Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 6

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My TËp to England. i. 115 miles,,and we made the journey in a litUse botter than two hours. The .,a tory of Carlisle in voly romantie mn.d lu KIR, WU- BOSS9 PORT PERRY, TAIES Us à- the.puta there haïe been trOu'1lcomnt CROSS TU OCE&N.-CLEARLY DETÂILEID tltme§, 00ecislly in the wara betwéén'the INCIDENTS 0F THE TRIP BY ONE WH l co@an ngTiah. Now, However, it OBSERANTbu large manufactories for th. making of OBSERà,NT.flannein, lothe and cotton gonds. lhad virtually finished my tripabroad Leaving Carlisle with it. fine ràilway when I left Glasgow on Tuesday at i 80 hstation coverinq about nenuacres, we P. in. It was a lonely ride by the Glas followed the river lEden throngh the gow and SoutbweeLern Railway, down beantiful valley of the smre narne. the west coast and to the south of Scot- Perbape nowhere in England in there land. On the way we pa8sed througb bett1er country scenery than arnongst the the very fertile, romantic, and thickly bills or mountains of Cumberland county. populatod Scotch conutes of I1enfrew, Extensive pastures are the rmie, and the Ayrebire and Dumfrieslîire. raising of cattie and sbeep to supply the The first place of any importance we îmwenee population of Lanoashire, is touclied alter leavîng was Dunuop. AI vory pofitabie, >àld tbey find ajteady thongh a sinali village, the pitrîsh î 14 market a uicst at their doors. tamied for its D)unlop cheEse and fin We pasa Lazonby and are 500fl at dairy cattie. Langwathby, the county getting al lbh Sîwa to; a town of about 4000 in. time more hiily. Stone fences abound habitants, just tbree muiles froin Dunlop, and iovely pastures sflstaifl the sieek and and is nuted tur its woollen mille and contented looking cattie. bonnet f:îctories;. '1Le river Amock runs Appelby was reached in due course, tlîrougbthetl place. 'Ele pretty littie Vii and or train stopped. WVe bad followed lage of hîlwaurs is on'i'v a few miles fur- the valiey formed by the river Eden ail ther on, t1eitinalitantR of wiîice virp taie waY, aD(i sometImes we would be cliîiflv inuours and bonnet miakers. l'le crossîng it over a linge viaduet or again viows ut t lie cointiv irnhuli-aurs to Ie-aitig it to rua througb a long tunnel Klinaurnock iare exceeonîiigi v aine. The ond.er the mountain, wben we would train roue a luîîg t lie upIands and a bruad again coine to the rusiiing waters whicli arrîcbof frtie luiane usviellegave sucb a lovely variety to the country Kiîl-netrnock, wentv h or imules, was our I Vews. \Ve were not long reacluung Kirk-1 t'irst stol) atter leavung (iiagow. Lt Is a by ýSLepIbeu, a fine town in West.more- tuwn ut alubo u( ut 11ilatrit, lias aI land. Dent, a few miles beiow Kirkby,1 very large and blusv railwvay station, and was qnickiy passed and we wpre soon in lias large facturies for making bonnets, the leautîful "vale of Dent " What a 8tockuuugs and wuoliens. Th@ firet edi lovely place 1 1 bave this place especial- toua uf lt-iruu puel-as as poiblushied In Iv inarked as being very obarming. A iluis towu un 17H(;. \Ve remember tlîat pecoiluar feainre of those Enigliali railways tbis siectiuîi uf country was trequeated hy is that they do not always keep the low Sur Wiluuuuî\Wallace Aithougb the lande, but passing alongside and over place us Fan iprtiat centre it is not monntaîns from the beighta, sncb exten- realîy lin attractive ton sive landscapes are te b. observe,], wbich 0lir train wvas suua speeding on again from the variety of verdure, woodland across tuhe oltîfuil A.Nr"c ountry and and stream are very beantiful. we soon renclied Hurîfurd with iLs nnrn- Pasising through the valli-y of the Rib. '4roue ', luts ' and large baset furnaces, hie we were soon among the mountaino. tlieti on tu Manuchluneo. Thiîs wîii b. re- The country wu. very bleak and the inenibered ly Olie adimirers of Borns asi heatber covered tbe aides of the moun. tbe home of Jean Arnîour, and also the tains, some of wbich rises to a hei.gbr of home of Buras and l3onnîe Jean" after 2500 feet. Then we hiad miles of regularà they were married. mountain scenery. Little villages nesti- About ten miles