Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 1

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3..., b VOL. XXXX. WHITBY, ONTÉARJO, FRIDAY,. MAY 19 1890N.2 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CNCworLE CaazxspaiqZNCE, -:0:- Miss Kate Logan, froin Whitby, spent last Sunday here. There vas snow ta be seen just east of the laver village on Tuesday of this week. Mr. John Elliott and brother Matt., from Kingston, shipped some îwenty odd fat cattie from ibis point on Saturday last. When on his way borne ta Toronto f!rm Smnith's Falis isat week Mr. HenryBrgg stopped off a day here ta visit his relatives. Mr. W. E. Dyei, frowu Oshawa, president of the South Ontario Sunday school associa- tion, paid a visit to the S. S. here on Sunday last. At Mi. Sornberger's sale last week Station Agent Harrison and Liveryra Barrett punchased some of the blood colts, Harriso getting one and Bîrrett tva or three. Mi. R. C. Pike ieft here on Tuesday of' ibis week for Walton, N.Y., whene he ex- pects ta remnain during the comning summer, if he finds employment ta suit himseif. Mr. Pike has of laie been quite active in church and Sunday schooi voîk and therefore wil be the more missed., Mr. Robi. Rowe, fromn near Oshawa, hav- ing leased bis lot of land near that town ta Mi. Geo. Downey, of this place, was here waîh his family the eariy part of this week visiting relatives before ieavîng fr East Port, Mich., wbeîe he expects ta make il b15 home for the present. SHINOL ES, Xesterti Lime, grey and white, and Blacksmitb's Coal, at C. P. R. station, Myrtie. W. LEDINGHAM. April 301h, iS896-3-mnos. UNcEETE& To-day, Friday, lsarabor day, acholars and teachers of thc school1 nus iiig prepaiations ta advance the1 of the schooi prernises. Tbe attendance at tle ep-worth icague on Wednesdiy evening ia getîing very saui. It as boped maie yull attend, and so mîke the meeting much more interesting. 'Ibe cheese factory viii stant next veek. Mr. Parka bas made s tborough can vasa, and fnom hlm ve Icaîn tht a much linger business wiii be donc this season,, ibm any beretofoîe. Mr. Frank Wilson, of Claremont, but for- imeîly of thas place bas lociied herc again, and yul assist as cheese-maker here Ibis season. Mn. F. W. Trewin, Oshawa, genenal agent for thc Exceisiar Insurance Ca., vas bere lai veek canvassing, and ve under-staud hc did some good business. He nepresents a good Canadian compauy, and aur readers would do veli ta look ia uthe reiiabiliiy af this company. For some lame back the chief topic of cou- versation has been about tIe bad condition of the- roada, sud the majoriîy olpeople seemn La be very much dispieased by the vay in vhich thc rads are kept. Wberever there la a Riat piece of raad, vhetbeî gaodad laid or othervise, It is iounded up vith the ioad machine, but vîen flot graveiied, in a short lime proves ta be vorse ibmn before. We do ual altagether, candenun thc vork ai the romd machine, for if the rad is staonce gnavelîed, tle work viii prove s success. To illustrate ibis, tale notice to a road job, doue by Mr. Geo. Robinson ln bis beat, south of here, and you viii see thc nesuit is, anc of the bebt roads ln these parts. Look ut the turnpikes thit are flot graveled, and sec loy disagrecable îbey are. lu tle apring there is nuud up ta the huba of the buggy, and an tle dry season tbey are full ai boles, snd