Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1896, p. 3

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cychileibave 811 cuu.~e ~ci, for forcin# water were trie& Isat' TrhUrs day morning for tihe firsttùu.e. The ho.. wau laid firsti on Simoos street and a fine .treafl of water could b. sent clear over Birchard'B or Smnith'*s shopa, and latier it wau bruught to bear on Mr. G. F. Bruce'. residence and a fine atream sbot over it. The scheme hem provedy grand sacces atid al .bat i.â wanted ie the boa. cart. M.r. J. C. (,;ilchriat, of Woodville, was inl towf lasit Friday. The funeral of the late Daniel Camerori whose death was reported lest week, oc. c»rred on Friday afternoon lest, a large erewd followîng the reinains to their lest -e-sting place in the new cemetery. *rllîng for treut 18 a popular pastinne ý,t iiîew and the tmsh seenu Lu bite freely Niosgrs. Il. S. ('ameron and G. S. \\*,Ll;s pad Kîîkfield a visît lest batur- i'nnr n erchants have agreed tý rit heir places of business et 6 o'clocý ij Meaday, Wedîîesday and Frida3 uVHtlllllgs fer the suinnier. The agree int wvue t in te effeet on M ay 1, and tht. îîîîrîtiriflnnierchant.s are to he con- î1*Vulaté-d on the Btep they have taken, . t s ,ne that will beriefit beth clerkt- aîîd bosses, morally and physicîally, and m,reng~then theni for,the batties of busi- Cia-et eet 1tloi. Beaverton inierchants sut.. wet tried the scheme since about iv ears a go, and one rnerchant,-a .tiiit euote,--seem8 Lu hold the key te the si-uation in hie hand. It ls no trick te blid the stop tu a good muvement and retiects no credit (on the party who does rt. IL us altugether unlikely that early cleeiniz wull he succeaefully arraiwed in Beaverten. Su înuch the wurse for the Sn e rc h an s. Mara street. from the bridge to the rail- way cros8ing la te ho gravelied. Mr. J. A. îlIbertson left leut week for Midland to resume work, on t-he boate. Mrs. MeManne, neo Mliss Hattie Lenn, seta few days in Lown lest week. Mesare. A. J. Anderson, W. J. Hodg- irs and Bruce McMllan, of Cannington, were in t.uwn ,Sunday. Messrs. J. G. ('ameron and J. MeCrae visited Kirktield by wheel this week. Messrs. Duncan McMiNlllan and S. Hart, of Lorneville, wheeled te town Sunday. Miss A. K. Bruce, who has been in Hluntaville during the past winter, re- turtied hume Saturday evening lest. Truly, death has a ehinning mark and t la eapecîally the case when a man like Alexander Campbell ar., of Gamebridge, la called away. Mr. Campbell went te juin the great majority on Sundlay murn- ing lust, and althougb hie death wus almost hourly expected for the pasti week, it created an impression of sorrow among the entire community, more eapecially those belonging te the prabyterian con- gregations of Beavert.on and Gamebridge. Mr. Campbell was long connected wità the Gamebridge cburch and was a prom- m rent eider and christian worker in it. The funeral on Friday t.o the Gamebridge cemetery, was an exceedingly large one. We are aorry tu learn of the death of Mr. Duncan J. \Mc3lRaes youngest child. Mr. J. A. McGillivray, late represen- Was attended by many sorrowing f-ends. Where is our famous foot-bail club ,! last year ? It is time the boys were g(-tting down to practice if they wish t keep up theur record. A very interesting address was given n the league last Thursday evening by Rev. Mr. L)ove, of Greenwood circuit. The very exciting discussion of -woman franchise," was brought to a c!ose in the division last Tuesday night. The vote resulted in a large rnajority in favor of the women having the samne privileges as men. District division will be held -in this place on Friday, May z-,-th. A good meeting is expected. Idectricity from the Boa. At firet glance there seema te b. nu connection betw.en the 'rreaking of seu. waves and