Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 7

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dy 16; J k rfuhe ýe«à ritby, Proprtetoi adsi t vith le prie. led at roaso ANCEý ýz Âcciden oronto. Innr&nce Ci ,er cent. o j eturned te, t/t r, paid withoi of death c OWELL, ,gent, Whitbl :3-C>S, t. Torout< lis L; am givin ki f rom a ail d-es in rubbe 1 silverl ini sB operatole à i n t/h. oit] let me ex"s iextra chargi th ea.st cone INER &L TH, INGLEW, R,DWOODij ABS, ETC EOPLE'I )NTO. ýSt East( 4. TIONER VIGOR and sis» poevu"t a. W. P.uaw"1tof Digby, N. 13., laya: - " A littie more t/han two years ao one otti of ver' Rai Viry lia ~ ~ ~ ~~t r a esoe t rigna colo mm cesed allngn. fAn Gterwth ufsHaif oEghteaf ago, I had t/ho rjo- ily was quite adnt,. Itriedn aoo vand o ~ear alinons ut.wîth ocaIsioa plicaoneha&neybald the ar igood I'beoniton et ne ~ o Ht hr ie e air - igtappar ,I and the le ow erv pra(l oset mcf a thik a rwth 4Mr:ly a Wuie ERaIblunda t, 1Nrew a vriet ons, raiosLa.wth A vr rI's Pi ub e r8te Hcy ald hriih hom Ae laSbCAeS AD 114oI ?n ashortTPEmIe, e)h (ïeanto per Tadtheeis n one h"ev lprspet of nds t in a llevîtin ,i l'air ahfo to thpres.dyth P hyItIEPit]erIRTed niwa uve s Pareinchuretk e&c&«. o ure ARIthSeCUeSSmeNDv Grethe question is oui n sluton. thateBrighte dcs ino devi atins * ing pysicagIlustrin.ad Fro the Lht in As have assedtne 1trtsWonder ngd te .Wtar iîtd biers on thes lot Concession, We ext/end to the tarnily our incere syoepathy in their trials,' A Photogwaph. (FOR THECROILE , Only a photorraph, old and dim, I found in the drawer to-day ; And memory turus to thoughtse fhitn Aîpd the years that have passed away. The pictured face veare the sane old smile His merx-y face alwavs vore - I pause in my household tasks awhile And think et old times once more. We always were chums and the best of friendal Through every kind of westher; With the innocent freedom childhood'lends For vo grew up together. He was an orphan, and so wus I, We roamed unchecked and free; And rwished ail sorrow could pass himl>y, For he wus the world te me. The yea!re passed, and the tisse at last Arrived whepx we two muet part; In a distant land hie lot vu asnt And I tbought I ehould 1r=a my heart. I watched the eh:pe tili it seemed a epeck, And my straiued eyee saw no more ; And he vas there on the crowded deck, And I vas alone on ehore. Thlen lettere came, he vsee adwefl, 4d winînboth an ad fase; Aud o~defi4Atoes 'bc aab4 te lw Butsonb ttn uh sb;;tet rer TIatud fwürb a ntê b ae b1*e Thtaýo=hdemktmi eers have beenshQoIhI road this*eék. Mr. Sa*dy, McHouil from Skintfield. Oiume ut i lias returned cures, *u»tch as mine, that have beu wroughi by the mse of Dre Wihiîazna Et. Williazsi'ý Pink Pilla ore sold only in boxes bea.ring the firm's twade mark and wrapper, (prin*ed in red-lik). Bot in mid thât 4Ir.- Williams' Pink Pilla are nover aold in bulk or by the. dozen or hundred, and any dealer vho offers sub- stulutes in t/his foriai is trying t/o defraud yon and ahould be avoided. The public are also cautioned against &Ui other so oalled blood builder, aud nerve tionics, put Up in similar foroe intendod t/o de- ceive. Tbey are ail imitations viiose makers hope to reap a peonniary advan- tage from the wonderful reputRatior schieved by Dr. Williams' Pink P:1ls. AeBk your dealer for tberm. Theise Pille are manutactured by thbe Dr Wiliam's Medieine Company brock- ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing thbe firrne trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxs foi .50. Tbey may ho bsa rom any dealer, or wiii be sent by mail on receipti of price. