Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1896, p. 4

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f0MB AN.D JWSPECT Our Large Stock Perfu mes, Hlair Brus/jes, To i/et A riic les, Etc., Etc., whichi we are selling at Specially f Low Price Et WILLUS Cliemisi & Drug g/st, Vledîcal Hall, Brock &j,ýreet, Whtb Xx l 1 r' Psy Your Subsoription A (ii'.itig oUnr 1(01ev ti in ai! and al! sillîb' rl?>'r-, notalready clear oit our 'm"ki v~ifl llpase reluît! v return i Let ail be-u ini îind Nat w c nr fatr il ibein. M . baie ced aog semi-ral huit0red ">tinc(rîhîrs a-ith othr , upers cubhed witir 'liii 1fOo-.> 1iqai! the longer we do th ithtet' ette r i t sectns to please theru , snd thev pay no attention lte nîoney con- sider alti %Ve finti oir Suhscripttots are beîng paid UP far slower tbaît usual thits year. Peuple appear to have mottey for every uther pur. pose, but a goo)d nîany appear lu have a nu- tion that Ille prînîter cati live on the fine weather. We helieve we can say that THE F isuî~' neyer slow or neglectfui in ils treatrnîeitî of our readers, and il is noîli- in iolii»e tlitati fait rtîat they shou Id come tu îîîîte îironipîlv. Theo Rcimodlaî 3W The provisions otii5ieasure have b>een mnade knoa n The measure wili niake it s duly ol [le NI-)intîoba govertni eut lu estab- bash a ;)-i at c scbooi systeni, by which -Romnan CathIolîcs may have sucl insutitutions wher'ver tiiere are enougli familles of that persuasion lu supply fundsansd childreu Ici make une a success, but they -are not bt be placed wlîere they wii injure the public schools ing before the year is oui, ud-t nt "rny goverumertî s spending more of ils lime lceeping ils powder dry Ihan in seîîling the difficulty by spliîîiug the differeuce. Theu we would go on lu say thal aI the rate com- plications are coming up, it would be better t0 go sud lick a few nations aI once, and gel Iheir cases disposed of. su as lu be able tu able lu tackle the others as cause of quarrel arises. When the Queeusasys Ihat she lias filith ln Turkey doiug a humnane Ihiug. or in Russa doing a peaceabiy disposed sel, ot lu the Amiericans sud British comiug lu (rieudiy ternis ou any other grounds besides the corn- piele subjugation of North aud Southi Amer- ica by the latter, or lu the friendship of jeai- Oua nations-this la rallier a long sentence, but when the Queen states Ihat she bas faith in these Ihings, we beg leave to reserve our opinion, sud lu remsrk that Her Majesty is more hopeful in her Id age than moat peo- pie are lu theiro - AdvaDoe bide fortowu Qebeature -W.i..y--o---w --:-seli be t a ibl e,. x-.oa A centîral huard of education for tle pro $3o,ooo debeutures Ihis year 10 relire ma vince tuitist be appoiuîed lu mnage these turing debîs, sud already lwo bida lav4 schmooul,, whickî must con form lu the stand- been sent lu offering lu lake Iherniah para ard of hie public schools, and if the sanie 4Wpret text books are not used uthers uf equs!4l pe cnt literary mient must bc adopted. This îown will decresse its debenture debL If lite Province of Manitoba dues nul takre about $27,500 next vear, sud wlll henceforti hoid of 0,'e malter and comply with the con- be on good financial footing. This state c ditiolis u tt'î ni,:.