Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 3

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My TrnP to Enlaud. ma. WM. Ross, PORT PERRY, TAXES US à- CROSS TIE OCEAN,(JLEÂBLY DETAILED INCIDI.FNTS OF TUE TRIP BY ONE WHO 113 01185IttvANT. Mondaty, Ag. 26th, opeted olotidy and tilrougb a getlliUO Scotch vaiet 1 fornd gow to titke tue train tor Artirassan. I""q fortunate, being atone, toanfid t a t ,'8senger who Rat beaide me in the car waB a fîiasgow gebtýemfaf, goiz', like, l1vtf to liellast for the day. \esocon becatie frieutis and I wft vnr *v îuticlh tuterested in rthe information lie volunteered about the country we twore 80011 at Paisley and I mia- ciated witii the place the namnes 0ae aud Clark, for iie groat facuories for xuaikîug spooic onare situauedti here. 11, isa1~l- uld for us cultco or print inittis, a1Jan i re irfnfa<ttring own. \VNe we w14td swlf'tly' over bill and date, aiCrossa ir I. 's, ttiroO4!l tunllels, passing ou the wi ' lo8, to lBeth andti Klbnrnie, then t t )ntrv andi KitwinýtAg and flnalty puie'l 111aI 01e wharf lat Ardroesan, aà'ýr trtit H.lung about 312 Miles. Arrsat aone Of the ohief Seuporte on t . oTst Coast cf Scotiauti. 1h bas (Ixtilnsve docks andi several tzhip. buiiidng yards. There ie a large busi ues~dou îuexporting coat andti rou, lu ié;a1so al favorite resort for (Jla.egow peo- 1oin siitumeir. A tirw steainer wae waiting au the dock th îmko ls te Belfast,, and there was the tisnal bustie andtihurry consequenut o uhe departure, We soon Rtearnet off anti as tts 1av liai growu brigliter, hati a very hlsîuîvoyage. Some people were 81ck, and 1I uhouglht althongh the steamer waé i atr, oeethere wera n tarRer nutm bter of 1nùsengers than usual, and ou en- q1urv, 1 folund a great mauy were going to Pliblitt te attend tbe borse show. 'lue trip remninded me 8oQ3Owhat of the JoIruet.v trow Toronto to NiaRars, in this respect, tbau we had an orchestra on board. anti very often the boy would orne round for our coppers. But the bonudiug waves, as they tassed aur ship, reiunîuded us that we were on the briney d10eP. 1 found too that we had steorage passengere as well ais cabin, and when il rained Lbey were utiprotOteti, but did 'lot seem te mmid iL muoh. The distance frorn Ardrossan La, Bel. fast ia about eighuy Imiles and when about hAlf way th ere we passed Ailea Craig or 'Paidy's Miles;tone." It je a rock anti rises about 1200o feet from the sca. Sea - birds make ie their borneanti we were muc" auiused as the8y flew &round aur vesse t. Wu were soon in Betfast loch and en- toring the river Logan passed arnang the shîiPs anti lauded. And we were in Bel- fast. irelanti, an Irish soil. aud as an Ulster Mati would say the best part cf Irelt sd. Lt was poûring rain, but we landed quickly, anti mcm the long lino, of jaunt- 'Dg cars which were waiting, chose one that we afterwardg fonnd had an excel- tent driver, and madie a good guide. Those jan,ýting cars are a great institu- tion. When seateti you do Dlot face the waY YOU are going, but oit sidewaye anti cati only look at one ride of the street, and as we rattled alone I1. had the feeling that I was goiug ta faloff, My fricnd formed s goati opinion of the City. lu bas a population of about one quar- ter of a million people, anti looks in ovory respect like any other weIl ordered city. Lt bas iLs fine ohurobe., colleges, sebools, fine sitreets well kept, aud w. saw sorne of ite bandsome house. There are many