Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 8

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- -.5fr~ewoôd ke for te f lookmg 1 es@ nus ; i ý0UMêWhifrpmwVdO sca mmQ48idç, to the et gîuin believed liat BKw.,Couitbard Pur Drgs, had don. hbisbt ça Areets, butall ait ~ of PureDruo, aving a omiptOfenla*eer tosuper"isesuai If erfatmery, Several othera spolce, and the. moing cloooe: Ist deputy Haro Llingremurned bysca " Toilet Boape, Reeve-W Omnburds 9 Eusoan 1.11 ud deputy-F EUDngle, Jas IRos .i~aoy ~OOUS Coucilos-S War.-~lHez21ewood,W id E DyeA RMcLcon.â,S Gddont EIAs. S spectacles, E Ward-E J Rowse, P.H Passion, R M w, cin te iluaR Basittl R Sugden. -1; WWa- Anything i h C Frenchi, J Gilligan, j Provan, H Samuela.--e Omrig, J r. N E Ward-R ,McLaàghin, A R FareweU, A Henderson. J YFTaubly'u SDrug Line, sch JYruteson e Ward-C WScott. N W- Ward-W H Thomas. N E Ward--AlexMacékW, (Nora.-The editor cf tise Ouaozcx, will visit Oshawa every Wednesday in funire, and will be'glad to receive pointers from reidents of the town as to news items. Personals or te s D ru Stor , items may be lefi ai E. E. Rogers' buak store.- ED, CH.) Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, JAN. 3e 1896. OSHAWA PAGE OSELAWA. BusINE&ss NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact any business with the CHRo.NICLE, or rnay obtain extra copies at any time, from E. E. Rogers. Farmers will do well to cal at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. If you wish a nice French china dinner or tea set, or anything in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. It will pay any parties conteînplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Felt Bros.. Oshawa as they will seil thîs month very cheapfor cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. See them. Feit Bros. There was a tremendous crowd ai the nomina- tions 6n Monday night, the hall being packed te NÉ) a ,'î,the utinost. Standing room ai the door and path way down the stairs was ai a premîuin. we Major Smith, rown clerk, took down the iîfr officiai list of normsnees, whicb in most cases of amounied to three or four limes as many good %Vol men as would be suffieient te 1111 the offices. k ci For mayor-W F Cowan, F L Fowke. j Reeve-W Coulthard, F L Fowke, E S Ed. mouson, Robt Dillon, A R Farewefl. First depuy- W J ffHare. E S Edmonson, A R Farewell. Second' deputy-Jas Ross, F E Dingle, Wm cd King, R McCaw, Frank Wilkinson, J F Tam- ,r Counclor-S W Ward--O. Hezzelwood, W E Dyer. W J Burns. A R McLean, S Gliddon, F E Eis. T EEverson. S E Ward-E I Rowse, Wm Gienny, P H Punsiion, S Gliddon. S Hehîmnan, R McCaw. D Drew, R Lugden. R Bassiii, E FeIt, J Mackie, W Lachianti, R Dil- lon. N W Ward-Wm King, Jas Proves, C .4,' French, H Samuels, Jos Craig jr Jas Rase, DTodd. Jso Gillylan, E O Feit.*Wm Dicicie. NEWard-R McLaughlin. A Heuderson Jas Proves, H Saundees, A R Farewell, J F inam- h. blyn, E S Edmosson, Dr Kaiser, 1 P Grierson. tW Mayor Cowan vas appoined chaîrman, and praceededti tediscusfthe public affaire cf the town. The councîl had iieen vigiantduring 'aiL was possible under the. circwnstances. l ati ~5t been n wldely expressed opinion that the damage dose ta our streets in laying the alway track S would entail an outlay af sîo,ooo, but $1500 had been the excese cof expenditures aver x894, sud -012 a large sum cf ibis badl been laid culta build a t~« bridge. The. finances ai the town, ho said, were tr 1,~ in good shape. As to tb. mayoralty, if Mr ~ ~ Fovice would acceptilh be would withtiraw in ~. ~ bis favor, sbe tel itinht h. sionld sot holti il if other