Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 3

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(Qowded ont lut we.oo) Min Sophia Madden, -of Toronto, <Q 2W b. t,»sp1 spent lier holidays umder the parenwlf»w.Î anroof. Ileiru o P à' " jim Fisk has returned -home 4iter tribu~ ts 4f 1 4~5 spending his holidays abroad. He obsqisaoidn»b Lg flow sings o'there is no place like l ookwu cpodpreaob.4 e x home." sermon fulof soud *daàoùitibzi The Misses Devitt are recovering CoUuOÜi fr ,l from a severe attack of diphtheria. It The poor wea'k-m2i*#ded G"te ir is hoped they will soon be able ta be is again exultant over'the Maot, if ho out again. ever known to relate Mots, -that soi BilIy I3utton and family have taken poreon else han dropped the CEloiflo uP thir aode esewhre. nd in ail probability wlI take th. Ci up ther abod elsewere.Co. Gazette in future. Now,ù"dd t' Mr. Newton Brignali, who for the dawn on this gent thal hie vitality cc past two weeks has been attending a sinte principally ýof 1upetoiadi school in the city for starnmering, has wero not for thie ho wo»uldntimflnd if been rnuch iîxuproved. His friends thbing to gloat over a l.poortel have strong hopes of a permanent cure ho ie stili drnibbing2 away on the fur for hirn. ocatering 50 hie brokoen dowbi bornea, el The shootin macddnocre WhY doeflot friend Newton fal in off on Friday as was expectcd, much our suggestion of some tine ago aud gi tcbcdsponmn of the large him.seeond place, for ai h ih dct plimente paid that valuable paper th!-on2 cro%ý1 of sj)o)rts who gathered there to his able editorials from time to bm Sec it Mr. F. Tait, of Oshawa, who The cor. has had oeany disappointmoî was t l'ave turnsh&il the rifles, was with the fair oex, and drawbacks in re mi the sick Ilist and unable to corne. estate deals. In fact thinge have beeni (reeniwood "'as weil rep)res,ýented at uncommonly nad for hiciWëw. wo'ld tbe, hot rûast at Clarernont New Years seak nome remunoration at the bande daN'. "l1))()r geese and turkeys had the public. Wo do not in any 1way obje, tw sutier that day-, but thev tcýk it to any pereon taking bis best and oui 2'uul atuedl seci ng New Years only good paper s0 long as wo do flot psy ti (orlis onice aver bill, and if ho had borne sonne ho won] MiSsV'ti Gc wascompetey taen rant this liberty to ail the many rendes M~- î:~ c;~ as ompetey tkenof TEîE CHRONqICLE. b' , ,urprise bvhubr voung friends on J .Sth gi rd on1~rnj e.bngAsîin Toron- ornes, this time nae(rColumbun. Anatl C011111clCu te.chin muic i To o r cripple ies ddod to the barnyard dto %diýbi-s-1 t) ~h ~ )Iged t) give up the po ~play.Of course a heap of monoy chaný tin as orgainîst in the nthodist edLus c huîrch liere, wh ich position she has JonWls ergtt eai qt ille! ve-ry satîsfactorly for a number of Jn Wl , wo regret to earuis e qu The cornrunity at large wish- of the time. ng t show mn some way the high es- Mesurs. McCullough aud MoKay hol tueen and respect thev have for her, dayed under their parental roofs. t hought kt their dutv to make her a Teana colmeigwsbl present as a sligbt token of rernem- hen TuralchoflasmeengMwa. h brance. They therefore assembled at br uTuea fie ek r Tdke was called to the chair aud pre herhom fo tat urpse n uesday siod in hie ueue.l officient manner evcnîng. After spendirig a very en- ChsAMaCke ce ssortr o h Jovable evening, Miss Gee was then .