Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 5

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PR/CEs To oloar out a doson Key Wind El- gin Rookford aud othor Amofloan Watches in Silver Opan Face sud Hunting Cases, we are offering thein tb you at hait the regular prie«. This in A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to socure the vory boat value you have ever seen. Jump Jil at ItL S. Barnard, a t ch ma ke r, WI~ITBY~ L~ruîdc1c. 0ltolal Couiity Organà,-Largoat Circula.- tion of auy 1loc.1 papor tu Canada. FIPIAY, JTAN. 31, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. fi (,.dsleighing should reduce the price 0f M j-..s .>J,>htson is visititi friends in Ilardw.ïod dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at \V.Til's. Mr. A A. Post, architeet, Toronto was in town Tuesday., For sluggish liver use Dr. Bright's Eng- llsh iver and Kidney Puis. Mr Peter Goodwin, base line, has been on the sîck list duning the past week. Old Volks' social at Mrs. A. G. Heuder- son's, on Friday, Feb. î4tt. Admission îoc. Mlajor J. E. Farewel as again been elect- ed a vice-ptesideiit of the Canadian Miltary Ilistitute. lits lHonor and Mrs. Judge Dartneli, ac- comrpanied by Mrs. Gross, are visiting rela- tives in Guelphi ibis week. .Teî vour tire-pots, grates, iron or brick liiiflgs for aIl kinds of stoves, ranges or furniaces, from J. McIntyre. We have to thank the management of the R '). Williaums Piano Companys bail and suipper ai Oshawa on"ýFeb. 14th, for a ticket. WKe utiderstaîid that no invitations are issu.ed but that a certain number of tickets are placed on sale and wheu the sale closes the malter is settled. Tht sale of tickets, $i.So per couple, is in charge of Mns. Allia for Whîthy and vicinity. Pie best Anthracite coa.l. Nut, stove, egg, U4.7 ;NO. 2 mit, $4;,aM yard. J. H. Downey &Co., opposite post Smoking concert. Thie storm that struck the smoking con- cert last year came around on the saine evenîng this year, but the club had changed the da e and so the storru got left. The con- cert will be heîd to-night and good weather and a go<)d lime may be expected. Bankrupt stock. H-ayward has purchased the bauki-upi stock of grocenies formeriy owned by a Queen st. merchant, Toronto, at a great bai-gain and la going to slaughter the same here begiuning to-morrow, Saturday. This stock together with bis extensive liue of drygoods which he also intends slaughter- ing wili make things boom around the cor- ner of Dundas sud Brock street. About ai homes. WVe do not wish to find fauît with.the Odd- fellows nor their hall, and we appreciate ihetr goodness i throwiug their splendid hall open in such an unreserved way ; but the town hall is the place to bold these en- tertainments. [t la admirably adapted for such functions, sud its revenues are mucb t.>) small. The highlaud club sets a good example in hinlng the hall aud holding its performances there. Chroàýic1e clubs. CHRONICLV to Jan. iut, 1897. 81. CHRONXCLE and weekly Globe tojan .ist. 1S9ý7, $1,25 t HRONICLE sud weekly mail tojan. ist, i iRoNiciE and World $2..50 a year. t HRONICLE and famiily Herald sud week- Iv s,-tar, 81.75. a year. CHRONICLEsud Moutreal Witness 8î.6o C HRO0N 1C LE snd Toronto Morning Star or New-, 81 75 a yesr. Týhe Delineator. The February No. of the Delineator le called the Midwiuter number aud covers the whole field of seasouabît fashions with its accustomed thoroughness. A very pftty ballac, far above tht ordinary magam- 71ne contribution, begins the number. Mss Roer A Pryor concludes ber admirable' series on "The Social Code" with a kiscus- sion of the various ways of getting mb 50go ciety. A welI-kuownu New York dentist bas an article at once scltntific snd popular on - , the "'Care of tht Teetb.. Dr. Aîmee Schroeder bringa parsonal appearane to bear iu teiling of the facilities sud obstacles before womtn who set out 1 to u4y and jpractice medicine. Sarsa11111cr Kry cx- athe pSsbilities of Ki-adeqp wo â-t-Iiome. A husM ely il - - j article by IL C. 1redicI.de fted te Merican Stamped Lahê.A Iteautlf silk tmnbroidered fan vth a romautiebisW tory datiug back to thtends zevolatole' pictured sud dcscrlbed. Folloving up tue capta çampi ofth Oddfcliows lu al"0-i her *4" 1 -lra jnlght's pleasure, l.AcmtOrdhi-of<Unit- ed Workmn ssaitu«d tbea. of* ficeut iodge rooep* of 't (>jjIdelUo au at homWe isla vited about= ýMOW g'à e present sud paflWd . enJoymeât - Tbet 1M ý I# wiîhnmy of 5b and Ifuy iT4d là o club otchustrau L W~ATOH