Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1896, p. 4

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!be anid ely ýard our ýere re- red :)ck id. [et- ER he 1at ,ho Hi. )' 'tt, es, a tc n- i iC;U<i1 Lta i i ai ,tory ofthe couaty urigbis early life asited h aher lithe mercantile a ~~ grain trade, lu which tiiey were extensiv engaged. lii. writer bas frequently bei THE LEADING J. H. Perry speak of having hauied &l lfron the Bropklin-and Star raille. Tii are not many now living in town who DRUG STOR rneberthe old (rame store alu ed i ~ TU COUTY. which stood on the north siteof Bro IN TE CONTY. street, where Hayward's store and tbe oc feilows' hall aow stand. In large white 1, ters was pÈLnted on tbe store «PETE lt#-I>rcsgu-iptionis carefully and ac- PERRY AT HOME. " After the death bis father inl 1851 Mr Perry carried on t curately fillcd .................. business until t85, includlng a branch a-01ýariii cceipts, etc., ptu Oakwood, Mariposa, whicb was In charge &-~Faniv aidnoe ut PreJames Drapr, latte registrar. Mr. Perr) witih car an nobtPre early assoc ates were Wm. Hermans, wl i>rugs anid Cheniieais used....... married hie sister, Wrn. Blair. R.1 Lawder, Thos. Lawler, Jno. Wats,) 0--f(zenuitie 1atent Medicines....... Messrs.' Rowe, Walabe, aud McDermot Dr. Gunn, Green Macdonald, Ezra Anne Hughi Frazer, Robt. Wiilis, Draper, and lively lot of biades they were from the ai counts that have corne down te us ; but dit E W ILL /S ail these the man wbo made best use ofh (IÎEMIST A, DRUG(IGIST, of those days were accustomned ta read an muaster, and with wlucb the then Whitbý M EI)I1CA L --HALL, township library was well stocked. Tih debating school of those days was an insti Brock treettution in whicb everybody took an Interest Brok tret - Whitby Peter Perry, father of deceased, who ha( ______________________________won a reputation iu parliameut as a quici and ready debater, took a hand with tbý others. J. Hame Perry was uoted as beini une et the best speakers in the club, and &a ~L~e 01f~rnnc1t one who spenit much tume and pains in tht preparation of his speeches. Hie father wai member of parliament for the third riding oi York, to which this part belonged, wben ht died. Tbe late W. H. Micheil was electe< XVHITBY, MAIZCH 27,)1896. tofillout the terrni, but the bouse was dis- ____solved before he took bis seat. Upan rht dissolution ofthte house Pterry's corners, Short Notes. new Whitby, wbich was then spoken of as extridtmi bertfit yniath toRadical corners, was with the rest of the extntiunrheaiflt ympîhytoconstituency thrown into confusion. Tbe Mes ,N('% ton Prus in their loss b)vMtre, alleged unorthodox religious views of Mr. o! iho port Ierry- Standard. We trust it Micheil caused hlm to have strong opposi. n 'I. hocirlke, iefo -sah wt tion. '<Corkusses, - as tiîey were then cal- o. rit rero csasesWlhle, andl'<provisional" and "Preliminary"' I Insurance cornpanîie: which send quarter to decide between the many aspir- 1()tldtal-in upa. th spcia ret-ants as te wbo should run the Reforni ticket. ig-îs oun tlkig u asth spcia tet-Amas. Wright, then reeve ot Markhamn, was itvti a ipolrcy the faet that it is incantest- selected. Col. E. W. Thompsnn was the àl1, trorîx any cause, after the expiration Tory candidate. He laid gréat stress upan of unle year, should flot be surprised the tact that he was warden ot York count>', if rany a dvyirg creature is iusured in referring te it freely iu hi. printed matter and speeches. Mr. Perry