Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1896, p. 7

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Almost Passes Bel ief Mr. Jas. E. Nicholson, PloremcevUle, N. B., etruges for Beven Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, A.ND 18 OURED BY AVERS Sarsa. parilla Mr. Nicholson sayx: "I consulted dec- tors who îrpsv'îtbcd for mie, but te ne purpose i lie cancer began [o Eat into the Flesh, spread to my chtn, anid 1 suffered ln a ~Ofy for ;even long yvars. Flnally 1 It)egan taking Ayer s Sarsapaîlla. Jim a week or two 1 uoticed a tro. m e mpador -to alOther treati6*t. Th.i aare a&W. & gwSeifio for the troubles wIlh ake the. lu s f8many women a bmrden, sua sipeedîy reuiore th. rloh glow of hsslth to salIow oheeks. Meibro)ken down by overwork, worry or excess, will find in Pink Pille 1% certain cure. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are aold only in boxes bemring the firm's trede mark snd wrappor, printed iu red ink). Bear in mind lat r. Williams' Pink Pille are noever sold iu bulit or by Lhe domen or hundrod, and any dealier who ,offers sub- etitutes in tis forum le trying Le, defraud You and should be avoided. The public are also oautioned sgaiin t :1 ether so oiled blood buildere and itsrvv toinics, Put up in sirnilar forum i* le o de- oive. Tbey are ail imaiLitons who8e makert; hOPe te retp a î'evuniary adran- Lape trum the wonl1 tul reputatiorn achieved by Dr. Williaws' Pink PFlls.' Asic your dlealer for thevn These Pille are manntaotured by the Dr Wi liam'a Medicine Company Brock- ville, Ontàrio, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are eold only in boxes bearing Lhe firm's tirade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Tboy may ho iaa [rom any dealer, or will ho sent by mail on rocoipti of prico. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may ho had of all drnggieta or direct by mail from Dr \% illiams' Medicine Company froni either address. Theo prioo at which the pills are sold make a course of troat- ment coniparatively inexpensive as oompared with other remedios or medical Uilora LP%,utu uspi uvrijun. Mrs Dr Jardine, of Sunderland, was Rncouraged by this result. 1 perse. the guest of Mrs Glendinning on Sunday vered. uiitil lna a muotith oi so [lie soro la8t. urîder my chin begati 10 heal. Iiitbree montlis my l began to hcal, and, after J W Ruttie, C R, et the 1 O F court usin g teJasaparla for six hee wsth eîpet favaotîoi telstrcof t he ncr ismoered' eethte esiuto aiuiei [li lsttrce f cncr dsapere.' the f orni of a bouncing baby boy, and ~ ..Ib*.. oroonnow carrnes the proverbial smfile. Ayeî s OnIyvSarsa ariIIa Mesors. G. Crowder and W. Jackson, Âdmitted at tiae World's Pir of Wîlfred, gave ns a call on Sunday À YER'S PILL. Regulat. the toel.g We regret lîaving to record the serious _____________________________ilines8 of Mr Hy Tiffin, wbo is at present under the doctor's care. We wish bir.n a HOW A HOME WAB LOST. speedy eory Mr G L. Miller, of Severn Bridge, was OFM .in town on Monday evening trying to or- '1KBITTEU EXPERJENCE 0 R ganize a lodge of the C P A, but met li 1 W O D, U ,F 8 M C E. with littie succes. I4LWOD, St , F SICOE. The latest news arrived froni our old frîend Mr Wm Joseph Snoddon, Of Chi- .tcacked wîtli Neniralgia of the Limbe he cago, is that his ranch in Minnesota ie Becarne lie1lh-os ad suffered intense doing very well. Udora boys as well as AgnySpet liq omein octr' othersecaui mari a mark in the world Agoy, pen lis 1tmein ocbrig when tbey try. witb Specialiste V\i thmut Av-al--Dr. Mns B H Lepard has beer, suffening Williams' Pink Pal-i Corne