Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 8

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Tho Prior ?Plaoe whien looking for .... tg 1 4Pure Drugs, 6( tgPerfumery, Toîlet Requisîties Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, 'i " Anythlng 'm th l1 ..Drug LUne, 'S Bylcy 's Druy Store, SiînCoe "St. soutil, OSlIAWA, OJsh awa. JAN. 17) 1896. OSHAWA PAGE BUSINESS NOTICE. - Oshawa subscribers or advertx-.cis tay transact any business With the CHRoNICLa or mnay obtain extra copies at any tuie, trotn E. B. Rogers. Farmiers will do well to caîl at M. E. May's lor boys' ready mde clothing. If v-ou wish a nice French china dinner or tea set, or anvthing in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. lu will pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will seil this month very cheap for cash, Genuine dîamond 14K. only $S. They are also rnaking some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sec theri. Feit Bros. Mr. \V, 1. Stericker is able to be out this w eek. The O)shawa Railway Co. is rebuilding its car sheds. Mr. Wni. Gadsby has returned from ber vîsit to Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. V. Taplin, of Novar, Muskoka, is at- tending the Oshawa high school. Mr. H. Gregory has returned from Lind- say, completely restored to health. Mr. Morse, Toronto, handled the organ in the Simcoe st. church on Sunday last. Mr. Wm. Elliott had some chickens on ex- hibition at the Owen Sound poultry bhow. Rev. Mr. Cassidy was the guest of Mr. W. E. O'Brien whilst in town over Sunday last. Miss Lottie Taylor, Lockport, N. Y., is visîting lier cousin here, Miss Mamie Wigg. Mr. James Lenton, aur enterprising poul- try bfeeder, b.is received a large consign- ment of (;olden Wyantottes froma an Arner- ican breeder. Mr. T. J. Gould is back from bis business trip to Europe. He leaves for Chicago the first of next week. The Silver Lake Quartette will appear here on Jan. 28th in the music hall, under the auspices of the S. of T. A social will be beld at Mrs. Jas. King's on Tuesday night next under the auspices of the ladies' aid af Simcoe street rnetbodist church. Admission îo.- The Hurricaneers band of the Salvatlon army *as here for the Saturday and Sunday services. The music was flot af the highesk -~ order. Mr. John H-islop, Lansing, Midi, who visited Oshawa a few weeks ago, died sud- denly at his home on the other side, of heurt disease on Sunday night lasL. Mr. John Henry bas opened out business in Bowmanville, where in addition to Mc- Laughlin's buggies and cutters he will han- die a fullI une of agricultural implements. We wish hîm success. St. Valentine's day, Feb. I4th, bas beec selected by the employeea of the R. S. Wil- liams Piano Company for holding their an- nual baIl, whicb will be conducted on the usual grand scale. Missionary sermons were held in the methodist churches on Sunday lust as fol- lows: Simcoe st.:- Moruing, Rev. P. Ad- dison, Toronto ; evening, Rev. Mr. Cassidy, returned rnîssionary from japan. Metcalf st. : Rev. Cassidy in the mornlng andi Rev. Addison ut night. Toronto Globe: Misa plngle, (late so- prano soloist of the Simcoe st. iethodiat church here) the new solo contralto of the Metropolitan choir, gave a most eflective and impressive solo at the evenlngt service There is a rumnor afloat that Postmnaster Carmichuel is to be superannuated, but lu is flot well auuhenticated, and probably the superannuatioti of Mr. O'Dea gave rise to it. Mr. E S. Edr-nonson's boy is a chlp off the aId block. Bound nat to stick at any- thing, he swallowed a skate boit the otîier day, and la none the worse for it, They say it did not hurt hinm half so mnuch as lu did bis daddy to swallow the triection boit. Senor Tesseman, principal of the vocal de- parrmnent at the Toronto College of Music, and a noted operatic vocalist, is visiting Oshawa every Saturday to give lessons in sitigîng and voice culture. Any one in Wbitby destrous of taking lessons from hlm rnay leave their names au the CHRONIcLE office. He will be in Whitby Saturday and will caîl upon any wbo desire vocal les- sons. Mr. E. S. Edmionson ia publishing a flrst class nap of the town, specially intended to adveruise the street railway and factories of this place. lu