Whitby Chronicle, 15 May 1896, p. 8

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Ut ê ~~~~Min 8; Han vished whb Tauqn t,s Is xJ. z lm" tsasn~1J~Wa~ U- là,tusq 111H ~Mr. M Brwý inand -. -10.a.mss.ura *u~~~~~~~ ~waite whèld toilort Nrry Iaq Sup4da ÉNSOXt51 ~n ~P~eyThtd .K UN .A arse,~ ot miss Flo ra Wheeler lbas beeuput tu cbrge J>rfoaTd fbr #isitbto te tha beach. Us6 O~ Ule ovyne,&. nyt of the C. P- R. office at Totonto Junction. 1o00t0rn-fr hesasn CRoiso, eud on. vr DOmi*IDI- Bank,=md Mr Wm -H janes was calird to Cobourg on proprietor. talOaa. 'Whenl looking for..... Tuesday to attend the fumerai of bis mollier . 1). Kalie, Cedar Dale, who bas been When Oonternplatinu pttlngt on Lite Insuranoe, 4Tht R S Williams works shipped a Sio:. alinost hopelessly Mi for a month wi.h blood- "0. W D àlLuWz, of/The Unitd States Lie. -:-orgn j uuoasCenre b ~' olnng, is again able to dischaîge bis dui- Te policfes are the mont attractiv. fi P r ruge, don, las: Thursday. It requîired tbréecars aralyagnatbetiCo.MB. A.-a nGreishn, to carry it. The R S Williams works shipped a large luchry Tnv re, and Fancy Chiena ? Perfimey, Adeptatin fornBerkley-st. methodist Thrntoday das cntre ca $10, London, on Te"s and Coffees. Boys» roady made esits P e f i m e v 'A u t ti o r o e ,u r s d a y la :. Iî is a $ o o o o in s tr u m e n t, Bpe c i a ty - v e r y h e & p . Port Hpe, wre intown asi he gs t he irm bas turned out. 1: re- ~ 8L.b usrbrul eA m :: :: T o ile R e q u siti s ionE tf r anlhr es: he o crr y it. giv a, st the. Central otel, riday o t aob TofecursiD otebkr sgttn i upyo Rev. Mr. Pierce, of H OIY- Trir. i y church wSk tra one to 3 o'olocit p.m., to makie ar- Toilet Soaped froTo, t e ba oerca estî hi s u pl fToronto, took charge of the mornng and 5ngements with pames wùislg tu have sales. bre ( o m o u ai e our es th b ee waî ev en ln g serv ices in S t. G eo rg é 's ch u rch la st L F r R S B Ct O . . " " Fancy Goods, he erlarges his ovens to a capacitY of13500 Sabbath. The venerable gnlanrec.FLMET&~N-h edn afolgA if lavesper week. e w rgnsrci e ntsermon pec.F A»M §NB-h edz4tnr SpectclesTL-ere will be a mreorial service ini th t wovr ntrciesrmn.adgents' turnishlng house of Omhwa. Ag 64 i th prebytrianchuch abbah eenin, hv e Tht appointment of Chas. Goodman as SPlendid 1aseo8rtiment Of tweeds, worsteda, A.nytb.ing in the preyeriaîîchu rh saban t evengwha- Constable of Cedar Dale is very popular. tlOWserings, Shirt., cosus, etc, Llways kept M hav efe recently. Rssdohr ho The township authorities bave decided to neoe hav did rcenly.add a lock-up to the trying situation, and 1'ELT BafOS - Watohmakerg and je-Welers Mr. and Mrs. John Bone, of Grand Rapids, Chat ley will be able to bouse tramps wîtb- D«eleInlu atch«es ocko, Jewelery, silver. SDrug Line, who have been visiting in town for the pas: Out a trip up town. 