Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 8

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when looking for ci Pure Drugs, di Perfumervi Id 1 Mr H Laug, of Mos4reab, visite w».h friends last wveki. For the third lime John Provan hiad lis' kuce cap dislodged on Tuesday. Mr j t Gould is in Montreal ibis wcelk on business connected with tbe expori catie trade. Signer Tesseman 's concert on Thursday night vas a great musical success, and vas, aitended by an audience of the best music- ians in îown. Signer Tesseman, as lenor, and Mr. Carnahan as baritore made a marveflously good impression and vere rovaiiv encored. Among the lady vocalists. Miss Dingie scored a grcab succesa. Miss Toilet RequiSities Lick, Miss Thomas and Mass Snov vere equaliy good and were raplua-ously encored. Toflt Sops, Taken altogether the programme vas the Fancy Goode, best oifered in this tovu for a long lime. Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Cowan aud Mr. and Spectacles, Mrs. F. W. Cavan have reiurned <rom Iheir tn aNorth Carolina. Their stay in the Anythiing in the srouth vas sborteued b>' the occurrence of a fire in the hoiel wîmere they were located at Asbville, buruing i and consumnin; some articles belonging ta tise party. Ratiser than Drug Linme, seek new quartera thc Covans set out for 's Ryley's Drug Store, Simcoe St. Bouth, Oshawa. OSHAWA, MAY 1896. OSHAWA PAGE BVSINESS NOICE.- Oshawa subscribers 0f advertisers may trarasact any business with the CHRONi1CL.E, or may obtain extra copies at any time, from E. E. Rogers. Farinera will do well to cal) at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothfing. It wil pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will seil this month very cheap foi cash. Genumne diamond 14K. only $5. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sec tbem. Feit Bros. Col. Paterson was in town on Monday. Mr Ed Guy was in Mllbrook last week. Ira G Arnold spent Sunday at EnfIeld. The trout fishing season opened last Fr1- day. Mr Jennings, of Bowmanville, was in towai over Sunday. Mass Edith Guthrie, of Audley, spent last week with Mrs. F. Guthrie. The town bicyclists are doing a lot of scorching at the track in the park. Miss Alice McLean, of Toronto, is the guest fhber sister, Mdiss M. McLean. M.r. F. Foley and sister, Miss Gertie, of -Maple Grove, spent Sunday in town. Mr. James Hobbs, of Janetville, spent lasi Friday with hir mother, Mrs Gles. Mr M Raggs, of Port Hope, bas entered Dr Cross' office as a dental student. Miss Louie Thomas, of Port Perry, visited witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas last week. Mrs. T Jardine returned home last week frorn Enniskillen wbere she bas been visut- ing friends. Mrs. John Ifolmes and family leave tbis week for Toronto t0 join Mr. Holmes, who bas been working there tbis winter. Mr. H Lander is visiting in town. He bas hougbt out a hardware and tin business in Manitoba, and will go from here to comi- nience. business. Two hundred carrier pigeons were let loose at the, station last Friday mornang, by smre. people from Baltimore, Maryland. They ail had messages tied to îhem. The entrance ezams will commence on Wednesday, June 241h. In former years ehe commercial exam was free, but this year the departmental regulations impose a two dollar fée on those wbo write. Private M. D. Campbell and John Provan leave here for Scotland on the 16th. The former wiul shoot in ail the great matches 'of the British Isies before returning. In June he will join the Canadian Bisley team in England. We hope he mnay carry ofi big bonors The îown oddfellows commissîoned Bmo. A. Hall to tbank the Simcoe street metbo- dist choir for special music al the Oddfellows' sermon on Sunciay week, and empbasized their thankful feelings by a donation to the choir's funds. Rev. W. Percy Fletcher, B.A., returned froin Kingston last