Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 2

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A Common Affliction Peruamtly Curêd bW Tak AVERS ý A CA»-RIVR 7TI. mi Mva fiIcted 1r g ewilhSUP&t ]Rbeum. Durig hIttime, red ga great msny medies hchvrs gl roc- ommsnded, but nons gve etis. vas at isat advised toStryyes8arsa- partila, by a friend Whs told meé that 1 mnustgpurchase six bottles, ad use them acodn odirections. 1 ytelded te kils persuasion, bougisit the six betties, and 0th ie contents of th ree of these bot- ties without notIcIng n Irec bneft Bffore 1 had flnls ed s out bo:1e my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they vers. My business, wviic 13 that of a cab-driver, requires me te be ouitla cold and wet veatiser otten vithout gloves and the trouble has never retluned"- THoiiÂs A. Joimis, &tratlerd, Ont. Ayer's "'e Saîsaparilla à mlted st thse Worid'a Pair. igeor' lu la Clcp.a se UBowela. CORRESPONDENCE CLAREMONT Bella Smith, of Teronto, Mrs. Bowes just now. is with Master L. Lacey. of Toronto, is bere for a few weeks with relatives. A new fence is 10 be erected in front of the Murray cottage on Brock street nortb. H. Peters, of Uxbridge, was bere on J Tuesday looking after some insurance business. T. taster vas at Myrtie on Tuesday. some say witb a view to purchasing the elevator at that place. D. Forsyth has disposed of bis stal- r lion "ýBuffalo,' 10 a Mr. Graham, of Port Perry. We did flot bear the price real ized. James Wilson, of Toronto, called on bis couwin, Thos Wilson, of tbis place, before leaving for Biish Columbia and California. E. E. Pugh bas taken possession of tise old Piikey homestead on the Brock road. Edward is one of the largesî land owners in Pickering Tp. Mrs. Nighswander and Mrs. Reesor, of Locust H ill, accompanied by Miss Wallace, o! York tp., are here this week witb Mrs. Gerow. MIr. and Mrs. R. P. Hopper., accom- panied by John Gregg -and sister, in- tend te visit the old country shortly. They expect to leave here about tise zoth of May. Mr. Siing, o! Toronto, bas decided to locate bere and.viii do ail kinds of painting. Why don't the- boys of the vicinity get together and organize football, or basebali, or even lacrosse. We had a good team for football here not long ago and there is no reason vhy sucis sbould flot be the case again. The rapidity with wbich spning bas opened up bas almost turnsed the beads o! our farming friends,. and some are even wondering yet if vinter bas reai- iy expired. Others bave piled in and are nov neariy tbrough seeding. -joseph Slack and wife are just nov visiting with Rev. Booker, o! Stouif- ville. His many triends wall regret to learn that Alfred. Booker, wbo vorked witb Joshua Btrndy bere for a tev years. is dangerously iii at bis home in * Stouifville.4 Wbiie eut drIving tise other day Rev. McLean's herse took frighxt and rau away. The ministeî deciding that descretion was tise better part of valon, abandoned tise cart4 ýwhei be sav ail efforts on bis part were unavailing. Tise horse vas somevisatImarked and -tise cart considerably damaged. -News, Wm. Andrev bas purchased W. G. Decker's livery business anid Xakes psession efthtie same on Monday., Tey have alac traded properties, and - îll change houses ia a fev days. Robert Audrev,,o! West Hill, is ini srtier a, senlous- condition- mot-i nov. -.