Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 8

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-when -looking for.... fi ci Pure Druge, fi ci Perfumery, tg" Toiet Requisities "4 Toilet Soape, di t Fanoy Goods, "9 "Spectacles, id Anything in the Am., Drug Line, 's Ryley'8 Drug Store, Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, APRIL 10, 1896 OSRAWilA PAGE BusiNEss NOTrIe.- Oshawa subscribcrs or advertisers may transaci any business With t.he CHRONICLE, or may obtaiti extra copies at any time, front E. E. Rogers. Fariers will do well to cail at M. E. Mday's l'or boys' ready muade clotbing. 1< wiU psy any parties contemplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to sec the large stock of Felt Bros., Oshawa as they wilm»11 this month very cbeap foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. onlv $%. Tbey are also making some spedial ofers ini Gents', Ladies' and Boys' ga!d and silver watchés. See tbem. Felt Bros. Mr. F. Ia>'ncs spent Gôood Friday in Toronto. Mr 1 lames, Columbus, mpcnt Good Fnday in town. Mr. Fred Bole of Toronto, spent Goad Fridav in town. Mr.M. Gould of Toronto. was la town during the bolidiays. Mr. W. A. M -Fadden of Toronto, was in town on Monday. M r. E. T. S1cmon is spending bis easser holî- days in Torouto. Mr. Geo. Harvey af BrockviUle, was in lown Good Friday. Mr. L. Harvey, of Toronto, was i 0wn E-aster Sunday. Mr. Hl. Sanderson of Whitby, spcn: Good Fniday in town. * Mr. Harry McMîlIan of Parkdale, spent hiý easter holbdays in town. *Mr. Bernhani af Western Bank spent the hqlîdays in Port Perry. Mr. Il. Cobuin oflToronto, visted his father, D)r. Caburn, during tbc holîdays. Miss Mamnie Bantford, of Rochester, is visiîing her mother for a couple of monihs. Mr. Tbompson, ai Gananoque, was ini ova visitrng friends during the holidays. Mqiss 4 Thomupson of Whitby, is spending a few days wîîh ber sister. Mis. L. Evely. Mr. D. Spidal af the Oshawa Raalway C>., spens Sunnay and Monday in Brockville. eiîss B. Pallard of Myrtie. spent ber bolidays in town withbher parents. Mi. and Mis. Pallard Mr. T B Moîhersili has purchascd the hou.se and ground,3 belonging to the Ray estate for i 6oo. Mrs McNorton, of Peterboro>. who bas been visiting ber sister. Mus John Hobbs, re;urned borne Monday night. Miss Brnmaombe. of Bowmanville, who bas been visiting ber surit Mrs. Brimnacombe tor the pas& four weeks, retuined bomne on Tuesday afteriiont. 'Died-At 68 Reynolds st. Rochester, N Y, 'March 315t- 1896. Stanley N Edg4ngton, yonng- est son of Mr and Mirs, j M Welch foîmerly ai Oshawa, age 9 years and 28 days Mr and Mus. Charles Phillips. Mr. and Mis. Wismeie, Grimsby ; Mr. and Mus. Hedge and Mis., Fiankie and Hazel Taylor, af Toronto, cubators with a capacîty ai 400 eýgg are rua- inîng ,0 supp4y -the deoeand for patentobickm. John] Lenion, reccntly of shawoa, hàs cbazgc Of the poutyy deparfunot. A quiet vsdding ocuued ou tiie Wedn.mday, 18ih iasL, wlien Mi. J. 'Nov York eaysd MiaC. Fau«»ecc ter ofý]-L-J. àItwae ý&dIiOtIa snocy.41' e ce'oaev <o" plias la xidvSeOf ,Mur- Fair. ra ey Pthr J elhsi.onIyiniswm e frled - ile belng an fic, and lic as rikbt. There vas natbîng ta do but ta, stand sud mec tbis flue cdu- cational institution buin avay. Gouaci Dyer betbought bimselfin< get twa or three aldermen iogether and appoint smre men ta sect ai con.