Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 5

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)Pl \ssum Seal. S. 8 Low. prices. ,pes, 30-n,, ou 4f Handker- d 250. nt of Li *Coia1Iy fo'r )r.... ,10( ......1002 DnIly 45 CtI )ssI PTS 1i8hes, Je'w niflar and ()a %Il the late 1 Stands, PN Bibles-Th mn Books Daya of Atù ýBooka4 u .riety and loi ift. oh'Carriane n'il Sleigha bing Rates Ï0 LS G00D8.- of the su"n VaIB-, 'ood Coffe, lie Times, ]Ring in the, new. 18960 sir.Barnard$s wishes his customers and and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. OBolal Ceunty Orga.-Largst Chrcula. tion of any local paper tu Canada. FRIDAY, JAN. 3e 1896. LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Snow wanted. School reopens on Monday next. Scott repairs ail linds of pumps. A fortnighît's rai» is ail rlght, when its over. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $5, *Mr. Jno Birchall, Toronto university, was ini town yesterday. Dr. Haggis, Toronto Jct., la holidaying at Mr. Fred. Lynde's, S S No. 2. Messrs Wm. and jerry Greenan, Port Hope, were in town over the holiday. Messrs R. F. Morris, Toronto, and J. W. Smith, Bufialo, spent New Years at Mr. T. S. Arnall's. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. Mr. Thos. Hunt spent Christmas among his mnany old friends in Port Perry, and met with a hearty greeting froru ail. Dr. Henry Bright's English Liver and Kidney Pilis, are now being introduced in Canada. Can be had of ail dealers in medi- cine. Mrs. F. Humphrey and three children arrived homneon Saturday lat from Cleve- land, where they spent a month visiting relatives. The Whitby Cbecker Club wîll have a general meeting and match game on Friday fafternoon and evening at which new memb- ers cau join the club. AU interested are welcome. The gaie on Tuesday destroyed a great deal of fences. At Montres i it hiad reached a veloclty of between go and go miles, Be- -low Niagara Falls it backed tht: water UP 30 fret bîgher than is usital, and destroyed ail the arrangements along the waterside for sight s?!elng. Varsity Two Stop by W. Alan Sadier. For sale at Mrs. AllIn's. Renew your Subscriptions. We would urge upon our subseribers to renew subscriptions at oncc. The advantage in getting either the Weekly Globe or Week- ly Mail-Empire with CHRONIcLE for 81.25 must be manifeat to everybody. New Years vWstoms Jno. Hamilton, Toronto i Frank Kelly, Montreal; R. Brown, Port Perry ; jack Bell, Toronto; J. W. Thompson, Toronto; Pardo Tanner, Toronto; jack Clarke, Montreal ; Nibby Strickland andti iVes Morrlsh, Peter- boro ; Geo. Newbery, Lakefield ; Guy Dart- neli, Toronto; Patrick McCrohan and Mr.- Wall, Boston. Firemans Bail. There was a very large atteudance t the fireman's annual ball in the music hall on nâw years eve. The members of the brig- ade know ail that la wortb knowinlg about conducting a hall; the Whitby. orches- tra supplieti music in a manner which was1 highly spoiren of;,BMr. Perla of the Queens1 got u-p a supper fit for any occassion. Very9 malny of the leading men in town patronlzed1 the baIl, and were well entertained by the( brigade. This annual occasion has corne to4 be Io oked forward to with ranch 'pleasute1 and anticipation. Chronicle clubs. *CHRONICLE to Jan. Ist, 18)7. eI. CHRON tCLEc and weekly Globe to Jan .at 1897, 81.25. CHRONicLE sand weekly mail tojan. zstl 1897 $L25. CrnROMCLZand World Sa.5o, a yr. Reember li.cbeéker uiatcl:ýWbo4iItb