VOL. X çXX. WHJTBY, ONTARTO, FRfl)AY, MAR7CH 6, 189e NO* 14-- THIS GA N BE DONE i LOCAL 1_ i 1 in c < 33 3 7 7 '7 Saî t, i n be 9 9 ~ at Holiday 9 9 Mr Ed j 1 ___________________a few days1 Mtissi Broc liy AUditi'l n ike ,%dwvet figures t'<,tai '21. ilot work îtils Ont, call A LLIN'ý .Ac ic1m A: 'il 1VNI 1ST, I .~1 1 I I NEWS LETTERS. ONICLE CotIrESPONDENcI. )arrois, sacks, baga, and packages Bros.' HIolliday was home from Toronto this week. ',, has zn to Toronto and will any six of the be away till the ist of ApriI. - If Von ali- Mr. James Webster returned 10 the West onTuesday, after spending a few day. ai at bis horne. Mr A M Delong has decided to give up DRU(G i farxning for the present at last and will sel 'STO0R E bis farm stoch implemeats &c at auction on Monday nexi, Marcb 9th. %IR OF- The Ladies' Aid society of the Methodiat church announced a social to ho held ai tbe S I resideace of Mn jas. A. Delong last Tues- day aigbt, but the roads were se biocked hi with snow~ that it had bo be indefinitely The return foot-bail match between the Ashburn and Brooklin achool teama was played at Ashburn lasi Saturday and ne- Nsuiîed in another tie, tbe score being the (u1#ý1N same as in the game played bore the week Jbofore-î goal each, W H 1T BY. The G T R authoritios bave made cosi- mendabie efforts to keep the Wh;tb7'.Lind- - 1 say branch of their road open durng thie sevore weather of ibis week. On Tuesday * ihe snow-plul ran over theroad four oea a... times but'the trains did flot run on time tili fl eveniag. UHIELJII - Ini mv report of the C. E. convention last Mr, Jne. Lewis was taken soriously i11 the last cf last week, occassoaing q visit from Dr. Moore, cf Brooklil. Ho la censideîably botter, we are pleased te learu. Mi;J B Duna bas net at time cf wîiting reated is farm. Ho i. stili axlus fer a suitable tenant. It ls an excellent faim, situated i W miles north of oui tbiing vil- lage. The tewnship fathers met at Brougham on Monday cf lbut week. The usual township business was transmcted and Mi. R. R. Mow- returaed home feeling ho bad earned bis usual pittance. Sncw sbovelling bas been the eider of the day once more, the stens of Sunday and Monday completely filling the cuts up again. Thanka te oui energetlc readmasters 'for their timely interest la the tboroughfares. The daily World, Teronte's pepular paper, dld net as usual turn up at oui office on Menday. Whethei snow or caielessness was the cause we cannot state, but co thiag we do know many cf its readers were quite disappoiated. Thé free will offerlag bas been taken up fer S. S. purposes some time since, but no new îeadiag rmatter bas been pîocured b.y the scheol Now suîely it la time te, take action and provic<e the Young minds wlth a change of readiagu. We bope te report a new llbrary oie long. Veîy few from bore attended the choir concert at Greenweod Thursday ovening of last week, ewing perbaps somewbat to the fact tbat nearly everybody from boere took in the endeaver convention at Broc>klin the Tuesday and Wedaesday before this con- cert. Those whe were present report an excellent programme, the Wbitby choir do- ing splendid executien. * ~V W WJ VI~U~U~U week I neglected to mention a grant cf N F Patoes,of Uxbridge, bas bees Si$1 made to the Amenian relief fund. The nominated for West Ontario as the Con- _ _.-M131 vote auihorising this payment was the servative standard bearer. Il 5001115 1 1 largesi and heartiesi given on any question matter but mighty little cdds who the man iN IMPORTANT ibat came before the convention. may be. Ho stands ne show with Mr. There ie 10 bc quite an exodus oh young Edgar, the Refors nepresentative, at the mien from ibis district to go to Manitoba this at the present lime, ibis being a Refoîs CLEA N SWEEP. Spring. A mong those who wili go during strongbold, but sure as fate some ofle 18 sure the noxi ihreo weeks are -Messrs Frank to popup and display what uitile opposition 00 Medland, John Ceates, Richard and Will they can muster and this i. ne exception. Colley, Wm. Scott and George Hoar. Owing te the anc-w blockade of late oui >iies alk forCas : An oniortainsient under the auspices ofh temporance lodgo bave net met until Thurs- Pi-tes alk or ashthe Chosen Fnîends will bc given in the day night cf lasi week. Tbey convened as Masonic hall on Tbursday eve ning oh next usual, elected their efficora for ibis terni and CGood Wire Mattrass, wortb $2. 