z ~1* \TOj I, 'XX WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FRJDAY, MARCH 27 1896. NO* 17ý [TY,' .V IMP>ORTA, Piuces talh (,ol .i ie M $t7.Good1 $fr $,;, FinE morth $6 50 fi (i rth $14 fai S(Hrth $16 for 1 blut trst.class% hulstering Del L,,ading Unde E J. J BROOK ST., Est.ablished Whitbý cipes WHIIBYI accurately prepare - A I Exj ANLIN3LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI OE.EONICLE CORuLESPoNDENCE, -:0, TOWN LINE Mr and Mrs J Gimie»t. or., were snow bound at their son'a place. Mr and Mrs Davr-y spent a few days last week with relatives in Bowmaeville. Druýs1 Our milk men were unable ta ship their rnilk for several days, on account of the storm. Miss Mary Emnmet and Miss Lottie Trul have both been laid up wth a severe attack of la grippe, but are ai present able ta be around. On account of the blockade of the ronds on Friday several of the farmners that bad contract- ed ta deliver hogs at the station on Saturdny for ç etc. shipiment were unable to do o .Some of Mr and Mrs Whitfield's Lees friends remembered tbemn most kindly on their twentîeth wedding anniversary, by preseating tbem with n maost beautiful and valuable time piece. assizes beld at the court bouse last week and ex- hibited much iriterest ia the proceedings. Even a nuniber of aur fair ladies went "courtin,' Which is quite an unusual thinie for this place. Frank Mackey and Alex. )effrey represented this part on the jury, the latter being a member o! the grand jury. Ernest and (barley Humphrey. who are well known in this neighborbood, and who have been spending the winter ia England with relatives, have returned, bringing with them somne of their young friends and relatives that desire to seek homes and fortunes in America. We are doubt- fui about their finding the latter, but nevertbe- leeRs we wish them success. ____ ____ Now is the time for farmers to be looking nfter their implemnents. Be sure thev are all in good NT working order, for they will soon b. ia use. If yonr seed drill, etc., needs any repairing take CLXA S S PIREIl. herm ai once to the shops and not wait til just tle day before or perbaps the very morning that you want ta use them and then ail rush at once L for Cash: and then bernie the blacksmith and Secbani.2 because they cannot do thera immediately. .attrass, worth $2,eo foi 'he first regular meeting of the Almonds Nized Mattrass, wortb christian eadeavor, under the oew organization, was held on Fridny eveningZ with a good attend- st-class Extension Table ance o! bath old sud yunng. The question o! Fo r $,r, Bedrooni Sets whether or not it would be advisable Io have r Sîo.g>. Bedrooni Set this endeavor strictly for youag people or a com- $13. We have nothing bined meeting ai older and young, was worken i ourUp-thoraughly discussed, and the Vaung people workien ii au Up-were unanimaus in their desire ta bave ail join partme nt. together. ý,s there are LO other week night meetings ai any kind all can take part in ibis îtaker,-5It their profit, each beaning his or ber own part aceardi ng ta age and7experienoe. Meetings will r HNONt eheld every Tuesdny evening rmtya 7 30 oclock. and everyone that feels an interesi W'HITETY. in praTnating christaan life are mast earnestlyen irraied tu corne and help or be helped. 1849. Steam M&rbIB and Gianite WArs, n i r( c t c' k. Chas (For part( GR-A thel kind guai Hotte 11Z t Mr. .-. Cragg, of! kambry. was vising ai loba Lee's lasi week. Mr. A Miller, of Scugog, bas been visiting hîs brother bere. -THE CHRoNicz did fnot reach bere until Tues- day owîng ta the snow blockade. jAbout $28 wns receîved at the offering in the presbyterian church for the Armeian sufferers. The metbodist church choir wflt give a mong service, suitable for the occasion, on the evening of Easier Sunday. And sa the Clyde-Hodson case is settled ai last. The general opinion is that Hatnaeh has came oui pretty well after ail. Mr J. Martin. of Manche.