supported Wright It- hope that h- «r she will live a year--and actively against ail corners, and tailowed rit- 1iong<-r Ilow they expect ta get the Tbornpson tram ene end et the district ta 1 -k," oflrealtlxv People whiist encouragiug the other, making bis lite m iserable. He ex- tyaud tw cat up ail their profits is whiat uz plained about Tbompson's wardenship that ,, 1-- ý,Anoter uesionale lasU o he recel ved it by appointment tram the gav- po ls W Aherqeoabecaao errnment. and contended for the election of p~iîswich we liear talked of greatly by warden by the county counicil over wbîcb be ' gt-nts sone Which enables the holder ta was ta preside. His speeches during this jvc( In anly courntry or adopt any vacation. campaigu showed thorough Rcquaintance Thr muore risks a courpanv takes the more witil the political bistory et the ceuntrv, and l)ssit will suifer, and -the profits of the were generaliy regarded as remarkably able trdinary PolicY holder (the one who keeps in point, of wit, satire, and sarcasm, as well t he conîpany Ili» are wasted in frauds and as lu tical economy. He was then regard- (ftlgeruus risks. No honiest man should ed as the coming man in politics. About 1aearîsk in a camipany which makes its t'nis time be engaged in the uewspaper busi- Policies inconte.stable tunder three or four ness, learned it practically, and in Company v n e suWhich allows men ta travel ail wîth J. 0. Dornan published the "' Whitbv 0u*ver the World or go into dangerous occupa. Reporter," et which we now bave the bound tiais. Such eornpanlies will either have ta files. The laie Peter Perry had advocated echarge higber rates- in the long run or elsoe the separation et this county tram York. ilow a.de, fad hidi ancrain ermae S t The agitation was cantinued by J. H. Perry llOWi a fakrs u acertin eg-re. eekater bis tather's defttb, and by the late Capt. tutC(JIIPttv hîeh takes the least chances Row,ý and Jos. Gould, Ukbrîdge. A strong int i wll Os yonles floeyta carry a 'bpqtien te the formaýtion et the «tapeline" .'aler toL, A curnpany whichi is boomned cain àevt.l he eonsidered as safe. county, as its detractors called it, was put Up by T. N. Gibbs, S. B. Fairbanks, Abram Farewell, abd Col. Grierson, the latter beiug The &lger Casneriow aImes t the only survivor et the wbole party. lu 19,53 Mr. Perry was appointed iA'l tes-et compassion ancenxay teel for county registrar et deeds.' By-Iaws for rais- - I Alger in his cundeninationr to such ing mouey te build the county buildings ,1 lo)ng terni of rrnPrisanmuent, bis case is were successtully attacked in the courts, tîrat uf une who pursued a course which but this opposition was unavailing, and the first county counfcil et Ontarie cauuty met could Scarcely terrulinate atherwise. He at Whitby lu 1854, at which mneeting J. H. was,ýted i11biscaubeopruiisain erysta ev tWib oubp JHate Peiry, registrar of, tbý coanty pi' Citai, died at bis residençe bhere on Wed- nesdey, aged 69 years. Deceased was tbe youngest son of the late Peter Perry, andl moved into' tuis tgown frote Addington couoty ln a836* AnY -,extensive biography of lLt. Perry migbt almost be talcen à$ a his. ýy Scott repairs ail kinds et pumps .i Ol..j ur Stock is com plete in ail the ifferent lines and te Coun. Bures ha. been very 111 thi. weâ. ý Cati sud sce the Slater shees atM.W t. Collins' NewrtShoe Store, Est Sie~ a includes many N ovel1tis:::.................. Id Mrs.AbetMcBurney hsgu sa ýk preutice at Rosa Bros,' dry goode store. e Remember the social at Mrs. Tamblyn's g on firat et April. Ail welcamne. Admission Ie Miss Minnie Walters, Taunton, spent Iast J J J J < - s week visiting with Mr. and Mis. Geo. Wal- C A iTL f ters.