to the froni an attack of gnip but we are pleased Rescue when '[lier Nîcans laad falied. w. say she is on the way to reoovery. Prom [tae sîîucoc Rut ýrom-t On accouint of unforseen circumstances MIr St John waa unable Lo fill our pulpit. l'lieuiiîny vorueA of J r. wv aîîamis Pîmk Plille 1or Pale lPeople have so often boen publîslîed inIi lle commuein of tlais paper, that, tlîey are wîit-Iv known to the rnstdonceû of Norfolk County, and it 19 as wîdeîy vonceded tliat tlîey have brought joy int() more thanu oe thotsehold, and tioîr menits are spokon of only ini words of l)raise. ln thîsis ance the tacts are brouglît directly homne [o the- resîdents of Strncoe, a gentlemnan wdîo iii glad to testily [o iUic ene(ýfitq ,o hîj rîe-eaved from thie use of thetsepililQ e eig a resi- dêînt of this town Nlr. \% inElIwood, gr, a re8idont of Sîraîcot- for IIIkj1t %%, vears, atrad for vears a 01 îent i [rt Frie, a C.,rpe3lt t-r lv irtal, Iî Ldj1i] a s praîse ofli the eé is ho ie~tri o d roin froi tue 11of 11slls i t a nin terview wItlî Mr. lwoool, thatt g#entltlotti utel-I tie Rkeform- f-r tliat abont (eogV.t vearý,ao uî it-was .-dackeil wî thii',ceorateol caîtarrît of the lit-dad dthît, t, ani w osigedto quit work, aud stricet- lint bbc lias not been abis te re'-îaîe lias caîing. I lie disoase, -liortly aIrer lie wîas taken 111, developed uto nenralgia of the lowen limbg. trom whiclh lie suifferel terrible agony. Dering bis !oug iluesst[ho services ,of epecialista n hoUa Torotnto and Bi3ffaio, as well as ilmo8c of local physcians boiih in hie form t-r horne and i«Sîncoe, were cailed into regjuittion, boit ail [o tic) pirpose. So -ý WAS UNABLE TO WALK ÂROUND." bad did ho beorne, sand eo great vere the pains that aieS t troogli hie limbe, tbat at times Mr. Elwood had to b. held down on his couch. Hie stomseh sud bowells were eriously affected sud b, wus indeed in a doplorable condition. About s year ago b. [oit Lbhe use of bis left-~ foot and anklo snd wau unabîes W wsik &round his homo viLimout graS diffculty. At oe e ime Mr,. ElwdW . posaesed of s good home, butso6a was ho ill that ho speut ailhis property in the hope ofregaininghiahealh.LIàit fail Mr. Elwood oommenced tsking Pixik Pille snd sbortly sft«. e b.iui0feel ausiimprovemeut in hlsmnition. R., toatinued sthe use of PISlaUnhil he ba& taken 18 boxes when heoregalued Od. useocf his foot sud suite snd tboughl h. WaU about cured snd disoonliamued tiss use. Bo long bad h.oeb"n a sufra', h:>wver, t lit wu asimpudsite for -bln tu, Woome convlîe«O.t n e shorts àiâme. Au atiack of Lime'gi egalu b o n lie dises.., but mot,-b> 'wmm=as1» terrible as fr Mrr',K. EIw<*4e107à eommenoed Ikngl.poklMd a # b» aiu traïes Of diseff. frop. 'Iè8i on 8unday evening lust whichmduty foul tapon our a-spec[ed resident, Mr Geo IPt-ens. In te absence of Mises Webster the p)lace at the organ waa ocoupied by Misqe Peers in ber old turne style. After several weeks stay in Uxbridge we are pleased to see the face of Mise B. Umphrey again in our midst. Following the plan of the Sons of Tern perance, the I1O F court bas adopted the' idea of having debates during their meet- ange%. Bros Wains and Lepard captaine. The debate to be lield at tho next meet- ing of the court. On Friday, Feb '2let, Mr and Mrs Geo Fawns celebrated the twenty fifth anni. versary of their wedding by inviting somoe of their neîghibors, and the young people of the vicinity [o spend the ovening, and it goes witbout sayrng that with Mrs Fawns as homtes, the partiy epent an en- joyable time. Miss Nettie Fairfield bas returned home after a prolonged visit et Toronto. We are glad