Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1896, p. 2

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Dr. if. P. ».rpia Resuits Astonisi MEN 0F SCIENCE. Sarsa AYIERS;;rIi A MEDICINE WITH-OUT AN EQUAL Statelii#iit lub a Weil Known Docte t- la A- N o ' s Sars;aP;irî t i, - Wl ot an equal a Udi i filhr an>j nur Lmd icine, ai caînot h 1eîra1i(e (-n4;l I hahve wat<hc',1 ils m n elrusi ,-..w here other aimnt as of no ss ai nd have heerf i qi -I:ed titalwre1 'l berblond n--etiirt I ha e i-t r n-9I antiia- trIt-À thiru ;tk s sotIoiL Z n i;a - aînd efri Is livil .% - - *t S-1 t t W-'i2s ar .1 fjrý"*s IiI!ýfor la' 1c>'f)~ e 4 ! CLAKEMONT. Mrs. Hyfield ie îndisposed this week. E. Deruslîa lias eomewbat recovered1 since the abauung of the war scare. Mfiss Mîo-lhaU, cf Stouffvilie, le just Dow caflig upon lier unele, Geo. Cooper. Miss Evans bas much irnproved in heaitb, and wîIl soon be berself again. The biree churches are ail holding _ pecial services earh svening this woek. Mrs. 8arnuel Joues east cf bore pro- iseaîed lier lhusbaud with a bealîby boy Monclay. ;Luther Bowes, et Carnifia, je bore for a e ays witil bis xnotber and other frionds. Misa Morgan, of Markbarn, was wiîh ber friend Rtuth Gregg la8t week for a few day.. Mr,. a"uA .rs. Pooler, ef Toronto, are bere witb ber brotbere, the Messrs.- .&rodie, jusi now. Be.A. Il. Brace, of Canningten, ia >asussing witb the special meetings iu the Baptiet church thie week. John HIowe visited hie father at Pine Grovo Sunday. The old gentleman la î seriousIely iiand but amal lehpes are *fltertained of bis3 recevery. 'Rev. Il. Mellick, superintendant of the j-aptist Home Mfliions, cf Manitoba and thbe Nortuùwest, will preaoh ln the Baptist obhuxoh bore on tianday, Feb. 2nd. Jamues and Wmn. Anderson have both YLad a relapse since our last issue.,. W. tare gled to eay, however, that tbey ure oýpic on tle moud, although the samo un not of a speody nature. Ai tb. baud pra-ctice on Saturday even- ing île rmembene of ilat institution sur. pnîted thib leader, E. W. Evaus, by -proseuîing iuim vusa ceeu ukin ceai, accozpanied wiul a etrongly vei-ded ~The mnaga o~ f tle methodiat chunch esoutis of thse edifice, and lu tise spring Sýutend te dlean avay tle fouadation upon - uwhhob W. Reiîl's store once stood, and 'C.octing additional sheds. This will add t th îe appeanance and oenvenieuoo fthse odurcIproponîy. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. E vans entertainsd t h. membere of tise baud on Tuesday ft fer île carnival. Aun cyster, -supper vas muel onjoyed. Tho oveang vau spont veny pleaaantlyv, and before telnsng the gueste tbaulred the couple lor ~ibeir lospitality, and oxpresaed tise 'w"-laistisihey might long be spaned te :fUl important positions lu the musica The Stou.ffville ourlons came even here en Fnaday fer the purpose cf spiasîhls -*iemaelves ail over witl glory, but tisey iêund tisat suaisvas by no meanasum ea&y - eok. Afier Borne very interesting play. inkg tise visitons ver. defeaîed by some 9 e aoIs. Our ourlons are becoming raison e*ftioent st the"41Roanin geme"f and are - ,koklng forwerd te a succesion of vioter- $0. gwougbout ths ea"u. Tii. uezs -~~tth-viitae. lace #AiStonfyil. ,Viuia- Mx afow weoks aibe Mout. * la ceating canl erou» TuoM,, j ose.Thuog'we sonis tbree ua. jtMPft«Q* a<t aber b. behm ï" 1 Calluet M Ma>"other =la.o %a me -t%,afrp, but *v. imms a r. eleoted Be.