Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1896, p. 2

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Almost Passes Bel ief Xi. Jas. B. Nicholson, Florencevl.lle, N. B, Struggles for Seven Long Yem.ru with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND I1 L URED BY AYF#Rparilla Mr. Nictumlsmmn gayq: 1. t mu5ted doc- tors rrtio ;rsîtrdfor nie, but to no piirpose ,t1ic cancer bctu tû Fat into the Flesh,- s;prrýx1 1cm ny chin, and 1 euffered iln r ý) loîti î' n l g yvars. li ually 1 twigaii UktgAýcr's Sarsaparilla. in a week or twmî1 i otieed a Oecided Jmprovemeîit. Fn' i r iir gqmi 'r thri s rrr t. 1 perse- vvct 1 i lil iii i m nt!î ci sg) the sore unir iý lmiii '<gin l ()lîcali ti three mnt. s ni), ip lmmg.r n to lhat. and , afzer usîig Iiisrrr'ai for six months the a I',tramct, of c e cancer disappeared.' Ayer'sf"'Sa rsaparillia Admntted at the World'a Pair. .iYCRNJIJLLS Regxlatc th.e .lowcI Oo.)R RE SP ONDE NG~E UX BKADG E. riti bm(i iuir lv Steai. \ a t < rieiiirginntraveiied I imiitsixm.ek ) .ttuiid a rneer.- h IM 1the ]iodgc and one of i le miS r ) >>1'VS. l" eli was !:sîî;seî cmP mtreNiagistiate Camp- mmi ~.tîimltuath r Osts but no wit- t'. limO un î:rweil lbas cntrecd itrp' îtasti cag nr.IDoble and "mii'm~ Iî tibc huard to-day. e . I . t rar ci thar. the cow whic h Alex. Wbrnysold t() Ienry Jones, died of t ilbe rc il os iS. W( tave made enquiries .îni d it bt there are no cother cases in tli(-ii fiL.il)Ihodl))l. would bc a 1~rustliiiig if tuberculosis becamne 1) re valu it nrgou r catt le. î.,sî\Vdnsuayeveni , n- a fre alarn M-(N> 01iilerl and Uie lirrruen gor. the h urucl liaI f way r. i Mr. R. P. Har- 11îî1an\ res]idunr e whri r.hcy were called back, the lire beïng out. t started I roin thle k2irnace in \Mr. Harman's Itou se, arourid the base of the chimney. Nat îîîuuh d(lage. Aý report lias been cîrculated around town that UiceIrol)osed electric railway will bu unable to ger. a charter and that suliscribers Iîad better nor. pay over their second instalment. Mr. Pew de- ciares there is no ground fr'r such a statenient. At ail events we imagine the subs-ibers are liable for their sec- onrd Sc) per cent., unless thcy can show thar. the securing of their signatures was fraudulent. 'l'le ladies of the presbyr.erian church talent socier.y closed their first year re- cently and froni ail the returns made it was found that r.hey had collectively raîsed over $4o)o for the church funds. A social was held in the school room of the church on the reckoning day and netr.ed a further sum of nearly $20. Four hundred dollars as an extra would be quite an appreciable addition addi- tion to the funds of any church. Scott Agricultural Society met last week at Zephyr and elected officers as follows-Peint Richard Rynard; vice Pres, Reuben Harrison; secretary, Thos. Cain; directors, jas. Madili, R S. Webster, Albert York, M. N. £Dafoe, Richard CurI, L. Weller, Wm. Foot, C. E. Smith, George Lapp. The meet- ing was very entuhusiastic and the nembers decided ta hold the show a&i this year, preferring ta bave it a>nitinued in the township rather than anialgamate with the county fair at Ùbridge. The show wil] be held at iZephyr. A towu hanl. This town certainly needs a town hall and wc Lhink the present time is the tirne for aCtion. Material thould be drawn now- if there. is to ho any building clone during the surmer. The best way .o tmanage the affair secems to us ta ho for the town to build and seat the Wall(oot $3,ooo>, mataI the town. constable as caretakter, and hold on, etetrtauzument cadi yeaxtg help psythe'ilteret on the débt.The interest should