to hear that Mr Bon Lep - &rd, Our morohant, às going Le etay with us for another year. Mr W B Fairfield has the contirscofe running the stage from Woodpecker's Point to Pefferlaw. Tho right min in [lae ight place. ALTONÀ. Aylmer B Ror sej visiting friends near Whitby thia week. Mrs MacKay was visiting frienda at Port Perry lust weok. Mn Jones, of Mount Joy, paid us a fly- ing vieiL Monday. Mrs Blackie of Stouffviile in viaiting at Mr Eph Lehman'a. F J Reesor and soon, had quite an ex- tensive wood bee luet week. Jne Hoover sold a fine lot of fat hogs lat week to the buyers Mr and Mrs Henderson spent Sanday at Goodwood. Ab Yak. and his gang of apple packers wero in tua ioinCMity lt w. - Mr and Mn McKay, of Uncie S&s' dounain were visiting asJno Wht.'lst] week. Quit. a number of our ciLlion took in the. Brown sand Lswr hLitai lWhitby ou Tueady. Frsnk White in et Rosovale tbis wo.k~ holping Isabrother in the logbamiue. Mr Il BHoover h» moved bis bouge.. hold effectato »w boume a oe,r ove, vieh . hoi. Dow uioely sttwi. Rov H E Â Reid, iBofll.rsh ed a u1derou in -the Unl unsuc South Amer"nossa m 4m'Wo olep bu b r d, A nimbr*Ifbiptised bgeI Wta on Sabbatlsuegt Bert Dowswell wlsit.ed lIds uncle, Prico ýPugli, nortb. of here, the other evening. Mrs. Thos. Hickinbottom is serious- ly iii this week, and her friends are anxious. Master Burk who met with such a painful accident at Tobias Mitchell's, last week is getting along n icely. W. Waddell, of Dorchester, is here on a visit for a few days. He lu flot in the best of health and is flot now settled on a place rcbidence. W. H-1,ný1rehan is at Bloomnington thiis wcek, having been calied there to visit i,-, rnother who isvery ill. In fact her rcovery is flot iooked for. The ka-no-ta medicine troupe have been here for a week holding concerts and pulling teeth. The free concerts were much enjoyed by our people. About forty from here visited the anniversary services at WhitevaIe Sun- day. The baptist choir was present and conducted the song service. Some of the single rigs upset while returning homý we are told. The heavy weight of snow on Mon- day morning proved too much for it, a-d a large section of the rink roof col- lapsed. A large gang of men were at once procured and the damage repaired so that curling proceeded Wednesday. Duncan Macnab entertained the curi- Crs and their wives to an oyster supper on Tuesday evening at his handsome and commodious residence "Sandban k' It was a very happy affair, and much enjoyed by those who had the good fortune to be present. Harkness I3ros. and Graham Bros. were buying horses here on Tuesday and a number of fine horses changed hands. The prices ranged from $50 to $1 25. The first narned firmn were buy. ing general purpose horses, while the latter confined their operations to heavy Clydes. The young folks of the epworth league were given an At Home at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Eddy on Monday evening. The time was spent very pleasantiy indeed, the pro- gramme consisting of games and past- tirnes of various characters and the lunch was particulariv enjoyable. Such g'atherings as this should be en- cou raged. Ma kes Paine's Them We/I ! Celeîy Comipound Womnan's lover of Sa! eiy in the Sprin2 Season. IT HA S A MA RVEL LOUS RECORD Cures When ail Other Medi- cines Fail, The Home Friend of Ha/f a Mit- lion Canadian Familles. The world bas nover heard of a Medicine s0 higbly recommended as Paine'e (Jelery Oompound. Iti bas a world wide reputa- tien, becaue it "bmakes people well.'