Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1896, p. 2

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Almost a tiopeless Case, A Terrible Coagh. No Rest Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. ALIFESAVED ..Y TAKIG AYERISPECTORAL Sevpral výe. rago. 1 catight a severe cold, ati1h ia terri bic cinghllitat allowed nw no vitibei tav or night. TVie dol- ~ r ior inng oer nie to the laest cf iti ;t t \. ronon nei My case hopeies,. il ,i 1tph e ill i f o n m re for niu. A frietîl, e of nîy trouble, sent nie a uottb t e s (brrry Pectoral, whlclî I t r111to ta h. atîld -ery sooitI 1was greatly r-vd l' v t lie time I liad used tihe mwh le 1I'. I o ,,enmpletelvriureul. I have nei-er loIi utîtli fA ý coluglu sinre that tinte. and 1 fl t ti bloive t bat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 11tt1%i 1 "-W Il. WÂILD, 8 QuInby t ' eh, . '\a1 . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD'S FAIR. 1 .-'r i ri/sthe ).est Fanai/y 1>hysic. JORRESPONDENCE Wed nosday iast wa8a &busîness-liko day inî !he % î1lage anîd our street8 dispiayed a Iiiî t lini- appearatace. M ildness of th(, w0îhtlr ard se%-oral horse buyers being t tis m tîli on foot to have a lock<- î; ercitthiF village. %Ir .1nSotlhercut was a guest i ~s r40tot a.st %w ek NIr r iîîizat McPhee, Deputy. lteeve, 4.1 %i US ;i 'al \Wdnoeday laat. Mr v lit ox' f Severrn Bridge, wa8 t, ,leý nof MNIr J no Santirno. iast week. Nir \V C(nllahee, late of the livery îhl0 hre, liae opened out a restuarant rlitm. Addy s many friends here oish h e\ t'y success in his ttew de- -a rt ti re. \tr Sarui Ainîsworth was in the village Mr Frai k LaChapple has moved it-o t oterrsce in tihe village. \lr irod Clithero, the young man who t liurt nmrihe iumbering district, sill ontt isto Imrprove, anîd we trust will 'îîbe arjntiid agaîni. Mr Jwt McDonald, reprementing the a'v ver Nlrssey Co, cf Hantilton, was in Nir J Iil, earce gave us a lleasaitt eau Lis' week - NI r %V A Weese, cf Lindsay, purchased "oitile 111u liorsos. in the vîlîrgé Thursday We lrad tic mail arrive in aur village Ilhunrpday - itet Faluer Hart was thé guet of thé Ret' Fatlaer MJene Sunday lest. M r Wzti and %Miss Ella Edwards returu- otd Satîurday f romn a week's visit to fiénds ini Brock. 'toIr Wuiî Mielhoecf Camibelîfard, spent s-unduay at the aid home iu thé village. 'l'ie revival services which bave been 'uîrlductud in tire Methodist church ber. for the pas few weeks, closéd Thuraday îrîght. À nunîher af Eaater wedding wiil tae place in cour mndst. Mr Dunicanr MoRse left aur vicinity Tueaday, and ntoved te Lornévillé, whére hé will go inta thé hotel business. Mnd Johan White arrived home Mon- day. We are érjeying fine apriug-like weat ber. Grain is somewhat moving at aur store lieuse and a large amount is coming in aitheugr tire pria.. still reinain auchang- éd. Miss May MeConnell ha. r.turned frein a vis te of riends at Victoria Har- bor. "&grave. The folio wing la thé standing cf thé pupils of S.S. No. 18, Beach, for Feb- ruary: Pt 2nd, jr-Edgar Butt, Danle Munro, Mary Parl. Pt 2nd, ar-Luey Periah, Franie Watson. Jr, 2nd-Wil- lie Dewey, Cecil Tait. Br 2nd-iinie Moon, Fioanoe Clé Ment., Florenc Sléep. Jr 3rd-Walter Macn, Ad@ BIUi Clara Pariah, Arthur Wbltter, Florenée Lau..Br rd-JohnMNo, Edward Dewey, Lillie Blight. Jr 4th-4ohn Watson, Clarence DeweRSe Caste., Lily Cléments, Eda7coun. Br 4ti- Hugh Munro, Mort Watson, at Drueau, Willie Webeter. The foilowing "à the. «Andisgofthe Ulloa of e ho for éxth of< vo"iemruy : 1P#irates-P 1cea,4w a Te.inyiou. Pt 2nd-,> 8epenon Gý Cp. s, ]FOroliard, UtrSet, J* w.s, j 1' 8utherIand, M Ta' loiwA Wgn" Walkér. Zr 2nd.