Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1896, p. 1

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VOL. xxxxe ry, sjj. dt prjce8 V'ot are fer. NVA. oroMM LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. EROORLIN. Mr. A. MNilis is quiet shck with bilions Lace curtains, gaod assortnent, close pnices, aI Holliday Bras, Mliss Davey, from near Wbutby, bas been viçutung at Mr. D. Holhaday's. Mr. F.d. J. Holliday is home train Tor- onto. having completed lhe first year of bis Medical course. The members of Mn. A. Lawrence's fani- ils' have 3ust recavered froi a general at- tack of measies. Mrs. J. E. Kuight bas been very sick fon nearly tv-o weeks. We are glad 10 kunow that she is nov saine better. birs. Wm. Manning bas returned from Toronto, where sh. has spent most of the winter with memibers of her farnily. jMr. T. J. Colton bas engaged Mn. Frank Luke, of Columbus, ta assist hlm lu bis liutcbering business for lise summer. The executive cotumillee of the Whitby Sabliatb Scbool Association is called ta meet lu the mietisodist chrîrch bere, next IMîîuday at 2 p.um. Nir. Wm Pillock, who bhas been aI home bere througi tise winter. i lefI on Tuesday moi ning foîr Br Fali-,, wbere he wil work in one of the sav mitîs again Ibis suin- - mer. Mr. Thos. Carnplin lias purchased a fifty g w acre farrnl on the ?nd con of Reach, about Hous-cl ig tm 8hr.dispose of his property, here and oent %\et have a larger and better assorted Stock Hon. John IDryden was taken suddenly of window shades this season than we 'il] on Satiirday nî 1ght, andl the do)ctor bad to have ever shown before, from 45C. u1P, be hurriedlv c-alled. He was sufficiently re- We use the be-it hand painted opaque covered to- return Iobits Toronto office an -drade cloth, with Hartharn's spring Wednesday morning. rouler. Mrs. Kendal, of Utica aceompanied by Also a fine variety of carnice poles. ber husband, stop pçd with bier sister, Mrs. '\-lr t0 see our Iatest style of windo-w 1). W. MacdlonaldJ last Friday, on ber way sereenis, ta fit any window, a! 30c. each. borne from Toronto where she has been for .ir baby carniages are aIl of th. latest de ',ome tiîme in thse hospital. Mrs. Kendall ýjgns. las lbeçn îroi.,bled with a tuberculous knee uigs acl hfr urhtngesihr. r soffie rime and had to have the limb amn- ('ceus ca] hfor ps rcasig esewere putated She ]eft for ber home on Satur- \Ve are taktiiig special pains t0 comnibine elegance wîth econorny in prîce ai id iîe-nwla on wyvr ieyii geneal ti]ty.spring and becau-se of the graduai thaw s ir stock ta complete in House Furnishings. there has been litile or no fiooding of cellars We invite buvers ta corne and sec us. u)y other damage. The fine weather of Ibis It wîll Save motney. week is putting us ai] in thse notion for gar- Leadng Unerta.er,-5deni nd t he farmers are anxious t0 gel Leadng U dertaàer .;arte witlî their work on the land. If thse prusent favorable conditions continue sorne E. X ~îl1bc at it bv the end of the week. - There is a verv bad peice of roadway on BROCK ST., \VHITBY. tbc -th con..Opposite the resîdence of Nîr. Jarnr..Pollock, where there hapve been a - nuniber of narrow escapes fr-om accidents EstabIished 1849. durin g the lasî two weeks. On Saturdav mnoriîing la>t. Mr. Alfred Fislier was thrown front hi- wagon a, this point, and would have been seriousl-y hurt had be not been fortunate enough ta light where the ground jý hibota :ft. S:rely h avahesbudlo 1 after such danger s ots as this and have W. A. H. Maibl andBusiness Direotory. GUY & CO., grain buyera BEÂLL, S. - lssuer af Marriage Licensms. Granite WAks~ Residence opposite Town Hall,.liroakilu. W A MCNEELY, D V S.