fine streets with shape. anti if iL bati uaLbeen sa wctu wc shoulti have enjoyed our look round much bot- ter, Our driver took us baok ta the ship in gooti time and au askinc, hie fare said ho wonld have ta Charge us two "bobs." I said wbat is a bob ? (for 1 hati neyer heard af that kinti ai moncyl sud h. orilingty saiti s "bob" i. a shilling. We had turne before our ohip sailed ta observe th. ship building. There vasî an immense iran veusel on the stooke just opposite wbere vo vere and lthe noise ai the cianging hammers as they rivitd the boîte whioh beld the ship togetber vas deafening. Altbongh w. associate Englmnd snd Irelanti in aur thoughts, tb. vater eeme ta separate jihe tho islandî so BS 10 make Lhem différent in maey respects, for in- stance, there is s différence of hall an hour in the ime between England aud lreiand, sud'we loft by Irish ime=.. W. had a flne view- of theshores of the river as we eaited aaye The grus. looka as green in Ireland as. in Engl.and. W. saw on aur loft as. voreturned Car. rick Fergua Castie, vhere King William - andod in 1890. Thore are also lauge sait mines ai Carrick-Fergui. On tii. opposite side i. the. salai. of Lard Duffer. in, who vs. Governor General of Ctanad As sooauas. w. reohed the open osa th,»- fg came down and ivuasdsar4 two minutes the.fou vblstl vau hlMv and it vas a 0coat resndw' tginu thatvwe v«rein ding.rSt any dmet ooliding WUih a pasng ~II But aiU thimis h *e u sd, salse» Wlth 0 Ur tri ta eU W %*4 i" » W Vers sfel ak«U Uho $O' On the anniveMr S l ebrâtion under,,'the as- pices ofitheWhttby High"ad Club of tib trth' of Robert Burs, field au Wiuby, aq ,Ju 318t, x896. (Instead of the à5th, the réai blrùb. à.yeg Rohic eBures, te ïIng ai Scotîlsh soirg Thou r ,1 -ss ~ar '.i%- 'ýr 1 %1t1rert i :l To search thy "Marra" 18 ta search i vain; We cannot finti thy match the Scottisb bards among. Of houest parentage, anti lowly borni Inured from earliest youth ta carlting tail. Thou knew'st how hard from irresponsive saoi To garner rich returns of full.ar'd sheaves i Vet no mirage drew tbre fraie iife's bard plan: For -bonest poverty" thou had'st no sner - Truc sterling manhood---uor manis social spheri, Was thy htgh standard, uiiy tiruc measure af a Mani. Thy sneers were neyer au true virtues casu; Carping sef-rtghteousness, tha' uhick of pel.,' Anti piaus knaves, and broad-ctoth'd asses feit Fuit ait thy blisterlng lash, nor were tby medi- cînes lbai. Tender and deep thy sympathy of sau- Like soft winds wandering through the flowery lea, And up the wooded hili-sides bigh anti free, Diffusing near and far sweet love notes as tbey roi L Deep was thy sympathy with nature's heart The -litte field-mnouse," and the -wounded nare' Did not escape uhy notice, nor uhy care In Ril their sat i mshaps uhou took'st a brother's part.1 "The soarng iark," "the deep-toned ployer gray, " iThe mountain-daisy" upturned by thy plough, The sweet voiced -red-breast' perching on the bough, - Each shareti thy ardent love, anti helpedti t swel thy lay. A patniot's heart burned in thy manly bree.st In whîch the Bruce andi Wallace mergeti their fire,- May a like spirit every beart inspire In thts, and every ]andi where Scotia's sans find rest. Thy Iove-sonzs wellinR from thy heart of love [n rnelting melody, and torrent flame. Have filed the earth with ecboes of thy fame, From lowest mines beneath ta clouti cap'd Alps above. Trhy iays to Highland Mary, Ioved and lost. In