- e Mr. J. H. Downey has leased Mrs.J ËI R cha dson va ant esi ence on ineC a p s o f a il sh a p e s a n d p a tte rn s a re g o in g to b e in g re a t d e rn a n d for k- steet.the coming SPRING and SUM MER trade. e W.C.T.U. April social at Mrs. Tamblyn's. s A farnous work et art will b. uuveiîed at Our stock of sncb is well'assorted in rhpsad-rcs 9 30 p.m . fl1 6 *The skating rink closed au Wednesday of iast weck after a splendid seasen'senjay- INASPEC TIOAN ZN VI TED meut lu every brancb...... ti A good man>. people around town en- * trly U4 elced ta clear their sidewalks ater iast Frid a Sst rmu. We would remind atIl residents et the tewn ta keep theirs idewalks free etf5110w, as the LE E sort suow maires it very bard for wallkîng. John McEdwards, of Sarnba, brother et Mrs. John Patterson, WhitbyJunctjen, bas been spending a few day. lu towu. Mr Harry Fairbanks lett on Monday for aspect et the ta mous leader et the Reforma. Ridgetawn, where he bas secured a good tien, but the educatienal one will receive the J JS position as fareman in a printing office. learned lecturer's expositien. This prom- ___________________________________ John Robinsons'.k shep next Gross & îsed te b. on. of the best et this splendid Granger's la being fitted up for A. M. Gilpin SrIs.As chey are given iu the beatîtitul jewcller, and jas. Heury. wbîî move into new Frances Hall sud at prices-is cents Gilpin's preseet prenises. single admission-w hich arc purely nominal 1 In auswer ta a good man>. inqubrers we the attendance ougbcte continue te increase ( ma>. state that the Provincial goverement te still larger numbers. Prof. Squair's lec- G hoice ff ew G oods. wiil have the appointment of a successor ture wlll b. the next eue-the first in April. ta the late registrar J. H. Perry. Equal Rights meeting. Mr. Wm. Hood had two carioads ot fat Agetmn rmotiepit eeC iaG u wr n rcey cattie aud bogs deiivered on Thursday îast, A geat n> fromotsid e p soim nswreC ia lswar adOocey and had te (ced theni until Monda>., until osuawed l sun tb.Fid a' trm, sud bad .Dinner an T a Sts Chap th e railw ay s assu ned ru un in g o rd er.te ta . w t us u t l S t r a> ev in .O f T " M c (! i . w R. H. Bradburn, late ef Bownianville, bas Being tree froni other engagements on Sut- Choice Farnilu Groceries, Teais Coffee, opened eut au electrical suppl>. sbop in urday ferenoon the>. ail assembled ut Hon. Alin's drug store, It is bis intention ta put J. H. Long's office fer au Equal Rigbcs con- Fruits, Etc., Etc. the electric lights in aIl the residences lu ven'tien. Among chose prescut were P tw Christie, Manchester, R R Mewbrav, Kin- Cheap fo:m Cash or Trade. 9hrdy th April 1896i, sale ofthousehold sale, N C Brown, Epsom, Jue Russel, Jno turniture, piano, etc., property oftA. A. Post Bell, and Colin Philp, Broughama, M Glee- Esq., lot 3 lu the 2nd concession Pickering surn. Creenwaad, Cyrus Elk, Toroente, G E Ptrzùes Io Suit he Times. ou Kingston road. For particulars sec M<>wbraty, E. Wbichy, Col. J. C. Connor, posters later. Turonto, and P Ryau, E Armstrong, R H Do' u bfr adea mng Wait for the Mother Goose miarket by the LawdIer, Jna Srnith, Thos Pindar>, Chas Dntbybfr afn n xm ladies et Ail Saiut's cburcb, Wednesday Bateman, V 13 Wuodruif. -Hugb Howden. the stock and prices for yourself