-Oraduate af the On- taria Veter:nafl' College, Toronto; flonorary D un d s Stmeuber of the Ontiario Medicai Society. Dunda St.,Treate a&1 'i8eares of tise dtnesticated animais liv the mueot approved metbod. Ae partiilar attention to surgical ope.-atiausr 'Y su.! identistry I)ay or nigist calls promuptly W H. I._ _. aite,-nîed to. Office and ressîdence 1< rook1il, ____ ______ (u--ro Chas. HR. Smith, (Formerly \Wolfenden Work-s )]m- porter and Dta er in MARBI 1 AND GRANITE MONUMENTSEtc.,o the latest material and det igns. A kinds of Cemelery work. Our work guaranteed- e--'SEND FOR DFSîcNS ANDi PRICF. Hôtter and Better Goes the Battie HATI' AT NLW SPRING GOODS AT HAYWARDS --cheaper thanl ever, uotwilhstand- -ng the advance ia prices. New Dress Goods- New PintS......... Sheetings ........... Shirtings------------.. S Tweeds-------------.. Cottonades----------.. Ti ckings, etc., ecc.... New Bats and Caps very cheap. NEW DEPARIMENT 1 Ladies' Trimmed ilats, the very lateet styles, flewest de- signe, fro m a largo city bause. This enables ns ta oealineacgoode atîcee prices than evar socu in Whitby. OPEN ON~.-*-- SatUrdayp Mar. 21Sty '96-. $2036 -worth of Groceries at 37 cts. on the Dolla. Ves, they go quicis. No wondet. See so me of thse pricea :-z3 lb. baX t??-p 8c, Surprise5 Ssi»âght3,maorse'e Mttied 5t. 'eashiag sda4 lb- 5c, Rice.4c, TapioS c. Cgood cokiaSg RasinIs 30. ptlected =%-new Cinusa.ýl omte ë ebest 6c, ted mas toc çauisd amuoos8cT *Men ODiiXI8k) 15c, wofth 25eC- 5Cr4. wnt- ;3 vans 5oc;C1yfW, . ,fl Cvi i40 worti o cy, spLi# Ail 'eroceu'ippai «,ae à*4 6 Speewlo p*tCo. 1>P"tl~s~P<B% o 3 Ibs. Calilornia Peachas for.. 2 pkgs. Self Risiug Flour for.. (Grahsam, Pancake or Tes Biscuits) 2 canuS best Salmon for............ 2 cans Fiuinan Haddie fbe... 3 boxes scaled Hennxngs for.. 3 cans- Coin, Peas, Beaus or To- matoes ........................... 6 Ibs. Rîce for ................... _s ibs. Pearl Tapioca fon ........ 7 Ibs. Barle>' for ................. 4 pkgs. Peerless Washitig Com- pound for........................ j 5 bars _"BesI," Eclipse," 'lvory" "Mottled" or 'Surprise" Soap for 4 lhs. CGinger Nuts for............ i ulb s. Rolled Osîs for.......... i2 lbs. -Gold Dusi" Corn Meal for 8 lbs. Flake Barhey for.......... 3 pkgs. Carna Starcli for............ N. B.-These Fries are for Spot CASE Oui>'. 