Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 2

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agood comfortable buildcing. ,The.W ;,0iw.Sgo-#Einervm, S8 hit towSth n .'siwre 0 ngioua, -ag4 Ibr.w *O W rent could be laced at anominlsu m I. S., A i$ B.-T ho ni s n , Mcms n j" o oby Mr a k ~ 1 e a d lt s M r and that wouid niaterially assiat the On ~Wednesdav afternoon,jgni 4, pofltihe bard wrl.NobOay Wa. hutLIyofÂervse Sdati Comnpany in discharging its obligations. the residence otr. ymo, a h ote edsanvto'i-,et ftei îtrM.R -News. ~~~~~~father of the bride, a mile1 iý6uth cOf A uitedOrsia nevp etng!uhn UX8RIDGE. h~ere, was filled to the dQOtà# with the wM ll be11.14;lu kox-ohuroh on Sunday misé M.E.Bdytahe heFA â. ripe <>~~ ~ * elite of Egypt, M ount, A lbert', N w- veing ne t. Eden a'd Gam ebridge 8 1 0 0 ~ ét h n v c to t t o o maket, Beetown, Providence,,Z *phy branches 'ill b. proseiTe eenghrLkeVwfam Robt Foter ofthe th Ofl Otand the vicinity in which the bride re- 'ill be addressed by Be,. Mr. MOManue, ThunipleeoonfrMrth Scott, died on Thureday last at the age sides, to witness the nuptiale of Mr. B. of Port Ferry. ervsoet ermmee o en oftage Of 78. The funeral took place à. Lepard, of Udora, fortnerly of . h ibrl bv al bhircne on Saturday. Zephyr, and Miss Nellie, fifth daughter tion to nominate a candidate to content se erefgt h aoiyi hsvcn alarriages. ~of Mr-. J. Thompson. North Ontario in the. Dominion eleotion, ty are in bihge vrteeeto On the ist inst., by Rev. John wbioh looks to b. very close upon us, for Mr. Dunoa rhr ve i2poe Power, at the residence of the bride's arin* Wednesday, January 22. Mr: WilliamBorfedso evb lather, Mr. James H. Umphrey, to NERlIUUS > AIOI The. wedding belle are ringing pretty majority of:21 Mis arieTMrqisTIONf heton-often in our burgh the. paet two weeits, Mr. JohnSeliMinu.nrhi Mhiss H ripM r us i of the to n- - -and the. firet day of 1890 saw ewo more Of home from h.u ei g di rit f M s shpO heistirock. Rv.JonThe Barometer of HeaIfk 1S Our young folks wedded into idone har. koka. On the 'St nst,, by Re. John ~'~' monions whole," in the person of Miss It ils ou, lauet wloi ot 2Wm .Power, at the residence of the bride's th Nervous Svstem, Bertha Boseborough and Mn. John E.M .Rma h a ene 2Wme . omfather, Robert J Hisley of the town- Little* Tii. young couple who are well villageMr A om mr on ship of Flos, to Miss Annie Acton of Headache is Not Brain Disease-Don't ad aîtiorgi aul resien toMstof Lus, Mes Mu cOtee a etre the township of Reach. atog o culriiet ftevl isM Jae Hmlono xbig tw- Make the Saine Mîstake as to Other lage, wr, w.dded ut the. areonage of the. from here Xm: hldy ihfinai ilfliCtiO iwsmrid tS.JmsCte Miseeies-Use Dodd'a Kidn.y pille methodist cbnrch by the RLev. Mn. Barris Victora Rarbr dral, Toronto, on Thursday last, to and Get Cured. New Year'is day, and after a few daye Que of ouc on e a upcc P.riaOdntlyGured by Taklng Christina, second daughter of Mr. - wedding trip have returued to town of the larcenyo ac rmaro wiiere Lhey expeot to take up house one night Latwehohinbenee Sara. John Maynard of this town. The Nervous condition is th. natural bar: keeping for the winter.interm Young couple are living in Toronto, ometer of health. A YRparfila M.Hmlo en employed in a bi- If you vaut Lo k2ow yonir exact stand. 