week afler completing another year's work at Queen's University. He pregched Ivo excellent sermons last Sanday 10 large congregahions in thse Chris- tian church, wbo vere pleased to, sec bis familiar face in the pulpit once more. In Toronto, on Monday, April 27th. at the reaidence of Thos. Manuel, Cburch et.. Elizabeth Crawford, relîct of the bate Hugb XcLachlan, aged 89 years. In Oshawa, on Saturday, Miay 2@d, i&», John Cole, aged 26 vears. lu Oshawa, on Thursday, April 3oth, 1896, David Macewan, in bis 3151 Year. As. Mr. Jh iin h lives near Rag- yard, his horse took fright and' an away. Tise ruasaway, coljded with Mr. J. Kerer's We are told that there are severai young girls about tis tQwn and vacirni> visa seern ta have gotten beyond parental contraI. A few young men, mosI aofvisorniare af sup poscd good social standing, are heipin; those creatures on their dovnward s abh, and pro- bably imagine tisai people do nol knov about their evil dteds, but the>' should remember tise oid saying. murder is sure ta out. A young lad who saw a couple af ibis ciass driving together a fev evening aga vas heard ta remnark : Well, if that horse only knev visat it vas draving il svouid be sure ta baulk." Tbe Thirty Club held a bit of a jamboree on Tuesday night, by way af reception t Mayor Cowan on bis return from bis trip to the sauîb. The proceedings commenced witb a supper at Gibson's restaurant, after which aIl hands assembled aItishe club room. As Mr. Cowan je president ai the club, Dr. Hi; was called la the chair. Tise cisairman aperrcd tise proceedings b>' iighly eulogizing Mr Covan's services to the lovu as ils civic hend, and also bis social qualities as a member of the club. He voiced the senti- ments af the club membees in tcndering the mayar a bearty weicome home. P. H Punshon then sang ans original sang of vel- came, ail tise memnbees joining in the cisor>is.i Mayor Covan responded ta t al l splendidi -style, leaving no roomn for doubî that, muchi as ise enjoyed bas jaunIt tiste sunny south, his reîurn ta îown and the warm greeling af his man>' frienda had proved the climax ai it ail. An hour or twa vis devoîed to speeches, sangs. instrumentîLs, dancing and general enioymnent. 'Shoeking fa±ality A ver>' sad accident occurred iast Salue- day nigist attise jonction isere, visen Rabt Hodgson, a young mari about 23 years af age, vas cun avec b>' a G. T. R. freigi train sud kilicd. Deceased and tva com panions iuîended speudin Suda>' lu Ta- routa, sud arrive'd at tise G. T. R. station isere about fifteen minutes hefore tise 8 o'ciock express was due. A freighî train vas juil puhing out and tise tbee attempted ta board it. Tva ai themn succeeded, bu: Hodgson, in trying ta catch tise iran ladder on tiese ide ai a car, missed his boit)asud ici witis bis legs accoss tise I'ack. Tise iseel' of lise train passed aven bis body, sevccing bas legs aItishe aukles, stnd brçaking îhem ai tise kuces sud hips. He vas picked up and carried mb tiste bsggage rommasd several doctors vere soon there. but he vas so badly maugledtise>'could do uothlisgfor him. He died about Iva boucs laier. Dcceased camne ta Oshawa a veek ago, sud vas emphoyed b>' the Pediar Metal Roofing Ca. Hi% homt .vas ai 59 Huron street, Taronto. HiE beother, Wni. Hodgson, a brakeman on tise eseru va>' freight, vise ceaides aI Little Yack, vas notified ai tise accident sud arriv- cd in Oshawa ou tise îa o'clock express. about ten minsutes ater bis brother bad died Tise remains vere taken ta bis home iu Ta rnto. Prospect Park imprevements. Tise arrangements for surimer eujayments ai Prospect Park are ucaring complction Mr. Edmonson M. P. (map producer) bas pusised matîcra vitli bis wel-knowu euergy, and vil) soon be ready for tise public. Wheu Me. E. rÉiade his nov famous map ai Oshava, which vas large)>' an effort ai tise imagina- tion, be laid off a quarter mile bicycle