capable mes were wilhlig to serve. Sub- sequently Mr. Fowke entered tie bal sud stateti his declination cf the. nomniraliat>. Mr W Coulhbarti was calleti and ai once set out ta discus s sreet malters, over wbicb he bas presideti durinq the. jear. Last peartise street auîlay was 84,500,tii yenr $6.o=. Hs4 kept tie ccii af fixing Simcoe asti King streeta dowe as low as possible, bui of course it wus ta be ex- 4- pected that the building cf the railwsy wauld necessilsie a hesvy outlsy. He pitched losta the elecîric ligbting, which be ternis tic dark lauîeru lighs, sud claimedt lai b. bas becs a father ta Mr Edmondson in municipal polilies, who now -' seeks to dispiace i. He vould leave ita Lite electors la judge as between them. lRe had wcn-7 *sulteti Engineér Deans as to tise engneering of thie streets, but as tbe council bai sot feh like. spcndiug a large sunt of money, Mr Deaits ad E. uthought no engineer was neessary. r Mmr A R Farewell paid a higb complint 10 the mayor for sacrificlsg- so mu*h ins, t= spoke lu strong support et Mr Coslsard'a posl. lion as chairmas ou streets, sud gave asu socont of a bole-and-oarer conclave ta dépose Mr C.. which h. (Farewell) hati been lie uomaîts of l'yrd Mm S E;dmouscu nuanSdetibhuslf es a.~ candidae fortie reeveship. and oodeissot Mr a Coulthard for oppomsig nominations lnut, hbeeus flog, t an sppsreet& far of public -dimsete Sian. H.esldMCrC. bi m e m tiSud reets wît ibinh mddlebmssedâof the gSte The mm W sta*d ies luLutio retire et-g tic end Ã"'( m sd boq1u *k.gm word. h w bcd eau dasm( Inouduos e) t h e sePfftie in.a Pr, um p abisfor the tosi sbe J tsdg h~1~~ri rsrfo grt tIa H. do ned * -à the coanity Ast*ipW h n,eyerspohm S *WM tu *&eoelU 4 r 9~ ~ FELT Bno - Watoiimakers sud Jairelea. Dealer» lu vaiehas, steaks, l-ewel"e ïw >vr wareetacles, etc.[ Eu..aviug, gol&tinsd olvrplatlug, and aid gol rings ruade oer Fluewatob, cluk4sud jeweleyrepalrlug a cvuas-4 & Iwz:zs - Imporbm ap& ddearnr _sgupile. mmai i ftinw el..ay-0 trongiilug and cher on$raet=g due. Fs- naees *bauum 'sud lampe. A.Stock of blice beion Isant. Bas were seen on tisé lake élast Sstnrday. Gea. Foy, oe Peterboro, spent bollda"y wilh fientis ber. iast. week.' Tii. ieavy ralas of thse pastwekbave rals e l.water in tlhe lake caonslderably. Miss M. Powers, Miss L. Hall sud Mr.sud Msts. Dunt-Grant 1.ft <o Thursdsy for Torouto, 'whon rarly every is ttimmneaudience, rose ta hi fet sund- cheee af r heer 'rang iirough thaýt hall. It le expected in a - few,. layes -a.movement wil» b.rmadetaewMr Bigeloýw that bhis valua evices, t10 lb. :own are a-ppreciated by t>our townspeople, md ron li tn.'of it meeti'g 1h. re- fflnees Éhould b.e eucoursging. Miessin. Tl C.Forma>, J.~ W. Meh'arry and W. M.Joues àre tbre. goodi men and- I would', suggest' tbat they take'tse tmalter ià b'#d and:bring ÃŽt to a gucces.sful issue -as Mr.- Blgelow W-ell leserves as handeome recfgfltion, at our bande.- W. 'J. NoVT' Pftt PMwIy 8avae» -Xwe""X.. %. B. --a.u $ Utifi5 rand. MerJ d4s -AT- Wh*ps T? Hre j$Iankets.. My Prices on thèse special fines are the lioest in this or any other town. OCALL~. and inspec t my stock and be con- vinced. W& Le PAR4RISH, PORT. PERRY, Mark Brignail, who has spent sufficient tine wlth a first-class shoemnaker ini Bow- mianville to fit hlm to do al kinds of repaire, will be pleased to receive a fair share of the patronage of the public. Prices moderate. Work guarantee4-61n. 4 44 7, àeciùd-tdaug.ht rtha P4* tji ,db-=ilatar by Mr.Wlat&io, jf hlloW. , he kotwaa tj4b v D. N. MeCamus thlheu àUiî ,fW, the, iost Iptiniate frisnds of botlifanlles., Dr. Clene ns