-Troe.s,ÀAcommittes o Drivdug Park Association were puunt and announnoed that they vae .p&yini 4150luin nteresi on their moktgagt aud ver. reoeiving ouly $100 frein the suciety heving alreudy lest considerable besdes what stock thet lied. They lad deocided to wlnd Up the Park Association and face tho final loss. They thought it right to notify the Society of tllofr deoiion. Con- siderahie discussion took place over. the advisability cf the association purcheaing the property and aieof thù chances ofi tbe town buying tho saine. After tle new board of diroctors met a in itien vas paesed te île effeot that the cuard ask the town of Uzbrîdge to purchase tle Park Aseociation'e propenty aud lu the event cf them deing se the board agres te lease the Baid property for a tern of1 years ai a yearly rentai cf $125. Lt would secm toc bad te have our park buildings sold or torn down but it je toc wuob te expoot tle gentlemen who are1 standing good for tbe mertgage of aboutà 92,400, te keep putting up monoy out cfi their own peeketa without getting any8 returne. Wie uniderstand the town couldt parc h aso îl e p ro perîy fo r abou t $ 1, 000. Eleetrie Raflway. . Some turne ugo a Mr. Pew came to thip tewu te solicit subsoriptions for tle pro. motion cf an electrie railroad from Port Perry acrose the country te Kincardino. At a public meeting called for tle pur. poe, a number cf ciizen. met sud moved Reeve Geuld te tle chair. Mv. Gould introduced the promoter, Mr. Pew, who adidre8Fed the meeting givinv an idea cf the scheme, a subscription lisi wa8 drawn np and quite a number cf signatures procured. The prerneter asked $500 frurn eacb tewn. Iu thie town 20 pe*r cent. eofthe mouey was te be paid when the plane or map8 were produoed, the balance to ho payable on the isi cf Jau. 1896. Mr. MoGillivray telephoned from Toronto net te psy the balance until further information was obtained. On Friday evening Mr. Gould called a moot inq o etMosubecribers and gave thein what information ho lad with thoenenît that, almost all inetructod NMr. Feston, the receivor, to eove their naines from the list. Mr. Pew lad written te, say tîsi aIl that paid the balance would secure the amouint cf stock agreed upon but ulioee refusing wonld forfeit any nighte tbey may bave lad and the amount cf' money alresdy paid. We should like te Bee tle elecîrio railway a success, but when the conditions upen whiol the mouey vas subscribed have net bçen fuI- filled, the subscriberso ould net be ex- pected te psy thibmmoney ai il. bock aud calcf Mn. Pew. Sncb vould cent. tînly lie vory vise for Mr. Pew but net se for the aubpcnibers. Mr. Gould and Mr. Feston deserve île thanke cf aIl vIe placed their names ou tle lisi for go prompily plaoing îhe facto of île case before tibm. The Rear han no tati * A caravan cf vhat could be taken for -noue other tIen île refuse cf the wvend simmer dowu te ia most nepuisive drege passed tîrengl town about ucon ou Saturday. Lt consla8ted cf Borne four or five coeored carte, suffiienîly large for ive on tIre. of the 6"Botonoino " te stretch ont their amalgemaîed mas cf misory in. These caris vere drawu by temporarily glued togetber boues, ne doubit rowu oui as; uselesa frcm a férti- lhzing machine. Hlad Darwin soon the bipedal portion cf tItis canavan le might have propeuuded différent theonies te whaî ho did ; but veo onsider thioae theories wliol are oreditod to hlm pro. ferable te auy vhicI le could proponnd froin thiir btorogeneous mass. The