-For some urne 'past 'ho lias'suffered from a deceasedlimb -i.nd tise othier d ay undervent -an opeatie; r -hg 'tieIo~ne Mcape4 'Is areds nov na4ine as goJ4Slt aereçwV-. ë,,.a hope that is- fnumé rous fic4 abb hearil ~ois ,s * duçi~ucâI1~~c ha'ra'fôr. spent Sunday in the village. Fishing is the order of the day. The Brechin girls must be rather slow, ibis week another of our enter- prising youug business men wiii take unto bimseif a life part.uer, in the per- -in of one of Lindsay's fair young ladies. Mr. John McQuaig has rented tbe. Murray property in the village and will take up bis residence on thse saine. What is wrong with gu91 basebali boys ibis season. Is it not time steps were taken to keep up tise record ? Mn. Wm. Murray had a very success- fui wood bee Monday last. The Wisdom 0f GruSy Raira. Bey. ~John Scott, D.D. cf Hamilion, Ont , a Woll-Knowu Betired Prooby tenian Miniqter, EL» Used Dr. Ag- news Oaar1sùPowder, and Test- fies ot us4 Benefits. Thse cautious conversation that i. char. acternîsklofot mbpQni.an sd o.poiy of tisoseW1o bave asm earsof diep in »nY i«m« ~ .on.d t ta4iMay a.k, alimu tise ý of tbegsdte BOT. John -làMotoui -Déof the, fvfION8 -FORf, DEFENCE I Not One Cent For Tribute. Saf'ety of Canadians Assured 1 jolce ,t hitk 'tti lip m,çove vil but. further promote hipin tereste, . prove but a shorter road t* cont.inued and final success. W. A. Fuller* of Green River, viso buys produce from tne farmera and tades it into thse city market, met witb a serious accident wbite at Sandersons bote!, Scarboro Junction, on Wednes- day of last week. While working around the horses one of tbe animais became suddenly viclous and atter knocking Fuller down 'commenced to trample him beneath his feet. Luck- ily someone saw the afiair and succeed- ed in removing thc unfortunate mans from his perilous position, but not be- fore be was severeiy hurt. Botb arins were dreadfuily bruised, while bis face waLs consîderably injured. We are pleased to think that the man escaped witb bis life. James Gordon has purcbased the Leonard property to the west of the hotel and triis week has bad a gang of men engaged removîng the old shed and barn tberefrom. His intention is to level off the lot and make a sort o! a sbady spot there for bicyciists and others travelling. Eacb year the bi- cycle trade becomies more and more ex- tensive, and having sucis a place as Landlord Gordon pictures in his mind, wiii indeed induce much of that traffic to the bouse. He bas some notion of closing up the lane to the easî of the bank, but to our minds that would be a mistake. The trame of the old sbed and barn bas been purchased by John Gordon, who wiiI use the same in the erection oi a barn on bis farm nortb of the village. - N ews. BRECHIN The first ramn and thunder storm of the scason passed over this section ors Friday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolîs have the syrnpathy of the community in the loss of their infant daughter, wnich died on Thursday lasî. There were sixty tickets sold at the station bere Saturday last for Orillia. Miss Rose Barker is spending a few days witb friends in Beaverton. Mr. Martin Kelly and wife, of Upter- grove, are visiting their many friends 'n the village. Mr. Kennedy, of Uxbridge, is the guest of bis son tbis week. Wednesday last was a very business- like day in our town. Mr. Weese shipped a car load of borses and Mr. Grahamn a load of bogs. The roads are fast drying up and some are busily engaged seeding. The ice on the lake here broke up Sunday. Mr. Geo. Underdown spent Sunday in tbe village. Miss Jane Conway, wbo has been a residerit of this place for sorne time, lef Monday to reside in Orillia. Mr. Isaac H. McLean, of Beal Bros., Toronto, was in town on Tbursdav last. Mr. John Overend is suffering from an attack of rbeumatism. 