Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1896, p. 2

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'lu" W.'. Wrd. Almost a Iiopeless Case, A Terrible Cough. Ne Rest Nith nor Day. Given Up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED BY TAXING AYER'PECTORAL *Several years ago, I caught a severe cold attended wtt a terrible cougb that allowe( nie ne rest, elther day or night. The dec tors, after working over me to the best o their abillty, pronounced xny case hopeles, and said they eculd do no more for met A friend, iearnting of my trouble, sent m( a bottie ef Ayers Cherry Pectoral, wlth1 began te take, and very sooti 1 was greatl) relleved. By the Urne 1 had used the wholi bottle. I wag completely cured. I have nevei bad mucb of a cough sînce that time. and1 frmiy believe that Aver's Cherry Pectora, saved my life. "-W. EL. WARD , 8 Quimb» Ave., LowelI, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral NIGNEfiT AWARDS AT WORLD'S FAIR. d4er>a PUis the Besî PGISUV physio. OORRESPONDENOE Pickerinag. Mre Seldon, of Whiîbyl is hiere tl: week With her son, George. Mi"s May, of Oshawa, is the guest Misa Alberta Palmer, ef Charch Street. Mr Bell, of Brooklij, lbas tiaken po session cf the Squires farru on the l ehore. Robert Craig, et Brooklu, formerlyc Bondai., paid ns a frî.udly cail ci Tuesday. Mise Whitney la spending tbe Easb helidays with ber mother and etbe Osha*a triendo. W J Gordor, bas gene etteneively i the raising et pigeons, and W-11l instîtub abhen nory dunug the present season. D W Kennedy bas reuted tb. nont hait et J R Winter*s bouse on ELizabeti Street, sud took possession et the sami on Friday Lh. goed. Patrick Grady bas vacated Lb. Pos place, uorth of Audley, and moved ti this village, locatiug in M'rs Kinelleyi houa. on Cburcb street. IL la with pleasure we state that G 1 Maver is semewhat imnpreved in bealti Hle is now able te rest well, an4 friendi are sanguine as te bis speody recovery. Mies Alegra Crenk bas been appoint..d teachier et Quaker Hill ochool. f812 enterod upou lher duties tii week. We wisb Mise Cronk every succoso lu Lbe teacbing profession. A A Post wbo livos on the Kingston road osut of bore bas decideit te vfcate thie ueighborboed and seek bis fortune in Buffalo. Mr Post bas lived iu Pickering alI bis lite, aud tii. removal wlll canoe hlm many sorrowfnl Lhenght.s. Mr Post bas bean erganist lu the RBC chnrcb bore fer many yeans. We trust that b. and is tain partuier may prespor lu thbe neu, home tbey bave selected for thoinselvos Mn o te .chagrin et al tbe reai douta et Liverpool Market, with the ex- ception et porbape tb. postinaster him. self, tbe pont office has besu remoeod frein. that place, and those who are for- tunate eoougb te have tnionds at--a dis tance with wberu Lhey wish te correspond will have te use Pickering or Dunharton offices bereatter. W. hear that au offert will ho made te bave an office ai Fair- port. W. siuoerely sympathize witb the suembers et the Cronkite fsniily wbe have been led to believe that a huge fortune, composed, ef many millions, wus soon ta b. divided betiween seme twenty- olx persous. This mouey was ouppoosit to have beon accumulateit by eue Jasper Cronkhite' years age lun-'Rollandt. 8ir Richard Harcourt, et Lh. Provincial Gev- erumont, bas been informed officially -thai the. wiol, affair is s buge heax, sud wsu originated by soen specnlative news- paper riporter, in order te cause nome excitemeut. Tbe ropresentatives ber. wisb te returu the many congratulations tbey bave received during thbe pastifew weoke. Aftier a number of week'o illneas Caap- or Stotta pamod p.acefully away bn Tl'rrday morniýig. just as the town bell was soundiug tii' hour for woçk te cern- moes. Long h4 the. deceaseit reopnt! e d ta liii! eaU ta duty, but oi tut par- ticular moraing hauns tbecaza.war of tihis mouotony