locates ahl the facuories and branches ofuthe railway, including the line to the barbor, and gives special prominence to Prospect Park. Tne town counicil made a liberal contribution towards the expenses, but rnuch credit is due ta Mr. Edmonsan for bis enterprise, wbich will prove ai much ad- vantage to every interest centered here. The circulars are out announcing the an- nual convention of the Sunday echools af -South Ontario, which will be held bere an1 Thursday and F'ridav of next week, Jan. 23rd and 24t11. The meetings will be held n the Simcoe st. and Christian churches. Hion. S, H. Blake, A. D)ay, R. W. Clark, Mn. TaIt, and Mrs. Duncan and many local workers will be present, and the meeting wil1 no doubt prove a great success. Ail will be welcomned to the meetings. Messrs. Morgan anti Son, grocers, bave adopted a strictly cash principle in their business ion the future. As a result of the reduction tbey matie in pnices a war ai rate in groceries has been precipluateti. Dotigers are being spnead round town relating the neductions wbich are being matie. Wc underbtand that Morgan and Son have ex- perienceti an increase in business as a result ai thein cashb-asti-low-pnice move. Mn. James O'Dea, landing waiter bere, I as becs superannuateti, andi will in future receive $200 a year as a memnber of tise reuir- ed list. Tise motive of tise customs authori- ties appears ta have been ecanomny, tise nemoval of the grand trnk freightsh iedis rendering bis job almost a sinecure. It is undenstoocti that no successor to Mn O'Dea will be appointeti ut present, asdt uat when one is namneti ie will require ta be qualîfied te perform a share ai tise baok-keeping anti otber work af thse customs office- The fallawing are the officers ai Heurts af Oak Latige A. 0. F., instalieti on Jas. 8ub by W. Francis, D. C. R. assisteti by Robt. Pringle, P. C. R. anti P. S. Rambougis, P. C R. :-P. C. R.., G. Roven; C. R. W. Marks3; S. C. R., J. Kellow; Treas W. H. Bennet; Sec. J. A. Wilson; S. W. R. J. Cook, J. W., J Hastings; S. B-, T. J. Sheritian; J. B., H. J Pannbuist; Surgeon, Dr. W. Coburn; Sub. Sec., E. T. Bennett; Trustees, Dr. W. Coburn P. S. Rombough, A. Scout, Auditors F. J. Wheeler, T. J. Sheidas, J. Kcllow. Thene was a delay of nearly a quarter of un hourwisen tise alarm cof fine was soustiet au tise railway shedis recently, owing ta tise fact uhat tise engineer titi sot heur tise alarm, anti no person else was allowed te start tise fine under the houler. This regulatian was demonstrateti as being a vcry bati ose, asti a very fatal anc to property. lu bas now becs tiecideti toaullow tise captais to toucis ber off if tise engineer is absent, anti wodo sou sec wby tise fire shoulti net be starteti by anybotiy, as sean as tise engine cas be isaul- cd out upon tise street. Tise long tielay of thse Waterous Engin. wcnks in overbauling tise tawn engine la a mauter wbicis caîls for explanation. Officers Instafled. Officers of Phoeenix Lotige, 1. O. 0. F. wcre installeti Tuestiay evcning by D. D. G. M., Bro. A. S. Nichols, of Bowmanvillc, as fallows :-N. G. Dr. Cobonn; V. G. Robt. Sproule; Rec. Sec. Robu Davitison; P. S., J. F. Tamblyn; Treas, Daviti Smith; R. S N G H. Buller; L S N. G. Jehn Gibsan; R S VG,] L. Abrabhams-, L. S. V. G., Win. Bellarnuy; Warden, Frank Reese; I Con, Arthsur Coult- isard: 0. Con. J. H. Kirby; R. S. S. Gea. Blamney ; L. S. S. Hugis Parks; I. G. Fred Parti; 0. G., C. Kirby; Chap., W. Ralpis. After loc'ge work, which inclutieti an miita tian, tise company repairedti t D. M. ToI's~ dinfing room where spread isat becs pre- pared for uisem anti passeti a pleasanu hour or two aver bivalves asti aId recollectians. Tisere is a gooti deal of quiet effort being put forth to neisove Bro. Mundy fremtise boarti cf education uithtie town council meet- ing on Montiuy. He and titier menibers are chargeti wiuis many breacises afi istepenti- ence of parliamnenu ucu by tiealing with tise board costinually wbilst sitting as members. Mn. Muhdy once befone isadtit resign anti accepu neappeintment on tisis accaunt. It ia cetiWy a peculiar thing tisat mes 'Who serve tise pu blic Îmec in any capacity sisoult bu tise onîy oses Who are forbidticn te make any- tbing in a business way frem tise