Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 2

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r> AYER'S Restoe..nttiral air alor te the h&ir, and &180o prevente ~r.<- I At ag out.]Ka H.g W . PS., Baye0t "A littlomore than tWe yeare a«ço - ,.to, thon letîr was restored te its original celor aund ceased falling eut, An OYSOtlaplPicat ion IliaqSsince kept t ie huir iin g<od ctoilitie."-Mrs. Il. 1". FENWîCK iI)gby, N. S. Girowth of Jiair, Fizlit v-ar.q agoi)1 had the varie.. Io hi A ldfot 111y liaiti, ivicî prQe 'i- \';(îIi(pi teabiindanit. I tried f ~reparations, but with- i i l eriiiaientlv bald. w u 111tli-a, g m uslband I T o ihottle of AMer's I i t iori andibeg-an at once te i- Iý as1lor t tme, inew baîr ý,t ; ir id tiiere iN now Tj j('ct of i hkis ag-owthl T ( bofore nîi îlnss ' - 'i \ W1TmHia, ioly mnia St., New AYER'S HAIR VIGOR OlR j C AVER &1 .4 ve r'v 1>dZlst CO , LOWELL, MASS.,U.S.A. OOR RESPONDENCE ln ou Tih o.. wllb. locg .nough . - bc r0wh -np Bluxcoe s4ros as fer a Uow J .4 -QpoBot 4 ýromains la pro- HoI sore o ~roe l. ~r * f ~hytocX14t ii Tho. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARSoiouojdU bsrcvrdfoxa ciabsorneér. XIt vit thu omý h t shý1n ge i whç>leou" a-oftIi. Villagê, aud it aro #IEONE GUN. M~ ~ i4d~sik fo o-nma rtte Have you ýever stopped to consider attacAl oftials haat severlhbWnre sdouecw.R son t nurse whiû wst'it tthe' what la the ceai and what is the prob- _4 ÂO Cde t saa pn oos seera hndrd dllas.house, reînoyed il îucceasfully without able effect of a shot fremn a modern8iI sa Y ith the Mf~OS Buung. Mise Annie Smith, wbe s beeu away any bsd recuits te the boy. ironclad?" writes an authority ln the 1fied Ethel EilLe baî been indisposed for ciitm;smndmMna lua. Aw sua New York Hemnldi Dji for a forlniht, but ie non, about recover- OLAIEMOZT, LutI Friday Ivo Coldwator young mon Stop to censider that cach shet from . Thebapigtpepleenjýeda oeil o are before Polioe Magistrat,. Lafferty oneC of our great war vessels might cost Miss Clara Philp retuned last weok Thdne bapty ole ejd oil ncagevt cetn adaub tperhaps *rOo,oo, perhaps 5200,00e.- freux a visit with her unclo, Col. Battota, Wenoda vein.the Z Gýa~tien the uight of the hockey nay, even, haîf a million dollars? To et Loust Bill. W. Doetawdll ho-s beau ill for sema mitch. ]Both aoknowledged--tbw efne. be sure, the ihot itself does net cost G W Doker bas added a pair o!fluie days witlîa sesvere cold. sud vore rnulcted lu the sum et 85 snd more tha' pnas$ oo u erh rvu esst i led olso Vin ih. andreao ioia, sbi, oreech, souminglaiLe12 md that te prepare for that sbot the ed livery stable. ingwit Mu Radresu aro oab.ship must be built and must be main- Mise Jowel Wood, of Churcb street, Miss Mary Gibbons le spouding a few a B prias. tained through vears of peace. Think 'who bas bad grippe for some weeke, lis days witb ber nucnerous friands lu the Mtrcli las oertainly corne in vith char- what ail this amounts te! A modern again able te ho about, City. ceriuîrc March veathor. Anyouo vie ironclad, ready for action, costs, let us JAHit abeunisodfoth Geo Reso su wieof ocui 113, inpînï ted je a off hie rcj îd in Btrsy 4,eo To keep it ready paît week, and vo muetsy that hig ce)ý îe împaired le ar off laie reckonugand la couts half a million dollars a year. dition fer a ima was alarmng, bb e*i fasite he okwihRev eowsdthe old peopla who know batter tThau we N cw icuotr lnby tb fant. o iur sthti e otmehv , suppose that wars are on the nwm 'bter -boe tcn ' Robert Grahamn, oethIis place, bas beau pleuly of oold weather in Msrch, as that average, 20 ytear sand hc saîo eIehue nomiinated as Conservative candidate for la geuerslly followed by a goûtaI April aeae hn h otn maintenance Rev 'I A Rodwall, assisted by Rev ýq West Ontario. A high cehool novelici. 