Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 6

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~eaoh GÛCIl. n motion ôot M. Rea lfl WSoI> tnccdoore c vlopu s d dered to be pa4d to Mr. oJo. Bwl1ý n6lIttw.cd. c ave âm*e printà. The members elect of the Reach belng amoùant in lu»l for wo>rk pédoràm-. cd, oce. ý Carrc Coucilme atth ton hll Ma- d on Bowles' hili; alec 5a *Cents to Mr. Mr. Mowbra, seconded by Mr. ccte, nm ay th . nhll a-Thos. Salter for filling washout on cen- RziPcharda n=ved olea lve ttc> introduce heer o ok th elaainsadtre road, i zth con. *a by-law to, ýprescribe the salaries of the The culwas orgnîdb the reevetinsan On motion of Mr. Weir the clerk several municipal officers of the Town- takig te chir.was instructed to secure 6 copies of the shlp of Pickerlng-fiàere in after named A number of communications were Municipal World for 1896, at a cost Treasurer, $15o.oo ; clerk $48o.ooo; fld ot to exceed $5. assessor $140 ; collector tS 0 each de- red he: kofEa t htby en On motion of Mr. Weir, $îo was or- pUty-returning officer $500 auditor rom ga temceki dti of lthe dered to be paid ta the clerk, for ex- ï*î5oo ; caretaker of hall, $30. 00 ; in- clnoing ttemen ythadtamui of ithe ecuting four deeds, and drawing two spector of trees, $2,0o per day -while aon t xe o nefory8th theunicialtyagreements re E. Whitby and Whitby insp'ecting trees. That the remuner- regarding work to be formed on town ation to be made to the mnembers of being $37 73. lines. this council for attendance at meeting .Frorn the cderk of Mariposa enclos- Mr. Wright came before the conneil, and for services as road commisioners ing a check for $148. 15; $1 24. 15 being he said owing to dereliction of duty on shall be to reeve, $85.oo ; other memn- arnount levied for U. S. S. No. 17, the part of assessor or clerk, or both, bers of board, $5o.00 each. Ta h Recahfo ad $25 bei n aountduey his lots in Manchester had been sold mnembers of the Local Board of Health Rieac. o ttt ao nbudr for arrears of taxes accruing in 18qi bc paid the sum of $2.50 each for at- Froin thle treasurer of -Scott, enclos- adhsojcin appearing before the tendance of each meeting of the board. in î..S bîghafepes nc1e counicil was to ascertain if the council That the said salaries shall be be coin- 11v R$14,5n eiing a owxpnlein Red a going to take action to remunerate puted from the xst day of January, A. ilnd S;,(tt. him for the loss sustained. These D., 1896. A 1.r~enm)r officers, he said, were well aware that Mr. Poucher introduced and carried rega c nfor theser of app)lications w~ere he was the owner of the lots. through a by-law appointing R. W. rea fr tc uvealotfices at the gift The clerk replied that he believed Mowbray assessor for 1896, and M. \Ir.Rc.àI 1intr(ýduCcd and carried he understood the duties pertaining to Gleeson and Thos Dunn auditors. The throlgh à to apointan auditor his ofice and hie was flot aware that hie council adjourned to Feb 24th. bv hr(,îand a liv-a tthaewapnthad on any occasion falled to perform 1)(itiiuti) tj(,rrvc Te ouici Here Mr. Wright and the (jerk had LADIES, BEWARE 0F THEM I ;iqtt)(Inteti NI r \V. F. Weir and thre r tx y ( utcdNIr ).Pcrk ns a lively tilt. Nir \Veîr rntr(îlrîceti and earried On motion of Mr. Real, 820.25 was THEY LACK ALL GOOD AND ES thrnîrýh a hv-law tu appoint MrP. ordered to bpaid to Mr.JasHayes, SENTIAL QUALITIES. ar-d arredamounts in full due theni, for land 1hrulýýh -- bv-Laiw ustablishing the re- rade for road purposes, on the centre Ladies, beware ci the rnany crude imi- con. o7.hese- tattons of Djainond Dye that are soid ini ~iî.