au > lok its deparWur ta the great beyond. Mr 8t4tbs Was ýWftfov tday of 80 Vartold,ýu4_i~ "le'av" a wido and egrow a ba -e , resideuti o! Plikerlng toiv -' - biWot u east O i 5 msd &Wo- tat 1m asboeu~ctvan rdwk1r tii. Easte't i Xias Melutyre of !Terouto, Visited her Mies Edith Mîcheil, of Stouffvileo wus visiting with ber brother, Jno Miebeli. j J Bel, ot ti i ilgif you will re- memnber hait a severe attack of pneumoni.a batween Ive and tht'.,montba ago sud bas bien cenfineit to tiie houa. ever since, Eli Nigbswander, head itriller for P B Hoover & Bons, bas beon laid up witb la grippe for the last few daya and et writ ing thbe oit isiander baos s- pretty good bold et hiru, yet wo are in bepes thai a few dayolike Sanday will send old grippe to hie summnor quarters sas is absence is good Compauny. ât r bis le on ýer er Lw th st L Il CLNNrNGTOW îers ing iave am tty the nse et.e ado ýng. the. rTai gh gly lost M5. hat lot igs on ea on The intenier et the Queen's hotel is be re-papered and repainted. Mnr. W. Tremeer. ef Port Penny. and Mn. John Twohey. of this town, have the work in hand. .. . Mn. W. J. Cowan left ou Tuesday for England, taking with hlmn thirty-six herses. He was accom- panied by Mn. John Thompson. They will sail ou Saturday from Boston by the steamer Ohio.-.. . The clerks are making another effort te secure early closing of the stores during the sum- mer months. The pub!ic cari very matenially assist the clerks iii ibis movement by doing their shopping be- fore 7 o'clock each evening. .. . A pub- lic meeting was heid lu the counicil chamber on Tuesday evening at eight o'clock,, to get a feeling of the ratepay- ens et Cànnington as te the proposed poor hWouse that some of tbe county councilors wish te have built in this county. On motion Dr. Gillespie was appoiuted chairman, and Mr. A. C. Campbell secretany. The chairman ex- plained the objeet of the meeting, and then iutroduced Reeve Hoyle, who gave a very full accouit of the different peour houses et the province ef Ontario, the prooable cest of erecting a suitable building in this county, and the main- tenance et the same, and the argu- mients put forth by the different courity counicihors lu favor et a peor house. Cost of building about $23,- ooo, and yearly maintenance theneafter about $6,oeo. Mr. W. G. Smnith, Couns. May, Lavery, Robinson, Messrs H. Wilson and R. A. Sunclair ea'ch ad- dressed the meeting. The feeling et the meeting was against a bouse et lu- dustry, with the exception et a few. The followiug nesolution was intreduc- eoi and carried :-- -Moved by Mr. J. T. V.ý May, secouded by Mn. Hugh Wil- s4n, that, after heaning the explanation of tbe reeve on the county bouse et ne- ftuke, we desire that the wboie question be neferred te the forthcoming district division et the county for county coun- cilions for tuier discussion." On me- tion the meeting adjeurned.--Gleanej.t EIGRLAUD CREEK An interxnediate football team will b. orgamized on Saturday evening. Peter Sheridan, while handling a smail quantity' of powder too near the fire, a spark flew froin the stove set- ting it off, badly dis#iguring bis face. Dr. Drummaud waz called in and the. face soon resembled its natural ap- pearance. Walter Thompeon, of this town, waa àpitched out of a wagon at the. corner of Main street and tii. King- ston îoad lut. on Thureday afternoon, striking the pavement with is head. A crowd gathered rapidly around the. manl who 14Y uconscious On the ground. Among thein were thie cor-1 ner druggist, and the undertaker of1 LIi. York. wlio had witnessed tii. catastrophe from the drugstore win- dow aid haatened to gwve what aid tii.y ccouI& Prom the way tThat Thompso# ý lay they- came to the con- clusion th"îhs ueôk *as broken and acyarose -,that ho -wssdei& Or poultry nn,'ho *as travnfhng- with ,iopK% , pbed, dowu freinthe. wagon. and