transactions af tise boarda ubey serve upon ; but sncb la thc law, andthUicluwilastiesigneti to prevent abuses of sncb positions, and while several members of a !boardi are fousti doing busi- ness betwecn Uiemsclves andth ie board tisene is plenty of roorn for suspicion, even if tiscre bu noa reasos. Tise membens of tise boarti of education sisoulti know tise law if they-do net, anti shoult bu tise luat eues to violate it. Most cf ail mes theVrexarnple shoulti bu gooti. Tisey know thaithtie acceptance of position Involves the mccessity of' closiug business witb tise bourda they serve upon, your wedding, andi ln ting so wclcéel thanrk- fui ta AIlmigbty God for H is great providence in spauing your usefut lives while->rào tnany have been taken away. Five yeana uago many ai ycur iriends mvet here ta coînmem- orate the fiftieth anniversary of your wed- ding, but in looking over the assembly ta- fligbt we miss the faces of some aI'those wbo were then with us, but have sincé"been êitl- led home, and to-night we cannot"tùit feel çloubly grateful ta aur Heavenly Father for thse way he has watcbed aven and cared fon you. Our earnest prayer is that he may permit you ta yet remain with us for many years, ta encourage and cheen us I(n aur journey ofi lue. We would not permit this occasion to pass without presenting yau some slighu gift in remembrance ai it, there- fore we ask you ta accepu this lamp as a token ai esteem and love. Accept it flot for lus intrinsic value but for the spirit ai love that bas prampted its giving, and in the comning years may lus cbeening lighu bath ne- mmid you ai aur lasting esteem and love for you, and also be symbollc ai uhat light from henven which we hope shall brigbten with lus golden light your clasing years, and give you a happy weicame into that world wberc uhere shaîl be no need ofithe sun on stars but where the Lamb who sitteth on the ubrone shail be thse light thereaf. Mn. Annis mnade a very suitable reply. Messrs. Coryell, A. Annis, Baker, B. J. Rogers, L. J. Rogers, and several others also spoke in tenms high- ly cornplimenuary ta Mn. and Mrs. Annis, expressing wishes thiit they might live an- other generation and sec their diamond wed- ding. lu would be intenesting ta know if any other town in the wonld has as many lodges as Oshawa. There are two masonic lodges, two ai oddfeliows, one each of the Canadian ancienu ant i idependent foresters, one sons ai Scatland, anc royal teIn plans, anc sons ai temperunce, anc sans of Englanti, ane Re beccas, anc daugbters ai Englanti, one work- men, anc waadmnen ai the world, one select knights ai Canada, ane chosen fientis, one home circle, one saints rest. Then there are clubs, poker dens, close corporations, gnit anti tory associations, chur ch arganizations, andi other things ton numerous ta mention, as the auctianeers say. AIl it neetis ta miake the cisain of lodges comnplete la a bive ai maccabees. Nearly every lodge bas a bene valent as well as a social abject, but upan the whole anc can bardly find any other ver- dict but that the fîaternity business is work- ed ta death. From a social stantipoint we run aur beati inta jeopardy by bluntiy ex- pressing an opinion we have been a long time in formine, viz : that the lodge or club is af veny daubuful utility ta anybody on earth. Too many men use these places as a resort, whllst they neglecu a Goti-given duty ta tiseir families, and to many mare use these things as an excuse for dissipation. Going down uawn ta the latige or club bas camne ta mean uoo mucb. Men know veny well what we mean by tisis if women do not, anti undoubtedly women would like ta, know, If men who belang ta twelve or fit- teen lotiges would devote the samne amaunt ai study anti outlay ta muking an earuhly paradises of their homes, ubey would feed no need cf gaing ont ta hunt for scciety. The mas who goes tbrougb lufe under the im- pression that he should spenti eight nights a weck away from borne cultivatisg lotige pro- tection for bis loveti (?) cnes after be is deati, rakes a qucer view cf things. A lirtie cf tise lodge business may be valuable ; but a man who boards au home anti warks ail day and spends bis nights away bas failen fan short cf ose duty he assumeti before Goti. Lufe assurance is