-sure it prescribes that it affairs la a guaruenîee for a good sale, aud shali be within the righrs sud duties of the the suthorities look for a sale Of 4 per centç D>ominion parhalia ettl takre hold of the at par, whicl will mean lIat Our preseui niatter and have thte piovis.ons of the rate of inleresî will be reduced 31 per cent. reinedial act carried out. The greal effort our worthy lown father This gives a fain syn, pais of the pro. have miade lu liquidate s large suni of its lu- visions ufthtRe nieasure as we understaud it debtedus will thus serve nol ouly Ici stop arîd if we are correct il wili enîsil about as intereat on the portion paid off, but will ahat rnuy reforma lu the Manitoba separate secure a big reduction lu t:.e rate of re- sclîoois as it will lu the niethods of school issues. mnagement in that Province. Nearly ail lte uld-Iashioned separale achools art saîd it Tw onU lu exist lu about as crude a samIe as everWhtyTwLoa. they were. The Manitoba govertiment las, Truly tuis is February weatler. been very easy wiîh thern, sud if they cou- Mes. Doble, Toronto, la aI Mrs. T. H. fornied 10 is reguistions iii even a amaîl de- Eîîîoîî's. giet îhey were aliowed public supprt sud atrJoSbtPtPey wsi coý.uttenance. This measure of île Do- twMo asîr uiSrda ort Pry wsl miîon parliamrent wiii cunipel lte cathlic îiuo audylt school boards tu ai once assumne s stage 0( There wili be a rezular meeting of the efficiency or else give up even the suide sort town council nexî Mouday. of existpnce ihey uow have under the Mr Harry Fairbanks, St Thomnas, returu- lenient enforcenient of the Mfanitoba school .d borne ou Saîurday last. regulaîlons. A great mauy communities ln Miss Stevenson, Pelerboro, wasslie guest Manitoiba wliere separate schools were for- of ilis Honor sud Mes Judge Dartueil last merly lu existence are very backwsrd, sud week. will object srniost as slrougly tos law whlch Anme fvuglde tr h .L compels theni Ici stîsin s high standard ofC. pA number hckeuy ades rets li e O. L. efficiency, as they 110w do to tle ManitobaC.palcihoeytlernkuWdes aet oif 1890 whicli waa designed ici abufish day affernoon. therm. Thet'efore the remnedial 'neastre wil 100 packages of eclipse dyca, were toc, s not prove ail sweetness Ici thets. package, for two weeks 2c., aI corner drug The probability î.a that if this femedial Store, A. H. Allia. legisîsîlon passes it wili be subjected t10 e- Miss Queeny Hoskin, Toronto, vist.d peal before the higliest courts before elite wîfrleade la t own last week, the guest cf Manitoba g6vern ment will accept It as blnd- MIlu Edlîh Groos. lug ou Ihern. This duas of legislatlon las 5 r.Aeade0.Grre odutro unususi sud unprecedeuîed tuat at th i t KMox. lexaner M. Glb, oreoutor cfap ico-'oft tie lswyers wiil be able Ici pick mlny Kerl te e lc ha, FToretowil ý a i 14,which will require a sertes ier nsc al aniendmeh , 'i anuually, providec lie JDo- MrO. Dr. Browa, of Toronto, sud Miss mition sud Maunioba governmentg con- Annle Cauhfield, Oshawas, speut Stands3' tinue Ici difier as Ici ils enforcemeut. wlth à4t. aneums. S. Qutaler. Short Notes. - Sir Chas. Tupper, j r., las lntroduoed îu tle House cif Cemmons s bill împoslaag leavy penalties tapon pOhticias WhoIe lan- der esch otier during or in conuecîlon vili election campaigns. A gret rain sIen passed in a northiet-t erty direction front the Gulf cf Ifexico aeress lie UnitediBltate ite Atiautk 'Ocesuou Tlirsday u hstweek Tte whole thit sartd foma bit cf a cyclone lunlte Tro-ulghî lthe great Pria. iglt betweeu mttasitmous sudater le flzcd to take place sonievitere test the border of KcIo, 'Ilor te fnl tinte lai the hit@y of tIch5 - $a~oî atIueî-leAt etieMa= atlie tg 100,k .