0f the ghip, ail preparatery for the C Philp, bas been conducting revival ser Mus. T. iknbtoni ail e « iiuIlwte:--h ihsol shot.s Wi h as neyer yet fired, vices in the methodiet cburch boe for cov'ering and wiIi be about again in a tew je likely Le be immortalized iu more vay would be $14,eee,ooo. Suppose this lite put L wo weoks, and mucb geod work daye we expeot. than one. A pupil je now ougaged insi t ie o hots in a cingle action,.lias boon doue. Mr. and Mme John May, of Hligilland writing s novel aud aocording t eor t It is a big days work nçw. These shots Bir'h-na-er ubroo Crek, visitd over Suuday with Mr. snd 14 Le receceive the paltry suai eo$90 j or hv hncs ver $140,000 apiece. tFriday, MDunard t,19, t wiof Mrs Castor, et North Claremont. it. W. are ploaad Le seae uoh evidences "Actually the cost would be much Peter Aunan, of a dangli ber Rults-m The market on Tuosday wau botter at- of ambition on every hand. It je te be greater, because te keep ready for i00 Pickering, ou Friday, M~arcb 6&h, 1896. Lnded itau has beauthie cae for sjoin published lu Buffalo,," shots an expensive governmental de- the wife Ot J A i'i;, et a dargiter. veeks Butter 15 and 1,' cents, egga là SPeaaing Wtte'lImh. paIttnent must be maintained, and the 9btr-n 189ng'nMody gart ce ntg.Mayor Jupp bas taken &top& te secure reai cost of each shot could nly be th186, the wife of W J Clark, of tibe The bapti8t choir were at MounutZMon the permission et the suthoritiai at Ot,- found by apportboning the entire naval Noe, c>1 a son.1 JYser supper Friday evening. Mme lava for people te spear whiteflsh in and administrative expense, from war Jonatban Porter, wlîo bas eccupîed the J Rddy and M s Emma Brodie wer hr Lakes Ceschichiug and Simcoe, vhioh i@ te war, among all the shots fired, in the l epe amwetc ho villaire for2 .nd gave rtadinge. nov altogether prohibitod by law. Mr same way that of a manufacturer, te thie past year or two, leaves thié week for E. W Evns bs rnte bisfar teJupp recoguiziug the tact that thore are find the real cest of his goods, d'vides Michigan wbera heoewns a tarin. As we E. W. vane a illente i arm ute n any mon who are doiug nothing just his administrative expenses by his1grecs staîed soeawOeeks ago \Vv Sleep pur Diam nd, sud wil hav au aucion no v wh e m ight proftably fill in their product and determ înes th t 1unanufac- o a e i l c u t v o î d b r P r ~e e:m eîî p orin g.t a. T he latter a s, been a go d citizen a aecf 25hietr. igotfto9W-eda ieHo holds the very son- turing per cent.'te be added te the in every way aud we regret that ho is Messrs Castor aud Forsyth say that sible view that if the white-flsh cari net cost ef production te determî ne the bu elaeu. u ehp htb be uîad te tide over an idie season, they whl oto anufacture.adbsftiyîa aeaudn rs he elevaters at the station are open for are net et auy igreat value te the crndom- ere wte oy hîmodi a outperityaoe çiî u eusin hoe. t h tisnes ahyea rond.This statoment tmunity. Ris Wersbip hopee te have ia usiesrule te the busissof wnar, here arqu ite a rousîinero Rnocessary, le coutradiol our remarks et favorable reply frein the Capital in a day bwiesu findtht lusalpaiines yf afloTha tea 48,00,00hae ee tl weeâk, anent tbe grain market at or two. w d -umr o ortlî Ciaremont. 