- stables snd protect the saved contents, vhich s'eue sattered ail aveu the grounds, and vere being rua avay witb ln ail directionsC The bal- ance af Uic crovd looked on until ibe>' ver. tired out and vent haone soruy. Rev A B DemilI bas veuked day and nught sice 187o te malté tie college vbat il vas. A quarter of a centary &go it was bard îo interest people la the special education of girls, and anc vould Wonder hov thie vorthy Principal ever accomplislied as mucli, varking against so many obstructions. The loss vas bctween $25,ooo aud 130,o00, whule the insurance vas $aoaoo. The tovn put s_ç.ooo Inta mthe building (und in 1875. sud ve sîup- pose%vitl hi-e ta do s50 again or lose the institu- tion. as other tawns are biddiag for il, espcclalty Cobourg. visere Uic old Victoria collage building is idle. The Vindicaor says that thse sai ire engine onl>' began tûpIlay on dis building ai 8.5o, sud tisat if it bad licou on bard protaptly t<leue vould have licou no loss but a bale in the roof. If anybody vas puésent ta represeat tiie Via. lbe must bave seen that vlien the engin. did com- mence playlog it vas unable ta tbrow a steamn to the mniddle ofthile second iow cf Windows, <lie elevatio fea c ra roma the spot vhcre thé engine vsleae ,ihe cueek. . I is ail a niatter cf opinion, but to ou ani a fire brigade, aud uil its âppèratus is useless wlieue alet is di provided -for.-4ber uose. Sogunoneepapeuscati put out a flué wlth wliad-alter thé fiue la ave-, snd eau 01chJato fhisiful finenuen who lusd n<ý Possible eil eodolng0" y iug Fos vhst Lea î ber iicnel TusdaY;nIdght ve sboed judge tbat-botthflre sudîymu-csuuteead Mbs~Fl Conihardnu vsiiiing blon laLosi Mr-F A Gay, cf Woodutock, vs l in 10 à- Mr. John Mennagh spent lust wee a *tt Mis. Finkle and farnily ýmoved ta ýCbkagQ this iveek. Miss A Peale, af Toronto. là; vsting viih ber parents. Mir Andy Thomipsan vas in Bavuanville oVer Sunday. Mis J Guineti visited vith fiends ln Toronto las: week. 1 Mr. Hugb Clarke vas la Cobourg vîitng bis parents last veck. Miss Mand Miller, Toronto, is the guest ai Mus G Milleu. Miàs Grace Dingle. af Toronto, vas borne during tbe holidays. Born-In Oshawa, on April 7th, ta Mr and Mis F E Dangle, a daughter. Mus Squires, sud Miss frand Squires, of Tor- onto, sue bomne for a fev veeks. Lacrosse enthusiasis vil hold a meeting in tbe Que.'. hotel on Thnrsday evening. Miss Allie Woon, ai St Hilda's College, Tor- onto, was horne for the casier holidays. Mis and Mus Clarence French sud child, of Toronto, visited Mr C Frenchi dwing tihe ol days. Mus R H Hoblis vas called ta East Toronto on Saîaarday, ta attend the fanerai of ber lile grandsosî, Willic Laite. Mur. Thasios Rasîcubrooke. vho wus takren ta the general hospital, Tarante, four veeks ago to be ireaîed foi a broken kace cap, caused by the haise kicking biru. dled on Sundty. Ris us- mains were broug bte bis amser, Mus. H. Lane, And on WednesdY le vas interred lunithe Union cemletery. On Monday night Mr. and Mms Taylor. on tbe base lame. vere sittang at due vindow vatch- iaîg Uic huraing of DemilI College. Snddealy mbe felI off the chair aud vheu picked np s'as dead. She bsd a weik beani and the excite- ment proved toc niucb for ber, Vindicator: J. S. Murray is about ta mmti- tute law proceedings against the British Amnencan Insurance Ca. fr the amouni af the companys abare in the daniagemutained by flic oil Feb. 17th. Mr. Arnold, oftWhitby, vas