in fact unfit for trs.filc. We hope the councal viii look into the matter. SCUGOO. bbc May flovera beauify aur vooda once again. Oui noads are in splendid condition again fat tbe vîcelmen. Thc veather contiuuing sa favorably the fui-m- ers are heavily press4 itul ork. Mn. John Jackson, aur popular merchant, is out vîîb bis peddling waggon sud pays us ail a visit. Mi. Hatry Lawýan, vIa bas been visiting friends on Scugog for some urne past refurned on Monday 10 tus home in Brighton. . tended to (bis malter of milk drawing for the last t wa seaaons and bas given excellent satisfac- tion, and ve doubt Dot bis endeavbrm ibis season wiil be coinespondiugly good. Look out for bis merry rattle next Mouday murning at break of day. Mr. A. L. Orvis, aur popular merchant, riat- ed Toronto on Saturday lai, and a nev supply of goods are nov upon his sbeivmç You need not passa our store enrouie for Whitby or else- vhere as bis quotations in ail Unes cannai b. beaien. Patronize home industry and let us keep Mr. Orvis vitb s as oving ta bard urnes bas business ban soewateu va n ih llkeiibood ut preseni seems to be, le vili locate elsehere if businss does not pick Up. Nov let u-5 heip hm ta do a good psying business and wo wiil cause to remain.amougsi as a mnan wortby of oui confidence and respect. On \Veduesday evenu of lisi week, about 9.30, the alarm of fiée, vas sounderi in aur vil- lage. Mr. ina. Rodd's'bouse inumediaîeiy vest of the village was aIl ablaze. Mauy willing bauds were soon on tbe grount neady to aid wbat assistance tbey could render, but as the building vas a very aid ane and perfectly dry the ne, after securing a good start vas quieunuman- eg able, and no alternative vas in store oniy ta secute the house furnishings, etc. Many tbings vere bumnedly qui out but a great many valu- ables wcre consigned ta the fiamies. The builid- ing was a total wreck in about one hour and ibirty minutes. Mr. kadd carried a small insur- suce af 8400 ou the contents, and muclu sympa- thy is feit by bis many friends in ibis, bis time of los. He and bas esiimable'family viii nesade ai Aberdeen Corners for the prescut, in pari of Tony Rîchaidson's bouse. He viilstil con- tinue his regular trips to Trouta. TOWN LINZ. Some of oui (armera are weil aloDg yutîcthir seediag. Arbor day exercisea ai tbe tovu ine acbool au Fiday ati1. 30P. m. The negular quarterly meeting service wili be held st Almondsnext Sunduy. Mis. C. Kempîborn gnd Mrs. S. L. Brown spent several days an due iy visitang relatives sud f iends. Mrs. joseph Webster la, ve are sonry ta te- and the pont, an a vry daugerous condition fram neural- here are i ,of the beau. Foot bail practice Friday night. ErMeryu expecia-d ta be ou band. as a meeting for re- orgsnization viii tale place afler. On Monday las utaRigh Jeffrey sud bis dmer vere driving ta Wbiîby, tbcar borse became fnigbteued mi a deep hole an the road nemi J. Foihergils, and thc consequence vas s broken cart. Wheu people sec fiata c mpey ailes by tle pub- lic roade, they shouid ho careful ta leare îhern in sudh shape as not ta cause barnu. A feir days aga a boise belonging te mut beiug triven by Wesley Caruthers becarne frighiened by su ail pale ncar the tavu lune corner, upsctting thc buggy sud thtawing Mr. î0. oui. hurtiug bis back, but pot serioualy. Ila s inet tIe first limne lIai sirnilar accidents bave been