Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 5

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18,5 "'Ring out the old1, Ring in the new.» 1896. *Ir. Barnard wishes his customëts ai and friends a Happy ai Prosperous New Yea OMeWia Couuty Orgaa.-Larg..t Ctruj tAon of a 10«ocalpaper la Caada. FRLDAY, JAN. 109 1896. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Mr. Robt. Brown, Port Perry, was in toi Monday. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, onlyl at W. Till's. For sluggish liver use Dr. Bright's En lish Livc:. and Kidney Pilla. Bargain day sale of reinnants at W. Walters', Saturday, January ui. The Rev. Professor Cayley will preach both services on Sunday next at AU Saint church. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. A. McGillivray a rived back on Sunday from spending ti holidays with friends at Ottawa. hd g. G. at LTp Mens and children's overcoats wilI be re- duced to 4 regular price for one day ouly Saturday, January rxth, at W. G. Walters'. Miss Florence Darnentl let ou Monday for Toronto, aller haviug spent two weeks at the homne of His Honor and Mrs. Judge Dartnell. Mr. John Kirkland. accompanied by Mr. A. Dewey, left on Saturday last for Birming- ham, Que., where they bave secured work ini a brickyard. They will get the material in rtadiness for the spring trade. Wanted Good general servant, to go to New York. Expenses p aid, if necessary. Good wages. Apply at this office. Reuew yonr Subscrlptlans. - -We would urge upon otmr subscribers to renew subscriptious ai oncc. The advantage in getting tither tht Weekly Globe or Week- iy Mail-Empire witb CIIRONICLE for 81.25 must be manifest to everybody. North Wurd Election. Monday was a very inclemctnt day for holding an election, but the vote in the north ward for counicilors, which was the only contest in town, was quite large. Ac- cording to tradition Coun. Scott headed the polI, with Conn. Noble and Ex-Coun. Rob- son a good second and third. Mr. B. Madill is a new man at the business, and of course was disappointed when the ballots rose to speak the result, whlch was as follows: No. i. No. 2. Total. j.- Scot.......... J, Noble......... Wm. Robson. B. Madill........ Marvellous and Wonderful. The great and raging sale. Hurrah for Whitby, where you can get your boots and shoes cheaper than any place in Canada. Stop for a moment. Listen to the caîl. Mens fine lîned waterproof overshoes 98c., men's long rubber boots xst quality, $2.35, mens fine rubbers, ist quality, 45c., ladies' fine croquet rubbers ist quality, 2,5C., men's fine rubbers ist quality 45c., men's rubbers and stockings 75c., misses' storm rubbers ist quatîty, 2,5C., miisses' rubbers and stock- ings, 6,5c., child's rubberu and stocklng 6oc., men's heavy buckle rubbem and socks, $ .5Com pare wîh otber p4tes and save your dollars by caliing ut M. W. Collns' New Shoe Store, East Side, Whitby. On bath sides. The dyspeptic Ga.,,ette mnade s great fus wo weeks ago lest " Charle King & C."1 should go in by acclamation, snd 1ai week worked a lot of flth off lis diseased stomach because tbey were so electtd, snd because somnebody said they vert the best avaïlable men. r'hen h vwinds up lis tirade by saylng that undoubiedly they are tht cnes for tht place. Nov, vhat seuse la ibere lu sucb talk? Tht Gazette bas alvays put erery- thing.-.hich wasn't 'much ta b. sure-lit could in tht vay of tht prosent municipal leaders, snd vould put tbem out ver quick- ly if it could. School Notes Tht coileglute opeaed lu (full force»s- far as puPils une concerned, but theauf vw« short ba ne. The nov science natçrbu alîhaugb h eah was m ztreurqly o tht attendarice wvnms Xe - iL wu fm" .'-'.,.4fficuIt to drive thet (ion oi t 6f Oit W&U.O ïW<~lscbol sud su ej dJ uuqeji bs to be nude-W tire, ft&ution -1wgfim tMa furnace.s achanc. Tht literai>' socdel>' -«-ht oe I tio. er i Hr 'loi Wé R. whtu both sq.