-n. Thetru sseortar r called to the front and presented with and adoptod, ne aine wue tb. auditors re an clegant onyx table and lamp and a port. A. L. Orvis was re-appointed vcrv appropriate address. Miss Gee auditor for '96. 0. J. Stevens wuser replîed in a suitable way and thanked appointed trasbee for the ensuing thref ber rnanv friends for the evidence of years. The contract for wood nupply their good wisbes. The following is a was lot to Mr. Wilson at $8.95 per corc, copy of the address: cnt once. To Mss Eta ee, r. Ncefrom the States, hea be To a M ietta ndaee, Mr. y ur vsiin h brother, E. W . Nice. They Dcafrind ad asocate e, ourspeut a few days ronowing old acquaini- friends and associates, knowing that auces on Scugog Island. you are about to Icave us and thinkîng Borne of eur fellow citizens have beot this glad holiday season a suitable oc- fluently discuseing the weloom, smong casion, bave assembied an the eve af aur cousins in Uncle Sam s domaine, and tbe new year to wisb you the 1compli- after mature cousideration iL bau been mients of the season." In doing so, mutually agreed that it je oDaly another we recail to mmnd tbe happy -associa- attack of the windy colic. The calming tions of the past. Vour amiable quali- zephyrs bave already been invigorating. ties bave endeared you to us all your Saine of our fearful warriore dlaim Uncle xilling belp in the sabbath school we Bamn with hie forces could cause tue t shail not soon forget; your kind assist- succumb beforo they would partake of ance in the league- has greatly in- their morning reputs. Othora dlaim we creased j ks prosperîty; the able man- could withstand the onemy's forces in a ner in wbich you presided as organist sîm'ilar manner to the oxperbence of 1812. has given unbounded satisfaction and What a diegrace on civilization for the pleasure to the congregation and mem- two. greateet. christian natiions on God'e kindest thoughts for y-,u. Signed on youthfal cnes OethSke ameombly and ahl on behaîf of the choir, Geo. Law, leader; joyed imxnensely the annualI ma. bre. the league, W. G. Ward, pres.; the st Grandpa Saltons. sabbat b school, W. Wilson, su Pt. Peter Stephenson hau engagea bo draw1 JOH,ç HARRIS, pastoi. milk te Greouwood creamnery beginnxng4 Jan.- 20d'96. Fisk han aken hia departi4re else- where. DO YOU GECT THEN? Miss Lyons and Troy, of Oshawa, are the guests of M rg. Ed. Gleeson. School opened on Monday with s full IF YOU DO NOT YOU*ARE DE- attendance. Mr. Hçnry Shae ià recovering from hie E'VD dip in the pond. Dont go in bathing WbnyoakfrDim d yaad agamn in the winler time unles you firet Wode akor Damný-eo»i warm the water. your yelmfevn a sustitueyoix Mr. Wes. Gee han taken up hie abode are beiug doing deoed, and trouble and- nthe city. [luinteadatalking5bus1fl, Iosoul nysutode.i bP o course in] one of the sehools there.,ut £ eUgWly Bmon ,sale Ou Thursday vas a success. Price realzed for stock vexe good considoring Lb. bard Limes. Misses Gec, Maddeu snd Emorson have retumned Lo the city, after 'pouding a vcry picasant tinte under the parenta roof during th. heliday seascr. M issAnnie Adamsctniaisitgfni"de in the city. Miss Adamueon iib.unda ne- maiuîug thon. if ah. Can get a suittabe situation. May aie ho sucoeesal* athe. wish cf her mny friendai Tdauce at the Gbeesen9«»us. o sudwasd.efl att4ud.db' ý 1» and 0 d. i t uli" ia r ountil the srsit lhoe.s, a.mos .J I. time ouelé! ot hav, benb.. wttheru that niglit. Tiiat s, fuï tonthat are lovera cfdanoing.