50 foi week. Rev. H. J. Allun of Columbus will now 'are la gooci iunning eider. Some cf $1 75. Good Mixed Mattrass, worth givo an address andi a good goneral prograni the anti-temperance people gave Ibis socieîy $4 for $3. First-class Elxtension Table gîvon. aI its organnlzation but lwc, or at tho longeaI Wortb $6 o for $5. Bedron Sets Miss Rebecca Banner daughter oh MrJno. Ibîce years to exiat. How vain sosie peo- Banner died on Tuosday. Sho had been a pîe's predictions lura eut. This eider bas worth $14 for $10o90. Bedroom Set sufferer from rbeumatissi for somo tise and been running bore for about ton years and worth $16 for $13. We have aotbing laîeiy was quite sick wîth lagrippe, which ne intention oh snrrender is yet 10 ho heard but first-class workmen in oui Up- was the cause oh dealli. The intermoent from ils ranks. Il bas lest maay valuable hoiîeîn Dearmet ook place at the Baptist burying grounci on1 members thîough removals eut cf the boseigDprmn.Tbursday. ir'eighborbood, but stili they dlaim te ho able -eeding Undertaker,- Mr. R. F_ Woed, B. A., Q. C., of Peter- te woather aIl difficulties. boro, district deputy, paid an officiai vieil ACM ER Es Tsjo NWTOf IoTtehe Masonic lodgo bore lasi ThursdayMACET . 1U nighti Ten members of the order from Couincil moots Monday. 3RO K S., 'HIBY.Oshawa were aise prescrit, ai the meeting. Master Walter Smith, Whe bas been very 3ROC ST. WHIBY.Aflor the business of the session was dis- sick for somne tise is impîoving. posed of an adjouramnent was made 10 the Sebenl h4ouso, whero an oyster supper was Birtb-On Saturday lasI, 2th it., the enjoyed, with the usual accompanîmieni of wife cf Mr. John Paîks of a daughteî. speeches and songs. Miss Maggie Reese Il efbre a few days I.,ast wook an unauthenticateci report was mgo te join the salvatien army corps in Chi- s le2 5 1afloat 10 the effect that Mr Russell Bolmore, cage. the ad ews itappears that bche blc the Mi. Hugh Graham, wbo bas spent mosî J IifL U - IIE eerie inth Cncinatiof the winter bore with Mn. R. W. Ewers, ý,1«ewl rlans, ndTexas railway, at Dar- reîurned te bis heme aI tIhe Rouge on Fmi- vile, y.,andonMonday nigbt of lasi day last. ______________________________wook, while shaking the stove in bis office, The now assesser, Mr. F. Anchman, _____________________________bis revolver was dischamged, the bail strick- Epsom,. is making bis rounds at present. If ing int bis chia and lodging in bis head. ho would only tuis Grit, now, bisinfluence be H was terribly injured but crawled to the migbt be quito accepting towards the ceming telegrapb instrument andi wired the next election. station for belp. When Ibis amrved ho was M.JsnIwn fBaktcpse W eeldy ~~~~~ Gb ~ai once taken 10 the Cincinnatti where ho M.JsnIrboclcktc.pse Globe bas received the best medical treatmeul through bore on Monday last, en-rouie for but there a ppears te ho ne hope oh bis mo . bis now home neai Prospect. The weatber covery, an d bis fiends expect 10 hear ofliis was anything but favorable, and ho baci a deaib ai any tise. Hie parents (wbe were terrible undertakiag te work bis way. both blind) are dead and ho bas no necar On account oh tbe severe storsi on Tues- INT 1N LT I1 T~ relatives bore but bis former school-mates day last, the sale oh fans stock belonging tc EU JINU II [j', an-d acquaintances will regret exceedingly IMr. John Tennyson, did net corne off. It bas *mfflhII ImU Pm. 4tb loarn that bis young life has been cul Off been postponod until Wedsesday, next, yulh in ibis most unfertunate mannor. He omernmt. Il la beped there wiil bo a largeat- menced bis raiiroading oxpoiences in t.he tendance. ____________________________Broekiin station and baving a natural apti- That very interostiag gamo cbeckers, is tude for tbis lineofo work succeeded verythsoetuyftebysts trmda. 