-O Lak.y, Mî7p H Tavm . gBt 2n-ll ?.uyeo4. lKTon. nyucu, a 'a w.ams L Tawà, J Bteyea Jr 8rdý-G ig*7, D EBlur& JX Maa.1 moi 0 1 1 1 milloummýl A series of lectures will be given in Alexandria hall under te auspices of the methodiet oharch in the near future. Miss Nellie Gunn, of Demili College, Oshawa, and ber brother, Nlr. H. Gunit, cf New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Jas. M. Gordon at present. Mr. Jas. Chaimers, sr , of Georgina, was in tawn on Monday. Mr. blike McGowan, aur livery man, ispent Sunday visiting friends in Cari- ningtarî. Miss Loixie McRae i8 visiting friends un Toronto at present. The Misses W. and E. Hamilton re turned ta their home, Ethel Park, laet week alter a very pleaant six week's visit ta thair brother, Dr. Hamilton, Toronto. There is rejoicing at pretient in the bouse af Mr. William Williamson, aur druggist. Cause-& fine baby girl. Mr. Hlenry Carneran, wbo bas been d!l during the past week, ie once more abile ta be amongst us. Mr. D. M. Smith spent Sunday vigitinag friends in Breebin. Mr. Arch Campbell, af Woodville, was in town on Friday. Mr. J. M. Jory, of Barrie, spent part of last week in town Beavertanians are always glad ta aee Mr. Jory's handsome face in tireir midst. Meuars. Jas Birchard, H. Sneigrove, W. McKay aud N. Ritchie, and Miases Ritchie, Davidson, Moore and Westootte, attended the carnival at Woodville Mon- day evening. Mr. C. E. Westcatt was in Waubau shene an Tuesday. Miss Janie Ritchie is visiting friends in WoodVille. Mr. M. N. Raach attended the F. J. Gillespie banquet at Uptergrove last An interesting debate will be held in the roins of the Y. L. C. A.. of this town on Manday evening neit. Beavertan and the mrrauuding cern- rnunity, more eepecially that to the nortb, bas been alarnmrngly i;hocked during the. past week by the very sudden death of two of its pioneer settilers. On Wednes. day nigbt, Mr. Vyse, of Mars, wu found frazen La, death near bis own farm. Iii appears the unfortiunate man bad been on bis way borne h-arn <amebridge, and the h.avy storan and severe frost had avercame bu a.nd he was found on Tbursday a litle La one aide of Lb. road. The funeral on Mondav ilut wae largely attended. The remains were interred in the presbyterian oemetery at Gaznebridge. On Tuesday morning we wereagi ahocked La hear of the very endden deah of Mr. Michael Brennan, of Gamebridge. Mr. Brennan had been arund in hie usuel héalthliail day, in fact hadl attended tbe funeral of hie neighbor, Mr. Vyae, on MoncLay, and wus around during the re- mainder of Lthe day. Messrs. WWanamd Wiso n shibpéd à carload of i.ry fine bore.. from lier.e o Baturday laut. The. animale are dustined for thé. id counntry and a very9god p"ie was paxd fer ssci ou. of theru. W. understsnd thme gentlemen iniend mak. ing regolar visita to Beavérton in thé. future. The. citimene' band attended tbe carni, al Bt Woodville ou Monday nigiit and furnished mutai. for Lb. enjoyment of the. ekatere. Tbe meeting of the Patrons of North Ontario advertieed Le b. heid in Aloi- andria hall on Saturday alternoon of lisat weék bas beén indéfinitely postpouéd ; w. underetand Mr. Haycook, the. leader of the order who wau to b. présent aud add reisa the audience, failed to appear. There seeméd al6e ta b. quit. a faling off in Lb. numbér of Patrons asaéznblédl ta boar him in oomparison Ltb.therowda that attended Patron mieetings previpue La the recént byeélection. The annual je. harvet lbais oommenced ber.. On aOCcUnt of tb. béavy