îIv o Brth l bsuB - Mm.. Will Chrysier of the south ward, leaves Saîurday morng for Owen Soand, te restanebie dulles on the steamer Afbra Tic train arrivlntem. at i2.2o p. m. froua MnlaJct wus lire. bours late estelay, on accoat of thc road bM = e y - Iw Mr Guy Dartuansd àMissDatuitiT route, werc be .on s ayautedlug th Leap Year béand 'çturnedticdtky Um I MasLuodwas contrlto sbololaw the 4ýtmj -At loi"*the. Pblbrsuo* s clety conSnrt laffly b&m.. je=, hIe 0 epoted bmst atb U «"Ue b114 bae *el104r o > ft&*l 'Ami e. o-I .-é à tw MenDe u 01a nousenoja maY have access lu ail the besl magazines pub. lished, sud may have plenty of books 10 read for the year. The resuit will be a big boom iii the membhership of the library, and a greal spread of its usefuiness. Thie ad- mission (ee is placed at 15 cents. Cheap Tickets Ho ! for England, Scoîlsnd,, Irelaud, $3ritish Columbia, Manitoba, California, ail UJnited States sud Canadiani pointsansy- where, everywliere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates guaranleed righî. Through tickets from P'ickering, Toronto, Myrîle, Brooklin sud Whitby. See E. Stephienson, Whitby, before travelling, and gel choice of toutes sud len best ocean sîeamship hunes. See Flremea meet. The annual meeting of the local firemen was held ou Wednesday hast sud was m aIs harmoulous. The reports of the different efficers were received wiîîth ulan sd th. officers ileruselves ieartihy; thà Wê' dfer lie way liey lad respectively perfe'rîned their services during tle year. The follow- iug are tle off cers for tle curreut year: Caplain, C. Perry ; ist lieut, jas Foley ; 2nd lieut, Wm Ashby; sec'y-Ireas, A. Smithi; [st brauch, W. H. Smith ; 2nd brauch, E. Mc Brady ; 3rd braaich, R. Bond ; 41h branci, C. Stewart ; captain hook andJ add'er. Jos. Baudel , lieut. boîok sud ladder, T Toms. d The sulscriber wlli hoid a sale of h orses - îrdv ferroon aI 3.3o betveen Upper LeCltîle, etc., ou or about thie 201h d'ay o'f Canada Coliege and -the locgil leani. The canneo be mi itMircli 1896, at the towu of Whiîly. This boys are kiving lovera of hockvy an oppor- o ut f cond sale wili be extetîsively adverîlsed an d ws,î1 uniîy of seeing sorne of Toronto's best tearus plenty of a Safford an excellent oporunty fer parties ply er ad f he are eiîcouraged willgt udo 1- Those wishing a description ottheir animnais Mr. .uRiha rd o , w o i t e d n p tobe ublibedcan have it o eb neilU p r C na a w neti i el) 0Ihe same with the subscriber or wiîh John studeuts of Upper Canada ou Iheir visit here Hf. Perrin, of the Queens Hotel, Whitby. It to play hockey on Salurday aflernoon la hoped Ihal the agriculînral society will Leap Year BailB1 0 bnld their sprig fair early so, thal he sale On oft e m ,s u csfl oia ev t sasi nti nth fr fa ,and the fair may lake place on saine day. Qeo h os ucsflsca vns isasinii rprto utefr fapoýwder. It Pur L. FA! RBANKs, Auclioneer. Ihis town has seen for years came off on enstbc e totraa rougît coat mb s asuzooth sud The local teani expects to ply returu Friday lust-a eap year bail, givea by the anmmal $fi nditon.."He dhnlas "good ife" sund matches Iu Toronto a week froru Saturday. ladies of Whitby. Gliona camne rom Tor- head and lifting his feet. onto la supply te music. Thtc following is M 1 LON4 OWS- are greatly bene&ited by it The *pense to briug thbe Vursity leain dowu b ex- Whiby-Col and Mrs O' Douovtn, Judge 'food' 'a'dtie orgofns bing rented ed.mre1 uz etuplify the gamne, sud as we go to presthe aud Mrs Eka rnell, ]Ur and U\rs G A. Ross, fooc d' heloow cf mllk incraaedr.3et fu * eams-âre at it hot arid