%ter, bas moved bis famîily in with bis mother-in-lnw, Mrs. Carnegie. He intends fending the summer in Illinois. lx bas been ecided ta exîend the time for re- ceivîug tenders for trhe ereciion ai the new church. Tenders will be received up to April i. Mrs. Letcb has been awqy for a tirne seeiag merly Wolfenden Works.) lI- her relatives down east, while Mr. Leîtcb îs ýer and Dealer in MARBLE ANI) having a little experience in keepitig bacbelor's ,NITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of hall. latest muaterial and designs. Ail The oldesi inbabiuint declares there neyer was Is of Cemnetery workt. Our wark sa mach snow an the le vel as at the present mime. ranteed. In many places it is said ta be from tea ta fi tteen FOR Di.stcr*S ANI) PRICES. feet deep. but perbaps î: bas flot been measured - very carefully. IOn Snturday last Mr. Kyler Wbitter while :r and Better helping to grind grain at %Ir. John Leasks by some means got bis foot caugbtinl the boise G oes the Baittie power.Dr. Parks wsi tedneas ona first and ibird toe. He is doiag as well as can -- -- - ---be expected. m ~ The sorm o! Thumsday and Friday was the deal. No mail on Friday and on Satrday oui mail carrier goi through te Blackwater but no trains were running 50 be bad ta corne hnck witb '90 a lhgbt "d. Everybody is hopiag that this wil *0 be the last storni o! the season. \EW PRIG GODS T HYWAD'S A few days ago a gentleman bailiag lrom the --cheaper than ever, notwithstand- îon ieemd i pernei u -ing the advanCe in prices. mîdsî, bis business being fa sella new geogrnph. ical cbart published la Chicago for the use o! Ne Irse GOods . public sebools. A large number o! testirno ials New1 wbich did really appear to b. a most excellent Shetings . one for the purpose. Of course it was eecesspsy G-inkEhams ... tt- ges the consent of the trustees to make a s"l, hit ing but bow ta get ibeir names to thse order waà the Tweedquestion. Aimer declarng that the work wns Tweed wellworth$zoo our triend from Simncoe consider- ('ottoades ng tbe bard trnes would take ju6t $4250 and Fîckings, eV.,<Lt was not the least bit particular as ta wbat turne it was paîd. The firsi trusee accosted refused to New Bats and Caps very cheap. sîgn the order, number mwo, after a good deal of gas Fiad bern blown off, sugned it ai the reduced - . figure Of $40. Trustee number three did not catch an as our frend wonld wisb so number one NEW EPAR MENTwswattacked agan and aller using every argu- N EW DEPRTML T !nient (but poinuing a gun at bis head) he ln the blandest manner offered hlm a straight bribe for I.adei.Trinrne Hî~s.thethe use of bis ane, wetl knowing that if two o! Ladiéi' ritâmedHità i, he he trustees scned 1£ weuld lie ail that uvas vÜrY latûst Styles;, eweet de- niecsunryo make a sale, but bis insinuatlng siizui, fro m a lange city offer was prompîly refused, failing, in this be bouse. Tritis enablea us ta returned to number tbree and finding bits still i3el iegoé t e8pieiunwllling to sign be, in au even mor direct way, finî gooe a les pniea ffered bîm omone", but nniert tise w88 net than over soen in Whitby. bwilt thai way. After faling in bis bribes ho OPEN ON-~---- offoiîed tbe whuote otfit for $35 but thse effet was net excepieci, and filappeqis as if or ca e ig:ll Saturday, Mar. 21,is,96. have to try anddo witht'$the new geographika $2036 worth of Urocerîes ooit at 37 ots. on' the Dollar. week te work for tise iasie 1$atrWs Co. for a feuw oeks at le.g.. les, they go qulck. No vonder. Ste O)a Wedisem"Y of Mai week MeprJeb so.ne of tiese prIce» 23lb. brS?.df. lbox , p#s r erb. MottleSc. Wnbzing Soda 4 lb. e, o Rice 4co, TaPioca 4c- good cooklssg bmn rromatou &,Beast (Imms$d bWcuç ma ' wo<P W f*Oèib"M e*ýe â- 4worth olb mipêkam Specwalprices to pati. ms$, are otis. AU 90c*t$Weil a tockoerupfe - - ONTARIO* ed. nlot corne back home until about Sunday noon.1 A very sarI accident took place