falle of snow thé je. is muoh barder to geL st and us aiea not nearly as good, beiug ouly on. haif the thiokuese of ather years. Ttîursday of last weék was rathér a duil day in towrn. No mail trains run- nuug and coeusequently ira daily papérs made things seem quitér than tboy bave b)een for somé ime paut. A lecture wae given in St. Andrew's cburch Monday nigbt by thée11ev. J. Fraiîer of Sutan, West. Thé subjeet, thte bible saciety, iLs aimsanad abjecte," was well handIed by the ev. gentleman. Mr. H. Tbompéson, while around Lb. station an Monday, bad the misfortune to lasie a sum of ruonéy betwe.n $25 CLERGYMEN AND LAYMEN N Their Praises of Dr. Agnew's il Takirg thé Bishop of Toronto, Rigbt 11ev. A. Sweatman, D.D., D.C.L., tibre of the leading membérs of thé Faculty of MeMastér Hall, and men like Lihe Rev. W. H. Witbrow, D.D., sud othérs, as ré- preaentinR thé Méthodiat Cburcb, ail of whom have spoker in hîgi Lerme of tire mérita of Dr. Agnéw's Catarrbal Powdér, and unité with thèse thé warmn endorse. ment of this médicine by thé wéil kuowu Toronto journaliat, Mr. W. L. Smith, as representing Lb. laymen, sud iL muet b. gran ted that clergymen and layméun are of anr mmd Lucbing tues truly mériter- ious médicine. The truth is that every are who usés thé medicine bas a good word La say for iL One 6hirt puif of Lb. breati through tire blowen suppliéd with éaeh bottie of Dr. Ag-new's Catarrhal Powder diffuses tues powder aven thé surfacéeof the nasal passages. Painlée sud delightful ta use, it relieves in ten minutes, and pérman- ently cures catarrh, hay féer, colde, headaches, sore throat, tonsilitis sud deafues. 60c. Sampl bettie and biow- er sent an neceipt ai 10 cents in stamps or ailver. S. G. Detchon, 44 Churcb et., Toronto. Sold by A. H. Allun sud J. E. sVilii.1 a HIGHLAND CREEZK. Mn. Clark, of Pickeringi, was iatowr on Monday. Sili Luke is busy teaming ta the city these days. Wbat is the mater with getting uç sparts on tbe 24tb of May un this town? David Taylor and Owen Dunnahan, of Targate Hill, were visiting at Mrs. Nat-thy's lately. The noads wene campletely blocked on Tbunsday hast. Boss Stephenson ondened out tbe wnecking gang, and Rumor' says tbat the tolîs are going off the Kingston road in July. If such is the case the ambulance frai Park- dale will visit this burg. The fiiends of Melville Sabbatb School intend iraving thein anniversary services during 3nd week of March. One of the council men reccntly spoke of the lazy men working on the York roads. Such is the case when you sec a man with a black coat, as- trachan collar and cuifs, leaning on bis snow shovel. Mark Taylor's famous trotting gcld- ing, «Billy Parker," was on the sick list lately, but under the caneful super- vision of Tinker Biliy it lias recovcrcd. He says it bas neyer been right since he won hie heat from the sire, Golden Chief, of the 3rd con., having gotten oven heated. A Spéars, of North Toronto, wus in ibisvicirntiy tisi.weék. Mr. Luke, of Whuib7, spent a couple of day. with1fr MoAvoy's. M Spemarsnd T MoLean, of Noril Toroztospent a few day. m ibhis 'viinîy Wm Lotte cf Locusi ROI »peut a day unde'rtiiparetal roof ab à Loti'.net Geoge izy h. mvdte hi. uew bmue on B lo. tam, whico h l IeMed for a tala Of yure. Whglto*&Urde.fin Ttctrto a.