track, basebali grounds, bowling green, a secies ot tennis courts, a large restaurant, concert hall, and dear kuove visai aIl. After issuing sucis a nia p Mc. Edmonson M. P. feit ihat it behooved binata make uts promises godd sud bas donc se. Tise park proper is a model of beaut y iu ever>' respect, and ta h bhas been added a veli eugineered quarter mile track, vitis a raised outaide sud enclosing an aval for ganses. A grand stand bas been crccted to accommadate several bundred visitors. The reatuaraul sud concert hall viii fil) a long felt vaut at parka. A visitor ta bbc park an>' aternoon or eveuing finds hundrede ai youug people eujoying tisenselves. Tise grand openin; aiflise season vil) take place ou Fridav ai nex-t veek, May 151h, visen ail parts of tise grounds yull bu ibumiuated sud tise baud vil) bu on baud ta, make bbe occas- sion meledious. Everythin; vil) ho in full blast, sud firevonka yull bu made tise wind- up. Tise admission vili bu xo cents for tise opening, sud 5 cents each Frida>' sftecvards, tisis being tise nigisi set spart cacis vcck for a big lime. Points about cisurcls union A union ai tise tva metisodist churches ai titis lova is mnont desirable, but the promet- crs should bave forseen tist ainu> if not al tise people cancerucd vouhd revoit at tise Ides of ineurrn; Si 7,ooc extra debî vithout il buiug understood tisai a good des) ai it, ayoase-tbird,, vould be paid at bbc firni go- off Aar foni Ibis improvident auggs tieu ve aee nothan; ta hînder union, viile- there are ver>' great benefits ta bu derived front it. The tva conggc suons have paid froua f180e ta $acoo a alyfor preaching, vile $i 200 bould securo tho coibîned con- gregatiaus a fista pastar. Thse heatin; sud ligiîlu;oa Melcalfe street churcb could bo savesi as vol) as tise sala r> of tbc axgan- ist and caretaker. If thse chlai worbb tbc mortgago, the furtiier paymeuî of inter- est on Szsoo vil! hostopped, sudsa revenue of about $100 s year derived fronthtie par- manage. Taklng thc saving thrqugb lomm;g Metcalfe churcli sud addinf-tbe tout of thse paMonage 1ti, there shouldaItoast ho au incrha#liu thse revenues cf Siomucesre amouattgo $zaea perannm. This, If vol) banl, wauld carry: aloqg thse work, .pay a ifàçeaoS dollardot, and keep thse churc îZZ.Thee mout of ,thsose visa are loi th iunion ides just uo* are 'eV = t the Ides ci 85ooet if 3:ii4 mstly scisome cau b. adoèeedm. d a pwOpçT amoçmt aubscrlhed as agusamto carrIt o#thor. vil hrde sa-disasn Mm j aks lot I lasi yo for Sunê kdridge. tItr R Munroe and daughter, Torohlo, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr A Hall. Mrs. j D Storle bas gone ta Toronto for special medical ireatment. Mr. E. B. Morgan veut to Montrcai aI the firsi cf the monh to resume his duties as inspector. hdayor Covan and Mrs Cowan, and Mr Fred W Covan and vife have reiurned -froni Northa Carolina. Mr. C. French reccived a bad cul between tbc ihumb and fluger of his right hand, as tbe resuit of a faîl the other day. David McEwan passed peacefuily away to bis resî last Tbursday in bis 31st year. He bas been a great sufferer but always bore il .vith christian fortitude and neyer vas hear-d ta complain. His relatives and friends have the sympathy ofthe communaty ini Ibis, iheir sad bereavement. Thougb ual iucluded in the mnap ai Ehi, one of the mont interesting sîrolla around Oshawa for an evening or a Sunday is ta lolqv the ravine along the creek from the flouring miii ta the jrd concession, and back down Simcoe street. Starting with the path alan; the vest aide of thse race one can, find good footing all the vay. There are one or tva picturesque and many ramantic "s o be accu, and in several places one can no- tice where the surgiug stream tas wasbing oui loge six feet below the surface of the ground. This laken with the immense quan. tity of eartb vhich bas settled along the flats ibis