boars, cf visicl there vere four, and ugly Iooking croatures aetib bot, bore îhe meut respectable appearauce cf the lot. Many atones, soeéof tibm bbing of a muet atrocoeus nature, are kn circulation about thoeo tavellore, oeeof vhihl hatu the effecitishati f libm ibeggiug rounds ihey fiud île women efthîe house. alone they see bmr by tisneatening te lot tise beaus boue if tisey refuse their îdemand . Another repent, and it hardiy seemea oredible, ila tiduring the cold muanp of a couple of veeks &go, somne eofieir hable. ver. frozen te deatis and after,- wareot up and ed o hebas Snob peeple, vhether inchs reports are mue or false, sbould net b. alloved te pais îisrough tise country ;. tbey are net euly ventIon but a menace to public-prper&y and uuprotected wven. Tisey cempedl iu A. Bkekn's woods,just eut eft îe- tovu, ou Fniday negt, but oifered noe efrontry te any of the ueighbers. On Saturday nigisi and Susuday th.y stopped lu O' Brion'. bush, two miles eenth.-Times. 'I s WU et he rasr.a' efttsedecalgu.with suiL¶ra o* time. but eveusdalhy=lyu- huef wi thtie clutcékof tih e *I*'Ã"t tb ,1 for soime crim Usi viii bý4gpuu ment cf a mre or loameeewmkind umpon hlm. (CouutelAudrow MOtkovu for CMaY 78 y.r mwpoou tdOuaoe-ise tovia, btit lu.Iàtersr part ould apàe « if p, hrgd for Wa eiefo s ouf hig la oa$*s bu ifs:à ,&,dobei sOts9~~~ tin. li ýbos o w.0: Wh.m .uutlr Wa Ol orba f64 -00 t0~ic -i 6, Ilka, la. I 1< h 'Il }OIak'à aaghé~se. -e neû r.04 perhpet a good bal 10 blatnfor'a1iow. îng hiiaiswitl henseif tO go ha î1S houje, which muot have b.d a detaorelii. ing effeot on tbe tmembers of the f&tnly. Clarke ie cbarged wich a crime againat th. ohastity ef one cf tb. daughters, and t àa olaimed foroed the girl iet subinis- sien et the peint et a revolver. Théeuae was beo r0 P.eice Magietrate Lafferty and Clarke wau committed te stand his trial ai the spring assizes.-Times. A trolley car system between Lindsay and F'enelon Falls may be oeeof the noar things of the future. 'Vhy net be- tween bore and that popular summner re sert, Sturgeon Peint ? Oranges are selling mach oheaper lu Lindsay to-day than in Florida. A letton rooeived by a rosidont of 1.11e towu fnom a friend lunsthe centre of the orange boIt, intimatos that oranges are seling there at five cents eo. Here as many as tIre. eau b. lad for that money. A ne-w bolief has sprung np in the east ward, whieh threstene te kuock the lustre off faitl cure, obnietian science and aIl the reet cf tibm. With this, belief you can be cured by anothon layiug lande on yen. A boy ini tle esi ard vas saly addicîed te smoking cigarettes, when bis mothen caught hlm by île neck with oe baud and laid the other on tho most of- fective place. Since thon blet boy bas giveu up smaoking cigarettes. -Wander. A vlndftfl Thore le eue young man lu Fenolon township te-day wbo le enjeying eudden sud unexpocted wenlth as a roward for faitîful attention sud soif denial, aud the stery lu cennectien therewith reade very muoh like a novel. James Bryas was a presporous sud weli kuown bachelon farmer. Ge ws eerewhat occenînlo, but for ail was poseseed cf a levai head sud a kiud hban. For sonie yeans previous te lis dest.h-whioh teck place s fewv weeke ago-he lad lu hie employ a yeung man uamed David Burîey, wbe lu addi tie.n te assieting Mr. Bryaus te manage hie f arm, aie aoid as hie faitîful nurse, guide and counsellon, and thai îhe old gentleman was pleaaed sud eatisfied yulh the