rolled , i oothe ,tuane. maeê, bo>wing thât lxwa Wood bees are the rage in this vicinity. Mr. MeGlIasson has moved into, Mr. Eliot'a bouse and 'Intends going into the milk business. Fo urteenth Annua Mee ting" -OF TE SAREHO9LDERs OP THE WES8TERN BANK 0F CA NA DA, OSHAWA, ONT., HELD AT THÉ HEAD OFFICE 0F THE BANK S0n WEDNESDAy the 8th of APRIL, 1896.1 T HEFOLOWIN SHRRIRLDES 'ER£EPRESENT :-Joi OWAN, PATERSON, ESQ, C W SCOTr, EsQ., JOHN McLAuLl1, E&Q.. R 8 H-4mLiNx, E-4Q.. T-HomÂs CONANT, Esq., RICRARD FOSTER, Esq, ROBERT McINTOSH, M. D., and DANiEL LicK, Esq. The Presidont, Mr. John Cowan, eccupied the chair, and Mr T àl McMihlan aoted as Secretary te Lb. meeting. IRJFO 1 ,r. The Directera beg te subrit the Fourteeutb Annual Report for the yoar ond- irug 29tb February, 1896, The earnings et the Bank have been un exceuof e tho provieus year. The net profits et Lb. year have amountei toL 39 699.19, being at the rate et about 10 5,8 per cent. upon the average paid Up capital, which, added te the bal- ance of $6,995.10, at credit et Profit and Lous, carried forward frein the previeus year, arnounts to S46,626-52. Frein this suru two half-yearîy dividendsofet3j per cent. each bave been paid, and an addition ef $5,000 made Le the Reat. whicn now stands at $-105.000, or about twenty-eight per cent. ef the paid up capital et Lb. Bank, leavîng $15,418.52, wbich bas beeu carried forward te Profit and Lou Acceunt. No serieus boases bave eccured duning the year. The Agencies ef the Bank, when luat inspected, were feund in a satisfa.ctory condition. JOHN COWAN, President.' Oshawa, April 8th, 2896. St'atement of Assets and Li*abi*lu'étes o!f(lhe Western Bank 0/f C..anada, on (lie 201hl day of February, 1896. Statement of Profite for thé Yee.r ending 29th Feb. 1896. $6,995 1e 39,699 10 $46.694 29 $375,626 26 105,000 00 220,455 00 1,248.250 77 19_5 21 24-.54 98 13,140 45 15.4I8 52 $2,002,24J 19 To pay Divldend No. 26 ......... To psy Dividend No 27 ..... Carnied te Reserve Accoun .. Balance at Crediî ef Profit and Loss Account............ ASSETS. Speciee................ Legals ............... Notes sud Cheques et other Banks Due trom other Banks ia Canada .6Banks in Foreig:ndY).u:i Quebec Goverumeut Bonds.. Municipal Debentures.......... Deposit with Dominion Goveru- nient to Sec-tre circulation.. Iu'erest accrued* on above to date Assets readily available ......... BiLs discounted cuni-ent ......... Past Due Bis ............... Real Estate ................. Office Sales and Furniture. Balanhe ai Credit ef profit and Loos Accemînt ou the 28th et February, j885 ............... Net Profits et the year.... .... Capital Account.............. Reserve ..................... Notes in Circulation........... Depouits with Interest ......... Due otiher %an"- in Canade. Due to agents in London, E.g.... Divideud No. 27................ %t Credit of Profit -wd Loss Aoc.. $13.135 32 13.14,D 45 5.000 00 15,418 52 $46,694 29 $25,057 64 23,234 g5 15.()28 18 290,817 68 7,057 72 25.250 03 53-238 47 319-594 29 17,()94 82 343 52 777,6 16 6o 1,179 857 74 23 927 30 13-975 0 -2,02,4 15 __________T. H. McMILLAN, Cashier. Mevcd by Lb. Prosident, sud seconded by tb. Vice-PresidenL. thbax the repent as read ho adopLed, prnued sud circulated ameongst Lthe Sbsneheldors.-.Cariod Mn. MeLaugbliu, seconded by Mn. Feston, moved : That the thanksofettbe Sharebolders are due sud are heroby tendored Le tbe Preoideut, Vice-Pregident, and DirectoronshebBank ton Lb. mauner lu wbicb they bave couducted Lb. affaira eofLthe Bank dnuriug the. past year. -Carried. Mr. Paterson, secondeit by Mnr. Cenaut, moved :-That the thauksof etb Shareholders b. grivon Le the Cashien sud othen officens et Lb. Bank for their at- tention te Lb. interesteof et i.Bauk.