11A>well and lately, as statoci above was fili Uic solr o mestudy c th b ystess tm inday a responsible position. Later. RussellTeearsoednypyesbu m Belîmore died at 4 o'clock on Wednesday bost oh the Metropelitan seems te ho victori- F OR 1896. merning. The funeral will take place on eus. Ho is now open for furtber engage- Friday to Grove Side cemtotry. monts. W. A. H.- Mr. andi Mis. Peter Christie intesci giviaf a social ai thoir residence on Friday oves- --" ir See our Club- Busmilns DurocSO>r7. ing, 6th imat., in bebalf of the Y.P.S.C.E., of ou Y & MO., grain bayer.. Port Perry. A good programme la boing bing Lista. BÂLp.-lanrerurig .cn es. daagood time is oxpected. AI __ Raldonce opposite Town H1&U. irocklin. The ansual meeting of the Liberal-Cea- 8 ., J NCo>u -D.He, a y ,a now propared servative Association cf the townsip o WESTERN BANK 0F Capital Authorized Surplus BOARD 0F DIRECT ii- N c \ ANr, ESQ., Presideni RKî flIN S. HAMILIN, ESQ., r. MNCMILLAN, U 1d fidifi. offcars, thiecelebrated Sciantos Ceai at close Fprces for cash. (The beat la the cheapeet.) - ept. 3rd, 1895. flANAfA W A McNmRELT D V S.-OGrauste cf the On- CANlADA§ tarie Veterln&ry Colloge. Toronto; Bnrr I iember cf the Ontario Medical Soiety. JTreats ail diseuses cf the domestio&ted $ 1,000000 animais by the mesS approved metbod. Aie Jps.rtlculs.r attention au rgical operations 10()0 000 nd dentlatry. Day or alght calla promptly Iatteaded te. Office sud reaidouce Brooklh, FORS. jOntario-. ItL____________________________________ - Cashier. Geuneral Banking Business ranoacted. P rafts ,;-sued, payable la alI parts oh Can- ada. t'ruiît.d States, andi on London, Eag- larnd, payable in aIl parts oh Europe. 3% PCt cetu t allowed on Savings Bank Deposits MIhl crt(ited hall yeaily. .Sprial attention to collection of larflier'r sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whltby Bîanch.. qpm Fam for 'Sale. 1 hat desîrable faim. enitaining 50 acres. the rentre of l..ot 2 in the and Coaesce of athe <ownship of Pickering the ca-tto f iii.late lma Mc<.uiiougb. :hreeumies (rm Wbîtby tovu or Pickring village. and ix3% miles freinsehool 1»d church. The grounds, brick bule, Md titft- tion are unsuipassd. Good orcIMtd dOft- buildings; one bain 3616e witb b.bomemt, O bain 30X40 wlîh Stone tb gU8PB. The farmîs welfeaced, (al Ipowod, sMd inaa good tate ofcfultlvationâ. 1I or (grillS'piitî taua appIy os promises or by lotter 10, 1 " BO 41. j.L. MCCULLOÙGIÃŽI,> BOX 421.Whtby P. O.Ot. Lo8t, On Wednesdmy ovening bqtwwa r.IM Mtchell's and Dr. Wmrns.ap*Lrý». inounted oye glasses I"ih_ kswmid e où yn at tt1 lu Cint tg Doit Tii XD- Mr. IV.«derson, wbe is presideut, came downfteitn Toi onte witb Mis. H. and spent the Sabathwlth old friends. Mr. N. L. Stevenson i. maklng extensive preparatiôns for placing a stone baisement under hi. barns next season. Mr. John Cowan 'will do the carpenterlng wcrk and Ander'son Bro"e4h maison work. Mr. Poucher bas been bus y conducting sales ot late. Ho i. la demand far and ceai. Ho had a call .iast week near Greenbank. He-le i a salesmnan hard te exceil and a gen-, uine good councilman and an excellant citizen. -Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre celebrated the 5othJ annlveisary of tbeir weddlng day a week ago at Wednesday. A number of nelgb- bora, relatives, made a surprise party, and with their baskets and a present of a band- somne couch, spent a most enjoyable time. Hallelujah Jim bas engaged Mi. Bcd Wil-j ber for ton montbs' tertn. Ho bais already began bis duties. James will resign bis for- mer lucrative position cf, bone peddler for our town butcher and wilI in the future de- vote bis whole attention te farmlng opera- tions. Oneocf the bappy eveats of the season came off la oui viIage last Wedaesday