tender pathos shew thy earty smart. Vet Tasso-like for Jean thy glowing heart In constant flame ascentis, thy pearn of greatest coakt. Thy pictures true ai Scottish tufe and wavs. As 'n îby "Cotter's Saturday Night" disptayed, And in thy "Halloween," thy name bas made A housebolti word for aye, ta dear aid Scotland'a praise, What of thy fautta-far faults were doubtss thine ? Nay, let us shun them, as we shoulti aur own; Non harbor themn tilt strong andi fully grawn; But may tbey still ta us like warning beacons shine. Rest thee, sweet bard, beside the Solways tide. Thy Country loves the place where resta îhy clay,; Andi cautless footsteps tread the sacreti way To tbat dean shrine where thy still Joved remains abide. and we. thv kindred, in this far off ]andi Drawn here by cortmon sentiment îo-night, Express with ntawing hearts aur great deligbu To own our kinsbip with tbee, heant ta heart andi hanti in hanti, Ross JOHNSTON. Chezrry wood Wm. Norris is ail smiles this week. Its a girl. Miss orTia a go netoPckr to take charge of our school after the first of April. Mr. Empringham and his bride, (nee) Miss Blakley, visited with friends here on Sunday. Their manyfriends around here join in wishing them many long years of married if e. A Hgbl ~eeCtd dlua aks an ]Ex&eme1ly Bad Case of Province of Ontario, County of Went- Worth, La wit: 1, Wm. Marsbam, of the City of Hlamilthn, Qounty of Wentw6rth, Pro- vince of Ontaria, engineer, do'solemnly deolare that I live a& 242 Catharixe street north, and amn seventy-Lhme years of age. I suffered mouti intensoly from eozema for &bout tva years, and it oov- ered niy whole body. I tried eeveral kinds of medicine,, as in the Oity Hos- 'piLal fur six vwoeks and vas sbld-tihere that lihey had doue ait they .ould for'me, and wus disobared a yoarag1-UiDe osmiier asincurable$ Âfter le, ptiheý Hoapital I1v"e under the. arsof aHa-- lton pthysican for a long tlmel, but gôt Do relief.Se bad wau =r, cm that b.. fore I could lie î mybed b adio pro- ouresil .1kndervesv:,tbe vw&lhthe olothea being nueer*l, tthel> meroy of God sa fcéur bo#*IsofýByôk- en&ur.ly our Cue 1 ='Doi M8 gmad tank, and wodr We are, lasd-t - on pleuo .to able to state oi or' th4t' thé, operation perfo4?ked " oti ,rs. in hie'Poo* Chas,?PriÎr for the removai of a cancer it slbowed ý b ya specialist, is proýing 'Very, suc- it. ý That i ,cewaul. It is expectedýthat. Mrs, Prior, ed as clevel *ill be able to return home in a few fnlame, days. Tor", tula. A sad accident, which has resulted A tarani in the death of Mr. jas. Blanchard, of day night Leaskdale, occurred on Wednesday the C0111fortabiq 5th inst. Mr. Blanchard, while stand- spid:itahi1 ing on a wagon, alipped and fell with had been u such force as to break a numnber of b-is Un befor ribs, forcing them into bis lungs. He whereupoî lived but a iew days, during which in its dati time he suff ered very severcly. tenth tarai Mr. Chas. D. Ferguson, one of our ini Lo*n, a prominent citizens, and who has been thUig aboui identified for about two years with the animais tal Temperance & General Lîfe Assurance Lindsay pt Co., of Toronto, as a special agent, has soonto ma been promoted by the manager of that ever populi company to the position of gene.zal Narzow oM agent for the County of Ontario. ýA Young "ke ime"and ütto r -hingCo a seriousi LakoSimo sudButon Fshia Co by the enS R. Shepherd, Pres., H. Park, sr., to the f o vice pres., and 1. Taylor, sec'y of