Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 4

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r'e~eage man tM acriiI p by bis professions but by bis perforara A man may mnake a long-winde4 ,testit or a i'iterating prayert- but ett ug t observer vwatw,tq ?uw.wh a udaily among bis (shlows lis. We have uot during our short lif. that "odiy g4tl necessar:ly a christian, and a man may1 paragon ln promises and p &des, lin' and visions, may be as ombin peai and prayer, without being a cousecri christian. Deeds, flot desires, constltuti man. Pe>-1ums This matter of being or flot being a christ. ,mesJan Ie a purely personai one. Eacb person lia r Bruhes muet sooner or later ask bimself, IlAm 1 a .,.,.,Christian ?" The question Je asked sudd iozl'et A rt icles, answered between the Individual aud bis Etc.,Etc.,creator. Now. that aiooks simple, but it the question dlowu b sauch a simple point. which we are selling a The maioritjr ersons~ do not fae h question (airry an iqaey, tbey bedge it. They say, " There us Bro. Watkine, he's a Specially Lovv Prices. class-leader, and a pillar of the cburch, but I know for a tact that that man cheata when he trades horses. I know a man he robbed of forty dollars lu a deal." luI the namne or reason what bas Bro. Watkius got to do wlth AI fthe persoual question, " Am l a Crsin? . VV L S8 The tallacy iu such an argument lies lu Dot J. I ' y understandlng:that Christ, not Wstklns, Js thestadar towhicb a christian muet strive I: fl: 4ai. o a that you will Dot be ac uhiemist &oe i.di"t christian because Watkins ia sncb a slckly ( UIU'~IL, example Je as Wise as to say you will ot be9 a man because some men are unmanly. Medical Hall, Then therelastill another waylIn whlcb to look at Bro. Watkîns. The un-chnistian J' man observes bim lu order to pik iws Brock Stret, - Whitby Change your tactlcs. Consîder hie actions in order to place tbem in tbe best possible b llght. Don't jump toa conclusion by bastiiy -and superficially observing any one action. Consider his ways aud b. wis,. Moreover, i Qfhrnnîelt after ail le said and sung, you will b. held accounitable flot for the sins of Watkins butfo or pso. , W~HITIY, AN 17 186. Scott repaire ahl kinde of pumps. hW hi Mr. Wm. Walters, Lindsay, was ber. ou hi Afft1ro at Otaa TuesdRy. He is selling phonographe, ai Misâ Tait, Port Perr, je spending a few &< Thec fighitirg xnerribers of the Ottawa gov- days in town, the gueet of Mre. John Reid.. ernhnent have been reconciled by somne Mr. Jo. Kiug, Toronto, spent Suuday iu r e ania and, with the exception of sir C:. H. kown with hie parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Tupper, have re-entered Sir Mackenzie King- Ti Bowell's cabinet. Sir Adolphe Caron and The second bargain day sale of remuants fo1 11CI. W IL ý1otagu hae wet uon ata hall price, Saturday. Jan. i8th, at W. G. to H n . l onau hv ep pn ahWalters'. Nt othier's necks and passed forgivenees. Lord Mr n.Brn eune oeo Wde. Aberdeen bas bessed both, and lettere day after spending a week visiting luign have beeni written to each other in a IOving Bowmanville.r "trin nd verthig e lvel. I mmi. The large new dining hall in the new1h iation and sharne ai hands look back over wing of Ontario Ladies, College was iuitiat- hed the biekerings of the past fortnight, aud ed on Monday. dai renew their pledges of harmony. Taken Mise Lillie Rice ieft Thursday mnorning on for altogether it was a spectacle uaL outdone in arydrmaon-e vstro hr ut, .Dr il k the histor>' of Canadia aince coufederation Crdra,-Dtot i and will furnish a precedent for ail sorts oif Dr. Henry Bright's English Liver and lea' things hereafter. Kidney Pille, are uow beini introduced in wOl lt is tinderstood that Sir Mackenzie Canada. Can be had ot ail ealcrs In medi- the j. owell will reinaîn premier until an ary illîe. Ir I recnstucton ake plceunder Sir Charles Men's and children's overcoats and ladies alu Tupper, senior, wben it is Possible that mandles will b. reduced to hait price on yem Chief Justice Meredith or Iieut.