Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1896, p. 1

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t. h. ~.A a lb u ô1 VOL. XXXX. WHITBY, ONTAR1O, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1896. O.2 'ely oeln ;codï COW» ve i. velry, Sîl. 8 t Pricea YOU are "tore, r LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CnuoNICz.x CORIR SPOwnzt.NE -:0:- WUITEVALE. Mi, Geo Burkboideî and Stewart Piterril spent Sunday afternooe le Grecnwood. We sympathire with our fniend George as bis besi girl bas taken ber departure for Paris. We regret to leara cf the ilinescf Lieu. W. B. Hagermnan, vite is sufferîeg front a shgitî attack cf pneumnonia, but under the cane cf oui vortby Dr. te bopes le be around again in a fev A aum Ioftite young people cf bot sexes h ave oiganizad a bunt club undan the piesirieacy o f Lieut. W. B. Hageintan. The Lieut. aya r litise fan îhey have nol hunted aey larger gante F resh A rri va/s :titan lue but that everything aise viii conte lu good tinte, Ie the mean tinte qulte a fev young ladtes are acquiiig the aecomplishment cf loco- Pure Insect Powder, morion on ttc pig skie. Oui burg ia fast beconting a favorite nendezveus Pure elleorefor bîcyclisis. No less than a dozen young Pure P ns Gren. rladies and gentlemen vitecied eut front ttc cary Pure an*s reen on Saturday, a distance of 24 miles. Noticeable arnoeg theru vere Mr. Strathy, a neptev cf tite lare 1. Stratity se cruelly assassieared a mioti ti aoie Barrie, and Miss Browe,wvio vere A&I J the g et fMiss Day, oui csieetned assistant CH E 1 S & DUGG l-,, icaciter te ttc public school, HFM'~ & DR(,,llMr.josepit Pennock is eairieg a stuc nov t tR tI I K 11. DA SI., davs, and we beg te say bas joy is net occasioned liROC & DNDAS TS., by the adveet ie ibis venid cf a boy or a girl, WHITBY, - ONTÂ i. but1 il iii all on account of te retrn cf Mis P.. WHIT Y, NTA IO.whobasbee abentfer acte tinte atîeuding __________________________________ te sick bcd cf ber fater. \Ve regret ibat hia iliters resulred fatalîy. but his expinng momntus Sweenmade happy by thepreseuceof bis eldes ~IY WBI éBUI lîkl m ead sud add words cf cheer an is dyieg ment- en ta. r10u86-cueafllfg time 18 here. Dr. Frank Witaley, vice-presideut of ttc huer clatit met wtt an accident on Satuid.ay nght, WVe have a larger and better assoried stock wiîh migiti bave iesuited more seiiously. Re- of vindow shades titis scason ihan we îureîng t rom a nide by the members cf tbe club have ever sitovn before, front 45c. U[>. bis -ober going oid black mare stumbled, tbrow- Wc use tite test baud painted opaque îug the Dr. heavily 1,0 the gîound aud reedening .'.iade lot, vt Hartshorns sprîng h it unctinscicus. Wîit ttc aid cf a ltte hasts rollai. 1 vater bis fai companions in ttc course of a few AIso a. fine variety cf corraice potes, minutes quate revaved tînt. Au examination A,-k to sac oui latcst style cf vindov stowed t.it no bones vere Iactured. lTe screnste ft ay wndov atsoc.aact.horse. les. fortunare, tac t'as knees badlv brokrn. sirees abyi canage ae ilow, tYeastde-Art tenexî mccl cf te cîub the Dr. viii figure (. agns. ige r llo h lts e upon a more sure-footcd boss. (;r~~~~~~~~~~e~~ uacaibfepuiasgeseir. Jusi as regular as tite spnng contes does torse ("!v usa cll efoe puchaingelswhte 'trotting talk sitn our correspondent tas been WcV are takang speciai pains to combine worrnecite deat expressiniz bis opinion ce ttc eleganice wîit econorny an price aid merits anIdcmeui.s cf the vanlouâ steeds in thte generai utiiity. village. Ail kaeds cf atonies anc le circulation Our stock as comipiete in House Furmtshings. about the spced sud braeding by tbeir rcispected 