*-OY This, qlo'wl aof gooeuÏUà b~tit rtepr m a O tute prtul h oser clerk to dies t-o t'hb DIU&eoupdaî' n SUth Qnto, will be ee u- thé mutt 3suu*rY .eWili l -beblg WWwsd t aatilu lathe thevaiu. hee wlu bc ffdProfepa ne. Mir. Arthur D,0oeei, ~ Suu oui worhhkt clüobei, Mi,-Thoý,. u.Jerell bus Purcbased a drug butqi.,ss.1 t 120 üueo ut. wost, -Toronto Wi, vougraltêvo frloud Arthur upon bis enterp<ria., ud opet ho may b. blghlyàuSuccssn. rs4m o The Gamoîru puit. nlu uesfoidyspop » i the. end of every litd ieorofcorr.spou. deuce. Why doo.mn'îNewton taire someoro ft, sud smes alfth bsfoui fstomacb ittu te, public naSîils eyery week. -Au otor Who, bas fot a cbosrul Word tO"y to or or a, body ut Christmas and nMW yearasehorut doctor Up bis dyspepsia a litile. Sir. and Mrn. jas. Lawrle oelebrated tholr cyYhga wedding on Mdonday nigbî at the r'; sldence of Mr. and MUn. Thas. Doverell, sen., Ptrents of the bride. Many of thoîr old-tIntit rlbeds here were lnvited in to par. ti(Ipate lui the ceremnony, and a most erioy. able Urne' *às Indulged ln. We congratu- late Mr. and'i gSrs Lawrle on ibis happy re. turu of the fteelitbannlversary ocf their weddlng, and hope tliey ma.y live to enjoy ai leasi a golden wéddieg. E 01 ~different kinds of ladies- misses and childrens boots and shots at %ôca pair. Se the ussortment on tht table outSiUe. West side boot aud shoe, White front' Dtverell'a block Whltby. A pleasat way. We have ta thanuk many subscribers wbo bave kludly sent lu new subsenibers. witb their own. Twlce this week we bave had men send le two iiew names w1th their re- mittauces. W. trust that ah wbo vwaut us ta club other papers with THIa CHRONICLEC vil hurry matters, We viH gire to ail the best and cheapest newspapers tbey ever' arts arm hich Make your lieus la'y by' feeding crushed ozter hells, ta be had ut- W. H. Ntwbery, Gilpia's loculs. Spectacles and eye glasses ut huIt price ai A.M. Gilpins. Hlghest prices paid for old gold sud suretr ut A. M. Gilpiu's. When you vaut your watcbes,1 docks sud jewelry repaired go ta A. MI. Glipin, Conners old stand. Ail vork guarauîeed. Remember for tht uchool opeuing aschool opeuing scbool books sud supplies of al kinde ai com. Tht great sacrifice sale la stili going on at A. M. Gilpins, Conner>s old stand. Watches, docks, fancy goods and jewelry will ail be Sussex L.odge «fieSm D D, Bro E R Blow installed the oificers for tht above lodge on Priday the 3rd. Pres. F Joues ; vîce pres., Jna White; chaplain, J no Baternan ; sec., Wm Rabson ; mress, Wm Noble; M C, Chairman W J Hallett, W J Luke, A Southwell, Jna Siaulick, G W Saunders, C Seldon; 1 G, W T Isaac ; O G. Gqio Robson; surgeon, Dr. War ren; trustees, C Fox, Gea C White ; * suditors, Jna Blow, G W Saunders, W J Luke, grand lodge dele- gates, E R Blow, jno Bateman. - After in- itiaiing seven candidates the members ad- jonrned ta Mr. Yates' to- regale ihemselves wiîh oysters, etc.. After spealng, singlng, sud other amusements the party brolte up with God Save tht Queen. Board of Edncatio Tht board of education held a short meet- igon Wednesday ta wind n p tht busfiess of 189& There was considerable discussion over the payment of the furuaces at tht model school,, which, have been reported as being iusufficient to heat tht place. It turus ont, howeven, that when propei haudled they work ail night, aud te s- couut passed tht property comuittet stage. Mn. Ormiston, cha of sehool maniage- ment, reported that Mr. Dent, tht new science master, ýcoald ýnotget away froni bis preseut posmition for a month. sud ta- pears that the custom of applyingfr er, poitions befo en»g those l ad, ituce fortht sake ïof lettingthem- go. fiChe Ln Mr. Deat's casesdnvbsordit not relea e lm itl>u.tmonth's notie as per ugreteet. -The matter vs wu t Mr. Ormiston ta deftiviLl.Ttbor u adjourned sine .di. - CHRON ICLÉ-aud weekly Glîobe ta Jan . st, 1897, $1.25. CHRONICLE ahd- weekly mail ta IJan. zsti, 1897 $1.25.i CHRoNicLE sund Wonld 82.5p a year. CHIIONICLIC sud family Herdlic and week- ly Star, t1.75. a yeat. CHRON-ICLE aud Montreal Wîtness 81.6o' CHRONIrCLE and Toronto Moraing Star Cer News O$175 ayesr. Thue Royal refitted Mr. J. Bo Schiller han made -a thoroggh renovationan sd refurnish*ngof '.tkt Rqýïal hotel since takingpossession, Ail crpets,, linoleums, bedding and bedsteade, in faet ever t in front celler to ga et b s en Iput iun nw, -sud aIl ail of tht eryb 1tual,. I ny. Tht paintiug inil ot be doue tin _spni but whnLtbsbetu doue tht Royal wl ~rsent -Emappe atance non all and y u Mtli'the counmty r .J.Jhso ha the whale matter of reftuag-and, ne- fnrnishingelaced 1» bis bande swlth instruc- tions use lis own c4iscretiou 'i Makht9 W &ntlas'y as ~ ~~certiny doAe r 3x. Tht wbole job is tiesubjeci cf tht irhetpraise from vr us fti hotel. -- u fti lt Tw vddig. - --- i.bve at.ilpFUR O&P E&9 lsft w bth w.