Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1896, p. 5

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PR/CLr To clear out a dozen Key Whnd El- gin Rockford and other American Watchos in Silvor Open Face and Hunting Case8, we are offering themn to you at haîf the regular prices. This ia A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY tÀo secuiro the very have ever Beeli. Jump best value you at IL S. Barnard, W at chrna k er, W8ITBY~ ~ty Oif ~runic1e. OmoiiaI County Organ. -Largeet Circula-1 tion Of any local paper tu Canada FRII)AY, .TAN. 2.1, 189r) LOCAL LACONIOS. 91 Ilir- t, wti plkeîtsiay ai (Oshawa tri 1If dri 1 (r 1 In' tlg t al)les, 4 leav es, on lv $5, Newcn-,tle, itarto, was nearly burnt oui -in v ,tr rer-rbe onr Mondai- morning. I rrhseaesof tbe kidueys use Dr. l3riglit' ligilsb hiver and Kidney Pilla. Rernrber th~ Highlanid Club smoking ctr cri oti V-rid¶Ïy 31 st January, in the music Two riîks oft rurlers from here visited r ,aaoit lrtday suid laid our fellow-towns- Ilrul low hv a rnia orty of i shoîs. MIr \V. N. rit, our Port Perry writer, was lr,îroi I itrlylorlgtug an information agalltsi on r.- R, G Slier, of P>ort Perrx-, fr .--rl'. lie case î ill be heard before the iii.igisi: aie. tere rit ýSaturday. ]-le adie- orf the \V. Cý T. t'. bave decîded it ti ait o)1( liasbltnedJ tea party on the lit Ve-i ai t s lienierson 's, The pro- gr iviIrite wtill be. g iv .011.r d tes served bv tbe v rîrrg laiervs rire.sed iii the costume of ir Nii ears agi, .Al will be welcorne r', r'.irv ratrile ligitu. A-dnîissioii 10 Cts. 'S. Varsity Two Step 1)v W Alan Siile(r F-or sale at Mrs. Speai îzîg Eels I tipectrir l'erry wi%-sbes us te warn parties rist be siol)l)d at once, or penalties wil bec iuflieti d. - Scranton Coal' - There is ,no botter Anthracite coal mined tban titis.' Grate, egg, stove arid nul 1, -,s ai barbor .deiliverr-d I 5 No. 2 nut 1,1 Oflice opposite C lH N . E. R lilr)w, Vh itby, 011 t. The prop.-r inethod C t)iii I ib Smith iade a grorl mrtioni on rul fte.tv ight wben hoe trieri to get the t 511c'titci caricel aIl ansulance on the i os, ri liai 1, and then ailvertise and find out w b rît coritpaît es w i l dû it the chîeapest and busit. Tliis, is what the finance coîuiîîiitee shrul l bave dr>ue iii the first place, tbut coiil evrir s-eni to put thitngs oni a bas's rof 'j'ritl )(-iitioii if thr-v- eau avrrid it. Einther they iust gi-I thiiîgs for one of the masclvs,, or- 1o01te friend mu.sI gel It. Chronicle clubs CH tiRr()NI CL M0 tC-lIl t, 19. 1î. CHRoN iCi.iî anîd weekly Globe to j ni isi ('11 k NI CLE and weekly mail to jart. it, t oN)NiC.ansd WVorld $2 50 a i-car. ('iirwrNici.m and firmily Herald and week- h air, $i -,S a year. Coii 1 i.î anîd Monîreal Witness $î.6o 1)-- ai lii tt i rFi iil. i aild Toro nto 11.Iorning Star or i3urglary .Xlirt unr r-r- odock on Ttiesdla% morning rwýj1 i, g Ini the Vici uîîy of the wesî s I nr 'at and sirne store, were arous- r rilicir pete1eful s!umnbers by hearing t ..rrsiîrnrg from the shoe store ail i ii, Prit rt plu intvestigation they discovee r' 'otie persons had gained au entrance 11 werce gtving utierauce 10 loud dheers at ih, big birîrgairîs thev belîeld. We have no- t n the nig1btwatchman not 10 shlow this to riien agarîl., Auction sale cvery Saturday [liiskey I ire tir iu îeam goca to Oshawa to-niglit, iriî,to open the hockey season there by rgie with the club of that town, gamne ,illud at -.45. This la Oshawa's first season fo the game although no doubt net the fiast 'lsOn for some of the players. An exclthug gî1rne may be looked for. The return match% Peiweon Whiîby and Oshawa will be played çithin the comning week. The teao was opened here on Wednesday nighî by a match hetween the collegiate aud tewn sevens. lloth