causcd by ash piles. The Kingston rmmd fronu Pickering ta VWitby la seldom au sucb a bad condition as it bai becu ieSeuty. If the brokeu atone and gravel put on aur roads iste lu the soason couit bar. been put auto these bad places vIle the grount vas sof and nov the scraper usedvo miglit Cnj*oy srnoc;h vbeeiing for the wIole season. fiy the lame traveIling veasedaensutothde rmat matsters viii ho out nesring lIemas p ugmin. sud sovwe bave bad roads cearly as long as good Oums.Sa much for custom-nev metbots corne sloviy. GREENEANEC Fal vIeal is lociang good lu ibis section, Mr. John Throcp bas been on th Ic ist tihîe 1ai fev days. Bith.-On the 27th, tIc vife of lames Ashion of a son, stii boru. Mn. Jesuie Saiter, of Taunton, vas risiting bis sans the beginning of Ibis weck. Ntxt Sundmy thc service in the presbyterian cburcb viii le ai 7 P. rm. insteat of 2.30, oving ta the sacrement at Wàclc. Il la said tbaitvo young mem vhale ou tîcit vay home fronu cburcb an Sunday evening so far foi-gai (leeseives as to mctinl anyhilng but a geutleenanly vay oviSsa amosa respectable yonng lady. If sucl a ihing occur-ý again îley will bave tihe pleusure of seciug LIeir Dames lu print. Sorne time ago negotiations ver. ou foot ta purchase the aid stone cdurcI sad make itluta a temperance hall. but thec durcI Irustees have decided (bai the maiersalisla ortb ame or .thenu ta puitinte tbe new cdurcis eban the Sous of bemperance féel able to gire for il 50 die tecrec bas gone forth thatili must camne dovn, so nov anothor aid land mrk in tbe villae viii soon disappear. Peace ta is as maes. Tbc pniasbyterîan Sundau acool viii boi t teit ususi annivcrsary service on Sndmy sut Mon- day, May 24tI and 2511. On Suuday aflernoon sud erening apprapriate sermons viii be preicl- cd aud ou Monday ica vili b. serred In the base.- meut of thec urch frpm 5 10 7 P. rn-1 ta finish up yul sa concert in îhe cvenlug. It is cxeced thai thse Ptince Albert cheir vili furnial tle mausic. A goudt urne le expcctcd. Pairticulats liter au. Afaci thc recent starn bat subsideU oeeof aur Ieading farmers disooveret tht about g roda ot bis fence had been vashed avay.o cornpletely bit tise rails disappearet le, hilai said, offéeautonc dollar for esdli mutdee"ra~il returued. but il appeas t tre vas noîete un- dentake ihe job. Hover uotbing daunte sella vwork himscif snt vitb tle asiatauce of bis hired belp be las aucceee, accordiug te tle latest reports, in rccovering about thrce or four ihausand of île rnissing radls. Nothiung like piuck and perseverance. 3BROOKLI. Mn B Duncan bas been appointed agent of the Oshawa Làuudry Ce. The carly sud tapit grovîl of grass this spring bas been a mucl appreciated blese- One ai the new sate biack-boards las lateîy been added to the equipmcnt of thé presbyteniup Sisnday schoca. Mrt. John Walker bais gene to Toronato iu chiarge ef one cf 1Mr. John Vipond"a boises. He. wii b. awy about, tio montise. Mr. Fred Hoflay bau £nisasod bîi*courue Iu etcusognaplry ahattypowrkhsg at thée Eut- lIs AneriSan College, -asrd huassecured his Mr., John Hueor, an oad iislde t of tina village, ia1 Who es'lI~z Je~e~~ 1 *Veid fr à rI A , t ih. aim 1b.ht*-, nd..%t Children Can Come.