'Wc invite bu vers te corne and see us owueis. Oneatan wto aever relis a lie regulates Il wiii save monay. the repîdîîy oI bis eag by ttc use cf a chitan and by cauting telegmapit poeas. On a favorite Le&ding Undertaker,-'pacce of road jusi sortit cf oui tnte telegmapit poes are situated just se fai anart, and just se W ntany te te mile, and by catcting hlm hatveen E.s<Je JOHNSQN hIoe n hncutngtepls n tm oes i ae acuting Uic oe s, sud a fev BROCK T., W ITBY.a eicery. Bamrng accidents in ttc way cf cows grazang on te road ide, cf viticit oui vale can F.stablihed 849.boasi of quite a number, and.-wr ithte viud ina Estalised 149.favorable quarter te can make te dusi fort a whilvind. Oui ettened friand- Mr. laniès Windsor, more commouly kaown as te pecple's lames, Whôtb Stcam Isprat Sunday witit friands at Bauger. Wtîla retuming honte te met vîit s misfortune viticit viii incapatlate tintfoi sente tinte te corne. In the daness Mr Windsor vas titrove over a MarN andne safezuard placed at titat peint. Mi. Waite, oui uuarmnge fte Whitevale robIer miUs, came te bis rescue, and vith thtt aid cf Clanifeseverai otters carried the aId gentleman te his esideece, vitere ar rite tinte of vilti eg wc feund tint resting quictiy. We understand Mr. W. ]u ndas St., itreaiens Uic corporation wirh an action for D d heavy damages, Youm correspondent vishes te arrest ttc attention of oui pathmastei te thia W H 1T B Yand various cter places le the village that requine VV H I T Y.bis immediate attention. Ttc menthars cf ttc A. O. F. iteidanivers- Chas. H . S ith, ary service in the methodist citunet Sunday Foranarly Wolfandap Works. Ian- officaared, and delivened a very appropriate ser- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND) mon. Mr. T. Ward sud his citerai class tact GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of1 charge of te singing and rendecd @ornte very ttc latast matanial sud deesigns. Ail appmopniaie aumbars. The congregation vas kinds cf Cemetary work. Oui vork aise the colection, vtîct vas in aid cf Uic guaranteed. Armenian faand. 1 vas semny te lemn that ý'fMSs.ND FOR D-ssar.NS AND PRICatS. jcaiou-sy cf Mi. Waid sud his class cf chiidren, on ttc part of the manager cf seother citerai oiganizariou, tas been tic cause cf ntuch bard feeling in connection vitit their engagement for Stitis occasion, and this brigiti musical manager baving failad in an atîamprte have thc engage- !ayw rl -D ami ment cancelled signifaed bis disappioval by abscntieg himsclt and bis personai friends front thc services. Sucit jealous rivairy 18 muci t ta h To gl ga ridcf bs stck a goos. egrettcd. and, aithougit I bave met caivas that To gt ge ridof hs stck o g coul d tavl quite a note, I thiuk it ini vciy bad Thats why they are alvays busy. litiIrseftoeuflo esa ftcottrta shows ltae people know vitame the he a a a calf ihar oould sing mucit boiter basa BARGAINS ara. On titan hi. rivai, orIcirtectair fellov te say cf 1bis rival that his knowledge cf nmusic vas al le B aturdlay, e 23the bs ye.* Hoveven I tiust titat a hatter spiint may inttc future prevail and that ail ntsy ha va sai NevDrea Good - p Acesdharrn-ouy XI y- 27-in. Tweed Effects 7C., reg i2isc. 5. Michigan ta visit ber ister, Mrs. Vbert Gillets. 