flot be more than$50 HRaif of this sum could be ralse4 byone good toncert each year. Th'%.Venc of the hall. would pîy thetW asace, or mosto'cf it. Thutwa.iw"ud theo aavç theainiagfutd ta provie, wilcb mlnot h.o nover $;oo if thê4,uu, *Oggo paid 8d-pr *:otý>th 00--. , Our1 Miss Fanny Tait is visiting friencý Toronto. Miss Maude Hastings is with fric in Toronto. Miss Ida Thornton is spending week with friends in the city. Is in enlds the John Moore lost a valuable mare las, week from an attack of indigestion. Chas. Maine, of Sarnia, is visitini his mother, Mrs. S. G. Reesor, of thi- place. Miss Dorothy Liddle, of Toronto, k spendirîg a few weeks with ber parent. here. Anniversary services will be held jr the Methodist church the first Sunday in February, and in the Baptist church on Uic second Sunday in that mont. Mesdames Dundas & McGillivray, o. T-oronto, were with their mother Mrs, Hiamilton, of this place iasr. week, the latter being seriously iii. We are picasttd to learn that. she is now much better. Nearly ail the young people in the Vale and nor. a few of the older ones, are devor.ing their whole time to the pleasant pasr.ime of skating, The ice On pond and race is spiendidly smootb, and na'ny long and much suffering par- ents, with work to be done or work negiecr.ed, are fervenr.ly praying for a good heavy fali of snow, sufficient to well and deepr.y bring the fascinating giare uiitil spring time with its wel- emie thaw. On Sat.urday Stewart Pherrill and Miss Ida I3urkholder were driving past Locust F[liii station. when their team becanie frighitenied of a shunting en- gine and ran away. One of the bits b)reaking the thoroughly frightened horses were quite beyond the control 01 r.heir driver. They had not pro- ceeded far until they left the track and coli'lideti wir.h a telegraph pole, precipi- tar.ing bor.h occupants of the sleigb onto the frozen ground. The horses were h ere freed from the vehicle, and con- tinued their ntad course. Both M iss Burkholder andtINMr. Pherrill were con- stderably bruised, the latter receiving an injury to his knee which necessitates the use of a crur.ch. The borses were not found until the next day. Another runaway occurrel on Mon- day. JoDhn McCrae was returning from Miarkhami, when bis overfeti and pam- pered steed took frighr. and broke into a gailop, anti ulrimar.eiy into a deati run. Snow halls, dirr. andi gravel flew thick and furious, and John was plas- tereti with the muck a-flying; so fast ran the game littie bay r.bat the fences disappeared from view, and buildings lc,oked like flics on the wail, but stili the gallant John hung on. He grasp-à ed the ribbons as for death, and made rie turns with unerring precision, and lie piioteti the crazy stecp safely home, horse and veqicle slightlÀ disabled, but the plucky John still in the riug, notb- ing the worse than good soap and war.er could well remove.-News. Miss Evans is improving rapidly. Geo. Dowswell is home from Toronto for a week or so. Miss Wood, of Kirkfield, is the guest of Rev. McLean and wife. John Barry's new house at the station is being pushed to completion. W. Anderson bas been iii for a few days. His brother is getting along nicely. We regret to state that Mrs. John Barry has been iii for somne days but is S. Coxworth has been in this vicinity for some days buying apples for ship- ment to Manitoba. There was a grand, party at Alex. Bowes' Tuesday evening. Ai present had a lovely time of it. Friday night a number of our young folks expect to spend a pleasant time at the residence of John Gordon, J. Nelsion, of Toronto, was here Wednesday of Iast week