04&NNINGTON hour. A t]ruhsao f b rri ACI-R R eIy.cycle factory. iug in the. soale, consait youn nervous Mr. J. S. Shier, an old Brock boy, Mr o n o eed eaepesd A CÂ -DRVER' ST EY.The death at Sunderland on Tues- sy etm. bas been elected councillor in Brace- 'tate Jable eb ru d atr a svr "I wa afficte foreigh yeas w1hmal dayof D. J.W. HntIf ayoteuelaokI oulack kuc cocoragee, ene , ridg.,sbridge.bl Rheum. Durtng that time, 1 tried a greai t e omti wrong.I o elatc fr many medicines which were highlyrec- age Of 36 years, will be receved with shaky yon tmay b. sure M.of iL.ss. Mayockis os oznmended, but noue gave me relie.i regret by his friends in Uxbridge and Nte Lmsotof itwet alyfrznwuedivn oeMt h ol ielooare ihacnMhebe wma ai ast adviged 10 try A yer's Sarsa- places. In hisoutthe deceas- u Tyroe hiedvngaotroth l.tm g c parilia, bY a trtend who tolud me that 1 other pae.I i youtthe ees kiduey work is ut th. bottom of every epol fCnigo lasenecdt he inh ntecut mutdmhs ixbupsTpre e od man nteeore thys ey goal. mus uchse ixbole and use theni ed was a pupil of the Uxbridge high &ilment. a ' p reciTe a 'r Imnthbere n"mn okdforetygol acring to directions. 1I Yielded te bis coîadsoeohifeowtuet Thrfat ectuLr.. . .My alge aengL rsu&sj, bought the six botties, and ncol n oeo i elwsuet h roof of tIis lies in tIe fc that eetdM.J .V a yalre Arr i kI r, he con tents of th ree of these bot.. stili living in town will remember the Dodd's Kidney PiIls-golely and pur.îy majority. a h oso ctadcnetL .gv m ey r hand flts h d te urh t e brg t sp rtcd b y o t o e da s as kidney m edicine-cure iu Lat propor Reeve Couthard, of Oshawa, Reeve en in the hal he e o Lb 2 st e. Mr my hands were At the last meetig of Court Ontario tin of cases. Treleaven, of Beaverton, and Reeve1 James Fax te ntd c m da lu F ree from Eruptions No. 8s51. O. F., tlhe following officers Don't imagine that becanse yonr bead Umphrey, of Brock, will be probable with othernoedaltwilak pr. aseertifywee M usnss hih were electedfo 1896: C R, John aches that the trouble je where the pain candidates for the Warkenship. Either No on.e houfiltatndnthewI as erthofayat-werre y uinessmehte Ewen; V C R, J A Graham; R S, C E felt. one of theni would make a goodb h vn be out in cold and wet weather oîten Rainey; F S, Chas Kelly;-raTo It i. Vuite as easy to make the sanieden War-beheentoth aon Wtotgioves, and the trouble has Boyd: B ; îstakeen Mr. A. W. aeyo h~Lv nWle thotind-ToAA.jas y: Chap, SB Todd, S W, J Fra- itk when yonr rnisery takee any ery stables andarsdneo h ilg àtator, nt lck ",'WWothngo; B ioterfomDIED-In Lindsay, on Thursday, for some imehmie eafamafi Bhra;JB ad , I ssfJ easm ta orkidn.ys JnT nMrs.Ann tane Kemptt f h village.h yers IIy SrspBrila hepL; TusB, Card: C DHR,W need help, and takre Dodd's Kiduey pille, lict of the late Geo. Kempt, sherifi of Th remainsoMr. ayNihln B Todd Trustees, J Eapa GouldapTlW than to take the is ik of any delay. Victoria, aged 74 years.wodidaCateoJn.2,reo f Admlitted at the World'u Pmr. oe seato. Delay may cost you a wearing sickness, Marred thoeatcbNcosnadmierf _____________Assocation or iL niay coat you your life, while Dodd8e At the residence of the bride' s Mre. William rofedcwr ruh Aver'a Pilla Cleanse the BowveLa That useful organization know n as Kid ney Pille ouly coet 50 cents a box. mother, near Manilla, on Jan. ist, '96, te the village nte88griFia the Siloam Felon Association, held its lit matters uow what ails you, YOu Will by the Rev. G. McKay, assisted by the evening andtaetersdneoM. anul etngo atra ls.forget Lb. namne of your trouble aft.r 3YOu Rev. Mr. Brace, Mr. Duncan Ewart, to William Broofed h nrlto Fromthe epot ofthetreasurer ît ap- The. best pro of that you needed kidney Miss Katie J. McPhaden, aIl of Brock. place Saturdayt i.Sbih eeey (JORRESPONDENCE peared that hait ot the 9o members treatm.nt je tîat you have been cured by On the ist inat., by Rev. John Mn. tiios. MDrotlf nMna 0,:-had flot paid their assessment of 50 Dodd's Kidney Pille. Power, at the residence ofthte bride's laet for DulutiMmatnaln îi cents towards the expense ot recover- father, Mr. Jas. Umpiirey, ta Miss to frienda in ti ilg n iiiy PICKERING. îng Mr. John Saunder's stolen horse BEAVZETON. Harriet Marquis, ail of Brock. Avr eeebizr ae nti frien s. L 'llr ~~ hitl)y last summer. The plan of the associa- M r. Fred Tidale, of Kirkfield, was in At Beaverton, on Jan. Ist, at the sto n i a rd y L . w rt o h tinhsbe orequire amembership onlawekmthds parsonage, by Rv Harris, season. Mr.Jtm. ht of Liverp>oolj feOf$ o ntering, btntigfr te f$îo1 utntin u- Mr. J. S. Giveus epent a day or two in Mr. J. Little, ta Miss Bertha Rose- The anniverr evcs nteMto sernois] iii tit. week ither uniess it should le needed. The Cannington last week. borough, ail of the tp. of Thorahi. diet churchhreilbeedSuayte M.Ne(i'f"fS neW memberships have paid the ru n- M.KnD1doo ikilwsi~Boktwsi ee a et 8th, imet., sdtejaLb olwn MSid y(-r. edc if 4 ite le pent ning expenses for years, and this as- Mr. n D vdso-o Kr:el, s e cnd w shp d rha a bth r Monday. Mis ndyW r'~trh tri c iii' sessment of 5o cents each is the only t o lectio day. sc n eputy-reeve than Mr. John Mr. Joh 1 Mih ier peol il îen holhdays one that the members have been aske-d Mr. C.- E. W estott, Mise E vu Westott Wetha, yet he was defeated because g nMtah r hdte ifn withi Fier pC<plt n ()shawa.to pay for a great many years. The and Miss Neli, Young epreseeted Beav. the Patron-Grit machine made i tune te) e i a dcuse hi up NIr ad f te es, rcoer o th soln hrs cst erton at the. Cannngton bachelor's ball, thein candidate. Weii may he excaini ing turnipe on hrda .k are licre %wîrhi frîends lt-ist no%%. and each member should cheerfully aGdSv e rmm rend, s isJn MaFile and LMnaNlbry of Whit- pay their lîttie share. lnstead of being Mr. Walter McKay je speuding a few pecialiy when these friennsar Patron- Will Murphy. 4-. we're here (wýer Sunda« Mr. Saunders' it might have been any days witî fniende inn roronto. Giits. They sacrificed i by their Mr n r .(.Hai%-r ihother man's horse that was stolen, I Miss Hanna Webeter, of Port Penny, is friendship.