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be hs.d of &Il druggiste or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Comnpany fromn nither address. The price at whioh thbe pilla are sold make a course of treat- muent coinparatively iflexpenaive sas oomnpared with t/ber remedies or mediosi treattuent. The fire brigade cooomittee have de- cided to hold an entertajument in Aloi- andria bail in the. near future, and bave appointed Messrs Ros.ob, Westootti, SSitib, IH 8 Careron and A. W Ha.mil. ton, as a commaittee t/o pnsb it aloég. Tbe Ieap year party in Alexa.ndris hall on Tuesday evening Iast was a very pleasant affair, about thirty five couples being in attiondance. The ladies are to b. 0oonrtnlated on the suocessait issue of the affair. Mrs A Calder, of Bay street, has re- moved ont to ber fartu near the. Catubolic chureh. Mr. Fred King, jr., hae moved into Mms. Calders bhouae on Bay street, mnd Mre. Ja. <ameron bas moyed into the. bouse vacatAd by Mr. King. Beaver ton bas no vacant bouses for rentai. The. corpse of Mrs fluItton (neo M. Campbell) daughter of Lachland Camp- bell. of Tborah, wus interreti in the R. C. oeinetery here on Monday laat, arriong from LiwI'say on the noon train. T he deceaged lady was well and favorably known bore, and leaves a busband and family ofthuree small crildren, wbo mourn ber early demise.. Mrs. D. R. McPhee at time of writing i. lying dsnzerously ill and but slight hopes are etitertained of ber recovery. Mr. H. Rnach i. tbe delegate appoint- ed by the Young Chpcker lacrosse cluib to attend the ('_ L. A. meeting in St. Catherines on Fridt/v. Mr. A E. Campron i.s tpendirg the Easter holidays in Toronto. Mesgrs. Jno. Howard, Jno and W Scott, of Sutton. were in tovu last week attendine Mr. G. S. Wallis' anction sale. Mr. liector, Jewel, of MuRkoka, is vi-iting bis friendo on Tborah Island at present. Mr. G. Treleaven is visiting relatives in M-iriposa at present. Mr, Jas. Chalmers, of Georgenia, was in town on Mfonday Iast. fr .1J.1).Richie, et Toronnto, isnisitiing AN EX-DOM. POLICE OFFICER CARLETON CO. ON THE ?SITUATION. 0FI The Strongest Affadavit Ho Has Made ini HIe Wide Expenience et. Tventy Yere-ge Sgays He Nover Empeted tic do se sud le Glad t/ho Heur Hau Stimok. Connty of Carleton. To-vit: 1. Thomias Moffat/t of the. City et Ot- tava, in t/be Connty et Carleton, do solemnly declare that I live at 176 Mur ray etreet, in the. oit/y cf Ottawa, thst I amn forty six years of mgo aud a baker by tirade anddvwu formorly of t/be Dominion plice. For over t/wenty years I have ben badly affliet/ed vituh rbenmatiam Bo severe val my case cat I thought that I vonld nover get botter. On t/he firet day of May, 1895, I bean takiug IlRyckmnan'a Koot.nay Cure." I use three boulieesud il ouiéd me eompletely. I have nol foît t/he firat aigu cf rheuma- tiem ince. It/in a great ,t/oi. snd a grand Blood Purifier. I grined, ivolve poundu lu weightVhile Uing hrUmmedy* I recommend it meet hicg ll. And I make t/hies solemu dolamaton coneoient/lously believmgil te Se tru., and knewing iA is of t/he saie forces -.id: effeot as if mi be aadhy virtu, of thle Oatia 1 EI4anes 1 .ý (Baignod) TgOÂS QPA Take ad akio b. l r.ûs-t. t/h& ity o,9m fftO Carleton, tus th daiy 1ë-'et F iý (Signedy 3Os7PHR.EIL ND Juatie oe- the, P.a.o for:t/he Qouty~ ____ _ 46 Xo"dled each Extra thick baIl and heeL soid "~tIw Pm p .' Rubb di Eatic, St/yliab, Durable, ~IWA 44j Tbky Waril11k.. Miss Jessie Pogne returned from a month's visit with friends in Chtnbray and Lindsay on Friday last. Mir. L Jackson of Cambray is visiting at Mr. Wm. Pogue's. Mr. and Mrs. Ham are spending their easter holidays in Toronto and other points west.1 Mr. Wesley Irwin spent castor Sun- day in Toronto visiting bis brother, who is attending the university. What's the matter with the boxing school ? Ras it got Ilknocked out." Miss M. Bougard, our popular teacb- or at the Head, spent ber holidays in the city. Miss Sarah Ploughman has returnied trorn the east, vhere she bas been spending the winter with friends in Campbellford and Brighton. Easter services were held on this cir- cuit last Sunday. Our pastoi took for his text Matthew 28: 9 and me, ,Qpon which ho based an earnest addres, set. ting forth our privileges as christians of communion with the risen Savilwr. just as Christ mot the disciples in the body so ho is willing to meet