PIday, a: the. Whhby. cbêéker ro6i.m, The Baud ol Hopel of auinalte' clcbi- evenlng lat Auto hbafW ,Viollus, and srall musical Instruments at lowest pric<f for Christmtas gtfts a: MM. Allio&s' Hise an uge'a~elsd. MiS. Durtuell weft l b Guolph Tuesday nlght at- toudýug the, lepytar bhtee The Young Luberat Consralvsmtlu theïr rooms un Wete ea Qvelug njat A cordial we4come'la ext ne o ail. Mir. Wtu. et» bas pssed, both the. firit and Isat civil service OeXaMIU#tionms t oneO jump. We congratulate our young frlend, an bis saccess. There wlll b. an E2qual Rightm *mee t: Mr. J. H. Long's ofice on Monday zigbî next, whether anybody attends or flot. Tht repart wlll appear in Tits CHRtoNzÇLic ext week. The election for councillor la the north ward kilîs two thlrdh of the advantage of havlng the town electiaus held by acclama- tion, and thus the whole show might almoot as welhave gone on. Miss Blanche Nicholson started t"ay for her scbool at Loveriug in the cotuty of Simcoe, a short distance from Coldwater, Our local entertaiument will miss her aid in the lune of vocal mutic. Our best wîshes go with ber. Ergs are blgh I Make your hens lay by feedlng crushed ovster shells, to be had Bt w. H. Newbery, The best Anthracite ceai. Nut, stove, egg, $U75; NO. 2flUtý $4; at yard. J. H. Downey &r Co., opposite post office. Auction business. Parties wishing to employ me to attend their sales can make arrangements as to tcrms and dates at the CHRONICLE office. L. FAIRBANKS. Soie Ageacy THL CHRONICE bas the sole sgency for the Weekly Globe in the County of Ontario. That dots flot increase the price, however, and we shail stlU sel it with the CioN- IcLE. at $1.2,5 from naw tillîJan. zat, z897. Nominations. A great share of out space is taken up this week with reports of nominations, which will be found iuteresting, many speakers making valuable suggestions. As a reult our town items and local news items are Iargely crowded out. Our readers and local correspondents wilI kindly bear wlth us, and we will be straightened out for tbe year's work next wcek. Promotions Dufferin St. school. Sr. 3rd tojr 4th-Ida Storey, Eva McCourt Frank'Smith, Victor Kirby. Jr 3rd to sr3rci -Gertie Smith, Eva Goldring, Christna Slecp, Ernery Soutbwell, John Goldring. Sr. rst to jr 2nd-Lavinla Southýwell, Pearl Van Valkenburgh, Charlie Smith, Harvy Watson, Ethel Southwell, George McCourt, Annie Asbby, May Foy, Vera McClellan, May Forester. Jr zat to sr zst-Jeremiah Anderson, Enmg Appleton, Gertrude Mc- Leod, Walter Appleton, Rose Taylor. Gilplns local.. Spectacles snd eye glasses at haif price at A. M. Gilpln's. Higbest prices pald for old gold anddalîver at A. M. Glpin's. When you wanttyowr watches, dlocks sud jewelry repaýired go toA. M. Gilpin, Conner's old stand. Alil work guaranteed. Rememuber for the sebool opening achool opening school booksansd supplies of ail kinds at cost. The great sacrifice sale la stili going on at A. U. Gilpiu's, Conner's old stand. Watchcs, .ok, fancy gooda and jewelry will'aU b soli! at snd below coSt. Composite Lodge-A P and A M. On Frlday eveffrng lmt, st. John's ulgi: Wor. Bro. Henderspn xutaled the soffcers cf the above lodgea. f*oows Wor. Oro. Jo.. White, 1 M P>; Wor Bro Jno -H Galet, W M; Wor Bro J.Kiumg, S -W,; Wor B'o Joo WIIhsJ YW; -Wor BrêJ B loweUTres Wor Bro-G Y Sith, Chsïp;,Wor Bro Rýbt Willis, Sect.; W«r Br* Wmn Brown,'S D , Worthy Brojno Batins, 1J D. Wor Brê -Jiùa; Shaw, D of