-Carried. Mr. Cenant. socouded by Mn. Hamîtu, moved :-Tbat this meeting do now pnoceed te eleet by ballott veyo Dinectora te fi the place ef tises. retiinig, sud that Mespno C W Scott sud John McLaughlin b. acrutineeno for said election, sud that the 1 Ilremain opeforton e heur tLereceivo the vetea et thse Sharoholdens, but ibat ,sbeuld five minutesn elapse at any turne witbout a voeo aviug been takon the poil ashahl ho decl.aned clooed, aud that the Scrutiueert, ho paid 84 each for thuli services. -Carnied. The Sonutineens reponted Lb. tollowing aeven gentlemen as having receivocl the unanimeosvoeofe the Shareholdeno, via : -John Cowan, Esq., R 8 Hamîlu, E,4q., W F Cowan, Eoq., Dr Mclntesh, W F Allen, Esq., T Paterson, Esq.. sud J A Gib- son, Esq., wbo weno duly elected Dinectens for the enauing year. A vote et thanco was thon t.eudensd Le th. Chairman for bis able conduct lu the Chair, sud the meet- ing Lbeu adjeurned. At a oubeequenx meeting et Lb. now Board, Jebn Cowan, Esq., was unanimoe- ]y electet Prt sident, and B 8 Hainlin, Eoq., Vice-Piesideut. m d gg m l ci E Bi 2a Ni dl D4 r h' OP *h !Jptergwove. Our esteezned neighbor, Mr. John Clarke, ia rapidly zoeprovung, and, we trust, will boon be able to attend to bis luties again. Tbe appearance of a few featbery îarbingars of Rpring gave U8 reason to hope the IlMonarch of the Nortb " had relazed hie grip upon ue; but w. are again reminded of the vicissitudes oui lest,.e is capable of produoing.t Mr. Timotby O'Leary, chief ranger of Algonquin Park, gave us a oall and @ponta laster in oui midst. Tim is a goode enial fellcw and an ever-welcome guest. t Uptergrove publie sohool report for !arch. Naines in order ci merit: 4th tau-James Clark., John McRinnon,t )ors Deetinga, Edward McDermott, < rueit MeKenzie, Jeremiah Doolan, May 4cKenzie, Michael GiIksleo*. gré!claie <G r.-Roderick Molaase, iort Kahoney, ft Pnily Barbour, John MéIsaaiq, Nellie là Iarke, Agnes MahonY', Wllie Baud, sula MecBngh, Bachiel McDonatd, Jenle ti EcKonzie, Joreitàiah Clark. rd - - - d. la -Gillespie, Mary Doolan, James ci rbur, Stella Hart, James Kiddleton. 01 id elag-Jms oos, Eth.l Bàrý,orr, i relle Hart, Daniel FIuèrette, Le. Mîd- leton, Lilian ea4, Duncan MéDo»a1d. 'ancis FUlnnory. Paut 2ad - WiUi 4elan, John Kenny, Bd. MogHugh, tank Kenpy, John P-lannery.o Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jarrett,. of Dl-, ta rmple, wa vtiPg friends hrcm e Miss Minaiie Fitchett "&a rex*iÏied Cme- after a ý few weks v isit with- iênds luNw±ake udAroa Havong finished theW,'examil -a the Triu1itr wedicak oliegeT[r no lesrs Gecý and «Arthie , Whi hoewe do#~ MISERABLE TRAUDB. SGnIe Dealers Substitute Cheap and Worthlesa Dyes. WHEN THE POPL!LAR DIAMONI) DYES ARE ASKED FOR. The great popularity of Dianýond Dyes bas result.ed in inany worthless imita- iou-adulterated and eheap materials -that are bought by some f merchonta at a very low price; and for the. purpose of extra large, profita; these dealerà urge heir custorners to buy- these weak snd worthleas imitations. The. substitution of common dye. for le wonder-working Diamond Dyes is ne ot the. grossest fraude uow being rorked on the. ladies of Canada. Beware- )f the déaser who tries to induce you to ake the. common dlysthat give him auge profita. Diamond I)yes are froin two to thre. imes as strong as auy of, the Mimitation [yu. Tii. beat mater"al that , cience au produc reoused in the. nuf ur I Diamond -[lyes, and yôu, get .your, t ioney's worth viien yon tbuy them. it o tihur& uinoê.lait 1.13, haviz n. » ~ ita i; Il T ý 1 _ ' a New oficers of tî-Oàma- Idiviuort: Balson; R8, W. PL. Courtice; -ARS, D Oke; FLJ orrow; tresa&, IS Gay; Con, A Qoborne; A 'Ccn, B Richards'; Chap., A S Gay ; L S, A Piokie ; OS, J Pasco ; organiat, E Rundie ; PWP, F Gay. Mrs. ira F. Pearce and Mesurs A. E. and Jatues Rundie were in Toronto asat week. Visitors: Miss Reid, of Toronto normal ; Mr. Ed. Hawkey, Torento, at Mrs. C. W. Osborne's. Mr. John Gibson, Town Line, bas Mr. Thos. Gale, builder and con- tractor, bas rnoved into Mr. Clark&'s hou se. Mn. S. G. Piekle goes on bis lake shore farm this spring. Jnteresting evening at Ehenezer league on the topic, "John Wesley." Short papers were guven on différent phases ef hie life by Mrs. Marvin, Miss Little.jobns, Messrs. Wesley Han- cock, W. R. Courtice, A. E. Rundle and R. E. Osborne. Mn. C. Worden occupied the chair. The Rev. Dr. 