the . octirical condition of lthe air. Recent investigations, however, show that the shatitering of the vaves and., the scattering cf the. spray-have te effecti of imparting positive .l.ctrioity te the airnosphere..Visitera ote hsma- sbore experienoe a stimulation fron the ozone contained in the air, and the pres- ece. of thi s ascribed te 1he electrifying action of Lb. spray f romin thebreaking waves. This smre effect, from the smre cau"e, la noti.eed ne«rwtrt1a -do uoît. b0ke t&p0,iontzti0i$hts uiPOW. dors whibob injurù te lb. k, bât "e thé asiest way 0o gain .bbsatUi l ori and a vWbdleSOm skia. Heult ie hb WubeaffÎr -The means e beau c00l, ai t'blh 0 ~ Bull-18eD -$(ii "#..ti.i <S ,a*1~.am~~ h 'disaf inlatie v e r arilla Se. 1wJIl a% mYS lit a rnyaelt g Uuat belle i-'< lai !ouui4 Pefry. Concert ati Mt. Carswell postiponed te June lStb. Rey. Dr. Marvin preacbcd epworth league sermons Sunday. Sports from Orono, Newcastle and Bowunanvillo joiued our gun club Satur day in a general contesti ati blue rocks. In 20 bird match, 1,2 particîipating, tihe winuers were: 1. A. J. Gay; 2, J. W. Brooks ; 3, W. Lake ; 4, S. S. Brooks. Second match : Jas. Bell, S. S. Brooks and J; W. Brooks ied firet tibre. with A. J. Gay 4th. Red clover is already in f ull bloom. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols of En. field spent Sanday st Mr. Thomas Nîchol's. c..k's Coff test Coai ManufactuLred 'by Tiih Cook Co., Windsoàri Qut., a ndDetroit.Micl.iab ônly kiown *de, reliable Imotl meiieo fhicl leià. edepend in ehsra4<m 'of me. Eve w 1ad- *ho eds thiisrqt~ste te two2ps' a e stmpa, 'wth -lW s4ddreoa,<- ,ifo Lknd Orie Lpdsto Msy ài New Life. PAINE.»S CELERY COMPOUND THE SUFFERER'S HOPE AND LIFE-GîVER. It always makes pécople well. USE EVERY PRECAUTION TO AVOID THlE SUBSTITUTER. For the Sake ut Money Profit He Would Persuade You to Use Wouthless Medicines. There are two roads open to the old andl yousng. rit h and poor. who are sut- fering trom any of the diseases now so, prevalent. O)ne leads tu misery and death, the other to new lite and perfect health. Thse sîck and sutlering are fervently prayung to be led in the wav that guar- antees a new lîfe-the joyous road that leads onward and upward to a wealth of health and happiness. Let t be distinctly understood that there is but one well-rnarked course open to ail who seek the new lite; t calîs for the use of Paines Celery Com- pounid, a-. great physîcuans discovery, nDrescrided by the best living physicians and always successful when honestly used. It is no/ a patent medicine; it us nol a sarsaparilla; it is nul a bitters or a nervune; it is as tar bce-ond them aIl as health surpasses suflering. To the thousands on the broad road of suflering trom troubles such as rheurmatisun, neuralgia, dyspepsia, in- digestion. constipation, liver and kid- ney affec tions, nervoiIsneýss. hcart and hlood diseases, we would sav, use a few bottles of F'aine*s Celeu-Y Cern pound faithfully according to direc- tions. It %%Ill surelv cure you and re- store von to vour former good health. Remernber that delays are danger- eus; the symptoms of to-day miay to- morrow result in miserv or death. To be well andi string, and able tu battle successttilly with lite's duties. cares andi troubles, y-ou rnust use F'aine's Celern- Comnpound, the medicine that has done snch marvellous things for thousantis in the past. Wben bnving Paine's Celery Corn- pound, be caretul to avoid the dealer who, for the sake of profit, would have you take a worthless medicine. Keep clear ot such merchants andi dealers who would deceive you and imperil your lite. Mr. A. Budd, of Shanty Bay, Ont., who was quick and wonderfully cured by- Bai nes Celery- Compound, writes as tollows: -For the beneit of suflerers 1 gladly give My experience with Paine's