Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 7

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9 ; Àul ; ,&Y lUth;Jia Canning>,a luiy 13 Ot. 17 - 17 j W FE ., cfthe psate. t t vstjb ri-es. at reae.m. NCE. ent. û#i tire wCth id wiiklouî death eut oronto. rn gîvîn~~ ~ir î <1h. rtrbber, 'r 5tn~rt. ..1 ~rî' nity. i. ixarb c har~e. 't Cot'nkr c, )OD, ETC, g Io yt i.osxn oit hestaggred Bi pauarvjW0me Ir. around for a few seconds bescecing nPu"rsi4,io ti>b. .r j1b 0 Bon oe/tO Shoot hlm.. Revolting toiI & ea LaheUMM"i. enough of a surety...but ihe crime! MnlarohVol la oifiud tohe rofm t ha each Of these cases the mob was lerhoi âetihe0 posed, flot Of the ri f raff Of the 'm - &Osere oold. -omVt but of business men, professional, men Mr Archie MOK&Y, of Perth ie homneonU membrs o chuche andsocit-e' & visit to hie inother, Mie R Shier, of 13t They tekt that it was the onlyes, John sreet, teaching a sal u . r le on o t e Send your son into the world with OeRubb er f ar away d"upto fit utarY lesson o th epRttbffl are a d d edc up to lit negroes in that section, where they 900d pic~~adago doton and fiyaehnsl aeo were Particularly brutish and where it he 'il fnd hie way in the dark. ubere thn lglt, emacdeuo was almost unsafe for a white womnan TeM1saA ëasbuh otMe X "ltrathiktbaadhe. to venture~ out alonc. Certain busy Valleutone'm nillinery and fane7 gooda. ý n el bodies in England wrote to the Amer- %"'asN A""'lA wd continue on he dreas ican governiment anent thý_.e execu- making thie same as usual. - tions. Societies ini Massachusetts pas- Mr Ab Bagehaw, who bas been vry 1wolS A.j0j"ll,&sed condemnato,.y resolutions, but sick stil Win-,,:r wit.h inflamation, ofithe these people do flot understand. i-ÙS"1,i able t be around again and A 1..o .L Jn .cussiflg th~e negro question wt a an 'hemanY frienda wieh himèmle Soutiierner, recently, he said to ni y Affliction "Curran. even you don't udrt There is at present a t'affy Pull goîng on P el H , ~~ ~these things you think you do, but bewe h dtro h annington ormnefly Cursd by Taklug >'ou don't. You have to be a Sou thern- Gleaner and the Patron candidate, Mr. T mg er, to have lived here ail your life be- R C rn on. Vierysetwilb Sas- fore it is possible for you to understand sgrn f ie the condition of affairs.- Perhaps1 Duncan McMillan, of Beaverton, bas A Y ES Paila donit, but1 have se h vrern been elected Deputy District Grand $Mas. veh À CB-RIMI 8OR. isoene f heprsent er ter of the A 0O U W. Bge in the best ins len e o th p ese t d y n gres, fitted for uch a good office and bis m any A CÂB-DRIVe s iftes ne'8a a race, their f riends n in i hn i s c e e 'l wik,;affirted for eight year wîthiSalt dsonsyand -sornething of their bru-DOIC lîliein i Iîring thattUrne, Itried a g, eat tiiy ter retd nesof co burs e > nâ *r-nelicines which were tughly irec- tAniold soldierrof Uer Majesofycourse wa. am iast advtsed to try Ayers sarsa-btte r h xetos n nodsliro frMisys9h&dnt p.ri Li yidend one gaveme rlft. a t 1 tiey are the eeptos. A Dragzoon Guards, of the name of William iaist irchase six b o t e h thndar teueo ewhom politicians W-Ss=' «V s, ade o;Wyeetaplaan higt a reident of Gamebridge wae fro. .,(r i ig o directions. i Yielded to lits znt et.Ajr eundtevr ee. n î u . t i u r han i x b o u l t e s i x n l u s e a n dh e m p a n e r w ; i i n t a p l e a s a n tt h n e g r to z n V . A j r e u n d t e v r J>r!I- )n oU h the co tn s ix ottie s nnfe i c m u t h r then gr dict of death from exposure. on the 29th ilb c t1ý i>.kthe cnitng ane fhs bot.. hOlds the balance of ilower. Practicai- of Feh. We think no