and completed the organization of a Iodge of the Select Knights. Special revival services are being held in the baptist church this week. A nurnber have becomne identified with she church through these. The mysterious stranger left on Thursday of Iast week, no one knows for what place. As far as yet known the town has flot been materially injured. Tbursday Buyer La Fraugh's- wagon carne to grief south of Stouflville, when the entire Concern fcil into the ditch. The horses and driver escaped, injury. Miss Jessie Gerow and Miss Maggie Mfacnab were to start for Whitby col'. cgcl this week, but as the, former took suddenly iii, the latter was .obliged. W ' prococd alone. Miss Jusize ta unM- proving [t is rurnorcd that Al=x.Wà4dleiibu purchased a property in Stoufv'ille and. wIll remuovc t.hercin tUic spring. , We are sorry thu Alcxan4er bu thuüs de. ridcdr as wcoaouldlke t6w ve is hcery face wlUu us. The C. LPlilkey rux rwa ssdon Saturdy to.E. E. Puhfr the suaz of P4z5. There ',bulin='pue a1sumre lifficÙuy over Smre iallum iSwne~ t nes oesei'ed,l- bu htroubMl hikcIy I le scdagreaby, i a c c s s d I b st s is is 's on Monday evealng by P. Maënab M. W: P. Mt W., R. P.H141; W,,p A, Rawson; Foreman, Z. mici Overseer, J. Powell; Guide, J. BËun Financier, W. J. Mchell; Receiver, S. Palmer; Recorder, E, R, Eddy W., Wm. Dowswell; 0, W., P. Iv nab; Representative to Grand L&r R. P. Happer; Medical examiner,,'5 Freel, M. D.-News. Pickering Miss Laura Barnes, Whitby, le visii friende bore. Geo. Kerr, Esq., bas snffered m from inflammation of the eyes for A large number et rabitia bas be bagged by our sports during th. pi tortuigist. Eli Williamson, et Indian Hlean, N.1 T., je bore this week calling uponc frienda. Misses Faunie Bateman and F. Will et Whitby, are bere witb triends fte few weeks. We muet conigratulate Walter Bri upon bis mamiage te Miss Auna, secoi daugister efthtie late Adam Elliot. T young people are iigbly esteent by tis frienda at Audley, sud we join in elprei uug best wiBee. Thse Gormley House, Liverpool, ws thse scene et mucis merriment on We nesday evening. At 4 pus. Miss Ida Stets and Robert A. Androws, wera du mamried by Bey. J. Cbisholin, Dunhi ridy; B. 4 ac- tige, S L. ting tuh A ue on.etywddu oo l At h quie but fon wedig o Tpi date reidoucee Jhn Lele, odu tsu Ayaie pouis, wan haie detoD.ugst Keni.Ldy, wv.A. McAre eB.A AKenne, bye ofAMcaubaley BA Ah Muet, aes eentlManitoha, dbs ment tis pomises recenly purchand iby Uoit hi@nee, ou hris sîr8eek.Thead aoi hifamily aeltheme inhîs wek. ise ano' famiy e octignt ou mdlet l or Ex b.acoreiet l tscoh lege. u t otEx Mayorrand cis aorpulicaionusthi oIso n ay sd ationed o roubliction Lbi hiof W.d e .tRed a son taise ao i tien. e .g.roundsaton a arbt1 1896. aTisnetrondet acinarebiber priesne n,ec., ebcting itt elcie s koin cenhuldeo with L ectenbusiandtesspSoitdontbe roteeope i sccstaeld htti e stonrowu ,ma ilr of state tstomiTim cormack, mai em teekem's comisiotbin tess, i iho tis lahor cndidatesanluiLb. fig Rth adeonr i nds ra buf nguinedtb, Margacis, wiso feels keecly lise defeat. A number of teame bave been bue- during tise past few days banling barle, troim Frenchman's Bay, sud loai ng lis samne upon cars bore for sbipment. Tis intention new le te ehip about seventeoi carloadaeoft Ibis cereal during the f011 Lei days. Tise W. D. Matthew's Compan, bas alse recoived a number of carloade c coal te be sold at tise levators. J. L pink bas ase s ipped a noimber of car a few days. The above makes tis eip ping trade at Pickerng station lively, an( but adds te tise irnpoi-îanee efthtie plaoi in tise eyes efthtie