- pro-, mi. e momal *~e' I DODO' KINEYPILL8 Sleople8ineaa la A nother of tihe Van qui8shed A i/mente. A Wakéful Poieon in thé BlIood--A Feiw ,Tbat portion of the Scugag river be- tweén thé locks and thé Wellington et. bridgé wil be 'Lvdened and déepenéd as soun &a spriug opéra up, $3000 having béen placéd in thé provincial éstimatea for that purpoe. This is just wbat le néeded, and ie wirat was pétitiouéd for about a year ago by the town. It will hé good news te atéeamboat moen and citizens générally, as it wilI permit ail steamers departing aud ianding aL thé néw wharf. A local barber wae hadly hoaxéd a féw days ago by a swaggéring Young man of tfii bowery type. Thé stranger wauted bis hair cut I"a la pompadour," but donbtéd thé ability af thé tensorial artiat te givé huma what he wautéd. Business was duillsud it would net do ta leLt that flhteen cents slip eut through the vagariés of a crack, sa tire barber éxpnessed bis abiiity La comîpiy with tiré request and invited biate the cliair. Thuis e vidently saUfiefd the strangor, huit as 1)e took thé chairnhoremarkeîl,"-Now tnird 1 wntit a pompadour cut." Up tLu Liapeint dtît stranger had worn a c!ose fittinR fur cal wirich an béing removed éxhibited a shiny bald paie that would adoru t1he average front rew at thé ballet dure. Thé Lousarial artiat staod back in boly barrer, but in a moment realized thé laugh ws on auii, and admitted it Jiké a Olever young lawyor dead. It ia with feelings of the deepest, regret thot w. are called upon this week ta malte the sfluonnemrentof the demîb of Howard M. MoLauohliD, whioh event took place on Tuesday morning. Deeeased was; eut off in the prime of hie rnanhood, homoc only 80 years of age. Hé wae a son of the late J'. MoLaughlin of Fenelon sud was boem ju 1866. Re was ut ane tume engaged in businetss wit h us brother at Norland. Hies eduacation was received at the Lindsay aud Cobourg oollegiate inati. tutea, at the latter of wbicb bit carried off the Lanedo.wnP gold medal Hée pursued bis studiés ini ;aw in tho office of Baron & McLaugblin, and in 1892- graduated witb honora. In thé sanie year he enter- éd inLa, paî-tuerahip witb hie brother, B. J. MoLaughlin, of which firm h. was a member ait th. ime of hie deatb. About éight inonthe ega hé wue striken with Paralyes, and uhotugh everytiig uas doué liai kind friends oold eugget aud the beat uuraing aud medical skili could amoomplish lie gradusly san1k unti death oailéd hun away. He leavesa aYoung widow (d&Ughter eof'the laIe J. C. Nos. worthy of Bowmanvile) tb mouru hie early demaie.. Bey. Pallier Hogan, the.venerable Parielipiest of Uptegroe, Who0 for acmé time patibau been ailigî p»aee qi&y away.TUeed4YevqteThe' fip M"Maies WMbe ý«Oucted"in ei o bv Hia 6ra1 Avchba1,, Pl hi [ai 's 16 Mr. S. C. Phifip, and daugliter Elgie,. are at Gu elph. this week as e legates to the Grand lodge of Royal Templars. SMrs. 'jas. McQuold, of Toronto, ,whose late husband was interred at Greenwood a short tirne ago has enter- cd suit against Toronto for ti 5,00o damages for injuries received by her husband on an icy sidewalk, terminat- ing in his demise. Casper Stott continues in very feebie bealth, his family have jali been;sent for and several of them are now bere awaiting a change, which is hoped will be for the better. Mr. Stott has been a very active man ail his life, antd hav- ing reached nearly 8o years of age, sick- ness is very trying upon his constitu- but W I!deow; a of Gotnat wu visit Sig at Mr flam's, Jploksrlg hMbweek. Mr Thomas MulPaty paldcOr village 0 flYlng vlajt on Thursday. Mr Robert Johueton ha retorned fron a vieilta thé city iooking hale aud hearty aud Bs jovial u..ever. The. weatber on Monday of last weéli wras éxtremely coid, mc thougbî eoaV ai thé teamatera haulung loge a lb.hemiii. Several loade gai fast in the .uow about balf a mile soath of the village, aud one of