Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1896, p. 8

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lTho riper Flic, ary society of that church and they lnvlted the ladies of the cburch te brtng with tbem as many cents as tbey were years old. In this way between $30 ad 03-5WaE rai"%ed for înisslonary purposes. C.lsUbu*a Rumor bas it -there was a double w.ddtng on Monday. Miss Susle Allen of Goderick Is vlitlng at Mr, Tawn Caunil. MisE. Luke la able to resumne heu, duties whenlooing o r.......The new town councîl met on Monday, again afteî an attack of lagnppe. wbnloigfrand had a big time, boîh iu the forenoon and s FoecUhnofOaw i vitg evening sessions. The irst business was to iss berrncfater Mr.ton Ashtoln.siin s tri ke the standing committees, which aller wMhrgCandpbell Mof P hnAsbrthas . some amiendmetît, was dune as f'olows :- is. Campbth ell af Perrinc Albruabnd Piure .urugs, Finance aud Assessment-E I Rowsie, itngitbeduberMsWmBand Perumey,'C hairman; W J Hare, R McLaughlin, P H- We are pleased ta learn that Mrs. Gaskin is .teitmeyPunshonl, W E tDyer. Fire and Water- able ta bo around again after a severe ilinesa. (t .~ r1¶L ):,4~,..A Heudersor,, Chairman; C French, Jus On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harper 'Foillet Re0(s1À1 iLdU Craîg, jr., R McCaw, A R Mc1ean. Town oetebrated the foîty.second anniversary of their rp~lroperty-F E Dingle, Chairmrûi P H- Pun- wedding. Toîîet oa.ps, siion, R McLaugliin, W E Dver, J W Pro- e.M.RukEnpiln rahdms racvaOS, Hn irson, F EFsEn Ros, I Couial - Asorary sermons in the methodist church last Faiiy G ods, liederon, FElli, E1 RwseW ëul'Sunday. Rev, H 1. Allen did the same duty on 4< 14 spectacles, titird, îrr-els and Iloîpreur-îents-lV Coul- Mr. Rourke's circuit. itliard thairinaril J \V lrovan, F E Dingle, Afwngt g r atrMLa rae Anytlinig Iuli t e U'. lVt-r. J F Tamlln. Relief-W J A few ighsofago r ati e n r Mcensrae 1f are,'(luairmian; J F Tamiblyn, E 1 Rowvse' aot trt up t bis reaiveesan Mond Peaoan A R Mclean, C French. Licens-F E ytrspe thsrsiecs on laat Fil:,, hairan E DerJus nai, Ra very enjoyable evening was spent. M Drug Line F Tamblyn. Railways and Mari- The books in the Mechanics' Institute library Drug Lin , tfýicures-RMcLaghin, hairan Wj are now ready for distribution Parties wisbing HRare, J W Provan, E 1 Rowse, W Coulthard, to juin may do se by see:ng the librarian Mi. P.. F FI)itigle. The- opposition " tried tu Perryman, or any of the officers of the society. miake srch changes as would render Reeve The new officers in the epworth league for Cîu)tlthard powerless on the streets commit- 1896 are as Iollows :Pires Bru E Tink ;V. P. tee, but failed, though Coun. Henderson tt'is Sis E Luke; 2nd vice sis E 1latper; 3rd vice sis cy Ilaced by Coun Tamblyn. There was A Grass ; Sec Bro W. Blighu; Treas. sister E R yloy's D raug Store, trolig objection riised tu the reappointment lîght. Ily(y Jof Atidîtor Keith, on account of hie contlec Mr, Thos. Cook, .last Thursday, hdtems tion with the electric lighting company, but fortune <o flu frorc the top cf a load of hay to he was fitially appoired, and the mayor the frozen ploug hed ground and broke hîs wrist, tionlitiated Mr. Beck. As anticipated lu this beside recetving other savere bruises. He le do- ~111Cîiý u St.