us in the spirit. and atter such a m eeting vo should go forth, as they, to do Hie bidding. Last week the Indian village was dis- graced by its ehiof coming homo in a state of complote intoxication. In the first place uic ought to be thoroughly ashamed of himsoif, made as ho is by the go%,ernment, the leader of bis peo- ple, te give them such an' example. In tho second place tho men in Port Perrv, whetber hotel meni or not, who supply Indians with liquor. ought to ho sent down for at least two years, until t.hey learn how to conduct themselves in a civilized land. A tborough invos- tigdition will have to be made and the Indians found drunk in the future wil, I hope. be compelled to tell where mhey geL the liquor or go to jail, chiot or flot chief, for as long as we can put them there. The following officers have been elected fn Scugog Grove division of S. O. T. : W P. Jno Platten; W A. Maggie Mair; R S. Maria Plattent A R S, Wesley lrwin: F S. Geo McHoull; treas.. Jno Hope- chaplain, S E Fra- lick; con, Jno Ploughrnan; ass. con., Hiram Wannamaker, O S. F Gerow: P W P, John H Maliett. On Wed- nesday evening they wiii hold a sugar social in the town hall. Messrs Brooks of Toronto and Beweillof Whitby, both well known in temperanhe circles. will ho present to entertain in their usual happy inanner. Admission i 5c., chîld. ren toc. Corne one, corne ail. 1a merous Paet. About Hood's Sarmaparilla - it expeis bad humnr and createsl goud humer. A battie for biood is whst HoodA Sariaparilla vigoroualy ighwt, and it is always victorinus in prpelling fo>ui taints and giving iii. vital flid the qualiîy and quauiy of perfect beaitb.XIt cures sero- f uia, saît niieni, boils and otiher bipod diseuse. Hood's Pilla aci ai y, vst promptly and tf lcently ontube boweisand liver. 25o. R.ev Dr Garson, a well knovu Cgaadian niinister, died in Urtiroit. ~ i -a- Dick'se Blood Purifielr a a v~rr Te a necemsity where the best resnîts, from % feeding would bc obtained. It toues up the systeni, rids thle stouréa(o bots, worus and other parasites that suck the life blood away. Nothing Mek.Diki sfor »MflCb 00. ?or mml by druggas, At geuln MW or »Men srecelpt or M cu Dios aà ce. *P. O0. Box 4*5 U, m au. ------ ---- --------- - - DEADe"LY S PRI1N G!1 IF Spri ng Cornplaints, use scoW8' s APARILLA. It is the best spring mediciîle to be h-ad anywbere. Scott's is pleasant to take. mild and ýentle in its action, and an absolute cure F' r Sciati*ca, Gout, Constipation. Scrofula. La Grippe, Indigestion, Dyspepi. Female Troubi'es, -Nervous-ness, Chronic H-eadache, Catarrh of the Head, Throat and Swinach ; Syphilis, Skia Diseases arising from impure blood or a dïsorganized system, and Caïarrhal Somach Troubles. Mr. joseph M->rrow, Merchant, of Fullertrrn. Ont., writeq: "Willir-ni Cornish says that Scott's Sarsaparilla is the best family medicine bac ever tried. His son William who works for a farmer waa laid up and unable to work. His system was genera1ly run down. One bottle of Scotts Sarsaparilla cured him immedfiately." For tùrther facts write either Mr. Morrow or Mr. Cornish, personally. Then *Scott's $arsapanrilla.. d1l dea1ers*$1.00 per larfe boti.. n tsvootfuz a dk. USE SCOTT'8 8KIN 69AP FOR THF. ÇQMnL.XIQN I UTICA. Mr. Byam t/ho mail carrier hie been vaiking from JJxbridge carrying the mail vith hirn oving te tube bad condition of the roade ho vas unable te drive. Mr Wm Stephene vbule driving borne met with a bad accident bis herses got down aud in t/rying t/o geLt thom out oee of t/hem jumped on hlim cut.ting hüm bad- ly aboutt/he face snd otuher parts of t/ho body, ho had tu ebave hie herses wituh a ueighbor, and aft/r ho had roived ho thought be could valk home, although feeling t/he effoots of hie struggle very ,nuoh. Drm. Clemens sud Proctor are extend- ing their telephone lino from Manchester tue Utica. Mr. John Quinn aud hie brother Ar- t/hur have startuod on their journey te tth. United Statues W put in the ammer ses- son there. Mrs Fred Laughton vho hms been very ilt or eomo v-eeks past, W. are eorry to e bauthat ah. la not iinproving very much of late. The. death of Mr. Geo. ýovaMI'a Ch"h1 vau a very singular ene, appar.utly at b.d imne vu in good balth. The family retired asaual and atfiveo'olo* ien. MXrHoweamxgot up to mnake a fireMma%.