-.. Our plan of doing business riakes it as sîfe for a chîld to buy as for 1arents themseives. Under Do Possible cii- t ,mstances can you fai ta le aatisfied. No ntattmei if a blind persan maires a purclase liere, the puichase momey vii le promptlv itf-funded it the buyer vantr! il. We bavenýt tht-: lt-ast desre to seli anytbing ta a custo- înr if t isnt exactly sultable, desirabie snd rt-haible W. are never satlsfied uniens oui 1,ait nris are satisfied. People vbo trade lit-re once generaily corne back; not once or îw;ce b ut nnguiiily. They seenuta like tit- -ivore, and the treatment. WE DON'T-**--+ p)retend to seil goods at less ;tban they tati us. W E - D0-4 give aur customers just as rnucb for their rnoney as the most pretentiaus advertisei. fINI l)R(IIGS ltN A L 1-iAL \D >, P &T F , TS, CHFMIST ANsI) D)RLGGIT, W.A.H.1 QU'Y & CO., grain bnyers. BEÂLL, I. - Issuer of Marriago Idemse. Bosidenceooppouilo Town Hanl, Brooblin. W A MONEcuLT, D V S.-OGradnsieotofthe On- tario Vet.rinary College, Toronto; sonozary mmnbor of the Ontario medicl eoey Troesfl &Utiseasm o!t.he cusfta anim a.b! lthenm st approved zmothol. Aiso .ë iulrattention mugrgica! oporatlons snd den làr. Day or nlght Cauls rnp& attendod t.Offiesund roenoo e ofu Ontario. SJEED TIMEx5 WE HAVE ALL KINDS 0F-, Field and Garden Seeda, Flower E8w6dB, Etc. SPADE.S, HOES, R.AKES and SHOVELS, PLÂIN and BARB- E-D WIRE, and ail kinds of GENIERAL HA.DwARE, il cbosest Prices. GENTLEMEN--w.&,. wantissg hein New Suit for (le - 24th of May sisouit leave thir aider ai once. We mate (hem frnom Sio up. Perfect fit guaran- teet. Soc, ou r Men's Plough Boots at $1.00 per pair, Cash. The« cheapeat boot in thre couutry, HOLLIDAY.-ý E~,CIRGNCL SA-ý- , t9 shorttettoi rteyr uine S'i- tees are Mr 0 PowoU iI travelllag thiongl Out4bfor bit asd MueJ ns ei, of BrSghabmLvr' Kte&aplo Udat byo1eub1e*m*1 tIbolrfltrri . rlib' lstvo saea7 P-...,, i : - Farmers are nov veli started in tbeir spiing wonk and considerable seed has been sovu this veek. Though there han heen su litile tain ibis spring yet it is found that' some land is not drying veny quickly, but satisfactory progress ib being made. B. Duncan, merchant tailor, bas secured the agency for the Oshawa Steam Laundry. I.aundry yull leave bis sbop on Thursday mornlug, and viii be returned on Saturtîy. Ail Wtoif guîranteed sstisfactory. Hastings & Ümrsr, Oshawa Steaim Laundry.-22-tf. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Laurle, of Orono, which took place on Tues- day, 2iat uit. Mns. Launie vili be better knowrn Io CHRONICLE readers by ber maid- en nrne, Miss Maggie Patterson. She con- ducted e dîess-making establishment bore a fev yeursago. Mesura. Thos. Caikweli and James Gray ieft oui Tuesdav moîning ta takre charge of piantlng openaîlons for the Wbitby Hedge Co. They viii go an far east an Cornvall. Mn. A. Biggs wiii be engaged in the samne wonk next week but wili be wonking nearer borne. WVbooj lng cough is veny prevaient among thse youuger mnembers of the commnunity just nôv. This being one of the ilis that buman- ity muet bave sometirne, aud the present lime being considered a very favorable sea- son Ifr baving it, there la not much anxiety on Cgpart of parents in the direction of keepg their childien away from the cou- tagionl. Miss L. B. Holiiday, teacher of S.S. No. i (Dnyden's,) bas pîepaned a very interesting programme to be given in conuection. vitb arbor day. This is iooked forward ta by botis acbolars and parents as one oa the bîlghtest, happîest days of the year