'W&re, sifectacles, etc. B1rving gold and isTh ato as ys aqutonM d the Public to-night. Te34hbattauion band 5PeOiWtY. kck ewlIDrp.Aig nîgh was~vel aîendd. Ts ws sevedpark will costp$, familles s5. Bicyclists who in f&rmeBrl', mauulaetnrr' and houaeturnlali. fnom 6 tilt 8 after which a hallelujah concert hold season tickets to, be fret to-nigbî. Gen- in« supplimes. Mlanuiaotuirers of tinvare. yE was given. Quite s number from Toronto eral admission 'oc., chldren 5c. truhnVn teronrcn o e. i ~ S t o r e , ere present and gave speeches. T t mandbp o ht p bi lb a y b c~ e e ion her n. A sdon . t . Ryý dlien ,and lampe.s tok. B yleu's D u to e Aldermen W B Burgoyne and W IH Ar- reachied high wa:àr ointlaonyeband.o s/s..' ~~~~dick, and city treastrer W A M ittleberger, Ir as sp n: in peno ic as rt h fr et E150. St.Caîaritswen lutow onTuedayonreading room, and $130 in books. Tht in- Mn. E. Fletcher bas gone t0 Toronto 10 re- business in connection with Demili coliege. coming officers are * Pies, D> Keith ; vice, main for a while. LAI which institution is lîkely to locate ln that L X Murton ; sec, P H PnhncraCA M n isSBun u nABok, o m Bimce e st. south, Oshawa. ct.Joues; board of dinectors, James and John MTondwr herowenSundrA Broo sr The Oshawa Rille Association has organ- Provan, Geo Burt, Dr Kaiser, J A GibsonTrno eehr vrSna.Sri ized for the season with tht folluwing offic- Rev J H Talbot. J F Grierson and the other Mr L 1 corycls u ew resdeuce is fast ap- ers Pres., Capt. Gierson; vice-pres., R. J. officers. pfoaching coîmpicuion. Wheu Anished il will bc ___________________Mackîe,- sec-treas., D. Cînnamon; capi. of On Wednesday Dr. Kaiser decided to aCanadian OMOiu rsdnc.T t eam, %V. J. Hare:; range cummittee,-Capt conquer the bicycle, and, feeling that thte Tne veny warrn weather of tht last week tendd Dillon, R, J. Mackîe, Geo. Miller. The ladies might go into secluded spots to îearn bnogto vstn 0ttlk.Tospecialami e range butts and îarget.s have been fixed up te rtobt enmutnOeutta ik ad iÀ~tore ote a. gThe aboi on oron theart bu me metnt, e gt bie ad Prtes 00kin hebeautifu views wo edatand eAj ~I c O J~ nîce by Capi. LDillon and are in good condition came upon King street. Of course it made fields ady b; re logte edtadA The practice days are Tuesday and Frîday. itrenuou objections, A mule could not ih 1ht The eanly closing bylaw camne in force on ýiave turned its ears further tiack, non could Mr tD 1 Kain desires îo express hisens Monda>', and things have goDe along so tan a broncho buck with that bik.t htdcothnswbs nnii a ae aud awa t ia without any serious mishap. It is a little is thin, about as tim as a double barneled for the sypathy and kindness extended during have gc O SHAWA, MAY 15, 1896. awkward in a town solargely composed ofgt ng rod wihako tied in it in two or bis late sevene ilînes. He is now improved Colo __________shopping within workîng and eating houri. 100, and can caper round a bike like a Miss Lzze Greeziaway me: with a very painfui trains,t --On the other band ihose who ose éýIectric cooper dues anound a barrel. lu tact he accident la the Schofield wonks last WedneSday COLO meters wîll efleci a large saving duning each and ihat bikte were well met. By persistency and came near losing two fingers ut1te ngbî gerswit sud f vry oubtul b sdm o valdrt, ba i hadtakn mry ailsouiut im.Onaeir.BeIs snger, werebonejunshere :-yan Sch ylss ar a itte abîîrryhe i lst gt i ontheunde sie, lîhugh audlu otu macmuey. he as jvenw iWîn this one will have to go for the present sum. he got il pressed into service ht