the w alippe( L. S. and S. F. Co., spent Friday and feet. Forl Saturday in town adding new members bis hold an to the company, and we hope at the the narrow end of the year large dividends will be for five mi realized. We are sorry to learn the careleas thi president was taken iii while here, con- warning to sequently but few new members were hanging an added to the iist. But as the affairs of traiflmefl.. the company were left in the hands of F. Mooney and W. McGuire, the com- pany may rest assured that their in- t;)rests will be well looked after, and we have no doubt many new members will be added to the already large list. We hope the L. S. and F. Co. under the able management of President Shepherd, will have a large increase of new members the coming season and Th - lots of flsh. "Th Mayor K. J. Gould rosigus. ploys a Mayor Gould tendered his resigria- supplie( tion. This, of course, caused but very cate sci littie surprise to any of the members, as all were aware that on Wednesday of fareteli last week Mr. F. N. Raines served haps yc Mayor Gould with a notice to the effect is brev" that proceedings had been commenced fo h in the High Court to disqualify him forfrmh the position of Mayor. Mr. Gould had ache a, submitted the agreements, etc., in the sore. possession of he and his brother, as 'as- signs of Geo. Wheeler & Sons, to emi- rheUM2 nent counsel ini Toronto, and read the ing oft opinion he had received from thern. Scot The opinion stated that the law in this regard was very broad. it depended a liver Oil great deal on how the judge would in- WoUld tarpret its meaning, and there would remed be a possibility of Mr. Gould being dis-y qualified, but, on the other hand, there its iodir was a probability that he would not be. a pecul Mr. Gould might go into litigation ofl disease the matter; might or might flot prove pie his qualification, but it would inevit- pie ably cost him a lot of money and loss Scorr's of time, and he did not consider the reia rf game worth the powder. Had he been -atways cm desirous of holding the seat he could, 1 YOt Put upin 9 within six weeks, have qualified him- may bec=1e self beyond doubt, by turning the flrm bbhem.t .hé keruel, - and thon -ste iohol teïîir io now conide- or as if hi lied M' A aifter bis ýula arrived iu tavn uat Satur. ,after a safé and s.mig1 Ue jaurney frore F'orida. ,Hia )arrived in- a consiement of 'r Mr W M Robson. The fruit unpaoked and hung Up for sorne 'e Lb. insct showed himeîf, n a lively obtusc ensued reulting I aud oremation. This jentthe Stuila wbicb bas been captureti aud withaut mcutioning aey- ut rinakuis snd diffuaient other ikeà fram bunebes of bananas )eople will uaL b. ri0 anxious ake close friendship witb Lb. Jar aud enticing fruit. g lad bati a narrai ceca pe fram accident hast wcek. Unnatia- giueer h. attcmpted ta jump on nL part of a shunter sud in some Bd beiug draggcd about sixteon rtunately he managed La keep ,d sa cscaped injury, althaugh w shave made hlm speechîcess iiutes afterwards. 