services rendered île sequel proves. When Mn. Brysue felt îhe gnim reaper death approaabiug lie set about makiug bis vili, but how tlat willi vas arrenged ne eue suspectod unhil some trne afiter le va. laid lu -lie luti resting place, te sieep -the sleep cf the jusi until tle great rosurreotion day. Wlou ile vill waa read it was fouud lIai Mn. Bryss ad loft tIai five ndred acres of bush land -West lf of lci 2, in tle 9îh con.,- containing 100 acres and valued et flot les. tIen $5,000, te his faithful assistant. Whlle David vas delihtod ae lis good fortune, still ne eue wus more surpnied iban ho. Ho nover even dreamed ibat tle services he lad rendered bis aged and eccenîrie employer would be reward- ed in sncb a mubetan tial manor. Hie numenons frieude, an.et course congratu- leting him on lis wiudfall, anu a sa leap year, and se David iu quit. a cooly young in, it is net oxpected that, 1896 will paus before ho joins the great and constantly iuoreaaing army cf benedioa. -Watchman. IR TiUE BENE- FACTOI, Thousands Bless the Memory of Prof Edward Et, PheIp8, MAD, LLJ. E lI E GAVE HUMANITyI PAINE'S CELERY COMPQOUN D. Medical Men Say it 18 the 0,71y Perfect Cure b>' aright'8 DIeaee und D14betess Dr. Phle ouderful Prescription Peiu;e's 1 oCompound mi a boen kidnoy trouble tisu h&yeaI1other cn. bo soplesly ost.-m4de, them *.II-aftei tuedidi i elýh"b t ýobuiiaoedthonslà.î [ ro*2 ".d'Dow"d deue.p Weil, and vine uthe moaingrat.a4d refreshed. "X h ave reo*amended Palne's Celery Oorapound to uý Mfnde who were suifer. ktig froin tie sAxý troubles as I had, sud al bave bee ge4iOy beuefitted. Know- kng wvi I bsdone, I can cbeerfally recoormeud iltet any person stuffering frein kidnoy disieasoe." Rackçed wlth Rheumatlsm Unable to Walk, ewlng te exoruclat- Ins PAIn. After ton years terrible torture, Curecu by Soutt'aSarsaparilla. A. H. Christiansen, wriîing froim the Cliften House, Niagara Falls, says: - I ewe you more than 1 can ever pay. For ten years I suffered the tortures cf tie damned with rheumatism. Father lad it before me, and I believe it la an here- ditary disease. My knee joints weuld F, nflaned and if 1 was eut in any ' weather " I was sure te be laid up, which te a travelling man is a calamîty. ln a score cf Canadian towns local doctors treated me, soute giving relief, oth-ers none. I read tisat Sarsaparilla was a rheumntîic cure, and I asked a dru ggisî fer "'a bh-itle cf the best Sarsa parill a on thse market." He gave me Sceut's, re- mark*n- that it was an improvemnent on ail ethe.-s, and that he could honestly recommend it. 1 have taken four botules, a.nd arn aa.,rée frem pain as a man can lorpe te be. 1 was eut in a ràinstcrm two daTa ago a.nd neyer felt a twiu ge.As 1 said before te Scott's Iasp la I 1owe more thun 1 cari ever repay.p The bost remedy f or rheumnatism, sclatîca, and neuraljpc ains-al arisin1 frein tie reence ozposon inîte bioo -is Scott s Saraparlîla, a modern con- .:entraýed Medicine, p rompt ln ils cura- tive e.. eZîts. Doses from eue half te one beaspoonful. At 81 per boule et your ïruggi3t. S. A. Mark, cf Ntw Y-ink étaie, Ls visiiinz blonds here ai prosent. Mn. sud Mrs. R. Crummier, sud Jolit Danu visited at Wm. Crnmmen's e" week. Our anniversary service bld on Sun- day vas a docided succes, about $80 lie- iug nealizod. John Grillsa an James Hoar have re. iurned frem Toronto vibre îbey bave been visiting for a couple of weeks. Mn. and Mrs. Hamilton Dunlop are in Buffalo, N.Y., tbis veek aitendinag the funenal cf ibeir aen's wifi«. Mrs. S. T. Dunlop. Missi Au-nie Adameon, and Miss Emnma Emerson bave left odr midst, laving se- cured emàpleymont in Toronto. AU our Greenvoed girls go te île city. - *...........