officiais efthtie Grans BL.ACKSTOCXg. The vieit of Blackstock Division tc Burketon, on Wednesday evening last, was a great success. Nine new candi. date8 were initiated and the new Division eleoted its officers, who were then imatai- led by the D. G. W. P., W. 0. Ferguson. à. short but lively programme followed in which Messrs. Albert and Lewis Poilen distinguishled themeelves on the Mouth organ and violin. An instrumental duet by Missies Prust and Beaoock oalledl forth mucb applanse. Speeches were delivered by W. 0I. Ferguson and W. Swain. A song fromn T. A. Beaoock and a recitation from H. Dnnslow ended the proceedings. We regret to rebord two serions acci- dents during tihe recent high winds. While takring a waggon ont of bis barn, by hand, Mr. A. Werry was struck by the bain door, the blow rendering him un- conscious. When found in that condi. tion by biÀs wife, he was taken to tihe house, where lie remained insensible for some time. No bones; were broken, but his left knse is badly hurt and he bas several ulight scalp wounds, but under the ekilful guidance of Dr. Fish, he is well on the road to reoovery. Whule drawing a load of hay to Bowmattville, the load wva blown over by Cherry's Corners, -and Mr. Moses Clarr, Who was un thbe load, was thrown into the ditob, breaking bis leg just a.bo*e the ankie. Mr. Nelson&~ Marlow, jr., received a nuaty kick on the lower jaw fromn a horse çvhieh lie wflw in the &et of barneooing,i on Wednesdy eveming lutI.. Dr. Fish in attendanos. v The draina "A 8oeWa Glas," rendered >y the Prince Albert S. 0. T. Dr4malie Ctlb in the town hall, -laksktock, laut F'riday, wuas - deoid.d BucSuiga, nd' waa attended by a lauge andi appiregative Ther. aure mnore of au eleotion prolest W'Oilaîuis Brib"*»'s .u l,"go aOn xùmm-#udum ý, ope wtthbut beiog sus- i I ( I a a a il p a I M b Ti ~11 AN MOTANT CASE. à VICTORIA COOtNTY (ONT.), PED LER BEFOBE THE COURTS. DeWeted in Selling a Pink Oolored Pil, Whioh Ho Represented to b. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills-The Court Grants a Perpetual Injanction Re. straining Hum Front Offering an Imitation of This Great Medicine- Borne Facto the Public Will Do WelI ma3 DAM Mr. Frank Bundie, froin Da:lington,' is visfting finde haro, Miss Bondle and Miss Pinkham were aroand last week ooSlecting for tb. mis- sionamy sociaty- of the xmethodist obureh. Me~. Wmn. Hookin and Wm. Hall have been dmawing straw fromn the north end of the township. Wbile the orop in thie section were nearly dried up aud farmers are at their wits end td know how to wintem Ibeir stock, a few miles t0 thbe notth of us they have abundance. tii. VIpay dteie andtenm c lwpae nth edSae. i h pfne o aéingvn b ifrainnews Rmd special teatures& cf surpassing in- no ezaëPÙ9lolhl yexns terest aud thbat wîl appçal te every phase of net ie adepublc, hil înyexpnse humga nature.'h la is e equal of tise higis- entailea la senadinluthe* infurmmton prlcedSaunday papes 'i eVery respect wiU be.p'remptly refandïd. ubécription rcS e r;QFfô6 A .ek for D r. W iJliam ' ink P us e for e t . n prc , oc p r y a ;a r 6 Pile -People, and tike nothi Cg ,i...