soughî 10 tended to.iuTo OA JJA P A E mer ai least. speed it a little, and was making good head- The announcemneni last Friday morniug that For fi Mr. Provan took hold of tht subscniption way along King street wben it sighted the Dr. Rat was dead, camne to the resideuts of this W. P. ____o tht golf club ont day last week and col waternug cari, az)d set out tor it ai a head. Place like s thunderboît out of a citai sky, and Co's Of lected over $îoo. A few uft Muse who have long gait.. There was what apptaned to be many a word of regret ws xrse ttel OSE£AWA. the most leisure are becomning enthusiasts aahsingl ewel'h otrad t t 1 he town and viclily of so able a man.Tlie BUSINESS NOTICE. Oshawa subscribers Mn. Provan has oflered a $2o gold piece as a bike, but fins liv both dîsappeared int the -ilage wa.s almost deserted on Monday after- or advertisers rnay transaci any business souvenir to the first mtmber ofîthe club who 3pray oftthe sp'tinkler. Somne maintain that noon, al that cotùd possibly attend the funeral R with tht CHRONICLE, Or May obtaîx extra aill play him a draw gaine. Mr. Lovekînthdc ingwile undt ietebkhaDigtee copies ai any urne, from H.E.E Rogers. on Saturday, was only oue point from tht dcinwi enes are of opinion that thetA PO.Mr Farinera will do well tu call at M. E. trQpliy. As tht game is only starting, and b)icycle rushed tht docior mbt tht minauure A POI as there mnay be some curlosîty as tu the cataract. Be that as il may. huons wene Miss A. Armour visited ai Cedar Valley farm Mar's for boys> ready made clohing. likelihouil ut tts becomng populan we ýr evtninR when theîv emerged tnomn tht cart. Satunday. u 1$ wlll pay any parties contesnplatîng buy- duce tht following extract (rum a letter fromn tail. snd each felt cool and refresheil :0 con. H. EUîuîît, Ir.. who has been sick for gmreFu Ing an efgagement or wedding ring to sec. W. C. J. Hall, Secy. -Treas. of tht Canadian tinue tht struggle for the mas:ery. trne In improving îîowîy. thse large stock ut Feit Brus., Oshawa as golf association, touchiug thls po nt. Mn h uin't ver> often ont can read tht Vin- Mn. James McLean aud wife, Bowmanville, W tluy will seil this montb very chtap toi cash. Hall1 says is writing Mr. Provan- - Don't be dicator, ib is so badly printed, but this week viszed at Mn. Ihu Cole's Sun2day.SI Geüune diamond i4K. only s5. They ar anujous about maînîaining the interest of there isa column or two of legible malter, Mr. A. B. Crydermain, Blackstock, spent a alom aking smre special offersin Gents', tht game. Ont1month aller you have atart and among il a bitter screed upon the udywt nnsi u oaiy si andBos'gol ad iler athe. e yu il se tatilis impossib~letopie CRNIL. We appean 10 Write sm Se. tbemn. FeIt Bros. vent tht spread and continuance of it.' veny bad and mischievous things, if tht 'n-th Mrit meeBngn aseecr sdlegn the 2to _______ Tht green wîll be put lu shape ibis week dicaton may be tht judge. It useci to SyIbedsrc etn nNwrteo st. Un sud tht club house wilI bc erected wiihoui our articles wene merely sensaîlonal. As to ft.ed, Miss Hansen is visiting frien.ds. in Peter. delay. tht yarn about Mr. Thos. Conant and lits 1Mr. C. Evenett Brown bas received an invita-Me It as uil ausig t wachîwuof unproîosed slander suit, we neyer heard of tion 10 sing in Tyrone ai the anîversary ou the Mn Saunderson, of Whitby, spent Sunday mations lait wtek learning to ride thei r sMc. a.thing. Tt Vinansîory asspipny a 241hor- in town. wheels. Ont is very tall and tht other quite lie, sofr ere concerned. 