alsa goond; but human nature demasds that a man shaîl form as acquainu- ance witb bis wife asnd famiiy wisilst he lives, ln entier tisat they mnay appreciate bis rea- sons for leaving them pravitiet far wisen he dies- den may say andi believe otherwisc, but tisehomne is tise cnly place on tisis eartis where beartfelt satisfaction can ýbe founti. Tise lotige or club is a bogus makesisift, anti is esponible.for carrying men usrough life witi 0 k ing w!hat blîss tbis1world can store. A., J. BTÀLTE-Demlnion pianos -and organe, simeaStreet. &. O. WÂNNAi, Veteuinary Surgeon sud Dentisi, RIng Street west, Oshawa, Ont. Wu.LxamJ. Duà.nsDominion and Ontarioc Landi Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Box 87, Osh- awsk. OoxxuozsL oTEL-4. O. Woon, proprietier. Modern hoatelry, nusaitiud-eomfortabiy eqippo.d. D. M. Ton.-OCat.r.r for Balla, Âsembllcs, Wed- ding.Suppera. et,,etc* 41se auil intis-cf OIEÂWA Booxumoz-Pull line of bools, stM ner faaoy- gootis. m,3.~geu loi. Rorru-Wliil>oshalw.astage- Inu.. Lesvea OMM*& lot 8 .a nand 2 P Manud WistbyiatilOa.=,*nt4pm. - eau, wbn, mand uctre f l ue rrIqud iu n map ctaty. cuiera"«r CÇoulti ycu net get ln soute tobacco Robent ? Yau seem to enjoy a chew yourself. Sîeighs and cutters are 'helng used principaliy althaugb thse sieighisg is net good by any means. Two ef aur strictly temperasce mensfsarted for Manchester iasr Menday bue csly got as fan as Part Pènny. We ruigisu gîve the reasan, but for- heur. Tn? again boys. Mn. Miller, aur marcher, 15 serting it up te the bays in the way ai a beach gati. It is set -aur ai pýace Mr. Miller, we tbink tbey wili be tise beruer ai a litre beach admmnistered judiciausly. A suggestion. Wotiîd it be eut ai place for aur mercisant Mn. l'hompson, te ger a few; more chairs fon his store. lt is very tiresomne xaiting your tur first on ose foot and then on tbe ariser ta test yourself,- A large wedding takes place jusu nntis cf us this week. With the sountrid fwcdtiîng carnes the tboughr ai loy anti plesîy and isard rimes witb tus dry old face is pushed in the baok groui>d Would lt sot be mare p leasant living if w. could ali forget ta grumble asti remember rarh- er our favar uhun aur tiisappointment. Visitos-Miss Cana Wells cf Coltiwatex is home wirh ber parents ion a short rime. Rev. Mn,. Stasenouse af Port Crling was visiting her lat week. He looks welI. Mrs. W. L. Kings sister asti ber busbanti oi Grand Rapiti, Vlicb., are visiting isere ut present. Mn. las. Trîppe af Kinsale was calling on aId filentis. Miss Came Wells of Tarante la visiting ut ber uncleis, pu«E DALE. lames Bort and John Sonley are bath recovern g. Mee.sles are very prevalent among childres in this seighborhoad. Mn. Jobs Rundie was elected trustcc for tise ensuing trm, Pascae Luke neireti. .Miss Louisa Rustile anti Mn. Robert Brandon are bath very 111 wiub inflammation af tise lungs. Wben wili Grits leurs tsar ie is no use for thesx îa seek municipal baons in thse townshsip af Brock. Mr. Reidi, tise evangelist wba îs assisting tise Rev. Mr. Stewart in revival meetings ar Sunder- lasd occupies the pulpit here an Suntiay. Mr. Adamu Gardon, whe has becs living with John Runtile for thse hast rwo years bas xase ta work for Lyons, Gardon & Ca., ut Blackwaten. We have often heard it rernarked that tise goverrmeut ut Ottawa was rartes but we isandly thougisr that lu wauld fl aal te pieces se socs. A very enjoyabie evening was spent by tise mnembers ai the S. O. T. division ut tisehbeeof Mn. Robent Gardon os Tbunsday evening af lat week. Tise abject ai thse garisening was te show tbe respect andi esteem whicb alibave for Siarer E. Gordon, wbo is leaving tise neighbcriscod. Sister Gardes bas becs anc of tise maisstays af thse division ever since it starteti and will be greatly misseti. Aiter presentisg ber witb a beautifful album aIl proceeded ta enjuy tisem- selves asti as seme ai tise sisters wene gcruing a ltie auxiauis lu was tisaugisu besrte contiuct it in tise forn cf a leap year social. Evei-yase seemeti ta enjey lu anti we hope sotising but gaod will result frm m l. JNO. C. Bon. KINSALE. Cisanlie Silver ai Gien Major, is viairing frientis bene. Mn. Reasou cf Breokil, attendedth ie special services here os Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. HuRis