Mr. W. J. Scutham, of Wycliffe College, will officiate on Sunday next, and a meeting of the Gleaners Union will be lheid after the coming service. Reward. $io reward will be given to any person who can buy boots, shoes and rubbers cheap- er than they can be procured at the west side cheap boot and shoe store. Auctioîî sale every Saturday evening. "Scranton Coal" "There is no better Anthracite coal mlned than this. " Grate, egg, stove sud nut ~ 75 at harbor; delivered $5.25. No. 2 nut Office opposite CHRoNIcLE. E. R. B ow, Whitby, Ont, Borna Annlvertary. The smoking concert to be given to-nigbt. (Friday,) by the Scotchmen in mnemory of Burns promises to surpass any former effort of the Highland club. An interesting pro- gramme as weli as extensive provision for social enjoyment bas been prepsred. Ad- mission 15c. Mr. Burnett resigus. At an adjourned meeting of the executive of the South Ontario Refotni Association held in the Young Liberal's club roorus bere on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Leonard Burnett tendered to Presideut G. E. Mowbray, of the riding association, bis resignation as the Liberal candidate for the House of Commous election, and a convention is to be beld in the music hall, Whitby, on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, t0 consider the resignation sud if uecessary choose anothet candidate. Churcb Notes The baptist have a social to-uight (Friday) at Mrs. R. Richardson's on the base fine. Sleighs leave the church at 7 p.mf. r.5 cents pays the shot. The reception for Rev. J. S. aud Mns Brougball, in Al Saints' school house on Thursday uight of last week, in spite of the stonni, was a bnight sud sociable affair. Rev. Dr. Hare and Rev. Thos. Manning, of the resident clergy of the town, were pre- sent to greet. Lectures in Frances Hel The notable series of l&tures in the new Frances hall at the Ontario Ladies' College open this, Priday, evening with Dr Dewart on "Glinipses of Europe," sud continue each week throughout the season. From tht number of professors of Toronto sud other univtrsities who appear on the :pro- gramme, this course constitutes a practical realization for Whitby of the much discuss- ed of unviersity extension scheme-a bene- fit to townspeople-from the college authorities throwing the lectures open ta, the general public at a nominal charge- not 10 be lightly valued. Mayor Rutledge vili preside as chairman Bt the initial lec- tu"e to-night. Case of assanit. R. G. Shier, liverymnan, Port Perry, ap- peared before Major Harper on Saturday last, to asies s charge of assult occasion- ing actdal bodily harm, preferred by W. J. Nott, Port Perry. The evidence showed that Mr. Shier vas iucensed at an article written by Mr. NotIi the Port Perry columus of the CHIRONiCLE, that ho halled Nott ou Lhe street at Port Perey, seized hlm by tht throat and struck hum dovu upon the sidewalk, when the iuterference of bystaud- ers put an end ta, the struggle. Shier ad- mitted the charge, sud va understand refused to put iu tastimony of the usual Port Perry varîety vhicl smre parties there offr- ed to put iu, to the effect that Nott struck him first. With the exception of the, ausouit, which Mr. Shier statas vas doue in a isty moment Shier actcd In a nient stral..t forward way througiiout tiie case, lu con- sideration of which Mr-. Nott asked tuat the penalty b. mercly toufiued ta such mes-, tures as would protect hlm as a nevapaper vi-iter. Sentence vas suspended, Bir. Shier payingthé cos. It ahould b. addud liaI Mir. Sher states the gambllng practices tcoi- meuted upon by Mir. Nott bad b=e put sa end ta a fortnight before the article ap,- peared. Hockey Matches. The tavir hockey club sud about so i-oot- crs vent to Oshawa on Tuesday nebt, to play tue Oiswa boys. -A splevidid %&ow attend.d, but vert ooneWhAt I-pp luIto Iu tht gain. OHockey la new toQIstWaansd theboys ad he . kilor teamrequflreto s81o* pubw *X toinL h ei akI<t S ! Ix The, mmbersoft*0o*sw.