#e iU (V u4 7 . OW ry < W 20&.' ostly iGiduo.MM-Prims.: e U~lry, rgular 500 god.Woué'sH COM it,ïëi o w priS cu ja,~r out. Ws uasu Ail our MILLINERY -SXOK w*U b. e d ý co Great Vilues, low Pmie.IUb~ prises We .w.>.si iv dwrl Our msalsare ieniqbra o.IMM '~argain Da-,,y n~s- of, dre.-1 'ts bousi ~c~ u 7,, sc w u*1e ci d vir tises ii q.eo the-qohtkrOntario coun rcote m. s l g bî t u th ,.$ eî tent1 W hOn t0 6 etber ussaagets w re it of i cannai, tii Jieras bl ndnuch fault wih 1a t lia-uaane wozld bave been Dinnîs had vo iald tbe woid. 4utant Mîier laie ofSt. Cs:athrlun5 ai atp rabas ar;lv.dlunWhitby îolUk chutt oIîbelcgl*ork bere andià u î dnaity lne *11gVe 'naddreg,-on Surndaq n1ght ai 8 p. m., ou' "The big fight revlew.; ed-, Or othe Mau who threw up tb. spouge. » - On Tuesday neou ai 8 P. -Mu. Z9be 4Harmonlc HurdRlcneers," a good brasa band travelling frOm Place ta Place glVing entertajuments lu salvation army ch-clos, %vl in Ist Whltby aud on Wednesday Jan. Ïmb they yUl wakeu mnusical >ecboes ut Brookle. AU thé. resldents of 'tbis sectlon are invited to these meetings,, Local meetings lu Whlîby held Saturday'ntgbt 8 p in., on SundaY 3 and 8 P. m., aud on Thursday ut 8 p. m. um "Scranton Coal". R-. P- Blow will sdi Scranton coal at $.7 a ton at his coul shedsaut the harbor (limit- ed quantlty) until after New Years. Office opposite CUfRONICLir, Whitby, ont. Purchaso stroag boots for the var. Auction sale Of boots, and shots, rubbers and overahoes, ut the west aide boot and shoe store. The g-oods which are to be sold are of the best quslity and yuli be sucrificed Saturday evening Jan. il 1896 et 730. Goods purchased ut the sale willlbe changed at the store for propr sizes. Do flot miss this& great sale. cas. Scott, auctioneer. Holiday Gretlng from &Autria. We are lu receli tOf the l'ollowiug warm- ,heurted greetiug- from Mrt. Leopold King, ;Prague, Bohem la, who is -a brother of Mir. Chas. King, ont worthy reeve: 41 beartily wlsb von A Merry Christmas sud a Happy Nèw Year. Please give my best respect to ail my good frleuds lu Whitby who, re- ruemb-er me from 187-73. LeopoldIKoenlg."p M~any to whom we bave shown Mr. Koenig's ltter, have asked' us ta be the medium Of couveying to the worthy gentleman a full me turn of the compliment, with the wlsh that he mai' be long spared ta offer bis cheerful - greetingS to friends afun off. Chronle clubs. Q: Sat u .AT. Remuants of ail kinds-inolùding Bilks; SBat-ùè~ Dre4se tons* Flannelettei, Tickings, TWow Mni, IRibboniLaý One Table or, wss G od~ Reguliar Prices -Were 350*9 4001150e60-c and 75c4 al rd-ay, Jan. il SPECIAL BARGNS N 4h~~~h0if eguIr -Pr, CYTiekets -wil ,not be pioke d ,fQ G. Dccliii.Of tLé.horse ln fifteen or twetyyeamriefrouit 50vî viii bave no use for'horist on -rpadsa scarcely one l b. seen oxcepi luàtte formance of drudgerywfca Pn t ai:. ho suer siatm or elëàtxiclty. Sicai electricity snd tht bi#e vil «termiuate ti horst as surely asilrhtloa dmi,@do"Ibe dian or buflalo. Large faciorlsare 6-n' -Dot only making mllions of bicycles-but il elcrccarrL7es tiii.rop pOster tl htfor (roui $5 t o- Luae atê m*aybecharged'muuifcleutI>'.poeabý (rount er a-isot montneeds nog v'UIUî-k&n tare, le alway e ifred, and never only 'makit Lb. twice as fr i ,an aîbeup its coum eail<-ug 'ThRé bu dcu flrei. to be lsd u4p,ý o.-é& nusud It,-bule iItuiias D.var ci Sbdr. T'lm Gazete mgk a M w bc Ini t n lu -S a - ad-- ler - lcor are to Pr, wi R E MN AMTS .- 1 1 ý 1 1 1 - 1 1 . 1

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