- boutilu, Ç)41îaovi. î.ol1f l ast week, an attempt was made to n niceiy now. lîrevent the re-appointment of Mr. E. Mutndy to the board of education on the ground that The following officers were inatalled last Fni- lie s disqualified frorn acting by neasun ut day night in the R. T. of T. for 1896: S. C., haviîrg douecJriniting lorthe board. The Bru, S. L. Kerr ; V. C., ic. E. A. Harper reev.enov ed thiat Mr. Oliver Hezzlewood be Chap., Bro. 1, Nesbîtt; R. S., Bro. W. Moore I ppointted to the place, but Mn. Munidy wa F. S.,- Sis. M. Kerr; Treas., Bro. L. Beckett; jJ jf i irall , appointed. The appointmenu of a H., Bru. C. Doolittle ; D. H., Sis. E. Moore; boardci(h ealth and a court of revision was G., Bro. J. Martin; S., Bru. E. Nesbitt. The Ia;d overfoth presci.aebyterian soiree was heid on Monday night, for t the resnt.Praceede about 3S5.oo. Social Wednasday Cau~ht I badevening. OSHIAÀWÀ, JA N. 211, I 896 Ail tl-e local tiews of the town was left out Theanna sermons in connection with the roorn for an important annouincemnent frum1 by Rev. Mr. Ph. B., ai Tororlio. who preached the peu of the Hon. Thos Canant, (emphasis powerful sermons to good audiences. The an- on the Con.> This noted citizen and world- nual tes meeting lollowed on Monday night. (ame(l (guidc-booký traveler takes the pub The night was fine in marked contrast ta the1 1'Jii i ntoRIOhis ,confidence t~o te ffctt weaher in he last four yeares o that a goodj to Rlowhin tocarry off une of the famous ladies was af the hast and lots of it so that ail __________________________7 gongs of the orient, which ring until sundown were satisfied. At the platfarm meeting Rev. when tapped with a hammer. Whether Mn. Mn. Chishoim, Dunbartan, gave van addness on OSHAWA.('01onant wants the public to beliave that tha -, Happiness,' and Rev. Mn. Frizzel gave an ex- OSRWAcorrupting of tha Buddhist priest and the de- cellent speech on -rhe Live Chunch." The BtsN SNoTici -ý (t.-hawa '-tbscrubers spoiling of bis temple was a clever trick, on choir nendered excellent service. onr alv, Ttt-.cîs 11.iataT,iitut atNîy business; whether we are to infer that tha end justi- c w-ithic ueCît Ros'i , tE r rîraiZv oitaiii extra fies the means when Hon. Thos. ConantIs A graceful c that everybody is pleased with copic at aly ti ruc lll",E. Rogers. passion for curiosities is raging within hlm, who bas beard about it, was the surprise patty we kow ot;butif e ha th thng o d andpresentation to Mi. E. Nancekiveil, on tir rior o wtt 1 ti i ai iii IM. E.w 0wnt;bti e a h big< oThursday evening last. For a number ai years re:lviae(otiilgand were bound to have tha gong we would M.Nneîel a entesusitnata 11oi ws iiVrnt hn dne rostal moreSu nd c ourewuld nt samn aur lthe methodist Sunday school here, and bis ai- tra ,t, r aivthng i faicv hina orglas- lo mota andth wouid thn spael - forte <o discharge hie duties in a painstaking and ware goto F liMorail lz idesR pintworse h awlnosacrilga elconscient.