-Gheaner. Onclimuersandmln aaiobddnfuV T o rn o nd s or NW. G. H ar wer with the assessm ents are not paid w e are visiting ber ister, M rs. W . D . R odm an, SUN ) ERL Mrn te0 mz.v es n se c s£t ed h t t e he t T o o n o r î n s o r N e e a s ' d a . a r a i d t h e s o c i e t y w i l i b e a l l o w e d t a B a y t r e e t . M s . R a p e t W d e d y i n d uly s e [ ite y i p , & , T e e e r o , r Mrs. R. \Vestiake and her daughter drop, and this would be a caiamity, for Mr'. Wesley Mitchell, wiio bas been CaMinsMgto pntWesa n *îîîeî, it JC seo adabti fD. aware tha 'ie> can indulge te their hean Tuesday Smith Clark proceeded ta the bush, and tliat is where Doble' and Mn ogsthn Knnnoamnydywrsa0A outHod's a 3mrmsinlla-lt expela b,%d - put a nack upon a wagon without as- Shields found theni. Dable asked b gatbr, n hma been absent humer sud creates goodi humer. A batile for Om eca detsr sistance, When it was almost an, the Johnston why he had ieft and Johnston fentspaefrLi atnvuyan lo .w, ods !argaparilîa vigot.ouely retumned ew Yean ' evening.flgits, and iL h lways victorjous in expelling Eîtabied.Pblisbed eeyee affair slipped and felI up o n h im . T h e said b c u e h s t e w a t . I s w re c f e u na tttf p r e t he li . h c sare. pape ve in .it r . xa aew s ni U n p iv . $ man was unable to remave the rack claimed that Doble then took hold of we h araeofl te r of,!, Liii foui ait r sud gl an ther i ii h uht n.&wYr' letadbi vn and had ta remain beneath it until Jahnston, and that Flewell interfered twue.k fair nage of anter o satinum btshe thr ioâ îeaes yar some men passing canme ta his assst- teiling hini to leave uimalone-that f0myon n. ie Rs a. b enson Pille act eaeîly, ye-prooej *nsd 0f- Âdventiser anceWe understand that he is flot Johuston vas his man and Doble had fenMu Winm oss. Miss Boss, blu as H-!emtYon heboel aMovr'iW.no.,e ý- inue.no claim ta bum. The result vas that office in Toro<nto during. the put thré,e- or Uuft*emcoàtu r, cub~~< ~~~Y ~ 8I~ Ti D. McLennan, of Sydney, bas been bastilîties commenced between Doble four yeana, snd vas marnfid inu that ety now do te o Statstr. Clent e.amrl h zo appainted night agent at this station, and F'iewell. Doble cdaims that Fle- Chniatinasmorning to, Mn. Meezie; of ý ,J qeOlmiu uwie: ,pnoe, s3 pet',~f hlaig now been an duty for a week. well got hum down and pounded him Toronto. The *baîppy couple, speut a si hMre TecJ.affiioted for mb orne ts*, ites:114 T. Cvi who has fi lied that position witii a cedar I11mb, Flewel avers that portion of the baveprc L bvu uy ud iCefr alu 't. me i i--A ro tb e past seven years, was transfer.. Doble vas the aggressor and tried to fietibiteoe," s u us:sbtSOiisfrthé NwoW-,t PIegOI3 zedta York. Timothy is anc of our gouge uns eye out when his (Doble's) phras. for tying. h nuptia knot osems ïe ~ <'~< ,own boys and we shah h feel pleased to turn came to get the best of a clinch. to be quit. a 7'oplar aulement lat.ly 11idth.a iinws 44M~zt hean of lis continuai success. The case occupied the morning, and lie lateut bfaflMtinflue belng Mr. W I~Pleur 'fc f ami :toroaeurvé 41beputlgaü Manday monning, whiie Wrn. Hami, part of the afternoon, and vas 'thea Moore, ou cf Mn u us Moore, vho givs!e, e l 1. ~goa1 sr asaoir iqà~ uobk, sr., who ives forth and cast of this adjourned till Saturday at xi ia.4r.m . vas aniz4 ou Ne* ' tr-0 dsY iM, PP# hb pWau-tom~r~ ,<place, was harnessing bis horse vien F. Patterson@, Q C., appeared for PrytO 0o16'cf -,Port P" qa hiMésô -ýî the animal lecame viciaus, striking e Doble and T., W. Chapple, M3. P. P., for daughtans. The brida, parVy,9 tmkm, pais-"~ old man violenthy and while h lyFleweil. After the adjoirnment of Of t!h aPPY Ocupef i.,oan. y<talu r4.