spring shows boy fast tbese ravines are fillng up rm the huis farbher up, and opens ta one's mind a field for study as ta bow tact land as veli as water is seeking its level ail over thse vorid. It us loo bad that awving ta bad law, viciaus sporting taste on the part of aur people. neglect, or some other cause, sucis a streamn as Ibis is ual stocked with immense quanlities of irout, and ve doubt net this ilii be before many vears. Much sport and pleasure is lost in new countries, whicb nsually suifer an ex istence af grab and gain for the firrt bun- dred or ivo hundred years ofitheir existence, ta the utter neglect of those things which improve the mind and keep away indiges taon. In the aid countrieseverysuch strearn es lausy v:th trout. Town usattera. Tise tavu counci) bas passed a by-lav te compel business men in tise follaving hunes ta close up at seven o>clock each evening- dry gooda, groceries, boots sud sisues, lailor ung, gents' furnishings. >ewelry, deugs, sad ler>', sud books and stationery. Il s a rather singuhar, sud perisaps dan- geraus. move to farce deug stores ta chose It seems la us that tbe stalute law should campel druggisîeta eaîbier keep open ai ali times or have a licensed dispenser within b>ell cail. ý,., * Tise fireeaud water com- maitteai council brought in a report on Monda>' nugisi clearing tise fire brigade oi ses> blame in regard ta the iate fine ai De- miii coliege. Tise explanations gi ven con- viuced aIl parties ltatiti was impossible far tise brigade ta bave accomplisbed anytbing for the vaut ai waîer. Caunt. McLaugis!ini vas ual satisfied, but lise mayon expressed tise opinion tisat no blame chou Id be chiarged to tise brigade, and bis opinion setîhed tise point. a * j, Oshsawa bas passed tise 520e grant ta mccltishe counl>' grant butycea, Whitby aud Oshawa.« * * On beisali ol tise citizens committee recenti>' appoitsîed ta îec vhal eaui be doue la assisl In rebuilding DemnilI college, Mn. O. Hezzlcvood, sec- retar>', hauded in a report la tise tain coun cil on Monda>' nigitsi ioving tisat less tisan 5.500 iad been subscribed in donations. hbile tise amount of stockr taken cannae bt ruade ta exceed $i6oeoor S$i8S. This makes- at quile plain that tise business men ai tht tavu do ua fl liike puttin; up tise maney ta rebuild the college, and in all probabilit> :1 wili seck anether location visere a butter b)argain can be umade. Porter, thse Peet. Messrs. Torreus, Mackie and Porter art giviug cacis ather a litile badinage tbrough tbeir advertisemeuts. Torreus had bis in- nîngs first sud cast sanie lbp-sidcd jokes ai Pone's metisod ai dam;g business. Maclieu cbamed in vils some remarIa shoviug tisai Torreus sud Porter vere taered vitb tht sanie stick. Porter, in lasi veek's Reformer. lapsed intopacîr>', sud knacked off a celurn of ryisme, ever>' ine andh ever>' stanza oi whichis j built on a meter peculiar ta tlf Wiscu scanned b>'tise naked eye thc poctu( fcet appean ta tac in from bath sides, sud seem ta reacis out as fan buiindus before tise sisin. Seinie of tise feet are a little toc high in tise iuatcp, othees are club-iooted, vhile a grea inu> are fiat. Somne lines have se, mnan>' <cet that bbc>' migbî almost bu clasemi- ficd as centipedes. Tise vhole rairge ai ac- cent- trochaic, iambic, anapaestic sud dactlic-vas tcaversed, ever>' clasa of rhyme--couplet. triplet, sud staua-was exbausîed. Then he bas long meter, short meter, hahieujala metor, common meter, sud gas meter. He did ual confine biniself ta risyming aIitbh end ai tise ines, but turned tbings about iinsu>' instances sud cesocted te alliteration ta avoid blank verse. Even and anan te maIe gead measuce (ne pun in- tendcd) be slipped lu a couple ai Hunes with- out risytimical relaîîonsbîp or an>' otisen poctical teuidcncy, thougis dealing pewerfuily vitis theseubject in baud. To probect bis liferar>' rghts .ir Ibis