îaus manner ara su weillknown <thti gi loraît& oirsids- pont hih wll e oub apelwas the casiest <ing that bas beau undortaken C w ith fan greater force ta Mn. Connt's beant here for same <umne te raise funds for <ha band. It will îiay ar\iv arties cîrrueiîplating btîv -stealing it wauld hava saved the money siepeotto htfil okhebeî iirg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a: -i1~îiîi r w-iirg rn o ce ue n <abie ftac p n M. C n awa y. Like most fatful wokers Mr. Nance- tlie- l.tygustma k t luit hrio. , ()siriwa ais ant's soul would be no greatar, and ha COUId kiveil thinks less of what ha dues <han do bis <lie' %% Ill sel i,;1' irlthver \ clicap for cash. save money, whv should he not steal ? And neighbo~rs. The surprise party the other nigb: G-ruîltl lit iiiiid t JK ttlv îý Flicv are if lie co)uld steal' on bribe a gong fnom the will giva hlm an idea that ha is appreuiated and is tk ingsrsea Ir nt~ns sacred pneciricts of a temple why not steai a more enjoyabla timre it is impossible ta bava I a niri Bvs goiiaid sîtveý watclres. tL etemple and bring the whuia business I t pleasad evrybody ta please the supern<end Ve-ilt-n I i rs aloîrg with him, Tradition shows that it is ent. Wi<h sucb a feeling in eveny breast there ___no sin for a christian ta do up a "haythen,' was ne lack oi cordial hearty gladness. Mi. Wý -at least it seams te be su, and wa would B Guy occupied the chair and alnmt everybodv M1 las oiiirif lLîrirntv s Il. advise Mn. Canant ta go back at once and had a good word ta say. Mn. E. Tink reari the c %Ir,, Il..li. i- ()l1)(t1ta-, returiied frorn taka the temple, priest and ail. The Japs address and Mn. D. Ashton made the presenta- Ch1 ; g(-, lve nu feelings, and nacognize <bat we tion. which consisted ai a lovely culver tea set. t 1lvsegmgtits week is much ap- chrîstians are so rnuch thair superiors that Sarv Tir, ît-igvitew have only <o hunt up wha< we want and .Nret 1 .îiezodo eure atw take it. Bribeny is arpensive, and quite un- Miss Lily Marks and Malinda King are home0 NirsA lezzewod reurnd lst eaknacessary. Stealing le no greeter sin and le from Toronto oq a visit.a f nin lowa lass costly. Pnababiy <ha auspices ware un Revival services have been held at Bethel fora Mlss 1'r-nti l (îi s home from ber visit favorable, se Hon. Thomas had <o stand <ha about two weeks and mucb good bas been doue. to i.îrs trt cost of a priast's ti p, içhich le ne tnifle. How-Ma hgodokcotne Mr Fredul allliras secured a situation with Ma.en, Bbisett, ntal gong wiIl prove quite an acquisition <e Mn. Conant's collection MoFfenet u ena ucer a ie S. îîrpsîr Truîrîî.cunios (ha sheuld write bis puifs plainer ln up bis businetis bere eud gene <o SuuridgN We c j. Moiin of "Fororrti, spent Sunday iu future, and <han <ha Raformer devii wili not are isoîry' te have hlm beave Our village but wlsb d tuwn witth M r. J lî i lra iitCii maire it tead curie). Hie musically inclined hîm every sucesa iu bis new bhome. 1, Airs. J. E.I)ver and fanrily, of Eîrfiald, are ear was carilied away by ite melliflueus peal A g"et many lu this uelghberheod are suifer- vi visieuug ,at NMîs .A rlezzlewoods. qwheu ha heF1ard 14in; ha * ddh1- emp e ngfroM iLflisouza or lagrripprm e. luso toe- # Chrinstiasi ctuncn, preachc-d in <bat church bast Sunday, morniug and evaning. A lead of an<thusies<ic Royal Tautplans want uven ta Whitby on Tuasday evaniug,<o attend the district meeting held <hera. The McLaughlin Carniage Ca. are wonk- ing aven time in order <o gat a