sou tiiof Manobline iEs ed in favored spots on the sides of the the town of Ayr, the home cf Burns. bills. Cascades formed by the streame Our train took lis acroseî th@ river Ayr which ris. in the moontainîî leaped and1 juet' a fow miles; below Mancbline, and swelled the forrent8, which obaeed each] w. journeved throiigb a lovely country. other in their haste to join the larget Beantiful landecapes lie on every side, rivera in the valleys. We were ridingt bill and dale, the cinups of woodland, amonget the cloude at tirnea and thon the glens, the corufortabie fanm bouses, again quit. near ns would b. a rnountaint the well aultivated country, the very whoee top was Dot visible because Of the green fields ail ilnrninated by a bright clonde which seerned to settle on thern afternoon sunlight stamped a picture on lîke thick emoke. For mauy miles w. our memory whicb will not easily be enjoyed the excitement of mountain rail- erased. And thie was the valiey of the way track and soon shooting through a Ayr and the baunts of the peet Burns. tunnel we were again in the lower lands. We passAd Auchinleck. a pretty littie At Helliford we changed cars for Liver- village, and thon to Cummock, wbiclî Pool, We were again in Lauoaebire means "enîbosmede in billta," and oniy ceuntY With ità numerous towns and the tops cf a few lionses can be seen frova great population. W. paased at least a the train. Otn we sped te New Cuni. score of places on the way, and pnlled in mock, and we were in tbe coal region, to Liverpool about '7 p. in. having muade and w. camne alongside the river witb the journey, froni Glasgow to Liverpool, whîicl we fcllowed for many miles. 240 miles, in 6j heure. Kîrkonntel soon came to view, and__________ passîqng it were 50<)n crosng a large moor. We were tîten in Dnmfielibire. Uxbridge Townsbip Qouncil. The raîlway runs along Lb. side of th2 niountain. Sauqubar, a Gaelic Dame poets tbitmve in that country, and indeed From T. W. Chappie with bill ofa whore the people live aruongt such' cosns and witness fees etc., case ofeî natural surroundingB the oniy wonder is Major vs. Uxbridge. that there are net more. The treasurer's bonds were laid on Claseburn, Auldgirtb, and Holyrood the table for approvai.y Atations were pasped in quick succession, Mr. Walker gave notice that he wouldE and our train pulled up at Dumfries. at the next meeting of this couricil e "For loyal feats, and trophies won, move for leave to introduce a by-law 'W Dumfries shahli ve titi drue bo doue. to appoint a by-law to appoint path- ri IL was a bill fort of the ancient Britone, masters, poundkeepers and fence view-n aud associated witb famone naines of bY ers for the year 1896. CI gone days are William Lb. Lion, Wallace, Mr. Millard, seconded by Mr. Skene, e, Edward 1, Bruce, Prince Oharlie, Burns, moved that the treasurer's bonds as si aînd others. laid before council, be approved and ei Dumufries is now famed for the manu- securities accepted. Carried. s facture of tweeds, and hoisery, aiso iron- eadrepctgh 1 lounding, dyeing and t.anninoe. The Mr. Smith was headrsetn i river Nitb soparatee il froni Maxwell- dlaim for damages. town, and together they have a popula- Mr. Skene, seconded by Mr. Lambh, tion of abouit 20000 inhabitauts. Burne moved that the reeve be and Is hereby the poet, lived for five yearsin Dumfries, instructed to issue his order ou the tu there ho died, and t4 mransoleum w~hieh treasurer in favor of joseph Chapruan coDtains hie rernains is in St. Miebael's for the surn Of $- 5 being for 39 rods oemetory noît the church. of snow fenceu on centre road. lot 27, But we leave Dumfries with ite band- con. 5. said fence being buit in ac- is some fiower bede &round the station and cordance wit.h the by-law in that be- th continue ourjoumney. haf- Carried.ta W. paso in quick succession Rackst Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Skene, tu Loobar Moese, uthwell, Curnmertreeu, moved that the sum of $4 per month be ý« and reaoh Annan. On tb. way WO S£ granted to Charles Swinson in goodsat a: the fine Âyrshire catie in tb.he ll.ys Gould Bros.' store untîl fÎurtiier notice. b the se..p on the. meunîsin aides, and Ca:'iied h itreat fields of peat, with plenty of Mr. Millard, sýe"couded byL Mr. Lamb, . hiesîber. W. 8000 reacea dGrtua mvd~~ d ,Greena. Till about twenty-five Y.Mars sg marriagea in Sootia nd w.elega.1 f be correspond4 wîti Uic ,Ratlilwm Lumaber Po parties only deolared themaeelves man Co.