informen me that he has nQ4n~ tett!on of lalfng Port' Perry, -buton ý ac count*of hie large practioe and nsatlsta trj healtb, behaï s soated with biîù- a parlt ej in dhe prson gtDr. ?rocWer "wMIwàbrl liant student, aüd passed w4b honor& Foi several years Dr. Procter bas- been Iuactic Wractlce, and bas since then'tàken a dr -n e otk Unlv*ràîty. Tbe. *ew ru ofdoCtýOr$ mabh.fo*nd et Drîen ro Ice l i hen block or hleresideucï The draina of the.e «lalKq (Ia~" given lu thé îtwnhall on New VYeat'sday b> the. dramatice ub of, Frloe Albert divisione of the Sons of IremPeranCe.' The play throughout was weU suel4inid"by the d fl'er. eut characters, sand for adtem , wes nicel> doue, no much so, that -the.lare adlence left well satisfied. Messrs. W. Boynlton, A. Bradiley, R. Robettson, J. Turner, J. Balfour and E. Kilpatrick and Misses M. ýL. Arm- strong, L. Boynton andi T. Scenes were the actors. Everyone dld hie and ber part well. While ail acted '"true to lifé." 1 cau>î help but mention that "Eva Thoruley, " -"#Bob Brittle" and I"Nettie Nettleby" *were the 11f. of the. play. Mrs. Heard and jas. Balfour rendereti several appropriate solos very creditably. The dramatic club la to be cou- gratulateti on being able to give sucb a plea. sant eveningse entertaitrnent, and. it is well worth going many miles to see and bear. Nomination. The following are the candidates for elec- tion on Monday neit : Reeve-W. Ross, W.- M. Willcox; deputy reeve-T Rundle, R J Davis; councillors-E H Purdy, j Nntt, W J Bateman, S Jefirey; school trustees, T C For man, T j Widden, T Courtice, T H Philp. After the. hour had -cloed for nomi- nations, Clerk Yarnold was voted, to tht _chair and called ou the retiring council to ad4regs the meeting. The -large audience were waitlng ta bear from the candidates for 1896. Mr. W. Ross was the first of the new candidates to speak, and he placed every m atter s0 plainly before that large audience that he càrried the meeting by storm- He explained the electric railway and the de- benture question so, fully that many who were in doubt left that meeting resolved in their minds to vote for Ross. It was when Mr. Rose replieti to the base sînrs and in- sinuations that W. M. Willcox had circuiated in town (that W. Ross was the tapi of bis father); that Wm. Ross got in hie good work that he was etrong. Willcoz was fairly whipped from pillar to post. He (Willcox) was forced to rise to hie feet and h. denied that he ever used those mean epithets, and had to, eat hie own words. He felt hie posi- tion k eenly, as he'knew there were men ln that'halltao whom he had said the menelurs about Mr. Ross. The climax came when Mr. Willcox rose to address the meeting, when he cald, "'I devy caylng anytbing agaiust Mr. Rocs, I neyer said he was a tool of hie father. He (Mr. Ross) cornes before you and wants you to vote for a man who bas behaved bimseif. It is sot faIr, I dare any man to 'say anything against me. (Groans and derisive cheers.) -He bas thrown a few slurs and a little muti, (ironical cheers). Has nothing to say against Mr. Aaron Ross. I meant no monopoly in muni- cipal mnatters only. Mr. Willcox was "hoist witb Nis own petard"I and Iooked as if he were at cea lu having to eat sucb a dish of crow. Mr. Willcox, by hie owu actions and speech that evening, killed bimcelf, as he read il7 saw. He muade many votes,.fur Mr. R~oss. Mr. Willcox say he bias " th4church, the state and the devU Il agaiust hum, snd thinke he bas lost hic election.' By the church he means Mr. Ross, by the state te Mr. Curte, and by the devil THEz CHRoN- FIIR- -C have been transferred to the OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a few doors south of his former place of business, where he will be prepared to supply ail reqiiired Railway and Steam- ship Tickets at rates guaranteed to be as low as the Iowest. The best steamship lines on the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are given in con- nection with Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. Through Railway Tickets are sold to al points in the United States and Canada, including the Canadian Northwest. Baggage is checked through froin Oshawa to ail points. Passengers for the United States mnay have their baggage examined, in Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience at the frontier. Ail infor=uzion cheerfully gizien. For tickets and ail information cali and see -W. P. STERICKR,-at Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, OshQawa- R. 0. CARTER> Agt., OSHAWA. Nov. I4th, 189& We have always a general and varied stock to select from . -latest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertakcing departinent fully stock- ed, nd emnbalming according to latest mettods. Picture framing promptly and catis- Ffre. This mcrning (Thursday) about 9 o'clock the car shedis of the Oshawa Railway Ca. was discovered ta b. on fire. The. alarmn was immetilately soundeti but quite a time elapseti belore the. brigade gaI a etream an the. ire, awing to tbe absebce of the engineer, who did sot bear-the fire alan. Owing ho the dead wall betweem the. shedi sud Mr. J. Thomas' bouse, which i. in the sme block, the ire was almost eutirely confiuedti t the shetis. The company lace ose winter car and two summer cars. Mr. J. Thomas, housebolti eflects are iarnageti by smoke anti water, but are nat covereti by any in- surance. At time of witing it is unknown wbether the company have any lusurance an their cars or sot, but it le altogether iikely they bave. Hati fot thse car sedts been covered by a metal roof the fire so doubt wauld have been far more serions. -:000:-- Osbawa Busluou Dlrectory. 9 L. VIOKERY, barber. Simca. street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Simca.e treet, nortis. WIL . OLPH, harness maker, Simca.e treet. I. B. MOTHERBILL, butcher, King St.West. Da. P&TTERson, Dentiet; office ovoe.Rcwee'u store. A. J. STÂLTEUa-Domision pianos a.ud organe, Simca. etreet. 0. . WÂNNAN, Veterlnary Surgeon and Dentiet, King street weit, Oshawa, Ont. WnUJ4uM J. Dw<s8, Dominion and Ontario Land Surveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. COàrwmCIàL HOTEL-J. C. Woon, proprietar. Modern hostelry, neat and comfortably equipped. D. M. ToD. -Csterer for Balle, Aseemblies, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Alec ail kinds cf flowers. OSEÀw BOOESTOE-Pul liUneofo books, stationery a.nd fancy goode. B. E. Rogers, Sinscoe street. Jas. HOULýDENi - Whitby-Oshawa stage lino. Les-vos Oshawa et 8 a m aud 2 p m, sud Wbitby at 10 arm and 4 p m. JOSEPH CBÂIG, manufacturer of fine carniages, carte, wagons, and ail kinds of cutters and slea$hs, Repairiug a spevlejty. JOHN BRwim, painter snd decorator. Dealer inlu lp spore, ceiling decorations, paluts, oil, varnlshines, brushes, wnaow shades, etc.5 ;.xus Prn.Low. dealer iu staves, furnaces, t4- Ware, etc. Large stock kept ccnstantiy au hand. Jobbing àaspecialty. Simcoe sre nortb. sre L. K. MUETON, B. A. - Barritr, Solilitor, Notary Public, Couvoyancer, &c. Mouey to leud. OMfce over Dominion lBank, ilmcos Street, Oshawa.c Wben couteumplatlugpnuttjug ou Lite Insurance, Bee W DHIummus,or e Unted Statee Lite.t Their policies are the meut attractive. Largeet guarautees. Kf.. -MÂy-Dealer iu Orooeuies, Panay China,e Crockery, Tinvare, sud Pancy =nd. Pur-e Tees sud Coffees. Boys' ready m»ate suite a spelsty-very esap. AUCTION SALE-The. mbsriber vin lbelu O" awa, atIthe Central Hotel, Friday oft ach week -tram one ta S8o'olock p.m., ta ma"e ar.