Celery Compound. Atter suffering trom dy-s- pepsia for thirty-five years, and meet- ing with rnany failures with other medicines, I decided to use Paine's Celery- Compound, having heard of s0 many cures eflected by it. The Com- puindci atter Ised;tfr ra time, pr- THE BE8T OPINIONS! Scientifie Men Say Diamond Dyes are the Best. The best analytmcal chemisns in the world affhrm without hesitation that [)iamond Ltyes are the purest and best dyestufls for home dyeing. AIl the colors are fast to light and washing, andi will culer more goods, package for package, than any other dve in the world. As there are manv imitations of the pepular Diamond Dves, ladies should beware of dealers who attempt to re- commenti the worthiess goods. ht shoulti be remembered that the imita- tion dyes are made up of peisonousý andi dangerous adulterations, and the hands are otten ruined by their use. Diamond Dyes are so easy to use that even a cbild can work with tbem suc- cessf ullv. See that you get the -Dia- mond, ' and refuse ail others, Chronicle Buletin Board, FRIDÂY, MAY lStb. Cauadian-Tbe buildings of thbe Auburn Milling Ceompany, Peterboro, destroyed by ire, lus% 8150.00.-Taronto defeat- ed again by Syracuse, score 2-0.- Hendersbot loses bis insurance suite.- The Hyas twins are - hocatied ati Buenos Ayers. Foreign-Great Britain wilI bolti China reeponsibie for tb. operations at Ch.. Foo.-President Kruger msaya that Rhodes must lbave Africa before thé sentences of the meuubers of the Re- fortu committee je eitbew commitied or eancelled.-Anotber battue witib the Matabele.-Cholera is raging in Egypt. BATUEDAY, tMAY 16. Canadian-Sir Charles Tu pper addreaeed s very large audience in Montreal las: nigbt.-Toronte defeats Scrantion st basebal.-Score 17-6. Foreign-Spain remonstrates te the United States in regard te aftairs in Cuba.-Obolera ha. broben ont st Marselle.-Hindrane te Miaeionary in Turkey removed. - MOM.DAY, MAY 18Lh. Canadian-The Mandemnent jof Lb. Bis.- hoe regarding lbhe Manitoba Sohool queation resd in al L . Bom Catho- hic churceeyesterday.-Two ebildren of Mr. Harvey, Blackwater, burned te death. Foregu-The sentences of lb. Transtasi prisoners wiil b. enquired into.-The preparsation for tbe corouation of lb. Cvar prooeeding at Moscow.-The Sul- tan et Turkey feara ssass iain.- The Spaniah have suother batile wîtb tb. Caban insurgnt@.- Wb.a dul l Deth From Heart lalUre That Migbt Have Beau Âvoided by th. Use of Dr. Agnev'0s Cure for the Plromptnoas î thé l te ft ssiia awi The u-tf» mi àIv à4l. q mea" theL »int ofsIIhbr. ej ié. ply Mi edeattei & t Vau on Mia ~A ~ lu" M issRth BbWs. IR ,isitiberIpGr&eàw her.., Mis. Joli Po.nock bas r.tnrued from lengtby viltto fMendin latheU.S. Mre. Quugley, of New Yorks, lasti week vxsited ber dosier, Mrs. James Taylor. 0.0. Wilson, of Fordwiob, is apending a few weeks wit.h bis udater, Mrs. (Dr.) Hut.obison. Mrs. Jos. Wilson i. .wit bher, sistier, Mrs. Mott, of Toronto, the latter being dangerouisly ii. Rev. Father Welsb, of Toronto, was the guest of John Larkin for a couple ol day. lest week. James Thornton in going about by aid of a cane, baving-injur.d bioeself by lift- ing a beavy 8tone. John Besse bad bis leg and foot severe- ly bruiised on Mouday wbile unloading some legs et Taylor & Lount's tactory. Thosi. Beare bas purobased from James, Dundas, of Toronto, tbe store premises at present occupied by him. Coneidera tion $1050. Mr@. W. S. Major sud voung master Major are spending Lb. week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Annis, tihe former'. parente, et Wasbingtion. -David Aunis treated bis Satbbatb achool chas. on Weduesday evening Le an outing ati the lake. They bave flot retiurned at the time of writirsg, but if nuL drowned, nor the victime of auy other casuality, tbey will without