ý Hovsam vau horriied tîù find a, dead babo Mi her arma. Âge t/vo mont/bs. Wood be". seem at/o b. the. brdr of the. day in our neighbonhood of lit. Measm. Edwin and John.Ryod 1 attndd bc uneral oftheur sitMis. Maueny,,at Lindsay.c Mm, Wmi. IMntgom«ay is- home ftom the Taran.to reading up for t/be jupe ex- amifations. 14essis. J.. H. Tremeeim u W. Van 7!7 Neteach sold a i.se t/oan En ýifh ut,. qaytou. Mapl6 Qioves: nov dtý6 thé blihlsop tawMrecésitiyvcaý MmT.,Hardy..- ~ .y g I I .s.w. Va.. tu. .Awar Manuturehby The, Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich., l t/he, moutbly'.sal, eau dernd i lik"th hur and lime of eeir.ýI ery lady who reada tis orequted W mdi=.t/vo poat- ageatmpe, with lier addrcs4 fpr' ed by retuin mail in plain. ased Au old playaa, » yeaa co womli, ht! chm%*rg ý.v cm wacomulte4b rbl pftOu- Addêebeourma i es "8t 0o OM PARY aol *esposuW-.- Tb.utov Moeý . - 4Malm& m Pgvgs/4re oniksuiht -'vueyeý W. have the Fln*îîsteo, t/ion-l -ein svaoft tose .BEA UTIFUL' AAERICAN WALL PA PERS. Borders to Ma tch, LowpST :-:PRES orne oarly end gesfiras cAss. P. B. WARAM, DOMINION BANKB Capital Paid up, 1o0, O Surplu - *15o0000 Winby&.aw General Trunsated. Bankingr Busines RAVINas DBPABTXENT. isIoel i1oý.d st hgbut ornent rates, Ro cottas of withdmawolrequfred 8TONEBOFA T8 And all klnds or ct" sailng donm att North Star Milis. Write f« low prcies. DONALD CRISTIE, Ragflan. m~MA8 LP~ Omiaper ~f~m.sa KAL4MAZI ux ----- ------ -- - Blood Wii Teil.. .When an animal is al mn down, has a rough coat and a tight hide any ane knows bis blood is ont of order. To keep an ani- mal economically he must be in good hcart. >i the vast resources of nature's lab- ,-.tory have heen pressed into service , the end that torttared bodies might l' urCease from anguish, and know tupeace that only health can bring. *. utio what more natural Lhan that these rrictims o! disease thus relieved * ,m suflering should d -sire to aid in 1(,extension et the k' ow'edge o! the raýns whereby they have been bene- 'such a one is Miss Druscillia ngler, of Enin, Ont., who tells a ()t pain endured through weary i ',and of final relief urnd cure Yr.7uugh the use of Dr. Williams' Pink i-' the greatest medicine o! the age. M.5 hingler sayst Twelve years ago * 1,came afflicted vith rheumatism, unwhich 1 have sufiered greatly. Iwo vears later this trouble vas ag- ký,Vdtet by a growth whicb started in tu-r throam., and which each year be- ruIne larger and larger, untîl iL finally teuame so bad that I could hardly ob- Ldtn any slcep, as vuien 1 would lie u,îwn it would fi11 my throat, causing a feeling of suffocation. What I suflered salmost beyond descriptiôex, and &Hl the medical aid 1 bad did me no good. a-id I vas told that I could only hope 4)ir relief t/hrough the medium of an Soperation. I dreaded such a course * and declined undergoiug the operation. Ail this time the rheumnatism was tak- i ng a fi rmer hold u pon my- systemansd 1 toit like guving up in despair. I lost the power of my limbi. anid my hands~ got so had that 1 could scacely hol anything. At this time a1 friend, who f rom personal experience had strong f aith in Dr. Williamsg' Pink -Pius, bougbt me a supply aind urged' me to- try them. 1 thougit -I telt au improve- ment aften Il dused a-ltteMore than a box, and ater u$lng *,hem ft' fev weeks thene was n9ge oo 00 1t/O donbt t.hey ver,,ge W"*is' takip-g tlePink Pille-in i t he o findng f (rom the te -om Ciue ~ntonly. 4s#Ing wi4 )THE] esay deaoribi sially geuiue n g lu Esmer ire or long-, ;fr.e-Artît, ar applisiioO ire,,a THOS.-ý "Ijuzs, Sent/f rn, Londoà.:î" ke Notice IAN'S "ýNAY (ED1 L BC egigts. 1rebe ive lun "Me. 1 .1

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