1Mr. W. J. Barker, our esteemned young merchant, bas secured an assis- tant in the store, in tbe person of Mr. James Reid, of Ayr. PAINE'S CELERY POUND 18 USED. com- Itbas even been tise boast o! Bnitons, tisai tiey neyer easl b. slaves. Tho Bitons heant vanna to freedo ; bis blood is arnued vissu human bcings ha- couse more cisattols -bougisi sud soid like animais. Britis subjeets viii suifer patiently aveu extremae taxation for thea raising o! millions for defonce , but, nover, nover viii they psy tnibute to any toroigu masster. British subjecta-man, vonsen aud cbildren-are slaves toce ofren !Wbat do vae means? Just vbat va say-tbat vs are tooet ton usisetabie bondînen sand bondvoman, visan vs might revel in freedom snd airengîis. Thousands et us are slaveà tte mre trouble or disease tisai makes ibis eaanhly pilgnimage burdensome sud oppressive. Wby suifer longer ? Wo bave nean us a rnighîy and poverful delivorer and rascuar kuovu as Pain'. Ceiery Corn pound tisat quiekly baniabes eur aasaiiing aud tornsenting enamies that couse 100 often in thse form et rheumatismn, neural- gia. dyispeai4, indigestion, constipation, beant diseasa, inarvousnu, sisaplausas sud blood disolases. Wisy encourage sud psy tribute te sucis deatis-dealing masters ? Our bodies sbould be free, clean, pure, sud fitted for tise full amjoymant oetrinn.lite. That vworld.renowned prescription, Palines@ Calary Compound, gives perfect bealtis, strangtb sud lite. It remeves every trace o! disease trom tise body, snd puni. fies tise blood. This in tiese meon te hanis avery weigist sud oppression. Lot tise ronova- tingz work ho cousmeuced nov, se that summier sud tise bot veather may ho mnet vitb strenoz sud vigorous bodies sud clean heads. Paine a Ceieny Oupound bas in past spring sessons ssved thon- sanda et suiferers ; itviil do tis me for you to day, veany and sick montai. Whan you decide te use tisa great beaitis-givar, se. tisai your dealer givas you tise kind tisat cuuxs. Âsk ton Paine's Celery Compound, snd seea ta it bas tisa îrada-mark, tise 6&staik ot ceery. " No other preparation viii suit yeur case. CIEREYWOOD Frank Laughiin bas gone court for the summer. We were pieased te see W. son in our midst on Sunday. A. Poynter, accompanied 10 Agin- A. Ahli- by Miss Rolland, visited Claremont. 'is48air- day. Our trustees have treated the school wood-bouse to a coat ot sisingles. .We are pleased to welcome Wm. Burkbolder back to the old farm again. George Hedges is preparing to rmise and otherwise improve bis barn this su mmen. Wood-bees are nov a tbing efthtie past, and our farmers are nov busy vîîh tiseir seeding. Our academny vas ciosed on Monday, ovimag 10 our teacher baving a very bad cold. Artisur Graham, o! Rouge Hill, bas engaged vitb Wmn. Hollinger, sr., for the summer. Mrs. M. Summerfeidt, o! MtL Albert, is here looking after some business for ber moîher, Mrs. Wood. Fishing is al the rage around here nov. Sone oethtie boys seem te bave had preîîy good success. Peter Cober and tamily bave remet- cd te Michigan- We visis thein every success in tise land of tieir choice. Mrs. Garland is putting np a nov stable on the lot eccupied by Wm. Norris. We uuderstand C. Degue bas the contract. St.anley Gerow is in tise city just nov. iThe roads leadiug mitistis place are isplendid shape. Jameç Williams bas hired viib John Patterson for tise summer. R. J. Pýrice bas engaged