4e-mn. Mohairs Checks 25C., reg. 40c. kav. Harils officlatcd haeean Sabbatb last. Mr. David Brigffs returnad home lmat yak 44-in. Lusters _soc, reg 75c. Mr Luke su antiycf Whitby, sWted front Totonto vitere ha bad been visiting bis 44-mn. Lustar & checks 5ee, reg 75 friands banc a few days agi>. ExStaeDie ceabo bsba io 44-mn. Fancv 5oe, reg 75c. E-tg rvrSbmronbsbe io 27-in. Black do. 2,5C, reg 40c. Miss Lottie Hertop is sîilli attanding the W. tieat Kingston for a yack or morevisiting 40-lu. Serge 20e, reg 30c. C.lI., at Whitby. We trust site may meth laties 44-in. Black Brocades 35c, reg 50c. succass lu ber summer axams ibis ye.r. oeew fthfred r aendte 44-in. Black Serges 2,5e, reg 35c. Miss Mary MeBrien, vito bas tacca in Troronto Semdafcf h an frand sebac i attnddchse 46: in. Black Hniattas, silk finish, se, dunang Uic vinter menths, bas raturuad to er as Sunday.sboanvraysriea acise reg 70c. 1 home, and teck ber usual place in charge cf UichesSudy Black and Fancy Crapous and Pengees, organ on Sabbatb. The church choir expecite go te Monut 124 tS.Seedng s a hin ofthe astand laningCarmai te assist ai ttc Sunday sehool auniver. 121 t5.Saeing s athig cfthepas sud antnit- iry on Sunday ttc 315i huai., aud Monday the tinte is again tapon us. Soeahave almcdy got ito ue neaily ubieugit. A goed deal ofcf isleing tcfJn. ' ~ u SPE C1 A L 7:soni t'Docly The car los.d of hoghe d iui-re Ladies' Blousa Waists 25c, reg 65 ets. HoetaCircie met tara on. Menday evemaqg. sudrvabe r.le e tpia Huld vea b ut. Ibml Real Brussels Carpet at 45c, reg 75 cia. Thc goal le somavha.t out of practace, bais i>î. dollars and slxiy cents per buudS&, sent record is said te te sbady or sow, as Uic Fait Hats for men and boys front 25C .grasing scason is nov lu vogue t. may cuer tsens ruay sohofol os e iion sud fis Strava toi tan, vomn t nd ebjîdren. are. twspana cc mmSrdý h - Many fremnberè viii go ovaa'.to Greeavood on Whitby tcvashqt converioaarmhothb lIed for N EW DEPARIMENT!1 hisi&th eodnal ceeraio u t = le. pttai Ï7-& :t Zo ces Soaie piosor potions <tl arsmspected- Ladies' Trlmnmd HaIs froint$i.oo itp. 1rgam, fth eeo olmta e sim.o4urvr ee0nwd,-hetî bat Sec Item. h~eid inithe methodist chorals, bIt. -Zi»on tu icevelg ud1ek e*r ~ ' t 1 Ladies' Trimntcd Walkiug IHais a;3oc. 28th inst nollar umder Mr W i1 stàe làs GROCERIES. BOOMING. e p yod f a& tii S' Sl ti Election g9 ", aà hcoewng trquito wipioei OS ON ATUDAYEdd'matches 8cS ~OUX stets sud uboroares, but aynuet e box. N. P. Soap, better than Ivory mnenesbsaoad u u t .à# Bar, îaJC, reg 25ç.; Sunlight 5c; MOW oftmorse s Remean tiTilles v-e , àd t 4c. Rica 4c. Sage 4c. Fine Raisins ' 5c. Casa Curiauts 5c. Salmoen o cts. 1-77 Canad Coin 7c, Tommeos 8. 41b lr-1 is.ýytw , r- Washing Soda Se. Fruit Vinagar2e XXX White Wine 35c, reg 30 etE.~1" SPECIAL-Seadîces Raisins 5c, reglac ; )&q~ Ras br Ji r oc;ennPel g4 aec haCy 1 c, fW g Id ra,. s. 1a4 VS, a beakfast C<fe. a e,30~.e-, UTT*ER 4AÀD P Joseph and William Burton had a mis- understanding the resuit cf whicb vas a dissolution cf partnership. Joscep h is now runnitig the farmn and William h as mnoved ie U tcevillage. Ha intends, va under- stand, te drive the milk wagon for the Man- chester cheesa factory. It is with regret tbat ve bave te chronicle the deah, at the eariy age cf 25, of Mrs. Chas. White, eldest daugbter cf Robert Watson cf this place. The ramains vere laid te rest in Bethel cemetery on Wednes. day In the presence cf a large number cf friendsansd relatives. Truly in the mîdat cf lifa ve are in deatb. The Brougham mechanics instituta held a Meeting and appointed officars as foilova Pres. , C. Philli Ps' secr., Thos Browen Ireasurer, Thos Poucher ; librarian, W. J. Bodail. Thev have add'ed over $ioo vortit cf books te th;e library and have $24 balance on band. BROORLIN. M iss Stair bas beau visiting friends in Te- ronte for ivo yacks. Mr. Nelson Davey, nf Witby, tas beau visai- icg at Mr D Heiiidays for a 1ev days Mi aud Mrs Bell, cf Toronto, bave been visit. itg at Mr G W Arneid's for a lev days. Court cI revision for taetownship cf Whitby on lune i. There