Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1896, p. 4

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-~ ~_________________ j, nuro Doalh ta umi:lt Fr-esh Ground Hellebore, Pure English Paris Green, Finest Quality Inseot Powder, Blue Vitrol or Copper Sulphate, OHURC'S INSECI POWOER kils ell leaf eating inseets. 10 CENTS PER TIN. Tkesegoods are absolute/y pure ai'd ai the inest qual'ty. doLE. WILLIS, CH-EMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICA.L -: - HALL, Brock Street, WHITBY, Whiitby MAY Q22, 1896. Short Notes. Oui- cepy ai tise Provincial laws passed hast session bas net corne te haud yet, but oui- attention bas for the second turne been called ta an errai- we made iu cmerneting upon an act ta enforce salaries foi-police magistrates. Tise measure was withdrawn by Sr Oive Moat efoe is fnalstages were îeached. Mauy ai oui- catems feli into Stise saine mistaise as we did, sud we wauld have corrected the mistaise sooner ouly that it was overlooked in the hurry sud tussing over local niatters. Some people may net fte] that a potata patcis is a paying tiing because hast yeai-s crop isad ta be fed ta stock or sald at a Yans shilling. This may i-inuIt lu s smsller acre- age tisis year, sud we sisal i in ail likclihood have a ligiter crop, for t is seldoin we have anything to compare witis lasi year's gi-est yîeîd. Tise money s made eut of ptatees usuaîly wbeu they si-e amaîl, an d tew iu a hilI. We shoulid nat wander gi-eatly if tbe,-e came a sort ai patate famine tisis year, ater sucis a pleutitul time ifl 1895. Potatees do net iseepî in stock lise wiseat. Twelve montisa s their limit. There ia pheuty ai seed this spring, sud pleuîy ot land tisat far- mners scarcely know wisat ta do with, and, tbough we do net set up as a prophet, we pi-edict a good return foi- tiose who plant potatees tbis year and~ cuhuivate tise gronnd -well. Mr. J. D. Edgar, tise poet, bas a isard time of i finding a candidate te oppose hum in West Ontaiol. Tise Taries have couvcued :~twicc, buit have as yet lailed to brng forth. lu tise first place Lîeu.-Col. N. F. Paterson was selected, but as bis nomination did net suit tise presîdent ai tise part y conclave tisai officiai ruled it iregular sud called anotspi- meeting. Fi-rn law tisai assetW'iage turned juta herse, sud Mi-. R. Graham , Ciremont, was named. He speut tliti-cmouths can vas- fsiug among tise Gils, sud isad just about coucluded that tise peet Edgar wotild have ne supporters lu tise ridiug, wiseu one fine morning he woleeUP 10 find that while be had tise càndidaure somebody cisc had tise patronage, sud tisat bis nomince for returu- ing officer had been iguored. He thereupon dropped sîl bis briliaut prospects of beiug tise sittuug member fth ie Git buve of West Ontario, sud threw up bis nomination for mad. New eue McCormacis bas tise job. So ar thtis lection campaign-througisout tise ceuni-y, tisougis active, is ual bot. Sur Chai-les Tupper bas been east sud wcst, sud bas explained tise policy ef bis goverrninut, sud Messrs Laurier sud McCarty, though net so active, si-e cijite as busy flying round euthusiag sud orgauizing their forces. Silîl thse people are iseeping cool, sud il is a won- dei, too, for a campaigu wiîis religion lu it is always a Sot anc. Tise most important eveut ai tise weck la tise mandement of tise bishops et Quebec, wiicb was rcad in tise cisurches last Sunday, sud is ta be read again on tise Suuday betore election. Tiss -document directs ail Catbolics ta support tise claimaefthtie miuority et Manitoba for an adjustrnent of their grievances, and appeals ta protestants to e f air sud do 'tise saine. Archbishop Walase et Toi-enta declined te jcin la tise mandemnent, teariug that Catiso- ' lice lu Ontario migist be crowded eut by epotestant influence lu msny cases if îisey took sucis a sti-eng positien n lutil matter. Town Locale. Mrs R K Or- leaves ibis week te visit friends lu Beilin sud Guelphs. E'very mnu ould read tise advertisement af Tisas. Sisterou another page eft iis paper. Walter Robson bas returned home. He sys tisai situations are scarce lu tise Quecu City. Mi-. E. Stephenson lu baviug bis resideuce greatly lmpîavçd by tteating il ta a coat o! paint. 