1: raves be- M.CEvrtBow okasnp1Tn- Pic 5 oarsevening tbev betook them cause we cummented upon Rev. Kines' neu- outo on bis wheel Friday evening and speut ,lac Dr. Power, ut Port Hope, was in town on elstou t hth sho 'ous hikn rality on church union, and declanes tht nev, tiret days in the city. Tussday. îIe wouldhe hme chotn ouwrvarinkand gentlemen 15 in favon ut union. Now, if it is Rev. E. E. Howard pneached a: Greenbank Mesrs. Dewai aud Curtis wene n Ton- would have al) tht (un bu themielves. After L k ontoSunay. ebaingthe astgraclulwayof muntngneed tht Vin tell.meseo? If al who are in work on the H imnpion cîrcwt. tirs J Schofield bas gone to Paris for a with greai fear sud trembling they mauaged Mrv. uKin wi ub hlegd ie Mn. E. Trenouth and son have finisbed the month's visit. to gel un, we must confess Dot 50 very grÎte. n.Kies, the consumrmation will be very brick work snd plastering of Mr. lames - Mns P Goyne spen: lasI îNeek witb fiendi fully. Sieadying bei-sel a moment ont of slow. We did say pnide is the sticken in thethopo' os ot ftevlae luCoric.tht ladies thougbt she would sîraigb:en ber. church union, and we say se again. 1: bas thepsuars bo n ontb 0f tht village n rtbu illm vstd ihfned self up sud makre tht' thing go. With a always been se. Tht glosa cf bypocrisy E. Howand received a unanimous invitation Mr C rthungWood la we iek. ihfred shriek that arouseil tht neighhorhood she whîch tht Vin. and somne othiers wish tu ptt romn the board to remain foi anothen yesn. in Colingood ast eek.descended, the wheel not stopping lu con on tht mfatter dues nut change well knowns M Mr J Morris bas returned home (nom tht suli ber inclinations. Her companion, tacts. Tht words we used last week on this Mn. Coune ut Orono bai moyed mbt our vil. nieica coleg, Troto isbng o b soialeals colaped point were mnenely quoîed from the mouth ef lage, occupiug the bouse lately vacated by Mn. Messrs John Booth sud C Joues, East To- Making sure nu bon'es were broken theyaSmo îetcuc ebe.W aep hmsn ewilrnabkn uies U.r McGlll, Miss Pearl McGill, Mr 5maI], bas made bis case better. To say ihat he i ete hT Mis E Small, Mr sud Mis J O Henry, Mn chairman ai meetings dotasetce=ic was veryhitt that article left in there, wife of Mr. Wm. Moun:oy of a daugister. T ovinebut a big lime was sorin in store fon il. The Mn. E. T. Slemon B. A., Oshawa, wil givea aor, d M nStne, MWn h es andTMn J pteuple.Hbienue is bamle h aac fbold fishermen seon put ashore te go borne, tak a: the league meeting here next Frlday Powrsspet ls: edesdy ad Turs th lme.Ht oudfln amleopporunity but tht landing f their boat was tht signal evenrng. day in Toronto. lu express bis vews if be Wfised te do su. for a bot pl. T e e c ud ntb fu d R v D S. ock Pi owl cuy th Rev. ja. Kines pastorof Sirnoe stret Te retrain hmseiffrboa:, eandtieachot ithte bortyanduspecofehe pmethodspscepulpitdis Mayu241hay