malter, ve learu tisai Mir. Porter bas hsad tise vhole tim; pateuted sud copyrighted, both as regards tisenieter sud varda, sud tisaI t s's'il bu illustratch and repubbisbed in book farn l im ire for sellin; as ligisi seaside reading at Oshsawa beach this summer. Congregational 'meetings. Tise cougregation ef Simcoe sîreelt melba' diat cisurcis turned eut in large numnburs on Frida>' nigisi te considerunion. Rev. Kines took tise chair, aud O. Hczzleveod vas ap- Pointtd ecrtar>'. The chairman stated that aIl seinburs, pev holders or coutribu- tams vould bave voies on tise questiSo f union. Mrt. Hezzlevoed gave a istory cf tise negotiatians of the comblued trustee boards teudin; to brin g about a union, vich had resulted lu bise printed sales- iens nov hein; laid bofore bots cofgrega. ious, tise particulara of visicis aroveli Inowu. E. T. Siemon offered à resolublon endomsin; the idea of union, vbicls va car- riod ustaniusoushy, sud tise meeting bison took up thse details as suggested by tise trus- tees. Mr. Gleussy îa oppased ta a $8a5,ooe dsbt,,sud aoIered la give $1000 il jîle othors volddo ikovise 10 py oatbse----o- debt aud go no f(thlew ilS ulô si3r. Bales said thse cisurcho. eould onueun legsoucgismony insapent Wprovido réo. If the members vill subscribe llberalIy nov tiser. uoed uot -b. a fgaoa debt laçUrred. Wltau lou bath ,b=«are 1At s gi-est dlsdratao l caryng outhefr w<«k a presont. E. I. Row»,,dom oual ceIthse architocts ostiniate o* 1-7,000 for oxtepéSlco work 1 souldobeel otsdobetÏa$l vIg ives MMt hàestom~ 'luse oTs po eu tb aUi' n sst-sre. proposed can ho carria ed ot togreat advai . tage. Dr. KaiseroppoSed union, maiuly be-,. cause of thse.- cot of bhe un&detakIng. Mesrq. Tambivn, joseph Lukte, Gould Bell, F. E. Dingie aud others spoke bricfiy. and the discussion was ad)aurned ta VPrlday, May 8îli, (to-night.) Durrng tbc progress af the mcciing'a business ^there vas a long dis- cussion as ta the alloinsent of seals should union take place. We omit a report af this because Ihere wii) be ne change of seats un- iess there be a union. and the discus.;ion is fruitless in the mesime. The îalk, boy- ever, seems te show that Ibis is a main boue of contention. Pride us the sticker. Some of the toney people af Simcoe street church fear that a aermer or mecbauic fromn Met- calie sîreet migbl be lecated near tbem. In order Ibat there might be every~ assurance of fair play ta the incomiug congregation the trustee boards put in a clause la the eflect tbat tbe seats would be diatributed ta ap- plicanîs on a loltery principle. Sucis details af the after-goverisment af the church could be very veli lefIta tiste officiels., A féolsh and unworkable arrangement may be en- tered ia onow vhich viii perpetualiy ham- per the cburch management of the future. -:000- Gabava BusIness Diretory. 1L. VICKE RY. barber. Slmuce street. BROOKS' LIYEBY, Simca. street, nortit. 'YM. ROLPE. harnesa maker, Slmce street. r. B. MWOTHERSILL, butcher, King St., West. Cmiut PE LLOWS9 ana seebis Wrought Steel -àT- $ 50.00. Also his COAL OIL and GÂS STOVES -FR OM- $5.5o to $25-000 Grand Trunk Ry. DR. Pr'raasos, Deut.tst; 016ce oves' Ravie'. store. loitTan an te pcl %.. J. STALTER -Dominion ipanas and organs, Clna risan te pca Stance. street. Service for the Canadian Northwest. k~. C. WsAeNN, Veterlnary Surgeon and Deubit, King street West, Oshawa, Ont. Wix.t-alà J. DEAWS, Dominion aud Ontarlo Land surveyor. Civil EngIneer, Box 57, Os- awa. DomMIRcUàL Rom-J. C. Woou, proprietor. MAodem bhostelry, usat and comfortably equipped. 