6 tpiece sold -walnui parlai suite, plusis, wlbsik plusis bauds, for $32, Worth W., ai W. T1111s. Tise services in tise tabernacle next Sun- day will consist o! a childnen's servicç lu tise Myrtle circuits, but this was deemed in- pi-acticabje. The résolution was carried hy a large majority, no anc vating against it, to join Raglan ta Columbus, and Myrtle to Prince Albert. The Rev. Mr-. Harris was elected ta tbhe stationing committee, the Rev. Mr. Leggott and H. W. Willcox ta thse Sun day scisool committee, thse Rev. Mi-. Mc- Camus and J S Barnard ta thse Epworth League cammittee and J L Smith, as usual, ta the Missionary commîttee. Tise following Isymnea were elected as delegates ta thse an- nual conference wbicb mneets i Trenton on Thursday, June 4th : Whitby, j S Bar-nard, H W Wllcf; Picktering, B Bunting;- Clare- mont ,F u tchinson; A Rass and j H Brown, Port Pei-ry. Young Lîberals The Young Liberals opened thse campaign on Friday evening last when they had with them the Hon. Jno. Dryden and Mr. Bur- nett thse Reforin candidate. The chair was ably occupied by tise club's president, Mr. Tss. Jackson. Thesecarier part a! tise eveniug was ôccupied by Messrs. G. Y. Smith, Chsas. King sud John Perjuson, who eacis made a stirrnug speech in tisein- tenesta of Mn. Bunnett aud Reform. Mr. Jackson. in a few well chosen remarks, expressive a! tise pleasure tise Y. L C. en oyed in rallying round their standard aren, thse future M. P. o! Souths Ontario, iutnoduccd Mr. Burnett to tise audience. Mr. Burnett was enthusiastically neceived. He expressed bis diffidence in coiuuug be- fore o large a body of intelligent yowig men as compose tise.Young Liberal club of Witby. , eil d ra intention'o! dehiveng a esmuaagn speech on tise occaion, but isad visited.tlimomre for thse purpose of con-, sultation sud organization tissu for - suy speech mzakUg. He took occasion toex- pneu hiedlupptroval ot - te coercion of Manitoba --by -means of tise Rin- dial- b4 Aï»'a tria. ltqn lý ie -del- id hiis1fp doô4tb AUy IItjpm'stice being douet a a nilmonir s=-d e lzefcàstc. * e * *iý LI 1881 àm YALI sud good vatues -do not go handla bsad. Tii.. qefple Who lum Z -t bckn i0Ç w an mpty nZg pideor saVe a few cents, are sot patriotic citizens. They ail o! tiseui sake their living ia Witby snd arei mnatenially Interested in ber prosperlty. For seffisis ressons-did they look beneati tise surface-t*iey should b. constnained ta tend their &assiace ta tise uPbuildlug Of tise com- merci prosperity of tisein own tawn. Stand by youn town asi against ail others ; defend is good name; speak well oai h wherever you are ; and spend your money right among YOUr fellow citizens. To Day I1i11 Ice creain, cakes, loiled hain, at Yates'. The best Anthracite caal Ntit, stave, cgg, U ; No. 2 nut, $4 ; at yard. J. Hi. Downey . Co., opposite Post office. Bai-gains. i00 pairs of ladies' and cildren's shoes and alippers at soc. per pair, See the bai-- gains outside the WVest Side Boot and Shoe Store. Sale af faacy articles. The Ladies' Aid Society or St. Andrew's church will hold at Mr. Campbell's store a sale of uselul and fancy articles on Friday. May 29th. Admission free. Ice cream, lemonade, tea served at 6 o'clock, i5c. S OEK &D OEB S. The town Sans and Daughters of England will mai-ch to Ail Saints cburch orn Suriday next, May 24th, Queen's birthday, wheîe Re". j H Brougball will preach a sermon ta them and their friends, the public being cordially invited. The Wabash Railroad. It is now an acknowledged tact that the Wabash Railway is