1bIn loee. every shot fired in a naval war riewa- left te descendantset Casper Croukhîte, M". aud Mrs. Alexander Carroll, ot The ice on the lakee is et rather poor days weuld cost tht nation firing it any- Who died years ago in Holhand. It lej ràud Valley, bave beau @Pend ing a few quality this yoar, the boat boing eecured wÈefo ure o afmlinsB this' iatseephe uCro a hairf avs et their weddinig tour witb their froin around te shoros et HorgshoeIe- dollars, hi village, 1'oeo-telcy iis noie, Tobias Caster, oftNorth Ciarement. land. Se much 800w hbu talion this Eighty million dollars is a large suma, aud hi-ie friande cf Ibu happy couple join in winter that the froet has net hsd s chance wemut mm.i. IPMrUUDk i h b ishing thoin a prespereus and joyful te make very good ice. The groateit evnOneftegrataeMm odkc, if ho b itrtikoet clear ico je about aîght juches Î1 : The maLter is now beîng thoronghiy iu- James MeFariane aud Miss Adelis sud il leexpected that the lake wil ha tiatd Idest daughter of Mr. and Mris. Wi1lliam cloar et ice a couplaetfwoekî ariier than CIJRED HlM ACCORDING TO RISA1oi8ad iged" subecriber", wae owswell, were married aI the residence unual thia epring, The local dealers are eirdbusteOh ayfoT. rthe bridels parents on Wednesday gottiug ln their supplias this waek. SOLEMN SWORN STATEMENT. ousdthtyawiugrdasol re8en, soe frtu a istace. ssan"Having road tbe ecceunt Of tde n oon. Ae no u uur t fth bri de swero r h ow lg W y M o e f r Rn arry Stew a ts tap a w orm in the N e ye, e s e t, o m e fre n di ta n e. s a A ler T h r w in A w y o n e fo Y e re m a y 1[a s k if th a t is th e se s se r pe n t t a a@ derated a large number et handSeeathe Greate Kooîonay Cure" Appear vas 8se rquonY Beau at ai oulau ,eseuls. Wo join the boat of frienda lVI d u oo in wibingthe appycoupe edand easoed Dependance onYear? To answer this qnory vo are un- re11 ab ndte u ciahin tho b app coupleMeehanical Apphiauces te Raise i lu u e creythn i a. S o ng lie s I ob oN ubA a pn s.B d visited by t is mnonster, ow ved il do N w. L N S YTho FnAM V 2nd I f l uuhar af - n - - --*- ts bi IR la N BE&VERTON,1 h- 'iTY ( hvckers are not a iii êîow cf ýI I q tlr tT tll (;I 9 nove or). ihev litid a thîruiitîg for cýrganîz7aliofl on \W ad- Pr SI - VO -h-h26, a ()veraud's eV h ~ ~ ; T(té ii '- a in ltSif oficters. 'al Tljvv iro îno --sN ugwapa ud MeminS pr Io -tài-t] e Ill H tV falthIe seassons ex pensas. he 4,,-vr]tife-î lto uT eriv-r inicrier To Re. <-cîjiihtl 'Q fi w cilI tîe, aud mn îîare Mr- Jeseph Hazlewood, oet]Raglan, 1uw (qiuP1, i. tile eliii oeteck lu the baud camnival on Friday even. I lesp-Ci (Te îî- su (T I teeec ing hast, and expreasasd bis pleasure at thb 1liof a wh ai n ote w ýthù inanner in wbich Manager Parkine cateri ('1eili (I,1 1' - w-(ii, is t-' b' doue Le the public aites. Lis lilî Fred Appleyard, wbo wa8 arrested ai NIr (~i ~llî~ icf ELcypt, liad Kimîmount about three weeks ago tei aýscJý,sa'ctilzoa bd aoidsitaishest'eal ing este from the grauary et Patrici wautti hast %\edeia.Marcdi 5. H c affgan, bas beon sent«uced by County ýWAS in cuterto bivillage aud MCen ateDeacen tLe eue year in tLb 'aiiî'r non cr i hie