Mowbray are still visiuing iniends in Westers Canada. Miss McL.uuchiin af Oshawa, was tise guest cf Miss Addie Mewbray an Sabbatb last. Rev. Dave preacheti in tise preshyterias pul- pir ut Pickering village an Sabbats evening. Mn. Lewis Rogers bas returneti from bis west- ern trip anti is berne awaiting a prorniseti situa- tion, ta wbicis be will returs. Our pedagogue la boardine ut Mrs. Tisas. Mc- Brien's tisis season. A% party tiesir'ous af cal- ring upan him will finti .lm tiser. Mr. John Saluen bas received as apriainumenu tise saine. Miss Atidie Mowbray, aacompanied by Mbiss: Harris. ai Greenwooti, will in a few days take tise train fer Otitawa# wisere thcy yul attendtise nor- mal scisooL Sotukare- excellent- sîtudents, - and- se doubt a promuising future- awaitiem. W.W wish them insccess. Mark Bignil, is ias0 pnsufficient tim wtha irt-tcl.ass shocnuàker lu »pw- maniiwlle to & ý.hiru todo-al kinds cf ippah's willb. leaeti o rcel. afuir sisare. cf ubeh THE ARCAEs GENUINE STOCK- TA KING. SA L E! £11 Witier Iooi' -"AT ORem"- BELO W + GOS T. flo.Me n C ani at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel -AT- 5000 Mlso his GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- ,P5-50 to $2ý5OO Railway and 8team8hip Agencie8 have been transferrtL I to thse OSHIA WA RAIL WA Y CO, whose -offices are a few doors soutb of bis former place of business, wbere be will be prcparedto. supply ail requireti Railway and Steam-- shup Tickets at rates guaranteed to be-as low as thse lowcst. The best stcamghîp lines on tise Atlantic are rcprescnted. Special railway -rates arc given in con- nection with Steerage andi Intermediate Tickets. Through Railway Tickets are moIti to al points in the Unitedi States anti Canada, including thse Canadian Northwest. Baggage is cbecked througb from Oshawýa to ail points. Pussengers for thse United States may have their baggage examineti in Toronto, thus -saving any inconvenience at thse frontier. AUl informtion cheerfuZty gwven. For tickets and ail information call and se-W. P. STERICKER,- u t Railway tTicket Office, Thomas' block, Osisawa. o.. CARTER, Agt, OBRAà-WA Nov. 14113, 1895. -- MIE orL - i' rail, *relwcdeht dyo6' This is flot Greek or Spanisil; but reati * it from right to left anti find out * where ta get the biggest bangains * ever offered in Oshawa, in e-..a-eý Watohes, Clocks, Jewelry and SpectaCleg, S e e --- ý aur 8 day >4 hour striking Clocks, Oak or Walnut, at $2.98 The best value in Canada, -AT- OIS J[W[LBY SIOBE, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. To the Fai'mars. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT, o o o MILLERS, wiIl give 38 Iba. of lzt elasa Florir, 10 Ibe. of Bran, and 4 Ibo of Shorta for a bushel of Wheat. They hope by this inducement to draw a large share of the trade of the district about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always ,a hand at lowest wholesale prices to Farn. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT. MILL,-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. For Delicate ChiIdren, Invalldi; and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This palatable and HIGHLY NOURISHING Wine, prepared with Cod Liver Oil, is easly retained and digested by the most delicate. For Was*n Diseases, General Debility, maie Diges io, Ciý,CaQrhland Branchial Trobl an aaof Musuar Ton.0f great Nutritive value ta Adults and Children. A marked incraSed us welght la noticeable after taknga ewbotle o tisWinewhich represeatsaum equl qanityof odLiver OiL. Ail drugists. CLARKE _& DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION AG.ENCE. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, wbich i5 to-day unquestiouably the Leading Life ýComp2ny. Canada Avident and Employers', Liability Corporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we h-andie the- Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hand-in-Uànd. Aid Savingu and Locan Co., Toronto_ OFFICE just north of the -Western BsplF,. J .CLARKE. W. F-- X3YER.. A LETER ST Thea foIowing anme e m*o( tIsu Oim ewa club: ?r*denol. %.Camail; vice coq .comtê Ved,. v We FUM Goari Too We 1 Se., I TH AN 1% -s. t Lei BIR

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