'Marvin cenducted very apprepriate Baster services ab Ebenezer. At tiight Miss Reid sang a solo, in keeping with the subject, very effectively. TAUNTON The neighbors turned lu te help Mn. T. Allen meve to Newtonville iast Fni- day. XVe are gorry to loe sscb good citizens from our rnidst. A number ef C. À. Lander's fniends gave bim a àurprise last Frida 'y evç'n- tng, by gathenrig at bis home witb well filled lunch baskets, taking pos- session in bis absence wbile at a neig-hbors, and contiuuing te do se un- tii the wee sma' heurs. He was tboroughly sunpnised and a good even- Mrs. Chas. Stone le visiting her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jno. A'Dain. Miss Rose Walter,3 is visitiug at Mn. Allen's, lu Newtouville. Miss Annie Landen apent a week at Bowmanvil le. Oun mail driver, Mn. Coleînan, has clone exeediîîgly well in ruaking bis trips te, this village througb the very bad neads, baving miased on.ly three trips. 1"«If Brie fa in ro. II~4 bust heaflh, aud han .4slept 'well, and ilata the top of bis con- dition ai bis depant- ure frein Greenland, .,~ N is ships wilI reach Newfenndland. But, take out Bric sud put lu a 5trongi or man-Bioru er Le Thorfin and the ships with just as MUA c4 ase will reach Labrador sud New England. " Emnerson was righit. The strenger a man is the tulier bis chest is, the sounder bis heart and brain and lungs are, the further ho- ecean, the higlier lie wiIl sal iniii is baîleen. and the deeper he will dive inte the intnicacies et bis business or profes- sion. A man's glery is his strength. The wonld bas smail use for weaklings, aud, it must be saîd. sickly people have littie use for thse wonld. But, siekness la geuerally an unnecessary cvili. t la aimeat a crime against nature te be ill- If you are 111 and teel repentant, auxieuâ te undo Lhe mis- chief, take Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. Don't be despondent becanse your grandfsther di-rd ef consumptiou or bronrhitis, or some otheT equally frightful throat or lung trouble. There ie ne ueed et hereditar cousumption. Purify yeu- blood with'« Golden Medical Discovery,", then take moire ef it te thorerrghly strengthen and buiid up your whole body tbrough the purity aud strength et your7 bod. There îs nothiniç miraculous about the "Discovery. " It us a compound et cura. tives akiUfltuirblended. It will cure.98_per cent. of ail cases et censumption if it re honestly used. Would you know yourself ? SexÇd 31 cre- cent stanips ce cover cost of customss sud mailing oizl,y, snd get Dr. Plere's Comme». Seuse Medical Aciviser. lu the reading of t" book of îoo8 pages lasa medîcal educa- tien. it ija complote famdly doctor book, .written in plain language -that everybody cmu understand, snd profuisely fllustrated. Address, Wow.t.r's DisPuNsÂay Murncsj A ReoearkabIe Cav.-XWJehoion, 3ftd, pot t.wen*20s i 01n ouutwg ortai c Diea0sut »ot otreew« emdies la fa 'ýet $bhatiusltu.d 4 t II 0 10VoihurasitwMl p the rmieotKruger.,of . Pww*iv..tâ LUnd"a Ilontreai. P. Q A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial I-ood's Proves Its Merit. The following letter 13 frn)m M7, .. c,î Claussé, architect ald sîrveyor, No. iî-ý Sitreet, Montreai. Canada: 11C. L Hlood & Co., 1,4'well, Ms. O'Gentlene:-I juive bect2i tiý iTo' SaraparIlla fr about six motls ani arn Lg!M ta siy tiat it lis (ln'-e m e a g rp t de-il u or ,< Lat May my weight was 152 pouwds, but slace HOOD'S Sarsapari lia CURES 1Imbma te take HOM,$ Sarsallla It bin.i creased te i6:. 