- (Orovded ont lais pq*)- laut, ovlng toe uei En. Elliot,*of BàgwP4 mn1. Jont aJo,5. okla a ýin wiiâeaaap Mn u .G ilbertaont h am ret rn d h m for th. wiftWiSmon. ue oe Mdise Kate M oL h. d s ls dy lu î -, D. Morrison'sjeeiei s k ttrilp.nxm mi"e J'anio l'itchie"re5urý,no'd homofm Torqnto ixet woek. - Mise Allie Wstaon je sponding the I1'êw Year holidays with frienda in Toro- Me is. an8.sd E. . Hurbut were ini town on Xms'ey. As a'double rmiut of tkie vieiL bo our town set week of Mnr. Ourren, oditor of the News Letter, Boaverton je weil stock- ed with that nesay paper sud tLiie, in sny' amno«ibt of Bo"vzton newa , l t. Ini an article headd Tii Mètre,c>iof Thorah," ho asys that we bolievo in only gwo things, viz oatmal sud the Toronto .Globe. The writer han evdently wile in town, been captured by ane of the few griLs left bore, (probably A. E. Cameron) sud situffed in good stylo. That ho may know our our political leainge we woud j et quoto the returus at the recent bye- eloction. McGillivray, (Con.) 119 Gil jr Trial onit. .1. AlcAde il ani glad 91 of good. i, but si':ce ES At 11:. Ini- i-trilla jg a di lMsed nstî patIon, 10get~a Germa, c'e ie !tih.e4 eir egie of thi, couosyp died at th.' & of @ hisson, jerejiair H. ndyte wihna Olav week 0 bshundredth oountVo Inoland, in 1864, and viLli hie lato vifo and Young fam.nily aeLled offl, Oshawa,. Aftor a, few, yearâ, ie, camýe te reslde in Pickerrng bownship, la I0br.eîýh baesnince remained. Doce ia8d 'har,-doône mach Soward,,Oleasrrgu0he la dh"n, aboute. EHo vs, a a nu Of nobleprt sud a consistent Roman. Oatholio alibhis lifé. In Februsry 1885, Mre. GQorman diod and sinco that ime 5he subjeot ,of oui' rerarkes a aientîy awaited tho summous homo, aithougb ini fai'l~go hoath-deatb was due undoujtdly, to, mental sud phy*siosi coliapso. Decesnod leaves bohmud him fiveoboildren, two sons sud tbroe daughters. The funeral toek Place Ou New Year's day when -the. ro- mains were interred in the, ft. G. ceme- tory after service in the churob conductod by Rev. F'athor Gallaglier. The fan.eraiî form 1.tg el, Doo îSotdiq$A ~ o DilUins oMo~uras. Ctwhdtw-s "Otoia, lt eiw aldZ*a'aPanéeehof rIsansoentb*n* Wn orcu dzçn. ot hesbsveà'epansdiy boidm cfli. "Qm t oeJsItbaDoyfochidri wbiciamoquhz±D. Iopethaylsizor kaowo-C mMme" et i'- moûl bave pa 4i ll Is* u 44 .L'mmIuuc," are ;flosrmplest, fsî and. fato4 cOors efor hm ylg Eeypaokag. Ofe Rc oo .waaah Se do t h.e boit W«r9 vire» ,thre drai aefolovoed. Vie.mufab~o Diaoîd 405prffl " apeda é ib *r Vo0, .11k, cotton sud umlz. od o4aà give *0r mm ~brtauta Âmk for thre Dianrond: êfa.iI dl, SA WriR On Dec. 27th Lb. foilowing officere cf [te The ice han compietely disappeaned Zoredatha Lodge No. 220, A. F. and A. )et froin the river and the Islanders Who M., were installed by W. Bro. Thos. about ton days ago were Leaming wood Hlardy: W M-H Bssom; S W-H 3 j.acres, the lake have again started ta corne Gould; J W-WW Johusston; breasuner acre in row boate. -Thoni Boyd , sccrettany.-.Jna G Vicar ; id IL is oui' sad duty this weok to record obaplain-Jo8 E Gould; D of C-E R S. the doatb of Mies Minnie Smith. Dei.Andeinon ; S D-R Hloitgor ; J D-N e- ceased caught cold about bwo wooks ago, Carmicbsel ; 8S8-Jno A Purdy; J S8.- )r. which settled iuto sonte pneumonia sud D A Tur'ner; I J-J Et(OBrienu; Tyler àe, despito the tender, ancessing, sud ioving-Win Gordon. A pleasing feature of id attention of ber relatives, sud thce kilfdl the eveuing'$va presnubtien of a-Paat e. sud watcbful attendance of Dr.