it tcit) t hi e hiorse tock Ia rsn fri-21iT aud T imiod ou the o tes Mr. Me- FridRy meruing Gao. Ellsworth sud 1)g1; ai le reini n oe i -i-nsd John Carnes', the îwo young east ward t1' 1,tnjr lih WSci ri n lds.implicated in burgîsmies, vomi Ï111okued. tirk, nticimas -uitre uean ibrought beforo P. M. Mclntyre, cbargec thirew NrMet)cI)iTigt.ii)out on lit@ face. wilh hiavinig broken inte N. H. Cowdry's The ljorse aied miel)u u shed and grain waraiiouse on the 7tb Novemnher camehte 1)a stop aIt te oppositei door. la. They pleaded guilty te this charge Natîlci Mr>Nlcl)ougail uer the cutter s'Id wer"e allowed te go on euapended wero beriouisiy darna,,ai. altiiotgli Mr. ,, ne noe The charges against themin i M-c DeuTttlt was badiyshlakan up connecLion vith the burglazy on Monday McGiowat's bius bas laken on a novmrii atwr ntpesd hr e coat of paint sud sustained a complet-e îng ne sustaiuiug ovidece-Watehman. ovHrbafflîng h. is Dow a dandy oufi Lindsay people ougbt te, be, at toast, aud andt wurtîî tan cents te rite lu jt, watt read, eeeîng that va have soe four- auvwn-V. McGowan seAins Le be a tive te"n libraries, which, at a 1ev estimato iuian in litusintllte8s. contain nine thousaud books. Outeide NIr uti.Meltteour hamion eav etofthese thora are mauy privato libramios i u lu . M R e u h m i n b a y vione books venld m any tim as en&num - wetgliî base bail player, is the happy ber the total et tb. public libraries.- fatier et a baby bey.- "The widovesud oid maidese»en te Mr. J J Hoimes bas beau speuding & have possession efthLe Levu," said a few days in Toronto ou business. bacbeler te a friand th. other day. 111 Mise Eva 't"esteoît is epeuding a few have gene caretully over the list and ftnd weeks wiLh friands in Cannaington. over one hundred woe ofetail sorts, Miss Relie McKay paid Canuington a izeos sud ages. who are widowa. Inuoe iliort vieitlIset week. churci sioe. here is ne lou than 48 et Mr It Buckler le advartisiug a sale eftIbis, class. Thon se toe beuumber cf old us stock sud implementa fer Weduasdsy maide il wouldu't do le state, for aeeord Nfarch 18. Mr. Bucklam bas secured a iig tle a cenle enumeraler thora le not srm in western Ontario, sud wyul move au unmarried womnen iu tewn ovor 25 boere almeet 'mmadiately. The fari h yeare et age. Lindsay ought toe hoa ;as ou bore will b. worked &bis year by grand rallyiug point for widewers and te owner, Mr Ken Davidson. bachelors," Mr Georze Drakte tae aer h ic ~a hl. Bss I t t v il yard ono n aynazi froin Mm Wm Taylor vil enpioy lbhesainebauds lu bis own yard as b. omployad batore iu botb. Mr Jas Birciard vas lu Kirkfleld bast weok sud made the parchase ef a neat itîlo place etfberme flash. Mr A M Poutland nov vears the pros- pemous sud happy air which ie vent te surmound the parents o et novolîdren. The affair bappened on Moudsy,,Lb. 9th lit, sn ud vafettbe masculine per- suassion - The destatu of re T Treleaven, vite ot our worthy eove, ounFrday lest ead.d a long sud sevare ilineas, and loft a bland in tii. tamly le wbh ch. belonged, which la Dot esuily filed. Hem iflneec wus a oemplioation of diseaîe anid tbe end vas nots-naforseon by ber rlatminos, but lef t "s-ua ning mark," au death eften dote, Mnéunleus. a onunod: Man- nom. Mrp, TM"le ~' egé-wu 5yps The uerai eaý Menîd&ciy vas on. Mlb. largest for yeares, àaudmeethe lb.Ville ara and -klarge number Mofrinif~ lb. snrroundîug coolm Ï Olloqd the romains te Ihoir lest rPngPluace i st Andrw's cemet.vy. Utho-wreatb sont be.u Ione, me (*me fbn flg.tmi D&W amiloo-of Tormtto 1 tovu On' o , M.dp4 atteninhaÙM .fm*ds ôf bisaanler.