\ They 5u Ipinpieo T E MO W N cure Whou a&U other medi.ineg'fail. su SNDAY A.DVof ER tIGeser $350o a year., $17.e fer ,sixmoadài,, and 90C valabl hos. Âs &r th >g.4 m an hm t a: foedm emïeth ~ a Y i s i tT 4*i s p 4 s -R _ to 'ai ýY. le- 'e ml ay 2g as )f ks Jiood's Cured Afterf Others Failed Scroful n th«M Nk-Bunoh.. on. mS«. sangorvilie. Mi. "C. I. Booda&Coc., Lowel, mas.: "Gentlemen :-I beel th"t i canot say enougb in laver of Beods BSarsp&rtlha. or ltre yearu I have eexi troubled wtth &=rfui& in my oeck and throat. Sereral kinds ef medicines which 1 trill did flot do me any good, and when I coca- menced te tae Hood's Sarsaparilla tjiera..were large bunches on Mr nsck 50 sors that I Co uld net bear the aulghtest touch. When 1 had taken one bottle ef this Inedcine, the soreness btaJ gm)ne, and before 1 had fintshed the second tic Lunches had entlrely dlsappeared.1 "cicr AT WOOD, Sangerville, Maine. ;N. B. If you decide te take Hoed's Sarsapa. rilla do plot be induced te buy any other. pf>o-1's pille cure eonstip-ation by restor. b_- -m !i(, '-I-;!: action eýft Le alhznentarycamag In the High Court ef Justice yesterday thae ake to-on ilte o n gon morning, before Mr. Justice Meredith teb ae aast the cae of Fulford v. MoGabey wa The trth aî leaked out Mr. Wetheri heard. It consisted ef a motion for an was rejected at the peills because h. vote4 w.injunction te restrain Fred McGabey for the Patron candidate at the receic old frein sellhg a pili wich ho claimed te b. bye-election. Whn would ave thongl Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People. that the qeod old Conservative tewnsbi Mr. Douglas E. Armour appeared for the of Brook would have been guilty of Liii plaintiffs and itated that te defendant trailing the od flag in lb. mud, and oy *ra had beau peddling these goode about coettng a worthy man becarzso ho use, Victoria Couty, claming temn te be the Britis liberty ef casting an nde ray Dr. Williams' genuine Pink Pille. t pendent vote. What nexti 'ud was Impossible, bowever, on tbe face of Lt la our sad duty this week te recori 'he it, that they oould ho genuine, s eh sold the deatib et Robert Brandon, who w teir thent greatly below wbat they -cost st reperted last week as being very ill witl 58- wholesale price. Thse defendant had inflammation, in spite of ail that medici given cousent. Mr. Armeur sald, that aid coonld do atter a few daye of iutons, vas the motion sbould ho obanged te eue for suffering. Ho passed away ou Toesdai ed. judgmeuî ngainst him. No defeuce was oveuing of liset week. Mm. Brando; F. offered, and bis lordship gave an order weut away iu the morniug of life, heini iLly for judgment mestraining McGahey frein but 29 yeasrs of age. Mrs Braudon ha ar- continuiug te vend thse article as Dr. thse sympathy efthtie antire oeigbborboo( William@' Piuk Pilla for Pale Peuple. inulber affliction. mOO The aove paragrapb, taken from the J. C. BOTT. re. legal colmmua of the Toronto Globe of -------«M er, the I5th me8t ,centaine a warning whicb h oodC» çV. overy person lu Canada in ueed et a, ieMCr ae medicine will do weIl te, beed, and shows 1 li Diseaso Pronounceei Diabetes and lIn ld the care and pains the Dr. Williams' \cýurab1e-Given up by Himself andi Medicine Company lakes te proteet tise Friends-Cureti by Dodd'e ahpublic frous imposition, aud Le preserve KimlueytPiîIa. "e tise reputation et theirfamous Pink Pilla. RICHMOND, Jan. 20, (Special-The talk of ýe L t is euly a mediojue tbat pessesses farmersud others i n towu lai mostiy about the ormore tissu usual merit tisat is worth imi astoni8huing cure of Wmn. McCord, a fariner tation. Ordiuary mediciues are flot suh- near here. Ilis presence mnade aasurance vis- 126 ject te that kiud of treatmeut, as tiscre Io ible, iinti hoe ad-"Atter tbe doctore pronoun- ýatnotsuficintdemand for sncb medicine ced my trouble Diahetes no nue thought re- Rt nt eificentcovery possible. I was; partialiy paralyzed, 0Worth wbile. was nine nionth8 in hed and 1 rau down unti. or Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale Peo- I was a more boil. Whon I commencod tait 'Y ple have