are very fev appeals in. Dr C L Stanr, cf Toirouto, vhecled dovu fron thet city last Friday. sud made a bni vasit bere. Mr L Burnetr, Literai candidate for Soutb Ontario, vas ia tovu on Saiurday, He is very busiiy engaged an canvassing the clectors and le meSeting with much encouragement. Msers1 Haivey and Frank Walker bave C e topeNorthi Bay in searcit cf emplcyment. e oettc> nay ha successful in fing sometting titat viii ha satisfacrory. Four cars of catile were staipped front tere on Satrday. The price titey are geîîing for their lai stock is quite disappointing te the far- mars and a number bave net yet seld. ALLIN'S MI Many cf the fariners are still holding their etaîl fed cattle. Prices are se extremely tiat vitit anyîhing but encourageing prospects, tbey do not feel ve suppose like dispoeing cf îhem at the 1ev figures. It just eccurs te us if there voie enough stability about our farmers te mani- pu lai., theur own business, tbey would flot be set on by the =attIe dealers front season to season. Why could net thc farmers, the men vho feed us ail, ship their own cattle independently cf these middle men ? Surely the profits accruing from the handieg cf the same would lighten the debis cf serne cf oui tillers cf thc sal, but as bas always been ibe casa, fariners speaking generally would rather trust a sewing machine agent, a lighteing rod man or caitie dealer, tban a brother farmer. Consequently we flnd the farmers heav- ily set upon, flot being able te set a price on any cf their varlous productions, and it will be se dowo te tbe end if farmers vili continue in theur short sigbîedness. 1 tla believed here that c tttle dealers have formed a ring and are keeping prifes dovu te suit themselves. Surely the farters have mnany competeni men vite could manage tbe business just as good and inucit moire te their cun interesis iban bas been done fer the iast haîf century. itis seemis to e aa venld cf gel ail you can. and ve do flot blamne tite carrying eut cf this ides as long as the far- mers se agreeably put up with iu. IRAIÇCHESTIR Mrs. S. Daniels is under the doctors care. Mr. Jes. Muero, cf Oshawa, speat Sunday ai bis home bere. Mr. Geo. Ewers, jr., is attending the Port Perry bigit sciool. Mr. snd Mrs. 0. F. H agerman are vîsiting friends le Markham. The Sons cf Temprance division has suspend- cd for the summer mentits, It will open out agaie te Septembher. We are pleascd to note-ihat Mr. Frank Lamb, vite bappened with an accident in lthe way cf getùng bis lcg broke, is împroving as veil as can he expected. The anetversarv services iteld itere oe Sueday were qwte a suceiras. The Rev. Mr. Allan, &f Columbus, occupied the pulpît ie the nterning and eveeîug, and the Rev. Mr. McCamus,, cf Port Perry, addressed te ebtîdren in the afîi- noon. The day vas delightful and ccesequeet- ly a large attendance. The readers of the CHRONICLE Wiii a'ememnber tite ndiculous item ie the Pnnce Albert colume st veek, snd 1 visi totedrav ibeir attention te the tact that neî'her your regu!aî correspondent nor aey cf the CHSONIcLE Staff is responsible for the vniting. as i understand the item vas cf a snubbieg character, sud ve believe that the viter intended an instaît. The yeung ladies menuoned mciine sncb talk for tbey aie veli respecîed and mmnd their ovai business, aud that is vhat thte viier cf thte epîstie cannot boast cf. Ie past vritings for difrerent papers I neticed that the same floating image has the habit of -stirrang up" somebody's reputatien. 