*a ~PU prostrate upon the ground, the rt this case, another, of 7a7 somevhat u-B.Ytanad 5pelit a---$m' o~4aov 1r*s b 3tepped upon bis face. The twound al-. usuaifnatur'e.,-wàvas ke.nup. I aes n.lco. zsioé. s.f #i though flot of a vital nature, required that Hieizy' Jones boflht a càwfov r> hnjy ný P ê * Ii*k tive stitches. The horse bas hereto- AC Wbney for $zo, and- oIalued nugui24 aat.WOrstIa4ont.,~ fore been of a quiet nature. afterwards 'bàili wa cosumt ev "T'er, 4.y e wTb eand- Very many people in Clareniont,. , -Brougham and Pickering, as vel as a caeas d --o r îv«.5Ita 124 2tSOy.4 Id 'Ti-iw4 lev who do not reside in any of the T i y t eI O a c m uét above vijllages, are just novw onderna Mi . ou t. top (. spet« 42ds*4weew -, as to the whereabouts cf James LenuôOn, tiielegM.hight that bas been illuna. M .4 ing this locality for the-,.pat tew W *sud friands.ut <nontias, They do say that he over- mi"SS uSte. Horner cf Tptçî,n4o 1 ee dn$ looked a nuniber of unsettled accun:s here. on Mondy iOt*it aft*« before bis- u-announced de.p=tx*r.Uing tiue. ltalds under thte, mW 0 lu nicet cases hie absence vil! serve te 100E - settie th1e acu~s.MS I A number'of friends assembW a ta week =ý Iie. n ftesîdénçc of Mr.'-sad -Mms ereDiOs Davidson, Cherrywood, Tlwrsday eve... M. W= L I1w $= Iig tàf fast -week and4,epem a r * That Tired Feeling, Oonstipation and U~n in the Back AppeUtt. and I4eaIth IotR.md by' Nood's Sartapamilla. Mr. Chas. Steel. St Catherine's, Ont "C.. I Toed & Ce., Lowell, Mas&: IP- -"mber of years I ave been trubled w1th a general tired feelng. shortuess of breath, pain in the basic, and constipatmtt I ceuld get only Uitt!e reet at nlght ou account ef th. pain and had ne a ppetite whatever. 1 waa that tired in my limbs tat I gave out before half the day was gone. 1 tnled a great number e! medicines but did flot geL any permanent relief froma"y llood's1&e ýCureis source until1, upon recemrendatien of a f-iernd 1 purchased a bottle of Haod's Sra.- which made mue feel better at once. Iihav'e c'n- tlnuecl Its use, having taken Lhree bots, alid 1 Feel Like a New Man. 1 have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever I dld, and enjoy perfect rest at niglit. 1 k.ve much pleasure In reeemmendlng Hod's Sarsa. parilla." CHARLES STEELE, with Erie 1're, serving Co., St. Cathelnes. Otario. U"'1'f r:*nrr rýn,%t Pmd efficient, yet .-s ili 4'tjoli. îL'y zý1 druggists. 25C. FOR MAN OR sgA8T. <Owesta uInSe eb 9Msudnoem biZute. Doue 8v-~Pha md ae ou ,of y ow M=com uama- t la a aaoou~¶avm.u4v'bodmoured lie. 1 REMBALL'SSPAWIIgJ1Es* Dr~~ '. cg&& &z& Dr Sfr.-I haveo useeeral frtlsm or 'Kxendlos paela Or-rol" l huiiom. Udaku* thc bout Linment 1 evS e& d oev ýtm Bo e is. oz f trIeds wa am=ucùplem vla :a": ba1DaI1=2 ïç~,~ Ià,U -~ - v la Id it a

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