îr 1) iihZ. (t ((u i l Ol he CC The clrk reported that M r. W m. B orne places. These im itation dyca laok 1 l ilii(tdui clandiea.rried Iareuhatd cl thiiofie atl adalthe essential qualities that are requir-1 Mrtnî~Nr. W reuesedhi to cal] the attention of cd te prOduce good and permanent colote. -1 hc ocl bardofthe counicil to the necessity of a grant . If yen would dye with eaec, pleasure \I k.. . V îiurI th lutai bard Oppsielots 2, 3 and 4, con. i i ; about and useotisfactiorenab, hear hi(.)fniutthrce N-ears, F, oplosite satisfactionbl K if t*:tt easand NIlr. W»$5o would be required. Diamond De, noted for strength, brightE hiett'x( nd ht' On motion of Mr. Lamb, a grant of nesa and neyer fading quaIities. Diain. itI. (.i -ilenitnihtrs lth(,v1$,30was made to be expended opposite und Dyes wilî (lest you ju8t the 8sa26e r 10LtS, 2, 3 and 4, con. iti, and Messrs. price as the common dye; every package and lits. ii VWrn. leare, J. M. Real and W. Steph- 18 fully warranted to do the work ciollek "e(o.e -the e, a'; lelure toeni edcommissioners to promised. buni ( rt ( a nurnero1u.4;v, control said appropriation. -------Mt.Cil sîît trn akin.ý the counlcîl t(- On motion the conncil adjourned. Whitby Presibytery. P '.~~ .V 14 irli .1intx t j'uti PckrîgCoci.The Presbytcry cf Witby met at Býw.te Pickerilg Coneil.manvile on Tuesday, 2lst ingt, the mcd» çni erator, D Ormisten, in the chair. There i, Ni hîp~nsajd that bis eidren The counicil elect for the Township was a good attendance cf membere. Bey fal n11 rtlt'r tu reacli school building of of Pickering met pursuant to statute. .J B McLaren, cf Columbus, was elected -e ii 14. have tu travel about one Present, Geo. Gerow, reeve; Thos. moderator for the enmun yas.Tek mie îîi. hi.whcrvas in the event Boucher. îst deputy reeve; R. R. Mow- reisignation cf hie postal charge of Ash th <(ftu lîî~r cde( for in the petition bray, 2nd deputy-reeve James Hilts 3rd hurn and Utica, by Bey J B Smitb, waa W 1be1nk C g ri ard his propertv trans- deputy-reeve, and James Richards, accepted with much regret, and many iri tere ('~utin01 i. the distance to the counicilor, ahl of whom took and sub- kindhy references to Mr Smith2 as an as stbc(j £,) ir>atlv reduced, _bf- scribed to the required decharations of sarnest, faitbful pastor and preaoher. ou suIe th -:ui,îîu ,t r01roertv justly qualification and of office, and took eyJB cLrnwaponed oder- gi, eutW t t îuîxe t sctOn 17, their seats at the council board. 0 rc ssin I a epre ers ha, non.1] (ir f i n erit, and he re' Mr. Mowbray, seconded by Mr. Hilts ley htCarmn e nwwiigt <;it.ta lat.ct(, take steps to- moved that the standing committees unite with Ashburn if a satisfaory basis I il .. ittinfnint of the oliject for this year be composed of the same fmuioc, withbe gReduo.Aon i hue î nilertttumembers as hast year, viz: Roads and er wBaFratdtovsitter asi e la- the Ni It R ui! ieai, well as Mr. Bridges, Messrs, Poucher, Gerow r a ppone ovelt.feld with a pu, w'vuew te rearrangement if practielable ioi Ihtnîts ii,~ tatielalvintcrested Mowbray; Indigents, Messrs. Rults, Bey D M Gordon was ncmina d forth irith ti r:,'i '.kd orn the peti - Poucher, Richards: Sheep kihled by Moderator cf nelt General drumly tut iidutslnce