and thene le iikeiy to b. a large number in at- tendance thîs afternoan, to witness the crovning of the May Queen and to enjoy the other exercices. : Foot-bail la again ta the front and playing is induiged lu nightly on the commons. The secretary of last years teamn bas receiv- cd an invitation from the management o the Greenvood tournament ta have a tearu from ber. tike part lu the competition there on the 2aft but it la not kuowu yet vbether a teaut cui be gaI together for that date. There bam been no organization meeting for this year yet, A large cougregation assembled in the methodiat church last Sabbatl affernoon, on the occasion of the a nnual sermon of the 1. O.O.F. Màembers of the order fnom White- vale and Whitby joined in thc service witlu tbeir bretîren ofthe Booklin lodge. An ap- propriate discourse vas delîvered by Rev. T. W. Leggout. Thc collection vas banded aven (o the choir of tihe. dhurcI 'wbo vory mucli appreciated (bis act of generosity. Sous. of those vhn read the editor's article on the moon and its supposed influence on tbe weathet a fev weeks ago, vere pnobably very mincI snrprised tbat any one couil doubt tIc existence of this euch talked cf influence. Hovever that may be, Luna aces to be "losing ber grup.'" TIc moon at the beginniug of the month s so5 far to tbe north (bat ve vote toid ve muet lok out for a few weeks cf pretty cool veatiser. On tbe.oentrary vo bave jus: pase.d througb pethapa thse varmest Apr ins a Vod may years. To-day, (Friday,) le being celebrated as arbor day lu tIe Brooklila cbool. The prin- cipal eflort is being devoted to the beautify-1 ing of (ho interior of the building, by decor- ating the lare vails vith pictures, flovera, and buntiug7. Mr. Holmes as to b. cout- mended on tbhe tep he bas taken and re hope he may receive ail the encouragement he deserves. Tbe pupils bave eutered ia tIe movement vi pitit and wun do their share ta making the day a success. In ad- dition ta the work donc indoora there wil be sorne flowers, etc., plinted ln tise grounds in front of the school-building. clinuite (bat could be iaaked for in a nev country ta facillic a farier's work. Then second an ia the adaptation of the country ta farmuing 1 spe4k panicularly of the region fnom Sauit Ste Marie eant for zoc miles, lu this region then. are tens of thousanda of acres of cultivable land. Mark 1 do flot compare it with Ihose aider portions of Ontario, vhieb are an the garden of the continent, but lande wibh a varlety 0f sole, light and Ieavy, lov-lylng aud hilly, sud vith plenty of rocks and stony land. Many farme are perfectly clear of rocks or atones, others varylug iu their percentage of arabie land 75,'50 and pienty vith a lesa pet cent._ I believe I can say confidently 'there la an opening for three or four tbousand familles in the above region, (there may 4~e noce for five times as many soliited is my know- iedge of thec cupabiiy of the country 10 afford bornes ta settiers). TIen I belleve ibis to b. au exceptionally fine country for raising stock, Its grazing properties are fiue and ht is a good bay producing country. I' ve not accu young stock do botter any- vhere. It la a gaod butter praduclng country. I apak an an ordinary observer wbeu I eîy it is a counry exceedingly ricî lu miuer- ais. Tbe amount af timber tiken fronu the country is a marvel and yet there la a large