witis John Miller and sons for thse season. An attempt vas made te organize a cricket dlub here tiseotiser-evening, but tisai attempt proved, unsuccessfuL. Geo. Stevenson lias doifed lits p osi.. office outfit and geone back toe fivam for tise summer menthe. He vii hilce- ly reaumne his officiai duties intise (aIl Dm. Bateson i3 nov rejeicm'ng oýver th, 'val of ayong son éand h-jeîr. Stranger arnidon ody aa Son- las ,evered ýhIe con-. nectiohn- w 'thtie. hotel, -bore and huis D. Brokensisire sud vifs viaited fniends in Newcastle. Mn. J. Mountjey je homo frqmn Ton. onto University revieving ton exame. Misq Ethel MoNeil ia visiting ber tis- ter, Mrs. R. Moore, Ceuntie. Mn. Wm. Aunger bas piauted 500 fruit trees sud inteudo pnitiug out 400 more. Misses Withenidge sud Sproîile called ou friands recentiy. Mn. Lynch, of Bunketon. bas moved inte oun village sud intende uuniug a boot sud sboe business. Misa Maud Trewiu is home frein col- loge. Mn. W. H . Creeper bas turued eut set oral relions tii spring. Mn. T. Bysu suddaiter, Tyne, visit- ed bore Sunday. Rat. W. H. Mboea ook charge efthtie bible clas last Sunday intise absence of W. R Creeper. Tiso long meadoiw noads are vali pst- ronized. ]TU pain that mone. Ttimes strikes a man at tise mont inoppor. tune moment la due te indigestion. ri mnay core ne tise t ~~midut of a dinnez Mud MOLethe easi a moekeny. Ih lsa reminder'tisat ha uay net est visa! lechones, nom vison he chooses. ,lui Me lasa slave tetise S wealU' , of hir, Stoinach. tly e sul"'t ovev Ç?owvimsùýthe se lng he easa l going to agme.wîtb bluter net. Tise'tUthin a ta Please hlm palate most aie of ben tise osxi for hins te est. ven tise almplest feod le -iley the nme hlm gMlsensd sbe"lesi. ness. Me is t trouble vas very ashght- veny slmplct-veryeasy tu, cure. Ho aie' sometilu IdkMistibm iMd it stuck s*mg syte. H Se o thinga&Pd hey mct. kPart of lais es tr-ha n cnshm leonst It teo Ise omeqt t aine.o tentis of tUse slcîttia o-t. ùwol tracesise dîrectly te i bis conmmt cauSe. À man'a isealhansd *e:ehtb 4 nd upor visai hegets outOtf1ISo6d4ý , dexpme.-d onbs 9est1On. àDptq~*es4ge tin.Aîybedy af ueti. CIêoin-I 'mnot-lud -o! ,Ã"oi icunse viiiteUý y«m duta Wiîea igroito tntIt1ç stops, ami the -vise _o bdy,î iroiiunu' ot of ôme., CIiRONIC IiEADACliI. Tii. change ln mij Mother's condi- tion mamollon&s Soett's Sarsaparillia lUa Domn. MONTREAL, Augusi zqth. 1895. GENTrLEML-N --There is sucis a change ln my mother's isealtti that 1 canet re- aIrain myseif from vniting yen. Sise suif ered for years past vi tba chronic headache, accom panied witis a disordered stomacis. She vas weak and irritable, aud we îisought she vas going iet a de- cline. For tisîe veekç she bas been takýng a course of Sceti's Sarsaparilla, visicis was recommnied te ber b Mn, McGaie, Druggist, Montreal. Her ead- ache is nov but a memory, her appeJte ris Zod, and she bas gained five pounde in weigbt in tirelire days. Sise is a diffee nt wvenais, and 1 te tiat you, in God's bauds, have been tise ieans of ne- storing bher te bealtis. I sislal] arys recommend Scotî's Sarmaparilla te, suifer- ers fhem bead, on digestive troubles. Thanking you again, I close. Y"unsisnceneiy, Hontense. Gavliere. ScottSrsa5 r[la is a cencentrated extrat., plexsant to the tasteansd is taken in sm.all doues. [t is tise finest remedy for disorders of tise stotuan ad iver, plitati*on, ascrofulous mores, eczem Mud sr-in diseases sxising from impurities cf tho blood, itbuild up thecveak, a *tnong it luaintaina in heah. 04-d Soutih Ammeu ienai w i Relief as8B-on &astisheiDs Taken, ad4-Cures Ondine yCasesOf Bhumaimam utnd uaga uf One to TIno. Day-What a Gtfa't." fui Citizen of St. Lambont, Que., as< toSay Most elon au lmad Cure vui r- Montis Latina "i Othet Faieèj Cam New. ho.u. n mii teetuasud soone*cfIbtlrlbglSenwl. Mach TikHeat frcson tha e rong gond Mr*. p. ned u e iin oesvtby iW.