alter- noon. The neghbra and friends of Mr. and MiJhn McIntyre asstembiod at bis re- sidenco to celebrate their golden wedding. There was a geod house fui. The ladies took possession cf the dliag room âad set up a grand tea, cf whicb the wbcle party partook. After tom they appoiated a chair- ,man ln the poison cf Dr. Bateson, whio filled the chair admirably. The chalîman rend an addrees te the old couple and presented them with a haadsome easy louage and a puise cf money. Mr. T. Peucher made a suitable reply -for the old folks, returning their maay thanks for the kindliness sbown them by their much respected friende. Short addresses were aise made by Mess. C. Pbllip, C. Bartioy, W. L. and S. H. Stev- ensoni and others, ench payiag high compli- ments te the happy couple. Rev. McAuley was aise present and gave a couple ef soles, and afteî eacb and aIl supplying their part te the ovening's enjoymoDnt the happy gat-her- ing broke up by singing tho Dcxelogy. TOWN LRIN. Thefe 18 ne lamb about the incoraing cf March this tiro, Mrs. May of Harmony, called ton relatives bore on Friday. Misâ Mary McGregor has been off to the city for a fýw belidays. Don't neglect te go to Pickering and heur the evangelisi. Rodwell. Mr. and Mis. K iîb> of Markhamn, are visiting the Carruthers family. Rer, Mr. Campbell of Picton, will preach a rnissionaq sermon bore on Sunday, A bro$her cf Mis.1. Rowe, accompanied hy bis wîfé, are visltiag her. They hall fiom Car- ton. af t- Kecwlin oe nAAiu inueLUz Mw LA ati on'JU urday aftron, 7th min., te elect officers for the ensuîng yeaî, and tiansact any busi- ness that may ho bnought hofore the meet- ing. There will ho some good -speakers rire- sent, and it la boped ubere vil ho a largo at- tendance. The Sens of Teaiperance concert 1ai Fi- day evening was q site a success. The weauher was somewhat stormy, atml thora wa a large attendaume The chair vas-ably filled by Mr. W. H. Bewely G S Wbitby.: The programme , 909io, a"dlai joyed, theaiselves imme»sely. The meeting clo.ed with a vote ef hâaks te the chairman fi*r is services, and by slngling God SaVeW tii. QueP. C. Gî. «. L Oui tawn lise blacksnîith bas been cbliged te close hiç eop doons for a few day., on accouaI of a lac» back. Abou; îwenîy-hvo of NMis.Trull's frienda tgaiberd. t ber home on Tbursday cf lasi wcek te oeebi*ÃŽÃ ber bithdmy aaalversary. Kt d à Ûk hl their fed, C. OQoda, bas-been cmlliîng upon. the townlino people. He o olLs as tjougb time was uslng îi welI. Ho certaisly la happy. O)Ur Young peole who bad the pleasure cf meeting Miss Maud May, of Harmony, 1aI winiei, will be glaci te set ber in oui midst. Mauci is speading some tinie wîh ber cousin, Mis. C. Kempthein. It wasn't a bemd of cordwood tbis dime that weaî liet the ditcb, but a happy lcad cf Young people bouad for the oystoî supper. Ail at once the contents of the sieigh, baskets included, teck a sudden and reversed position, witb the sleigb box on top. This episede added ne doubite the evening's enjoymeat, Accidents seesi to ho a common occurrence tbis win ter in oui neigbbood. Last Sunday as the crowd cf people were going west frein thc chuîch os their way borne, a yeung man driving eastward a: a breakneck speed ras inte the ciowd. Hia boise was geing a: sncb a rate thax ho was unabe te gel 1: under conîrol in time tÃ" provent a boy ln the crowd fies heing knocked dowa. As the boy feil botb boise and çutter passed ever hlm Besides helag hadly bruised, the boy's bead and aide cf bis face was badiy out, but aothing. bowevor, that will prove soi- ious, and the parents as well as others are very thankful that the littho fellow escaped se vol. We weie glad te soc that the youag man vas kind enougb to take the figbteaced boy to bis borne, he did not sneak off os we bave seen fel.