amount of timber and vanI vealth to be reaped from the judicious disposition cf il. Wbat is greatly needed le honest dealers to purchise the timber. Nov as ta the auccess vhich the settiers have had. le la more than a surprise that it las been so great considering the circum- stances. Many af the farmets bave large bains, maving machines, binders and ful sets of uecessary implements. And it vas not an unfrequeut thing ta fiud 1000 buabela and in saine instances up to 15o0 busbels of grain in the bain lat (ail. Many vitb large lots of potatoe, bay and other praduets for samie. There are certalnly the drav batke incident ta nev countrles, but I amrn ot wniting of themn. I t.hink, an a vIole, tle people are hîappy and conteut. Tbe roade coud e bttrand if (ho population voee greterin omeinstaùces tle people vouid flot bave s fart o go ta church, (o send the chiltren ta ecboci, or go 10 post office for tbeir mail Wbat la vanted le tbousands of goot entetpnising familles, religions people. I believe a neir country needs religious people 10 keep tbe Lord'. day, to Justly love mercy muid yul buebiy vithGod. There is nocen for manysuch in this uev country. The irriter vili b. glad to give brlef infoir- mation to enquirers who viii, enclose stamp please. Lands are et various prices froi the goverument. Price 30c. uP. Bruce Mines P. O. Gso. W. HEwr rn, Algoma, Ont. Methodist minister. Anuy. J Be. vas here an Suntay last. Mms N. J. Chapmu speut Sunday lu Oshawa viaiting ber master. Severul uttendet the quartetly meeting ai Qreuvood on Sunday. J. H. MadilI -petaSunday ai the parenua residen orris oiGreewo To.day a Arbar- Day la ont sohools and mach ci.udiup vin 1k.yudon&-. We coagratoa. Rev. F.A& DomeScthe Siscceuurhé Igummiéla bis nzentet ase T-m Dunlop fana ves cf bore vusMnoscud on Saturtay as adrertiSt, Do bld vas giron. W.. Irclantd, to ont eorth, seems to b. stock for a housekeepet and vantrà to get coe tofry the tasies, as be le tired cf la. Whee tlere's a viii, tbcre's a >111. lbcevuwllove are boe eagain. ThelkOs are burstiig. The dutes mre oui. The maidens are getting new drese idam wthbinger sime&esIn faciý m&Ubetokens spring. Tv1o sailors asaisting Mr, BurchhIl ibis v.ek Arbot day to-day (Fritmy) if th. veather be fiue. Mrt. mut Mis.AIea, Seisi usamvswy viutlng fients atdM.r. Jas. Moffaut la la chargeof <tise shop. Mrt. and Mms. Jus. Lawrence veeoattendiug aise (naca of bis brothet ai Columbus on Wed. nes.tay. We atmunable ta.areport vuy IavusNby cou- esing Mr.Jlas. Anderson, vho ll i vdaféer al Grad tForls. IisScouon le but 11111e imprret. go-to, w~r. e * of Enniakllenl, gd4Y Th mnWi leave the family resdekut miles uouth of Enfieid, ati ro'ciock on Satwrday Mnd Ify. snd proceed 10 Bowmaavlloe netery. y Consîderable >07 ad chuckling wms iadulgecl ln by a certain class Who ame alwaym found om the wrong side because they feli sure Sht vous corres- Pondent lad go1 himueif ino abox. If thome people wbose conscience are troubling £bem wouid beiashtU 1 won, and admit dth*rer. rora lice men, we Should bave revelpnions about s one Of. Our fires that would stmnte ibis tdwa, and vlcliiiîy. Who can tell wbat (bornemien did -ih diii requisition abat vws supposed t£01bc passe arbund licebier's subscription lise 10 prevef; thse hrm vridnrg for the CJsaON ECLI? lI resily woold licete know, as one of the men cocerned in gettdng