is a i islt<nce of txvo dogs, Messrs Richards, Hilts, Gerow; TheqesincfPofseA o te itwo nitsr 111e tu of section 14, but Contingencies Messrs Mowbray, Pouch- Vacant chairs in Knox COdlege vas dis- day shuiiu ii littiie le eocede andliser, Gerow. Carried. Oussed, but as there was eietyne jireti uriîettlto 'ection 17- thel Petition presented of C. J. Brodie, of more lighit ontlebjciwagrd disîr etî ~ bul/tld'. mteilîyan thterefo idt Hny lon 1jmken nmn tis a pree retin o!, ii li knew ot no valid qea- 'In mni cationwrý a s e ad fo-l n B uj~ o k flîî u lc itr a e mvr. fil. S. t sler, barrister, etc., To- report was adopted. Oshawa; Mins J Panton, Ou1hawa; r.trifis rontto, being present addressed the Road and bridge cornmittee reported oording sec, Mise Galbraith, Bowman. With council on the 'importance of farmers and recommend as follows: E. Dehart, e orepnig eMwhosn n tak ing more interest in protecting game 13 yds gravel at, 7cts per yd, 9 1 cts; A Whisby: treaurer, Mrs Onrniè, port te tW on their propcrties, le said they wouhd Waddel, 63 yds gravel and right of rr.At lnhn'nhesol iti find it far more profitable to do so than way included, $5.o4; Wm. Rennie, de- groni, an nlrie d oitabe pro-T"Vi they have any conception of-to pro- livering gravel on townline between . reese y ite-oceie ewu sd tect game that will flou rish and at flot Markham and Pickering opposite 9twr »mdb.îth senid by iss MnningMissanddi too much expense-let a number of con according te contract, Markham sud Mrs liree1aznd. Mrs Garnie nead a farmers whose farms are adjacent enter having paid like amount, 82o.00; H- eybigt .dah.pp>03 Te S into a combination to protect the gamne Boyer, 40 yards gravel on townline be- PowerofZiftàje Thingsa" '& ýA ~oz ingix on their properties, the larger the ex- tween Markham and Pickering opposite consisiug -of Mosan Whitenmn, Mo ifa-au ent the better, and they in a few years lot 9, at 8 avs per yd, Ma.rk.ham aainsd 1Morris, ime.eupt from lbhe Proby- . will be astonished at the result; take paid like amnount, right of way included tory wilih &MUngag aftor' whioh Mn M.ed partridge. which is the most prolific 83.20; W. D. Gorden lumber supplied Bmosf ILindsay, gave the address ci lb.erum and best of Our game bird in this coun- ..5~, ceder plank,.oo 3,3pIu ,1 afternoon. it VÙ'&-. carefflU.sprem, fer 50 try for farmers to protect; if instead of ets; J. H. Connor, repairing bridge, pared and instructive rsview o! Mission Lym io birds 200 were killed yearîy on a building culvert on Brock Road in 211<1W throughon# ý the ven0d. A lange Agen fam heincomne from that source coni, $2, 00. po 4. worI4 vas naedto iustat XM wouhd be considerable, there being no Your committee re'cornmended, that, h&' em.d~, Mise Mrri sd ark h outlay, they dû not require feeding or having considered anapiainfrlsae y i~sKlean, bnightoned the attention like domnestic fowls, and there stone Onl Kingston Road la >utaiton sebsoiiby obOies saend eeleciions.. A is always a ready sale for themn at good and *est, ten > toiae, Stoe alie on' same »m, ïteoongbaj» w a Il prices; in fact ahi a farmer wouhd re- road in Div. No. Ï8. st OlC0 ho eiis1v l Adlâ~so o~l quire te dIo would be te notify parties stone; aiso.on Kaunsale ro.d betwcn ningb j.eta. Ty &Us *vrisng ms' in Toronto that there were a certain lots 2 and 3, in 211<1 cor 5, tise. Rich- -g dzêedb e nMo.d e. number of partridge on his propertyards and Hâte