9>. M. TOD. -Caterer for Balle, Ausemblep. Wed. dingo, Stippers. etc., etc. AiaaiU kinds of flairers. !)snÂw Iooxsoax-]Full line af bock., statianery aud fancy goods. E. E. Rogers, Simca. Street. [os. HouLDEH - Wbitby-Oebaws stage lino. Leaves Oshawa at S a us sud 2 p m,, sud Whitby at 10 a m n d 4 p ms. tosxa'a CPAe, manufacturer 01 fine carntages. carts, wagons, and &Il kinds af cutters and aleighs. Repalring a epeciaity. loiNBiaREE, painter sud decorator. Desaler ln wal1 papers, ceiling decorations. paints, où, arnshiesbrumbes, wnow shades, etc. [AXtES l>ELLOW, dealer In stovea, inmuaces, tin- vare, etc. Large sto>ck kept constantly oz baud. Jobbing a s3peci.aty. Sîmece street nos-th. L.. R. MuiTose, B. A. - Barrluter, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyaucer, &c. Mouey te lend. Office over Dominion Bianke, Simca. Street, Oshawa. Wben contemplating pntting on Liue Insursuce, se. W D Hua-a-sa, of The Unlt,.d Staien Lite. Their policies are the mut at;tracti-ve. La.rgaat guarantes. IL. E.-lIîr.-Lealer in Grocerles. :uey China. Crocker>'. Ttnware, sud Faucy EFoods. Pure Te&@ sud Coflees. Boys' resdy 121.4. suite s specialty-very eheap. Avn-is SLs-The subseriber vili b. in OÙ> ava, aI bis. Central Hotel, Fnlday of escis veek trous ans ta 3 o'olock p.rn., to mals as' augemen ts wi th parties wichlng to have sa. L Fs.ns&asRa suctianes. F'. LÂIQBEBT & boNs-The lesding balorna sud gonta' iumntshing houtie 0iOshawa Splendid assortment of tweeds, vorateda, trowes-lugs, shirts, collans, etc, alvays kept lu stoca. FELT Bias - Watcksmakers sud Javeler.. Dealers in vatches, clocks, jewelery, silver- ware,:setces t.E uen viggold sud sinver l&C7 ,su adgaldrings made aver. Fin wschdcc, sd Jewelery repairing s gpecwaty.1 gvuzmosr& Hwi Importers sud dealeus in farmers', manuictusre' sud hauiseturniab- igsple.Mantufacturers of tinwas'e. Eay-e tronuhl-g sud other contracting doue. Fur- nacea, chandeliers sud lamps. A stock a1 bicycles kept an baud. COULTICE. Preparations for the anniversary of June 141h and i5îb are well under way. Paruculars later. The quarfèrly services a: Maple Grave on Sunday was well aiîended by the members from our churcb-. Farmers in titis district have about firiishing soedxng and the recent showers cause their hearts 10 rejoice- T'he Sons of Teniperauce wil give a free con. cert to the public on M.ay 131h. A good pro- gramme vil) be rendered. Mr. A. 1 . Gay took the sweepstakes in the pigeon match ai Bovinanville on Saturduy afte noen, breaking 23 OUI od 35. Mr. Sydney Brook was thrown <rom bis bugzgy on Fnday lastinl front of Mr. Walters' store sud ilthough no boues were brolcen he received a severe bruise on one of bis ankies and will .be forced to reain ibe bouse for some urne. Friday vas arboe day as Coulnus school and teacher and scholars devoicd thse afseruoon io cleauing up the piayground and making flower beds. On Tbursday Mr and Mas Henry Dearboru presenlcd iheir son Hiraus viîni a handsome catriage, it being bis birthday. Iu thse eveming tbey gave a large party in honot of the day. The youug people spent an noaltiewt gaines and social talI noabetrn i bbce quarteriy service was held bere ou Sun- day mariana. the atteudanoe bclug gocd con- sideriug the veather. Rev. Mr. AJica preached an edifying sermon <rom St John 6:63, "'The yards thai I speak'uuto yau, £hey are spirit ad they are life." Th'e ater service, whicb sonsifft- ed as a love fasat, fellowsbip meeting aud the sacrament cf the Lord's supper, vas prattable To the Frwmsiu. OAMPBELL & uLLIaOTT o0 o0 o0 MILLERS, will give 38 Ibo., of lot clamFlou r,,10 Ibo. of 1r.al, ad 4 Ibo of Short@s-fer a bu".elof Wheat. , The7 hope b b~ hidmeut to- êW.