èlbii »0ed lowve adwW s Many of the old pupi Is of the collegiate who were lu attendauce at the colleglate four yeans ago viii regret to bear of the death of Dr. Walter Thom. Ht was one of the cleverest pupils then attending the collegiate sud bis subsequeut success at the medicial college gave promise of a stilI more brillilsut future. The funeral takes place near Don- barton to-rnorrow, Saturday. Htpa'y of Whitby Six years ago the people of Whitby vere payiug 35 par cent. more for their shoes than tbey are to-day. To day Whitby is the cheapest town In Ontario for buying boots sud shoes. We started cutting pnices over six years ago, we are at iL to-day sel ing cheaper than ever. We have saved the people of Whiitby thoussudi of dollars lu the past fi ve years, sud uow we stsrt on Satur- day our great Februairy sale, selling regard- less of profits, at the uew red shoe store, M. W. Collns, east side. Bad accident The engineer of the local runling througb ber. from Peterboro to Toronto, met vith a most distressiug accident at the jonction here ou Tuesday morning. It is the orders for the local to hitch to the best coach of White's Lindsay-Whitby train, Mud take it Lo Toronto sud back here, as a -matter of convenience to the passeugers on the. Wblt- by-Lindsay fiue. To accomplish tus coup- ling in the. morniug k'h ti hectstom for White'n locomotive to back the coach- Up 10 the local, and on the occasion mentioed the bunt came just as the driver had bin armn through by te ecceutric, hi$cb caught his atm aud tore the fiesh aud Muscle off it 10 the bare boue. Salvation ArMY Commander Booth, of Toronto,, together with Commander Booth, of New York, bas received fareveli orders from Generalù Booth. Perbape va shail have an inter- chane ofommanes h by hne takesplace lu April. Mont off tii errlil commsies of the. S. X . througibout tiie vorldr arc moving. Adjutant Me11r cou- dametsti.meetings l hi thy auSaturday and Suuday, both afternoon and i«eV ug Ris address inthecevenlug et 8o'lcw b. on "Ghosts and Gobl1îns.4" Er Miller conducts meetings- at3 c u .a Brooklu S. A. barracks ou Sun y next, Feb. 211d. The first copy of the War Cry Bt itsreduced price 0f,2c hgs r"chedqsý-azz shows the. change 'lu1prite bas in no wAy besseed the zea of thelarestaffoi wvnlters. The rcduced price. -laces tiiCry witbiu the reacb of a a sd ve hope thoçeure, bay as a bessin t tht.comnzUuly. Gri-e s trs. e ;bi -suov storm of4auJyi I. -AT- 0DB. é HALF Hi~14uC1u sY"lig«Mnortlalu uius ha olgt.Fts Auction sale every Sathrday .venlug tl the woit side t4oDt and sho. store. Wh.n Win the IMusons hold au <'at home" and trot out thdir goat to public gaze. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suitt, plItal, wlth s11k plush bands, for 82,, Worth $45, at W. TUI's. Miss Addle Martin-left for New York yes- terday, sud viii romain there viuitiug friendautil sprlug. Two rinks of Oshawa curlers vislted Whitby ou Weduesdsy and played a loslng gaine to the tue of 16 shows. Mr. Barnes showed commeudable enter- prise iu kecping the rink open during the breakage In the electric light circuit. A sensible mian would laugh at the ides. of buylng shoddy goodisud hankrupt stock at any store, when lie ca" buy solid leather and up-to-date styles for lests money at the new red shoe store. M. W. Collinus, east side. The Rev. Mr. Manning spent lait Sunday with th. Rý v. Mr. Cade ini Belléville. It vas the anniversary of Dr. Cade's church. The many friends of the former pastor of the tabernacle ta this towu will be pleased to learu that Dr. Cade is Rreatiy esteemned in his present charge and la doing a good work lu bis cburch Iu Belleville. Mr. jas. Taylor, a compositor lu thlu office away hack iu the fifUies, but of late yeurs a public ichool teacher was in town s few days ago and gave us a caîl. Mr. Taylor bas compiled and published a chart of Canadian history that deals with the provi 'ce, both separaitly and unitedly, in a way tuat can- not fail to impress the more important facts on the memory of the student. He made many sales while in town. We wish hum buccess in his venture. Vs.rslty Two Step b7W. Alan Sadler. For sale at Mrs. Alin 's. Dislocated Hip 'Ne regret to state that Mrs. Jas. Pringle feil Thursdsy morning dislocating her hip. 'Ne hope for a speedy recover. St John's church at the bay. at Oohàa for Pau two weeks, wabhouîe over Su4day. Mr. Adam Gorden bawvéstt. morning for OwOO Sound, wherehliehbu taken a situa- tion on the C. P. R. steamer Athabaska.' 