- lows do whoa they found tbey had belpod tei c~ause as accident. It la always bravest and best te face the muic, evea if net ila harmiony wltb oui feelings, and net turu oui ack and rua. Mir. Byron Davey and sister vent té VWhitby onF'riday ovenisg te attend d bth cture t, tue 0. L4 C., durag wbich Mi. D. mà de bis hle ccaifortabe-uderneath -the hotel shed. b biiýhei ho went for bis boms to go borne it.wusnet to ho fousd. A mam the. verse of liquoî took il into bis head te bave a cutter rie,'and aiter driving arouad town for s$e , lime, ho stai 1ted up tbc front rmail 'tu ted irectionof Mr. D'a bomne. vet well, pparetitl.vih the follow ti 4nm',aà culvert betweéq Mackel sderoad sd .MoG wh, veù the hersa took toe bcOulsdé ,cf tbe culimeit. xsIlkg,, and horse cutter ud diriver vent ina - benlpluito ibie diteli.The borw hi eer4utgited, »e4ua cublor, sud-,stmrted op boqi, ls Is ts Ioer emaIf athe -beni o i lu., Br goboni. mter loo lMw *b .foe bis b efond the. poor,' ba sading stable docm w*lià g f4r adii a7 la noué-e 1ii. botrer >bales dftagfauià à evening and la spite cf the attempted raja ail enjoyed themselves, leaving with the best of opinions cf Mi. and Mis. Lynde as host and bastes. Mr. Thomas Elltott's advertised sale of Tuesday was a alima afair. Hi. brother Frank came down from Toronto on Satuiday and _purchased tho faim. Wo bave net beard but we believe ho will reside as usual on the place. ,Meurs. F. M. Chapmananad J. H. Madili have been appointed as a commlttee te get a library in the S. S. and one will ho fcrtbcom- iag ln the course cf a week or se. The lateit works will be la, and aew rules are te ho observed la the deallng cf this libîary. Mr. T. A. David, after a sejeurn of a year or se, has decided te leave us aad conse- quontly advertlsed bis valuable stock for sale on the i ith. Ho bas made ne enemies la oui mldat and leaves witb the good-will of ail, we believe. Mi. Huntly and family move la soon. Mr. J. H. Madillisl talking cf baving bis concert agala. That la that part (and It was considerable) that was net îendeîed last evening, toge ther with somne cf tbe same and sosie additloaal. We tbink It tee bad that this excellent programme should ho dropped. By ail means bhave it Henry. justice or the course cf justice i. very slqw. The length and over-officieusaess cf this trial that bas been going on la oui midat for several weeks bas disgusted tho well- thirikiag onos everywhere, Why sbould a man be detained in bonds boyoad 36 heurs witbout some pied f ob is guilt ? People aeed net searcb bistory te find glaring wron gs but lot us come homo and see If tbere is net somnethlng for us te do. Wo notice by last weeks council preceed- ings that ode cf oui residents la receiving substantial aid rem the municipélity. In t.bia broad land cf ours ne cne la allewed te waat and the gianting of this will be grati- fying te ail from this standpeint.- We ail bave gene below bigh wateî mark and if co fails more than the average there la an ln- cumbeat duty on us te exercise oui charit- able sympathies. The tbeory tbat co should sufier for bis improvidence wculd ho bard if put into practice and none cf us would wi hbit applied ia al its beariagu. It's the merc]> that is abeve the sceptîed sway cf law. PORT P£""~. Mi. Tucker, cf Oreno', la visitiag Mi. and1 Mis. T. Bedford. Mi"a Ida Walkcr is visiting ftlendý ai Gîoenbank and i vciaity, Mr. Joel Bigelew, wbo dieci receitly ini Chicago, was a brother te Mn. Jos. Bigelow, cf this place. Mn. Conly, cf Madoc, wbe bas becs viait- Iag friend-3lib tis vicinity fer some weeks, returned homo last Satuîday. Miss Minnie Bond left on Tuosday for Trenton, baving accepteci a situation witb Phillips & Wein, dry goods moîchants cf that place. The Granites eh Toronto defeated the Port Perry icurlers on the 27tb uit by a- score of 69 t"~7. The ice was very sleppy, making it very bard work for oui qur1qi's. Botter 14tiuie. lRCemebe thesdlaà ~ krsdu~ù Nis. P.IChristie-, near Mancheater, IbisPri- dey evcniag, Gth inut. Sleigbs will ho at the presbyterian cburch froin 7 te 8 o'clcck tei convey parties te the social. Messrs. John Stovin and Chas. Powers bave the contract cf the wood work, James Somorville the mhasos wcîk and Goo. Peter- son