0f course, we understand, ha t3 baie to-day sud gene te- morrow, but if be wisbes te conte hack here again, we vould ad vise bimto keep cool, or per- haps he may get hse. P. C. GRAHAM. RAG L N. Mr H Lyle, Myntie, speat Sunday visiting ai M r l-arpea-'s. Miss Lizzie McGregor af Beaverton, is visiting ait Mr iao Ross'.? Mr James Fonnaste r of Oshawa spmot Sunday under the parentalroof. Mn and Mrs Harper left last wack for Kantas, where tey viii remain for a tine visiting firiends. Quite a number cf the' farmers around har have titeir fat cattie yet. Wonder vitat cattie buyerg are doiug ? Mr W Bright vas the first te Itiîi a basf for the bcd mrig, and cut it up la about 6o picces. Every one srved satisfactorily. Rev J McLaren viii preacit a sermon under tite auspices cf the 1 O F ut Raglan in the pres- byterian cburch, Columbus, on thc ast Sabbath in lune. Last veek vbile driving te school Miss Still's herse became frigittened, running into Mr. Brent's buggy, upsetting it and mnaking a gen. eral smasbup. For-tunateiy botit escaped wîith sligbt injuries. The leagua this Fniday evening May 22, viii givç a liiarary and musical enterWanmen. Aise Mr. Malietn, Scugog, wiii give an addrass. A vely pleasanu tinte is anticlpated. Admission io cents. Every, oea elcome. f%- Monday c lasitheapomrtb hlenoagneheid their .Ail the standard kinds cf îurnip seed,- Champion, Bangboltn, Clyde, Elephant. etc., ati closest prices. Our seed is from WWm. Evans, of Montreal, as usual. Holliday Becs. Miss M. E. Dryden is home from Toronto, having completed her course ai Moulton college1 and McMaster university. and secured the de- reof M. A. Miss Dryden was the only lady lthe graduaunàg classof this year. The iterary meeting cf the E L of C E beld lu the basement of the methodist church on Fr1. day evening of last week vas well attended. A very wnterestlng programme was given, after which cake and lemonade were served te ail the Company. Mr and Mrs McMillan, cf Toronto, are stop- ping wîth Mrs McMillan*s parents, Mr and Mirs Pollock, for a few weeks. Tbey are both in poor health, but we hope tbe change tbey are now enjoying will soon resuit in decided im- provement. As loyal subjeets cf Lier Most Gracicusi Majesty we wiit of courge cetebrate ber birtbday next Monday, but it "I be donc in a very quiet1 ýway by those vite reinain ai homte. Business will be suspended as usual, but apari from ibis ibere will be little to mark the day as different from other da", se far as this village is concern- ed. The Brooklin Specialty Co. vili go te Greenwood te, give the farce. -The Grave Rob- bers," at the concert there in the evening. The entertainmenhte be given bte Royal 'remplars in the masonic bail this, Fnday, even- jing, gîves promise of being a great success. ýMore than usuai interest bas been aroused and jibere is likely le be a large audience te hear the1 ýdrarùa "OutIn thie Streeta," and the excelflent musical programime that "I i t furnished by the Wbitby orchestra and local singers.MissL Yaîes vili gave several recitauons. In *pte cf heavy expenses the price oi admission bas been plxaoedaix5 cecms, chadren ze cents, se that ail M" oawe The entertalment viii commence Aua inforum i meeting vas held last Sasiarday nigbt at wblcb members of theI1O O F, A O U W, R Tof T,and CO0of CF were present te discuss the advisability of holding a decoration service, samilar ta those of kme summer and the year previeus. Few cf those present vere in a position te speak ofllcially for their societies and it was deemed advisable to postpone any ac- tion for a week, by wbîch time ail the soclenes wiU bave elected delegates te consider the mat- ter. While ail are agreed that a decoration ser- vice is a nmcc way cf showing that those whe bave gene from us have net been forgotten, and that the bond of brotberhod s somethlng more titan a figure of speech, yet there is Dot the sarne unanimity regarding the holding cf the service every year, semne thinadang that cach alternate year us quite often enougit. Wbatcver is de- cidcd on will be announced in the nexi issue of the CEBOItICLE. W. A.H. BusiaOssDirt@r7. GUY & CO., grain buyers BEÂLL, S. - lIner of Kartiff. Llcense BRoDidence opposite Town Hanl, Breokin. W A McNrEtLT, D V S.