eHUReH* The best and cheapeest wall coating on the market. * Ready for use by mix- ingy with cold water. \Vill flot scale or rub off. Apply with an ordinary brush ................. . FOR SALE BY JuEs WILLIS, CI{EMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL Brook Street, HÂLL, - Whitby ~~rtnîch. WHITBY, MAY 1896.1 ahort Notes. John A. MicGillivray, Q.C., bas again been nominated as Conservative candidate for North Ontario. He wll have for hîs oppon- ent Warden Duncan Graham, of Mara. The Manitoba question bas proved a Inost unfortunate tb:ng for the bopes of the Pat- rons of Industry. Being nea-er tban their celebrated thirteen planks, it bas mono po- lized p.ublic attention, and the Patron id ea is bardly ever spoken of now. It looks as if William McKinley will be the next president of the United States. Nol because lie is a very clever man or a great statesmuan, but because the greatesb protection law thc world has known was called by bis naine. The people rose in yetteae aln i.again 10 their bosona. The naine McKinley is dear 10 them because it is used bo typify protection, and Wm. McKinley wiil be mnade president in returu forîbhe use of bis name toaccent- nate an idea. Engiand is in a rather bad fi on account of Jamesons raid in South Africa, and the expostire of the connection with it of Sir Cecil Rhodes and other higli officiais of the empire. The British are bound 10 make i-e- paration Ici the Boers or lose caste with the worid at large and ber humiliating position wiîî cast a hiight on bier colonization schemes for haif a centur-y 10 corne. British subjects expect to set the nation's honor sustained under ail circunustances, and it makes one biush 10 think thab such rank treacbery bas been atbempted with thc as- sistance of bigb officiais, even tbough the home goverrinent bc innocent. Stern ineasures in regard to these raiders and sympathising government officiais is the ouîy course that wili save Britain's hame in the eyes of the worid. Sir CeciliRhodes, wbo bas been blown up in ail the. illustrated papers for years past, bas surprised al bis worsbippers by turu- ing out worse than bad in bis South African scbemes. As tbe bead of a grab-ail land, trading and min ing company bie got 10 be aIl powerfui, and at once proceeded to abuse that power. As premier of the British South African colonies bie was dictator of -the situation and confidential agent of the imperiai goverument, but the many re- sponsibilities of the position and the bonor of bis adopted country and Gr-eat Britain 's naine did not deter him froin assisting and encouraging Di. Jamesons raid upon the Transvaal, wbicb m eddling and treacbery could scarcely belip efiusing thc spilling ut innocent blood- So brilliant, ambitions, unscrupulous bas been the mani, and so0 suc- cessfuliy quick bas been bis-tise and fali, thal one eau scarcely tell whether to com- pare hum 10 Napoleon Buonaparte, w>io adoptcd any means necessary to conquer or destroy Europe, or 10 Warrent Hastings, wbo violated the trusts of the British Empire in India and, assisted a gigantic conceru in1 plundering the unbappy natives. Each of1 the thre. soared 10 a migbty heighb, and1 took a mighty fali. The people of tbe worldi to-day are bero-worsbippers, just as they ai. ways were, and il is 11111e wonder thal pain-. pered 'heroes" gel sweiled beads and take lîcensebto do wroug or rigbb as bhey please. Town Loo"*s. Charuning spring weather. jack Hoiland of, Toronto, was in town on Siuzday. Fresh Biead. 2 pound boat. Only 4c. at jackson.. This spring gives every promise of a ses- son of plenby. Hardwood dining bables, 4 leaves, enly $5, at W. Til's. Mia. Rogers and Miss Lena Rogers, Tor-1 ento, are visiting in town. Ladies' capes in fawn, cardinal, brown and biack at $2. W. G. Waltert. Creamn and white lace curbains at except- lonally iow prices at W. G. Waiters'. 