old person 8houid erqi 1t tre 1 had finished te tous-Lb boulie, Iy they are nearly ail republican; in the be allowed to return home when ho hasaa t)bnswrasSouth the large miaiority of whites are few glasses of liquor. oun.7,agarltos, Fre from Eruiptioîis drorairScite nay condein, D r. P. AGiFoSpicPelee ..y Oneoe 111:0r th'f we% e My uines nwi oh b eto executions have been a leaves sotyfrVenAsra t Iicold anîd %Ne(weatlter 0otten greater determent to crime of this sort whreh wil tak e na, posrat s't o 1 lves, and thre troiubie has than ail the executi)ns which evertoo ro rerrrnei."-.TiHoaAs A. jEs JORs ta i h xctoswiheet course, in some of the leading hospitaîs abford, ont. place irn Texas. And perhaps it is in that famous seat Of learning. A few WOth f oe ht ay erosweeevn'nsago his many friends gather- ~~jJ~m A yer'sOnf asapril as much in sYmnpathy wih rc. ed at the Canada House, and presented w oI Admitt-at the Word'a Pt. itrmpasiwhee the ite.Hwvri him, with an address as a token of the12tervlofvri imosbet iscuss the question at eStemr in whîch he is heid in Penetan- dus naa m PUIS clearas ~ n my iimited space and 1 have guiishene and vicinityv.miaio htW thfovl.inewrsa ossiethmi atsnraer Mr. George Cunningham, of Pine- S"ul y,%.kc,ve (1* l e wrs sposbetatte ed (rdle, was in town last week. He has Whlch soon ead tous may for so e C ncit thef his OWf ex han ednisfarm at Pineda e with -ereIakin g. Phosphodine baa beu Burn tteSaeiiTexas. A Very Short Wil.MNr. Jas. Braden, of Ops, for one near aiost hopeless eas«th had beenti 1-Oakm-ood. cianb-cam e UAt were on the verge of de Cu.wi an in t)rillia Nes-Ltr Probably the shortest wIil on record XVe would commend to the. notice of tLotting over the grave--boit with the rÀ thememersWooduo Phosphodine, tises. casestbia1 was proated a CTntheowmembersonof the Ontario County restdto my vr and eh-e was par oh4.atd a t hein on t w, P a., dfl C ouncil the follow ing paragraph t ken ter w so hm g ve y u up as Incurable- .. r cstwtrr ep. welve' testament of W. H. Lohr, late of Bull- fonStra' alEpr:-A ecb t myucnb etrdt "its, justice lias 1lae:l wreai.- 5ki township, l'a., and contaîns but additionaî twenty-tlve cents aday will >CenepcaSIsipkgs JrIrrîrîgaat thre "tdke. lu1 fourteen w-ords. Lt reads as follows: be paid the 2oth Haiton l3att., Lorne OePljessj~.J4~. r rCae tre\r~iit ta.a iegî bout Dec. 26, 1895. -1, the undersigned, Rifles, during the brigade camp at Nia- T'he Wood com pa lys V y crouage ,ecdi was caught gi%-e ail mv righlt, titie, interest and gr nJnteHlo onyCu-b epu nî,(St rer] handed liru11> crime, eachdamovrt ary garaingjunte te HatnCount Coun- Wffl'SP«hoie 1Uis sold. nlse lcvoud tt lra o Chof aiover -MryA. Hoover," Th, enilmhting.atdta muta wcrc % gurity.Ofcarlra1rsconnecte<î with this ivill is pathetiec ntmeig clasthis in the extremne. Whi"le out hunting on The people of Cannington and sur- ielicate ground 1 tnt on nw but 1 1 the 26t1u of lasu. [)ecember. Lohr was rounding district wilel y ertt s.r.you to saY lilthre punishinent did lIacidentallv, shot b%, the discharge ofhi hear of the deathofM.G.Jhn ., case han m1 et the ci e hwn ofgun norand fa.ally wounded H e ston,' the v tran postmaster at Peffer- '.1. cas au l>aîs, a t wn o se en r ws carred wo a uighbor's house and law. The sad event took place on Sat- U n ýht thousand, the negri rrcked up a dO-otrsnfr.Tewuddnn urday" lasu. afu.er an extended iles i ii thrree Yars old frjint1 1 front rof realized tîrat he was dying. ' oys" The deceased gentiernan was one of mor.ther>s gar.e, t arrridlihr i tir the said lie, hav7e but a short time wo the pioneers of this district, and was ),'bds anrd ltvralvllei lier, for hler live. 1' wanu. to leav'e MY properu.y to well known and highly respected. His '>îiiy s'as îiri tsir n f e.. u ' e hour-s1 M arv. G et paper and pen quick." e a ns w r interred in the Pefferlawm l a e t , UT r r u r k (o f i t , a l u cr e ab e r at- M r . oir w a i w e t e r.