sent bore ta adjust the lus ard corn- plained thîat Mi. Murray had neot stated tbat athers were interesîed in the stock or that thete vas a policy in the Lancashire. Be- cause a! tiiese omnissions the campany asked for titibe ta censider thc question. The Latncashire company oflered their share of the loss but at fluet Mr. Murray refnsed ta accept it claiming that ln case the British American did flot psy the Laucashire shonld psy the full ameutât of the loss. Upon ad. vice bowever Mr. Murray notiied the Lat. cashire people that be would accept thé amount they pffered and the settl menit vas promptly made. On April rat the British Amnerican campany nat:fied Mr. Marrpy that they would neot psy the dlaimn. Mu. Muruay dlaims this decision is particulaily unjust in view of the fact that the British American policy vas only concuruent with the Lanca hiie policy. There vas 5:00 in the British Arnerican on tools, 1 atterrns and !;ewing maRchines that was nlot mentioned inl the other policy. Tht amaunt aI their share ai the lnss is smre $2Sa but tbey vitheld psy- ment of any part of it. We undera:and it is Mu. Murray'm intention ta force payment. We are glad ta sec Mu. Misruay has-not lest courage, but is pushing his bnsiness witb iencwed vigar ait the aid stand. DemilI. college burned te the ground on Mon- lay nighî. There is said ta have been a hurn- ut in cone of the climncys duririg the aftiuno, ind the girls wba occupued uoarns near it siate bat there vas a strong smell ai flue fuain tha' ime until 7 o'clock. vben the alartn was given. 1 is even sîated thai smre girls iee s certain 1he place was afiresomnevhere tbat they packed Lheir :runks. The alarin duev s crowd af moire iban a thausaud people, fair avay as the place ,as tram residen&ia centres. Tbe thieving -le-ment vas there ahead af everyhody else. of course, and flew tram raom ta uoemn on the pro- tense of saving articles, but really packeting watches and other jevetry, brushes, orr.aments a-id otbeir smil valuables. The fic being con. ined to the roof fou mare than an haur, the bai ity cf thc committee bad no report, but applared mo have is plan perfect ta oppose the majouat>', several other membeus beiag primed and an top ta assist, visila a round robin vas brought an- froin a lot of members of the brigade oppoeing the appountruent of a gereral caretsker. It ap-- pemarstisahei members cf thse brigade are di- vided. sud that tise officeus kuew dtohing cf ithe round robin sent in. Besides "ibi i came ont duuing tise discussion tbat thse tova bas bec» acîified b>'tise fic urdeuvritenrs thde last lime that a nigistvatcbrn must be employed at once. The lova bas a gaod englue, but ever>'. îbing else conaected vltl itls protection appears ta be bigbly unsaiafactor>'. I vas stated by Cana. Headersca tbat man>' parts of the tova are totali>' unprotccted. S:111 the fournen who comprise the tovu cncl sat thon sund srastcd a visola sitting. sud thec is¶M rtajouîty appcaied determined thsi aoîising "voidlb bai- meued iato tlir beads teadlag to moud mat- tera. Ile ire a: Demnili college did nat eMI ibese thiaga to tise noticoficouacil. That bady lia lieea cognisant af ibis stae of affara for a veau', but lias net the saud ia it ta tacIetise question and tara everyîhing caver on a nov ba"a. The cornmiutee's report in favai éclaa efficient caietaker vas scouafuli>' rcfered