achieved a reputation for steml: ing Dcrddsa Kiduey Pilla I atuck cloise to direc- 1iug mrtunparalleled in tb. bistory et tions. One box bolpod me and smoe boxes oured mue. Arn ixty years otti and bave lived ~emedical science. Lu every part of tise bore 40 year.." Dodd'e Kidney Pilla are eold be Dominion the remarkable cures wrought by ail druggisîs and Dealer@. Price, 50 ci.. a ru by the use of tbis great medicine have box. a- given iL a naine aud a fame wbicb bas Madaine Albani thee great 0anadian conat. il made the sale of Pink Pilla simpIYliue wili sing at Eaeeey Music Hall Foburary t. wonderful. 21kit. Lt Lt la hecause of this gi-est menit, sud The Public abould bear iu mind tisat DR. )Y tise cousequeut enommons demaud for THOMAS' ECLEOTýRIC OIL has uotbiug in cotu- the medicine, that it is beiug mmitated by mou witb tise impure, deleriorating cla88 of o ly unemupulous persous in varions parts of called mediciual ois. Ltis emuuentiy pure and )y tie country. Tie imitation is ceap, really efficacious-relieving pain and lameneas, e usually wortless, sud is ouiy pnsed be- stiffese of the jointe and muscles, and eres or y hurte, beeides beiug an excellent apecifie for e cause the imitator eau make manch more riseumatieni, coughe and bronchiai compiaints. n ruonoy by its sale than hoe an by tise Nv etaPoica oemn a ýn sale of tbe genuine Pink Pille. Heuce upNofScti$ Poina225rm.tba ýy tbe pains hoe takes to seli thse imitation,. upu e 425 >f The Dr. Williams' Medicine Company annnally speuds tisousande et dollars ou- lad LuintmrsD duf r deavoriug te im press npo u the publice I ar s L n m n u e a d uf n that the izeunine Pin~k Pilla eau only be purcbFrîaed in one form-namely lu pack- The Unitedi Statea gold reserve ie uow down d ages eriloFel in a wrapper (or label), te $5so ooo0 e wîcbbeaa ce tlt rad mak, sDr Dr. J. D, K.rlogg's- Dysentery Cordial is d Williams' Pink Pii!s for Pale* People. peur ,t uskunt h rfsii No oee au buy thrpm ini aav ntbAr fnrm, aIs ghori)uk!li y r.- lable for tise cure of choiera, net even if they offt-redl many îimt-s trhl ir rsetdîsri 1 ce t, igriping pains and suiner weigist iu gold for tîseu. Aud ver in tle rnpaî&tè. t jiaà bet,rîî ubs.euccessfuliy by 0 face eft tiese contintious warni'ngstier, iedical practitioners tr a number of years with gratifying rtioultLs t stutfering from &Dy are people eoufiding euough te permit summer compiaint it is jinsu thîe mediciue tiiisi. Rome unsemupulous dealer te convinr e will, cure you. Try a botie. It sella for 25 thern that hoe eau supply tbem with Uhe cen ts. -gennine Piuk Pille iu boa.e foi-m by thse dozen or isundmed, or ounce, or in -;orne PROSPECTUS. otiser kind et a box. Any oue wLn pro. ttends te be able le do tbis le telliug au untmutih. Bear this iu mind and refuse The A DVERTISERS ail pille tisaI do net boar tise full trade FOR 1890. mark, ne malter if tisey are colored pink, __ and ne malter what lbs'%dealer says. Please bear in mind ase that the MORNING, SUN DAY AND COMMER- formula for which Dr. Williams' Pink CIAL (E.VENITNG) EDITIn S.rL r..'r I:.Çrj ho I I p v in a syst( CL&a£MONT. à On 1 1 l' TUE- FOR MAN OR BKAST. *«U luma lb St. enmd newblUtem fr.8SPlmêmd one o o .r . Dow Sî veumomd &ra aloyu won4er"fup. Cure wle= uecioe. St lau KënUpa o1hou» u mem - ,~ OWIl KEIIDALL'$ SPIYIN SURIL Dr.]B.. lz»&ZJ l"o, â.,Alpr.-% l Doar Sïur& u.Co. ee ',iisof 7m H m-mal~ pviCure" wm Mh mo io. iih=nk i, hebetninft 1 evW n&d. Hgwe - twtom 4o- Crh, oueoBI.4spavi, o0"hifaw Amid keep 1$. o tfure Dm..% r .J.KE D L OP. .b Yf -l' ForTviySrY s 1 1 m 1 1

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