-Gov. Kirk. bargain day, Saturday, Jan. z8th, at. W. G. e patrick, or both, will be called to officeWaer.C froîxi Ontario, Mr. Chapleau (rom Q uebec W.tr' Dr Weldon from the niaratimeditcs Mr. Win. Strain, the genial express clerk lini and oon TegerabeifJ ht ir on :.he Whitby-Manilla brancb, has been laidk furi Charles Tupper wilh prochaim doser imiper- U witb a running affection of the leg for Hffl ial trade relations as an immedjate part of bbree monthe, but Je gettuug better.T .his uplicy, with such other issues as nsay Tyrolean Troubodours Saturday evening. Cao appear to meet the views of the Canadian Popular prices. Choice rendening of Iyo- for public. lean solos, Swiss glees, abls odhIe si o St iii iooming up in its most dangerous etc. Hear them ryu ilmisaoc a.nd uncertain aspect is the work of a ses- Ontario Ladies' College will have over oc sion of paiamenCheîf among:thedan- one bundrcd resident pupils durn the. pre- soie strong Catholic Constitueucles of Quebec more since Frances hall was erected. The the inakes members of the opposition Qb ohd ebiligJ 10iae ngtyINihih Soppose tihe government's Polcy where eiectrlcity sud presents a fine aspect. and oersethey would have felt compelled Messrs- Campbell & Elliott, of Oshawa, ICLIE ~~~ujpot î. An attempt was made to eet have put a pastry flour on the miarket, that Wal a sigepledge (rom every Couservative on its menite, will become very popular witb menîber of the House of Commous to sup- bc best cooke. Ih le prepared especialiy El port the government throughout ; but mauy for the purpose for wichit le inteuded, Je equl retused to sigu on the excuse that there was made fron the best quaiity of wheat by a Chic no reason to question their fidelity to the special procees. Mn. Campbell gives the landc party, aud thse plan tailed. makiug of this flour hie persoual supervision saing To express au opinion as to the possible and the quality ot lb iu practical use tully to vi ¶~outcome of the session's business would be sustains the iaims of ths manuifacturers. pas guiesswork. Rach niember will feel like The flour t. ýPut up lu neat paper boxes and ilhen S considering where safety lies for himeif. can be bougbî lu emall quantities so tbat al Spnil The Conservative Inemibers may feel thatmahveifospilue.W hvet 10 ices, bony iced be a ated e the Our Large Stock of1 Mr. G. B. McClelian of Bowmanvîîlle, ited bis parentp lýst v eek. Gj'saigl' yec ai young people on the c'reek. Several members of Mr. J. Watson's le ily have been ili witb la grippe. Mrs. snd Miss Donnelly have roture homne after visiting friends in the city. Mr. Braggue of Winnipeg, and'Miss1 Allin, have beeni visiting Miss Lena Allin. Mrs. Dolby of Lindsay, bas been visiti her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Perry, di ing the ho!idays. Mr. C Fox bas flot yet recovered from t effects of bis recent accident. He was qu iii agrain, tht. week, but at the time of wrti ts siightly better. The first carnival of the season was be on the quarry lest Friday evenlng. Ti costumes showed to the best advantal under the pretty ligbts. Costumes were 1 expensive but unique. Many of the friende of Mr. and Mns. Alil base lune east, invaded their homne on Frid; evening hast and had a very jolIy tlm, Games etc., were indulged in till the wi smail bours of morulng. A shooting touruament was held at tl junction House on Monday and Tuesdav( bhis week. The attendanoe was fair, ain the chief bonors were about evenly divide between Messrs. McCullough and Gold.c Vhitby, and Kirkpatrick, of Osbawa. Once more the oracle bath spoken ; th~ Jttle joker bas again turned up. In othe words that recorder oi ancieut history, th ýort Whitby correspondent of the Gatt Lfter Jying kow for three weeks, bas- aprunl ipou the delighted public baif a columnc Ight and pleasing fiction., The great cbarr rf bis wrîting consistseo its being Imbue( litb that natural simpiicity 80 peculiar t( ilmself, aud If be refrains (rom publisbinî sl effusions more than once a montb be wil ways find pleuty of readers, for there ise [al of truth I n that old saying: "A littie nonsence naw and then, Is relished by the best of men." 