the shortest, best and quickest route from Canada ta Chicago, St. Louis, Hot Spaîngs, Texas, Mexico, Cali- fornia, and aIl southwestern points. It's train equipment is superlatively the finest in Amnerica. Full particulars firn any R. R. agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas- senger agent, north east corner King and Vonge streets, Toronto. Ladies'Home journal Bret Hartes new story and Jerome K. Jerame's latest piece of fiction bave both been secured by The Ladies' Home journal for inimediate publication. Jeromes story is called " Reginald Blake :- Financier a.nd Cad,' and sketches an incident in tashion- able Londoni society. Bret Harle calls his story " The Indiscretion af Elsbetb," and pictures thse romance of a young Amnerican W'ho talla in lave with a German princess, masqueradi.ng as a dairy maid. Oshawa demnonstration, May a5th. The Oddfellows of Oshawa and Taronto will hald a grand demonstration in tht beautiful grounds of Prospect Park, Oshawa, Monday May 25th. The day's sport will comprise bicycle races, basebali matches, lacrosse match, foot races and other athletic sports. In the evening there will be a vocal andl instrumental concert in the pavilion ai the park and fiire works at the close. Evýery body should go. The 34th Batt. band will furnish music bath at games and concert. Metbodist District meeting. The annual May district meeting ot the methodst church on the Whîtby district was held tin Port Perry on Tuesday and Wed nesday the i9th and 2oth inst. The minis- terial session began at ten o'ciock on Tues- day, when ail the ministers on the district were present, including the Rev. Mi-. Philp. sen., whose snowy lock.s and saintly face i-e- mind one of thse Puritan tathers. Time deals gently with Father Philp and Father Madden. The usual revîew of each minis- ters lufe and character, and of tbe general state af the work on the district was satis- factory. On Wednesday the laymen were present in proportion af one layman ta each minister in the active work. The chiet busi- ness under discussion was the question of the arrangement ai thse circuits on the dis- trict After much consideration of the re- port ai the committee appointed at the fail meeting ta draft a scheme was rejected in part and in part accepted. The committet recommended that Audley and Greenwood be joined ta Picker-ing, Kinsale joined ta Brooklin, and the remainder afthe Green- puico Unsel&bd sdi iaif flq *oqIdaid the'tsthi ut or theRe0ii hythohorte Dominion. Re cou1tàu he ]rd ubj st O! Mess. Laurier and MowStltie Reform leaders in tls caitlu, wl'the tists of' the Dominion GoveMnnent, snd caied upon tise Young Liberals ta taise pnide ln tfseïn leaders. He was oppased ta oppression in any shape or tari n d stood ready to redress grievauces when fully set befone hi=în usa far as could be donc so withaiit ijustice te otisers. Tise Reforin paXty waS OPPOSed te cecivin whetiser it was ai Manitoba or et thse members of the Heuse o! Commons and consequently tisat part% could net-support tise Remedial bill, which was a direct cei-- cion of Manitoba. Apart from, tise menits of tise case ise was oppesed ta tise method o! applying thse remedy. He spoke ou thse N. P. sud closed a splendid address by giving tise club fuitiser counsel. Mi-. Dryden was aften applauded duiig tise delîvei-y o! iss address and laudly cheered wisen ise sat down. Mr. Bewell and others made shioti speeches, after which the meeting braise up with cheers for tise Queen, tise- Refor-i leaders and Candidate Burnett. Biggest Fii Story yet Many people who have read aIl tise fisis yaî ns tram Jonab's wisale story doai ta the prescrit, have wondered if the imagination ot man could produce anything ta equal what bas alread y been told by disciples ai tise i-ad and hune. As the bibie aud Sisake- speare are said ta caver tise whole ground of originality in