S.t S.8aS.uivevesary. methodiat chuîich, au the last meeting of tht reganding THE CHRONICLE'S article is more ail tht uther four cf takiug lb. ConstableBÙh.Ior offcial board handed in bis resignation, than we could expect, or wish ton, lu as- Good man arrtsted aIl the others on suspi - I u which wss accepted. Poor bealtb bas con- sumîng tu witbbeld comment for cbarîty cion, but a seanlch revealed the fact that the Visitors: Mn. sud Mrn. A. Tamblyn and pelleci Mn. Kines to, nesîgu. sake Mn. kines is payiug bimself a tOQ had noîbing 'a»out -them txcept soue daughter, Orono, a: Mn. H. J. Werry's; Mn. C fatreagcoemsliet t i-ts on e easiyand mangled ed of chewing and a jack kuife W. Stxith and Miss Mary Smith, VWhitby, at eý cburch wil] give a concert in the music hall otlhtîthwprerahntobtud each witb a cork screw atace t isMn. J. J- Smith; Mms enls o u onMody veigMa ~t.Miss M arj-_ wron]gte su con pee tw Upthan feha spinal coîumn. No hole coud be fousd lu daughter, Bethany a: Mr,J. Gihse's; Mr. cniManLayeelnins, as been enggagendhtsujcomlet ba htable lpt-dun.e the boat, antd a haIt heur 7s inquest resulted snd Mns. 1. Stevens, Maî>le Grove. a: Mn. G. L. .Llpec sute vr a et ers loa laien ii ae h ujc fsc hrtbeltdw. in a verdict tu tht efftct that the eellied Stevens; Mm. sud Mr.RILSylvester, Lindsay; adsr.oefral obhrscoflocalealesuicide keMm . WBrown hbrnefna rnto mH pr-Vtfo ur union. cmitdsiieby delibenately casting ylvcierente; Mis. H.dsay It nay bc interesîiug fer sot to ksew The sdjoturmed meeting cf the congrega- itself into the rnarsb. Reflectlng upun thte yvse oe rmLnsy REPA that the mean temperabure in Apnil was tion ef Simcce street methodist church vas distreaseci state of immd whicb would lead --- higher than tht avenage et Iifly-five, yeams held Fniday nigh. Tht sirendauce vas au eei te doe such a r-ash act, the panty set %m zm Thtbigesîaveagebemenaureeve i-- sallr tanwas the case a week previcus, ou: fer bome, sud Mine Host Mallet th"e U M X U B corded inl April was on tht î7th sud tht nain- and tht intenet appeaned lu have abated. the jug intohis nefrigerater on bbe ice h (ahi ouly about one-third of tht average of Dr. Kai-ser contlnued bis addyess. lb was udxt rnrning the iceman carne along, andE former yeas mosti>- dirtcted tu an expression of opposi- upon fludiugs tht tel fhene wbere it had CAMPBELL & LLIOTT, tion te a big debt. Ht took occasion te deuy cravled frcrn the jug, cbared Mallett a Tht christian workers are geiug bu hold a the- CmaoiCLE's statement that pride had quarter for it, stating tbat it was a common camp meeting at Oshawa-on-tbe.J.Lake fromn anytbjng *toe; witb tii. feeling whicb be had occurrence te bave etis tbaw out cf chunks o ýo o MILLERSe June a6th te July 6th. A large test vil] ha agaltnst union. ,o oàdcu"lo e rnoved that oficlm He even wea: se far as te say ecis i*38lma mf . lama Flou; ,10o ei-ected in whicb te hoîd tht meetings, iu case «t union the debt limit be laced at thdive bost in Ice. l. of Bra38 4be. o keve. P W Philpo: aud Geo. Fisher, Toron- $Io ooo. O0. Hezlawood rqgi to Dr. Ibo. o m, an,Iboofo.surb ,for a te, well known te bbe Oshawa people, will Kaiser, but found'bis voice out ut onder - bushel of Wbtt take pa, aîoug with several uther promin- aften a itle taîking. Ht, tee, denied that 0"&W a ua.. Dizetory. They hope by titis inducement te 8raw a e n : sp e a k e rs . p nid e v a sw d e te r n g a n y b o d y fro m v o bi < r BE L . V IC & b S r e s stU g e a m of h a " 01 h e " d t Dioguts til hivs intheRefomerfor union. Mr. Bales said a vcry grea: Ey abr hne tsl, lresia.o iatae fu.