back. becauso ht did not stars lu, a cent wbat the in- creased eutay wonld bç, sidiaugli evoay mcin. bieu Imcv h wonld lie about $ut6o, ,jeu the sinouat fer repairsa tscold lie s#A"d Au- otbew clause in tbe ecogiuee's uepotweom- mnoded te.exoliauge of two ai hiud tàinas, smrele I h ome rmis md fet cf .Id hase, fer a nov vagon vhlch vumiw uvxcttstc bs.The discusson on ibis as s1voyag sud came t o , ti b. clause b -'reod, hiack Thl sattrofcxh'd'theth e1er, butltin eu th rý !piete ire dopstast sboudld bu usîJothe t#4et oai bce l0s eté- U"au. «Ma'livthe rsui<iM rr.- *wek. M*- ABn*àb, of Millbrok, spent fliWoldaya -*itb.ber pareos; mis T J 1anss. of Tx=tô,luvik u ler nuother, Mus 1) Drcv. Ui G Mitchell. Taranto, l is e guest cf bis mmlier, Mis 1 Mitchell. Mass Ella Whitney, of Pickering, as visiîltng heu' motbei, Mis Whitney. I Mn D'Ârey Grierson spear tise lolidays with hlm father, Col Grieuspn. Mu Fred Scott, of Moninesi, spent the bolidays with bis brother, Mu G j Scott. Mu Stephea Jones. Toronto, vsited bis isiber, Mu C A Jones, duiing thse boiidays. Rev. J. S. Clarke proadied lu the Simcoe si, inethodist church an Sunda>' mornung. Mu and Mra A Muirhead, et Toronto, visii- ed Mr sud Mis G Butland last week The Odidfellows are goirig to bold s big dem- anstratian at the park an thse a4th ai May'. Mr Thotapson, of the Domainion bank, and s'ieé, vlslted with relatives jr Toronto lait veek Miss Lauïe Thomas, of Port Ferry. spcnt last week vi:b ber parents, Mi sud Mrsis ITioma%. Thse ougan recital and sacred concert given b>' Mur. O. Geiger aud tise chou ir oibe Simncoe itreet mothodisi church an Monda y evenig vas a grand success. The solos by Min FHop- kirk. Miss ý Hansen, Mass Thomas and Meuris. licNanghton ef Cobourg, and Mr. 1. DC. Keachîs of Tor'onto vere veU uencuered. The anthemu b>' the chair reflecied grat credit on thons. Misses. Hopkirk and Hansen and Messus Luke and Joblîn sang a very fine quai. elle. M.r. Geiger gave eigi solos on thc organ. Altogether tise programme vas one ai tbe firies', if net thse firiesi. ibat bias ever bec» given ta tava. aud bad il out been for the fic aa tise college Uic audience would bave bec» far larger tisa hlvas. 'lh. recelpts ver. about $6o, visicis gees ta ths chair fund for the purcisssang of uuÉc. Col. Grieron ham resigned the position of police magistrat. a! Oshsawa, aler holding il nearl>' tventy yeans, sud Mr. L. K. Mur- tan, bainisten. viilbe appainted bis succes- sou. Tise retiriug magistrate bas an honor aud satisfaction vo uchsafed ta fev mca. Deatis cuits most people off before they fiad tbat their vork le dune, but Mr. Grierson liards aveu bis commission at the age of 84. yet streng in bath mindi.and body. He bas puaven bimseli ta be a magistrate of noble qualities, lenient if anylhing, but just -and [air. His long experience in public matters as an ambitions and spirited citizen enitlcs talai ta a prominent place in tise history of the county. Mu. Murton brngs ta tic office aIl thse qualities necessary ta make an im- partial and able magistrale. We corugratu- laie hlmi upor i hl appointinen:, and mort* especiaily se as tise sct passed this session fixes thse salarieb of police magistrates iti -a owns ai $roo for cachis oa ofa a population. Division cout Haut & Rîddle vs. Mis- Grey. judguaent an a note by consent fou $=,17 and costs. C. A. -oame- for pIft., J. F. Grieuson