litei-ature, sa it has been supposed that Jonais aud Isaac Waltou and tise i-est of those addicted ta fisbiug (and lying) bad exisausted ail the possibilities in tise matter ai piscatorial exaggei-atiari. We use these histai-ical tacts and philosophical considerations ta pretace the stary et a little adventure lad ulged in by some local sports on Thursday afiIsat week. Messrs. W. S. G-aId, G. V. Martin, Judge Dartacîl, Thea. A McGillivray and Fred Hatch set out the day previeus fai- Kendall, na-tis ef New- castle, ta indulge in a trouting expedition ai a private pond owned by a gentleman there who taises in sports at se much per head. Oui- tawnsmeu had ta caîl at every bouse an the road, et course, ta enquire thse way, aud the delîtys caused by sucis lîttie incidentaIs caused them ta arrive at their destination a trifie ater midnight. Knowing they were on s fishing trip and hiable to require con- siderable elbow i-oom for tiseir imaginations, mine hast placed two beds in a large danc- ing hall for thse four youuger sports, so that (bey %ould have space enougis ta picture eut immense fisis yarns ta ene anether after tbey retired and betore sleep ovýertook them. Knowing that the othei-s would not h>e in il with tise judge in fis narrative, bis honor was sent ta saltai-y confinement lu a roomn by iimselt. Thse others tel! at it ta illuminate each others minds wîth incidents in which enarmous fisis had been landed or else larger ones had escapea, until Messrs. McGiîivray and Mai-tin were exhausted hy mental efforLq and had drowsed away into the aî>ms of Morpiseus. Hatch and Gold maintained the contest wltis spirit fer tome limne longer, wisen their attention wss- sud- denly called ta Mr-. Martin wiso was appar- entîy struggling with a mouster in bis sleep. Sean McGillivray was awakeued by Martin kiclring him repeatedly, sud tise three lay there laugising and commeriting upon tise hard and deterrnined effort their sleeping cami-ade was making ta corîquer. At last tise latter sprang up witis a final et. fort, snd trom a sitting posture opened bis r-yes ta taise in the situation. Ater finding out foi- sure where he was, ise was quizzed as ta his nightmare, and gave eut as follows. le dreamed that he was wiipping a silvery stream along a beautiful ravine. Tise running nIll was oftsiîver snd the natives had led hlm ta expect that any fisis he caught would be of gold. He souri attacised a mynster ti-out. The fisis strained ta ger away up and down the stream, while Mi-. Martin's pole was bent la dangerous coný toitiens, sud excitemeut began ta boom A.s tise st-îuggle increased tbe stream grew swiftly wider until it becane a vat expnse, while tise land on whlch Mi-. M. stood dP- creased in dimensions untîl it finally sunis be- neath the surface, sud be teund iimselt and bis prey pulling at the ends et a Uine which isad uow grown ta be a thi-ce or four inchs cable. Tise golden fisis turued eut ta have VALUES IR TOWN IN- WaII Papers, Baby Carrnages, Wagons, Croquet, d Fine Stationery. A limited quantity of the latter only, left at HALF PRICE. A rare chance. Secure some before it ail goes. - ý-yAgency for Scitool Desks, Bzd/erick Patterns, and Bri/isht Amerzcan Dyeing Co.Oý ID E~TEE?~ILLS blOUSE TO LET God frame bouse ; stone foundation ; fiirst- class oellar, (two campartments> ; shutters and double windows ; gardon ;,bard and soft water, Cenire ward. Whitby. Rent low ta nigbt per- san. Apply ta T. G. WH[TFIELD. May z4tb, i896-tf. ADMINISTRA TRIX'8 NOTICE Pursuant ta R. S. 0., Cap. ilio, notice is hi-seby given toalal creditors bavinz cdaims against the estate of THOS. HUSTON. late ol the town af Wbîtby, gentleum, deceased. wbo died on or ab-jut the tî9îh day of April, 1896. ta send ta D. Ormiston. Whuîby, soicitor for Nancy Huston, the adainistratrix. on ar be- fore the F[RST day af JULY1 A.D., 1896. their naines. addresses. with