-itif Diogees s.1 olis i hR eformder. dition ccuid be muade te the cburch for $12,- BROOKS' LIVKRy, BSiooo street, forth. about Oshwa, Witieuta particleofput orte pi l iny Npl~ dqp« c f geniua, h ooor$1,QO.irbb po est chouse wi OLPEharneu mr .SlMOcestreet.luBri dBn'.o &W*rt é 1 ittp« bouse iery cmete vîden tht churcb bbey Wiii bave te ' alwa>W«bwhlm Pimt os atîneverycwnrenpîcé ggthsn it. Belleves Dr. K 'smt>~ -B. I- KEBSuJ,, butob.r, Kingt, West. 1141 q.l w@.s. rs ThS eis probably not a man aloug the would net give tht trustees lirnit enough te On. PÂmEON», Dezitst; OMMiceove. Rows.'a Street who ceuld net b.ve ser e sortupo.Would be vilîigoego$,ooo store. of blunt opni Ou o ieumdtopics; yeti.PtosPt; iYCii5 U.~ J*a.4k-fl m ium llounlah 0<a ei.Kaisersad éwas wi g tO Ço $uaoo, moS gre ' ML RRKJJM> T ,ww - os b.d urb of mpetnai, 001iaedetea: ILWà Vý stareriaxyDnttý elyafwdoutons shanâ' tquStgsho-t r e 81Di et probable Ve,0b il=t*ee b. Mot* domd is bue.- - As .t casb pl 1 u atdcsr -wblua iâI dqvèremt lcet tunion. an d acpe.It'was e4 orzIKoTn- Omaa. cf tNpbà b t W y a r éc éé t t provide r oms for thern N ctrs hostelr, e a. $. or s NUkn* 1 fr as u an e nMwm5f p4m biïEýR K S M On 1,Tbekis of a OUc on ou« e tpaj dëbtf4thls D IL .1OR.ISG5W l trl>k% A"..*& 611 î 1 n r.IO. ï i u Ht tber,« was na aupffe. estc. ZzU lt W bytfi kieip1btsi 1 Z mursdflIi torutselulae f-iof;QS -1 __ Oea4 ~ ahb hpoit.Tb" ' Os".w4 .... rtoal r Tho attj hU *i _ lis ot .m>Io 4wYJt,-t and ses his WronghlT ,3MSe -AT- 05.O ihis COALL OIL A GAS STOVES i5.50 to $25-000 iist Trains and other Special ýe for the Canadian Northwest. accommodat settlers going to the Jau Northwest this Spring, il is in- 1commencing Tiiesday, M/ar. 3rd, iey Tuesday theneatten during Mancb ,pil, to run Special Trains, ]eaving to ai 9 p. m., enabiug settitis tu travel tir stock and househoid effects, there- suring quick tint, reaching destins- tht same tint as ihein property sud uod accommodation en route. îist sleeping cars vil] be run on these the births iu which wiul be FREE. 'NI5T SLEEPING CARs, loi- Passen- th ordiuary bsggage, viii run thnough nipeg ( uring March and Apnil. leav- ronto ai 12.20 p.n. eveny Tuesday. full information cail on or Write to STERICKER, au Oshawa Railway ffice, Thomas' block. C. Carter, Agt. 2oth, 1896. - OSHAWA. ;e have always a general and varied ock to select trom-latest designs ndttaiing departent fuy stock- JACKSON'S su ad embalming accordig o latest ~ui ethods. Nutritive W n e a ~ , This palaable ad HIGHLY NOURISHING Wiue, pi-epared vith Cod Liver 011, la easlly retained eu d by tht most delicais. ýture tram ing promptly sud satis- auFoi-0WahigDissatesGeneral Debllity, ImpaireS orily do e. D igetion, C i a a m a d Bmuchia Trouble anti Les of Muscula- Tons. 0f g-au 'Nutritive value tw Aduitu ad Childen. Bro&, O ha wa. * a q=ùy f odLierOl. Udrgiets. 