onȉiioers.va Milij RvXr EÃŽu7, 1Êey. wl ich le desired kihled at a gve ou îz<ù, np:e u 1di- ' - Mt lime of the year they would only be toc ge= beg leave to report itzdTeon& glad to take advantage of the oppor- rnend as follo's: -ziat. ýtUtthe follovw- 'lu nity of the sport afforded and would i1g aniuntS beBI<1b1nd$uis-from the b . s.. ïî'" pay him handsornely for the privilege St. dary of Janay ot *4~ds ftheu ssy oaue tafw $<>4çm I up r jof shooting the gazne, and tiiere va Hn ay 2 196 bKRyA cue tuôm bo linit te the demnand for sub mo M. Glèeson SLo, I, pý iZtlr wkb -leges. He said gagne and:s iis pro. wee ILKGIeoCSOiJCO 'perly protectre<1would, in the near fiu- 75 Ct. pÏr w4«k ,ZK eà i 'L~ '*ure, become an im portauit revenue go L 1.go 5,- jpet . Vêw -very many of. the =reM ftsp-coïn; Mii T ýwince. He instanced a cs n on that had creudrli particular at ýw 'tentiez>, a party whos finàtnci ciwLuý "kà -stances lue wau cognizm= àf, -lm tiaLrning a Suaapend~ trout, in a t frwyoçs *2c4000;-Protecin f s --cf the COnsideron Hr W0d-Ju- 7. 54 ities in E41an çozrnpdiic. producë&. l&e.7 Yfreveni that they Ã"ugbt -know before the aMsume the dutie / I ef matrimony an, f matennty. Wcntne, j grenerally taire thes lncsit importan ste p s in their lives vithout knowing in afly degree w*lîat the, mean or what responsibilities and triai~ they hring. 'rhe ighest and bemt thin: that any wotan can do is te beaf and rea healthy, intelligent children. The accoin plisbment f thiis cnd depends aImant e-i tirely upon her bealth îgud artictiiariç n pon the health and stren gthof tle orgai distinctly fémnine. The state of thle elii. dren both intellectual and phyr4sica1- dc. pends on the mother. If sqhe doesn't care enough fer lber own cornfort anti happint-ss te take the proper carte of herseif euie cer- tainly1 ought 'te de it for thie salze of 1-et cbild ren. 1'o a very large extertt, the riec- tiny and achievenient of a man is d-ci2e-d in the months before luis hirth. Durinig that time is deternuined whethier or iratLie is te be cf robust litaltb and strong intel- lect During that tinre. bis nuind i rd boedy are started (in the path that they will follov tbrough liké. Circunist.inces mnay irîflu- eîîce lihn, but he cannttt ge-t awa%, froni the effectv cof pre-natal influences. One of the principal tieof Dr. Pierce'- Favorite Pre- scription ut the prcparatiou (A'pVpros ive nuothers fo- the t; :1 of trial and durC that cornes whcnl a child fiq boni. Thre ',pr seriptian"Il is strcng-thiening and invig-orptinz and lesseus pain and ýtiag(r. Il meures tle perfect well - heing and Cie purrert beaith of bath mothcr and rhild. Evtrry worr.an should know these things hefore she really needs ta ktîoxxw then. There are ri.ny thin 7c in Dr. Piecees "Conmun Seusc Medmecal Advier, ' that e-very woman otîli ta know-. This ceir hrated work has rrached a sale of 6.1o,ocx) copies at $i.5o each. Tire expense cf production lru'txinz thus been covered, .r,(O,.ooo cru. s1v, are noiw b<ing given awrav. A eopv 112 ieseýnt ta any addIres6 on receipî Of d til v. -OUC (31 ) one - cent sta m ps t o etv ' -,r n s a nd postage o n y. Addreqq, W,'Ri.D'S, DisPPEN.ARV MED. ICAL AssoclIVrrN, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Jux X. FràieW L, . i=t oon ouoftor.. Offioe-Bouth Wli Q1ouri Buo Wbilby. JAMRES E JTLEDNi.E, iBarrister, etc. Ornes foemerly 00e by Farewell -k Butledge, feu RIoyal B Brook St., Wlhitby. DAVID