April î5th, in towu hall afternoon sud even- Dr. Crawforih, Wm l1l,,d. Fred Hatch, and1 ing God msicl pegrnim~ ec.For ethers, of thia tawn. President and Candi-: -A.'czESTATE 0F piculars s calv roglacer, etc. date Long presided. fie welcomed the ot-; parewuars e d vtill .gvte y erenside representacI e~ ad exprerssed hua' $r eadwl egvnt n esnapproval of the efforts et the wealiber clerk -) t- - wbe can bu>. boots, shees sud rubbers cheap- lu causing a sternâ whicb had resuited in er than they can b. procured at the west bign omn leading aud influentilI siecheap beet sud sho. store. Auction sale briuglightrstge U.I i abd WESTERN RANK 0F CANIDA§ ev r aud y e etn .SaId b, wbich blows ne good. This blizzard Remember the social et Sheiff Parten's nia>. b.ch. salvation eftch. country. Fr1.CptlAtorzd $t o l ou the eveing et God Friday, under h. day's vote in parliamet in favr et the Re- pta Athrzd $00, o auspices etftth. ladies' aid sociecy of the bap- medial bill had talien 11k. a thunder cliap on Tenders wili b. receivd up te the ii-st Surplus oj o tist cburcb. Rev. J. S. McAlpine, et MC- Equal Rights, sud bad breugbc ch. iniquity day et April, 1896, for ch. purchase et OAD-F 00,TRS Master Hall, wilI assist witb th. programme. te a focus. There ia pirates, said ire, at OR 0FDRC RS Admission 15c. -Ottawa aud Toronto, who is suckiug their B2 5E3î09oNCw ,Es Prsd-t The bread-and-butter social lu the taber. ceuntry's'blood. This must b. put a stop $ 2,8 0z KW o .ESQI, resQ-i e-t. nacle on Wednesday niglàc was ver>. weil at- te. R. R. Mowbray said chat hereteforedthe Town of Whftby, Debeutures. T. H. MCMILILANr;, - - - Cashier. tended, sud a good ime enjeyed. As ch. people et Canada had devoted a ret -a General BanIkini, Business trmouted. evening was iuceuded ce b. encirel>. devot.d Saet nergy colnor theoltionJet h.t Issued under 48 -Victoria, Chapter 75 (On- Drafts issued, payable in all'part of Can- ta conversation aud social macters, ne for- Sncbth ol o ugs eltta i) nAtt osldt h eto heaa ntdSae' n n dn E mal programme was carried eut, but Mrs. J. subject resc 1er a cime sud proc dte do tarie),fau Atbcyonoiat.h db t lead, a, aeineSait rtsudo adu Eg Richardson gave a performance lu thre lin. away with tire House of Commous, it havilig tw tWib.lnpybel I at fEurope .4 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~i apr1csnigwihcridtead-deesrtdc i aifcinta The debentures, fort>. in number, are per cent. allowed eu Savinge Bak Deposits ence bute ecstacies, snd almeet into conuip. chief ofleuder. He had long feit t tthe ade pyae at ch. - omyas inio athue rdie af ery Lions. local legislacures could baud r. ailtlegi- iW dy o earîy , rl 40 ers toi the Special attention to collectionof ~~<ezss. Geerge's show. lation required in chus country ef, ours. , R. ofJneî86wibnteiati. Mos.Gerg'rayw. n rte ef tour per cent, per annute, payable Farmers' sale notes. The Assyrian contingent at Claremout H. Lawder said Mr. Mwryis'pra al yearly, ou ch. zst'day of December andB.D WARN will give a performance lu the music-hall Grit doctrine, pure and simple, aud if th une i ahyaadise o ht h aae fWih rn i c r e o n a t u d a > . n i g t . i i. > h a e b a r s E q u a i R i g i r e r s w e r e t c e nc d er s e s nc h i d e a s , J n i s i e r u s u d s h t t r . D A R N heeo audyngt hyhvbasas bad tire Patrons, we would bave a rept' susus for principle and interesi shalh b. asMageofWlbBau. adababboon, sud tireme have spent tien oethie Globe's'invitations t unite with nal equa n eacb year as nia>.b. their lives lu tire show busibess, so tire>. will ch. Onits, ch. Equal Rigbcers being the part>. nai psy ments et pri .nciple sud inter- i. worth seeing. For chait>. sake tire town Aest 15 6.