doubt have a rigbt good ime. But One Sure Remedy-Obtalu Tt for 23 Cents, Blower !uoluded. sud b. Cur.d. Cata.rrh in a disa.greeabie andi - uf- feuive disease. It utsua.lly resuits from a cold snd olten ends in cunsumxption andi deatuh Tit une effective remedy su fer d'u.covered for it ini Dr. Cha.se'u Catarrh Cure. Physiciaua failed tu cure Geo. BI!frey. toîl-gate keeper, HuIla-ad La.ndiug road. Chas'@ Catarrh Cure dit it. O-ne box cnred William Kueeshaw and two boxes J e. T. odda.rd. both uf West Gwillim ry. Division Co t cIe Joel Rogers, Rob- Prt J. Ho r an Geo. Taylor, aIl of Beeton. vo ta « certify te the effi- cacy of Ch ' tarrh Cnre. J. W. Je iso c Gilford, speut nearly $300 on di t but fouud nu permanent relief unti tried a 25-cent box uf Chase ,'.. Hiss Dw ofutAllistomw got riti et a colti in the hcs.d In 12 heurs. BHenry R. Nicholls, 176 Rectory street. London. tried a box with excellent ef- ffect. Dr. Chaae's Catarrh Cure (et for sale b! any dpaler, or by Edma-umon. Bates & Ce., Toronto. Pr-ce 25 cents i.neludln.g Mlewer. Coug.bs, soldoanaud bronchimal troubles re.aI4y c'tred by te la.temt discevery, Cbams's Liasee iandTi lurpentîne. Pheas- aut and eazy to take. 25 cents. Fmejay's Liver ILozenge8aram btioronghiy scinîfic production uft te prisent day, andi ore the but remnedy knovn for biliousuos., constpati-tu, headache, etc. 25 ce a cox at aIl drug stores. A lady wbu gais very Mi, Anti vbo neyer eSu svallow a pull, Baye that ratiter ihau iry 8h. surelyv ouki ai.- She'1l try Esajaym methoti, she viii. Eaeljay's Liter Loozengu. arepleasant ,hum- leu anti effective. 26 cents. Mark Twain has been leeturing te erovded bonses in Johmunesberg. Puilmouary coanumption, hlaia esrly stages, may b. cbecked by te ue of AVer'.Cherry Pectoral. It stops the diatreulng eougb, asohsirritation cf Lt.eihroat -and Imng, sild indue.. much-ueedad repçae. Huadzeds hive ieetified to the reawhable virtusof this pre. ý,paration. Iuo KN0 NARDS LINIENT wlD omr Prenob Vhilga.- JoUNV. Bowruîu IKNOWMIAR8 DIRTw1t Coup. I RNOW:umIAîtmB iu &"le Ub bot r.etiecyin Noveay, M. Jo& A4,OW i-r What 1, s1OM IM s ov*r--uu1 * at P~ort P.rryt au Sundsy W. Ramwon a#sistir -yiated Mount Albert on 8uada7, and ipen a f.w heurs witb Mr. Spmulding sud fami]y. Cônuiderable fail wheat snd gras seed bai; been plowed np around bore; The alsike is partioularly a poor catch. Rev. White will visit Montre&] as dele. gate to the Baptist convention fr<-s, tihe cburoh bhere..'f he above convention will meet tii week. Miss Young bas returned from Guelpb, where sbe bas been for the past month visifing ber brother, Principal Young, of tibat place. The nMetibodist frieuds are preparing for their annual Sabbatb sehool picnic on Monday, May 25th. Consiftrable fiabing is don. et thbe ponde at Gien Major tibia weatber. Liv- eryman Graham is kepti buey driving the sports Io and ûrom thbe preserve. F. Hutclîison is assistant to David Hopper in the stiore just now. He will likely hold that position until the retun of R. P. Hopper from th. old land. The Baptist Sabbatb achool excursion will be bold about Lb. 2Brd of June to Hamilton, but thbe exact date, as well as in£e of travel will b. annonnoed later. T,0 party oonsisting of Mar. Hopper and wife, Mr. Gregg and sistier and Mise Waddell, lef t for Montreal on Tuesday, and were te sail for thbe old country nei: day. Mrs. Caster, of Goodwood, wbo wae bereft of ber busband a few weeks ago, bas decided to reside in Claremont and is rnoving into part of the boues now owned and occupied by ber motiher, Mrs. Dolphin. W. Gourlie, of PicherinR college, @pent Sunday w'ith bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Yorung. In Lb. eveuing be gave a short address to the Erskine Christian Endeavor on "Serving Christ in our Homes," whicb was rnucb appreciate4 by all wbo beard iL.