teama are weaker than hast year, sud, save a fewv god rushes made by the tewn fîrrward line, did not display anythiug like iheir old formn, but the Besson le yet yeung. - The score stood 6 te 5 lu favor of the To test Swlndlers. A paragraph isl gohag tle rounds 'of the daily press, publhshed in every papet as being original, advisiug (armer, Who are giving promlisecry notes te parties whon: t h ey s us pect ef beiung s whndlere, te make the note payable te the narty Who gets ht, and te, no other -person. There le to be ne bearer or order about ItL What nonsense I la mny 4 man fool enough te give bis note te a Parîy whîom h. suspets of 'sw1nln? If an he oughttobe côrced tpsy fi ce oyg.z I f local editors had any sens. tbOy woUld r.- commeud people te have nothlàg to do'wlth strangers, whether tbey susèmc ,,th=s or net. Almost every tline fa 90bis'h1 note tb a strager h. et andws u sucd notes ar" usuiIy *,v0 for »m0W g farmer does flot waut atmy MMOtThS wanîe a f~ur ceat for jaÎy, westhàt lqobub should be talked' [Aill 4*1t4g with 8Séltt tougued peeple Who dopo< PUrpose ezxpo i1oemtý0, a n"- t'or the OraiM*rt Iu WATOHES J Mclinnon Geo Whitelaw E Pardon Jos Banclel P> Mathîson A Whiielaw R Pardon jos Dilîman B Bryan W Ellîs W Barnes jas Dilînian 5 3 3 o 2 4 2 3 4 A Bande] j Robb I Paquette j Hoyt C F Çampbeli A Howell Mr Gold C7 Gortzig R Bird j Beaver F Perry j T McGeary 2 o 3 5 o 4 3 3 2 30 28 14 The club would like.îo hear from any out- side club. Addrcss aIl commnunications 10 Jos. Dilîman, sec. The Happy Family fails ont. From the manner hn which the towu coun- cil was returiîed by acclamation one might have supposed that harmnouy would be deep- rootcd and would only cease wheri the year would be closed. But this beautiful dream waa aoon diapelled when the fathers met to organîze on Monday. They feil upon eacli others' necks aIl right, t-ut i was on the back of the necksinistcad of the front, and the weeping gave place to guashing, ox rather chewing, if slang be permitted 10 de- scribe the scene. If this sort of thiug is to continue there la a big ycar's fun ahead of us, and the council meetings *Îll again draw the old-timne crowds. It wouid be well, hew- ever, for the fathers to restrain their riglit- eous indignation a litile. This thing of carrying lith.e tattle back sud fcrward b.- tween themacîves, and aîating lu open meet- ing every litîle privai. opinion that oee ray d rop about another, houksi bad ; but il looks far worsc 10 be brlnging up old scandale about members. The beat tbing thus ceun- cil eau do is to malke a new start, sud con- fine itself to unhted efforts to advauce tle tewn's hterests. Hetping Hamself to the Change. For some time past Messrs. HatcI & Bic. have found that duriug tle nigbt limne all the change left i h îl 111for convenieuce in the morning was sure te be missing, when busi- ness opeued for the day. Thi. hhiug coutin- ued se long that the bande lu their hardware store lad formed tlemselveg îmb a detect- ive force, sud lad watcbed nighte for sonne weeks, without effeet. SÛRl the 'change would make its exit during the night every time. Lsst Tluradây niglit Mr. F.rauk Hatch sud Mr. John Willis were thei* detail te watch tle clote, and the fermer remained lucide îhle the. latter surreuuded the place ou the outeide.