1-t wuas hing ta and this should 'be a oothers wbo are iu thc habit of rauud the yard aunoying the -Warden. Weather Bureau em- tskllled force cf men, ,.d wlth the most deli- ientific instruments, to 1the weather. Per- ou know when a storm Üing without any word ie papers. Your bones Lnd your muscles are Your chronic muscular atismn gives sure warn. the approachlng storm. t's Emulsion of Cod- 1, with Hypophosphites, be a mcst valuable y for you. The cil, with ,e and bromine, exerts iliar influence over the ~and the hypophos- render valuable aid. 5 IEMULSION hgs been endorsed by the fssion for twenty yean. (dA your doctor.) ueil la always >eLotabi-iwuys uwfor ntaus tbe puai orwqjïaa Cod-aver Oit wekilms 5o cent andi800 aS ises. The ais ze agb to cue your cougli or help your baby. Castorla l sDr* Samuel Pite-her's rescHptlon.for Infants and Ohildren. It eontalnaenelther Onlumu, Morpbin»euo-w other Kawotieo stbstance. It la a harmiea substituts for Paregorle, Drops, Soothlng Syrupsand Caais tor01 1* là Pleasant. Its guarantee. la thlrty yeaWs'une liy Mlone of Mothers. (astorla destroys Wowm»s aut ailsys féverIshnem .Castorla provents vomiting Sour Cur4 cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla, relieves leetb.lng troùbles, cures constipaf'on subd flatulçaeoy. Castoria asslmllates- the food, reguila*,es the stoaceh and bowels, glving healthy and natural Bleep. Casa toris la the Chlldren'Os Panacea-the ]fotheer,]éiýud Castoria. ~Oaicwse an egeelent nmclne for ceu- dren. Xothoeihave repeat.diy tld meof îLe good effeupon thefr ellidre." DL G. 0. Oscoon, Ioveil Mam 44CastSorla te .bout remedy for chuiencof whlch I amn acquaintoti. I iopl b. day la ixit far kmtnt when mothem ill ooasertbe retl litereitof txefr childrenand swe Caotorla iu- uteati cf thevarlonsquaek nootezmuwhlch are de.toylng tholr toveti eues, byforcingoplum, morphine, baotbieg syrup anti other burttul ageUdoiii theli tircatas, thereby uendln mm e.to preniatuagavusY Da. J. Y. KINOBELOS, Caatoril. t4Castorlsosowell adaptedlocbfrthag 1 reccrnmend lLaasuprior toanypos1tc known ta me.,," IL A. ABOMI4IL .9. 111 Sa. Oford ét, Broealdyn , . "Our phyhiclm t u the chl dedpait.., metbave spken hIghIy oftbèl oW el. and although wo only bae aog m»eiat supplies ihat la kunowasmregvlai'-, produ&te, yet wesre fros h> canfmu th"l the meuits of Castara iasu on un to look wU1&I favor upon ItL. UNITEDHOIrA£L A» DSUBEY ÂLLEN (. SNTH, Pres., myseiz gaîn2ng4v~ry aay.j' rs ~T Nil ~isJuUi,~1 Thesrha,~oeretiu mm-tuaI,. I - LêBorno 8 ysm~ ego t çonlu disuase, IvenlloHotSpriugsl killetirne. ~Mtsr a-wbilohiieî an.xious for his disqualification' flot, froîn,,ny interest theX have in the' town, but merely, to satisfy their per'- sonal spleen. Fýooing closely, upon LI Mr. H. J. Gould's retirement we leaârn,,, with pleasure that Mr. A. Graham bas gp.. yielded te the persuasions of a major- w ity of the tatepayeri and will be in the field as a candidate foi-the mayoat, Vl the election for which must corne off at, A3 «e Aid- once. Mr. Graham is oee f our mos M popular and successful > business men and one, we think, ewho w.Ïl fillthe 1W office with credit te hi'sef and tethe.,~'" entire satisfaction of -the tw.We à have net Ieaitned as yet who -;will be his i Uý opponent, or whether or not ei1b oppesed. We thi' kt ud',n' b eut of place, even attlis exlr4e_,.te dY~OUa tender aur sy-mpath5 -tel'.whoeiver is TIION opponet may beas the ,poo-tnknown~ po will, without dpubt, get more of tat than he witlvotM*"-es l-ýs -Fulywntyft&Iois1~*T R oui plyswéoé W1it ogb Pt-re Mn, F~ mie ~ ~~Àd h@15 '~li er3day; O un if~~ <xsj~~ mie hte s,, The. Cestaur ompauy i ura teeNe oe 1 WEAK,1-3VO&*O El 1AS1 Dasofte hae s1tki sdieot b.l o!uiayroi$goe Le l hary 'ls 1!iedf. "Atl47earofaoul aam"da bahfflérw stand no exeriio. gHeti =4 ye bea De rc And i of du

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