stock of rigs aonbartd, pneparatory for the spring rush. The ladies nid of <ha mathodist cbunch held <ha firet of e sanies ai panier sociale at the home ai Jas. Luka un Tuasday avaning. Mn. John Wakaly, marchant tailor. lite ai Pont Panry, lias moved into the store ha rentad Iroin Mn. Wm. Kinîg. He will open business in <ha course of e week o: moe. Last Thursday avaning about thirty-five of bis friands entanîained Mn W Mackey ut a supper nt D. M. Tod'e restuaraut. Mr. Mackey intands going te British Columbia, whera if thiugs ana satisfactory ha wiib go loto business on bis own account. J,.ast Tbursday foienoon Herb Baker, an euiusiestic foe<bal.player, and a student et thte Oshawa higb echool, sliced bis haud snd had <o bava ubree stitches put luto 1. Ho vas cuttiug bis usuel daily supply of taify wheu <ha kuife slipped azid bit lis baud, -We are glad <o sea hlm around agmin. . On Weduesday Robt Morris, ounet Pattens painters, fall from a ladder ait the -new freight sheds. Heaidt<le loweî en4of tihe ladder plan<ed o a sbeigh te whlch vas attached a baise, and when tho trolley-car came along th<horase walked 95f, the ladder and Merrise bath belng campeled ta Jump -for <hair lives. The isâdr vas breke but Mort is was made of leua brittle mate-lati, and escae in eue place. The reinains et Mrs. John Paul, who dIed ln St. Paul, Miun., on Thuruday last &cem tbe affects et la grippe, arrlved lu Oob&a on Stinday. She vas on a visit o lier daughter,#Mts. Capt. Johuson, baving bs.on absent aince. bot cteber. &fi& Paul, eh» bern a great suiterer aIl ber 11f but boreber Affliction wlîh tortîtudo. 11» reunSvr lnterted in th. Union oemetery osMoodsy afternoon, <the savatilosy tugsUig eUt tu force eli'theb.baud; Lastfridaye ejgthe lads..' aid c chrisûsu chnrch eda Very sucof socidal th<le realdenceet Sj Rgr. Street esa. Te i rsi par of et .*v=on - etertshnnMeng as in <b, shape of a test of tii.dîterout snss.After -Na DreW ba4 vOus tii prias Msbeï ng <the aPPY* lereuOft îe letsseinsaaels.wg rh fýelng.Sud taus 1pc-vers of suJF@.eP*. Se t ? pr.JSUnie va s u. Osha a uainem flreftory. 9 L. VICKEBY, barber. iraco, hz-set. BROOKS' LIVEBY, 8tmce treet, narth. WM. ROLPH, harness maker, Blmoo estreet. r. B. MOTHERSTIL1, butoher, Ring St..,Weclî. Dia. PATTERasoi, Dentist 1 office averf Ravee.s k. J. BTALTCR -Dominion planas and argans, Simcoe stroot. 0< . WàarteàN, Veterina.ry Surgeon and Dontist, King street weat, Oshawa, Ont. Wu.zax J. Dmxue, Dominion anid Ontarfo Land furvoyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. CaxxmzÂz., HeTaL-J. C. Woon,' praprletor. Modern houtelry, neat and oamt;;ortably equlpped. D. iM. Te)- .Cateror for Balle, Asemblles Wed. dinga, Suppers, etc.,* etc. Also &Il kinduof Ouuwa BooxmSoz-Fuu Ulne 01 beoke, tatlanery aud f ancy gooda. B. B. Rogers, Bimco. stai. JO&. Boazuoe- -wm*utby. awa 8stge line. Léeases Oshawa ai 8 a ms and 2 p m,, and Wbîtby a&tlO0anm *ad 4p = xJe cau e, maumewtwm coletuénacaraes carte, Wag nsd &aI idhof! entiers sd jeS, Eauw»3 au, pIltr sud doooegitor. DeMner ta au varnZl s « rm PalUi on YCnalikusa, wliaov hdse. ad.Joblsug as a, m ty. aime".sre t, ~ Musug ~.A. - Eas*»eo , 5oI1eit hloley Puils, OvymUMs, I e t. » s"tOMM~ M. ~ ~ ~ ~ b moM~ aleu sPIa u, areciad ubareon. I