%e exr-o o n a . T e e e vd'Ns i e r m r e v r l "'" î"'1 iit19 rrowds 0"...'u ~. jcemnetery Sunday. îarr1 s - OQ D9 IDI1 EY 8 , e igh load from Salem attended An eorinus srvice here Sunday evening. 111ILIrrek] hd asscier t o An eoîsseM.Sl Wrywlf hepiio '1ii.ruie ar a sc bl d w u. cs t e G ood H ealth, Lie tself D e- of fore mnan for M r. E . G. Law next S c o t t s 1, r h rtim iepioe.~tdoigili ho. wagon tîrat a]nl>tsec, was ,pends Upon hea/thy sider hseben uie pevaen Jli vertarr irnrithe uown, and thence to Kdes i hLcaipyo a e.nqiepeaetUS CTaSF O 'i Vai ,tIt rît u the outskirts. There a Kdes nti oaiyo ae 1 We were pleased to see Mr. Thos. ci.lrniugfiîthe centre of wli'h ran an The Leasons of Experienceas-Thousande lit u again Sunday. Town Lots for Sale. iron pirst To this the niegro wa,, Have Learned and Testiffed -Dodd'a Mr. Geo Cornish was on the sick list Lots No. 301rarWu and 302we t rc eet.5- staj iii(; encircled with inflam- Kidney Pilla Neyer Fait in Curing last week but is better at trne of Soutbwest corner atuan P*3eSî. mare î,'î,lsaturated wiutri kerosene Kidney Didneya.wtng . Henry Rogers. For tesm ppy t on W rî a sigh t The negro bound M.F .Elsi mrvn lwy OBADIAH ROGERS, Newmarket P. 0. t..îke pleading paueously for Each particular organ in the body is Mr. Wm. Allun is leader of the Home Match 4th, zS96-i4-xitin. ni .king only ta he be shot orpu erwok Circle for 1896. r:ri.. .niu dhim a sea of upturned alha Thefun t ivera nd te ine The Sons uf Engyland have purchased C OI E1.G.' GR D fr ' urging back and forth, crowd- alh vethi f n toJ.t e S. A ara k'nd wl t' W H T - r& Uun., The stîomach and bouels receive andthS.A.br ksadwl convertDIfVtîra p'l'irsiug, elbowing its way hither digs the food on which we liv. nto a hall. iiiirter, with the father of the mur-. ' L vrything in the food should go Mr. P.)J. Lrçs il efrma o anated strîctly pure. t ou n 't c d b a b i n t t c f o e r n k ; a p o t o i t h eL b b lo o d a s b lo o d m a t e r ia l . M r . J a m e s T h o m p s o n f o r t h e s u m m e r . e x à ý t B r n g y o w -ý ge n * . W it o fOlhiîend snapping off vews at every There is a eparaton effectied by, tîhese -. Starw prsc st, DOaflaD, rV M)cui cheering, no unseerneiy con-. orgaria. Nat trMls al noise save the shuffiing of feet But tîhe chyle maiy have gernuan F A T D HE P sprnou.hing of laughter in that e f fonce ",n the blood, so it Must bho givetothecHIE" immnense concourse, only reajtsm, gro.. taken out. a "able n5iutw or81 A~>p teýsque. terrible, with snmething of The kidneys are tocanal*igt nre iuu.Y in the intensity of the upturued tx.aay flrstrn me&b> e> oûrs h low cards -tackod. ie ce . w~ Tru.Some one near the stake Ninetîeen times eut of ,very twen 7<fiy# eapd-bi Y;' e=p4 pcaksý it is the father of the littie 'Wh" "uW91e4Si@k, -ile@as. fflad i ayW--4. ors~jaa-i r l;the crowd holds its breath, the kidlneya.