é~p Mnai e Z ï,o a elo~W A. most enthosiastie, and perbapa the largeat meeting ever held in the int.reatp of baaebali, met at Hamilton'. ba4 Tua, day night for the puposWeore-organizî& for th.esaswon. With 1fr, Geo LytIi,> the. chair, who by thh.11!y, made. au et. calent ebsirman, folo.,a e*!e-t> of offiers wiîb the folowing resuIts: Patron, A F D McGachsn; Hou -pr.oi dent, Jas Graham; pros, Ge. Lyi' livice preo, Fred 'Buke; 92ad vice >eé lrb Middleton-; mI ».,AHaio; captain, Clareno. Adiu; reas, W wlP su.qtifoiu xd B!Uiau0t oora j in f n sol uuu y Uli CIU U bilU w U umnion of Canada, CUuny 0f Went* 1 o gîve thebay a dose Of the K-oT 3.wortb, Province of Ontario, To *wit: remedy. This will practacaiiy settle the 1- 1,2de Charles Sayer, clerk of the City of matter. ehuans H wlton, in the County of Wentworth, The Iimited express to the weet Tues. pro vi îee f Ontario, reidenee 119 Ran. dy morning maet witb an unexpected1 nal bre~t w,.R, do solewnly deciare rcid.,nt when near the east semapilore ý Young and old its Victims, &but 1have suf~every severely from athOis -tatiori. The train passes here ______ ndfrrnr woaou 73 f but Tuesday was one of k years. I have hebn .!trunfd,.d hv uedi t'ioqe tdays wben it did flot pea. When *ail ren and have Lakeji rnauv kinds (1 Ot oUiug dowri the east grade the aide y ralne's CIv~ nn~d1fal patent medicines aud ini ali have ex. rode on the engine liroke in two and the p ended about $180 witbout heirg berl, tooe ends cOminen)(>d hstteringy the cab Ai îm Its sondge fiLtcd. with great fury. Driver Liddle and* bis flI have used four bottles of "Ryokmiln'a firernan were eompeiltrci to get to the ____Kootenay Cure," and now feel that 1 am centre of tLe cab to avifi heinog -truck. erd of Rbeurnatism and Sciatica My Attbough thepe roda were flvinz aronnd 1 MR. GARRETT IS MADE A NEW generai healtb bas irnproved wonderfally, a-(1 tearing the ties, to pieces t: e PVinp 6MAN. and I may state that for several weeke di(l not l-eave the rails and ..S(p44 ____ before taking the. medicine I was unable %ith as littie delay as possible. Tiie (is to rai6e mygeif in the bed withonî nMe- ahled enine was drown tn the city the ohanical appliances. gaune day-News A well known writer declares tbat dy. I recommend the "'Kootenny" remnedy aspepsia is a "hom e fend -" I t ils truely a witb the greatest confidence for Rheu- Tedemo cruel and torturing monater, and makes mati»m and Sciatica. It is oaertainly ai Pouce de Leon was its alavea imserable epecimens of breath- splendid tonie for building up the sysreni that lie might dis- ing humanity. generahly. - cover the fountain Thias enemy of Thousanda ià effectually (Signed.) CHiARLES BAYER. of perpetual >youth. conquered by the mighty power and gent- He dled searching le virtues of Peineis Celery Ceuipounld, And I make tbise éolemnn decisiation. for IL. The fountain and the victims are releaaed férever from oonecientionsly believing it te ha trup, lie wasl looking for the afnl ormeter.and knowing that it iq of thei same fnrce a an impossibil. theawultometo. ad ffctaaifma- ude %at ad I r ity,. unnatural and This le, perhaps, the woret seaaon of mdefo si aeudrot n y -ciiimerical. The tbe year for the victims 'of dyspepala, 'Viiiue etftth. Canada