here on Wednesday o! this week between twelve and one o'clock when a young man namned Forsytb, who hadprobably been beating bis way from Toronto,, undertook to jump on a freight train on the C. P. R. that was pulllng out of the yard going east. 1 lie poor fellow missed bis calculations and fell or slud under the moving train and had one of his legs cut entirely off near the bod~y. Dr. Starr, o! Brooklin, was telepboned for and before the doctor succeeded fully in getting the stump fixed Up the unfortunate mani died. We understand that the young man's relations live at Peterboro' ai d that he had been working at Toronto. There was quite a big time here on Sun- day afternoon and evening last. Soon after noon between one and two hundred men with shovels, accompanied by tbree large snow plows and a number of engluesl, came fromn the east opening up the road on the C. P. R. The big cnt just west o! the station was badly blocked with hard snow drifts. The men began shoveling, and the two etn- gines began trying to push one o! the big snow ploughs througb the cut, backing east o! the station and then going fullsped down the cut, while another engine followed to help pull the plow anid engines out o! the sr'ow after they got stuck. Quite a share of the afternoon was spent in getting tbrougb the cutting. Pushing on t0 the west they succeeded in meeting the gang of one hun- dred men and snaw plow about ten o'clock three miles west of here. A long train of coaches arrived from Peterboroughi wbere they had been detained for days anti nigbts. and after the passengers bad been fed at the Myrtle hotel rnany o! them, beside a large number o! persons from the country around, stood on the batiks o! the cut and saw the fun. The big train for the west left about twelve o'clock at niglit. EE.OOKLIN. Mr j W Thomson was in town on Tuesday eveaing. He is at present nssisting Dr Rae ni Oshawa. Mr John Robson was in Toronto this week st- tending the grand council of the Chosen Friends. Miss Brooks wll returfi from Toronto la ime ta re-open ber dress making establishment, ovnir Hollidny Bros.' store, on April ist. There is stîl a lot o! sickness in aur rnidst, especially among the old folk. Mrs Coakweli, sr., Mrs Maw and Mrs Bingtiarn are ail serious- ly iii. Mr John Warren carne down from Toronto on Tuesday of last week, to attend the funeral of the Inte Mrs Nichais, and becanse af the snow biockade bad to remain until Monday. The members o! the methodist choir enjoyed a sleigh ride an Wednesday evening, afier which mhey repaired mo the residence o! Mr D Holliday, where aysmers were served. A very enjoyable evening wns spent. The unfortunate man, John' Tremeer, wbo met sncb n terrible deatb at Wbitby on Monday last, was a former resideat of Brooklin. He worked here with Mr Noab Luke, wagon- maker, somewbere about mwenty years-ago The Liberni electors o! the township oif Whitby are called mo, meet in the Masonic bail bere, on Tuesday, tise 3st inst., for tise purpoas$ of orgaization nnd eletlng- offim r.-.-Otfier business o! importance will come before the meeting,-.1 Mr. Wm. Srnith's vote on the Remedial bill caused mucb surprise and disappaintment to both political friends and opponents. 1 bave beard many expressions o! opinion, but ail are ia tbe saine line,-mbai in this very impoîrlant matter South Ontario bas been grossly mis- represented. Tbe latter part o! ibis winter bas been re- rnarkable for the number and severity ot its- storms, but the blow-up of lasi Fridny will be longest rernembered and most talked o!. Old equinox, as usual, came out on top, and showed up very dçcidedly that the neighborhood of the 21St o! Mnrch is the time mo expeci the roughest weatber of the year. Brocikla, and the township surrounding it, bave long been recognized as a progressive part o! the couintry, in wbich the residents take a most intelligent interest in ail thai goies on botb witbia