beavy. The local Mr sud Mrs Till and Miss Till, lMr sud Mrs DcsBodPrfe wl'a o tefe.tm leani has been mnosî unfortunste in Irviug Ici Ormiston and Miss N Ormiston, Dr and Mrs For sale by drus, ait genend etor« orseýt P pull off a match with Varsity. Theý gaine Warren sud the Misses Warren, Mrs Annis G à&i>, wus advertised for Saturday last sud s large sud Miss Annis, Mr sud'Mrs Theo McGilli- 1*éà1ý a crowd was ln lown, but the rink was coveried vray, Mrs Grass snd Miss Gross, Mr sud witb waîer sud the gaine hsd le be poët- Mrs Downey, Dr sud Mirs McGillivray, Mr poned. It was expeci.ed lIaI lhe Varsity sud Mrs King, Mrs Nourse, Mrs Mackay, boys would corne dowu ou Weduesday after- (Indhan Hiead, N W T.,) Misses Macdonefl Work for hinemea. nuon or evening, but laler l wasfound thal iIig, tin lUSmî. n #I:1 1h. Bell TelepceCo ay oIbe Thursday ulght was tle only ltime avahlable. Dow, Pattericu, tGreeswocd, 'Schiller, FP glsd cf aIl tii. experieuced: lelegraphlor -tel.-lu The Toronto lesm arrived ou tinte, bug the, McGilivrayr. Hilàry, Wood, Howaid, R pIone inemen -tbey cati get hold ofjust now heavy sîciri prevenîed loada front Oshawâ , Camidge, Wightman, Blair, Watson, King, te werki Toronto for a .few weeks. Ap- * Boàwmanville, Brecklin sud Pickering, a atsn, Iedro, hilsu hcto sol IraceS ne s et well as hundreds of townspeople from 'at- messis;M M Ro'sa, ý C lmîn, Allin, Gordon,, lPèrauie~st.,Tou. tedncensequently the tea'vn auftered Asbu'ry, Kîug, Gras cKy-areMc- Lat udcmns t lwsp.e financi"allve- lày. The Upper Canada Celege Cuhlodli, Dent, SideyHtbWgtmn ve fdl eî,achecre .eam will gv a grand exhibition of play to- Le, Law le,'asel illg1uYtr. r ln tcxswporeol rnerrow a teruon a ud ail wbo have any de - nl.bàuudtereducethe"stck. - Hanging'lmn sire te se. good bocke ansd at the me Oéhawai-Mr sud JlrsF GrierËdu, Mr aud table lampa, bracket lampe, sud ohrkna AT lime Wep thé local làaufnnialsol Mrs >Iul<oz', Mrsud M Crs e a sd of lampa> at coSt L.L attend Sata«rday's gane. --Kiug, -of theU. Mrs Thomp"son, Mr andMrý CÏ"9el, 1fr and a ait . OSt.pý C. Coliege team, ls tie fastest player sud jirs .macti, Misses. Trewn,ýHy1and,-Ped- surest sioi lu Canada. ',Ne acored 8' sý.M4i~hlIao ogaBan by W Alau SacUer. For msal at;%M.. ont ofz3 agaînat Il. Vitorias of inâust<n WOOD; Moig, Bgambridge, Uansém M ' >e o I t On Tueliday luas nd 'o doubtî will maeC W Owens i)rBelt, A Willlamsf BahlbÎlt, j The, but Anthrt cOeai-~.' things unphcsauty hot for the ke- rp Owes ,Dr Kaiser, Griersoâ1, ýMorutauj iýeÈgg ý 2o aau lier,~~ran NO.o 2. . trn su d- at, udat bMor suw d ýPirt ntr thé tmaIes, RBowuavtlér 'u Min liM J . ouy ,oo theysea forthrounlds of"a ý C BlSarandM1r Wlhiiiitu pluefront ft1c ad 0 doponPrO nMuto5jt- 'ïIo~ I m etwo matches arc 'pp t c k Ié l lr ari a w u an 4 wlu1 o~ p Publie Oth lbnç asIe ia ~~~~~~il aes ap au -4 n o<.dscs#os asfQ 'i.Towa bçard ut -.,edtcaihu, mm"- i- À Mr. A. H. Aluin, son of Mrs. Aluin, sîa- tioer here, las purchased the corner drug store from Mr. J r. McCullough, who bouglt il from Mr. W. R. Howse lust aummer, but who found that it would interfere wiîh lis studies. Mr. Allia Ilioroughly understauda the business of s chemnist sud druggis, sud will handie the corner drug store in a way at once advantsgeous sud satiafacîory Ici the oublic. THE CHRONICLE wishes hlm every success. Kaights-Templar On Tuesday eveuing hast V E Sir Kuigit A M Rosa assisted by E Sir K, P Taylor, installed the officers of St John. the Almoner Pret-eptory. The beautiful sud impressive çerenîîmy waa ably perfcirmed sud the sssemnletl Sir Ktîig. Is were bighhy enter- tained. The fohlowiug are the officers for the ensuing -ear: V E Sir K Rosa, Past Preceptor; E Sir K. A G Flenderson, Pre- siding Preceptor; E Sir K. Citas Kinit, Con- stable ; E Sir K, J îîo Wiii, M;îrshmi ;E 3l'r'K P Taylor, Trerts; Sir K, jes WNhitù.