1 Meurs H. Parsons, of the port perry Observer, aud E. Mowbray, of the Oshtwa Reformer, occupied seats lu the press gai- lery (the jury box) of the county council this week. Mr. Wm. S rn th, M. P., Was luntown Satur- day. In regnrd to the -oft-repeated rumor that he fist'-'resigri and accept the postinas- tership at Oshawa, he sys ha hasn fot tha slightest Idea of doing so, aud bopes that no person will start that report iu circulation in future. This beiug county council weake the townspeople bave evinced the usual keen intereat ini the proceedings, aud have doue wbat tbey could to entertain the members., To-ulght there will b. the highland club's smokring concert in the tthwn hall, an enter- taifiment whlch has been the outgrowth of the club room concerts to which the council used to be invited. There was a very good represeutation of the congregation of the mnethodist tabernacle at the social gathering iu that church en Wednesday e%,ening last. About three hun- dred sud fiLXy people were preseut, and al seemed to have a very pleasant time. The town orchestra was stationed ln the school- room during the tes hour, sud wheu ail bad moved into the church au instructive ad. dreas was given by the Rev. Mi. Abraham, sud a fi rst rate programme of recitations and solos was rendered by two little girls, dawgh- ters reý pectively of Mns. Gimiet and Mrs. Kirlcland. Miss Gordon and Miss Taylor, and Mr. Frank H are, of the college; Miss Lord and Mr. W. Richardson. But the con- gregation appreciated nothing 80 much ai Mr. Will Richardeon 's coming hiome froin Toronto to assist in the programme. Sncb friendtv gatherings of a congregation as took place last Wednesday evening cannot fail to increase the happy feeling i the church. Eggs are high Make your hens lay by feeding crushed oyster sheils, to be had at W. H. Newbery, Whitby. Renew your Subacriptionts. We would urge upon our subscribers to renew subscriptions at oncc. The advantage in getting either ther Weekly Globe or Week- ly Mail-Empire with CHRONICLE for 81.25 must be manifest to everybody. Two beat Papers lu the Province Taking the Toronto Weekly Globe as a general newspaper, and THx C RONICLE as a local paper, we do flot stretch matters by saying that they have no equal when com- bined. We give both for next year for $1.2,5. We have the sole right of the county for the Weekly Globe. A great lecture Rev. Dr. Dewart's lecture at Ontario Ladies' College to-night, Fniday. Subject : " Glimpses of the Old World." Having lately returned fiom au exteuded tpur of Europe, this able divine should be lu a posi- tioni to give a very able discourse. The admission to this or any other of the course of lectures auuounced 15 15 cents. For the whole course $i, ladies 6.5c. School notes Ooating, Serges, Friezea, eope to ho oloared out at on Bai-gain Day.1 APRON, CHECKS. Apron Checks ouly 10o a yard. FLANNELETTE. iueà otir5o lanoleteeon Saturday, Bai-gain day,1 FLANNELETTE S. Fiannelettes-Soft finish, novent pat,- ter-ns, rogular pricos 15c, ou Satur- day lot. MILLINE RY. AIl Mllinery at colt. CORSETS. We kep the cheapetit and beat in town.. -Bargain Corsets àJ 'osrduoed fSrBmidy o suites only. ilte daY to bUva suif ata, prie. egua#W -àýsf $ MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ÂAll Tiesi, Scarfai, Collam-, Ou&f,_ 8hirts, Dreyers, etc., at very clos. e.s MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Vory nie lino of Gentlemen's Rats, O3apir t e, at vory loy prie.. REMN ANTS. AU eumat Haif-Prico on Bai-gaza- day.11 Q. F. STrnWÂRT~ a Day -0:F R EM N A M TS i (:eýýSat u ....*AT@e.o wl rday, Go FebO Sae -«&T PRICEI, Is t, -ZI WÂLTERS' Remnants of ail kinds including Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Cot- tons, Flannelettes, Tiokings, Towellings, Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings, "&o. One Table of Drese Good- Regular Prices were 35c, 40c, 50c, 60o and 16c., a11 reduoed to one price, 25 ets. a yd. 1SPECIAL IN OVERCOATS. We will offer balance of our Men's and Children's OverooatB at g#2î-One-ha1f Regular Priqeis for Saturdlay, Only., -CicDTickets wilI not b e picked -for Art Piotures, on Bargain Dy.jQ wi N.FE 'Go PdA TERSON, Q WALTE ,RS, Cs, Barrister, Soicitor, Notary Public, etc. Money ta Loan. TIrvvièiMa nuirnint1 - Whitbi -e i W.ADAMS, C3' E NTI ST. RoomBs-over Joibn Fer'n"sleclothi tore R«sklencé-No. z, e Terre, JO t Whitby. Jail.'29tb, 86 URANJ3 YOT R UÈRB»,S .~.eon t aant lu U h. ~wshap W. are paying thte ldglt WeaUèsekig hvery bm __ thracte " ___ 0 b jeI Beautiful lUne figured Frenoh Flannen., regular 50o. Borgain day 85c. DIRESS GOODSQ Lot of Dre. Goodas, regillar 25c. 35c, 40e, to ho nold en Sstorday l2l. FRENOH HENRIETTAS. 44-jn. French Hoenriotta@, silk finish, -stapbe aud evoning shadea, rogular 75c, on Saturday 50c. REMNANTS. -DREBB 3 -GO 54-iu. Box Oloih, black regulat prc i es t a FRENCH> FLAI .ÇNELS, Bemnants in Moitons, hslf-price tnd nth. toma lt's upt BARGAINS xt 6. 1 i

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