-ý ýets thern bave tire halIl, sud tire>. badly eeed wooed tins time. M. Gleeson said be feared est $115446.. y tender nec necessanily R I" tt rfLon ire moue>.tirat wili be taken at ch. door. chat th. abolition eftch. House et Comnions Telws ra> rhe perfrmance will b. respectable - sd would be thc end et our great leader, Mc- acceptd mrdel>, sud w, hope there wiIl b. ae big Carthy, whose whole policy was founded TflOMAS HUSTON. ouse Se. tire sun unce icut aro nd p n tie rectifying et its-,err rs. W ien W aw , sud go sud Se. tie performance. ceased te do wrong is calling would beTo n r as rrW. h v i t k a B ul fl gene. lie believes chut if ch. business et Wiîby, Marchir 8tb, 186.-lin. srmn f -n - t Examinations Equal Rights is te chrive it must kee il __________________A11met<fRg atr Theé. m nto s i o ncin ihte a e ce n v g e bc e d t u nsr i '.'th eacn ather iu catering te his rapaceus was te tap the Geergian Bay traffic and pre- t jesîre for policies, while the doctors wrote vent other liues (rom getting bu there. The -1 lawxx and certified ta whatever answers he miitnicipalities wbich killed the by-law felt 0 it-emed necessary te carry eut bis scbemes. the necessity years afterwards et voting big h rbey are ail trying ta get eut of it uow, by bonusus te roads wbich built up Toronto t( àook or by creok, and it looks as if be wiîî and Port Hope, thus iuhuriug Wbbtby per- have te suifer for ail the gang, as weîî as mnently. ln z86i Mr. Perry agaîn appear- àîifscif ed ini the mtjnicipal arena as reeve of tubs One ina y cheat or rab a'bank and euiv the town, witb the late John Watson as his dep- d hock-bal ders suffer for ir. bite jusurance uty. lu 1862 tbey were re-elected. In 1862, Ollpan tes have nuonxoneY except what they during the dispute between Great Britain ollect ini suisl sunis frote peo ple whe wish and the United States, over the Trent affair, w o lay away a tbeusand or two fer th e bene- he raised a company of volunteers aud bad no t et loved eues when tbey die. Frauds it drilled for three months .et bis own ex- c ýucb as Alg-er sought ta perpetrate soon ca ene when the trouble euded. lu 1863 tb ithe rnaney laid away by hundreds w ho and 1864 be'was stili reeve witb the. late jas. th ave au tîonest trust in lite insurance. One Rewe as deputy. ln 186--6 b. and Mr. b irgue steals away the mouey whicb mnany Rowe sat, but h4r exchbanjed positions, lu E ave laid away for tnany orphans and 1867 Mr. Perry ytas again reeve, N. Brown O vidows dpt.M.Prywswre hsya.I But this iq not the werst ot it. Murder dpt.M.?rywswre hsya.' orings up lu the hearts et men like Alger. A chiange le the municipal law wblch forbade AI is tatd tat e a eu tu bu~ cu-registrers holding municipal offices, disqual- FI t ispsated theat he t eue t is ire895men- fied bite secking furtiier municipal houes hese $2coo policy had been assigned te sd istory amTe isappear sro muncipal m Ân, by Ietting blte fail tbreugh a trap door b&oy h ia îamrsho nc.n athe atone loor et the basement. What county was establish.d here lu 1846 bv Peter Il bout bis wite if she bad lived long entw Perry, S. H. Cochrane and Ezra Anfes. J. pz Dr he r pre mi uma te b. an impossible - H. Perry was afterwards a member of the. R apay ln bis increasing financial Z bMfr board