particulars of their claims, and af the securities, if any. held by them. And notice is further given that after said 'St of JULY, 1896. the admîinistratrix will proceed ta distribute the asseis of thse d ese amsong the persoasenttled thereta, having re- gard only ta the claies ai wbich notice shal have been dulygliven. Dated at Whitby the z2tis day of May, Â. D., 1896. D. OR MISTON, Solicitor for Administratrix. ValUable farm for sale by tender Thse undersigned wtt! receive tenders for that valuable tarin owued by Geo. E. Alger, sîtuate in the township of Pickering, about twa miles trom Brougham, containing about 110 acres. This tarin la witb.out doubt one of thse best properties [n Ontario, sud ta known as the mode! farn of Pickering. Te buildings consist of a large two-storey bousee large -bank'barns sheeted wltb trou, stables Oinis- ed inhardwood ?d brick hog peus wUt accomodtioniJrabout-'00 hogs. Tisere là a gaod wlnd nil upon tise poetwblch supiewater to tise bulildgs ue ltd dairy. Al1ie bnildina reItted with %tbp Itest contriv ue~prpsaringad ltlbtn Ifodder.' .Tenders will b.e eIved until tise z6hb DAY 0F 1MAY zr4&.Theles-0*t oÀ«any1 tender not neceustiy a*=ce&d.- For fur- chrpartknInrs ame t XC0ALD"& FITCH,> SoUcito~r dtleýVenidor, -214'.Sou iI. nt ZBL1OCIX: "wlrB -y-. JUST RECEl VED--,- (~~) Ohoice New Go ods. China Glassware and Crookezy. Dinner a.nd Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coff0e, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap for -Cash or Trade. Prices té Suit the Times. Dou't buy before oallhng andeamnn the-stock and pruce for yom'seI I'..4f4>e8iTÂTE O0Fau',, W ANTED-YOUNG OR MIDDL ~~O W AGDMNoharsoter 'Han- AV f dreds foramoSt in Canada, started vitis us. About $14 a week to hegie with- TE OQPSJA BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., LýTD., 'For- YSi" onto, Ont.. For 8ergvice oAqE&.Pnsd ATb lotd b6.. issU mileeuoit - o! tow rose! Ternis s t thnoft stvice JOHN S. THQ>W Whltby* April rM04 g. Pi Alit1ONW 8SLE, -Casher. BARNAIR ARGÂI Last week we tç-> aur uew Silver %%« Links and BuLton- ,who saw them w.t tise style and prit be equally d-ligbu pi-ised at tise valut SILVER MOUNTE[ Fine Silk Ribbri ing Silver Bucklep Silver Woveu Bei Silver Buckles..... Silver Plated K and! fine Sîlk Rit Blacks Mountis... 50ets. Leather B Is Clearly Demnonstrated by the Crowdse that Da.ily throng our Store, This Week We A re Offering Great Va lites in STRAW HATS-Boy8' at 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c. Men's at 25c., 85c., 45c, 50c., 60c., 7é5c. Special drive in Ladies' Shirt Waists. Beautiful patterns to select frorn. Al new Goods. 1 LÂJ6.DIESI MMM we are showing an excellent range of PRINTS at 10c., lic., 12k-c. per yd. Mlso sorne nice goods in Cotton, Crepons, Stripe Zephyrs, Chambrays. Mll new goode to select froin. A Bargain in VICTOIRIA LAWINS at 10c., 12ic., 15c., 20c. j ust received a new line of Summer Corsets. Cali and inspeet theni. (AIl sizes.) Try our new Dress Lining. The ELDORADO takes the place of Fibre Chamois and cornes much cheaper and wears just as long. Also our LINNIETTE lining that rusties like silk. The quantity of CK-RPET that we are sendieg out daily clearly shows that our assortment is the best and cbeapest in town. Tapestry at 23c., 35c., 40c., 50c., 75e., 85c., (with bor- dering to match.) Union at 30c., 35c., 40c., 50c. Mll Wdol at 70c., 75c., 85c. ' Tailoring is booming with us. First-class Cutter in charge.<oO -ýP. S.-TRY OUR NETV ARPET PAPER.,ýD ANDREW M RS Dry Goods, Carpets, Ready-made Gkothing. (3-O0 TOC Officiai Oounty Organ.