and without the borders of Canada, but it may surprise corne te know tisai sixty daily papers are regularly sold or delivered to eub- scrlbers bere. And we get our full share o! the weeklies too. Railwav communication was completely stopped !rom 'lbursday evening tdU Conductor McMiIlam's train came tbrougb at about ir p.m. on Monday. The work et clearing the track .was heavie than ever before, but perseverance ê,nd bard work accomplisbed 1£. The mail ser- vice was, o! course, interrupted. THE CItRON IcLE made its appenrance on Saturday atternoon and was even more welcome tban usual. Fni- day and Saturday's mail, including the Toron- bo papers, was _ ýributed on Mondav morning. The regular service was resumed on Tuesday. Mr jobnston, of thse finis of 1 H Sproule & Ce., o! Toronto, wbo have lately been interest- ed ln the Brookla elevator, was bere last week widing up the seasou's business and looking Inituoetaina ira-egularities that were- supposed t6~ exiit 1 am glad to saytbat lie fouind niattens in a mueis more satisfactory condition tissu he had expected. Se fà r as Mn John Robsen, tise warebouseman, was concened,ý everything :was found perfectly straigbt. It is not lcnown yet whetben the elevator will be under the sanie management nexi fail or not. ..AVe W. A. H. GUY CO0., graln buyer. BEALL, S. - Issuer 0-1 MarsIage 40UU ReosidencesoPposite Town 13ail, OOkltut W AMONELY'D $ .-OradlsA$o t tih <0' tare Viernay Oollgs, WOou-;ê osorqý meuiber-et tise Ontiecli ediealU &'eeiy. Tisiscl dsetes t tisaowM=t anmIsb be uio#t dPuWs-4A4 AUDLEX.Ut1oa& The snow is going, let It go. Mr. Walter James bas rented the corner farmn Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Seldon visited bere this 'latelY occupied hy Mr. T. Tennyson. The latter week. moved to bis father's farm. The Miases Orvis, Townline, visited here There bas been a large number of Iogs taken over Sunday. to Mr. Carine's mili the past week, They are What about our new hall, are we going to mnaking good use of the leigbîng now. get it this year? The boys that do flot need robes had better The concert to the east was well patroniz- leave strarigers' C"r visitors' robes alone before ed and the proceeds arnounted to consider- tbey are forced to do so, and. retun the missing able over tbe expenses. one to wbere it was removed from. Wlthin the last few weeks new desks have ERBOUGNAXu been placed in the school which adds niuch' Postponed Credit Sale to the beauty of tbe room. 0f 3o brood sows, seed grain, horses, cat- The funeral of Jno. McBrady took place tde, and implements, the property of John A. from Pickering station on Tuesdav morning. White, lot 20, con. 6, Pickering, haîf mile Jno. was well known here. west of Broughami, on Tuesday, March 319t, Joh Mcrad, afamlia ol ma o!our1896. Se yen months credit on seed grain conrhntil aya alar o agdieat the uetc. Saleai i o'clock sbaip. See large omnesuil aTorontorand as itred atthebills for ltst. T. Poucher, auctioneer. Tuesday last at Pickering R.C. cenietery. POUT FERRY. A delegation of the teachers and officers Fred Âllum is learning the druggist business of the S. S. met at Thos. Puckrin's and with Pharmacist Davis. selected the suitable books. The llbrary Dr. Clemens is winner for 1896 of the Cle- will be a most interesting one as well as mens cup ot our curling club. edifying. Master John Sebert injured his hand and The storm of last week entirely blocked wrist a few days ago wbile playing. our thoroughfares and much progress was The body of the late Mis Alonso Sexton, of not made until this week. The banks are Udora, was brought here for burial on Tues. unprecedented in this section of the country day last. in the memnory of the oldest inhabitants. Miss Cioudy has started dressmaking in the 'the storm o! last week was the worst that roomns lately occupied by Miss Mosure in the bas been known for years. The concessions Ross building. are now