9iýNo fliaount. Holliday Bros. 25C 25C 25C 25C 25C 25C 25C 25C 25C 2,5c 25C 25C 25C 25C SOUO. Snow disappeaÈng, birds singtng. Mr llarry Lawsou of Brghton, is visîting ai Mn Plougbman's. Mr Percy Williamns i conined Io the bouse witis inflamnmation. Things we would like to know . Wbat is tise matter wih George Goose for Indian chief. Mr Albert Stevens s suffering from a severe aitack of qusnsy. He la under the cane t Dr. Clernens. Mr. Wesley Irwin @petit lat vecisai his*hore la Glandine. On Sunday last ha preached in the the. Indian churcb as a sùpply for Rev. Wliit hock. M r Harvey Plum was rnarricd on Tucsday to Miss Turner ai Prince Albert. We wîsh them great bappines sad a prosperous joîâriey t.hrough hitîe. Rumor reports a -scrap "tecently an one of out Island homes. Thse gume was îaîeresting ansd clubs were insmp. That may be ail right la Port Perry. but we do flot waxst to bear af any mnore on Scugog. ne man who holds the posiÀtion of chie! la aur Iadian band ta Likely ta lose ih on a,-count af bis disspated habits. The office is vort> sorne- thing, and he oughîta obehave bîrnself iu justice ta his f arnly and foiosicra Owiug t0 the siate of the roads the proposed S of T sugar social for Wednesday eveng was indefinitely potpoased, and therefore Mesr Brooks and Beweilidd flot come. We undler- stand, bowever, that a very pleasant time was spent amoug the memberd enjoyirsg hot bias and hot maple sugar. ku 1 TamW:. 1 SWyeth's Extract of Malt, the tgreat appetizer and 1lood purifier. 35 cents per bottie. Miller's Tonie Iron Pilla t-irich the blood; incrense tihe a14)etite. Call and get ;samiple FREE. Our Own Sarsaparfilla {barge $1l bottle for.')Oe. SA. H. A LUN, u 11F )l ,T), WII ITIY. Seolsarted an Monday suter a 1:11 vweeks holidays - Mlr. W. C. Heard was iu the ciiy au business ou saturday ves-It. Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Speuce speut a fev days of la-st week vîsîxîug Inends in Torouto. Mr j Bround, ai Shirley, bas moved an tise farrn iatcly occupied by Mr Wm Smith. Waad bees seem ta be tise go at preseul.A number ai very succeasstul oues have beeu beld already. Miss Clte Munro and Mr, R. S. Parks vere in Peteiboro vistng frîends during thse Laster bahidays. Mrs. Coley,,of Siadoc, bas returned ta our midist agaîn. We are phea-sed ta sce ber sa mach improved in healtis, Miss Frankie Spence af Peterb->ro, sud Miss Nellie Spence, os Tarouto, spent s ev days ai the vacation wîtb their parents ber.. Mr Wm Pearson had the mîsforue t10 ala and break hîs left armn las: week. We are pleas- ed ta say that the arm is doîng as vell as couid b. expected. Quite a numben cof the boys went down ta Pari Perry on Saturday we.zk sud hsd their piciur-s îak'-n. We hear tisat :hev 'buiited" the glass. and the lateat l isa:tishe price -busted" theni. Ou accounit of failing healtb Miss Jennie Dickson vas uriable ta resumnelier duueB at scisoal thîs terni. Mn Gea Ewers, Jr., ba-s kindly conseuted ta take iser place for a trne utilshe s velI agaiu. The Rev. Mn. Kenner. a iPnce Albert, occupied the pulpît aIt the methodist church on Suudav morniug las: iu tise absence of Mr. Wilmott, who was officiatsug ai ithe anaiversary services lu Prince Albert. Mr. W. C. Heard ha thinkiug o! givlag up batel keeping. We uudeuetand that a geutleman frout Toronto iateads takiug tih. place if Mr. Heard leaves. Mr. Heard keepa a ga--d respect- able bouse aud ve voul Se pleascd ta sec hlm stîîy here. Mr jas Holtby bas sold bis farut ta Mus JosSua Daon. Tise sale of [atm stock, impie- meats, etc, vili Se iseid ou _jst insi. la a short trne Mt Hoîtby vill leave 10 seek bis fortune lu Britishi Colusmiaa. FMia fand al> Dotnago at the Messrs Wm Dickýou sud Wm Morton le!: !ait