--Granit, Maatere jewell te the rettrtng master, W. )d she sank i'apidly on Tbureday night (last) Bro. J. Hardy Johuston, which hoe aok- 'e ehe feU asleep in Jesus. Altbough elhe nowhedged ini appropriate snd feeling ,o suffred terribly, iL wae always with a terme. [y smile she greet-ed hor many frionde who OBii»I»g facOry a, called to ses ber during ber sickuess.. sud Soin. cf the moet succeseful csnning ber patience, cheerfulues, sud kind factorion in the Dominion are locatedti ýn Lhoughtfuiuess for thon. vwho waibed on towus and villages. IL bas occasiouny ber told of s SmueoChristian spirit withlj. -been suggested that a factory b. ee Y. t. The fanerai to Stone cbiiicb cemeteII*; ished hoee Preliminary stops wouîd be wich teck place on Saturday, vas one te feel the* market as te deinad d ,l argely attendod sud the msny sonrowfu prices, to get au estimate cf the*o ceaSoc n faces seen told siently but sLnongy cf oquipinont, te find ont whst Volumi f d tb. esteecin sd love bore for ber'1y ail business would be neces8ary, te makl t i Swho knew ber. The sorowing family psy sud wbat qnantity cf fruits sud vo ge- rhave tihe esmuent sud heartfolt sympathy tables could b.e î*upphied litre. T-làis: of thbe whoho neigbborhoed iu this their work propex'ly beleuging te aà bopxd, cf sad bereavomon t. -May the tender vends brade. Tho c.ramery sud cheese factory o f fareweil spoken to thora sink doeply sobome va. invostigsted by the boaird suad bear mach fruit. May tbey lu tholir sud au abteip t made te hav e eeb f deep sorrow tumu for consolation to Hlm liBbed, but the. proosecta ers e Èot, ou.- Who says, "Corne te me ail ye who are oeuragiug enougli te warran b ILt> Tlu's 1 beavy-hadon sud 1 illi. give yen ruts," ne reason,ý however, for flot trying other sud at hast may they eaci one, 11k. th .propoal.Jru4 doar one. just genýe, bear at the. final day, "10 cm . ye blessed cf m y father tuh orit M s a p ri g cal d o re d th e kingdom prepar d for yn fr ein the h n opie a r ,e ek o ar Q t2 fonuabio cf h. vnd,"Park echool. NEOA'~~.The ator'a Jeçtur, Qcri:the. "Phüôoa6 eeOursbi, oun ew -enér Miss Doble, Zian, bas been visitingPY friends bere. W. extend.+ conigra"-tulto48te iMrý.,~& Miss Elibeck, Teronto, was home E. Olemons ou lii. reburtri ' uniiw for the holidays. o o a f w p l Miss Copeland, Demihi Celege, Os- Miss Pheni wés5iurgtoyn, PIvil1eý awa, was home for the holidays. s d M s a ki, O bu~ a ab e Mr. Fred Jacobs bas returned frow r Vrsiting at Mr- : .HoS'. Toronto. Yr . W. 0. Werry, Miao'. ,Lan- Mr'. Colin Wahls, of Dansville, Midi . H is> aers bas been visiting friends here, Off5UdW5r.lagé Genductor Snider vil visit our ' Ofieim 0,rbgu o~irpu on Jan. !7th. <SXOz;Se;'.ILwes., -Alit Miss Agnes Orchard vai aourgthe c4p &,. successfül students at the mnodel sciociFloernce rauar ;3*4voepe Port Hope. Vliwpru.; 4Alz vi,. Mr. Maurice Brent, of Kingaston, Iras 9 in' .,ir betn appointed nager of tIreStan- ' S er oz dard bank at Stouffville. 4* ; x o>n, , The detailed. statement f receipt s and expenditures of- the corporation rip 0tbi te the ir6th day cf Deceruber ,ý 1 '5, M# iepfst4 wo&t Wb sho.ws a balance ý'in' thre -bamdg, 'f 1the' taA& treasurer,. f a~23 bout -cqut ci I t Su thre ,aSnrt on band a t the saune 4at O ï çti lest year. ' FED y ,IRE& b. n Il Lu a Ham r IREP Dra'M. ilu'I UINI ADA. PRIe 10 Yod 50O ta Whji 1

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