- Tley determlued toe cuber catch somebod y or lose a wbole nlght's skeep over I. The back doors ver itchcd nd the front oses lockcd, aud;, tb.y çould litu cenceive hoe n e.nac. coud bc e(cýcted vhtheut smashlng soeh.U, StUl 'thcy knev Otat seîe bod ad cobtl' whliebwould worit So llwy *tuek to the job = nt iifoowmtp "S gthe -*egk grew *xrce, md-,tlî. lowï .bec mie4et Sbotl af" wilbw maki g *bâ with a& lngrenloealy ~e 'ocina uvîwarde tg , ala.W11191 -AT- Commandant H. Booth of Toronto, return- ed this week from a visit 10 the army's head- quarters in England. -Starîhing develop- nenîs may be expected lu the near future. Change and progress evidently characterizes the latest move of the Salvation Army. Their War Cry ha to be reduced 10 2 cents per copy ; firsi copy ai that price to be iaaued the firat week in Fehruary. The back page of the prcsent issue reads thus : " An- nounicemrent extraordinary. Jan. 29th te Feb. 5th, the War Cry boom. Everybody gel ready to hear the boomhng cf the guna next week, something la geing to happen. Brigadier Hill Kelly marched Malcolm Mr- Taggart, Jimmny Pellow aud Adjuntaut Mil1ler ofi to A, Huggiu's farm north of Pick- ering lu a tree cutting expedition ou Monday last, to aupply the officers' quartera with fuel. They secured a good jag. Adjutant à,iller speaka on Suuday night at 8 p. m. ou "The Dcvilinh the Barber," Next Thurs- day at 8 p. m. in thc barracks hc would like te meer aIl the Whitby folks to tell them, "'Where Salvathon Army money goes."1 He ouglit te kuow, seeing lie was for over six y'ears ai the a rmy'a headqusrters lu Eng- land aud Canada. Chroule bile. The Gazette man's stomnach ish still bilious, sud ils rank rifthngs have stili to b. poured upon the public nostrils.. The dyiug look- iug creature who runs that papei' muat needa veut bis dyspepsia on somebody, but iustead cf attackiug abus eh selecf.s the mayor, reeve, town solicitor, the publishers of THE CHRONICLE, and others, sudflot ouly pitches int them lu the most vile ..way passible, but aise opený bis columue te the anonymons attacka cf every other- dirty skuuk in towu who wîshes te stab theni lu the dark. Five years ago Mr. Newtun beï. gan the sarnie une cf business, but beicre he lad continued it six months le had to-basten to the Iawyers and mike over everytbing lie lad to hie wife, sud lu eider te stk h lasty transfer legal -h. lad -it written lu the. instiument that the agreement-yitli-bli wfe had beentmade before aarZe Thus if the vaiidity of tue trajiefer had been- attack- ed Newton weuld have bad te swvear enough, falsehoode toepUft h trôgh côÙvà t. - ut hr desire te ander men. b.d get hlm itoa ecrape, and sometbigiiad..te le doue. ,=avUg vd 'ive yd.ndrbi wi#j>* tita. iideftfflr aMmm ventuta. f", b I -"w t. r ', fr 'r. IIALF nôt~. e.Gibson, àaiý'Iï a on cf me'. (Meuis home thla*eek. For sluggleh liver use Dr. Brlght'is Eng. limb Liver and Kldney Pille. There le a good bottom for alelghlngr, If the weatber clerk woul8end along a littie miore snow. 6 place eolid walnut parlor suite, plush, wlth silk pltish bande, for 832, Worth $U, at W. Till's. Trhe Martin Mfgr Co. are putting lu a very much largex and more powerful bolier at their works thie week. There has been pretty fair sleighing dur. iug the week but flot a flake too much snow to cover the îrozen hubs. The Highland Club smoking concert tiext Friday night, Jan. 318t, will be the event of the year, as was last year's, but we hope it w ill not bring on such a big siorm. The Whitby curlers went to Cobourg on Tuesday to compete for the district cham- 'pionship) in the Ontario tainkard competition. Our men wttîe defeaîed by Millbrook by i shot, and the latter were downed b)fPort Hope 11Y 3 shots, and the Port 1-opers are the district clinmpions this yeat. The following comprise the teamn who will go to Oshawa to play the teamn of that town : G;oal-W. F. Lapham ; poin-Robt. Stew- art; cover point-Robt. Birrell; forwards- G. Barnes, (capt.,) P. Gordon, I. Paquette, G. Thompson. Rigs will leave the Wood- rufi House at 6.30 to-uight. Any person wishing to go with the team must be there on time. 25 cents each. The best Anthracite coa. Nut, stove, egg, $4.7; No. 2 nut, $4 ; at yard. J. H. Downey &Co., opposite post offce. Sole Agency THL CHRONICLE bias the sole agency for the Weekly Globe in the County of Ontario. That does flot increase the price, however, and we shall stili sell it with the CHRON- ICLE at $1.25 from now tili Jan. ist, 1897. Division courts. ln consequence of the week commencing 16th Marcb being assize week, the division courts advertised for that week at Uxbridge, Caninington, Beaverton and Uptergrove be held at each place the day week following ihat previously fixed thereupon. The Town Hall Insurance In accordance with the instructions of the town counicil as passed at its meeting Tues- day niglit, the mayor bas lelegraphed the Waterloo Mutual insurance company can- celling his telegramu of Jan. 14th, whIch re- called the towii's application, and bas also noîifiod the Perth Mutual, London Mutual and Economic of the termination of their risks on the hall. The latter wili no doubt charge for fifteen days' insurance. We be- lievo that a document should be requested fromn the Waterloo Mutuai clearing off al legal dificulties which may exist and ac- cepting the situation, which we have no doubt lIat company will do on request. Marvellous and Wonderful. The great and raging sale. Hurrah for Whiiby, where you can gel your boots anîd shoes cheaper thian any place in Canada. Stop for a moment. Listen to the caîl. Men's fine lined waterproof overshoes 98c., nien's long rubber boots it quality, $2,35, men's fine rubbers, it qualîtv, 45c., ladies' huciq croquet rubbers ist quality, 25c., mens fine rubbers tst qualitY 45C., men's rubbers and stockiiugs 75c.,- misses' storm rubbers .t quaiy, 25c., misges' rubbers and stock- ings. 65c., child's rubbers and stocking 6oc., men's hteavv buckle rubbers and socks, sio Compare with other prices and save vour dollars by calling ai M. WV. Collins' New Shoe Store, East Side, WVhiiby. Whitby Checker Club The 3rd series of match gamnes were play- ed hast Friday by sides captained by J. Mc- K:.nn.i)n vs. A. Bandel, resuiting in favor of Y U ~fit. &f. .Couithard,* reo f Obaw&, wat ln town yvesterday, and favored our den with a cl!. ICeep Prldayq Peb. 7th, for the social which la to be held aLt t he re.openlng cf the baptiat. diurch. Auto harpe. Violine, andd mmmlimusiical Instruments fi lowest prices for Christmas gifts at Mrs. AlUins. Word w»s received here yesterday that Mids Florence, daughter of' Mr. *Geo. IB. Hall, je veryiii of pueumonia at Chicago. Her lifel ispaired cf. Mr. John A. McGillivray M. P., was ln town over Stinday. lie says Mr. Wm. Smith hns the best chance for the position, of Minîster of Agriculture when the coming reconstruction tnkes place. Messrs. S. A. Flumerfelt, Good'wood, and Wm . Nelson, Scott, the county audltors,-are here this week preparig the haïf-yearly financial maternent for the county council whidi meets next week. Ho for England, Scottand, lreiand, British Columbia, Manitoba. California, ail Unfited States and Canadian points, anywhere ' everywhere, boat, rail or ocean. Rates gupranteed rigbt. Through tickets from Pickerlng, Toronto, Myrtie, BrookIln sud Whitby. See E. Stepbênson, Whitby, be- fore travelling and get choice of Ry. routes and ten best ocean steamship liue. See Stephenson, Whitby, 'twill pay you. Also his cheap tickets tor Quebec carnival, good going 2,5th to 28th Jan. and return tilI Feb. Sth at single first class fare. Eggi art hiIgh Make your hens lay hy feeding crushed oster shella, to be had at W. H. Newbery, hitby. Flowers for the millon A joint stock conpany, consisting of Messrs, Frank Hatch, L. T. Barclay, A. M. Ross, D. Ormiston and Mayor Rutledge has been formed here to import a large consign- W2ent of house plants from the United States, which will be sold to parties here hy retail. The