the teamsters, Mr Dav-id , Scott, gai botib feét badly frozen. What about football for 1896 ? We have the men ta compose a firati-elasa team, évén better than that of last yéar. Now is Lb. ime ta erganize and get in sbav, for action. la not that right Chrîsty ? Di.d on Thnreday, Féb 2Oth, at ber home in this village, MrB. M. Graham, relicti of tb. late Million Graham, wbo dié4 some Lwo yéara aincé. The funéral taok place on Sunday, when se was laid at rest un Mount Zion cemetery by thé side of ber hueband. Doepeéd was a, stauncb membér of the methodist cbnrch, and tb. funéral service was cenucted by tb. 11ev Mr Dewey. Mrs Grahami was 84 yeara of age. 11ev. P A Macdonald was at Sutton on Bunday evéning, proaching an arriver- aiary sermon. Conséquently thé puipit ber. vrais upplied by the 11ev Mr Martin of thé aboyé place. Thé Sans of Tempérance hère are keep ing up thé interéet nicely. Thé contest is being carried an, and a goodly number meet every Saturday evenung. Kldney diséasé bas ne surér aigu iban ithe condition of sieeplessness. Without pain of auy kiud, or évén un- éssines, thé sufférer wakea, or remaaine awaké, hour after heur évery nigbt. Theré is a peculiar irrîtating and wakeful poison in the blood that cause it. Sluggish kidneye havé aliowéd this te paso into thé circulation. A few doses of Dodds' Kidnéy Pilla will maké such a changé for thé béLier as ta saisy yen that yen are takiug Lb. right medicine. But sleeplessness cannot b. ovércomae in a day. If in thé habit of waking aL a certain heur of thé night-take eue pili on going to b.d. If yeu have suffered from this form of unrest for auy greax length of ttue ut will require a box or Lwa ta put thé kidueys ln good shape. But Dodds' Kidney Pis always cure titis condition. Doddo's Kidney Pille cure se mary diseaseo tibat ha4 e nover béen cansidér. éd in any way relat.d tLe thé kidneys. By this méans-because Dodd's Kid ney Pille cure-we alten léaru tibat a certain ferm af suffering neyer before suapected is a fanm of kidnéy trouble. And seéplessuéss te ane of thé troubles tibat is séttled by Dodds' Kidney Pille evéry Lime. If is ne expeniment La, use a box of Dadds' Kid.néy Pilla for seéplses. In ane huudred thousand bouses in Canada Dodd's Kidney Pilla have a sure place. On. sufferer curéd bas tLd a dozer and se the good news bas spread from bouse ta bous. and from Province ta Provunce. Rbeumatlim Cured R -euaarPuri- canséd by lactic acid in thé biiol gttacking thé fibreus tisaes af uc jo)ints. Keep) your i-oedpre aud héalthy and you wiiI tuai have rheuratiArm. Hood'a Sarasparilla 4Civés thé blooti vitality and riohuese and teues thé wbolé body, nieutralizée the acidity of the blood aud thus cures rheuauatism. Hood's Pilla are thé best af:er-dinner pille, ssîat digestion, cure headaché. Sir John Millais, Bart., was élected presid- dent of thé Royal Acadiewy, in muccession to "4A crittk iu the back,' a pain undér tbe tihouider--u±ades, water braa, biliorusuesa, anc cnst paio e, are YWptoma O odrdred tou- aci, kiducys, liver, and bawels. Fur ai ail- atots aî-gîating n a derangemet f thés. arganb, tabke Ayer's Pilla. THE ad man who looks out -at the-i world with clea:- and heaithy eJ, - the thought that fi chjldren and hi, children's child,-z-, Shave inherited frc.: hixu noaweakness ii ,tendency tedi-a. 1T 'he hcalthy aid ruaà itheéimail Mwh li Sthroughout, hie 1 Skept bis digestion good and Iris ýbloocý pure. 'Once in -aw*hileyoén find-such ,a lnatiwho, has.