C: Wor Bro Geo B*Ito, S S; Wor Bro D MUcMflsu, J S; Wor-Bro John Lynde, Organiit ; Wor Bro Jno Reade I G; Wor Bm Jas Nicicso,', Tyle. War « PeacqIV*au be same. The war in Coros la n(of ver anid the. Maultoba" atrugglé te Ou, as welI as the, Bttsh electi. Murdertng làstIH in vogue snd on tht fuoreaue. The, Mau w ,OUiü,rsa he knows a soution of thé,autbas~b~o qusoad, doepm't kumow bow mitcb*i«doesnIt kuow. ffoiw itiil be IeaIt W'ithips aîex1d, quesnfor politiestis. Thiti sh.eloùs- aesurp t? o C AMrvstlig èeera tismas scarried on ti.da Y-*1rn'u=' reéIp*zq* We cati bird n rm8u -xtntow Mr* poul , ievaugellet, cçf Toto, a'l prac u i rop. ocPf[d by ti Brehr., oni*, Frdày) t . Miss MaFord Chran apt. Donald# Meur. Fod, £ -r sd Reid Torouto, were New, Yearîs uesta a:M rsm,Da «dOrmI# or aving ben pusbed wtb, work-for awok or wO lTUE C NCu Itôxîcz* isa ssed. soe. malse, but tht.wihl be -remë&dled nov that the holidays ame ove. li. hlllp E Waflwholesdansd retail frS«,B6M - ad lMr- P MeCrôhan, brothe Of MrBc0Crehan v ere ber. for New Vears. Thi.s Mlitall's Bu v to Canada. In-uthe. lh: c f the re-electionbyclaa Sion of * Carli King & CO., tht commift- tee of mud-stinçers whofurffleh the dpîpep. tic Gazette mari wlth personal lnVvev should siug a new Song. TECHRONICLE es@tkste c heer and amuse ita readers at ail dînes, sud wheu w.' inserts <takeit>fs" nôo oence la everlnteud ed, altbough there may be -bard rube'. Peo. pie shoald not be thin-skinncd, but sbould appreciate the jokre on themselves as weil as other people. M<r c W Madil,* akefield. vas here Tuesday. Hosays the electrie ightsWMU r» zto the satisfacton of allanfiut, a a nev sud powerful erigine bas bemnp t in. The lmprove'nents utre mnade d4Urngte dark soason of the moon becatsetbty had to have it done wheu the contract stipulat- ed. $4-73 4"Saton Coal" 1.3. LElow vilsel Scraton coal Bt $7 a ton at bis coal sheds at tht harbor (lunî,'t- ed q"ti) Utilafter New Years. Office OPPOste BoNIctaWbîthy, ont. How. this for a=W The CHRONZCLE and Weekly Globe aud Canada Fariner from Dow ta Jan. iat, 197 for $1.2.5, payable at New years. Send postal card and papers wlll be forwarded at once. Two best Papors iu the Provinc Taking tht Toronto Weekly Globe as à greveral uewspaper, and Tus CHRONICLB as a local paper, ut do net stretch matters by saigthat thty have no equal uben cern- bied. We give both for next year for $y -2s. Wc have the sole rigit of the county for tht Weekly Globe. Separate School board. Messrs. Chas. Barton and Thos. McCan have bec» re-elected to the Separate achool board from the south and centre wards re- spectively. Mr. Jas. Bandel, jr., is ta re- place Mr. Jas. Long for the north ward, Mir.1 Long having been promoted to the towo board of edtrcuion, au appoiltinent upc» which we heartity congratulate ail con- ccrned. - Sacesaul Modelites The following je, the Iist.,of st(tcessffl> candidites at the-close of the model achol i.~aito-.nrs ,wn, A fi.Crouk~, D ,prrlDreW. XKste, Foir levuPhebeMât Meen, Blanche-Nicholson, Jenie1 Biri Pollard,- Antiie -M Rove, A, Scott,, Aunie M Smzith, Magge Spcný llian Woodcock, vho atood at thç tht Ilt. 'i'breefaled. Wabaah Menmse Evety moruîig. t Xlno3 tis s-ýupert equlpw >. train1leaves Dearbom i AUen ILLtKE' ~,c. p. the nuJaI h n hadsome"s- :orn htwud6 toc G I F ~ m~ark - one-of the TtadugWith isma 1 e a & sviean é w.. eadi o=ntribum à naga.>ý Ot

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