however well broken and everything W F, MeLean and wife. lately of Oshawa, going smoothly. There was a drop in busi- have beeri visiting bis parents previous to their neos to, the north on account of the mail not departure for the smates. freacblng here untit Saturday. E H Purdy and W Hein were jurors at the Mlucli was the surprise when it was learn- ed that Mr. G. E. AIlger had been sentenced to so long a term, and the general feeling is that the wrongs of many persons bave been visited upon this man. There is one tbing good about it, 1£' will terrorize the evil doers. Verily the way of the wicked is bard. The results of the Alger trial bas been anxiously looked for and to say the least it was received witb surprise. Our justice seeme to be dealt ont unfairly in certain c4ses. However, a-, was said, thbe insurance btusiness bas reacbed its climax and smre- tl1ng muet be done. These silver-tongued agents are bard £0, be dissuaded, in fact it taxes a strong minded man to hold bis own. Tbe geveral opinion le that the wbole blamne iastened ltself around tbe Dr. He, the tortu of à man. baving led Alger into tbe treacbery p"oects bliself-and belpe sink bis victîm dýeper. How much better will tbe world be aÇter sncb men have passed ofi tbe stage of action ? (Poetry next week.> Powel. waâ also there on duty. The social at Mrs R Hlarper's on Tuesday evening last was successfnl, and a very pleasant eveniag was enjoyed by tbose present. The Sons of Temperance bad their bail filIed on Wednesday evening at their concert. Visit- ors were present frou severai outside places. W Smitb, M. P., -Wlred 1 W Cnrts last Sat- urday ibat the charter for the electric railroad wil be grauted, so that the work can go on tbis scason. Miss Thompson and Miss Lottie Bond went to Toronto yesterday to select a aew -millinery stock, and will be ready for business again on Monday next in the store adjoining Forman & Son's grocery la tbe Blong block, Ta-e te the letter. The man who acts as correspondent for a newspaper learus in due season tbat be msth not expect briefly cxpressed thanlis for auy of the pleasant tbings he m4y,. ay about people but lie knows to a moral certainty - bat the mhightPst error will call down -maledlattons tupon upon bis head. He may give complimentary, notices scores of times and neyer bear of it, tint just htnt at soms of the short oomings o! any citizen or citizens and a lar different sbory le the resuit; or, lait a correspondent express- bis opinion on any wrong, no mattdr bow truthfully it may lie vritten, and very likely lie will make enemies,:wli)le the sarn&pe$=n wil take amy arnount of- praise and tal!y a neyer say one word. That is my expçmaece at any rate. e Sad and fatal accident During the progeâs o!, the fire on Sâxutrday-ý n1ght several perÊons '*ere assiting-W. -M tl tg GENWOO». Mis Maggie Stewart bas retormed te thse City. Miss Rosa Reynolds is visiting at Mm. A. B#>yerIs. Mgr. W. G. Gleeson bas taken the conatt ot delivering Mr. A. Johnston's telegraus- ts summer. Success Walt. rs. joseph Brignali bas rnoved into thse VI lge, into the bouse she purchased froin Igl~s Brown a short dîme since. P.r. Smith Cochrane Is giving up farmning, a*d will bave a.mammoth sale of ftm stock aii imipleinents on Saturday, Mardi 28th., dayL Sorne say Sim bsengaigea W as foreman for lits senson. Roads impassable, and for two dtsys last week mail-carrier Scott was unable to get the mail ont to us. Hebad to bring a spec- il bag for our mail -on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sterticker bave moved inté, the Liscomb residence. Greenwcod is lu-' creasing in population considerable of late. Nearly every bouse is occupied now. The league is ta be conducteci by Rev. J. Harris next week. The subject is "The' Rock of out- Faitb2' Everybody that cam- possibly attend those meetings do so, and we will have good meetings. Greenwood football club. The football club beld their annual re-organ- ization meeting ni Gleelon's hotel on Sarnrday, evening. Marcbl 2151. The meeting was -- te large.4t alad most enthusiastic in the hlstory of the club. Mr. R. E. Johnston was voted- ta tht. chair and after bearing the secretary's report the' members elected the folloving oliers for tse- season of 1896 - Pres., M. Gleeson, EsAq,ýïbout.