- angements wlth parties viahing to have"$.ese L YàmI m azs antleee.a F. Lsoea~r 501e-Ti. eadlng tafloring sud goulu' furulsig hanse tof hava. ï i Splendid aacortmeut of tweeds, grteu troveerlugu, shirts, colleira, oe, slwaya kept iu stock. A18o bis COÂL 011 'and OAS STOYES8 $p50000.1 temeni veJuat Purchaste sIIÙsè, 25 paci Tes -atvery clos4 Ilà qualiîy ta ani JAPAN freiný u5 s g r ];'ý&j]e au1w prive of 25c.perlb~or Ibo. for $.o This l e x cellent bargr ailand. get a smple ai-d ty il gW'We' :Wantî Butter - -Cheese, Eggs, .and ther fats> prac, frwhicb We' psBeetprîs. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, CLARKE &DYER.ý INSURANCE-AN» COM- MISSION AJec'ENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, wbich is - to-day unquestiouably the Leading Life'- Company. CanadaAccident sud Employerie Liability Corporation of London. Eng. .Among the Fire and Plàte Glass Comupanies we handle the Lancashire, Guardian , Mercantile and Hand-in-Hand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., Toronto. OFFICE juet forth of the Western Bank,: 9 0 08BAWA ID e J. S.8CLARKE 4/ i I I OUT O0F YOUR ALPHABET If you do n9t buY Your Sci ool Bool from us- We carzY the lar&iLst assrf ment of 111gb suLd Public -Sébool Bock, anti school supplies lu tiie ccunty. WV invite. every sciiolar -ta inspect oui Scnibbling àsudExercice - books. Wc have the best lUnes-in t e miarket. WÃŽ leat inlulowest prices. Oshaw&On. door nortii 0f post Office, O.hWl-OSHAWA, - -ONTAR, The corner Shoe &te,.* C3ARRY YOUR PUIRSITO O0NE, -PRIGE,ý, CASH rus>no slere in- the:hurry of holiday tbuyi .The same Clo.se. Cut Priceà-,td everyýbody, dIq . .you run rioirisk here o-f'buying old stock ora~t THE Rev. T. Brown calleti on friends here Railway and Bteam8hip Agencieis Mr. L. T. Courtice, town4"%ent Sun- day at home.. Miss Kate McDonald, Millbrook,. was home for the holidays.. Mr. W. E. Courtice was elected trustee at S. S. No. 8 in the place of M. R. F. Richards retiring. Mise May Jackson, Bowmanville, and Miss May Forsyth, Oshawa, are guests of Mrs. Fred. Courtice. Mr. D. H. Lent, Port Hope, is guest of his cousin, Mn. C. W. Lent. UT. ZION. Dressmaking. Miss S. Ward bas ctarted dressmaking at the reelience of Mr. W. F. Joues, asti will be gladti t receive asti execute all arders there at very matierate rates. CLAR.EMONT, To THE PUB LIC. -We are informed thai other newspapers are oftering ta suppiy the Weekly Globe lu clubs with their j jurnals. All parties are hereby notlfiedti tit we hold the sole agency for the couoty cf Ontarlo for the Weekly Globe. Asy prrsan cas verify this by writing ta the Globe, Toronto. Our canvassers will be araunti in goad lime, andt hose who want the best paper and the best prices cas bave both tirougis us. We shall talce sieps îo prevent the fiUing of orders for the Weekly Globe except tbrougb us. Henderson & Graham, publishers of the CHROeICLE. Xcuse Me Xtolling The Xcellence of My Xceptionally Xquisite Xmas. Xhibits, as I don't Xtort Xorbitant Xces Thereby Xhausting or Xterminating Your Xchequer, For Low Prices Prevails at JEWÏELRY STO)RE, ]usnt West North -Bid. 08ROBAWA. «- 71 ~~- 's Ryle, L uke Bro8., $ 550to $25-000. ,,-, .1. i r h i t it~' t,-,.., e '~' '/ -FROM- 1 S. CLARK& W. E. DYER.- Lr 10ahawa, - -on-teÊrio,,

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