'he most remarkable item of the batch is )r the especial benefit of yours truly, and lis the effect that Wednesday, Jan. 8th, was lew Year's day. W. reluctantly confes, iat, as the scribe surmised, we were totahll 1orant~ of this fact, aud we are deeply rateful ý for the Information. Heretofre ýther Sweigel's almnac bas been otiw jutaI- île guide in sncb matters, but ýbi9s year it d us to believe Jan. zet was New Year's èy, so we have returned it to the publlshbrs rcorrection, Hoping that the Gazette cor. ll cousider Our thickheadedness to be our efortune rather than our fsuit, we beg ave to ask hlm one quçstion. more ; we uld 11k. to know about what time in June e24tb of May wilI be celebrated this year. ie appears in print again before that time, 9answer will be eagerly sought for, as our nanac i. uudoubtedhy running wild this ar. Get your fine-pots, grates, iron or brick ings for ail kinda of stoves, ranges or rnaces, from J. Mclntyre. w's this for a snap ? rhe CIIRONICLu and Weekly Globe and nada Farmer from now to Jan. zut; -tg7 $1.25, payable at New Years. 'Sendaa stai card and papers wilh b. forwarded at ce. eAgency HEL ÇeKRONICLR haS the sole rz fo W lyGlobeiiti ~utY~ 1we shall etili seli it Wlththe CRnON- ,B at $1.;z5 (rom, now-till Jan. iet, 1897. ýash Montezumna specWa .very morning ait 11,o3 this superlativeîy iipp>ed train leaves Deiarbomrn sain I -~ ~-.u n i~ n ~. I ~ - Stocks must be reduced previous to ou r annual inventory, and every departmnent wiIl present its quota of Bargains during the present Daonth. Odd limes must ho oleared ont no matter if it ho a lQ8s as it is flot onr mçtnrn This to carry over stocks. Ail Wool Blankets for $2.00 per pair. Union Blankets; for $1175 per pair. Men's Ulsters for $5.0o, $7.50. Extra value, arga corne early and sicure thcedBarain Dry Goods. - Tyrolean Traubadours Coming. Town ball, Wbitby, Saturday Jan. i8th 1896. Tickets 2.5 sud 35c, galler tor cbildred moc. r Tyrolean Troubadours concert company. from Austnia makiug a tour tbmougb Canada have been engaged to, appear lu the town bail Saturday Jan. i8tb. This company cornes bo us bigbly necommended and no doubt wll receive gond patronage (nom eitlzeus of Wbitby. Mrs Digian, of Ashburn, t. visitig Mrs. West. M. Wm- 0k, is ln Western O)nt, looking afer business aflairs. The Patron sparrow contest closed Iat week. Cap:. Kemp le the sest minu. as they will be3oej N Ready-made Clothing. JUST RECIElVEImwàmo (sim A.co pny f Young people were eînaudDon't buy before calInmg and ex m n Ohoice ffewGoàode, China Glassware and Crookery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries. Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap-for-Csh or1T.ad1 lize oSi teTms Ufr. West bas securei the services of Mead lascetaker of ibe sebuult for ibis wiruer Ib*gtters 'have liou - recousidened and'1r Padgèet vil! nensin with Mr. Dâvey for another Supt. Mnr. Mackey flot beiug-abhe to b. at Fhis pas: o! duty on Sunday. Mn, Gen. Coakweil took hie place, Those un the sick list are Mn., 1. Rowe, MaOhis Mackey snd Will Sanguine. Alhp to son b. ont agaiu. 1 in 1 at j S.A tidi edec fi s c istE dix ~'-'~bESTÂTB WIOK. A great number in tht. neigiiborbood are su!- fering from very heavy colds, lu soin. cases s0- severly that it seéms more lic. the grip than the. CÀoId - Y.. il !IAEJ'I New lotir ~caiI. Jec JCin view but 10 defend the natiou'e honor. ~ Sboitos * It is ail war talk just now, sud ail for We vould u*re.po u sbe o n honor. Neither chnisîlan humility non 1the rue U uppaon ourThoadvanto uelH - loventf mankind appeare b ,cut any figure. inettg liirl .1eky Globe or W.m ach The United States bas linnor at stake if Eng- y al r ibC Oc land engages in disputes .wlblîSouth Amer- 1 an-iprfi b HKNZCnor ud ica. Englaud bas honor at stake If Kaiser mua b M, > t tCvefybody.Ota Wilhelm sticks bis nos. into ber aftaiIn luTvO«best'I pr st rvneThe South Atica. These littI. points of bonor T&kUng the Toa=cto Weekl Qlobe aS Ag4tI~ must iail be settied betore the spilling of th. eeal e*spr, and Tum&tmL a c b blodof tensofthousanâs of Ar*ùmînueau 1a local paier, w. do flot afrefriî mauei~m 1 w fI, ie. or nd ed he ig of to il Il secure the Bargains ]Ready-made Clothing, 1 1 y AI :e: TOWN LIN». :)nces to Suit tke Times. .. m 'r-116 à- 'q - ou-% do,*% T 1%. .8 STOCK TAKING SALE,

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