> âd'g -,ter!ins of bridgeand other we and wife. young people ini EngWind who nifeeral required hy the corporation i did flot wisb b go tbrough t1e. *j1W car lotsdelivereýd f1» Good#ood. Casx. %of publiising banne and gettlhig 1h.ooa- ied. *ent of thefr pa»nt,4took a 'n The andiffli prese4ted their rq>epr.u Oeretna Green and in th. pr.meo o of ir he report >i=dtcevedad&on moton: 'blackamith an~d et ba isObép - 0» ~0f Mr.MIa*d, ood4 > r thoir'vowsaud béams S nia vi~fs. Wale r t «>I'I<îjgo l C A Mitsle boyo>nd GW#tm u mm i. fia m itte o<f tIhoae *onPâd river ILark, or -rathir 5Uam wbboh the a.Wil in' 1* châdt boiu8d y ine h*t..u Cbm,$mkteTe ~oçUad. - tewmaiesfuob, e&ii. bulth Kiot letoer o.àad.nY. ' ltbi "swam iii.Esia river wia t $i*a Mt 1>'# >6 !,M.-ak 1 MIN hereby ..authorized and instruçted to erae frôtn the llutof lande reûtuble to the county treausurer for, arrears of taxes for thc yeat 1895, as pet colhect- or's roll, said lots being i9, 22, 23, in the village of Altona, and assessed te Lorenzo Hagerman, and having beeri also assessed te joseph Monkhouse and the taxes paid thereon by the said J. Monkhouse. Carried. Mr Millard, seconded by Mr Waiker, moved that the neeve be authorized to settle with T. W. Chapple in the mat- ter of the costs, Major vs. Iixbridge, and grant his orderon the treasurer for the amount necessary. Carried. Mr. Walker, seconded by Mn. Mii- lard, moved that the reeve and 2nd leputy be and are hereby appointed a committec to defend anyr action which may be brought against this corpora- tion by James Smith, and the seal cf tbe corporation be affixed to this reso- lution. Carried. Mr. Laml%, seconded by Mr. Walker, moved that the reeve grant bis order on the treasurer in favor cf the per- sons named below, their accounits hav- ing been examined and found correct, viz: Il. E. Todd, postage, $2.75; E. louck, grave], $1.85; W. A. Hender- son, r-erk, nomination dav $ i. 5o, Dr. D)arling, medical attendanc'e on Secord's chiidren, S3; S. F. Otteweil, for statute iabor paid in dix'. Si150. CANNINOTON. A man proves Iimself fit te go bigher wbo shows b. is laithful wbere b. ie. Fervent prayers vene offened in All Saints cburcb for tb. irmediate suppres- sion cf Lb. Armenian atrocities. 11ev. Mn. Rix is a fine speaker. The social held in the reeiulence cf Mr. Daniel Rose under the auspices cf Knox cbumch was a success. Tb. proceeda amcountod Le over $20. An at homo was hehd at the residence of Mr Howard by the Canadian Onder cf Oddtollow'a. A ploasaut ime wau spont aud ail went homo delighted. Mm. James Pasce was presontod wîtb a handesome watch, obsin and looket by th. membens cf tha epworth league on bis departure froni Oauniugton te Brighton wbere ho intende to reside in the future. H. camres te bis uew homo Lbe good wisbee cf a beet cf friendu. The revival seriees have been brought Le s close after Ibm.. weeks cf wcrk. These services weme well attendod, on Bunday the new methodist cbureh was orowded te the doome. They weme cou ducted by tb. Boy. Mm. Grednis, the pastor, and Evangeliste Jobneton and Hill. There dîed in Cannington on the l2tb, Mme. L M. Carmichael, wife cf Mr. Arch Carmicbaeh, (rom an attack cf pueumonia, aged 48 yeams, 6 montbs and 6 day.. She leaves to mourn her loe a hneband and on. son. Tb. funeral poceeded to Manilla ceniotery followed by a large concourecf friende and relative,. Ohtid.hood Education. Education doee Dot commence With Lb. alphabet, il bogins witb a mothers hock, a fathers nod of approbation, or bis sign of meroof, with aasitorsri nlle pressure- been a prey te the canker Worm cf grief and mnisry, whioh ail these sufferinge Bntail, ever pray yen be kiud te the peor. iYos, for Lb. blessing of prosperity which beaveu bas ebowered upen yen will yiold ycu ne happinose if others are starving. Eleaven bas plaeed yenu pon earth, bas Bxposed yen te like chances cf wani and wrelcbedneàs. Iu a pharisaicai spirit hon ths.uk net providence that yen are 20t as other mon, but raîher with the. publicau, su. bumbly for mercy, and on- haoee the effieacy of prayor by cbarity - nd kinduess. A sabisfied conscience hode a peace and eomfort te the heari Mnd seul, vu... eut wbieh the. immortal i ini cannot b.