GIEIBTON9 B. A.,' Attorney-at-Law, SoMoitor iu Ohani Oonveyancer, etc. Office - In the. south, of the Pont Office, in MeMil Block, Brook Street, Whitby.. G. YOUNG SMITIEè LL, B., i3arrister, etc.,-Money to, Loan. In of Marriage Llcen.seu. Office - Sm: Block, Southi of Market, B' ock St., WhJ DOW & NcGILLIVRAY9 Barristers,, Solicitors in (Jhanoery, Office in Matibison & Bawken's new b Brook St., Whitby, south of Ontario ban Drs Warren & Mooi J. J. Moore, M. ID., Brooklin. O)ffice heurs 9. a. mi. Privale Telep hotte' CotnmunicaIi D. P. BOGART, DI.D.,L.D.S. -Physicaii, Surgeon and Accoucher, i Office aud Residence neit 10 AUl Saù Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. E Dental Surgery in ail ils branches prom-f attended te. F. Warren, M, Whitby. office hours Il t t J 'It 'i $1 I. Il "i upied ierys UA. Dtb. k.m etc. PUYs -- i JNO. NOULE> -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumben, ShLngles, Saab, floor.s ad Blinda, )uring the year the sipace devoted te ad ver- mg MINARD'S LINIMENT will contai rossions of ne nnoertain sound frein people ospeak frein pursonal experience as ho the ris of Ibis boit cf Rousiebold Remedies. C. C. RICHARDS &. CO. lie Dominion notes outstanding in Decem- were =22413,463, a reductjon during the 1th et 4464,8W7. on't worry. Don't run i debt. Don't àwitb your- healtb. Don't try euperimenta 1medicines. Den't vaste lime and money 'crIbles. compounds. Don!t ho persuaded %k. a substitute for .&yer'a Sarsaparia. It se bou of blood.purifiera. eo deposts w îl ie Dominion Governmeuî ig. hoka dujrng JD)ceber vere $27g,009, pules 1 P~us 1Itolag piu. IIPTM-Meisture;intense itehing 'and ng; -mosut wtnight; verse b4 %ieatohîng. oved te o ntinéue ora for,, wich bleed- "nd nicerate, beoming ver> sors âleus OiuTxun? stoP e eitching and fingt beais ulcerallon, sud inmoat cassa vos1 th umi.At'drugglsts or b' mi ce t . r w ay ae & S u h l d i h a vIntII tioa0&le,BfentreslWholesale Y' R Liughbam, of t1h. Mon:arreited nt miaeberg, la acitizen cf Belleville. 1 . l et r L r O M M & M t helb . b e t b lo o4 29P& All eiders or information can be obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opjosite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Witabrl4h. e185 $1 per annum in advance., othexwWs *1.50 Subacriptions alwaya payableta the.. offie fP'ublication. 'The pulillherr do net =zder"-ke tb doelvorb.'1pMer mw> poal offi.eebut Wbllby. n>' ppe whïioh fale te reach its destinaliï. viii W replaetid upon notification as a mateie oourteay. Adverllidng rates nls !'cn ijract, 10 cents per inê4, nouparie, Aeftni- sorlionand 's5'cents por lino 'oachi>be- quzent Isrion LooasiJO cents ppnlins. -HENqDIIESONq & GRA.HAM.'. JOHN STAfTON, orean. GNDTRUNX AND KDL -Noé 8ExBpress Daile MaIS...64 No.J8ja nai e. à-1= e9 pa un.. -8'.Op WuMT-D. O a0. eh hib Jan. 4; Peb.8 ;Marih4 r8; is lune 2:lui>'; l$op, ; 0Oct. 8;Ji De.. Osx*wÂm-. Macon,Wib Pen, ;F.bJ. 29ac; Archh9;Me JuneS2; JSe2; SOT. 18 c.8'î DhcB.Go8, Clerk-Jan. 8; March52; May ý 19thO 14;OJy 1 2; e. 816o.1. Jan.r81-Jatch ; Mayh2; May lth1J 15; Oec 17.;Dc, 16 BzÂ&YzsTe-Geo F. ruceh, Cain Jan. 81;Marh 26; May 2; July5 1Deo 18.16;ot Olerk-March 26; May 22;1 Jly16 ; Oct. ùf. Dec, 1. Dce 19. 