(mt br Ilm peoi. of bs neat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u an iyaoputepaeîo. .bleei being eproRed&Win taibe E. Hr'owar deero@pas oforbis ate. inannutte.s a,'foisd l Mr. arryCannsud ifs Bov saudTheoinrs of ibuiple arengitat e ville, vere callhng on f riends ber. Sun- bave their employ--es close their stores et day. 6 o'elook P M., ibre. nlghtmsibmhewmmk Ur. Fred Howard vas calling on darlng thse summer, but vo are somewbat friends in Belleville last week. doubtfui as to tbe auccess of thoir agita- Mr&. George Oliver and Miss Oliver tion. bave roturned aftsr spending thse vinter That patronierm is on the wane in this with frienda in thse west. oony bas been tise general upiniots etOT The Hamnpton Oheeze Co. viii stan te since oiur worthy brother Brandon vas make chocs. noit weok. This factory js lot ont in the cold the night cf 12th of noted for turning out good cheeso tht Deeember, 1895, and to be convi.uced oee always bringa the. top price in the. market. needa only te read the large posters oui Miss Moore, Brooklij, visited eithe *roniùd tewn a.nnouncing that a grand parsoage est eek.union cnvenion beiveen the Liberals parso n aeiie Clashaveek. suad Patrons will beb. eid in Alexandrie, Tea-e nth Medicne, Co. ba soRt hall on Tcesday next, the 26th mai. ovsiers Teek n hsagoe doing a good Tis conveution vo beliots i. ealled for buskins.Throey ae ee ethn a e purpose of giving tbe present Grit veek i 'ryrne.asd Patron candidates, Dr Ringbam and Quartonly services wiii bbeied in the R C Brandon reapetively, a chance to churcb ber. neit Sunday. resign, a.nd thon tbo convention wil! eafl Fermera are aIl busyoediug in this on Mr. Duncan Graham, Warden of locality. Ontario, or some equally etaunob sisp- Miss Arinour and Mr. . A. Cole porter of the Hou. W. Laurier to contest aetSunday in towu. tbe riding and redeera it. This wiiI b. Mr. Wesley Allin bas leased the ProtOut e neo h arnpryi ot farin at Providence for a terni.OMtri. D .Sibvsi oot a riens annie Crydrmanis lsti w& ek buying a stock of dry goode, it frieda t Backsook b ing iintention to add dry gooda to Mr. Drinkie, late of Taunton, baS bis aroeery and confectîonery business. moved mbt the bouse lately vacated by Mr. D. Guon, of Toronto, was in town Thos. W ickett. thig vpek and whilo hero purebada Me. Thos. Elliott bas purcbased a nov rory fine horse fromn Mr James Birchard, bicycle. whio alvays bas one or tvo good one on M1r. E. Trenouth and son are busy baud. wbit.e-vs.sbing thiii eek. Not the gov- Mr. Wm. Thomson, of Orillia, vas in ernment. town ou Tuesday. Mr. James Thompson, Bowmauvilie, Mise M Biankly, wbo bis been visiting will movo on*-o bis farin bore as soon as Hoinds in town for somo lime returned bis bouse is finished. to ber home ini Coliiugwood on monaay Mr. Zephaniah Job, 7tb con.,.bas Laken iast. possession of the Bunt esate in this Messrs. A. E. Cameron, Éud Tiadale, village. and Bon. P. M cKay, after taking in - tbe Mr. Wiifred Mercier bas gone te lire herse show, aud geperally doine the vith bis fatber-in-lav, Mr. John Fice, Qneen city, roturned berne on Menday Betheada. sveniug. Mr. Thes. Rove vii seen heoeut