tbink <bey mueit have camne acrase thaocesu lu <ha wintar ima wheu h vwas frozen over. The axantemeut was caused by <he. ne wb icb bad reacbed us baera <bat tbey went from lieuse ta bouse demanding wbatevar <bey wisbad ta have, and if retusad would turu the bears lbase. T7his tbey did net do es <ha village. aîtheugli <bey thraataned to do se balaie <bey lied gene a tuile weet tram hçme The women supoked and drank and ane aI <hem affared ber child ua mine hast of the Ocomu Hanse for a bat. tla af cherry. The bargain was net made se Mr. B. wanted te have ana of the rigi ilirowla in witb tlie baby, and <he fereignars aaubd nat oea <hein way dlemi te de ibis and se the baby was taken on. The son ended with the usua bear dance and colaectian, Surely <bore eught te ho iaw enaugb ln aur land ta attend ta <base vag- rants. Peapie ubould heoan the leekout ýfor <hem as uouhing ceornettee bad for tbeai te do. Mr. James BaIley lias returnod Item a pro- tractod visit te frIesids la Roacli. We are pleased te soo Mr. Nolsou H. MauIew la again able te goet. - Ail wfil be grleved te hoar that issl*t McLaughlin is seriously iiiL D.Febh t tendace. The Cadenuepwertb 1ague 5 eJYin teyoung foke qrun bre. IIt l, with extrue rçgr t iaw eo=r4 the deatb Of ih se Mit., Go.,Reynuols 'The Muethodiat eburcu assIo odtatlfutà and generoa s ~er byllIsdipetsaoà dcfu esrovid> ce.. 1 ïï otaf ge sud lmasf«ia erly-a y"r:.çu ils. car of Dr. McKibboà. abe ad Mr llitt a mptfghs il gaeton Mr A B Clark, Wyebrîdge, le viulîing friends Miss Ward in visiting fionds In Tyrone thie week. Mis Fiank Parr ls somnewhat better nt time e wrlting. Special meeting@ are being conducted in the methodist church. Mr and Mm' j T Cole have been vitiffing fiendîe near Kedroi,. Miss Tilly and Miss Trebilcoclc, Bowmanville, were visiting at Mr C' Rogers' this wetk. Mrs T Elliott has been at Woudtrtdge atend- ing the funeral of her bro'her*,n-law. Mr C N Ruse bas been selng it number of pianos and organe uf the Berlin manufaîcture. Miss Armour, teacher of the junior depari. ment ai oui school, bas got niceîy down Io work, Mr. John Hopper, who leit here sornti :y yeaîs ago, bias been visiting his sister, Mr8 C Oke. Mr John Elford, wha bas heen spending the winteî here, left for his home in DakoiR an Tuesday imarning. A very pleasant evening was spent at the league rooms on 'Thursday last. The pru. gramme consisted af selections from iLongielow. Mrj T Williams' Infant swallowed a small brooch a few days ago, which al'srmed hie par. ents; but nu il] affects appear to have followed, and the article was passed within twenty-four hours. Mr. D. T. Allin lest e vebuable cow <ha other day. I< choked on a potato. Miss Caealy bas gone ta Bellevilla wbera sha wibl remaîyn for a tiruc et ber brothars. The griot uniti is once mure lu full swing, repaire having beau completed lu <tha race- way. Mrs. Dancaster, mililiner bas rautad <ha store and dwetling ln <ha OdeIl block and intends movinu. han milinary gooda hcra fruuriBowmenvitîe. Mrs. Thes. Banson, sr., une of <ha oldest residents of <hase United Coutities, baing lu ber q6th yeer, died et ber hume in Beltyduif The D.D.G,M. Bru. %Wood, of Petenhoro, will instahil<ha ufficans elect of Ononio iudge, AýF. & A. M., No. 325, at <ha naxt tegular communication, 30th trust. The Naw<onvilla cheesa factony bas beau closed fan guod, Mn. J. G. Horrey having baugbt out <ha s<ockhoiders. The patron- age aif<lue iactory will ba trarrsferned <o <ha Kendall iactary. Sonne unknown pensons farcad tan antrance into Tucker~s grist mîlI ana night lest waak, ovaybeulad <ha papans aud othan documents, evidently lu saarch afI nuy ; but finding none retired as they cama., SOLIN &. Mnr. H. Hoopen ie laid up with sure ayas Mn. W. Pascoe bei ana af i bifamily-A T. Baker is busy dnewing ceder for bis Huekin and Wes<laka are busyu-hîashing clovai. TeMsses CakI ?C la-r navisit- ng <nain sisten et Cartwright. Mn. B. Houper bas upaned a shoa sbop ln Oshawa. We wish hlmn succas. Thane wes an et huma at Mn. Jas. Rundle's on Friday, a good timae was spant. A large numnben ut yoting folks a<tended he birthdey on Monday nigb< et Mn. W. Robbins. The Royal Crusaders hed <bain election ai officars on Saturday, <liera was e good <ttendance. BNFMIE. Mis. Huiîbut is visi<iug friands in Oshawa. Visitore : Miss Allun, oi Columbus, et Mr. G. )imiston'e ; Mr. Thoruton, tha Patron candi jate et Mi. Dyer's. Many fnam boreaettendad the annivarsaiy ser- ices au <ha prasbytaniau church, Sunday and Monday, et Columbus. The %ilong ! Mked for tet waes given lu tbe S- f4 T, division, by <ha brothers on Tuesday evan rg. A happy time was spant.- Rev. Mn. Allin. ai Columbus, officiated liera )n Sabbatb et tbe annuel missionary services, Ile praseuted the mission case lu a maunar whicb imprassed aIl. Ha believad <ha bible te be <ha safo guard <o evary nation, and ms long as Engiand beld fait te <ha principles efthe holy iook, her greatness weuld nevei wane. ut Vernon a; BoUna It waubd lie a greet canveruianze ta <ha public 1we liad a daily mail at Solina. Ms, Elfard and Mr. Chas. Eliord, ut Islay, isiued friands bere lest week. The Rav. Mr. Copelaud, of Newcastle', will xreach au Elda d nex< Sur-day, et 2.3o,P.m. Misses; Claie au#-Leae iaike are visiting beir sister, Mis.TIý,s. Williams, Czeserea. Mi. 4~d is. S. W"rnywlo ara cottabby ettled ZsIeir new home ou Dr. Pottar's feint v e a a ry t e a fe w eft h our fri n d s la s t w e k . Mr. Tg0M Poucher was in the city Friday. Mr. S. Marks h vlsiting here. Mms. Thos. Brown and Mis. Wm. Cowie ro recovering from a severe attack of agrippe.. A number of others have it abso. The methodist choir sang st Greenwoad 'unday evenlng. 1< was anni vorsary service more. The churcb was crowad. Teachers neetiug will ho beld at Miss Wiliis' noxt Cuesday ovening. Ilaols a mi»» s nia Dreooy. Mus. . S.PAEI, Maoeaer, .reas.z- ttovatooso-re-fusloie aSu seitae! us-n drig Ibemol oicsa g ndd iblamfeiqadito have them renovaled.- Tau, Uaiiiu» àrLt!us InnIzý uaaon u -CeO Isus hzostuberai POUeY lM maz, e evryowand hsùilet. Tbo mncli gnt aW-il b.oU r.ddt clam coasti riefo :,tluas.we Otswyou; Oumfhue To ~uPU~L~-W* n sorrned <bat otber newspap-era-a"' camè4ng '0 sU)ply th 54 Si th TIIE?