195 Nov Livery and Sale Stahe-i Dundas S., Whitb , J. T. NEWPORT, Propite Oommeroial mon liberally deait with Teaming done st reaaonable prbces. Freight and Baggage hauled Kt ra~. bble prices. Â eaU solicited. lui [anufacturere' Life & Accident Largeat Capital Stock Lif a Inraince C. On the continent. Ninety per cent. o ail acnulaties0etsurplus is returned te lb. policy heiders, AUil aims are paid withoît dela>' or discount on proof of deaîh et maturity of endowmeng J. . OWELLs 'or King& RgeigGSToono For the ucut thice months I amn gimi special attention to atients frein a ait. tance. Amn still makifg plates iu rubbsr, $8, oelluloid, *10. Gold sand silver fiuu9 woi'k croewWîng by firt-elase operators si the moat reaaonable rates in thc city.' Whenmin he city call in anidlet me exam- ine your teeth. 1 ztike noexotra charge. 0J.. EBIGGS, Dentiat, "outh eot corner ing sund Yongo Ste., Torento. Wov He WA4892. ALER N GOAL, - LATHX * OoP.DWOODY I DE SOLE AGENTr inWhitbyf te "eG11elebru Offie an Yad juEaRst 0 A8K. YOUhI- .- &TTIONER c 14E T I 4 P28 I Agitation in the word of homocepathic medi- q ses bas been icg very soul of pragreis, as inDE Ti T ýIutica and religion-the difficultie, of opinion nd the individuali.y of men have been parent Over Orosa & Graniger's. Wbitby. t the disagreegnenrs by which the standard of oese bodies have been elevated. Sa with jZ'ý Open every Satnndlay Dight. inst cf aur fa mnous proparatiane-forerncst in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ustration of whicb trnth stands the world- âmous remedy te general debility and langeur Quinine Wine,"--and which, when obtain- l i taîn0 ble ini it* genuine strength. is a niracilous z U n o~ rater ef appetite, vitality and stimulant, ta .n A S LD .L . oe general fertility f the systen. Quinine W . Y R O D . L . 'mne sud, its its irnpravemnent, bas, froni the Counîy Survoyer and Drsainage Engineer, eot discovery of the great virtues of Quinine part P erry, Ont, ;a rnedical agen,~ been oe of the moat tbor - __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ g ly discuesed romedies ever offered ta the A OT lic. It ie cne of the great tonice and life- *A FO T îing stimulants which the medical profession Architeet, late with Langiey, Langley& vo becs compelled ta recagnize and preecribe. Burke, Tarante. Designs for Churches, lers Northrop & Lyman, cf Tarante, bave Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawings von ta tle proparatian cf their pure Quinine preparod for rernodling existing structures. eie the great care due to its importance, and office-Firet flat over W. R. Howse's drug estandard excellence of tle article which store. Ra-P O Box 202, Whitby. ny offer te tho public catres into the market trged af aIlle defecte which tekilftil observa- WM. CALVERLEY, )n and scientific opinion has pointod out in UNSM"BWHBT elees perfect preparation ef the past. Ali ~MKB HTY uggistesel]U il. Having moved inte aur new premises, w .e Mr R F Holterman, Brantford, vas Thurs- are propared te extend thle range of business. y lected prsident of the Ontaria Beekeep- AUl wak pertaining te the harness-making 1Association. and saddlcry business will bd donc toe stis- faction. Collars a specialty. Caîlland sec my shop and stock W. CALVERLEY, Second door west et eld shop.l tb.a Fnll for boa anI hes .Ayi My resu .41V My Tai Coli reg eas "t J ~ I BR )ES' FOP Seho, paw rhe 1 ýable morn ani Ret t emi Ilinisi -of t] Dr. C i reci the -cent ve r thai was 1 ich h .1 1 CA 1 1 1 - By order, J- E- FAREWELL, Clerk oithe Dundas St., Whitby) INSURANCE, DENTIST. LIFE

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