-never takeà auye medjeine.. That mati lias Il ved a peirfectly naturral lifeNot - onme -in a thousan4dodes dolt -S oine t i mes. vr Sliglit indiserias or elessuiesa'pv the- -way fô.r serionýsïl ' à*ck-ness. -- hèe kerm lh4w-of iac That Tired Feeling, Constipatlbà an d Pain În the Back &ppetlte and Moalth R.stored b Hoocl'a Saraparilla. For Tweýnty-sux Years WeW elcitem home. turc, as listened madle si sage , a ship we river in which 1. eral da3 the ves week it vesse, sweeis, nurmbei Occasic storIi, hotu fine ti .~becoimc rough, unsafe Alte: the shi therew quainti there i the oc( would whale f requel and as the wa ment. retuffl wqre d remiiI( calm d sweli c sel a Vi Lake about quara' health The was d 4 IwtC if the time t variolJ it is tI Wh one m places light ý 1 h,- t ions would says c &"Very Engliý where chant green their' * everg kept i sense, -degr ure owI1 h6si and l1ette 'AZ o~. wotYYi izens, and we11(j 1rege.ta Geo. Stoner took a bath rather sud- denly Wednesday, wbile cutting ice at the bay for W. Woodruff. Not notic- ing it be stepped upon a block that had been cut baose but nat removed. The block at once sank and Sa did George, and he went ta the bottom before stop- ping. After a Lime be came ta tbe surface, and being alone it required a terrible effort for bim ta gain the solid ice again. H is finger nails are ail worn and tomn in scrambling for safety. Thîs was a narrow escape, one we trust that few maî experience. Wbile crossing the ice on Scugog lake one day last week, Messrs. Every and Ricbardson had nather a lively çx- perience, and for a few seconds they were înciined to tbink that thein end was near. It driving along, the borse came to a spot where tbe weigbt of the vebîcie tbreatened ta prove too mucb. Noticing tbis Mr. Every hurriediy jumped out and at once went tbrougb, but luckily for bim it was only tbnough the shehi ice. He gat sligbtly wet. Next time tbey attempt ta cross a lake witb a hanse and cutter, David affirms tbat be will not forget ta put bis skates l' 1 - 1 --- 1 1 Il His many friends bereare pleased ta note that C. H. C. Wrigbt is gain ing a continental reputation in connection with the new mode of photographing * His picture was pubiished un last Satur- day's Globe aitd was a very good re-. flection too. Few people are blesscd with the determination and persever- ance wbich proves of sa rnucb benefit Wm. Treemneare, wbo bas been em- ployed in the Spink Milîs for the past ifteen years as chief flour packer, bas severed bis cannection witb that insti- tution and this \,'eek removed ta Osh- awa, wbere be will in future reside. H-e is not in good healtb, and bis leav- ing the milling is considered a ncs sity.. Mr. and Mrs. Tremeare are i 1 A 1 li Mr. Chas. Steele St. Cathc'rine's, Ont. C. T. Taod & Co., Lowell1, Mass.-: 111 -r-nber of years 1 have be"-a t-oubled -if 1 ii a ge neral tired fee ling, s hartu e., - .il 1)reath, piain in the back, and constipation. 1 coffl ý- oîîly littie rest at ntght on account or the p)ain andihad no ap petite wbatever. Im'as tl-ttired 1iîjny limbs that 1 gave out before hlf Utc day 1a~gte trted a great nutuher ofredje l'in. dii fot geL any perwnent relie!fVr n -u- e turt-11, upon recommendaUa if a trie>nd I i< a bottie of Hooul'a'S :;:."';' IVhjlIl ma (le m e feel hetter at once. 1 i ,(lavçr. t;::ueii i' s Ise, L.avlng tal:en thre-e bi,,.ile, 1 FeeIL Uke a New Man. i i»a gooti appetite, feel as strong as 'o !-r i did. ,:td cttjoy pcrfec-t rest at 11X. ave inîelu~'l ts r rcomtnen.ling Tnl qSrrs;a. mvi gCo., St.('aterie't. (u-o -' ad~t :i!!st"' îr'rt au cf!cietît, yet 1 LINDSAY. , barberous hoax.

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