. G. & R. shirt waiata just receiveti in yellow and white, bIne anti wbite, anti black anti white stripes, ai $;I1.50, $1.75 anti $2 ; New York matie-fu soft front shIrt waiats ai 75c, wortis$iu; New York mu.ke, extra qualit>', fuil siceve, soft front, $t.2,5 anti WR.AP1ERS ANI) TEA GOWNS.-1 Readti t wear ; gooti camabric anti fast colora, with large ful uleeves anti witie akirt (New York nmke) lu ligbi andl dark colora, at $1.eo. $ 1.2$, $1.50 ant il81.75. LADIES' COTTON UNDERWEAR- The guarantte of thse besi workmenablp goes witb every garmeni. Notblng but tise best niateriala la uset inluthese goocls. Ladies' wisite cotton Chemise, lace blini- meti, i, wortls 4c ; white cotton Drawers, witi full,25c; whie-cotton Drawers, witi tacks ansd embroidery, 45c, verth, 6oc; fine cotten Draweus, witb tecks anti insertion anti embroitier>' fr111, at -8sc, $z anal $x.as; wisite cottes Skirts, 34. yds wlde, vush eux- broider>' fr111, at 75c, $. &$1.71,SU andi $2.50 ; isite cottôn Gowvus, v itb tecks - andl îtsertIon, Sec, 'wortb î7$C; visite coto Gowps> usadoonspre'style, vUs io av InsertiondutiGalcôs Steald, itis luit of onu whltecottes Gwns, ade w th wide colar, vhSi luéertlo*u, Galoon bralê anîd enbrold-ý e'turni ' *.5alS *5.:,-1 ý --1 R. C. Carter, Agt. mai. 201h, îS96. -OSHAWA. WANTED General Agent and one or two Local Agents ta represent the Home Life Associa- tion of Canada in Whitby and vicinit>'. Apply to GEO. B. WOODS, Superinlen- dent of Agencies, or at this office. Toronto, May' îath. 1896. Pasture tc Let. Grazîng for cattle and horses, rear of lot 23, 3rd con., Whitby township. Good water, shade, and fences. J. B. DOW, Whitby. May' î3th, i896.-24-2in. It is your attention that I vantar resîed, anti I want yo-u Io Stay'i std ogenough to telil Y01 t 1 at s net .... ............ Forgoryl -flýMM I contemplate,but merel' sell yon a imer chasa O! 9G ooiwlD than ever before. I bave norve at the ... a...r... ....... (~ fl tieI I-Moo I can do this. I have a nice lilie of Watîhes, ('locks, Jewelry, Su,. verware, and Spectacles, at prices thaI will surprise 'ou. you are wanîed b>'......... ... ........... Boyd the de weler, Waltur Moore is vititiasg friemds ai Wood- ville Mr. W. Manning, of Listowel, is vting-his motber. Mon of Our young Mpeop Intend taking in the sights at Oshawa on May 25tb. Mr. Ernest Allen bas successfully passed bis final exarn* in the College of Pharmacy, Tor- onto. Mr. Smith wifl address the electors of Raglan Fniday night, and at Columbus on Saturday night. Mr. Luther Beckett has been to Grey county to attend the funeral of bis father, who visited bere last summer. Master Fred Farrow met witb a painful ac- cident last week. Wbile .t play at school and being raiber short sighted he ran itot a barb wire fence badly lacerating his face. However, he is getting around. Rev. Mr. Willmott, B.A., of Manchester, preacbed in the methodist cburch lasi SunAay and created a good impression. Next Suriday there will be no services bere on account of the anniversary services at Kedron. ViLsitors notuccd this week are :-Mrs Camp- bell, Prince Albert, at W S Braund ; Mrs Drew, Oshawa, at A Terwelli ear's; Mr W Sprung, Colborne, at W McLean s; Mr and Mrs Elliott. Brooklit, at Mrs Hopkins; Miss Isa McCul- loch, Belleville, at home, The trustees of Columbus school recognizing the heavy work dont by Miss Stillint prepating pupils for entrance, and having a large attend- ance besides. bave engaRed tbe services of Miss Tillie Martin, of tdus place, as an assistant until midsuminer bolidays. She entered on her duties ast Monday. Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and other Special Service for the Canadian Northweet. To accommodate settiers going ta the Canadian Norîhwest thîs Spring, it is in- tended, commencing 7Tuesday, iltr. 3rd, and every Tuesday thereafter during March and April, to run Special Trains, leaving Toronto at 9 p.m.. enabling settlers to travel with their stock and housebold effects, there- by ensuring quick time, reaching destins- tion at the samne time as their property and have good accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars will be ruri on these trains, the births in whicb will be FRE.. COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, ror Passen- gers with ordinary baggage, will run through to Winnipeg ( uring March and April. leav- ng Toronto at 12.20 p.m.- every Tuesday. VOL.,X ALLIN'S: OSHA WA. Caliat PELLOWS, and see his Wronghù Steel EJ «& Nlq GEms -AT- $50.00. A180 bis GOAL OIL and GA$ STOVES -,FRO,1- $5.50 to $25.00. Osha wa Book Store, -HEADQUARTRS FOR'~ Welland HIGH ::GRADE BEAUTIES -:BIC YCLEk "PERFECT," 'GARDEN CM,» "DOMINION," 0P 1896. for Sale. E. E. 1ROC-ER."'oè-, -AND- E X ÇLU SI1V E Our stock is the brightest and most se- lect in town. ::STYLES.-':ýD Tht newest shapes f rom the very best makes . Don't forget your purse, because its one price a.nd -strictIy CASH. JOHN ]BALE Shoe Manufacturer and Deal THE CORNER SHOR - STORE. Anotqua; Drop in 1Prooes. In ou great. effort te hold trade froin going ta Toronto we have made another ~BIG DROP M NPRICES,-.ýý Inspeot aur Window this Week.-Lrgestusortmeut Black oi Tan, Fashionablo "otmtesu and Patent Fâced Shoos REPAIRNG. -We chawrge susse cents for tacking.'a psutof oles, regulai C oe2o. OherSuoe&*uiapropr" -énwetoiohj BURNS,& 00., ~iy Fresh Arrivai, Pure Ins( Pure He] Pure Par CHEMIST & DI COR. BROCK & DUL Houee-cleaningm We bave a larger anti bett of window shades thi bave ever shown btùc We use the best han, shatie cloth, with H roler. Aise a fine variet>' Ask te set our latest screens, ta fit an>' wirî Our baby carrnages are a signa. Give us a cail befome purc We are taking special elegance with econo general utilil>'. Ou stock is complete in h- We invite buyers to It wilI save mone>'. Leadig Undertl BROOK ST., WE EsaUblished 1849 W lby Steam MaîNo and Ganite Worký Dundas St., WHITB-Y. Chas. H. (Foumerly Wolfen po;rter- and Deaitu GAITIE MOI the lateat mate.rïa) kindaeof Cemeter3 guaranteeti. ,10-SpEND FOR DESIG To got gel riti of1 That-s wby they are shows tise people BARGAINS are. vo e mlINew -Dresa 27-in. Tvito Ef 40-in MoW5ÙrsC 4-hi. Lustem's5c-, 44.Luster & ch 44-jnS. Fancy.5Soc, r -27-!l., Black do. 25e 40'85. Serge 2oc,re --- 44-lU. Black Brocade 40àu. Biack.Serges 46ân. Black Htùriet Ciac c The Boys and Girls ail want new Footwear for Summner. One endless variety of styles in either Black or Tan. They will sure to suit both the Children and Parents .....................1 KING ST. WEST,

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