* Paine's Ceiery Compound is knowm as 'Woman'si Tower of Safety."' As the semsons corne with trying and varied woather, women of all conditions find in Paines Oelery Oompound s life-giver and health-preserver. IL -establishes that perfect condition of hoalth thatr keeps the user far above any depreeaing influence of variable weather. IL feeds the great nervous sytem sud keeps the blood pure. and f rosi. For weaknes. prostration,' norveunu, nheumatmsm, dyspepsie, indigestion, headache and nouralgia, this marvelous discoverY of Prof Phelpa bash no equal. IL always cures wien ther medicines pflrove uselessud te-dayPaineý's Celer» 0om u d la Lhe :Ithéchosen uMedicine in f a Mill ion of Canadisu homes. Xiss Bridges, of Montreal "ss:ý '1 consider iLsa plessure as *oIlla dut>' te put on record what PaineWs Oelory, Compound has don. ýfotr»m.- I sisffered for yesasf rom mindgeasto, hesdsacbe, peines in th. bock and side, and" féla ai nervous, tired feeling. I 1 sed usasi>' patent mediles withOut' s->' oôd seita. I vuasals atendod b'On.of the l>est doclors sd usd hi* eicnêbut could not get cured.." "IawP.ineaOIery Compou adr- gaeme ausis-gOo& - .slte lIIo euz botta- sud fouê nnd ltgtte a D.prosJa-*ow bviIfo " V On our fret t1hIswNeather ?ý There la styie lu footwteàz'as. there àtilats.. lach ye t he G!allby Rubbers and Overshoesamemodelled t.ft ilt e sibe sa of boots. TIly are thin sp as to prevcnt chunlsy appearance and ffeeling and to make theraSO'necessitates the use of the finest qtuaity of rubber. While Granby Rubbers and Overahocs ae up to dite in S8tyle, Fit, and Finish, they retain their old enduring quality. IlUlranby Rubbers wearlke I..@, WOo0dS r1ObopnolfG-Ttke Great E>glistk Remdy. Io the resuitoetover 8U years tresting thoSand of es wlth aI kovu *Mug&, Junialaslt we have dlsered the trime remedy an - 1 trEýatmnent-a f ombl"nato"LiitwIf effect a prompt and permanent cur., : Ua' staggeb of Se.gual .>61' Abuseor Etctsses, MervousWda*uus<, ' -ions~, mental WotYY, EiRwces Use of OPiuM, Tobacco, or A.lcoÀ,olic . atu? O f BOOMToknt.which moon lead to Insanfty, ConsumpLio and an early grave. Wood's D.hr Takng.Phosphodine ham been used succenuuy by hundreds of catles that seemed almoit hopeleu-casestat had bea treated by thes mS talented ph3 si. clans-cass that were on the verge of depar and lnanfdt-casetbat we tOtterlng over thes grave-but with the contlnued and perusverlng use of Wood% Phosphodi>e. thme» caes Liait Lad been givea up Le die, woe rfstOred to man ty vigor and healtia-Readea. yen need not despair-no mat. t6r who l iasgven y0u up as incurable-Lia. remedy ln now wlthln your reach, by Isa use you cmn be restored to a Ide of usefulnems and happine Price, eue package, SI gosix packages, $5; by mail free ef postage. One du /Zleaie, eiguaranierd t. cure. PamphM&ut feseay addren. The W od Companyv Windsor, Ont., Canada.1 MerTai. WeOd's Pbospumdgm. l soit! by respontible whoiesale sand rotaiS drugglsanthe I iomliflo. bonïo $uIddenDoathsI SPRING WEATHER CHANGES ARE THE CAUSE. Old People the Sevcrest saffrers-Prevent danger by thonie ofSett's Sarsparilla -the greateat ef Spring Nedicines. LaGrippe, sore throat, bronchitis, pneu. monia, inflarnmatory rheumatism and heart disease in the spring get in their deadly work When the system is net cleaned out uand prepared beforehand for coming climatic changes disease inu mre form or other - sudden and fatal or lingering and certain-is alrnost sure te follow. One dollar will buy a bottle of Scott'O Sarsaparilla ; one- bottie is a sure guarantee against the diseases of spring ; every reliable dealer keeps this king of blood puri 'fiers ; ask for it ; don't take anything else. If you can. not get it in your own neighborhood write te the inanufacturers, Edmanson Bates & Ce., tiLombard Street, Toronto. MK&BKBAM Persoafly iable Dnring several years paat, notwith- standing a rate of taxation of from 27 to 294 mille on the #, Markham village bau 'abounnlated a fioating debt et $8000 ana ut is mainly te meet this sum thaI the pressne council are petitioning thme Legis- lativo Assombly for a special act to con- solidate the debt of Lb. village. 