veek for Montana, Mr Gea Lyle leaves this veek for tise Rainby Rivet district ta offietate for the Hou John Dryden aitishe new experi- mental faris. W. vish the boys muets prosper- i:y la their future far-awa>' homes. Mr ]as Baird'has enhisted as su auctioncer. He sud Mn Levi Fqirbaaks, Whiîisy, are gaiag snueksansd a goad pair tise>' viiimalte tco. AIready veae that tise> are billo' for a numsber of sales. Mn Baird vill malte a good, ma* for the business, and vils aur Iiend bMt Fairbanks as a compauuotil ey wiii Se a dandy team. P. C. GRA. GEZENEANE. Misa Anie Ferins has beeu viatiug ai Or- flI1.UKA.LN. 15 UI Tise sent. BAINTFIELD roads are almost impassable ai pre- Our teachen, Mn. Jna. Chrisie, speat bisI easter bolidays ln Toronto. Mr. Wrr.. McKay lias, moved la the brick bouse formerî>' occupied Sy Geu. O'Leary. Mn. Samuel Haird, general merchant, bas beensli Toronto getîiag a uew stock, o! spring goods. Mr. Wellingtoni E. Moore vue unabie ta gel home asat Fnida>' niht. on account of tbe deep vater in tise marais. Mis Englins, wbo lbas Seen visting vitis Ser sisier, Mrs. Majyou, for samnetilme bas - returnel ta ber bomne in Toronto. W. Sud a ver>' iuterestiiug debate Frida>' uigisi under the captainsislp*o! Mesura. Wrn.- Raine andsir eo. Asling, the Ëuj»ect vas, "Whicb o tise makop$ult st,-a orse a cow," Tise cov pro*ed 5 6e thisuout' usefql., Nezt Fridu> ' the adobate vii lie on' inarace -, *'l it a lelp ora hiadrasce te- tbe ceuntry ?p Mr W M Real speat Easier vus bhis relative ia Scugag. Th. snaovSas disappeared ver>'rspidly Ibe lasI fris laYa. Tise rosds ver. so bad on Sunda> tisai - tise Rev M r Camer a uied tw reae I bs appoint-- ment tinte.Î The atidauce aitithe presby«eniai&S=day scfiool Sas Scen 80 large bl ibit a lma eu faun ccssa>'ta aiderInMr i ts&'. - Oving t *e stai. of ibe-roada tIs*e-aiuent- of tise ILSds 8nppean v Iii noie .ditst u Wlck uunîli Sqnay, May'3, y -Serv ica$uP"$s. pytertas chuteS lieea vW be bddell n i da>' au tbff nau imse.. M -gaft tu y"Ut$ voâie uptised toIâmm w wri~3 mail fuis -*aékitOak ý *alIOb5hto issiu$sg7~ - bek O uusîy. joua atone Kuueî mcuonmmu. 0.DIur Third-Natbaù <irr. George Love, Donald lanson. tala Oliver, joseph Fboenix. George BurnA. nle Dustv. Etta Saliez, John Love. Ahhca Love. maunirThird-Geoige Titi, Hat tic Cragg,. John McMOIUan,' WesleY Real, Ethel Miller, Edh Phair, Nellie Michie. TOWN lai«. A ev of thse farmeus are ploughlag on sod and uplands Mn Bais. sr., has bren laid up witb lagslppe, but isable ta Se around agaia. Mr. Ltivi Mackey Ici i on Monday for thse Western Staes-Minnesota beiog bis iniendeti destination. (jet your flsh retisud spears ready for use. afl y. that are fond of the sport, for the. suckcrs are talking of woming up soon. Mosi if tise farinera bave secur.d dîcir summer help. yetipltv of men are "oking for places, while- a épdly numben have gos. 10 the North- west sud other distant places. If an>s «ngregotiaa of ius site eau show a bei- ter choir tissu Alrnand's ve would 1k ta meei tiem. lb. ntbem îthoy gave us on Sunday vas good emougi for the Sest ta isten to. We con- gratulai. aur young organisi most beartily, as weUl as thes itgers, On Frlday of Lai week men vere seca shovel- ing ot thîe road from Jna. Davey's