1,t'Jî lyout attention that Iwa a testedIlsud h van: YOU 10 stay u custodY long tnough te tel, thatit i s sot.i . ............ YI Forger y h ceufemplate, but merely sei ez, you s finer cîsass utoof now than ever befone. 1 bave rrived atthe....... I can do this. 1 bave a nice lee OfWaches, Clocks, Jewelry, Su. everware, and Spectacles, at prices that iii surprise YOu. You re wanttd by...... ... ......... i9oyd thie Jeweler. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. Osha wa Book Store, -FORUATEB Welland Vale HIGH: GRADE BICYCLE8, 'PERFECT," -GARDEN CITY . DOMINION" Also One Good Second-hand Cornet for Bale. E. E. ROGERS. For Deilcate Chlldren,- Invald VOL. XXX~ e2~~ ALLIN . --.o Fresh A rrivals Pure: Insect Pure Hellebc Pure Paris( CHEMIISI & [)Rt(,î COR. BROCK & LDNDA WHITBY, - - 0 Hou8e-cleaning time We have a larger and better as! of window shades this seaý have ever shown before, fi We use the best hand pai shade cloth, with Hartsh roller. AlIso a- fine variety of cc Ask to see Ouar latest style screens, to fit any window, Our baby carrnages are ai] of signs., Give us a cailI before purchasin We are taking spec'il pain elegance with economy general utility. Our stock is coxnplete 'n House We invite buyers to corne It will save money. Le&ding Undertaker, - L J. JOH~ BROOK ST., whîtby Steam Maîble and Granite- Woîks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y.L Ch»s. HMSm (Formerly Wolfenden1 porter and Dealer in ML GRANITE MONUME: the latest material and kinds of Cemetery worl guaranteed. -'SrND FOR DE-SIGs _A To get get rid of bis stc That's why they are alway shows the people knom BARGAINS are. On we ssiiNew Dress Goods a7-in. Tweed Effects 7c., rc 40-iD. ?Mohairs Checks --5c., 44-fl. Lusters 30c, reg 75( «-lu. Luster & checkis 5oc 441fl. Fancy 50c, reg 75c. 27-în. Blacki do. 25c, reg 4c 40-in. Serge 2oc, reg 30c. «-iii. Black Brocades 35c,1 44-ml. Black -Serges 25c, reg 461.n. Black Henriettas, sil reg 70C. Bladk and Fancy Crepons ra Cts. -,!XaEti5àI loupéWazsts ý25 &e 3uýse1Cupet at 45 Felt Bats for- mes and boyý Staw 1r msfl,,,woa*n à Ladieâ' Trbnmebd Ilts, fi Ladîes' TrimmedWa1king 1 LiE 0CT The Boys and Girls ail want new Footwear for Summer. One endless variety of styles in either Black or Tan. They will sure to suit both the Children andI stock is rightest lOst se- ltown. -FO02r wEM &Rt ri't forget your purse, because it8 one price and strictly CÂSI. EN IBAT.E9Shoe Manufacturer and ]Dealer, The newest shapes from the very best A mother Drop ii, Prioe&s. great effort to hold trac!e from going to, Toronto we have made an'other ý-:BIG DROP IN PRIOE84.- ct Our 'Window thia «Week.-arge«t amortment, Black or Tan, Fahionable Gaiteetu and Patent aced 8hoe1. LIRING-We carge ine cets£ tc a'ýirýfals eu IRIN.-W8chare nie cets or tcigapi fsls eua ri.20c.. Other redaced prices lu proportion. When we toch a tmehe price becomes reesonable. 31TRNS & GO., lH WÂ Stron fittn uock About B"oluta lt ~v~ wht76 $£ ad 10()wlJp. AK KELY THI 1849. -FROM- SI, r. 2oth, 1896. . OSHAWA, BROCK, ST., WHITÈJ ý-ýýEXCLUSIVE :-: STYLES.,-'ýýD VOL. YE CORNER SHOE - STORE,

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