1.11 out and broke sompeoet lus ribs. Hlis health bas been ver poor lately, but stll ho Alwayu welcome hems Parker'a Dye Werks representatives wili bç liee the irst.of next week to recelve or- dor for- Dyeing or -Cleaning. Don't forget your' Curtains, Suits and Feathers, etc. Agency at Alln'. Book Store. Quanicatlons et Cciloes ajý4decisjon mzade theother daL at Os- goe hll, IToronto, It turne ont t a twn councilors cannot qualify on part realty and part leasehold. This affecte many council- ors in ibis town and ether places. Toronto prices. Everytblng away down. Lemons 123ýC. doz., soap from one cent per bar upwards, baking powder from x5c. pound, 4 lbs. cur. raniS for 25C., 4 lbs. raisins for 25c. Try our tea 29c. pound, black green or mixed. Ail cash. M. B. Jackson. Musical Recital Next Monday afternoon, May r rth, from 5to 6 p.m., there wiIl b. given at Frances Hall, Ontario Ladiesq' College, a vocal and instrumental musical recital by the pupils of Prof. Karrison and Mrs. Bradley. The public will b. made welcome, and no ad- mission fée charged Sermon'ta the 1 0 O F Rev. John Abraham preached a very able sermon 10 the Oddfellows on Sunday after- noon. There was a contingent of visiting. breibren frein Brooklin and Oshawa, and ail mai ched from thc lodge roin bthe church, and back again after the service. Being absent from the town we bad net the opportunity t0 repor thIe sermon, as bas been our customn in former years. Sale of furniture, etc. The Ontario Ladies' College having been equi TPped with stearn heating and iron bed. steads, aIl the furnaces and bedroom furni- ture of the colleg e uscd previeus to the pre- sent will be sold by auction at the market here on May 23rd, atiro a. nm. There are fi ve furnac-es, one of which is first clas, a large number of bedroom suites, mostlysolid o-.k, and a lot of wire matrasses and school desks These articles must ail b. sold, and there is plenîy of stufi 10 aftord bargains for &Ili. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting ofîthe puxblic library was held on Tuesday evening The several reports presented were verv satisfactorv. There are now 2256 vols. in the library. -72 new volumes were added durlng the year, and there were 2911t issues of books. The membership was 142. The board of mani agzement elccted is : Messrs. Ormiston. King, Farewell, Sbaw, Broughall, Willis, Brown, Mrs. Carson and Miss Paterson,; Mr King. president;- Mr Shaw, vice presu- dent: Mr Ormniston, treasurer, Mr Brown. secretary ; Miss Fraser, librarian, and Mr McKay, auditor. The Y M L C A Mr. Wm. Smith M. P., addrcssed the Young Mens Liberal Conservative Associ. Rtin at their meeting on Wednesday nigbt.. H. devoted bis balk chieilv 10 the Manitoba school bill showing that the bal- breeds were guaranteed certain right.s and pnivileges, which were wrested f rom then in î89o. The Conservative party, h. said. had alway's accepted the interpretation plac- ed upon the constitution by the Queen's Privy Council, and had accepted the decision of that body in reference to the abolition of' separate schools in Manitoba. The Privy Council had decided that law as censtitu- tional, but had aiso dcclared that the minor- ity bad a grievance which the governiment of Canada should attend to. He had support cd the government in remeding this griev- ance of the Roman Catholics, the same as he would have supported them had il been the case of the Quehec Protestants who were being coerced. Messrs. R. Miller, J. S Arnold, R. H. Lawder, J. B. D)ow and Mayor Rutledge, also addressed tbe meeting Thc university extension lecture. To Prof. Sqiîaii-, ot Toronto university, -whose lecture in Frances Hall Friday nigbt an Pascal was sucb an opportune and excellent illustration of the greal benefit thaI inay be gained hy attendance upon tht university extension course of lectufes now in progress at the Ontario Ladies' Coliege, -is iargely due tht credit of arrauging for their delivery by Ihese learned professors of the Toronto and Victoria universities, at lest 80 said Dr. Hare in seconding a mo- lion of thanks 10 Prof. Squair, propoeed by Principal Tambîvu and facetiousiy present- cd by the