for deit. Lukt lBras, vs. Wil'écn. Action for balance of account. %air. Guierson for tise pIf., det.ihapersan. judg -nent for PM.t for 015.8oansd costa. Jayues vs. Kmees. Sùt for wouk aud labai. C. A. Jones fou plf , J. F. Gnieuson foi deft. The pifi. Jaimed tisai deft. employed ham ta cut a rolicu mnd die fSr a pebbltmg machine in deits. tannery. Flac deferace set up vas that the nuatior was s j 3iat specilation vhich had nat bec» carried out. 1Judgmeni tai pif! f -r $6 Webster vs. Farron. Xctian an a note- fou $5o. dated is: Nov., r888 Uri. Murion foi' pIf. ,Mu. Guacuson for doit. 1 udgment for pIff. for $5o M ackie vs. Hayes. judgmeaî lai plff. tici Su 14 and costa. Aban- ianed as ta garniisee. Fowke vs Hayes. -%ction on a note undefeaded. Jmdgmem: for >lIff. fou $27 14. M. Murton fou pIff. Mallei ,s. Lawless. Clain for $69 for board, Mr. ýrieusou for piff.. Mi. T McGillivray for dcii [ho deicace set up vas van: ai jurisdlictlon hy reason a portion of the cdaim being for laquau sold in a tavera. The deft. wvus alloved 14 days ,o more foi prohibition. lau ing wbicb judgmen: fou the pIft. fou $4o sud costs. The doit. sub sequentijia îsenied as tojudgmenî foi this sumn. Fovke vs. Reed. Action on a rnseichants se .ýoasnt. Mi Murion for piff.. Mu. Gnierson fau teft. Judgneîut b>' canse-it for $50. We had the pleasureofai atending a meeting ,if thse towu coincil an Tuesday uighî, and can- The Rot Sun1 has probably burnt out your CURTAINS. You will flîîd it out when you attempt to,. wash thein. 'Ie Haye Splendid. Values1, House-cleaning will soon' commence. Perhaps you require a new Carpet. Yard wide Union Carpets 25 ots. Yard wide Union Carpets 40 ets. Better ones at 50 cta. and 60 ots. Ail vool extra Supers at 85 cts Pretty new patterns in Tapestry at 50 cts., 6Q ets. and 65 ct&. Try the "Arcade" when you need Household stuif. o o"A, MIL, iERS'y cPEL.LOW IIS and see hie Wrought Steel E?,A1J TGES -AT- Ida KIWI, C Erovse l~ odu <.Mu raato .lsueek. 11 ,ý ý Mr las Hayon, fornuerly in Mem& Robson & Sons tatiiiery. visite frlends la town lam wSelr Mr BJennings of the Western bank Feue. Lsng, vs ite bis parents i own daa'ag thb hob. days.1 Miss Hopkirk, leaves <bis week for Ottawa, and other places. She will bc gare smre turne and vill be very much i mised in musical circies. The Oriole base bail club vas organlzed las: week wben the follo0winR afficers were elecied : Hon. Presidents. Hon. John Dryden and Wrn. Smitb. M P; president. E S Edmonson ; vice- president, H E, Morpby; secretary. J A Thanip son; treasurer. L G Cassels; manager, RT Kiikpatick; captain, W French. They expeci ia play a match with a Toronto team n nue n4th Ai May. Mr. E S Edmonsan statcd bis intention 4S ta a baseball diamond in Prospect Park. lfie Ka-no.ta's gave their last performance on Wedoiesday nigbt Duuing the :hree weeks tbey veie here they drew a crawded bouse every night. Mus.1. Schmlit. af Oharlston, Micb., -vas awaided the prize for the prettlest varnan, ind Mr. Frank Mallett for the bomelicst mon litie Miss Murray for the best reciter, and Mis. Collins ai Wbîtby agaia won the prize foi saw- ig ber piece of wood the qtuckest. Mr. F. 