* le hare o*0,b. ide -cf- the 4tM &bout Oshaus. Plou, ~ru sdSblotaaW"~ iinêaiIo.u wholoeeaepn0to To accammedate settiers gain; ta the Canadian Northvest tbis Spring, il is in- tended, commoncing Tiiesday, 'Var. 3rd, and cveey Tuesday thereafter during March iud April, ta run Special Trains, leaving Toronto aI 9 p.m.. enabling settlers ta travel vitb iheir stock aud bousehold effects, ibere- by ensuring quick time, rcaching destina- tion ai tbe same lime as their praperly sud bave good accommodation en route. Colonisi sleeping cars vili be run on these trains, the birîbe in which will be FREE. COLOINIST SLEEPING CARS, t Passen- gers wish ordinary.baggage, vil) run througis 10 Winnipeg( uriug Matchs and Aprii. leav- ing Toronto ai 12.20 p.m. ever>' Tuesday. For fuIl information cali an or vrite ta W. P. STERICKER, at Oshava Railvay Co's Office, Tisomas' block. R. C Ccarter, Agt. Mar. 20th, S96. OS HAWA. We bave always a general and varied stock to select from-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertaicing depariment fnlly stock- ed, and embalming according to latest methods. Picture framing promptly and' satis- factorily doue. Luke 6ro8., au O6hawa.1 s --LiiMIOTr cYEXCLU SIVE Our stock is the brightest and most se- lect in tawn. TElr CORNER I tidv lbta your attention thai bwntar resîcd, and 1wa want O 0saî i. cusîody long enough ta tell). bhab it il uot ... .... ........... Forgeryt.- 1 coufemplale, but merci y sj.U yon a fluer class or good nw than ever before. b have arrived at thc....-........... I can do Ibis. 1 bave a nice ljit of Walchez, Clocks, Jevelry, Sil. vervare, and Spectacles, ai priu that yuli surprise you. ytou are wauted by ......... ... . Boyd the deweler, KING ST. WEST, Oshawa Book VOL. X -Xl ALLIN'S OSHAWA. Store ) -EMADQVUARTEuS, Fresh A rriva -Pure Pure Pure Welland ::Vale 1H :GRADE ::BIC YCLES, "PERFECT," -GARDEN CITy,» -DOMINION," BEÂUTIES 0P 1896. Mlso One Good Second-hand Cornet for Sale. E. E. ROGERS. For Delicate Chlldren, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This paIssable »d HIGHLY NOURISHING 'Wmel prepared with Cod Liver 011,à8 aaily reaimia and d4gflsed by the morne deficaft. For wa * ¶DimessGen" aDebility Impaired IMds, Ca an d Bronchea Trouble !àdt LOf Muscular Tone. 0f great Nuridtic value to Adults and Chlldren. aA -arked Incremd ln wmlge les ceabte after toga fewý boulesof ibisWme,'whih represeausmr «tmquamtdy of Cod Làve 011. Ail druggists. -AND- :STYLES.,D qmw The Boys and Girls ail want new Footwear for Summer. One endless variety of styles in e ither Black or Tan. They will sure to suit both the Children and Parents .................. The newest shapes tram the very besi makes ... 'ný Pa Â6. IL CHEMISI & i COR. BROCK & u WHITBY, - - Houee0-cleaning Wc bave a larger and but cf window shades thi have ever shavu bu: iMe use thc best bar shade clotb vith bE roUer. Alsa a fine variety Ask ta sec aur latest sca-ecus, ta fit auy vin Our baby carniages are a signs. Give us a cail before pur: We are taking specia«I elegance vils econo genecal utilit>'. Ouir stock is compiete in F- We invite buyers ta bt vili save moue>'. Leading Undeta EL jeJO] BROOK ST.,- 'WH Establlshed -1849. Marbie and -Granite WDIks, Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chs. efH. à (Fermrnely Wolfendi porter and Dealer GRANITE MONUÏ thc latest imaberial1 kinda ef Cemetery1 gmaranteed- -4.-SESD FOR DESIG1N To get gel aid cf hi! Tlsat's wby tbey are a shows thse people1 BARGJ4JNS are. Ou * a$n. Twee Effemt - 40-in. Mobairs Chocks - 43.Listem _Roc, ae 44-m-. Fancy Soc, ceg 27-in. Black do. 25e,T 40-iU. Serge =0e, reg,3 g-hLuBlack Bracadea, inlU Black Serges 25 Blnack Heinrie Black aiciFancy Crep 124 Ca. SHOE STORE. AILotIr Drop in Prices. In aur great effort to hold trade froxu going to Toronto ve have mae another ~-~BIG DROP IN PRIOES.ý-:ý Inepeot our Wmndow tbis Week.-mrgeat s.brtmeni, B'lakor Tan, Fashionable Gaitaettes ad Patent pao.d 8ho.. RE.IPÂIRING..-We charg nie ets foc aoi* rf ol rgular prica 20c. Other reduoed pioipooe . -Whou vs tom&h a lntheprico boouesraol4. 3URNS- & 0., OBJ*ÂWÂ.-; 8tron~~ tKokbot»o. 7b «.ta&:Md eI4Q > 1.akdieaTriunedHl Seo t ia. Ladies Trlmmsed Wal Don't forget your purse, because ita One price and strictly C-A.SH. .TOHN BALE,13Shoe Manufacturer and DIea1er (- -iý ý-- !A 1 limmm i ronidt.

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