to the schaoh bouse, sa tisai icarn could kget througb. The traclc. neâit tii.h fece., tisai had been used, gaI too far dowa ln thse ditch and the banks acros the road were from thre. ta four leet deep, and this ou thse tentii o! April. Haw does that ap- pear in, yoss? Rathier cool w. sbauld say, but it 1ouoks Dais as tbotsgh the snow wauld be ail gone by the firsi of May." RichardJ Mallory o! ibis place, habeen appointed 2aiifi afUte First Division Court of thse Urited Connties of Northumberland and Dugsarn, in place of Henry Metcalf. re- signed. ý Col. bSon Hughes, P M Clarke, Lient. Bristov, of A Battery, Kingston, aud Capt. P J Rave of Pickering, were ber. Ibis veek iuspectirsg tise armory o! No, 3 Ca., 4eti Battaian. There la a rurmat carrent tisai Mn T W Undervood, Ornoa. may probubly corne oui as a McCarthy candidate f'or the Commons. The ex-warden la a bustIer and bis admirera think h. would gel almnost a socid vote lu Cartwrighst aud cast sud nonth Clark., sud big support in Bovmauville and Newcastle. A petitian signed by leadhag business men af the tovu for a delegation to Se sent ta Ottava witis Rer D C McDowell toa sk f'or a grant for the Bowrnuville and Burketou raiîway vas not eniertained b> tise council. The cîizens are tisus Surked in their efforts ta secure Setter railvav facilities by-a suant of harmony in tise counciL. The neis bicycle by-law prorides tisai dur- ing june, Jul>' and August blsyclists muaI keep off the sidewalk frout 7 a. m. te, ion p. m. sud at no other tinse on King St. beiveca Scugag and tLiberty dnring thes. bonis, noir ride ai any trne aver five miles an Saur. A vhistle or beillsud a lanip for uaght use must be prorided,, No bicycle is allowed on. the sidevalki oseStinday.-Staesmfafl. PORT pz y. ArGbie Evets h visitiug frends ln Ibis locality. Mr RotRoss, a! Liudsay, vas lu tava on Mosrgan Carey retured îa Ttnity collee, Port Hope, yesterday. J#.mes Barket Sas returued froin bis vinter quartersais Castle Deeker. Wm Armstrong, of Colliugvaod, is bem on a vs: ta frienda la iown. john, son o! Rev j Fletchser, left for Britishs Columbia a lew days ago. Mr C C Wood o! Toronto, vas limeenausu!- nS a sat Saturday. Murs Drur>' of Brockvtlle, is home ViSitiug heu mother. Mrs J Moshure. Miss R Moabure veut ta Toronto lma Satur- day ta ta-k. a position ln a vbolesalo ane. à fi Wallis bas got things in rnnnug ader ugain ln bis taiorng d.pautment, sud ha ready for businecs. Fisbing bas Sean quite a businessfotoihaskW !ew veeka. AU goud thiakgs bave a n ding, and the14th Apnsl pat an end tw "i nundl jnnm ith. An excellent programme laS eing pr.pured for a special purpase ai neut meeting cd tise Sous 49 Tcsnperanoe nexi Wedunay evenisg. jua G Hardill bas secnied tise sgmeto!tise Singer scwing macim eAs -john kwova every- body', aud eerybody 'kuovs John, b. ohte do weI1. Orrna Powell laver>'grateful to tibfien*d vise vere so kind ta bise sud bis faiu ist ing the illues ansd deati o! bis laie vile Tise v-«%r latise luk s hbigises "IbIssng tisa it bas Seen lor y7RM fflpartsh ie SCUgo bride Seingunuder vater. Street Commlesiloce enmugist and hi$ sem bav tisa veci made a grass imuporemtn lutise gokof aiQuecu sireet in cleansag * -. Corporation aseda. A well-known