~ ARCADEU GENU/NE STOCKm TA K/NO SALE'! £1l !iw r OR~ BELO W+ GOS T. Gall at PELLOWS, Wrought Steel -AT- Mlso bis COAL 011 and GAS STOVES -FROM- $5.50 ta 025-00. Rallway and Steam8hlp Agenole8 have beau treusfenred te <ha OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whosa offices areaa few doors south of bis former place ai business, whera ha will ho prepered ta supply alI raquired Railway and Steam- sbip Tickets et ratee guareuueed ta be as low as <ho lowest. The best steamship lunes on <ha Atlantic are reprasented. Spaciel reilwey ratas ara givan ln con- nection witb Steeae and Intarmediate Tickets. Thîough Raqilway Tickets are sold te all points in <ha United States and Canada, includiug <ha Canadien Nortbwast. Beggaga is chac.kad througbherm Oshawa tq. ail points. Passangars loit<ha United States mey bave <bain beggaga a±aminad in Toronto, <hue saving any luconvanianceatet<ha frontiar. AUl information cheerfully given. For tickets and ail information caîl and sea -W. P. STERICKER,- at Reilway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshiawa. R. .(ARTER9 gtOBHÂAW Nov. 14th, 1895. We have always a ganerel and variéd stock, ta select ftrm-Iatest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undortaking department fulîy stock- ed, and embalming according te latest mothods. Picture framning. factorily doue. Luke Brob premnptlv and satîs- re/e wcJ eht dyo8 This is flot Greek or Spanish; but read *it from' right to left and find out * where to get the biggest bargains * ever offcreOs haa i jewelr Oland Spet, le Se e~ our 8 day > hour striking Clocks, Oak or Walnut, at $2,98 The best value in Canada. -AT- MOI~S JEW[LH SIOB[ To the Farmors. o o o MILLERS, will give 38 Ibis. of lit cas Flour, 10 Ibs. of Bran, and 4 Ibia of Shorts for a bushel of Wheat. They hope by this inducement to draw a large share of the trade of the dimstriot about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always un hand at lowest whoiesale prices te Faryners. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT. MILL,-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. For Delicate Chlldren, Invallds and the Aged. JACKSON"S Nutritive Wine li,ne paaatable and HIGHLY N01URISHING Wiepaed with Cod Liver Oi,is casilyretained and digested by the most delicete. For stin o s CtnadDebilfty, Impaired esin 6 fm G ad Branchil Trouble andLots of Muscular Tone. 0f great Nutritive value to Adultz and C-hildien. A marked increased in weight tas oticeable after taking a fe-w bottles of tis Wine, which represem sau equal quantity of Cod Lîver Ol. AI druggists. CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, whicb is to-day unquestionably the Leading Lîf. Comipany. Canada Accident and Emplôyers' Liability Corporation of London". Eng. Arnong the Fire and Plate (e" sConzpane we handie the ,-Lancaohfre, Guardian, AdMercantile- an4 Hand-iu4làand. AdSavings and Losui Ce., Toronato. OFFripe'just north- of the O'Western Bank, ALETTR LOST OUT or OJ APA If yoe, n t Ibij -YeUrS'cbool Booka frm Us. 1W ~,C ary-t olag i asot ment of Higli and'Puýblic Sioo o k an d sabo l suppi es al b . ost W invie eyry sis e-r t.inet ow ScnlbiUàg a&Exerda ,booka., W. ave l b. lebstlipe làb- maz-ket W lead'l'alo1 mtrketçes îROiE8IBOOK 8TOE- Onsedeer nortb of post fc, OSl~AWAr - . n OI4TAIOÏ 1896. i f i i fi 4 i ijj 4. 1 M" - clock.8, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT, IRJ «A 1*1*T. Cï- ]HI s ab 950.000 1 S. CLARK& K. DYER. THL uloi:1

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