signsnzes ("-els rather shaky. Âny- tbing vrong ? My conscience is clear, hL yours ? Grood stock. Mr Samuel Graham, ont veli-kuovu hosnano vho lsaulways to the front vw ri luas boSes, bas bougli e ueharo-bred Kentucky stalion, Buftalo, TIsà fine horme vas bred at the Runy- mb e u, etcy, and vus recently ovne y hat Celebrsîed borseman, 1 E Seagftm, of Waterloo. Buffalo la a bay, standing r64 bands higli. ASaaracebhorshe proed bjmsejf0be à good one, shoving vonderful enduranceand shayin.g qualities. As a prise getu e w. u sec- cessful, taking first prise for tvo yeas ata the Toronto Industrlal Exhibition.Bufospei gree is a gneod one, sboeigg snob peut ssi* as imP- Billeî, hep. Bonnie Scotlund, Iago Leui igtomu, Touolatomnesd (3ladlator. Mr Wm Hendrie of Hamiltion ta repoetd-Us ssybsg (bat If (armets want tb breed for good oevulge boise tbey cannot do better tban breed Ibeir S draught mares 10 à îbSWe'bred saiBon. gentleman ià an authority on bouse breeding Sprlsg Pair. Last Thursday th.eai sprwing 1a»' of the 8=909goczety ws heMl. Tii.day mv u an sd for m soue Tson flot essly exPbimd- ed iattend suce vus mot V"!7large, , Th& O irectqri dld.' theïr best 10 malte a good spsrg lWr amudte fée! as if theit eflons ver. mot appro"u&d the sarne mon"y vere put lnoospedal prises at Our fuil exhibtion if voold do oegeôb the beueftsvoold be beter, . prseliiau Hayes; draugliasImIlse,3 yeas oi; ssg stallon, sbovn la haruemus z ýAlex Stewart. j@ Bentley ; Road stullion, shown n arme., MeKenzie, aWin Taylo; -tboro'-bed sealor- ilWinWard, 28 Graham ; umdiutbohm=e gednior mares, aah in uio& lai, Renne; pa»agricuonhusioises, gldlqsoeà mrmaM ara6us, xB Fetgaum,2. A Tý.rw draugbt brood mawe. ln fi ù or fouI là %ber aide it and 2 McGregor Brcs;Agcura rI mare, in foal oi féal by ber aie,iaJW*<I E Smih; cartiage brood mare, in !C:e~ ber aide, sr T Barrett,-2 W Ward, lg.wbr inhbarness,z5jhbands sud aider, zPi1 tm AdsoaW L Pantela, 3 NCu*o~ single duver In batueu, ovor« - H1odgson, 2 C Calacot4 3 G MoMitds.- buI art. z rL ButueSt ;Dra o,2 od, 'flssk, a Mm lHarper ; DibU&= alx yea oit, men consideret, x JWamao; (s u . ateer, i and a 1 LSsak; fatoew or bfur1:aàs_ 2 JLeauiî; zoibs bterlua2lb zrails,bMu Ward.a bMss N, Ch.nghçgsi= ~ sseumsi Ibo butter lu j lb rolJa ;Meefuïiau. > i G. X. -WxLt;usow baramy, isus le 1p@ut ý0q, Cet flib,4 moi. "7108 &" 10W- tn tasigdo.i-twàr WKee o tn1 aeiri00 W E C M b u er M wovsu s,w ltM o as thoy are good mgis IM MMMIAH Hou8e-cleaning time 18 here. We have a larger and better assorted stock of window shades this season than we have ever showrn before, from qq5c. Up. We use the best hand painted opaque shade cloth, with Hartshorn's spring rofler. Also a fine vauiety of çornice poies. Ask ta set out latest style of window screens, to fit any window, at 30c. each. Oui baby carrnages are ail of the Iatest de- signs. G;ve us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. We are takîng speciai pains to combine elegance with economy in price and general utility. Oui stock is complete in House Furnishings. We invite buvers ta corne and see us. It will save money. Leading Undertaker,- IL j. JOHENSON, BROOK ST., WHITB'Y. Eistabliishod 1849. Whitby Steam MarbI6 and Glanite Works1 Dundas St., WHITBY.LJJ Chas. H. Smith,9 t Formeriy Woifenden Warks.)In- porter and Diealer ilu MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of