chairinan for the evening, Rev. Mi-. Manning. Tbe lite of Pascal is one of gi-cal interest. His faxnily beionged la tht higlier middle-ciass ini Fance, and vas dis- linfguisbed for its piety and devotion to, science. Tht young Pascal vas extremely precocious; at the age of Iveive bie coxupos- ed a treatise on acoustics and aI sixteen an- other on conic sections. Laler on. b.e made further progi-cas in math. .atical science and also in the allied departuient et pby- sies, but it is not on account eftIhese things that be made hixuself famous. A dispute bad arisen in the Catbouic cburcb of bis day betweeu the monks of Port Royal and the Jesuits, as tbey were set forth in a book on Saint Augustine by ont Jansenius a bishop of the ion countries. Tht ieaaer of the Port Royalista vas Antoine Arnould, a frien.d of Pascal, and wben Arnould w-s bard pusbed by bis adversaries, Pascal caine to bis rescue in a pamphlet which vas publisbed under tb. guise et a letter wrt±en ta a friend ina tie country. This letter was pubiisied on January 23jrd, îi66, and was foflowed by ses'enleen others puhiisbed dur- ing the succeeding fourteen moniba. Be- cause wrlticn te a supposed friend in the provinces, tbçy rcceived bbc naine et the Provincial letiers, and are gencrally known as sucb. Théecarly letiers were a defeuce of Arnould againat tbe Jeà uits, but the later eues are a bitter atiack upon the etuical leachig oethlat celebrated order. The let. lers vere so skillfuliy writteu that thc sjm. pathy oethte great publicevws evoketai=n favor et the Jansenists, and tue Jesuita bad a stigma attached te thein frein which they bave neyer been set free even te Ibis dY. Their style is superb. Even Ibose vie do net sympathize itb the. matter contaiued ina thern. admire ther poiisbed'ireny and lofty eloqueuce. No pester master of piîby prose bas since bis lime ariscu in France, a country particularly tameus for ciegant writers. Ilu addition te uiiese eigbîeeu lct- ters, Pascal left behind hi= a large number oe hort cpigrammatlc articles, vbich mcm te, have been, inteuded as jiartà of a defeuce of Chrlstlaaaity. Bût bis bealti vas se weak tiat be vas neyer able- te complete is -vpt work. Il reftains 1k. somze torse te show tun niait thebeauty oethte complete statue would bave been. Pascal, after a lite ef intense physical weakuess sud suifer- ing passod awsy aItue esrly age of 39ï lu tic year z6&î,, sud vas burlcd lu thebesutià . fui citai-c of Saint Eienne du mont in tic Cltyof Paris. Tic lecture set for te- niçlat 1y DgWn »a f Victoria uiiverslty vil ià ii*e4 by given to.morrow (Saturdy nijht viit»'to .1111 fusIierPopûlarize ths splendid serties of intellectuel feastane staed clarge-of admission wullbe made- nothlnq but t'5,ilvtr collection at tic door. Thi bc -Zti*1 nwiFancs Hall enght for oncetbêoI i-& Ue ý ýa A$bt. Lettet read froix cý,eo n çl- goe à 4aking foi- a itdewal ruatitg no ré~êTsidence te annet lone on iokTii. lette wms to -tf» a gommpt.wah> 'towvM ui ark r. = ,4s.t b à ne.maple 'ieeg, wh ciibete mi ti power 10 plant, ïnd-to tae. tenders fer the. repaire o the hall. Thue following -5ccouBtS were re- conimendedor aLent; Chas Irish, 45 baïd mapie trees li t 4 cents each, $6.5o ; A H Allun, 4oc; R H Bradburn, electric fia- tures $2. The report passed. Ceun Smith reporied for the committee on applications te officé in favor of appointing Jos. White town clerk at a salary ef $4o0, and also town treasurer at a salary of $îoo. The amount et bonds for security as treasurer was set at $4,eSo of his own bonds, and the same amount from two others. On motion to go int of the whole council te con sider the report, Coun. Jackson, seconded by Coun. Noble, moved that the report be flot now considered, but that it be held over, and that the reeve, deputy-reeve and the mover be associated with the commitcee on applications 'o office to consider the ad- visability of amalgamating certain offices, with the view of efiecting a saving in the town's salary list. In support of this mo- tion