mmnntovu ays Our Corpora- tion wan îs thes. Uiags and further sa7yse" town would be atoney ir pocket by mo dolng. Il articles are :-A - double wagon, ove boms cari, a waterlng cari, a good team of boiseswh oould b. kepi in a stable on thse îown ball grounds 10 be uscd for drawlng. the lire-englue and fur cor- poration purposes of ail ldnds. He says a ream ean b. go: for $zoo, watering cari Szoo, one borse cart $35, wagon $45, b. also sa"a be bau ignred the mnatter very ciosely and bandai would puy the town bo own îtç%e articies Aaother~ matter that sbould b. doue vcry soov, and tiat is, to bafld a tank soutb of thse Englisb churcis and large enougb îo-keep our fire engin. running for three bonis. This tank would do for thai part of the town called thse centre, soutis and north, Whtskey and Scngog Indiaus. Last week the Scugog cor. o! tise CHRONICLE bad smre bard words an Chief Jabastan beIug so drqnk on Port Perry fite-vater. lb. bes plan voulil b. îo g.: a new Indian supetiaieud- ent, tise present lncnmbent of thea office, W Baternan, as afraid îo do bis dn:y Frequenth>' I have called -bis attention to ihe faci of sw many Indians Seing scen drunk an aur sireeta. Mr Baiman taises bis bauds in bor ansd says. 1What eau I do? They von'l tell me ishere they get théit liquor. " Le aima gaya. 11I don't van:ta ogel aut vuth hosefellovs dovu tiser.." rncaning the botelmen or surneone in thos. localffics. Nilt l3temn is also a J P sud as superintendeni bas great paversansd eau order ai any uirne an Indian îo b. braugbt before him; - he doca not do i t; tise tact la,,he lsa araid to do bis du:y, Nathng mare or less, bite lots ai athber people, be ls-dfzatd of otber people or visai tbey may say. Dô your dut, W Bateman sud tiss.men you are afraid of wlll respect you. sud what la mare, viii Se afraid of you. It la a dis- grace ta sec mo mauy indiaus 'dnrnk on our sireets. A gros mlmarrlage of! uatce. A reu u uendiat ou fire es veek aprov stic i.tinclend sar id 1 vustght. Quit. a 1e oftatie adheyknovnl asvritlngsria rî "iel., mey ad bave gven 1me wItnforan a rce l u tii ave gvc e tashw nfaaoratin. 1 prigeous nt ticle sh oue iau augrses- îaTerpofjstov as tbi ngie jice ud uae- temisig iboe sncodrls vh ojdsiandere sncbn ade scoubntrelstisai ail tbey c re o u tise anu dvliseynatulreceve frnt ie nsarfo as th oMeis.told rciat mon e ansuraga a cmanvis va1aarbe nli aisova ecupyluego a mane sso has abarxcbe n t bi ong ccalei tbe fieW pin baex.ellent buisdstoc for the Miud bokS o insitanc.bTis shockisore the lia a ame lu.on So sonc.ld o ny haebah fisg inaruae. Rey no: luaebaei ed' CH) isrngsdid hno as efl s ouD. baveltke Thnsdise cri o ags: ne r led is mmn idt ndthssbop. Taogoowartdo ip iimsfel bisrsay . Tanevta ucoaoldi bSf.csia beselL h. fleed shasueos wplo>. Tis oan udme e id $to wta anlyth- tr man. Wud. gbaes lu tis ltierant par tition itise e ock aaao esineen issa steopalts potofincte bnd~okro el tae i asa tne ragaic vitS cou resd ina"edte r a otied isols. Sa cl -a ndsful, eottihe rtis Ird par how m o ncis ude lus contrai tbSe oftqrud 1h pariyc uattnehaunact tht- oWledag. Ht p 82d5unO tch ashcud- tie xvion'He euhe aind-,.!sucesu* thois-. onngIL-tion temp.nHre ha aun insane, tisiif Oà e- drelly intentons Sud Sean carricil oui ve siscut bave lied a big conflagraton andl tvo, if not tbree flue blocs desiroyed. I mv tise place wbcre the hales vere dng oui. and bave since bren patcised ap. Everyrthing vas la goou] sisape wo give tise lite a draft, sud for thse patry sain of $wo nsurunm ,that man vould have caused tise destruction oa!