the painting lu the store recently damag- ed by fire la the Blong block andan a few weeks will ho ready for Mr. Whitby. The many friends la tews of Mi. Jno. Mc- Cullocb wore surpiised te read 1a week of the great 825,ooo breacb cf promise suit against bis and think the young lady in question haý boon taking advantage cf out former citizen as this is leap yoar. Mis. Major Hodgson îeturned on Tuesday- evoning fies a lengthy visit te friendsiù GuelIphp havîn.g enJoyed a veîy pleasant viit and tbinks the citizens f the RoYal city very bospitable. Mis. Hodgson recelv- cd a wmrm, welcome at home fromn fricads 1 town. Messrs. McMlllan mcd Goudy will have ' bicydle openhug at Pulp. & Cols. store on Satnrday cf 'liii.Ilweek whiea tbey¶will show a. fine assorilét, <fwhe1ýs of thi latOststy1es., Tey wil1 show a$0w~~ ewibsel ttentinl ald e éra rders 1'bave beenaen tih aryt beesn As the. committee aq baye f~iled-te ceie Belw that gentietu ree-a aptýice for arbi the lots iii isute. cf courtsbip and 'narrIage " la the tewn hall oext Tuesday evening, March iotb. As' every one wbo bas ever héard Dr. Saagster speak know ho is capnble of handllig almost aay subject on a pubilic platform i ls langu- mge is excellent and he speaks 'in«uich a maaaeî that bis audience aadorstaads him. The lecture te ho dellvered wil combine a fund cf information witb racy humer. The, doctor's forte i. satire, than wbom ne one can make botter use or more tolling bits and do it without glving effeace, ho possesses the rare power that coemds in thoem cf Burns. « O wad some power the gift te gie us. To seo ourselves as other3 see us,-" Those wlin miss this lecture will miss a treat. It will ho given under the auspices of theë Ladies Aid cf the church cf Ascension. Pro- ceede in aid cf the parsonage fund. Tickets 1.5 cents each. Reform Coareatiu. 1 refer CH RONICLE readers te, other pages for a full report cf the' convention held in Port Perry on the 4th must. ht was one of the lairgest ever held la South Ontarlo, sad was ene cf the meut unanimous. Eloven candi. dates were nominated, and every ose retir- ed ia favor cf Mi. Leonard Baînett, who re-. celved the nomination witheuit a ballet bcbng cast. The delegates froin the south, centre' and nortb were uaited and agreeable, and unity provailed on mli aides. It must bave been cbeerng te Mr. Burnett -te see how un- animous bis nomination was recel yod by- that largo assembly cf mon from itI parts cf the rldiag, and wbea that gentleman said b. acceptod the nomination cheer after cheer was givea. As unanimity prevails, it is now - la order fer the Reformera -cf South Ontario te do the kind cf speech making that'Robt. Mackle said ho intended doing : à sort of missioaary werk. I must say that Presi- dent Holliday makes a model chairman.- What was apleasant feature cf the conven-. tion was: thteery man, every delegate,- tbrew self te caoe aide and made Up bis md ne 'natter who the candidate was. ho woWl4- - work shouldor te, shonider with bis fellow Refermera la electing the standard-bearer cf the Reformera la histoiec old South Ontario. That man is Leonard Burnett, an honest mas, a (earleas man, a man whc wil1do bis dnty with ail, ne matter wbat Uieir political leanings are. W. J. Noir G. B. WrLLZ»son, barber, next tp, poitb @mp Oct, U*.-8 nies. MxLLmxmy.-ImxssTÉn'aso bas receivdhf new 1.11 stock of mifllneryand la prepare- 1< tuan eut firsfb-eO1 i ery ln Ihlâ9gtsi styles and low prices. Stamping dons 8< order. Sept. lth.--moo, W H OLrKu bas fer sals three good ssm4 2ra thy re g7o agds For the largeet - and finest St0'-kO(f and priem go to jefflop Furniture Qo Port erry. Jt N OJI MAX WA] 15_Corde W.L I. 12 I. t ýMi. Wago Mr. Wïsi and are nov in firet-class condition for s doing it. We have just openled into stock an unusuully large shipacent of lai, kthese goods, bought for adq Cash frm a, a- IrSt-Cla mnufarer. '1In STTLîý "b Qu1ALTriY à GOO» ,VÂL1w . ibyCanout bue ëSled.lut~ -1 WC. aolkk you iueus' lgrFtm pert cent. 4~ut~t aI