plants will be of special and rare var- ieties. Sunday's sermons Rev Bedford Jones, Toronto, preached in All Saints' church last Sunday two very able sermons. Rev Thod Manning i the tabernacle Sun- day evening based his sermon on no scriptural text. He made, a splendid and scholarly showing for the power of the gospel, as preached by the missionaries, in the material improvement and match to- ward civilization of the heathen peoples of the world during the past ioo years. Great Britain, threatened on ail hands by rival empires, was the most beneficent of the na- tions to-day. He thouglit that the metho- dists were not doing what they should in missionary work and gave the palm to the presbyterians. The sermon ciosed with an impressîve sino-ng of the national anthem. The côngregation was one of the largest seen in the tabernacle for some time. M Kasal'a Iuck. I Mr. M. Kasal wishes to announce to his many customers in this town and the outly- ing townships that he has made large pur- chases from the bankrupt stock of Messrs. Samson, Kennedy & Co., Toronto, who late- ly failed with a tremnendous stock on hand. Mr. Kasal, has overcoats, table and other linens, towelings, fancy goods, nick-nacks. He lias a big stock of cottonades, shirtings. flannels, tweeds, a great lot of fashionable dress goods in new patterns, 5oo dozen conîbs of every description, to be sold at a very low price. A great line ~in eboice braces. Overhauls, smocks, mits. (specia! value,) hosiery, handkerchiefs, big Ues. Large assorî ment of silk ribbous. Carpets and oil cloths. Watches and lewelery. Tin and granite ware. Will be on the road witb We hear it at every point, that we are voted the best values in town, aud the very best evideneesta em ou el h pleased shoppera every day. htwrdog- i .MEN'S FRIEZE OVERCOATS, MADE TO... ., .@..#*.ME A S U R E , - - B A R G A IN D A Y -:" :: e 00 NEW PLAID FLA.NNELS j»uet in, 6 yde. for 60e. on, Bargain Day. NEW STRIPED FLANNELS, 1Oydat for 50c.,,oo, Bargain Day. NEW DRESS GOODS iu Serges, Meltous, etc., reizular prie 25c., Bargain Day 19é. Twlree Dreuai Goode reg. 01, Bargain Day 50c. Ladies' Ribbed Vesta. reg. 85e. Veat, selle on Bargain Day eiuly 75c. Pure Lanuie' Wool .Underehirts, reg. 85c., seil on Bargain Day at 75c. -ALL MILLINERY TO GO AT Ail Blanketa, Quikta, Hosiery, Glovea, Oorseta, Laces, Ribbons, etc., nt very close pricea. W. have not room to sin"-o ailtheBarain. - eCOME AND SEE T.HEM.U -B RG IN I E ER D PA T.C . F . N RE H OS EJ W& ~-Bargai*n Day Sale -AT--- HEM NAMT i2 C!.ýSat u .AT. wo rday, G. Jan. PRICEI 2t h WALTEý iRemnants of ail kinds inclndling Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Cot- tons, Flannelette8, Tickings, Towellings, Ribbons, Laces, Trimmi.ngs, &C. One Table of ]Dreas Goods~u iRegular Prices were 35c, 40c, 50c, 60o and 75c., 25 ots. a yde SPECIAL BARGAINS ail reduoed to one prnioe5 IN OVERCOATS. We will offer balance of our Men's and Child.ren's O'vercoats ut' -~One-ha1f Regular Prices for Sîaturday*,,,',- (jýTckes wil nt bepiced fr At Piturs - ar CyDTekes wll nt b pikedfor rt iotres n Brga~yL 'W4 1N. Go* WALTE RS, Whi F PA TERSQN, Q.C,1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Money te Loan. UXBBIDGE, ONTÂRTO. Bouse__Wanted. Are outagai this e iiiai 1~ie13~r.shapesl-" thêy aehoùeat1y -ia4e - Pos<iession abo)ut Ail Comfortable Dwellig BOX 73P Eight to "Ten Rooma -M rurnace. Ye'ar Tcuant, -E - HIrRvY Ir ir i 5cm. ears« ago we realizd that it won better b~y far to seli gooda, regardlesa cf profits, rather than -kee'p thom over brous, é" season to mauehr, and with thia obj-eot iu viewý we ùnaugurate SATT[JRDAY, JANJJARY 25th, asBAIRGAIN DAY.ý nd th. 013 Jl COST AND UNDER. 1 ONTARIO. 1

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