- If anything go.s wrong look' 'the. uw nmidicjpe,. - Weord s and the match is applied. ln ~a r~~*dM1 E~yr1 leately the victirn is hidden Lb kdnyasuth0 l rd apofoin* Ve-w by the flanies. None cati sec him,. movae4ai nis.abî ,. h hs cries continue for the space u of k.bgorkdthatDodd'. thSt d Ils ha. bee ain Kid Doys.J,*"< two or three minutes, gruwing fainter a tit>, Se&ea atl«My wa a~a V and fainter tilt only the crackling otf eph laqIlcobi the fia mes is heard. Then the sicken- ed"e dre 1 îng odor of burning fiesh permeates the aig.,j, a»< jgkia air and shudderingly the crowd moves loi1ns, omwt. Logue, hack and away, leavîng one or two to ie t in.léoiof J. tomisb* look atter the pour mass ut charred The ro~is xM d4m oneu a.boxg of' - Clay strapped tu the post. As itwas a Dodda Imey U s16-N brutish crime su k was a # 'rutish- pua- Ih eI hdia)4,Lo tshmnent. Was ik too much ? The second case Iwa at Tyler, al»c a momiTIo e, -town uf six or seven Uhoasaaa. tb 4I4 e negro cught a young marrled woeui A Wfaml rom town, ansd ber utuý1r ' Was his Ieast _revoltlng il1W being MutiIat«j. Thia I tweny4fvc miles between> M1 Wnie - It ià no wo4dithat. rtb- ~T bets, which are not tke saine shape as the boot, -should be, ulicotbfortable. it costs mo.; Sn#y to employ skilled, pgttern niakers but 'the' resuit is -a satisfactory fit. Bach year ail the latea't shioe-shapes, and Gr-anby ate."9 pure Dorn't Draw the Feet able, hyFtteB t àLl8willfnot be thecs blood is out of order, down he needs a tonic When a hanse le the same as a Ofteu h. cannot have Coniplete zest. with ain animal ýhow quickly he wiil pick up. Hjs whole will be invigorated. Mis, digestion will 'gthened so that ail the nOurishmnent lrawn from the food an 1esq of it will redCO- P- 0- Bl9«. u482,e dOnrie@ Worns an ailparaitmi )gDboIlfl6-Te Grea Englsh Remedy. 85 years reaUg tho>umndaof cussa vh ailknown we have diaooverrsd the trxçe remedy and treatsn.nt_-a effct & Prompt and permanein cure la a&l stafes Of ge or Lxcee,,,Ner'ea, Weaknm, Emiss, Mental *e of Opium, Tobacco, or AkcohoUcStmu a,, o f EsanltY, Consumption and au early grave Wogd,,s 0 u8ed sucenfuliy by isunds-eds of casestisat seemed reated by tise most talented pisysi- pais-and insanlty--cases tbat wereF eontunued and perievering use of had been given Up te die, ver der You nieed not despalr-no mat, -te remedy la now withla yowr lte of unefuinesa and happfnesa !4$5; by mai fs-e of postage. Pamphet free te any add-ema Windsor, Ont-, Canada. T bis wbolesale-and rotali drugglau lui the DomInIon. bhat at any other season*. Scott's Sarsa- Y, strong, active and vigorous. A weak, Buifering and, compla- nMM& Wuman cati nd pimps cerdfrz *rcopein Id flot attend trn o rk,"writs is S. Bond ouaprk ,reomnl< bottl cu re eaginst% kP IOR TME CMLCONI WILL- B UY 7 W. e the pinest seleo- L L o n o h s BEAt/f ULAMÊRÎnA Nt J. 1 Ch w (Successor bIf. Tkompson.) The Subecrîber bas again opened busines here. Hie office wilI be at E. R. Blow's telegraph office, factory at Mas. Newbery's rouse on Brocs Street, south. New Ptamlps îranfacure a. oldPupareaied net casemaerlatnsedand ork aça DOMINIONBAK WALLer P atEch WhitbyAeiy General Banking Bsns Yansaoted. SÂVINOB D!lPhJSTMSlT. intereuî aflowed st hiibseumrrent rates. 0 cotloe o! f tIidrawalrequfred RLADAMS8 fIOROPE, KIL LER REMEDY 8. WGAR, Mgerchant, Wid.,, M4. K. acted marielouýsly in my caseéo~ wronic stomacli and bowel trouble. (Y. FLÀ à E, L*D.8. Cot sbire, Que.: Vasgivn U tedie from a complication 01' se ad Liver trouble with onumpi a as wel as e!er now it stJnM London: honie, coughý and hemortrhages a- gs were hurrying my vif. te an edyý gnig. thacks te !itj K. sise is-aseîei 4s oet rRadam Microôbe Ruilr.O <Ltd.), 120 KiNO SIU2T WERT. . Ppr sale 4 ail eue / 'J Il b v 'F. A[TN Borders to MachS Corne early and gotfirsc cheice. L P. B. WARAM,5 i j 1 WHITBT.ý Feb. 14, 1895. Bryan oid and PUPABrooYtWib LOWEST 1 iumlusi

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