fronm 1861 to, 1879, and was chairman ai te read of cases -every day where men several Yes. H.R was a liCe member of the ign ýo resu paint te peint uuti.l tbey land bn the. mechamecs' insttute.,and chrougb l; itslie- As >nvict celi, sometinses with blood on their ality th. aid mechaeics' hall on Byron street Ae ýands. wss built, Whcre h. made rvsos o h p Such mnen as Alger must b. punished. meetings of the. Sons Temperaoe, of 'he protection et people's lives and ro- wb'chbe . as an enthuiastie member.' lu1: rty denxand that couspira ssd poal z851 e undertook snd carrled ou thetinIaip urderers, b. severely deatwt.-u xusont igra Faits. by whlipol earts soften towarda men who have wreck- veut sud rtuùrnsd the. sauneda tet itheir lives and dlsgrsced their famdie., I>y* t o L e witoubyic, a. loyal t nd who must turtiier sufifir long lucarcer-çp-Dct= byacne h Lion te atone for their crimes, but v. can otealr api. UImc, heit theey oeud it 299"t Doe other va>' of glving the public a<of ailvway ftip viii voden railsvas lit- iutary lesson in regard oteh%&isclam o[ fdulged l t* h.fql., s»d ith.steam viuIt. As to te ý=i tcZztese lusurméa W s %tre a ads by Dr' Pysuace>.,»rPru Ma àstwoad and U -T havetheir p«ltç OdtO"i eV dM ,% 1 l~s 4ac~~>~Grand Mstrlà 8'-Me*W. a Ûhae ( imu, 4juyof twelve ifou Pay âaltyo but w.'geater jur e publie. b--,-it*for Ki' ae Wlth wytwn oc@.bt__ t st to si nl hl ro wl to ab to lia TI cil ed au atî cri V94 WILLIS ~» hi Llest degrée .-kmjrWadénëë ia.td hinm fûlly e raitut lthevei'ýtbitig, pub>lic town or its"pouPle- -lm swartm beart and considerate nature reudered hlm, everybodys adviser an d Moued, and carried Ilnt-to ex. tremes in charity which be could fII afford. In t857 be bulît a large and very-etjtpeânve residence i i the notb ward, and *as i high financlal standing, but In 1876 josses througb endorsations and real estate apecul- tions came tblck upon hlm, and he yielded ail to Nse creditors. Since then he bas de- voted htniself quietly to the duties of bits office, although frequently called to arbitrate on bebalf of the govornment ini seçuring land for the new Welland canal. Mr. Perry was twlce married, first to Jané Margaret Hall, sister ot Mr. G. T. Hall of this town, and neit Miss L. Hny, who survives her busband. 0f the Issue of his firat marriage, Peter, head master &of Fergus high school, Geo. D., secretary of G. N.W.Telegraph Co., and Mrs R. F. Loos, Ut. Holly, N . J.. survive, and there are two littIe boys fromn the setond muarriage. Mt. Perry carried a good suni of life insurance. Personally we leel a deep senne of the loss of a worthy fniend, and the town and cotinty has certainly lost a ploneer and powerful tnind. The affiicted family loses such a fatlier as could not be found again. Daily the deceased communicated with theni, and scarceiy a mail ever leit this office for a quarter of a century which did not carry hie children and other ftiende an arniful of letters and papers. We sympa- thize with thern very much. Lt oyu nEADs to buy from The s Nhaberait use Hats. 18 Gur PrWi: sri RiL sare stoe .k.. ile 01 theliv ine (an8.- - - --c _0 8. tuss h fn fre wval nteb T t 'l Y ew lF'racea Hall the attendance of town* -: Bopte abould b. COmmensumte with the. frit la Wh"ct "the. collgefaLcattxtexid The-aumotmeetingàa:,wao hfm çqth Id t~i4;du on. pres. Mumuee us i mel eublk v.iii pResse Ta] KOCTr WE Spring r màori;llnl jj-0i1lý AD Newest Valley, Newport, Manhattan.

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