again. At the meeting of car villare faibers Mr. I. L. Brown finisbed as8essing and last Bsîurday eveniug 3Ur. John Smnith viii retaru bis roll this veek. vas appointingr town Constable in place Mrs. James Gilbert, lot 28, con 8,.vise of Mr. D MeRa. wbo has resigned. is iii at Port Penny is flot expectod te re Mrs. C. T. Young and family returned cot:r. Jmt o o u last week. Mn. Young yul fol M. A Jams, f th Staestan, 1elo in the course of a veek or two, aud M. edfo theek, 10 9an log iiiimmedistely open eut tbe carding In a sling beldoas badly bruiaed arm this miii o te ul sl capacity. week; Mr. P. M oCuai«, jr., of Darkeville la The resuit of a miehap brougisi on1 bis novw a reaident Of our town. Hies ual pride, wart 1)t Mmay be seen overy day bebind Assuming in porson B bicycle to ride. the ceuniters in Mn. B DunsbeatiWs MAYDONproduce st' ro, wbere ho vu ho epleaaed Mr- W- T- C annA n wti ad f -te attend te your orenr. surTsiruCC&SURED#EDT Di.mu 1E.tu m i tm"~ ftu bo @purin "MWa 10; .I oimomA " h fsb. For wm~y-~tz Yrs WHEN nepmlning vashoni ,Lng 25 yardso! lour cezmitte the'peiion cf Sa -boiweo lots 24A aiozstrod tocthei2 * ocommute» le"tepetition mrhaon MW&0 th Us.pet ien of Ji othensakiug for Brousgham, te su Sangsrife. Nauis. "C. 1. Eood à MI. LowfL, Mams: "Gentlemn :-I " lta1Icannot gay encqo la tavoe of Hood'eSBarsaparifa. For lv e 1 bave bemn troubled viti $=rfuila my wes and tbroaL 8esrakinds 0o! medicines wib 1 trled did Mot do m msy good, and when 1im moncedto tako Hooda Sasaparlla there were larg bufthos on my aeok no sors ths 1 cecJ lloodseCures net beartiesghstoa. When I had take one bottie of this medicta, these oreness had gone, and beoe.1 had ftnisheil the second tbe buches lied eutirely dlsappoared,- " &CiiU AT'WOOD, Blngrvie, Mains. N.B. ll you decids totake Hood susais. ruIla do flot ho induced to buy any other. I4ood's Plle cure constipation bv resS tng tie peralta aciono01 the alAmeary cane~ Tise above won &i proviens meel April 20111. Memn Gerow iu tise ch meeting roa d 1 James Lidgtt v division. W. Sadien vas b sisovelliug show. E E-Euglish ws the sala of a rosi sente tise Copp lin Apetition from othiers askiug for a tisefiftisconcestîol road. 0 P Ferrier con. Ou sideline batvee cou., vas net suiffii vater. Mn Parker vas, bad state of tbe Annan baving offie whieis wasaccepte A& petition vasr borne and 12 otb MNs gPnoctor-, Audi, destitute circurnate A petition vas i Geoo and 15 otbý gnoond drain froi Brougbam, to an A petition vaé, Windsor and 13, Mri Bumstenck ai o! Wbitotale, the Josial Evtans, witb regard toensur opposite loto 14, le labon baving aIl b oompelled to, - bine reported that a cnu and 17 in 19th had Tise standing co by doge neported follovs: payment sheep killed and 24 amount boiig i on motion o! Mn E pont vas adopted. Tise standing cei oies reporiod and1 ment cf tise foilov J Clark, prmnting 1 ings, 82; James Hi On motion of Mi reprt vas adopte< oTour standing ci beg eave t e noe folloves: Paynsont cord of wood supp & D MeNais, goods D)r Eastwood, m Frenoch voman. 01 atiendance ou Fn.i mont, oe., $7; D 85; Grec Philp, vol family, $6; E E Tises Lee, $8.50. Your comittee a petition from E Othons "king aid i and grand cbldre moud that thcy ha Tises Carter beiug Aise a petition f 12 otsens a«king as aud vonld eomn: od tis umcof $8,1 inissioner. Ou motion ci lu port vas adopted. Thse standing cei bridgea present tisE ing recemmeudati, Linton, Tiss Int4 bon Mantle, Aný Wilon nd oh

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