0f course the members oaf the former couan- cils, wbo sanctioned this state of thinge, are te blarne, and if w. mistake noS eau be held porsonally riesponsible for the amount. Now $8000 lu a total amss- ment of 8884,000, représentsa'arate of '18 milse on the #, a high general rate in il- self. The. action of thé counoil lu couse- litating thé debt will meet WUith ie ap.ý proval of a large majoritiy of the rtepay'. ~ItsT de 800i 8ocw IF YOU DOUBT the efficacy of Scott's Sarsaparilla write any of the following hefore purchasing : J. D. Todd, druggist, Queen St. W.Toronto; M iss M. J. Gouid, Lloydtown, OntL ; J. Morrow, merchant, Fullerton, Ont.; Wm. T. Thomp- son, Zepher, Ont.; Geo. Denham, druggist, Petrolea, Ont.; W. S. Bond, merchant, Lloydtown, Ont.; joseph Duncan, fariner. Petrolea, Ont.; Miss Hattie Delaney, 174 Crawford St., Toronto ; M. N. Defoe, mer- chant, Zephyr, or Wm. Cornish, Fullerton Over 50oo other namnes on application. Old people, and young and middle aged as well, should fortify themselves for spring by enriching the blood anmd puuifying the ssem. There is only. one palatable and cffctiv, medicine for tbis purpose and-,that ia -w, TRY Scott's skin Soap. Obolora sand al summer complainte are so quîck in their action that Lime coid baud of doath le upon the vieLlais befote tiaey are mware that danger Ms Dear. If -attacked -do noS deiay in geLtinq thme proper medicine. Try a. dose, of Dr. J. 1). Kollogg'Dysentsry CJor- dial, and yen will get immediate relief. It acLe with wonderful rapîdîty snd nover tfalla to- f- feet a cure. Northumberlandi paper mls sent eut four carloade of paper board lut weok. To give pill anid purgtve for -sluggisbnes of Lthe liver8,ilike giyigA weak .. whisey to keepbi okn.heyeqxi'ta th- djiges- tive organete overwork luit bave..Shioun wekr anmd levna able to.e orform thei uein.E jay' LerLoeg.aaInaturetet-,de il work aud at;5h. suné lime strenge i thedi- reisyteýIM. OTW are". , boi dru# Tii. bllte iprolde frt as itreducid !àPâ"ris .18 your 10cr i3ooed 1s to4guê-tis eoat's gelx Loemoeat anm 25et We have the. Fiest Bois- ion 1L. iown of ihese BEAUTIFUL AMERICA*N', PAe JENR Borders to Ma tc ::PRICE Core arly end gesfirat choi.. P. B, WARAM,,-. Bryanlo oldl Staag, Brook St., Whit4by H. SCO TT, PU.MPMÂAKx a (Successor Io H. .77honpios.)-Î the Subscriber bas'again opeùibýI business4 beré. His office will b. Bt E. -1(.. BÎOw!ui telegraph office, ,factor at Mrs Nkwb>ry's bouse on Brock Street, south. N4éw Pûm mauufactured and old Pumnps repMa1dý Firat dlans material used and work warrs1a*ý ed. Wells dug, or cleaned eut Otderst solicited. Feb. 14, 1895. H. SCOTT DOMINION BA-NKU[ý Ompital Paid tup, 1 Burlus - - Su Whftby AI General Trasot ýoed i dli",0-mn Nounoofwiihdravalre6qulre E9. J. TKOINTôG*# lu IRADAMIS. MICROBE KILLER -,REMNi J. B.. EDGAR,# Xercbat M MK.acted mre ousl l my-liq chronic stomadira bowet ro=Me. WX. KOR ,L.DiL Was given uàp 'te die freIn a .çooepliç Dypesi sdLiertrubewh con suu Amaa~l~no;itiSrulvt>e Bankizig Chrouic coug ansd bem Wmý. Radaàm -Mior 120-KrNG SMR8. I WB~ t.... stion ta a WALL LOWEST 1 VMITBTc.

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