Coun. Jackson read figures by which he thought a saving ot 87oo or $8oo per annum could be made by a re-arrangemnent of the offices. Couucilors Smith and Scott or the committee took umbrage at tbis motion, de- claring that it meant nothing but a declara- Lion that the commuttee is imcompe- tent to attend te their duties. The reeve took the ground tbat the clerk could not have duties added to his position that wouid cail him frequently from his office. Every member ef council made a speech for or against the motion, some of them talking severail imes, and the amendment was finallY lest on the following vote: Yeas- Pringle, Noble, Robson, Bewell and jack- ,%on; nays-Scott, Burns, Devereil, Blow, Smith and King. The council then went in- t0 committee of the whole and when the- point of salary was reachcd Deputy Pringle moved that the salary as clerk be $300 Inl stead of s4oo. Veas-Pringle, Noble, Rob- son, Bewel and Jackson ; nays--Scott, Burns, Devereli, Blow, Smith and King Tlien on motion to adopt the report [>eputy Pringle moved the same reduction, and an other long disrussion occurred, during which the promoters of the motion each made individual appeals 10 the reeve te suppot it, and, wben this failed, Coun. Jackson de- riounced the reeve as being the dictator of counicil. The motion was, however, lost on the samne vote, and there begari to b. a whispering around the hall that the five pro- moters of opposition te the appointment were inspired by partizan reasons, and that the reeve was arousing indignation by his deternuination te keep politics out of the mnatter. Coun. Smith then brought in a by- Iaw to make the appointment of. a town clerk anxd te fix bis salary, and after another vote on the same lines the bylaw was finally passeri, the byiaw for the treasurership be- ing held over tu next meeting. The reeve introduced and carried through a bylaw 10 repeal tbe debenture bylaw recently passed. The object is te pass another coming int force on June ist, as debentures cannot b. issued for more than forty years from the mime ofîthe bylaw coming mbt effect. An- other bylaw will b. passed coming mbt ef fect June ist. On motion of Coun. Jackson the chief constable was instructed te strictlv enforce the town bylaw relating te live stock running aI large. Deputy-reeve Pringle, seconded by Reeve King, moved the following motion: That the municipal coancil of the town of Whiîby hereby ex- presses extreme regret on account of the death of the- late Thos. Huston, wbo for years filled the office of îown clerk. and treRsurer of this municipality in- a mosi efficient and satisfactory maniner. Everý gentleman who bas occupied a position in the municipal councîl of tbis town spèaks in the highest terms of praise of the late re- spected clerk and treasurer. His'accuracy, puncîuality and courteous department to every ratepayer having business wîth bis office were se generally known that hie was styled a model officer. This council hereb> extends te the bereaved widow and famii% uts sincere sympatby and condoience, and directs that the clerk transmit te Mms. Hus- ton a copy of this resolution.-Carried. Thte council then adjourned. D 4iso1Curs Griffiths Corporation vs. Piper. Judg ment foi the pîfi by consent for $go. J. E. Farewell for tht pIff; deft. in person. Pringle vs. Moore. Deft admitted tht amiount he paid mbt court, the amount being $8.oo, insurance premium on a property be longing to Mis. Savage, payment of wbich p1i claîmed deft guaranteed. Judgment fi tbe deft on the ground that the guarantee, if any, was not in writing, and further that b% th. evidence et W. Savage it appeared that the premium had been paid by him. PIBin t pet son; J Rutiedge for deft. Pardon vs. Smith. Action 10 recover amount of a demnand note, purporting to be signed by John Smith and bis wite Eliza. Judgment agaiust John Smith foi- $213. Mis, Smith swearing that ah. did not sigu the note or authoî-ize auy one te sign for ber . The action waa dismissed as te bher. J Rut- ledire for