-la U..etA of aplocal papei FRIDAY, MAY LOCAL LÂCC Hai-dwood dînng tables, 4 at W. Till's. Allin's for pure helebere, iusect pewdei-. Chas. Wilcor, son et %Ir. I bas returned tram New Yore Young men or aid sisould Thos. Siate-'s ad vertirrement Mn. Wm. Black, tise geni tise Gardon house, Pîcker;ri on Sunday. Gentlemen ot refined tý famaus BEAVER Plugexclu ciseap imitations. Mrs. Grass sud Mrs. Gire home Saturday frem Petert>o bave been visiting truends. Mr. Chas. Warren is home wisere he bas been seeking tise hast few weeiss. Char Detroit tisis weeis sud expect better success tisere. SteJackson's stock et ta n,ý week. Pineapple laaves, put ,uew makes. Fulassoni-n tercups auly 25c. pound, try cream lest auly 4c. M. E si-cet. Ice Ci-eae Parier - - For tise best Ice Ci-ca Mathisou's, Du-udas street- Meeting at Young Lib . clis. There will be a meeting independent valens t ai'run. rooms ibis, Fiday, event speakers will address tise mt Windsor Parit. Tise trees plan ted hast Park, now Windsar Park well, excepi saine that were by catthe, who wad-ed round îutg low water. Tise succes sciseme was doubttul te a1 subscnibed to the tund last vq noW ne doubt that tise ti-ee fiaurisis. $15 oi- $20 more s ibis ycar te replace hu-okeni others. Those wvio <id n ibis park hast year eau afford a dollar eacis. sud those w tee) sufficiently iuterestcd ta quarter. Trent Valhey Canae James M&ihler, barrister, ec no nau l our. He is -gaver fon tise Tient Valley canal, a tise titles for tise Ontaria Thse canal ia alI surveyed, a way s lu hibougisi freintise di Tie settlemeut gave generaý il parties, as au evidence are ne arbitrations. Saine ,considenable dlamages. On~ McPherson bad te lose a go as tise canal gocu thiaugis whriee e ouse naur stau casetise canal goca ibrougis1 man nameet Cain, tweuty beautiful nesideuce sud cuttu is bain, W. may say tbat Lu anc -bal! foot deepen tissu andtiseiradeuthat will go tI future will- b. immense. I gaing on veny extcnsively tke cauuty ai Victoria, by ÙO~ xhudge towushi IOn- iiday last a yoting in ton W. Cook, of Scott townzs titwn, and made his way OMO%,-Whhe lesongisita aio 'f theregÎutration o! bus a' iImsrriae,-both o!f wiici e, çeebibe4 djuing tise cigi fbumedibai tis e rflplac "e>cl matters witdb. -tsi - Iitthe teook place.Thr SIt ~e5tb.t W St Wdi*hg thtfor (1t (Ëri Joues vs Bryant. -Adjourned. Lowell vs Swannick-Undefeuded judgmnent for plain- tiff for $61. Campbell vs Grabamn.-Judg- muent by conscrit for eSts. Watt vs Lamb. -Judgmedt fer piff., for $13. Dismissed as ta Dable, garnishee. Cisapple for pîfit.; Paterson foi- gai-nisisce. Kelly vs Lamb.- Judgment for pIff. for $23.25. Dismissed as ta gai-nishee. Burnisai vs Hai-wnod.-Ac- tien for balance aifieut. $40. Tise dft. claimed that thsei-eut was reduced firn $300 ta $260. N. F. Paterson for pif. ; Chapple for dcii. Tise receipts pied uced showed tisat sucis reduction was agreed upon. Judg. ment fer tise deft. Campbell va Faulkner.- Action on a note given for a cultivaton. Deft. denied making thse note aud allcged il ta be a torgery. Nonsuit. Chapple for tise If ; Det. lu persn. Thee wee six judgment sumnmons. Port P"rryCourt. Division court was beld ber. on tise zî5tl muit., wiseu tise cases were tnied before Judge Dartnell. Cook vs. Bryant.-Au acw^ tlien te recover balance on a pramissory note. Judgmeni for pi f. $»o. Yarnold for pi. West vs. Witlard.-Action ta recover $6io fan a quantitt o! onions sotd defendaut Willand in October, 1893. Tise deteninu claioeed tbat b. isad sbîpped tise osions wi.h bis own for West, and had net purcbased tsein, defendant afterwards gave West au aider on a commission merchaut ln Toronto fan &W, ta b. paid ont of proceeds o!fentons shipped by Willand te tise commissionS«- chant. $zS.68 was paie! on account o! ii., aider. Judgmeut resered. Yarnold Ion pif. ; EbbeIs for deft. Csnulngton Court. leury vs. -Bt.n- Xmdefended. Judg-' lii.Action -for .i pveot faunut s A4) ourned by plff. Coots of tise day to 4.11 lu auy evet. Patterson ibm plifC# pl for def t. eelr uMcaye utwu 4.1z. fMtil-va eTaylor AJome by- 7xieil moi TILIII -FOR THE BEST

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