-. ?hrce Waats. "Rteaon'a vIole pIseurs, .11 îlhe inys et Livo uthre. enodis, he*iLeao, sd cern- Bo sys e iel. G'ompetence eoùt. fer utie when oe is sîckg SUA ima" 4 i.diaturbed when heali i.upet,, se thaSt the peet ni glilyplaces helail fh uTo bave kood.hbUyou muat' bave purs plood. From 'Usbêbead ils systeni Ti. -etI. qsrfii ,MedicalDiovywibI F41.Osu SOI& everywhîere, tle.86s@ remedylpir alV dbsë"s dsù *b UInà iowj srfaold uores, sku iseseansd ekhtd- De Ucate diseases et of ber usx owever ilUý BILIOUSNESSs ebuld net be negloctsd. To keep the bleod pure it is necessary te take opan-air exercido and keep tbe digestive organe active and ibe system reguiar A docter ad- vises f 'r a healtb-givinR laxative the use of Es.) jay's Li ver Lozenges. The great slip Btrike of thc Belfast and Clyde men bas ended. The properties cf Esoljay's Liver Lozenges are tonic as weiI as laxative. Those remodies itbat are vioiently purgative weaken instesd ef etrengthen the body. Eeeljy's Liver Lozen- geq are pleasant, larmlesesud effective. 25. cents. Mr. W. G. Hay, a resident of Lisitowel for forty years, is dead. Minardsa Liniment cures Dandruif The transfer steamer Ste Marie, whiob had beon faut in the ice ut Mackinaw since Mon- day, bas beeon releàsed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion i@ odoaainned by the wanî of action in tle biliary ducts, les. of vitality in the stomach te secret the RaAtrie juiceA. witbout which digestion cannot iro ou;' a IB, b* ing the principal cause of Headacbo. Parmelee's Vigetable Pila taken bef ore going to ued, Pi-o t while, nover fail te give reef 41(d effect a n-e Mp. F. W. Aahdown, Asldown, Ont.. w- i dss. ' 1 - rmoIee's Pille are taking the 'lagaantîlen crIer makes whicb I bave'in The schooner Swif t was wrecked near Peter- bead and six ef ber crew druwned. Acting tîrnugh the blood, H'aýd's Sarsapa- rilla wn, onlv cures scrofula, liait rbeun, etc., bil' gves healîl and vigor t.) tIh .who le body. A DVERTISERS' 'The g Tfft Nor6â tCCE#dih -g DEIED of your t tufam 11,11311 hur KENDALL SSNVIUIM Dr. B 3. KNDAXCO.CsesoQ ÀXC àpLS,3UI D or Sir-I have uned wral b', We e or ur "Kendailoru 5n vJu )u'e"wm 1n oe~ t kIl$h ebe&e lin im et ZJd nIl *n& ie mne M'w oreby aàilli ogfajr mUg,8 D.B. Jr.KEN».ZuLL OOMtPAZQT, MORNING, SUNDÂY AND COMMER- CIAL (EVENING) EDITIONS. '--Aggressive Repuhlican News- ,-papers of tise Higeest Class. O3ommeroial Advertiser. E-4tabllsbed jý97. Published e"er even- kug. New York's oldest sud bois .weing paper. ig pages Subscîljetio!n price. _6 ia year. Morning êdvertiser. Pubbibed e"er morning. 8 pies The foremeet z cent newip aper ti thîe United Statsi, Clean u d fqaileas. Sboto - pce,$~ cvyeqr. 