ý pre.. J. D. Edgar, M. P. ; vire-ples., Hon, mc11i» Dryden: M. P. P.; 2nd vice, Z~bî. Grbaze,ý Esq.;- treasurer, Geo. Law; seoreeary, Walter, 0-leeson; capiain, Fred Meen; asst. captain., John Birreil. Mr. Savage le moving into MMs. Wiléon's bouse. Mn. T. Pearson disposed of bis-driver te, tbe borse buyems on, Tuesday. We are pleased te hear thaïthtie party fer Mannitoba bave afted afly.- Collectons, af«r tie ;bible aocloty weetCaoi- vassing tise villae ou -Wednedy. Mr. Fred Lâwrencé" le egageê-,,itlà Mr IsaacBrciifracueofuk. Mr. Wlls&s, late tenant of.Mr~. Mf -*tslheri bas been teamIngawaytise rorpîk"'f bis effcta this wee. We xindertnd'thère wilI le à 4ebà té le- een oût - 'E scey and,ljihe ot league of Myqrtwis, 9 oAs Wdnesday ýeveulug, next. AU i elonse. Mr. John Daidsou icas s passeager.,ian tise Express fr9tn Mdtreal whtcts vas s-S'"W ed in at Petboroý, -Ho aried ntý_MYffle about 4 o'clock$ùoýday. For the largest a.nd stock of furniture and' prices go to Jefflop Furniture Co., Port Perry. Wx J. NOTT, MANAGER. WANTED 15 Cords Hardwood, W. L. ePA R 118H; HAÀRDWARE'*-,'l ýFlp01?T I~E~Y COMBINA TION SALE of Horses, Vatte, Iniplements, ffouis hold Purniture, etc. The subecriber - i -hold a sale of the alwe on* SATUIRD.&' MARCH 2Sth, - 8g4ý at the Tùwn U Whitby. The Imrit tire-may be seen iatt Couneil Chamber on the day preýviOna ýà à the morning of the sale. Thie folh "i' bas already been cousigned- -te e.& soldj viz: i beautiful drawing roomS upholistered in rmg and el"ish r4 room suit in cordnrOy, 2 i=rWood, £ie& rOI sets, 3 rockiug- chirs, odd- paýrrcba#, folding chairs, pictures, , Ie nv 04. eaaels, 17 yà rds Of 3 ply wvool caipetýj, 13< new, 22 yards -of Brussels carpet,75yra second-baud carpet-, 2 hallzacks, W'ith'z os ihair cloth >fiieba~ lookinýg]gaee, urean. ro w-sadIW-oin e upboardj, 'à aha4rs,'iffil - ftbl,4lo00a ce; Iecuboard,> i LaUl,,eaf tabieý- 1' llntétve. Gurnev. andaglote struck pon Moshne. Éiiende ato'nce tëieVi #dwhng-esmpouat hlm to the surgery of Dms.Clemens-and - to. ise.na av tdoeb acrqsstise street, The niedical men made aw 9:4pio nft e a on or bx examinatios of thseporfellow and found b MrhwzhJ H enr, suUatrdi re. bnci cuis on tiserigisÎ-set 1 >Whtby.; P. rihoCn bis face, tise sisoulder broken us two places, bis, awa - 0.Sebert, Bmooklîn. A; iribs broken*, tise petOk c and tbigb bones hneokei, will, made te cover thse Cc bisleg btoken ait tise -ksee,', as weil as. internai serptive adverttseinextt.-I injrie. iseinurei mmlvedfo-zsary -<Our fùnuih stable roem- free for an hours. iTbe doctors are of opin!ion thatoisue tthssae.Sleo horses, neyer kà jew wat strück bits. -B eçnrgi-menteat-io«o1clock aým. cdcoseouutss asc 4ed- ùont atrtigge. bod fmiture a -'Cix ~ eflic dooradM.ial t -e c "ii - but t w- f-r-,brg P. VII M.~ aval.-iissjube wrntoc many. The w0n&er WlitbyMc4,xg. is tise poor m=ilwas net hied at ;bè -tire, as. wIi-utfound piecesof -,brick sud M-us&ar wibing neariý r 130 b.were-on iiseean adleWen Wlms' escape le à :apzle,ýas lie was osly twe{ oer thie. feet fri ..jcà iium eh' à PrO< W4 yusptiy.iee éderêd î.tô-' . e'- e.d attéÉend4 Jynane otussnis a ~ t dltue ioiglerpc e goûu .Alappisetoi f wt4Iïte deeao~ati failyre hei l liteceuses fôr th ii.xeuse tai utbe inatee to Thé Standrdrtà fllg olie, eMi» tlilp- , Jh ~ ,o;-iliey ,an G, ilWlls élat 21RtE ' -4- or tie .1thirdi a - - il.\RMIA(CETICAL ANI l)II>NSIG HEMIST, DFIALE j,/'/~~ (ie ias, J>z/cn/ 3tcnnes, [//Acquisiles pbysici&fl's and Family 1 j>rh~ Jundas S/s. vi,oUI7 wlimoa 1 "Ulluti.-J _JL., W T B Y i a ý