piff G Y Smith for Mrs Smith ; T McGillivray for John Smith. Carroll vs Gross. Pif alleged that b. banded a note te, the deft against one How- ard to do the best he couid 10 coliiect. The deft. admittcd h. gave ne value for tue fnote and gel lumber therefor t0 its face value, but set up that the piS made him a present ef il. The plff's version was corroborated by one Hoitt. Judgmnent bas net been given yei. D. Ormitotn fur the piff; T McGillivray fer deft. This court case vas heard bi- Judge Buruhain, the othera by J adge Dartueil OSHAWA. Lukre vs. Cowie. Action fer balance et an undertaker's acceural. Judgmeîît for pifi for #18. L K Marlon for plit; deft appesred in person. King vs, Tooiey. Action for balance of money lent, anoiuting with intet-est le 824. Ceanter dlaim allowed ai $6, and judgment for the piaintifi for balance. L K MUton for plif, J F Grierson for deft. -vs. Jaynes Garnishiee suit. Set- lied between parties. L K Murton for plif. The A. R. Farewell farm vas offered for sale in three parcels ba Monday last by Mr. L. Fairbanks ander directions of judge Dartneli as Master, under a judgnmt tua' mortgage suit et Glenny va. Fareweil. The parcels belveen Lb. G. T. IL and tie lake vas seld te John Wilae at $2,500. The offers fer the remaining portions net reacb- iug tue resered bida, were.beI4 for saleI>Y. tender for on. e eli. C. A. -je# ritbile plaintif ; J. E. Farewell, Q. C. "fortu adal deft. sud for th. official guardian o of beIn., faut deft. Beotuby vs. Bootub.-N. F. Patersn, Q. C. ebtalued an order or the partition o! zoo' acres la Scott,>P. M Ritcha. app.ared -foj the deft. Most ofthe farinera hbave finised s« Mr. Jo. ce yspeutSudyl Ç+--QUALZTY uPIo0 lie Dry Goods. Hlighesl Point and m Carpets, * g * e VIBRE TGU 'ET TEE I STORE MOZT CHAh!l DACE B9NÂE ÂBRGÂI Last week we to'( Our new Silver W. Links and Bwton-, who saw thenu wa- the style and prn'- be equali' dtighl prised aIt he valuc SIL VER MOUNTEI Fine Silk Ribbori ing Silver Buckle., Silver Woven Be 'Silver Buckles.... Silver Plated fi and fine 'Silk Ri Black Mounts .... 50 ets. LngtC PRICES down Iot/Me Lowes.-D In order to demonstrate these facts we will quote some of the Bargains Hemp Carpets at 10e., 121,c,, 15e. and 25e. Union Carpets at 30c., 85c., 45e. and 50c. Tapestry Carpets at 28c., 30e, 85c. and 50e. kil Wool Carpeta Bt 70e., 80c. and 85c. Lace Curtains at 45c., 50c., 75e., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. Extra Heavy Faetory Cotton at 5c., 7c., 8c., 9e. White Cotton 8c., 9c., 10e. and lic. Ladies' Corsets at 25e a pair. Ladies' Cashmere Hioso, 25e. and 85c. Ladies' Cotton Hose (black) at 8c., 10c., 124e., 15e., 20e., 25c. and 30c. AUl Wool Tweeds at 25c., 85c., 40e., 50e., 75c., $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. Ladies' Gloves at 5 et8. a pair. Men's Braces at 2 pair for 25c. Men's Pants at $1.00, 81.25, 81.50, $2.00 and $2.25.: Men's Suits ut $5, $7, $8, $9 and $10. Boys' Pants at 45e. and 7.5c. Boys Suite at $2,50, 82.75, $4, $5 and $6. If you are wanting a stylish made Suit be sure and eall on us as we are making thenu up at $10, $12, $13, $13.50 and $ 15, irn new, neat, noi..y patterns. SURE FIT. gý No alteratioits required with us. ' .......Corne along with the crowd that fuls the store where you get the ....... ........nost change back, at ....... Ma ROSS'5 m Ready-made Clothing. To -FOR THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN iN- Wa/I Papers, Baby Carrnages, Wagons, Croquet, if Fine Stationery. A. limited quantity of the latter only, left at HALF PRICIE. A rare chance. Secure sorne before it ail goes. jvgency for Sciioot Desks, Bu/terick Patterns, and Bril/zsh A merican Dyeing- Co.Q ]DEBVEI:?jIL»L-jS D.ath. GILBERT.