'Vilroy wan the box ai cigars for being tbe quick a~st in tbe vhcelbarrow race. - :000:- Osbawa BusIness Dfreotor7. SL. VICKSRY. ba.rber. Biseco. street. BROOKS' LIVERY, imoS Street, north. nt. EOLPH, harnea maker, Simca. Street. r. B. MOTHEBSILL., butcher. King St,, West. Ds. PATTElESON, Dentisti aie ove: Rowse'o *store. k. J. STÂv=Rz-Dominion pianos a.nd organe, Simca. street. tC. WwisêAw, Veterlaary Surgeon and Dentit, King street veut, Oshawa, Ont. WiLimAu J. Dznes, Dominion and Ontario Land Surveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, 0mb- 3oxmancu.,L HrraL-J. C. Woon, proprieter. Modern bostelry. n3eat and comolrtablY equl pp.d. ).M. Toi) -Osterer for Balla, kssemnbliees, Wed. dinige, Suppers, etc., etc. Aima ail kinda af CISEÀWA llooxsroau-Pult line af *books, etationery and fancy gooda. B. B. Rogers, Simoeo.street. Jos. HosiLD»s - Whitby-Oshawa stage lin. .Leaves Oshawa at 8 a mn and 2 p mu, and Whltby at 10 a in and 4 p mu. Joa«pz[CRAia, manufacturer af fine carniages, carts, wagonasm.nd ail kinds af cutters and sleigha. Repaintng a specialtïy. Toast BRBWXA, painter and decorator. Dealer ta wall papers, ceiling decurataoui, paints, ail, varnîshines, brushes, wtnaow shades, etc. lAMEs PxLI.w. dealer in stoves. furnaces, tin- vare, etc. Large stock kept oonstantly On band. Jabbing a specialtY. Sizncae Street naniîh. K. MUCRTOe4, B. A. - Rarieter, Solicitor, Natary Publie, Canveyancer, &c. Moiaey te land. Office over Dominion Bank, bimcoe Street, Oshawa. ghen comtemplatlng puttiq on Life Ins;urance, see W D Boixu, ai The Umitýd Sta tes hLife. Their policies are the moat attractive. Largest guarantees. Lj. E. MAir.-L saler in Oracerles, Fancv China, Crockery, Ttnware, a.nd Fanicy Goo<is. Pure Teas and Coff ees. Boys' ready made suitsaa Speclalty-very cheap. 1UC'rxas SÂLE-The subseriber wilI ho in Oeh aw., at the Central Rotel, Ïridmey ai each week f rom one 10 8 o'olook p.nI., ta make si- angements wl th parties wlshimg to have sales. L FÂneANeas auctiomeer F'. LéAmBEaT & tieN-The lea.dmg tailaring snd gants' iurnlshing hanse af Oshawa. Splendid assortruent ai tweeds, warsteds, trawserings, shirts, collars, etc, always kepi in stoci. B'ELT Bas - Watchmakers and Jewelers. Dealers in vatches. olacke. jewelery, silver- vare, spectacles, etc. Bngravtng, gold and silver plating. and aid gold rings muade aver. Fine watch, cdock, and jewelery repairing a Speciaaty. eivgx»o.w & Hàavants - Importera and dealen in farinera', manniacturere' and housefurniah- ing supplies. Manuis.cturers ai tinws.re. Eay.e Also hie GOAL OIL and GAS STOVEIS -FR CM- $5.50 to $25-000 U-ranzd Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and other Special Service for the Canadiaa Northwest To accommodate settlers going te the Canadian Nortbvest this Sprlng, stla isi- tended, commencing Traesday, Mar. 3rd, mind ever>' Tueda>' iheucafteu during Marcis LKd April, ta inn Specal Trains, Ieaving roronto st 9 p.m.. enablung settlers ta travel vush their stock and bonseisold effects, tiser.- by ensuring quick time, ueacbing destina- tion at the smre ime as riselu propert>' and have gocd accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars vill b. run an <hoe trains, tise birtbs in vhicb vil1 be FREE. COLONisT SLEEPING CARS, 1Oi Pa!ise»- gers with ordinauy baggp-Ze, vill uun throngis ta Winnipeg ( uring Maucis and April. leav ing Toronto at 1220 p.m. every Tuesday. For full information caîl on or vuite ta W. P. STERICKER, ai Oshawa Railvay Ce's Office, Thomnas' block. R. C. Carter, Agt. Mar. 2oth, i896. OSHAWA. Fpurnituro... We have always a general