1 tlnk Bgood's Sarsaparilla is a narvellous iedlche and arn very mucix peased w t t h W " J u m a C A S Koodia Pille cure liver Il1,c.Constipation, biousnes Jaundice, sick hendache, indigesuIoI. Toce FOR AU RrBE, oAp. 8 H ue'e u.I i m 1edawh e muc pleaa =O= KN0*BURGM "eU.SVI. U ',AA, 0idffl bmi 5WTou .EVM7rnctao cou labrouebt before the =1 ~St WilbtCyý- hàfflla C" -V à%tI~t i ie Y-orTw tyi Yer OuRLE AC~ A RETIRED F Lingered for Sixti te Occapy H Relief in 2l'I Surest Knowî Oounty of Wentf( tari.. To wit: 1, John Hughes i#ton, County oi Outarlo, a retired donc. 126 West-si delr:Thmat ~teen yearswitht Rhaum in snch I to sleep or inuf W"cit-hutsufféring prcrda boutle iresulithat I wrot thst I wae benefit c.OmInpetely cure dErm that bof ore tlWi oônsideredil iÉedicineto U o aumo alsase, as snr.int-cure yet kt And -I make t Svirtue oftheOa gtle4) 'B - 1 1 1 1 m a 1 1 :~TUraday therei "Oi, exvreu ffiueB " i tise shpe of fan old 1 wi* ifeatheru whieh h, j»i New Mexice and ha *elling froin place te tèaehed tibia northern ,offico atag lha. been are ùpwards of forty yiji, giviIig it quite a -earance. The curi, on" and May continu, long turne yet. Mr B F Kean has of the long ago. whci the top et a high roc Georgian Bay - A t w sheil frem the G;ulf î perfectly white wii.h of centunies, but st, The owner May have the way sumrnit wil the war path and ri May' have been left f, &t the time- (f th. whic.h Mr. Waliac- " Scenes of th e I>azt. trafic involving mu( couvey from the C Geergian Bay of Lak to b. faahioned loito nameuts, This shel] concb, but bad a pr- lhp and top of the c' siderably injured Iv DtserderlY house rai On Monday nWh- on the nutakirts of ti by Constables (;eî Black, and the kee two frequenters br, Magistrate Lafferty Ray, the proprietres costs, May Murray, mates, also con tri each te the town misguided youths w~ vere reprimand.. North Pole near Ori Frorn the Parry Muskoka reports littie snew la on t acuth, commencinga tif ni' liasalmost Iu tiie OrifUla distric be required te kili ti froit. A traveller, hlm to ail parts c:f that tho tenaciîy dingo te the surrcîu conundrum hîmocilf te solve Orillia s sable, the travelle] thoseofettowns nor where the boards h weeka paut. D.horulug cattie. On callîug at Ti last week we took g- ining their new dehi seeing it work, aise homoe taken offN Ameng tbemn were t ions brute that goreý summer lu Medontî ineasure teix inches are very heavy. miade in St Louis, eue. Dehorning ca in this section oet net be in the futurc males'Oe that thev handle or run at lai the. beast's looks. ter, and it wili do tirely, with- that ter As usual Bt tbis turne et year tain and others are hustling around otett their summer wood in shape. I L juet got don@ with mine se, that 1 ready for a job. As this village is pre well cleaned, eut ot young mon by, tinie fariners get their full force ef ha] on in the spring. I tbink I will net be far away ibis season se that I cari n any littie happenings. , I hoe by tihe next writing the rex will be in better condition for travellii although I muet say the pathmast, around, ns bave kept as rnuch on 1 centres as possible but bave had seve narrow escapes from accidents aithoti w. got off with a few herses wit 'h n1 wound,. I trust the concil will foUI up the wire fonce suggestions. A. we are put ou tbe hoad et the 1 for looking after oui neighbers buisine I have been wondering ai ast week w! isit besoin.of et oepkins as 1 had E een hlm ou dnty as n>'uah. but justi aa was about toeoncloe these few gleanin E learned that ho bad only been able, acceunt ot la grippa to, attend to a fi cals asat week, When h. dreve eut in nufled condition, but ho ie roported luty tuis week. Il LIABILITIES. 1 1

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