-,s gejîstrar; Sir -K, Fredt Hatch, Sûb-Mcar Sir K, W G Armour, Cap of Guard ; V L 'Si K, Judge Darîel, Almnoner ; Sir K, t' Y*everell, isî St Bearer; Sir K, L T Bsrci;ay, ýnd SI Bearer; Sir K, Wmn Calverley, Sword Bearer; Sir K, John Shand, Organiat. Hkey pasteVriya eg opes China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Fruits, Etc., Etc. 1 Prices Io Suit the Times. Don't buy before calling and examinig thestck OdPrcsfryrel nade ont ofhersstb, ne kdition. MercI3' te feed Lbsa mal enougit. A home a general toning up., rbifes the s atoe 9ie one Pp a- 6e 't >1 FEB. Hy 1 89G, coffée, iý 'à, AL AL Fine Sale of horses, cattle, etc. of light, so that flesh, wood, leather, clolli- Mr. Alexander M. Gotrrie, eâ.O the: Sing and ail such substances may be seen Westminster preshyterisu, choir, ?rno through lie glass, and we have no douht willl appear In tasukhal ~b6th. that befolke onq eye glasses will be made # oh which will tenable a physician to examine Bw . Ble hihr hant spnt t1 g Wo ke. v every boue in a patient in a minute or îwo. eBowmaine ville, hi anr op Wont ogo when Thus the loathesome and fatal diseases of evrlm nod oportunity. Ho the boue ivill be more easily deait with. daims 10 have a contract there, but lu ail The thousand snd one advantages of being llllihood he la only making estmntes upon able to see thrQugh every substance except one Several other young chaps from here boue and mineral may be left to readers 10 appear 10 be figuring on " futures" there. 0O N coulemplate upon. The bettng on the great Fitzsimmons. of A..r question which is beingnxuch Maher fight îo-nigh flut- the championship of theeat WC sa doul edr I h is dsusdln the United States and England place it ls good guessing as 10 whether or is the demoralization of silver. There nôt there will be a scrap, snd then there is seenis to be a disposition to maire gold the some more figuring as Ici the resuait p)rovîded a ud e,1t ouly standard of value. Everythiug has a Right does talce place. Fi'z--immonns says that ln the event of a fight being Prohiblîedy to psy tribute to gold, and, when gold is lie wili declare himself champion of the ,c.--iusel scarce, instead of il going up in value as worid. Maher has already done this on .......a other things do, it simply remains where it dthrwiIbIocamonb is and everqh fus oe ou.Te~ ture. Qne chImpion was hardly enougli wise ones wîll not agree that the price of frti l oladi c ehpdta gold May go up and down, the satneasfrtibi odndti obehp ht other commodities, but insiçit that so asc there wili be many more champiouhips of a igCn s e t c - gold shall constitute a dolla nte c he sort that are won by the luong rcs thing else in the world must â the eiryt. uedfb I ing. To -those of us who are not adeptsata A youug man cslled Jas Griffin an Eng ýS. finance tbis single standard of value seeins lish lad of about twenty Jears of age, was a great piece of rot. When wheat goes up smore ime ago engaged or a year, by Mr.Omora n m us u be of R or dowu it goes up or down ail over the John Bell Ofîthe 4th con. WhitbY. After ln so o d ,a d i r e world, sud so does everything else but gold. working a tirne, he was