and varied stock to select fronî-latest designs and finishes. Prices ight. Undcuta'cing dcpartment fully stock- ed, and embalming accoîding to latest methods. Picture framing promptly and salis- factorily donc. Luke Bro8, m O8hawa,1 1t la jour Sîtent ion ihat 1 wSIIt ar. rested, and I wanî 'ati10 Stsy in cuà;tody long enough to tell you that it ais not ..... ................. Forgry~ 1 contemplate, but merely %eling you a finer dlams of g0odt iow than ever before. I have arrived at thse....................... I can do this. I have a nice line of Wulches, Clockm, Jewelry, si, verware and Spectacles, ai puices Ihat wili surprise you. N'ou are wanted by ......... .. ........... Boyd the Je weler. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. O 8hawa Book Stre -EÂDQUARTU8 Welland H/OH ::GRADE -'Vale BtCYCLE8, "PERFECT,' 'GARDEN CITI:. -DOMINION." BEAUTIES 0F 1896. AIso One Good second.hahd Cornet for Sale. E. E. ROGERS. For Delicate Children, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSONOS Nutritive Wine This palatabl nd HIGIHLY NOURISHUNG Wine, prepared with Cod Liver 011,, seasily retained and digested by the most deicate. For WasingDisease, General Debiliy. lmpa:red Digestion L, Catafihal and Branchial Trouble and Loss af Muscular Tone. Of great Nutritive vaince ta Aduits and Childrea. b A marked inareaed in w ight la niceable afrer taking a few botulesof ibis Winc, which iepresenîs as equal qluanrity of Cod LUver 011. Ail druggists. Our Extra Stronq Pegged Boots. ..-~vLRCKBOTTOM, BASY FITTING, -Tse low price plaoed on tise -BOOTS sellz theni. All ponterni DUIiABLE. fluet-clame knacli-about ipalif ST f LES IVo compete succesafully against Toronto stores in the prices cf them» stylieli goods, See aur fine patent tipped ihoos. at 89c. It has a sole-leaw.her insole sud vhile light, viii veau volt. KTrun S and ValisesàaSp"alty.-jU On. Prioe-and Cash. BUJRNS -& CO., OSIIAWA, AT THE MAIN 4 CORNERS. We do repairing- at 10 per cent. less than ordinary prices. THE PRO VENDEI? MIL L8. Edmondson's Provoude Iis, Oshawa, are digav~ large trade. They Gri~>~~<h~'de and alI'kinds of Grain fluer th an-.any atone miiiU in the county is- doig or- can do.' Their CORN MILLS are doing 4plérndid , ork. W'A KýE[ý $ 50.00.1 Whîtby Steam MatbIe and Gfaflht6 woîks Du nda s st.) WH ITBY. -Chas. HL 5 (Formnerly WOlfendý Paoe and Denier i GRAITE MONUý the latest material kiads of Cemnetery -guarnateed. _»iPSEY-D FOR DESIGN- Hôtter and E Goes th4 NUW SPRING GOODS --cheaper than e -ing <the advan Xew New I - NewIF S Sheetit Ginzha Cotton Tickinl j Rts and. Ca IEW DEPARTI Ladies Ta very lateat1 aigne, 'thfr tisan ee OPE N ON--- Sat*rd.yOf lamevol"Il 'VOL.XX Wyeth's Extract the gret ap blood plur i 35 cents per Mmller's ToniIr enrach al.,- the app"'- a samp le -F- r Our Own Sarsai Large :--l 1",, A. H.,ALý C HEMI1ST, W\1, Houee-cleanilng ti -We bave a lauger and bette~ ofa window shades tbis have cycu shown befor We use the best banu shade clotb, wit' Ha relier. Aise a fine vautetv c Ask ta sce our laiest scroons, ta fit any wtndi Our baby carnages are ali signs. Give ns a callhefore piirch We au-e taktng specialj elegance watb ecoîaam- general utility- Our stock is complete ira Hi- We invite buyeus ta It vil1 save mon .ey. Leading Undertake E. je JOI BROOK ST., WHII Established 1849.

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