the latest material and designs. Al kînda of Cemetery work. Our waîk guaranteed. *eAýSEIÇD FOiR DusiGNS AND PRîCE. To gel gel rid ef lis stock of goods. Inluthe absence of oui pastar îthe services of Thai's wîy (bey are alvays busy. lIaI1ait Sabbaîl vene ably couiiuctcd by Mr. W. S. shovs tle people knav wbeîe the Irwîn. bbc congregatiins'werc large sud ibe BARGAINS are. Ou servcesvwereenjoyed by afl. SEt ]da Personal. --Mi. Cyrus Crozier bis gone ta B a u d y 5 .i Listoweliiwhere - inenspersuing the oko ire sel] New Dress Gooda 27-in. Tweed Effects 7C., reg 12%sc. 40-in. Mohairs Checks 25c., reg. 40C. 44-un. Lusters Soc, reg 7Sc. 44-in. Luster & cecekasoc, reg 75. 44 lfl. Fancv Soc, reg 75C. -in. Black do. 25c reg 40c. 40 1in. Serge 2ne, reg 30C. 44-in. Black Brocades 35ci-eg 50c. 44-un. Biack Serges 25C, reg 35C. 4C.an. Black Henniettas, silk finish, 55c, reg -oc. Bllack sud Fancy Crepons sud Pongees, 12J cia. S PECI AL 1 Ladies' Blouse Waists 25c, reg 65 cia. Real Bnussels Crpet at 45c, reg 75 cia. Feut Hats fan men and boys from 25c up. Stiaws ion men, womnen and children. jNEW OEPARTMENT I Ladaes' brîmmed I-ats firn $i.oo up. Sec tlenu. Ladies' bnîmmed Walkang Hais mi 30c. GROCEBIES BOOMING- ON SATUR DAY Eddy's matches 8 cts s box. N. P. Soap, betti- than lvory Bari-,iac, reg 25c Sunlight So; Morsels 4c. Race 4c. Sage 4c. Fine Rausans ~5c. Case Currants Sc. Salmissss I. Caned Coin 7c, Tematees 8. 4 lbsý' Waslhsng Soda c- Fruit Vlnegai s2.5t XXX White Wine W5, reg so cts. SPEClAL-Seedless Raisins.5c, ireg zoo Raspbcry Juin Sc, reg joc ; Letuen Pet 12ÎC ; fine Ceylon Tecaa'2sc, 0ig4I good green or ,blackx,, z,1_rjr 5 breakfast Cofle o,-e30t k BUTTER AND) > Dowit forgea gdffl 8M e ayv A~I a uaacksmî,u. Wvs e visa nmeVery success. Mis Elford, of Enuiskilcun, ilata preseut visitiig vatb Mr. John Jackson. bbc sick-We -tic er" ta lesmt at Mr. Redman la coufined La bis bouse oviug toaa neceni aîîsck of inflammation. Wc are plcased to report Liait Mis. Peîîet, who bas been coufin- cd to ber bcd for se rny wceks, is able ta b. up once more. bbc peacefuii waters af Lake Scugog vere mamrcd on île Sabbmîb by the piesence of a steamer havîng logs an tov. Xit vouîd ho s great demi more becoming ta tme men thus engaged and to tbeir employer îo cause labora to cesse ou the Loi-d's day. Buried alive. Wbiie voîkiug lu the ficlds last veek Mr. Jas Stones buîîcd bis dog alive an s wocdcluck bale. 1It seems the animail ad dug bis way inta thc den and irbile busily cngagcd in s mniniug enter- prise was ploved under ground. Four days ai ter subteraucan vais. vere Icard from tbat localîty sud the poor animai vas soon extricated. Hie seeme teinibiy voru.ý KINSALEC. Oui- pedagogue sperat Sabbadi under tle par- ental roof. Miss Anmie Rodd spena Sabbats, midi frients ai Enfili. % 1 Mr. Geo. Ayers has enaiieiy tecoeret <tout bi tecent illnes. Mrs. S. M4ackeylai cflitebootsquite unvuil but at pieset île ta quiiesieacse Miss IMiaule Stephenson l ilif aufferlag (roma rbcueatism. We tust aIe mgy soon recover. R«v Dore e iookag brit gh iibs emaS&of hoa. -p80 W =bc ae f .w 1Xo àervlce vs bthe eeon sb bohl let qv- 11111quatr=Isevie t Gréecoo. splab I t I~ 'y YOit For the andl istookof WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 - -e ... ",4ý ' ueauties 1

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