08undae Adverti»er. New ak nm wnl.on ýpoojd 5C1076[ ofBr'Ii~. ~ . T6e Ïsl no soawoly of ice abouât borg tble *inter. In oil probability it wil last far Into the sommer. W. are plesaed to tate that Mnrs OaiPbell'o hèalth is sorne wvhat improved. @a ho ooon bo seen in our muidAt again The epworth league meetings are be- ooming more interosting. If the yonng people have their hearts in the work it ie bound te bring succesa. Thé Song of Temperance have started another Conteat whioh promises to be oi a very exciting nature. We suggest that they make the exoitement and enjoymont a means to bring more into the division and so do a work which perhaps le need- ed, evon in our very midat. Mr., Taylor, of Bowmanville, ie en- deavering te' form a bepf ring bore. There ouglit te ho enoughi enterprising farmere in this district to make it a 8U10008a. Visitore;,-Mre G Powell and family, of Port Perry, at Mr B Powell's. Mr and Misa Gres, Raglan, at Mr T Wetten's. The Sons of England with Mr Wotten as President etarted ont briskly in organ- izing, but it sooros te bave stopped thore. Tbey want to have some new young stock but where ie it to corne frein? The'band is stili making preparations for their grand ooncart whicb will prob ably lie given next Wednesday. Some foreign talent is being engaged. The wonder teO II ig whore the Reform- er correspondent frein ibis place gets sueb important news He muet think until lus hair is gray or red, te obtain snob weighty news as appears frein time te turne in its columns. The paragraphe are of about one lice eacb, and consiste of little items which hurt people's feelings. Hlappily there je only ene or two papers oeme te thie office besides hie ewo. se if he deliehts te toast hie own eyes on hie own composition hi i welcome, but we have ne desire, as wia8 onr lot once by cbancq, te read encli trash. St. George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No Ambition Hod9s Sasapariffa Cave Perfect Moalth. Te folowng bitter la rom a well-known merchant taler of St. George, 1q. p.: "C. 1. Roed & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "4Gentlemen -I arn glad te say that Iooçd'q arsaparilla and Hood'e Pilla have dounie e great deai of god. I had a sev$re attack ol the grip in the winter, and after getting over tiie foeyer 1 dld not seem te gatber strength, and had ne ambition. Hoods Sarsaparila prove,,l te bu just wiiat 1 noeded. The resuits we,-e very satIsfactory, and 1 recommend ib-is nie.iiwine te ail who are affflcted with rheuznjsnm or o ther affictions caueed by poison and poor blood. 1 always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in rny I ,use and une Ih whon 1 need dl tonte. We aise keejp H-ood's Pills on hand and.,think o!Yv(f theri." J. W. DYxzmiANi, Si. George, New IBraiswick. Mood's Plile are purely vegetable, and deo nat purge, pain or gripe. Sold by ail drugoas 1 1 1 Green livdr The ice i4iiqtry ie talkod of again bore this wintere. Mrs. Bé.--»4tn a uil under the weather ùýhi-ýweek. Thse i 4t now that fell on Saturday night maires everything lively again. The auniversary and lecture st Locust Hill1 cleaned oui our little hamlet Suudity aud Mouday evening. Il was enly a few Minuates walk nonîli cf bore that the accident happened te a IO.P.R. freigbt train on Sunday night caused by the breaking cf an azle. Cars were piled up like se mauy brick ilirowu together carelessly. No on. vas hurt. iseatflel At île las t regular meeting of tle Seintfield lodge, A.O.U.W., the following officers voro dnly iuuîtalled by P.D.D.G. M. Dr. Park. M W, Wesley Penlal; Fnreman, Thos Yeo ; Oveseer, John Malyon; Guide, Geo Coi ; Receiver, Geo Brown; Fiancier, J H Chant; Re- corder, Dr. Park ; J W, G S Asling; O W, J T Doble; P M W, Geo Brown; MIedical Examiner, Dr Park; Truetees, T E Crsgg, Jas Kirby, Wrn Baird; Grand lodge representative, Gao Brown; Alternate, J Hl Chant. lenfnsAy Greoi wood

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