-Graduate 01 the On- tarie Veterlnary College, Toronto; Sonorary menmber of the Ontarlo MKeic oeiely. Treats ail diaeaesof the. dom«etield ainimae by the tacoat approved snetho4ise" particular attenýtio striosoperations and denhttry. Day or nlght caflu ra pl attended te. Office a"d realdmeoeroU, Ontarto. B. Duncan, merchant 'taller, lbas secuired the agency for the Oshiawa Steana Laundry. Laundry will leave bis sbop on Thtarsday morning, and will be returned on Saturday. AUl werk guaranteed satistactor. Hastings & Manners, Oshawa Steana Latindry.-22-tf. OUR STOCK 0F DISTIIWTLY S UMMER GOODS ie now comlet.«B'g varieqt--In' STRÂW HÂTafoz mon sud ers,. Ribboui, -etc., for trimuang*., POR ~ TUE LÂDIES-Mualna, Orepns Lavais, Fruts, 'Lace 'Trlnunulgs,La'o Mite, Gloves, etc. Dean readers, va nov eztend to you our last invitation to attend the grand foot hall toumrnameut to ha teld haie on Uic grounds on the 2,51h inst. Without a doubt it le go- ing to be the greatest day for foot ball and other gantes that bas ever beau for miles around. Two silvar cupe aire to ha played for valued at $W,%oo and $xi.oo.- Tennis front ail parte cf Uic country are expectcd to ha present bo compete for thena. Severai other valuable prime are aise te ha given avay to the hast men. A grand programme is hein; preparad for th. concert viticli in te te ha given in the evening by Uic hast talent obtainable. We trust every. reader et the CHRtoNîcLE viiimake au effort te ha present for pant cf Uic celebration if not for ail ef t. Refrcshmente vil ha provlded on the grounds. Mir. J. M. Davis has gene te Washington- state. Mms. jas. Seucb, of Tenonte, ln visiting ber sister, Mrs. C. C. Kelleit Mrs. Wm. Cimsier, eof Lindsay, vas visit- ing -ft lands in tevai ibis yack. Mis. Nlckers and me. Billings, jr., Ieft tbis vcek for Kamiope, BC. Thoms Hut, et Wliltby,'ls renevlng old~ acquaintances ln town this wvei. The presbyter'an choirwlfiug ai ýSbaw' S.S. anaversary nazi Mondagy. Mis Clra Roiphiet -,où Mondav for.Que-, bec cîty for a feu wiiïîki"hlIa. Joshua ûavws and i d.ughter nt1M4s Dawes Lit on Thurady, for BrltfnhColai Dieti-In Port Parry ontho-.zÏtb 15*, 't0ays. Od4 1~OOT8, .i tan,, fi Uianî iFÂRÂSO $1 W. stili l~ - OUlbj Evarybody in ibis iocalily should make il a point te attend the presbyterlan Sunday1 scitool anniversary on thc 24tb aud 251h. Tae Rev. John McEwe, director cf normal classes in Sunday echool vork. viii addrass the cbiidren cf both schols at 2.30 on Sun- day and viii aise preacb at 7 P. rm. Onu Moaday tea viii ha served in the basemant front 5 te 7 e'ciock sitar vhicb a concert wiii be given by the Prince Albert methodist choir lad by jas. Balfour, vite vitb Mrs. J. R. Heard and Miss L. Hiscox viii give a number cf soles. Addrasses viii be given by the Rav's McEvin, Leitch sud McKay. A good tinte is expected and 25 cents pays thc whole bill. GEEZENWOOD. Bathing is grand nov sud is made good use et by cid and yeung. Mi. J. H. Harrs, cf Uxbridga, spent Sun- day under te parental roof. Mi. F. W. Gibson sud sister visited vith friands in Wititby on Sunday. Seeding is ail doue sud lte farinera hava beau busy planting cern titis vaek. Evary farter you spcak te complains of the drynescf the land. Thte crcps are looking rmnarkabiy veli but ara in great