- satisfiod. Be kind te e peor. The R.avy B"d of a Match. "Mary," said Farmer Flint ai th. breakfast abeis auho asked for a .oeond cup of coffe, 1've mâide iooeë e uu, yonreabout -ihe la«oeue I'd ipeet eofscb hng. but wbat lu It ?"1 'il have found liaiLs heba end cf a match. et ei Ig~nd.*" reépoded (Jmn wtha pi» bat wouldbave id orued -a kuil; àM4ty lookod dWugAsed, but willi an air of r, bjhquick1 r rotedi, lvo goba dsscoy.ry rives away blotebea sud pmpîesesjuj..l 4oodi lomie ppUeseomn »ke lb tcuted-Cousin Pýwb 04OQ= niôna , w A.lmo«tredued4. aim- bi ietat uiube Msmae lkfrly th 'ut oo ia h bvW SF or Tired Feeling Too Much Mental worry and too Long HourB Te/I. Exhaustion is Waste-Overwork means Shortened Life-Dodd's Kidney Pulis Means test for the Kidncys. Overwork is what you do aftcr cern- mon sense asks yôu te quit. Overwork cf any kind cdees moie than tire, it exbausts you. J ust a littie more after you ought to quit is the "toc mucit" titat uses you u p. Exertion increases heart action, and wbetber it is work or exercise, this us good, if- The blood goes out te aIl parts faster than usuai. The pores cf the skin are opened for perspiration and thte wastes or poisons in the body are got rid cf faster. But the worst cf overwork is that it ex- aggerates the evils cf any kidney ail- ment, howex-er slight If the kidncys" are flot in perfect fitering order, more poison is injected tbrough them to ail parts cf the body than is usual, and then wonk, te say notiting of overwork, is barmfui. The kidneys must be night or every- thing else wuil soon go wrong. And when everything else is wrong always look for the cause in the kidneys. And set them in good wýorking order by nsing Dodds' Kidney Puis. As soon as your kidneys commence doing good work there is iess and less poison in the blood every minute. Titis explains why Dodds' Kidney Pis cure se promptly and effectively. The kidneys do ail the purifying as soon as they are helped by the greatest of kidney helpers-Dodds' Kidney Puis. UDOIRA Our town statistican bas handed in his report, which says that Udona has the greatest number of Tony votens, pretty girls, and more money spent in improvements during the past year than in any other place of the same dimensions in Canada. Wm. Gordon, wbo met with such a serious loss iast fail by the explosion of the boiler in bis saw mill,is making preparations for ne-opening the miii. We are înfonmed that he has punchas- cd the engine and machineny, and in a time will be at work nepaining the building. Mn. Gordon wili have the assistance of many of the townspeople in bis enterpnise because we cannot lose so important a factor of the town as the sasit and doon factory. DOAN'S Kidlney Pille DOAN'S Kidney Pille DOÂN'S Kidey Pill1. .. Rernom ber.. DOÂN'ImýIS J un 1q B. yF REW bLL,9 Q. C., Buaiter Oonnty Crown Attorney, sud CoH Alioltor. Office- South Wang ot Cor-ouie, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office tcrmerly occupied by Farewell & Butiedge, n ext 11oyal Hlobsi, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OIISTON, B. A., Attomney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Convoyancer, etc. Office - In the Office Southi cf the Post Office, in MciMiian'a Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. Be, l3arrister, etc.,-Money to Loan Isener cf Marriage Licenees. Office - Smith'S Block, South cf Market, B,'ock St., Whitby DOW & McG1LLIVRAY, Barrieters, gSolicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & B3awken'e; new block Brock St., 'Wbitby, south. of Ontario bank. Drs Warren Moore# J. J. Moore, M. D., Brooklin. Office boums 9. a. mn. Le il&- F. Warren, M. D. Wbitby. OEfce bours Il a.m Lo 2P.n2. mrPrivale Telephlon e Communication. D). P. BOGART,iil.D.,L.D.S9. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next te Ail Saint'e Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail ite branches promrtly attended to. Dr. H. Wightman DENiTIS T. SOver Grosai & Granger's. Whîtby- Open every Baturday night. W. B. YÂRNiqOLD,9 D. L.S., Count Survoyer snd Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Arohiteot, laie with Langiey, Laugley& Burke, Toronto. Desigus for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specislty. Drawigs prepared for remodeiin .ezsting structures. Offie-Firsi fiat ever W.B. Howse's ding store. me'P O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, HIABEU MAXEBy WHITBY. Having moved iet our new premises, w. are prepeared te extend the range cf business. AiU worik pertaining te, the haruess-rnaking and eaddiery business will hodon. le satis- faction.e Collars s spociaity. Caîl and sec my shop sud stock. W. CALYERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shinglos, gaah, Doors and Blinda, Turuing and Fret-Baw1n.. _jS-Ail orders or information can ie obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundd Street, Whitby, opposite Mm. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. Es1tablifihed 1856. el per annum in advanoes ollierwiîe $1.60 Subeeriptionesîawaye payable at the. office of publication. The publisherr do net undertake to delve the paper MI any pest office but Whitby. Auy pper whieh f aile te reaoh ils destimation wil ho replaced upon notification as a malter ef oourtesy. Advertising -raies unlees by con- tract,ý 10 cents per line, nonpariei, firsi in- sertion, sud 5 cents per line oach aubse- quent insertion Loeale, 10 cents per 1lino. ENDItRSON & GRAHAM. JOHN STÂNTON, Porenn. àlwaylieTable GRAND TRIUQ AND MIDLA ND No 8, Expres ]aily WAii...l8an NoSLndcdExreus ~~ No. ., Local, exotSna...9O'r No* la, ?a "ae'*~< ,95 i N'o. 1,express, Mail ýe cp gBl~.&o pn 6 74Exprès.sa î- 1q0. '4> Pas 1 ettr, " ~ 28 - Loca Bfttings Of Tne, ision ( ooUWr't OF ON~TARîI j8g WuiITBT-D. C. Macdoneil, Whiîly C Jan. 3 ; - Feb. 3; Marci 3; A pril 2; 1.> June 2: Juiy?7; Sep. 2; oct. 2; Nuy. 8 Dec. 2. * O5ý1Awà-.. C. Macdonelî, Whitby, Cleri, Jan. 4; Pel;.4; Mard 4 ; A prîl 8 ay 4 ' June 3; JuIy 8; Sep. 8; Oct. 8;'Nov. 4' Dec. 8, #V4 BRoueG.&X - M. Uleeson, Greenwo.4, Clerk.-Jau 6; Margh 6; May ri; tly8 Sep. 4; N ov. 6.1 PORT PlEuR - J. W. ]iurnhanî, Pc Perry, Clerk-Jan. 29; Marcb 9. May 15; July 20; Sep. 23; Nov. 18. UxnxuIDOî- Joseph B. Gctuid Vxbl -g Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24 ; Ma'y 1t u 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. lt;Jn CÂININOToN-Geerge Smith, Cannlingt5 Jan. 31; March 2b; May '2O; Juîy 1ý;O0),e 15; Dec. 17. BEÂAVERTON-Geo. F. Bruce, Beavet,,, Cerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; O)et. 16; Dec, 18 UPTERGBROVE-F J Gillespie, ptrrrove Clerk,-March 27; May 22; luiy 17; c.17' Dec 19. By erder, October 7th 1895. J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peacee New Livery and Sale Stabls Dundas St., Whitb)i, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial meL ub eraIl> dealiwitb Teamiug done at reaiunable prices. Freight and Baggage haulecaL at rea;ori. able prioee. A call soicited. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manutacturere' Life & Accident Inisurance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insnrav ce Co. ou the continent. Ninety per cent. e ait accumulations ot surplus je retintd to the policY hoiders. Ai claims are paid withont delay or discount on proof utf death or maturity of endlowznent Feb. lot, 98. 0- J. B. POWELL, Agent, Whitby. 8. RE?. I-GS DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the next lhree menthes I arn givizg special attention te patients froru a dW. tance. Aran euh making plaies in rnbboe, 08, eeluloid #10. Goid and silver flling work oro-wuing by finui-chas operators at the most reasonable raies ini the city. When in te city cal] in sud let me exam- inyour teetit. I make ne extra charge, 0.~ 3IGGS, Dentisi, soueui oaicorner King ana Tonge Sts., Torento. N ov. Bih. 189. W. H. WARýNERA"ý DEALEB IN COALe - - LUMER, - - COR.WOOD, 8LABS, ETC,' AGENT For GOAL (00. à the PEOPLEP8 TORONTO. Office and Yard just Uptowýn-Station. Whitby, Oct. 2fithi 1894. Eastc A8K YOJJR, JSTATIONER Sp T332 A

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