-In Port Ferry, on April 29th, Vary Elizabeth Dyer, beloved wife of Mr. James Gilbert, Enfield, aged 40 years, i i months. ArdMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS, 0f JAMES SADLER, Deceased. Pursuant to the" Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1887," Chapter iio, notice is hereby given that ail creditor and other persons having claims against the estate ef JAmzs SADLER, late o( the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, Laborer, deceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of December, A. D., 1895, are required to &end by registered letter to Messrs. Dow & Mc- Gillivray, Brock St., Whitby, Solicitors for Miary Sadier, of the townshlp of Pickering, ,d ministratrlx ef the estate of the said James Sadier, .deceased, on or before the 28tb day of MAY, A. D., :896, their names and ad- dres wtb full particulars of their dlaimts and of the securlties (if any> 'held by them. And notice la furtiier given that after the. said lest mentioned date Administraters will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased 'ameng the persona ea4itled tberco, having ffgard Only to the dais of whih ntic sbll avebeeti qven as shove required ; and the sald adshnnlstratom "Il flot b. hable for t" said assets or any pat hîw te any - peruon or prsona of wVï dlaim or daim notice shall not bave been reccived by her or het S(Wlctorx, at the time aforesaid. DaWdat Wbitbythis,2jrd,-dai of April DOW & McGILLIVRAY, XAIXY SADLER « icinse ?.-O, BOAlt FOR &8ERVIOE 1~haviWserbat L s ~ 7_____ :BLQCX«- wIITEýY-. JUST RECEI E-. o Ohoice New Goods. China Glassware and Crookery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries,-Teas, Coffe., Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap/or Cash or Traa'e. I Prials té Suit the Times. Don't buy bjfore cafllà and tuxaminiag thie s4ck and price for.yrel i-4ývuBSTÂTB 0P WIANTED-YO-UNG OR MIDDLE IV AGEDMlEN tofcaator HMm-' dreds foremost in Canada, stared wlth Us. About $14, A week te begin wth. THE BRADLEY-GARRkETSON CO., lzm, Tee. onto, ont 8STRA WBERRY 'PLAN T& I have, ton of the best aetefosa. Estly Medium and Late.PsWsesdpr fect Ais.Cutbbert Rsbr~Canes. PAU cf Ladies' Colege. wtitby. April 9âb, z8g6-tt. w~irnu tAM IF t~U Ga$t.I Atban4 *M~O~< 1OE~A ît ri om.aa cone orgaan.-J tiaetofn»Yloal psp FRLDAY, MÂ&Y LOCAL LA(: Scott repairs ail kinds o Fresh Bread. 2 pound, Jacksen's. Children's crcam sweatE at W. G. Walters'. Mr. J. A. Underbill, Po town Saturday, sud favorE with a look in. Complet. ncw stock m cbildren's ready made twt fi-orn at W. G. Walters'. Thc spring of 1896 aippt, but the leaves aud gas a as they were at this time i Messrs. T. Cragg and J( bank, were in town Satur Ibis office to consuit us ori nation. Parties wbo bave been r in the last week say that t sional piles of snow on t! bei-e. Thc drifts were so thein a long lime t0 disai The Port Hope limes Mr-. W. V. Irayes, forri manager, ta a company oý will b. known as The liný Mr-. Trayes stili i-et.ain! business. Ice Creain Partor For the best Ice Cr Matbisoil's, Dundas strte Lacrosse. What about organizirý here ibis summrer? Wu h heads still in town, and %~ ial that couid be introdt team could be placed on1 Ob for Manitoba and Euroi Sec Stephenson, Wi tickets for England. - British Columbia, Mai ail United States and anywbere. everywhere. t Rates guaranteed iright. from Pickering, Toronto and Whitby. Se. E St betore travelling, and g.t ocean steamsbip lines. Joseph Wbite isten clerlk Thc tevu concil at it day- nigit appointcd. M the office of bown clerk His appointnienl -as tri thc committee stage, auq oftS$ioo extra, making $ differing as to the rangî should pcrform, anda amoulnt of salary, thb.i meus in tue malter et se assumes the posi tion va et thc duties entailed doubt not vii make e 'excellent clerks for wl become tamous. No- X .conld bave followed thi ,wlth any degré.etfassur A;bier Day notes. --The teachers sud pi acbool vere joined by ffrisbAdsnubeir arbor truyafenoî i eck1ed itu parents hmManning presid evr the literary anids »npnw, in which lh m6* otl0ty and the a p f h roceedinga nous . iatioe e tfic May Q Taby.The.cerenlo a, and truliiroi ~m.MDO YOU WANT TH BEST ? -We lay especial stress on the excellence of our Goods, always keeping the- ANDREW foMI &«4 7tý j« te k el