need of a good raie. Mn. Frank Clark bas left honte, and is nov busily engaged as an apprautaça lu Musgrove's biscksmith shop at Brougham. Success te you Frank. Mi. Fred. Hatch, Wbitby, vice presideut cf the Geeanvood foot bail taam, occupîedý the chair at titeir meeting on Tuesday. Tht- club vas pleased te have se gaulail a parsoi as titeir vice fill thc chair. A gîcat ntany cf ltae appie onchards are badly damagad by taheud matht. Wbert thay are tera viii be no fruit until thay are destroyad in soea ay. The plumlies. bave but very fev bicasonas on tbem. A veek frent next Tuesday the, frst beast cf lte beaf ring viii be slaughtered. Those holding shares in the ring wiii be glad vban they have te go for their heef, as pork is net a vcny good substitute for beaf in bct weatb- ai. Thare vas ne league banc aset week owing te a social in ttc league at Kinsa:e. Oti league vas veli represented there and wera veil paid fer goitag. Sente very instructive addresee v ere given by the nev. gentlemen present. Sonte cf Uic older sports attended a rather sumptueus repast at Kinsale on Saturday nîgt Not beig of tbhoartwv are un- tLg!%-t'ogfrè,te'-aâccou o-W o mm but judging fou alal reports a most cagoyable night vas speat by ail presant. Several cf the boys vended their way to Audley on Pniday te witaiemé a foot bal match betvaen Audley and Pickering Col- lege teants, vhich resulted in i te o in Pick- ering's layon. Corne Audley you van do bettan than that if yen enly try a littia more. Yoeu have thc stufi there if you only make use of it The littie folks did exceedingly wel lu tW different parts. Proceeds nearly 82$ êb.- cure books and papers for the puplJn. l% McNeiIl's roomn. A social and reception was held i àthé baptist cburch last Tuesdy evening . > *4 corne their new pastor, th e Rev. 'P.-Mode. Appropriate addresses were dellvered and an excellent programme given durng-the evening exercises. ý Mr. A. Ross is now tnloading forty cars of number one Manitoba wbeatweighing 64, lbs. to the bushel. This is a ne chance for millers and bakers to ýsecure good wheat for making tbe best of flour. Good judges say, it is the finest wheat ever brought into this town. A scow load of gravel was brought here i for the corporation last Friday. Prepara- tions were made for an early start on SatUr--' day rnorning te unload, wben noscow nor gravel was to be seen, tapon dloser exana- tien it was found that scow with gravel had sunk durlng the night. Our well known citizen, Street Commis sioner McKnight, wbile unloading gravel; from a scow lying at the dock, was unforutm- àte last Monday ini falling backwards and dislocating bis right shoulder. He là improv- ing and 18 able to be around, but it wM ibon, some weeks before be viii be able to attend to bis duties. W. J. Norr. Port«Pevry Buiao »Iretw G. E. WiLLiAmson, barber, fe tep@u$PontibO Oct, lUth.-8 mos. MILLDoe. -MMnToto e eovd new fall stock of mihllnery and là r.ps- d* turn ont ffrut-eiasumiinerY IÙ ta loïtz. styles and 1ev prioes. StamPins dOs. la order. Sept. loth.-8--mos, W R CLAnBK lmA fer maie siarse good seonà-ý hand parler heaters with ovens, whioh hae viii sent cheap for cash. Oall and inapee t 010M as they are good barains. For the largest and fineet' stock of furmitnre a.nd lowest m8e go to Jefflop Furnitiire CO., PoIrt Ferry. Wff.J1 OTJ CITY'" Lids e -fING. tained paired rouble iflilve alter uts &D * . MANA W.- LParrishb When yen corne 1to mi w' a feu enaps, that .wouldk your time Le me. -RW t in D trouble for *&t.0 how, 'to you even if you dowt'êwi buy. difoe.it stytst 40-b ti>,duffrent I.w do BOBN DOORB *WALL JPA-P Cheap.

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