taken ilI and re- Then why not gold ? It is ail right enou moved 10 the hospital in Toronto. Upon to force bankers bo have gold as securiîly or recovery he returned to Mr. Bel's aud re- their note issue, but tbis should nol force a sumed work. Last Monday he slarled forfo u Sp i g Iora on Ycast iron rule lu boRd gojld at one Point and Toronto. After his departure $185,00 was keep everyîuting else jumping up and down found to have been extrscted frotn a drawer D a n a e u h n ie lt a rces e e b fr to match. in Mr. Bell's bouse, suspicions were arous- D y a d D t .o t t e e tr o t p o ed and Mr Bell -had a warrent issued and impeial oittons.placed in the hands or High County Con_ stable Calverly. wbo colftnautncated with e r of It iýs 'ot Ofteri we set out to enlighten the the authorities in Toronto. On Tuesday %N;)rl inreaidto li)eral r EropanMr Calverly received word of the Young ~N(ridhi egad 1 iperal r Eropanman's apprebension aud went bo the ciîy miatters, and somne people may fancy that we and brought hlm here lodging bu lui the )ydo tot know ail about thern. The European countY j ail, on aearching hitn no tnioey was S aturday F eb. bth, 1896 situtio issimly ie or s t elcidte. fouud. H-e will have a hearing this weekh sTuaiti l i Hupi pe f o s ete. ibefore P. m. Harper. y -Tuesday, and the Queen, 1)», proxy, ad Ars-o t hegn ccrtite he speech froin the throîîe. To the utter nitusic ha ll, Pcb. 26th will be reduced btt -ur pri,e Of ail te worid, and especiail>- those Poipujar price of 25 cents, wiîh ail seats re- iw'ho look upon Prim-e Mittister Salisbury ps served. a jingo, tbe speech was about as mnealy Farners' Institute mnouthed as couid have been imagined. 'it Read the big programme of farmners' il-F, ~ sq knowu that tlt arsenals and navy yardastue naohrcoum.Aedîbs Of Great Brilait are straitliitg every nerve lu Istiî,es Inad der ontr'onetiAtnd so en tur OU gu fo gu an sLp wîh ilthe mteetings reported very fuliy in the papers. otiter nationis of the world combined. The There sbuid be ten farmers iu attendance Seaboard of the British Ilies is becoming for one there s' now. ,)ne long circie of migbty ships and guns. lna There are heated conitraversies going on be- Auction sale. toween Great Brîlaini and Turicey, Germany, On Fuiday, Feb. 21St, Mr. A. Waddle, rthe Unuùed States, Venezuela, and a couple 'icar Claremotnt wii sei h3b ipublic auction rof South African republics. bis large and valuabie outfit of farmi stock --- t Now, according to cour way of iooking aI anîd impiemnents. Mr. Waddle has retired jxO U .-~ItJItj, these miatîers, Lord Salisbury must either fromn farinirig and bas no for the lisîedD r o d .R a y m leel that things are pleasaut when Ihere is a articles, Iherefore they wili be soid without la y n id guni point ing from every quarter aI his gun, reserve. 1 or else lie must see farther than we do, and Conversazione. miust feed that lie knows how to euchre the The conversazione given in the Oddfei. Key Lost other fellows in the preliminaries. If we iowvs hall on Monday niglit next in behaif of Large brasa lcey left at this office for ~I L E 1 E~~ were writing that speech for the Queen lu the Whit.by pubi'c iibrary should be well aI. owner. J S R E .I ID _«qmb deliver, we ivould state that things look very leuded. Those who go there will learn that Bsns hne much like as if there woid be somye fizht. for Si tw tvci,,h .. BuinssChng i f 01 ronlclt* Ohoice #ew Ooods. 0-M- çýo Te*

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