$20.000 to $3.00 Watho! valuable prapentyr. Thinga voeieget tiag too vanu for ibis ma snd ie Sud ta gei aut sud oui y .acap.d Seing arreted. Tise one Who knev jhcnld bars spoken auou hea Sebasked dova froin ionchingtiemthatserc.-A ailer ase su -ncIheatch so tahasMy&va su ceas uhandreronvey1 ams r a ,mas Isu asL- buess a -poinneni bloek. amm M aw u i bbusiness ainuacrois udeu bok.Neta pru lb. busins seeseed to -improve, Sbut ised stock vas getting lmvand pncspecalokisgine. stock vas talcen, sud fond. isoit vas reportc4 tisai lipSillis ver. as mach or more tissautae onide o ofmm=% Tise ,purises to . S hiend (1 9 i het ibis pa~ervas Sou abe *t-ehole transaction su & accent o!' a>' vro.gltisi bis capital vas0 paelcaninsérauce mail t. hfus oves au aboreve ii tW ock 1vas v«*-tTieWibk sale dmenvaw préesg forpaanudai .en, tisagabai pone q» àpfflibat abM hi badt6l>adoesi-ÀdieqPch. neMeada, othie cunt ent1xrith ie aumreteen oeu deslga -laa taup!aMI ; e rmu où ai "11*1l ciwoe:8nm it of tha fitICor ud lait U1 buidin tots at lbTey .bld, beniei" UM -' =y, tie>' veref diis fe>' vai*èrmoit t theaâl aint e' bloc oqWMi1& ave $SeeQtitl AmI s - t Wiskii î:u~U e i y e- or bl ie NO. 0 8ndlary lires, wben sncb t.refaoed cases as 1 port Pom muâEmmDsi G. B. WMIýUuso wt«are, neat to now fain to&ofmtlliso> sd oede Sps it.uo à sml!owe> otéo coi bluq MnrIjosephs eI~ 3dcou Reac.ýb, Vl U soon eae for BrittisCutbù Isviibaves al of bis stock sudcelattels Tueda>', Aprîllai bo#Iu us etabishesla- Cisicen auIr in tise stori vest of Courice su d Jfoy i Cbinarnan is soseeviat ai a cuanos r, to se sfiiallba&fld&ls. eisaVer>'civlCub sea s sysh. intends to do <col lUUOn>' i wSpnu g £air -mè mStTà y ipiti. The direptoms atiuag fltvtlý ove to auIeïïi a-,«mOW4sA. s boue rde I saiuiooisg-forvil thai lia tieài"UIpl vo ou Our mail camrer vas uat able ta go through with the niîul on Fniday ast, owing Iotahei state ai the roads. The Centre road had been opeued, but on farther ii had flot been attended Ia. Rumor has it that one pathmaster instead of opening the rrsad when it was needed veut ta the reeve ta ask if h. should do sa. lie reeve is said tu have told him moxta do so as long as a term could gzo tbrough. What kind of manage- ment is thîs ? We did not undermiand that a pathmaster had to run and consuit thse reeve every tîme the raads needed sbovellhng, neither did we understand that the reeve could keep aur roads and -mails hlcked. Owing ta the laIte road aur Illand roads are ofien neglected during the wînter, and ît made ît flecessary ta open themn thîs sprtug. INÂNCESTZR. Counicil met an Mnlay. The suow îs going fast. WHITBY, ONTAIR109 FRLDAY, APRIL. 17,96 U'ITY'" (o ivet :iids H 1(IlG ipa.red fni a e BLE. -a bout r YLES stylish )le and MAIN fhey ds of 1 the SU old, thes two 1 bave mentioned are alkov.4 to PMu and noblng, donc? Som Marsy'tbluk- viai I bave wrt ltà 15 eeit. I bave, prWofifo every statement I bave madd, sud If these two or three mu (?) concernedl woald Mek.to ha"e the marter go furtber tise proof la ready. 