-News. HAVE YOU CATM-RRH ? Castoria. el coa&le an eoceulent medine for chU- droit Mothm b ave repestedfly told me of Its good eifect upon tbe folîdreen." Da. G. 0. 0eoo:4 LovelNam Castcrla le the beat reruedy f or chiltirn of vhlch I amn acquainted. I hope the day la net far ditant whezu mothsrsvill consider the reai hteret of their children, andi use Castoria in- sfiead ot thevarlousquack nostrWusvhlh ame desta'oylng tiueir loveti ones, by forelngopium, morphine, suotbing srup andi odier hurttnl agents down their tbroats, tbereby mdn tem te Premature grave&" Ds. J. V.LXmcmou,4 Ocuguay, Ark. Caatoia, "Câstcrta 1soell adaptd oeehdm tlu 1 recoenmend ft mouperortosyprgtI" knotoume" £L A. ÂuUMDU4 ILD., 111 Bo. Oxford tL, Brook4m, N. Y. "Our pbyadala l techailda'depa*., ment bave spoken blghiy ot'tbir expu&t. ence ln thMiroutle practim vOwM da and although v. offly have à sgOur mnediSli spplies vbat lin vu as»& nguiar products, yes ve wufree te confeestbat its merits et Cuwtrla bas von us to Io* vltl favor upon lt." UsMia n PTàL A» Darxa*ars Bastea, .s ALait C. SurTH, pire&, w 1 The Cetuw EFCouLpmz771 Tm Emy. tr.et, New Yok OUIt. Wbe Baby vwu mtok, vu gave bmrCasoti. When ste vas a Cuild, &hae oried ter Castoris. When atue beoeme Misos ah ig Su Castcrla. When ah. had Obidren, abe gave than Câaterla A nov voolon miii is te b.e erected at Clun- Minaad's Lintment fori Ue s v.rywhez. An Atwoodi man sent 20 ton$ of ashea Lu Boston. cured W4lO Daek for' 25 cests For Lvo years1I as dosed, pilled, andi plas. toeti for veak baek, seaiding urine anit qou- stipation, vithout benefit. One box ef Chîoel. Kitney-Liver Pilla relieved, thie. bores oureti. IL J. Smith, Toi outo. On. pull a dose, price 26 cents. Collingvood viii spendi $10.000 for nev uide- wa&ks Thos& Maier bu a message for every man on another page. Dontî feu teread it. MrILaurier addrsssed aàag meeting ai Westmount, nan trealilu -heintereats of Mr Madore. A GenereusOfrs. (Puibli.çhed Zby Requi.) Dec,' Mr. Editor :-WM lySu kindy u- foin the readers of your vainblo paper that I viii gladly moud IREB to auy suflerer bon Lest Machod, Nervou Debllity, Nught [MssiVarbcocele, 10 -e-cyantiths ri-sete cyoctbMfulgrly.eti a o f a simple and iSexpenswe means ef SIff.cure vblcb affrbe. i4g humbugged and lmposud upon fSr yemr bLquan pauot zodidmne sharbi cud kW VeÛ& ha,"' uqtbng te soa or gave avay, uMr ama advurdaing a ptn needieIne busious. but wvih lsu eha ftoM any gsnFfeEr1 a[JUxoept 54a cmurbis complaint. te whom I1,ill opWaa omune- tiaily boy andi by vhat moana 1 vs 40194 Hundredabave em çuredtboh vice. Caste uotbing -te bIm vbst I p-- d. dretis .i dollnars wlindti cuL Ad4re u - dernlay and enclm osstmp If onvcsmLs. Torouto, Ont. R eïsio10. WILL BUY THE' WJLLeekly 0 --lrAND*100 CHRO W>,- J FOR 1896. Hender8on if.- ora M oney ,,.-toô Loar ,_, s a n d 6 , p e r e t s amoutts u ecetrd Apprler for CÇaas.PerM.àif H. sc T, I r Ktr Castorla is Dr. Samuel PItéher's rsrio for I1runfà and Chlldren. It containa neither ODUIm, Morphine D'or other xarcotie substance. It la a karmIlesa substitue. for Paregoric, Drope, Soothlng S7rnps, and Castor 011 It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thirty yeaWs use b> Milions of mothers. Castorisi destroys Wormsaànd allaja feverishness. Castoria prevents vomltfng Sour Ourd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relieves teethlug troubles, cures const1patigon and fiatuiencyo Castorigàassimilates the food, reg7uiaes the- stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- toria la the Chlldren'ls Panaeea-the Mother'. Fimed. s abot. sinice OfIL iyeL "Jack, the Hugger,ll îa &gaine n w r lu I MrWm orJ, n mdle..efb-ilyo Wt>odstook. veka IDITIIOpt edfom-tuhai

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