Evidence Act. neaxest thing te the indigestion, and stomach. The gÉeat Declared before me at Hamilton, jin ~ fountain of perpýet- nevesyten eqirs trnghein tethe County of Wentiwerth, this 22ndday 817ut is a foun- blood nô* cbarged with impuritien, n may buay 1896. .tanect pepeta b. made pure, so that it ai ï ous (Signod.) W. FRED WALKERI [at e~spok healthily and in abundance: the stoma.ch Notary Public. yeung. Sic kne s3 weak unreliabla. imuet ha tond. imRakelth ensirod Paine'à Celory comnpound *111 accein- G URIai f all, Strength andl plieh ail theae grand objects for the dy- Miss A L Trwin was visiting Mins Wil- reglitin the di- speptic, aud fit him for tha pr.o per pelr- li ,oe Brougham, Saturday luat. q#gestjve fwictions, forniing eofail of life's ddties. 1fr. WRei.Kù lbas beau seriously ili for -Ptrindetié M at Joseph Garrett, of Garretton, Ont, writas the laît few days, bt: when going te and ït:Ieik eyt "I vas laid Up for monthas, and could 0> h a eotdsm alr idlduftnh not word, oaor sleep. Da after dA y OUr yong pebpldi' meetig klaat Tb nre- ý<>eîra tiLl t vas geueng weakpr when &i thed advised day h. snous, 'refus:me mat. e v e u i n g w a s >hýuk lW o 'rgÎ ,t s u i.a , t h e i t c t i o n . F o i me le lake Pain. s à CeryCompound.. t . 1 kw IKte, hai li 'shol digive tha uxedicine aMil,-nd before '",1&Ç -,gn W I 1t,41à âe yWa elaisretained ie 1h. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-eur 'io ot.wsOihd xein.£we~î g.Fratfb~toêybody, and as it caumoto ayplace else, S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ô ea~hig.-Iènio i lo a e 7to ii it~II more, orlese of-it gets Into lb. eblood. and orkas vli s a>~ ~~j 017 cel. T~it~ -e~ist atpu.It l ià ha awoudér. anid Io séu iû ," Irr -ay s~~ ,,,,~ Iiip e hrt1a noi ot~rwr The f IlowIng latter Ils from a v 2k- Pircbri-it taler et St. George. N. 1, C. 1. Ilond & Co., Lowelt, va "Geîîtlemu-1 amn glad te sav ,1, t p- > Sarsaparllla aud Hood's PlUs lhavi' dr)lnp, as great tleai et geod. Iliati a sp-v -;r5-, .- the grip lu the wtater, and ailer getI' ~ lever 1 dld flot seem te gallier strecigtîî, ;n'ij l ne ambition. llood's SarsaparlLa pro--e-i te he mest wlîat I needed. The resuits asPre very satîsfatbry, and 1 recemtnen4 thîî4mesiîeIue te ail who are aftlcted witlî l-heumt i or otbcr afflictions caused by pison aînd peor t] >,)1. always kaep Heed's Sareaparilila in niy !husp sud usa IL when 1 need a t-onie. We al-in keel) Hood's Pilla on hand and think hlghly oft(i. J. W. DYKEMÂN, St. George, New ri-,-î Noodls plle are purelv 'cereta'-ý!- -ndl'j not purge, pain or gri>e. 8-1-1 L,-ah L. BUOT sifCCEwIILREIEDy Foe =,IQ~ EA$T,. lor, Cet&îiaInttsfté-and neyer UTr. Bs.dgSubhaow-2 Doer irs-Pissas asend me one of your ffor,. Book an o= ,l ejýe gTatdeai or youir ,wonde,-fui medidas. roncelW , bi aS an eaut @evn " oUle ber. -I Yewu7a, Oui, POWELL KENDALL'S SPamlViIyOIJIL czurrOw, Xe., APr. 3, lx. Dr. B. . KBND&LL ( Diear Sîrs-I - l ct ---eral b-'ttie ocf your ]Ke da*oi . -«-*a-:ta ruc> succees. 1 tàlnk la the 1 . n ever use. Hame re- moeo e rb . ,-IlioodSpavtn and lciled twio Han~v1, e-e rewomeded it to seei-, c-' mny frexde wbýo arm mite pleased wUt ep t. E Repeu-fuIiy X&R . RrP. o. aoxSle For Bale Amy aU LbuggsoraSg D p. ~FA LS B. J.T'.V? 4 For Yeux, ----,avenu St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strengtli, No Amb;tion 1

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