1 a -no prophet, but 1IQfeel in maylng tisai th"y would not bave their liberty very long, Inu-us. face o! sucb damaging utateanmq wiil or to*n council and citizens not ibte stepa and proeet- furtber inoeadiary ires ? Boyma it be dom, ? 1Soe diat every suspicious ire is tbcroughly ta- vestigated, neyer mmnd a hmv dollars or nmy idollars fur a good aud bouesi detecive, 1ta can': b. bougis: by frlendsbip, moneyadwbi k ey. Demandof the insurance coames uhs every risk ha proven to Se honestly insurecL j lb. troublespurdy wilh hnauranoe agets aud Icompanies* wbo will !usure iu a weoe'luytbing,. and everytblng. tak. the premfums, and ifs seam gets a higb insurauce and inl time gets lit> a h ole or cornetr, b. coucelves the liendlsis-desiga of burniag bis stock or buildlngu. If 'everY mnan only ba two-tblrds insuran on bis buildings and thrce quarters oèc bis stock or contents, w. sbould uo bave s$0 ma>' lncendlary ires, and the* houest lusurance on beaaf of thee lnsnred. sud an hanest ria placed by Insurauc compamies woulti res*i to the cols good. Tbey migbî not rece1ve M> much in premius, but on the otiser baud, vi"lai would b. more profita"letu, them---, eywPaid bave lesa fit. lasses to par. I taka issue with'au', insitanceSman whos Imet lasi wak whýo sudý if aman or firm baveastocko« $y=00or -$3000 he or hey can place au insistance of #300O $.5000 on that stock. Tisai t jusi viserWt evit finit cornes in. Wbèn a meau bas mach- si beavy insuraùce and h tumuread for nearl>' .vev doilar's vertS b. carrdes-lt la aomnlesalout.- ive to carry out an evii tisougbî 10 ire, or caMq to be fired. hie stock 10 sare iself. Sinor thé flrs of 1 ly of 1 ~our lovabas suffered te*> sererel> at tise bauds o!flfeudish isir-bnp. -'.tle known to-day for a positive faci ibat, tb isWg, conflagrati Ofo1884 W"lch a1" 10 s&'tise baumes portion of oui tav vws tise voek Of au, lncendiary, and vbisky vas ait the boftmof slit. I bave in my pousssiona 1lis Of 42 ires in ibat great ire, and kt vould srpisucrcisn to ieibat liai andnte ths es tisaibave isceu of suspicious oin. Wblhe I bavCe ezpomd iwo bati cases tbat bave been lta aur 1vt ov do ~>~ know from xeaffiag the dally,,papens o!.tise day- tbat thse ctiingsiare gorng on inu my towus and ciies of Our DOMinic. We bave- 19 ire englue, anti a noble lot- of ceeu Uflroweuç,- visor always woek 1ke Trojans, aMd doem dg- citizens wbo ably second tus. fireseen: a $5ewý labors, but viSea ire-bnp pi tlu 1 l*- band.kt does noi gir. tise firerna a ÎaÏ&hac plaoed ai ibis disadvunag.Ov m bas ««e goa cenilof tsedmta1a6 . eios los.. if the,- inca4Ws çjea> a sec the cviI voek o! lI-Sag.Os dseand paincom, fuam tsê Wua Those cisaactera have m e~ lOthe loe", bu: dsrlough wIsra*4.nh square themnelvea usnt tabawe ne, firlng. direci>' or là&m&etIy'tbe iy innocent and houesi ee.Ininocent amUr tovu bave be* lh büsed lotbavingiz tormi la tbaetbllmptmdw the tnMlu onts ai fIfvUs finnlba re bu sahdiea it hsigisue4l sri À ~ k ~ sud :5 test oilk tlw tonu Ii7ssftr titj' thase lire bug gentry tisai tise toé e..menubuaioes. Tx-r 1 illi-a-- lit

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